Marcin Bielecki Education PhD

Marcin Bielecki
2012–present PhD, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences.
currently in the 3rd year
2011–2012 MA, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain School of Economics.
Research Master in Economics, avec grande distinction
2010–2012 MA, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences.
Master in International Economics
2008–2010 BA, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences & Faculty of Management.
Interdisciplinary Economic-Management Studies, Bachelor in Economics
Masters thesis
title Basel Requirements and Dynamic Preference for Funds.
A General Dynamic Equilibrium Approach.
advisors Olivier Pierrard, Catholic University of Louvain
Andrzej Cieślik, University of Warsaw
description Examined the dynamic effects of Basel III regulations compared against Basel II using
a calibrated DSGE model with an explicit banking sector (Matlab+Dynare).
Research Experience
2013–present Research Assistant, Group for Research in Applied Economics, Warsaw, Poland.
Research Assistant for the National Center of Science (Poland)
grant UMO-2011/01/D/HS4/04039.
{ Co-coded a dynamic general equilibrium overlapping generations model (Fortran)
{ Co-authored two research papers
Teaching Experience
Spring 2014 Teaching Assistant, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences.
{ Advanced Macroeconomics (in English, group around 50 graduates)
{ Macroeconomics I (in Polish, groups under 25 undergraduates)
Fall 2013 Teaching Assistant, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences.
{ Advanced Macroeconomics (in Polish, group around 150 graduates)
Spring 2013 Teaching Assistant, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences.
{ Advanced Macroeconomics (in English, group around 50 graduates)
{ Macroeconomics II (in Polish, groups under 25 undergraduates)
{ Macroeconomics I (in Polish, groups under 25 undergraduates)
ul. Andersa 33/143 – 00-159 Warsaw, Poland
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2014 Small assumptions (can) have a large bearing: evaluating pension system reforms
with OLG models, with K. Goraus, J. Hagemejer, K. Makarski & J. Tyrowicz,
forthcoming in Economic Modelling
Working Papers
2014 The Sooner The Better - The Welfare Effects of the Retirement Age Increase
Under Various Pension Schemes, with K. Goraus, J. Hagemejer, & J. Tyrowicz,
WNE Working Papers No. 12/2014 (129)
Conference Presentations
2014 Innovation and Growth in a Heterogeneous Monopolistic Competitors’ World,
Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2014
2012-present Scholarships for Outstanding PhD Students, University of Warsaw
2009-2012 Scholarships for Outstanding Students, University of Warsaw
Computer skills
Basic Java, Julia
Intermediate Mathematica, Matlab, Stata, E-views, R, Linux
Proficient Latex, Python, Fortran, MS Office
Polish Mothertongue
English Proficient
German Intermediate
Japanese Intermediate
Thesis Olivier Pierrard, Catholic University of Louvain, Banque Centrale du Luxembourg
Thesis Andrzej Cieślik, University of Warsaw
Research Krzysztof Makarski, Warsaw School of Economics, National Bank of Poland
ul. Andersa 33/143 – 00-159 Warsaw, Poland
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