Eni Norge AS Postboks 101 Forus 4064 Stavanger Vår saksbehandler Erik Hørnlund Deres ref. Vår ref. (bes oppgitt ved svar) Dato Ptil 2016/1169/ErH Dear Sirs Notice of an order to reassess current plans, priorities and use of resources to ensure acceptable completion and operation of Goliat We refer to our observations from the most recent audit of Eni’s management of the working environment and provision for employee participation, the investigation of an incident involving personal injury in 2016, the on-going supervisory activity on risk management and recent meetings with Eni. These observations reveal a heavy workload related to completion, modifications and simultaneous production on Goliat. Furthermore, they show that new findings are being made and weaknesses identified on the facility, in the management system and in the organisation. Eni also has a history which reveals a weak ability to implement existing plans. On that basis, we hereby give notice of the following order: Pursuant to section 69 of the framework regulations on administrative decisions, see sections 6, 11, 12 and 14 of the management regulations on management of health, safety and the environment, the basis for making decisions and decision criteria, planning, and manning and competence respectively, Eni is ordered to: 1. reassess current plans, priorities and use of resources to ensure acceptable completion and operation of Goliat, taking account of the finds from our supervisory activities, the company’s own findings and knowledge of the technical condition of the facility, and the competence and capacity in the organisation 2. provide us with a date for completing the reassessment no later than 17 January 2017. We must be notified when the order has been complied with. Possible comments on the notice must reach us by 14 January 2017. Professor Olav Hanssens vei 10, Boks 599, 4003 Stavanger, telefon: 51 87 32 00, telefaks: 51 87 15 26, E-post: postboks@ptil.no, internett: www.ptil.no 2 We also request that the notice is made known to union officials, including the safety delegates. Yours faithfully Erik Hørnlund, by authority supervision coordinator Leif Dalsgaard contact person This letter has been approved electronically in the PSA and accordingly bears no signatures
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