World Class Process Safety Management 2014 Register online at:

Register online at:
International Conference: 20 - 22 October, 2014, London, UK
World Class Process Safety
Management 2014
For Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas and Power Generation
Conference Highlights Include:
»» Pre-conference workshops, 20 October 2014
»» 3 dedicated industry tracks
»» Industry and thought-leader keynote presentations
»» Operator led case studies
»» Cross-industry best practice panel discussion
»» Interactive microforums
Hear Case Studies and
Expert Presentations
Center for Chemical Process
Safety (CCPS)
Dow Corning
E.ON Kraftwerke
Keil Centre
Lucite International
Identifying industry leaders in process safety – How can operators measure up?
Using the concept of ‘High Reliability Organisations’ to improve performance
Process safety project development – Making process safety frameworks operational
Managing and coordinating operational interfaces
Developing competency in the next generation of process safety engineers
Addressing the human causes of process safety incidents
Analysing the benefits of risk-ranking operational sites
National Grid
Pentagon Chemicals
Scottish Power
TOTAL Chemicals & Refining
University of Sheffield
Dear Colleague,
World Class Process Safety Management 2014 has been specifically designed for the Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Oil
and Gas and Power Generation industries. This year’s 4th annual event will provide an extensive range of operator case
studies which will share best practices, lessons learned and proven methods for achieving a reliable process safety
management framework.
Organisations operating in high hazard industries are currently working hard to ensure that process safety principles are
adopted within their operations, embraced by their workforce and championed from the top of their organisations. Despite
these efforts, major incidents are still occurring, and it is essential that companies continue to ensure the challenges of
behavioral safety, culture, communication and process safety system management are constantly tackled and monitored.
T.A. Cook and the European Process Safety Centre are delighted to invite you and your colleagues to join us in London
from October 20 – 22, 2014. Through operator case studies, expert presentations, pre-conference workshops, microforum
and panel discussions, explore how operators can maintain a fully operational process safety framework and benchmark
your processes against industry leaders to reduce the risk of any incidents.
Conference highlights will include:
»» Expert presentations from the Center for Chemical Process Safety, University of Sheffield and the Keil Centre
»» Industry case studies delivered by major operators from across the chemicals, petrochemicals, oil and gas, and power
generation industries
»» Cross-industry best practice panel and microforum discussions, designed to stimulate open discussion and debate
between industries
»» Pre-conference workshops on Monday 20 October, designed to provide in-depth discussion and overview of process
safety management in an interactive learning environment
»» Extensive networking opportunities throughout the conference, in the exhibition and during the evening event
Safety incidents will never be fully eradicated, but operators have the opportunity to reduce the risk of future hazardous events and ensure that their employees and assests are operating within the safest environment possible. Process
safety management frameworks need continuous development, revaluation and dedication to ensure that standards
are being fully met.
Who Should Attend?
The event will be of interest to VPs, Executives,
Directors, Managers and Project Managers in
the following roles:
Process Safety Management
Plant Management
Operations & Maintenance
Integrity & Asset Management
Risk & Security
Emergency Planning & Response
This event is also designed for consultancies,
service providers, OEMs, and software solution
providers in the area of safety, risk, operational
and asset performance. The conference will
be of interest to organisational leaders within
the areas of:
Process Safety and HSE
Risk Management
Materials & Integrity Management
Operations, Maintenance & Engineering
Sales, Marketing & Business Development
Join us in London to hear how companies including BP, National Grid, Centrica, Eni, GDF SUEZ, Synthomer, Dow Corning
and more are tackling these challenges.
Kind regards,
Thomas Cook
Lee Allford
Managing Director
T.A. Cook Conferences
Operations Manager
European Process Safety Centre
In Association With
The European Process Safety Centre (EPSC) is an international industry-funded organisation which provides an independent
technical focus for process safety in Europe. The objective of EPSC is to promote best practice in process safety across Europe
in prevention and mitigation of chemical accident hazards. For more information, please visit:
Pre-Conference Workshops
Monday 20 October, 2014
Our full-day interactive workshops will run from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with refreshments and lunch provided.
WORKSHOP Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Techniques and their Importance in your Risk Management System
The purpose of this full day workshop is to provide a comprehensive overview of the different types of Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) techniques
in terms of managing, reducing and potentially eliminating Major Accident risks affecting people (onsite and offsite), the environment and business
(assets, reputation, share price etc).
The workshop will have several worked examples throughout, as well as an outline of the advantages and disadvantages of using different PHA
techniques relative to the facility lifecycle. The workshop is aimed at delegates who have either a brief knowledge on the subject and want to
know more, or those more experienced delegates who want to get back to basics and refresh.
Topics will include:
Why are PHA techniques so important in Risk Management?
Overview of the different PHA Techniques and their use in different facility lifecycle stages
Advantages and disadvantages of the different PHA techniques available
The importance of having an integrated, calibrated and descriptive risk matrix
Integration with other Risk Analysis techniques
Dr. Andrew Hallgarth, Principal Consultant & MD, Hazard Research & Risk Consultants Ltd (HazRes)
WORKSHOP A Unifying Theory of Total Safety Culture - The Next Steps in Safety Leadership
Join this full-day workshop to receive a detailed overview of a holistic approach to safety culture, combining key academic theories with practical
experience. This session will cover the causes of human error and the best ways of minimising its impact. You will have the opportunity to discuss
the challenges of changing culture towards safety, improving management and board level buy-in, as well as measuring successful process and
behaviour safety.
Practical case studies from around the world will be used to illustrate how organisations have succeeded and failed in their attempts to enhance
safety culture. The workshop will summarise the main academic models of safety culture and how these can be consolidated into a business
friendly format. You will also have the opportunity to analyse a number of the most current controversies and issues, as well as walking through
best practise methodologies that companies have used to address these issues.
Topics will include:
Key theories of safety culture
Specific controversies
Organisational learning
Organisational behaviours
Tim Marsh, Managing Director, Ryder Marsh Ltd
For more information on the pre-conference workshops, please visit:
Please Note! Delegates can only register for one full-day workshop.
Day One
Tuesday, 21 October, 2014
Registration and Coffee
Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Lee Allford, Operations Manager, European Process Safety Centre
Process Safety Vision 20/20
»» A new vision for process safety excellence
»» Addressing both what companies must do and how we must work together as an industry and society
»» Exploring the roadmap and framework for ongoing work, both internal and collaborative
»» Call to action
Scott Berger, Executive Director, Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
BP’s Global Process Safety Journey - Delivering Tangible Risk Reduction and Process Safety Improvements
»» Progress on BP‘s global effort to enhance process safety and operational risk management in operations and projects
»» Analysing the overarching strategy which is built of three enduring principles focusing on systematic management,
people and assurance in operations
»» Utilising BP‘s group-wide risk management process to illustrate application, with practical examples of risk
reduction projects
»» Observations on process safety metrics and plant reliability trends during implementation
Dr. Steven A Flynn, BP Group Head of Risk Learning and Health safety & Environment, BP
Morning Refreshments and Browse Exhibition
Power Generation
Chemicals & Petrochemicals
A1: Applying Process Safety
Lessons Learned at Centrica
B1: Process Safety Management
– The Challenges of
C1: A Methodology for
Determining Environmental
Allan M Laing, CEO, Pentagon Chemicals
Neil Smith, Skills Development
Director, National Skills Academy for
Process Industries
Peter Davidson, Director – Safety,
Commercial & Projects, UK Petroleum
Industry Association
A2: What Does an Industry
Leader in Process Safety Look
Like and How Do You Measure
B2: Risk Ranking Chemical Sites:
Different Places, Approaches
and Ethos – Consistent
C2: Improving Corporate and
Onsite Process Safety Culture
and Competency at Eni
Tony Stonehewer, Group Head of
Process Safety, National Grid
Ken Patterson, Group SHE Manager,
and Guy Scudder, Group SHE Advisor,
Phil Mitchell, HSEQ Risk, Assurance &
Process Safety Manager, Centrica
Oil & Gas
Claudio Cignetti, Process Safety
Management, Eni S.p.A
Networking Lunch and Browse Exhibition
14.15 M1: Revalidation of your Risk Assessment
There are various techniques used within the industry
to perform an initial risk assessment, but for how
long is the study still valid? Risk assessment studies
help organisations identify key lines of defence. So
why do so many major incidents continue to occur?
This microforum will evaluate how operators can
revalidate their assessments in order to avoid future
major disasters.
Graeme Laughland, ABB Consulting
Afternoon Refreshments and Browse Exhibition
M2: The Corden Incident and Implications Vs
Failures of PSM
Examine the immediate cause and underlying root
causes of the Corden incident, whilst considering
the lessons learned from the investigation and
implementation of process, organisational and
behavioural safety improvements to minimise the
risk of a recurrence.
Simon Gakhar, Chilworth Technology Ltd
Simon Axup, BST Solutions
Day One
Tuesday, 21 October, 2014
Using the Concept of ‘Highly Reliable Organisations’ to Improve Process Safety Performance at Dow
»» Defining and articulating the principles of High Reliability in a manner that uses organisationally relevant terminology
and concepts
»» Measuring and tracking process safety operations which contain numerous key activities that occur "in process"
Identifying metrics, which with strong leadership, will support a culture that enables outstanding performance and
verifies that is remains in control
»» Establishing linkages to the chemical industry’s commitment to process safety through the Global Responsible Care
Initiative, including the OECD global governance for chemical process safety
»» Developing an effective risk reduction partnership with our global property insurer
Chris Kneale, Global Manager of Process Safety, Dow Corning
Process Safety Project Development – Making Frameworks Operational
»» Developing an integrated process safety management system
»» Linking major accident hazards and safety cases/reports to the framework
»» Engaging the workforce in the project development
»» Measuring performance for sustainment
Martin Sedgwick, Head of Asset Management, Scottish Power
Chairman’s Closing Remarks
Lee Allford, Operations Manager, European Process Safety Centre
Departure for Networking Evening Event
4 for 3 Group Offer
It’s always more valuable to attend as a group. Let your colleagues know about this event and take advantage
of our group offer. 4 delegates from the same company can register for the price of 3. To make a group booking,
please email or call +44 (0)121 200 3810.
Join the World Class Process Safety Management Group On:
Day Two
Wednesday, 22 October, 2014
Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Lee Allford, Operations Manager, European Process Safety Centre
The Evolution of Process Safety Management
»» Historical context of process safety
»» Current key topic areas in process safety
»» Where will the next focus of attention be?
»» Developing competency in the next generation of process safety engineers
Mike Considine, Professor Process Safety and Loss Prevention, University of Sheffield
Panel Discussion: Cross-Industry Best Practice
This cross-industry panel discussion will feature speakers from across the conference. Hear best practice guidelines from
the chemicals, petrochemicals, oil & gas and power generation industries and take away key knowledge and tips that you
can implement into your process safety framework. Take this opportunity to ask any outstanding questions from the
day’s conference and also share your own experiences and expertise.
Panellists: Claudio Cignetti, ENI/ Michael Schoen, Syngenta/ Tony Stonehewer, National Grid
Morning Refreshments and Browse Exhibition
Power Generation
Chemicals & Petrochemicals
A3: GDF SUEZ UK-Europe
‘Process Safety @ Work’
B3: The Challenges of Standardising Process Safety
Management Across Multiple
Sites and Regions
Stephen Willis, Process Safety
Programme Manager UK-Europe,
A4: Process and Plant Hazard
Management in Hydro Generation
Christian Kolesch, Advisor Process and
Plant Safety, Hydro Generation, E.ON
Kraftwerke GmbH
Michael Sellers, Process Safety Manager,
Lucite International
B4: Categorising Incidents
Based On Their Potential Severity – Concepts, Benefits and
Oil & Gas
C3: Managing the Challenge of
Operational Interfaces
Jamie Dempster, Senior Integrity
Engineer, GDF Suez Exploration
and Production
C4: Etablishing a Fully
Integrated Asset Integrity
Speaker to be announced
Michael Schoen, Regional Safety
Manager, Syngenta
Networking Lunch and Browse Exhibition
Addressing the Human Causes of Process Safety Incidents
»» Addressing different types of human failure
»» How human failure influences process safety
»» Understanding the root causes of human failure
»» Applying lessons learned to improve performance
Lindsey Miller, Human Factors Advisor, BP
Richard Scaife, Director & Occupational Psychologist, The Keil Centre Ltd
Management of Major Accidents Based on Innovative Use of Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA)
»» Management of major accidents
»» Visualisation of process safety information
»» Innovative use of QRA techniques
»» Development of efficient and cost effective solutions in the area of major accident prevention and mitigation
Dirk Roosendans, Head of Department Technological Risks, TOTAL Refining & Chemicals
Chairman's Closing Remarks and Close of Conference
Lee Allford, Operations Manager, European Process Safety Centre
Premium Sponsors
ABB Consulting provides technical and engineering services to help companies in the global process industries
achieve operational excellence. We offer expertise in: environmental services, industrial energy efficiency, inspection, specialist functional engineering, integrity management, operations improvement, project services,
process safety, technical software and technical training. We identify and implement pragmatic solutions based
on technical excellence and industry expertise which: reduce risk, optimise costs and improve manufacturing
efficiency. As part of ABB, the global engineering and technology group, we have access to the expertise of over
145,000 employees in over 100 countries around the world. Safe, reliable, efficient operations.
For more information please visit:
BST, a DEKRA company, is a global safety consulting firm that helps companies at any stage of safety functioning
improve performance. This ability has helped us become the safety provider of choice among leading companies
in various industries including mining, oil & gas, chemicals, utilities, and railroads. With EMEA headquarters in
Leuven, Belgium, BST has staff throughout Europe, Middle East, North and South America, Asia, and Australasia.
BST has helped over 2,700 sites in 70 countries improve safety performance. Sustainable safety excellence requires
leadership at every level. Yet, doing the right things to influence safety can vary widely from the senior leader
to the manager and from the supervisor to the front-line employee. We help our clients identify, develop, and
sustain safety practices appropriate to the roles and responsibilities of all their leaders. Our change management
approach treats safety performance within the context of the whole organisation, including its systems, culture,
and leadership. Not only do clients realise significant improvement in safety performance, they also build platforms
that drive excellence across the business.
For more information please visit:
Chilworth, your Partner in Process Safety Excellence - Generating wealth for all stakeholders. For more than
a quarter of a century, Chilworth has brought expertise and insight in process safety to many of the world’s
most prominent companies through Consulting, Training, Testing services and Instrumentation. We have been
established in UK, USA, France, Italy, India, Spain, China, Netherlands and Belgium. With extensive process safety
test facilities available in four centres of excellence - Europe (Southampton, UK), North America (New Jersey and
Chicago) and Asia (Shanghai). From best-in -class consulting and laboratory testing services to the professional
development offered through our unique Academy, Chilworth delivers comprehensive Process Safety solutions.
Our senior consultants are internationally recognised experts in their specialist fields, many have served on national
and international standards committees. Our client base covers more than 2000 companies across 60 countries,
including manufacturing companies in the Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Agrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
Food & Beverage, Cosmetics, Personal & Household products industries. Your safety – our Insight.
For more information please visit:
Petrotechnics provide easy to use world class scalable solutions that empower organisations in hazardous
industries from the boardroom to the frontline to proactively manage the organisation to a less risky and more
optimised performance. Our award winning solutions have been helping customers transform their frontline
operations for over the past 25 years by systematising and standardising policies, rules and risk management
practices across the organisation to control and manage work safely and efficiently.
For more information, please visit:
Sponsorship Opportunities
As a sponsor of World Class Process Safety Management 2014 you will have the opportunity to represent your
company through our direct marketing and web-based communications prior to the event.
Increase awareness of your competencies, take this opportunity to present a joint customer case study and
showcase your solutions to this growing process safety community.
For more information please contact:
Jessica Southwell at or +44 (0)121 200 3810
Media Partners
ETPIS addresses safety of industrial installations and production systems from various industry sectors: manufacturing, chemical including pharmaceutical, oil and gas, buildings, transport systems and related structural
components. ETPIS deals with occupational health and safety of the workers in industry, environmental safety, and
the prevention of major accidents with off-site consequences. ETPIS works on 3 lines: Conventional risks, emerging
risks and safety technologies, products and services. Improvement of industrial safety is important not only in
human terms, to reduce workers’ pain and suffering, death toll and environmental & societal impact in case of
major accidents, but it is also a way of ensuring that enterprises are successful and sustainable in economic terms.
For more information, please visit:
Health and Safety International is Europe’s Largest Audited Safety Magazine. Are you responsible for the
safety of your workforce? With more and more people working in dangerous environments and regulations and
legislation getting tighter and tighter it is important that you keep up to date. As Europe becomes more integrated,
changes in working practices regularly affect more than one country at a time. How do you keep abreast of what
affects you and your company? HSI can help. Published in January, April, July, September and November, it contains
legislation updates for the whole of Europe, in-depth articles on Personal Protective Equipment and Company and
Product Profiles to help you source the necessary equipment to protect your most valuable asset: your people.
For more information, please visit:
IOSH is the Chartered body for health and safety professionals. With more than 42,000 members in 100 countries,
we‘re the world‘s largest professional health and safety organisation. We set standards, and support, develop
and connect our members with resources, guidance, events and training. We‘re the voice of the profession, and
campaign on issues that affect millions of working people. IOSH was founded in 1945 and is a registered charity
with international NGO status.
For more information, please visit:
SaRS is an internationally recognised society whose purpose is to represent engineers and scientists working in
the important fields of Safety and Reliability. Our objective is to enhance the professionalism and reputation of
all those involved in safety and reliability technology. Our aims are to: Encourage the development and use of
safety and reliability technology, provide an international forum for the exchange of information on safety and
reliability matters, establish professional and educational standards for safety and reliability engineers, establish
standard techniques and encourage consistency in their application and encourage organisations and government
departments to apply safety and reliability techniques.
For more information, please visit:
World Class Process Safety
Management 2014
To register for this event please fax this registration form to:
Fax: +44 (0) 121 212 1623
For Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas and Power Generation
20 – 22 October, 2014, London, UK
Or register online at:
I will attend
Full Day Workshop Monday 20 October, 2014
Full name
Tuesday 21 & Wednesday
22 October, 2014
Job Title
Invoice Address (if different from above):
Full Day Workshop Monday 20 October, 2014
P.O. No. (if applicable)
Full name
Main contact for this booking
Job Title
Unfortunately I am unable to attend the event.
Please send me the event documentation at £350 (VAT Not Applicable)
Fees & Payments
Venue & Accommodation
Price includes documentation, lunch, refreshments and an evening event for
participants. Please note that accommodation and travel are not included in the
registration fee.
Park Plaza Victoria London
239 Vauxhall Bridge Road
London SW1V 1EQ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)844 4156752
Plant owners and operators:
Early Bird**
£999 *
Full Day Workshop: £550* *
Standard Fee
£625 *
Service providers and consultancies:
Early Bird**
Standard Fee
£1,199 *
Full Day Workshop: £625 *
£699 *
How To Get There
You can reach the venue by train: King's Cross & St. Pancras National Railway Station
is approximately 15 minutes away and London Paddington National Railway Station
is approximately 25 minutes away on the London Underground. On-site car parking
facilities are available at the following address: 239 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London,
SW1V 1EQ. Please note, that a parking fee will be required.
Conference Organisers
*plus 20% UK VAT
**Early Bird Discount: Valid for registration and payment by Friday 5th September, 2014
Bring the Team! Take advantage of the group discount available: 4 delegates from
the same company can register for the price of 3.
Methods of Payment
Credit Card.
Phone +44 (0) 121 200 3810
Fax +44 (0) 121 212 1623
Please tick the box if you wish to be removed from our mailing list.
(when doing so please write your name above)
© T.A. Cook Consultants Ltd . VAT registered in England, No. 781495788
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Expiry Date:
T.A. Cook Conferences
4th Floor, McLaren Buildings
46 The Priory Queensway
B4 7LR
Security No:
Cardholder’s Name:
Cheque Bank
Payment upon receipt of the invoice
Payment must be received BEFORE the conference
Terms and Conditions
Data Protection: Personal data is gathered in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Cancellations All cancellations have to be confi rmed in writing. Cancellations two weeks
prior to the beginning of the conference will entitle you to a refund less £175 administration
fee. Regrettably, no refunds can be made for cancellations received less than two weeks
prior to the event. Should the registered person not be able to attend the event you may
easily assign another person as a replacement. Organiser‘s Changes: We reserve the right to
make alterations to the programme if necessary. It may be necessary for reasons beyond
the control of the organisers to alter the contents and the timing of the programme or
the identity of the speakers. The organiser reserves the right to cancel in the event of an
insufficient number of delegates.
Please tick if you accept the terms and conditions.
C o n fe r e n ce C o d e : P S M 3 _ 1 4
Tuesday 21 & Wednesday
22 October, 2014