flu) i GEftu c 5q qrro wron/ Govt. of India oncog fuTr{r/ Income Tax Department srr{ro-t 3ngffi orqtf,q; B. c. +{, 3lr+r-{ q.r;I, *er-lz-{, qo-ftro issioner of Tncome Tax F.No. CC/Chd/CB-III A/T & P- Steno 14-15172( ORDER 0172 -2544244 Fax -2702805 112 Dated : 13.11.2014 of201a Sub: Establishment - Non Gazetted Group 'C' - Transfer and posting of Stenographers- regarding . - The transfer and posting of the following Stenographers are hereby ordered with immediate effect: S.No Name of the official 1. Anil Kumar Gupta 2. Vishnu Pratap Singh Akhilesh Kr. Mishra From UOP UOP UOP To CIT-2, Chandigarh CIT-1, Chandigarh CIT(Audit), Chandigarh Compliance to the order above should be made and reported by 21.11.2014. * I -/-- (Swatantra Kumar) Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax N.W. Region, Chandigarh Copv to :- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The CIT-Y II, Audit, Chandigarh The officials concerned The Concemed ZAOIFPU. The President/Secretary, ITEF. The Establishment Branch ofthis office. The ADIT(OL), O/O CCIT, NWR, Chandigarh, for Hindi version' (AmitRaj) Dy. Commissioner of Income-tax Hq. (Admn.) Chandigarh
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