. Monterey Classic Member/ Guest April 8-11, 2015 Any questions call: John Dearey 340-3211 or Jerry Eaves 779-0396 Monterey Men’s Club Monterey Classic P.O.Box 1705 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Make checks payable to MCC Men’s Golf Association. Place this Entry form and check for $550 in an envelope and drop in the tournament slot in locker room. Alternately, you can mail your entry by sending it to : ENTRY DEADLINE April 1, 2015 A Wait List will be established after 60 Entries are received Club Affiliation _________________________E-mail_______________________ GUEST NAME______________________________________GHIN# ______________ (Guest Name not need for early signup) MEMBER NAME__________________________________________GHIN# _______________ 2015 Desert Classic April 8-11 ENTRY FEE $550 Monterey Country Club Fun at the Classic Tournament Schedule What’s different at the Monterey Classic? Maximum of 60Teams 6 Flights of 10 teams= 60 Teams 10 Shot Differential in Effect Welcome Players On behalf of Monterey Country Club and our Men’s Golf Association we welcome you to the MONTEREY CLASSIC. We look forward with great enthusiasm to our most prestigious tournament of the season. Our goal is to provide each player with rewarding golf, food, drink and friendship. Thank you for participating and have a great tournament. Phil Dudek, President Monterey M.G.A. New name New Format Wednesday BBQ Breakfast each day Chipping & putting contest on Wednesday New Horse race (faster) Horse race winners shoot out Budweiser Truck at putting green for 4 days Open bar during tournament Wednesday April 8 12:00 PM 4:40PM Horse Race Information There will be a 3 Hole Flighted Horse race. (Entry Fee Included) The Monterey C.C. Staff Bradford Bean, General Manager, PGA Robert Barnes, Director of Golf, PGA Chris Hoyer, Superintendent, GCSAA/Class A Dustin Graf, Food & Beverage The top four teams in each flight will be paid. Following the Horse Race the top 2 teams in each flight return to 1 West for a 2 hole shootout. The two holes will be 1 & 9 West The top 4 finishers in the shootout will be paid. Format Point Allocations The Classic Committee Barry Bagley, Chairman Jim Brock Frank Davis John Dearey Jerry Eaves Vern Keener Jerry Murray There will be 10 Teams per flight. In each 9Hole format the Team with the most points in their flight will receive 10 pts. 2nd Place will receive 9 pts. and so on down to 10th place, which receives 1 pt. The 18 hole format on Saturday will give Double Points (i.e. 1st Place receives 20 pts.) The Flight winner will be the Team with the highest total. The Overall Classic Champion will be the Team with the highest point total over the entire field Optional Practice RoundTournament Tailgate (Players only) Patio Grill, Pool area, One East Tee & Putting Green Open Bar at Gazebo, Budweiser Truck at putting green BBQ hamburgers/Hot Dogs/Chicken Team buy-in, Tee Prizes, Chipping & Putting Contests, Pigeon Sheets Thursday April 9 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 10 - 10:30 10:45 AM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM Breakfast in the Lounge 1St - 9 hole match (Best Ball) Bloody Mary & Screw Driver Bar (Gazebo) Horserace – drink cart Horserace Shootout Lunch Friday April 10 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 10-10:30 10:30 AM 1:00 PM Breakfast 2nd hole match (both balls) (Miami Points) Bloody Mary & Screw Driver Bar (Gazebo) 3rd – 9 hole match (True Alternate Shot) Lunch and awards Saturday April 11 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 10-1030 10:30 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Breakfast 18 hole Scramble--1st Nine Bloody Mary & Screw Driver Bar (Gazebo) 18 Hole Scramble--2nd Nine Social Hour “Open Bar” (All players & guests) Awards Dinner & Entertainment
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