Th e Te Welcome Temple’s New Members At Share Shabbat

Welcome Temple’s New Members At Share Shabbat
Judy Lubow
Lynda Sable
Mark and Mia Slayton
Steve Walter
Loretta Weber
Cherish Cronmiller
Evelyn Goldstein
Jerry and Maxine Halasz
Aaron and Lauren Hamer
and Hugo
“We’re thrilled to welcome these individuals, couples and families to Temple, and we look
forward to getting to know them better at Share Shabbat,” said Lonnie Carpenter, chair of
Temple’s membership committee.
The Temple Tablet
Temple Israel will warmly welcome our newest members—those who have joined the
congregation since October 2013—during Share Shabbat services on Friday, November 7.
The new members will be called to the bima for a blessing by Rabbi Sofian during the service,
which begins at 6:00 p.m. Afterwards, they’ll be Temple’s guests at our ever-popular Share
Shabbat potluck dinner in the Great Hall. Temple’s newest members include:
November 2014
Vol. 51, No. 3
Join us and bring friends! $5/adult; $3/child 4-12; free for kids 3 and under.
Temple provides broasted chicken, fresh-baked challah and wine for kiddush.
The rest of the meal is potluck, so bring a favorite dish to share according to your last
name: A-F = dessert; G-K = salad; L-Q = vegetable; R-Z = starch.
Please bring enough to feed 10 hungry people. No pork or shellfish, please!
It’s quick, easy and available 24/7, and you can even pay for the event at the same time you
make your reservation via PayPal. You can also RSVP by calling Temple, 496-0050. Be
sure to respond no later than Wednesday, November 5 to avoid a late fee and
help us prepare. See you there!
Ryterband Lecture Series Continues
Join your friends and fellow Temple members for these informative and
enlightening speakers.
November 2 Dr. Fred Krome, University of Cincinnati, Clermont
American Jews and Science Fiction and Jewish Science
Fiction: What’s the Difference?
November 9 Rabbi David Sofian
Temple Israel
Israel Today
Rabbi David
November 16 Dr. David Barr
Emeritus Professor, Wright State University
Understanding the End Times: How Judaism,
Christianity and Islam Agree and How They Differ
November 23 Dr. Mark Verman
Wright State University
The Heavenly Journeys of the Baal Shem Tov
Sundays, 9:45 a.m. brunch - 10:15 a.m. presentation
$50 the series; $5 each lecture
Sponsored by Temple Israel Brotherhood
New Temple members and confirmands may
attend at no charge.
Dr. Fred Krome
Dr. David Barr
Temple Israel
Dr. Mark Verman
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405
A Message From…
Rabbi David M. Sofian
With the completion of Simchat
Torah we find our weekly Torah
readings bringing us back to the book
of Genesis. This book is filled with
stories that are beloved by every
generation of Jews. Hearing the
creation story stimulates our wonder
at the natural universe. The events of
the Garden of Eden make us think
about our own natures. The episodes
of Noah and the Tower of Babel
cause us to ponder our behavior and
its consequences. And the patriarchal
accounts teach so much about our
Jewish identities by reminding us of
our origins. Jews have always found
sustenance and meaning in this
narrative heritage.
I mention this because I wonder if we
all still have these stories at our
fingertips. I wonder if each of us is
well-versed enough in this basic level
of our heritage. Can we still draw
upon these stories as the generations
before us could? As we face
inevitable human problems, do we
instantly relate them to the problems
our Matriarchs and Patriarchs faced?
For many of us the answer will be yes,
but honesty demands that we
recognize that for many of us the
answer will be no. As I talk to people,
I find that in spite of basic familiarity,
many are not so sure about the
details of these fundamental stories.
For many, their Jewish identity is
weakened because they lack confidence
in their knowledge.
Sometimes I am asked where someone
should begin if wanting to become
more knowledgeable Jewishly. Or I am
asked how to strengthen Jewish
identity for oneself or for one's family.
My answer is to begin with these
stories. To a large extent, Jewishness
is a matter of one's associations, both
to other Jews and to the content of
our heritage. The deeper and more
frequent the associations, the more
knowledgeable and confident we are
and the more meaningful our Judaism
becomes. The stories of Genesis, and
for that matter the rest of the Torah,
are the foundation for everything else
in Judaism. They are the beginning.
Every Jew should know them the same
way we know our address or phone
number. They should be part and
parcel of who each of us is.
Now is our opportunity since the cycle
of Torah readings is teaching Genesis
at this time of year. Come Shabbat
mornings and study them in the Torah
study class. Come to Shabbat morning
services and hear them in the Torah
reading. Learn them and let them
become woven into the fabric of your
life. Your Jewish identity will be
strengthened. You will be enriched.
Be An Ambassador For Temple Israel
If you know of an individual, a couple or a family who would enjoy all that
Temple Israel has to offer, please encourage them to contact Temple for
information or send us an e-mail at membership
We’ll take it from there!
From The Rabbi
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
phone 937-496-0050
fax 888-777-0490
Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Rabbi David Sofian
ext. 230 /
Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz
Epstein Family Educator
ext. 226 /
Courtney Cummings
Music and Program Director
ext. 224 /
Suzanne Shaw
Business Manager
Membership statements;
payments/invoices, donations
ext. 222 /
Ellen Finke-McCarthy
Facility rental and event planning;
Tablet; yahrzeits, funerals, burials
ext. 225 /
Donald Bush
Child Care
Lisa Pierce, President
Bart Weprin, Vice President
Rick Goldberg, Treasurer
Carol Graff, Secretary
Shabbat Shalommm Kiddush
Yoga: Save The Date Lunches Return
November 21 at 6:00 p.m.
Join instructor Cathy Hackett and
Courtney Cummings as they guide
you through a calming Jewish yoga
practice incorporating the Shabbat
evening prayers and Torah portion of
the week. No previous yoga
experience is necessary and chair
modifications will be given for those
with limited physical abilities. Please
bring a yoga or exercise mat and an
open heart and mind. Cost is $5.
Pictured below are Julie Stoller and Amy
Join us again this year for a morning of
study, worship, food and friendship.
We will again be having Kiddush
lunches after services on four Shabbat
mornings this year. Please join us on
December 13, January 24, March 14
and April 25.
Mazal Tov
…to Ralph and Fran Schwartz on
the marriage of their daughter Carrie
Marissa to Marc Bradley Siegel, son of
Faye Siegel and the late Robert Siegel
of St. Louis, MO. The wedding will be
held in Indianapolis on November 1.
…to Richard and Judy Mutzman
on the birth of their granddaughter
Lillian Bea Havrila, who was born on
September 8 at 7 pounds, 10 ounces. Lonnie and Sarah Carpenter,
whose daughter Natalie married
Jordan Buck September 7 in Las Vegas,
NV. Natalie, who just graduated from
the McKinney School of Law at Indiana
University, passed the Indiana Bar and
was sworn in on October 6.
New On The Shelf
Wintertime Social
Join old friends or make new ones at
Temple’s favorite social event, which
will take place on Sunday,
December 28 and include brunch
and entertainment. Watch for details
about this always-popular event,
planned by Temple’s Social
Committee For Life. Have questions
or want to help? Call Shirlee Gilbert
at 890-3023.
We Mourn These
Recent Deaths
Jean Shwartz
Ross Pincus
Brother-in-Law to Frank Handel
Beulah Stern Boyd
Mother to Peggy Weller
Joyce Teman
Leon S. Shon
Father to David Shon
Father-in-Law to Barbara
Grandfather to Rachel and Sam
The following books are new in the Temple Israel
Library, thanks to generous donations to our
Buy-A-Book Fund:
The Tablet publishes anniversaries every five years and birthdays every five years
starting at age 35 and annually starting at age 85. If you prefer not to be listed, please
call Ellen at 496-0050. If you were not included in our list, please call and we will list your
name in the next Tablet.
The Zone of Interest: A Novel
By Martin Amis
December Birthdays
By Orly Castel-Bloom
Can’t We Talk About Something More
Pleasant? A Memoir
By Roz Chast
From Czernowitz: A Life in Three
Continents. Memories of a Survivor
By Dr. Felix Garfunkel
Please be on the lookout for any
books you might have at home that
need to be returned to the library.
Kim Cornelison
Shirley Leventhal
Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz
Natalie Barrar
John Gaglione
Walter Ohlmann
Erika Garfunkel
Larry Balas
Patricia Gates
Paul Kulback
Gail Rouda
Jim Stewart
Libby Elbaum
December Anniversaries
8 Henry and Marlene Maimon
celebrating 50 years
26 Felix and Erika Garfunkel
celebrating 60 years
27 Ramon and Mary Harris
celebrating 55 years
30 Doug and Pat Magilvy
celebrating 30 years
31 Jeff and Esther Green
celebrating 30 years
Rabbi Karen N. Bodney-Halasz
Jerome Epstein Family Director of Education
I wanted to take a moment simply to
say thank you. Thank you to all who
helped to make the holidays so
meaningful this year. Each one of you
played an important part in making the
High Holidays truly part of a "season
of rejoicing." Thank you especially to:
those who ascended to the bimah for
an honor, Torah and Haftarah readers,
Shofar blowers, ushers, musicians,
prayerbook distributors, greeters,
office staff, hosts of Sukkahs in the
City, Torah cover changers,
organizers for Mr. Bush's celebration,
kitchen helpers (especially Simone
Sofian!), participants in our visioning
activity, maintenance staff, each of you
who welcomed someone you did not
recognize, and so many other
important volunteers, especially those
involved in the religious school and the
worship and music committees.
Without you Temple Israel would not
be the warm and welcoming place that
it is to so many.
Mark Your Calendar!
4th-6th Grade Retreat at GUCI
November 7-9
With our friends from Valley Temple
in Cincinnati
Dr. Nathan’s 4/5 grade class will
NOT have Sunday school.
November 9
No Religious School
November 30
Emergency Preparedness Training
Judaism values Pikuach Nefesh, saving a
life, in the highest regard. It teaches us
that we are obligated to do everything
in our power to actively save a life,
even if it is at the cost of not keeping
certain other mitzvot. On October 5,
religious school teachers and
madrichim took this to heart as they
underwent training for CPR, automatic
external defibrillator (AED) use, the
Heimlich maneuver, and First Aid. The
Religious School Committee prioritized
training this year to ensure that, if
necessary, our staff would be equipped
with the best life-saving practices
available. Thank you to Dr. Annette
Nathan for preparing these sessions.
Thank you again to Dr. Frank and
Renee Handel for their generous gift of
Temple’s AED.
From The Rabbi/Religious School
Pictured below left to right, Abby
Dickstein, Gabby Frost, Merrie
Mollenhauer and Jennifer Mollenhauer,
practice the Heimlich maneuver; Adam
Green, Ben Pierce and Sara Pierce
practice chest compressions during CPR
training and Dr. Annette Nathan shows
how to dislodge something from Mark
Gilbert, a choking victim.
November is upon us. In just a couple weeks, 100 or so
Jewish teens from the region will come to Dayton for the
North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) Ohio
Valley Regional.
A big thank you to our congregants who have stepped up to
the plate to open their homes to these teens.
They will arrive Friday November 14 and will lead our
Shabbat services that night. NFTY will also be leading a
special Torah study session the morning of November
15 (there will still be the regular rabbi-led Torah study in the
library) and Shabbat morning services.
If you see any of the teens in the building, please say hi and
welcome them to Dayton. It's the first time Temple Israel
will host the entire region for a convention.
TIDY Elections
Elections were held on Sunday, September 28.
The TIDY officers are as follows:
Craig Fishbein
Programming Vice President
Isaac Faust
Social Action Vice President
Abby Dickstein
Religious and Culture Vice President
Phillip Fishbein
This year the Junior Youth Group, JYG, is open to kids in
grades 5-7. Please stay tuned for more information. The
JYG will also go to Scene 75, Sky Zone, ice skating and
Kings Island in the spring/early summer.
Bat Mitzvah
Nicholas and Sandra Doninger are
proud to announce that their
daughter, Francesca Talia, will
become a Bat Mitzvah on November
22 at Temple Israel. Talia is the big
sister of Julian Doninger. Her
grandparents are Dr. Armando
(Lidia, z”l) Susmano of Wilmette, IL
and Joseph (Ruth) Doninger of Lake
Francesca Talia
Forest, IL. Talia is a seventh-grade
honors student at Van Buren Middle
November 22
School. She is a dancer with the
Dayton Ballet Jr. Company and holds the cello first chair
position in the Van Buren Seventh Grade Orchestra.
Talia’s hobbies include studying piano, writing stories,
drawing, hanging out with friends and spending her
summers at GUCI. For her mitzvah project, Talia is a
benefactor of the Kettering Backpack Program and spends
time filling backpacks for distribution to schoolchildren in
the Kettering district.
Got Mug?
Membership Vice President
Hannah Stickel
Financial and Communication Vice President
Lake Miller
Get Yours At Kibbitz Café On
Stop by the Kibbitz Café any Sunday morning and buy a
thermal coffee mug — they’re trimmed in blue, but
they’re one way our Café is going green! Best of all, when
you buy your mug for $15, you’ll also get a $10 Kibbitz
Kard to use on any of the Café’s menu items.
Remember, Kibbitz offers
convenient breakfast and
lunch items on Sundays
when religious school is
in session, including
pizza some weeks!
All proceeds
benefit our religious school.
Youth News
Do You Get TIDBits?
Temple’s weekly e-mail has all the
latest information about worship and
events and offers easy links to RSVP.
To sign up for TIDBits, visit Temple’s
website and click on the link to
“Get TIDBits.”
Federation Food
Pantry Collection
Cultural Arts and
Book Fest Events
Every day, children and adults in
Dayton go hungry. You can help by
donating food to the Jewish Federation
Food Pantry. Every time you come to
Temple add a non-perishable and non
expired food item or toiletry item to
the shopping cart in the lobby. You’ll
be helping people in our community.
Monday, November 10 at 6:45 p.m.
El Meson
903 E. Dixie Dr., West Carrollton
Everything You Wanted to Know About
the Food Network But Were Afraid To
Temple Members Have Lots of Sole
The ShoeBox Recycling
each weighing about 35
boxes in Temple’s lobby
pounds, and earned
contain everything from
more than $200 for
animal print baby slippers
Temple while
to children's sneakers,
simultaneously helping
women's high-heeled
those in need.
dress shoes, men's
Clean out those closets,
loafers and even a pair of
see what the kids have
cowboy boots! The
outgrown or is no
shoes collected will be
Bring In Your
longer in style and bring
distributed for resale and
Gently-Used Shoes
your gently-used shoes
reuse in areas of need
to our lobby drop boxes.
around the globe, including Sierra
Every style and type is eagerly accepted
Leone, Liberia, Guatemala, Chile,
except for ski boots, heavy winter boots,
Kenya, India, Bolivia and Haiti.
roller skates/blades, ice skates and shoes
Temple receives a check based on the
in need of repair.
weight of the boxes that we donate.
So far we have filled several boxes,
Shop DLM and Kroger, Earn Cash For TI
Earn money for Temple every time you shop at Dorothy Lane
Market and Kroger. Both stores contribute to local non-profits,
including Temple, when our members register and shop.
At DLM: specify Charity ID 246 when you sign up
for the Good Neighbor Program at any DLM store or register
online at
At Kroger: specify Temple’s ID 82687 when you enroll in
Kroger Community Rewards.
Your purchases add up to make a real difference—Temple
typically earns more than $100 quarterly from Kroger and over
$1000 last year from Dorothy Lane Market.
Allen Salkin, author of From Scratch:
Inside the Food Network, joins us to
dish the dirt on all things Food
Network, while we dine on a fantastic
feast prepared by El Meson. Cost is
$25 per person and includes dinner,
gratuity and non-alcoholic beverages.
Seating is limited and advance
reservations are required. RSVP by
November 3. Payment is required to
confirm your reservation. Dinner will
be vegetarian and gluten free. Strictly
kosher meal available upon request.
Thursday, November 13 at 7:00 p.m.
Boonshoft CJCE
Embrace Your Desires
Find your inner musician, regardless of
your age, with Ari Goldman, author
of The Late Starters Orchestra as he
delves into what it means to truly
follow your passions. Following
Goldman, Linda Katz and adult Suzuki
students will perform during a
delicious kosher dessert reception.
Cost is $5 in advance and $8 at the
Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m.,
Boonshoft CJCE
Truth Be Told: An Evening with Author
Hank Phillippi Ryan
Hank Phillippi Ryan winner of the
Mary Higgins Clark Award, joins us to
delve into her newest captivating
mystery, Truth Be Told. Cost is $5 in
advance and $8 at the door.
Reserve your space for these events
by calling Karen Steiger at the
Jewish Federation of Greater
Dayton, 610-1555 or e-mail at
Congratulations To Mr. Bush For Twenty Years With Temple!
Temple Israel’s students came out to show their appreciation and support for Mr. Bush, Childcare Administrator
Mitzvah Meals Make Difficult Times Easier
Tikkun Olam — repair of the world. Tzedakah — righteousness or charity.
These are two of Judaism’s guiding principles, and they’re the force behind
Mitzvah Meals, an initiative of Temple’s Social Action Committee designed to
lend a helping hand to those in our congregation who need it most.
“Volunteers have prepared and frozen healthy and delicious Mitzvah Meals, and
they’ll be delivered upon request to congregants who might need extra help
getting a hot meal on the table because of illness, a death in the family or the
disruption of bringing a newborn home,” says Linda Albert, Social Action
committee Co-chair.
If someone you know would benefit from a Mitzvah Meal, please contact Rabbi
Sofian or Rabbi Bodney-Halasz.
We Want To Hear
From You — Call Or
Send An E-Mail!
Rabbi Sofian and Rabbi Bodney-Halasz
want to reach out to congregants in
times of need and joy. Please call the
Temple office when a friend or loved
one is ill, hospitalized, in a nursing
home, assisted living facility or shut in.
Share the happy news, too—we might
not know about a marriage, birth or
other simcha unless you tell us!
Inscribe Your Brick On Temple’s Dor L’Dor Terrace
Inscribe my brick exactly as I have indicated at right. Each
space represents a character or letter. Text will
automatically be centered on the brick. You may use
Hebrew or English letters. Hebrew will be engraved without
vowels. Use a separate form for each brick ordered. Please
copy this form or request additional forms from Ellen at or 496-0050, ext. 225.
Each brick costs $135.
E-mail Address
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
 Check enclosed
 Visa
 MC
Card Number
 Charge my credit card
 Discover
Expiration Date
Tribute Donations
Temple gratefully acknowledges these gifts received in September.
This list includes donations of $10 or more. Temple mails notices of donations of
$18 or more. Donations of $100 or more are described as “generous.” A
complete list of Temple funds is available online at
You may donate online at Temple’s website. Click “Donate” on the home page.
Generous Contributions:
In Honor of
Larry Glickler
John and Deborah Urse
In Yahrzeit Memory of
Lotte Gottschlich
Walter Ohlmann
Wishing a Happy New Year
to Temple Israel
Aleksandar Svager
Cameron and Lauren Crane
Cathy Gardner
In Honor of
Zeke Gilbert's Bris
Heath and Rachel Gilbert
In Honor of a Continued Recovery of
Rebecca Linville
Meredith Cline
In Honor of a Speedy Recovery of
Mrs. Philip Office
Natalie Barrar
In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of
Caleb Spencer
Ned and Ellen Rosenthal
Sammy Caruso
Michael and Patty Caruso and Family
In Honor of the Birth of
Philip and Alaine Office's great
Natalie Barrar
In Honor of the Special Anniversary of
Rich and Nancy Cohen
Steve and Marla Harlan
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
In Honor of the Special Birthday of
Bob Feist
Bob and Gert Kahn
Richard and Pat Saphire
Bob and Marlene Gummers
Clara Hochstein
Arthur and Marlene Carne
Don Green
Lois Harris
Emalee Weisman
Jeri Cutler
Lou Levin
Mel Mayerson
Natalie Cohn
Patty Caruso
Peter Wells
Phyllis Levine
Roberta Prigozen
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Franklin Lewis
Betty and Martin Koppelman
Bob and Suzanne Thum
Flo and Barry Friedman
Joyce Teman
Walter Ohlmann
Marilyn Garison
Arthur and Marlene Carne
Shelly Charles
Meredith Cline
In Memory of
Annabelle Gershow
Larry and Natalie Katz
Stephen and Judi Resler
Beulah Stern Boyd
Bob and Suzanne Thum
Bunny Laderman
Howard and Ellen Faust
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Ray and Eleanor Must
Bob Emoff
Chuck Weprin
Kay Sokol
Klonda Richey
Meredith Cline
Charles Weprin
Joe and Susan Gruenberg
David Slutzker
Larry and Marilyn Klaben
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Tim and Robin Moore
Gil Unger
Bob and Nora Newsock
Jeanette Handler
Frank and Renee Handel and Family
Jeff and Linda Albert
Richard and Roberta Prigozen
Jimmy Coltan
Sandra Elfenbein Stanfield
Ric Brown
Emalee Weisman
Rick Harris
Jeffrey and Celia Shulman
Ross Pincus
Beverly Lipson Dlott
Bruce and Debbie Feldman
Suzi and Jeff Mikutis and Family
Steve Sommer
David and Lynn Goldenberg
Harry and Rita Rich
Howard and Ellen Faust
Jack and Barb Gerbs
Jeff Froelich
Judy Heller
Ralph and Fran Schwartz
Sarah Leventhal
Stacy Emoff
Tim and Robin Moore
In Support of Temple Israel
Arthur and Marlene Carne
Myrna Gabbe
Ron and Shirlee Gilbert
In Yahrzeit Memory of
Abraham Marcus
Rebecca Marcus
Carol Graff
Barbara Guggenheimer
Joel, Judi, Sam, Marla & Aaron
Ben Kushnir
Ira and Barbara Kushnir
Blanche Berinstein Shulman
Margaret Beck Arnovitz
Thomas and Ellie Shulman
Charles Mallernee
Mrs. Jack Goldberg
Charlie Smith
Wilma Keller
Charlotte Stoller
Jeff and Julie Stoller
Dr. Robert Tannenbaum
Florence Tannenbaum
Elisabeth Hamburger
Fred Hambury
Ray and Eleanor Must
Rabbi Janice Garfunkel
Elli Waldbaum
Felix and Erika Garfunkel
Continued on Page 9
Tribute Donations
Estelee Greenland
Natalie Barrar
Florence Stein
Jack and Maggie Stein
Jerome Schmerin
Lois Harris
Joseph Yale Tuck
Audrey Tuck
Julienne Smith-Jones
Janice Davies-May
Meyer Ruchman
Marshall D. Ruchman & Family
Miriam Burte
Paul Burte
Morris Rosenzweig
Ken and Bonnie Rosenzweig
Rabbi Stephen Levinson
Richard Levinson and Phyllis Walt
Rose Freeman
M.J. and Bella Freeman
Sandy Sapinsley
Syl Sapinsley
Contributions were made to these funds:
The General Operating Fund supports
Temple Israel this year.
The Schatz Religious School Fund
supports Temple’s religious school.
The Fund for Tomorrow supports
Temple Israel.
The Hochman Family Education
Fund supports educational programs.
The Block Social Action Fund supports
the work of the Social Action Committee,
including Petach Shabbat.
The Past Presidents Fund recognizes
Temple’s past presidents.
The Brotherhood Education Fund
supports the current year's Ryterband
Brotherhood Brunch Series
The Building Endowment Fund helps
maintain the Temple building.
The Buy-a-Book Fund purchases new
books for Temple’s library.
The Cemetery Operating Fund helps
maintain Riverview Cemetery.
The Robert Cline Outreach Fund
supports programs and activities that help
college students.
The Greenspace Fund beautifies
Temple’s landscapes.
The Emoff Fine Arts Fund purchases
artwork for the Temple building.
The Ohlmann Fund supports
Temple in the current year.
The Prayerbook Fund maintains
Temple’s prayerbooks.
The Rabbi Stephen Levinson Fund
supports youth group leadership
The General Operating Fund in
Memory of Terry Schneiderman
supports a project at the discretion of
the Board.
The Weprin Legacy Fund, supports
entertainment for the Jewish Cultural
The Rabbi Witt Memorial Library
Fund is used to purchase books,
subscriptions and supplies for Temple
Israel's library.
Rabbi Sofian and Rabbi Bodney-Halasz
use their Discretionary Funds to
advance Temple and Judaism.
We Remember
These names are inscribed on the Memorial Tablets in our Sanctuary and, together with others whose Yahrzeit occurs during these weeks, will be read
during Shabbat services before Kaddish.
October 31 and November 1
David N. Casher, Joseph P. Diamond, Marjorie Jane Emoff,
Maurice Golden, Harry A. Goldman, John A. Goldzwig, Harry
Israel, Jr., Harry J. Jacobs, Mollie Kusworm, Henrietta Lehman,
Julian B. Littauer, Abraham I. Margolis, Miriam H. Margolis,
Helmut Orgler, Heinz Orgler, Walter Orgler, Alfred Orgler,
Hedwig Orgler, Louis N. Saldoff, Arnold Saldoff, Carl A. Stern
November 7 and 8
Emma Ach, Betty Arkin, Jacob J. Blumenfeld, Lewis Cohen,
Rachel G. Cramer, Charles H. Fialcow, Blanche Frank, Joseph
Frank, Ruth Getz, Esther Jacobs, Jacob (Kapple) Jacobs, Samuel J.
Jaffa, Gertrude Levinson, Michael Nudleman, Victor Office,
Solomon Rauh, Eleanor Saidel, Fannie I. Silverman, Herman F.
Slutzky, Leo A. Stotter, Vesta Frank Tarsky, Beatrice Kottler
Weinberg, Sophia Wolfe
November 14 and 15
Malcolm J. Altschul, Worley Collins, Selma Farnbacher, David
Goldzwig, Jessica Gordon, Max Isaacson, Arnold H. Israel, Sophia
R. Jacobs, Clara Daneman Jacobs, Hal Kamin, Philip Kohn, Louis
Lamfrom, Louis Leeds, Mamye B. Lehman, Fanny Thal Levi,
Howard H. Levine, Milton Marks, Rebecca Olch, Samuel
Richmond, Abraham B. Ross, Henry S. Rothenberg, Jack Rouda,
Richard S. Rutmann, Leo Sajovitz, Ruth Dolly Saldoff, Jessie
Samuelson, Henry R. Silverman, Mary Zimmerman
November 21 and 22
Blanche Bilenkin, Gilbert Bilenkin Jr., Lillie Sternbe Booth, Lewis
C. Booth, William Bremer, Beatrice Cohen, Sidney Donenfeld,
Margaret Emoff, Marsha Froelich, Robert D. Gradsky, Louis
Gradsky, Benjamin Greenblat, Kate Hampel, Frances Klarin,
Joseph M. Lessner, Amelia D. Linder, Ruth Melet, Lester M.
Myers, Samuel Roth, Linda W. Ruchman, Rosa F. Sajovitz,
Maurice Sajovitz, Israel Jacob Saul, Joseph Saul, Adele H.
Schuman, Rosetta M. Schwartz, Joseph Seaman, Naomi Slavin
Shaffer, Benjamin Smilg, Charles C. Wasserman, Bessie
Weinstein, Frank Weprin, Louis Witt, Leo Youngheart
November 28 and 29
Alex Cutler, Alfred S. Daneman, Albert Eichorn, Joseph
Eisenberger, Samuel Klarin, Eric Kohlhagen, Simon Levinson,
Ruth Levitt, Sadie Office, Meyer Ostrov, Nathan Prigozen,
Pauline S. Rosenbloom, Joseph Thal, Hattie Winters, Henrietta
Thanks For Making the High Holidays so Special!
The Worship and Music Committee thanks the many congregants whose participation
and help made our High Holidays so memorable.
Bob and Debby Goldenberg
David and Lynn Goldenberg
Shofar Blower
Joel Guggenheimer
Courtney Cummings, lead vocals
Fred Chatfield, organ and piano
Andrea Chenoweth Wells, soprano
Jane Collinsworth, alto
Shawn Mylnek, tenor
Ray Landis, bass
Ellen Nettleton, cello
Supported by
Jerry Colp
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Cantor Judah Smith Fund
Linda Albert
Katherine Cooper
Dee Fried
Ted Gewertz
Mary Anne Robinson
Supported by
Gerald A. Greene Memorial
Break-The-Fast Fund
Rick Goldberg, Chair
Saul Caplan
Lonnie Carpenter
Richard Cohen
Howard Faust
Mitchell Faust
Sara Faust
Carol Finley
Sean Frost
Ted Gewertz
Lois Goldberg
Carol Graff
Scott Halasz
Judy Heller
Paul Kulback
Amy Margolin
Lisa Pierce
Joel Shapiro
Dan Young
Bart Weprin
Stuart Weprin
Teresa Wyman
Aliyot and Service Participants
Michael and Cynthia Africk
Linda Albert
Tom and Juli Bainbridge
Suzie Berman
Todd Bettman
Al Brown
Lonnie Carpenter
Nancy Cohen
Franklin Cohn
Chad Cummings
Debbie DiSalvo
Sara and Mitchell Faust
Pam Feldman
Carol Finley
Craig Fishbein
Irene Fishbein
Jon Freeman
Gary and Debbie Froelich
Jeff Froelich
Sean Frost
Elaine Gaglione
Jack Gerbs
Ron and Shirlee Gilbert
Larry Glickler
Rick Goldberg
Lynn and David Goldenberg
Carol Graff
Andrea Grimes
Scott Halasz
Frank and Renee Handel
Judy Heller
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Jim and Jeanne Hochman
Larry and Marilyn Klaben
Paul Kulback
Gil Kuperman
Franklin and Cheryl Lewis
Linda Novak
Marsha Pfeiffer
Lisa and David Pierce
Harold Prigozen
Fran Rickenbach
Mary Anne Robinson
Burt and Alice Saidel
Lee Schatzley
Simone Sofian
Aleksandar Svager
Julie Wagner
Bart Weprin
Stuart and Gail Weprin
Teresa Wyman
Dan Young
Yom Kippur Lay Leaders
Saul Caplan
Sarah Caplan
Lonnie Carpenter
Nancy Cohen
Craig Fishbein
Bill Gronefeld
Sarah Pierce
Rita Rich
Richard Saphire
We apologize for any omissions; please call the Temple office and we’ll be glad to recognize you in the next edition of the Tablet.
High Holidays
10:00 a.m.
Lattes & Legends at
Dorothy Lane Market
Talmud Study
4:30 p.m.
Feed The Hungry
At St. Vincent de
6:00 p.m.
Adv. Beginner
Adv. Biblical
1:15 p.m.
Knit and Crochet
Veteran’s Day
Be informed!
5:00 p.m.
Beginner Hebrew
10:15 a.m.
Ryterband Lecture:
Rabbi David Sofian
GUCI Retreat
6:00 p.m.
Lunch and Learn
At Christ Episcopal
Share Shabbat
Due Today!
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Committee Mtg.
Lunch and Learn
At First Baptist
1:15 p.m.
Knit and Crochet
6:00 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
Knit and Crochet
6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Vayera
Genesis 18:1-22:24
Haftarah:II Kings 4:1-4:37
6:00 p.m.
Share Shabbat
Honoring New
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
7:00 p.m.
Potluck Dinner
10:30 a.m.
Grades 4-5-6 Retreat at GUCI
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Committee Mtg.
NFTY-OV Sub-Regionals
Shabbat Tol’dot
Torah: Genesis 25:19-28:9
Haftarah: Malachi 1:1-2:7
No Lattes and
6:00 p.m.
Shalommm Yoga
6:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Office Closed
10:15 a.m.
Ryterband Lecture:
Dr. Mark Verman
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Bat Mitzvah
Talia Doninger
Shabbat Vayeitzei
Torah: Genesis 28:10-32:3
Haftarah: Hosea 12:13-14:10
Office Closed
No Religious
10:30 a.m.
Adult B’nai Mitzvah
Shabbat Chayei Sarah
Genesis 23:1-25:18
Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-1:31
5:00 p.m.
Beginner Hebrew
6:00 p.m.
Adv. Beginner
10:15 a.m.
Ryterband Lecture:
Dr. David Barr
7:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Beginner Hebrew
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
6:00 p.m.
Adv. Beginner
Adv. Biblical
Shabbat Leche Lecha
Genesis 12:1-17:27
Haftarah: Isaiah 40:27-41:16
unless otherwise indicated on
the calendar
10:15 a.m.
Ryterband Lecture:
Dr. Fred Krome
Oct 30 Oct 31
unless otherwise
indicated on the
8:45 a.m.
Religious School
Grades K-10
9:00 a.m.
Tanakh w/Rabbi Sofian
11:30 a.m.
Hebrew for
Grades 3-7
1:15 p.m.
Knit and Crochet
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
7:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
Temple Israel Tablet
(USPS 538-260)
published monthly except in
January and July by:
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
Address Service Requested
Time Sensitive Material
Periodical Postage Paid
at Dayton, OH
Annual Subscription
price of $36 is included in
membership dues.
Submission Deadline
for December issue:
November 1
Send address changes to
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
Share Shabbat
Our monthly camp-style service begins at
6:00 p.m. and is followed by a potluck
dinner. Join us and bring your friends!
Temple provides fried chicken, fresh-baked
challah and wine for kiddush.
Cost is $5/adult; $3/child 4-12;
free for kids 3 and under.
December 5, RSVP by
December 3
If your last name begins with:
A to F, bring a starch;
G to K, bring a dessert;
L to Q, bring a salad;
R to Z, bring a vegetable.
Please bring enough to feed 10 hungry
people. No pork or shellfish, please!
The United States Postal Service requires that Temple publish this statement of
ownership, management and circulation annually.