Around Town

Around Town
Lakeshore School Division is accepting applications
for a permanent head custOdian at alf cuthbert school, Moosehorn, Mb commencing November 25, 2014:
responsibilities include:
Under the direction of the Principal and/or Maintenance
Supervisor, the Head Custodian shall be responsible
for performing regular cleaning and maintenance of the
school building, property and furnishings and minor repair of building systems responding to alarms and performing periodic inspections on the entire facility and
• Must be physically fit
• Must be capable of working from elevated platforms
and ladders
• Shall respect the confidentiality of students and staff
• Building trade experience is an asset
shift: Monday - Friday (8 hours per day) Split shift will
be required.
salary: As per collective agreement
start date: November 25, 2014
A complete job description is available at
Alf Cuthbert School.
Please submit a resume to:
Mr. Mr. Curtis Basso
Director of Operations & Infrastructure
Lakeshore School Division
Box 100, Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0
Phone: (204) 739-2101 Fax: (204) 739-2145
applicatiOn deadline:
Monday, November 17, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. CST
We thank all who applied for their interest, but only
those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Lakeshore School Division may contact former
Successful candidates must complete a Criminal Record and
Child Abuse Registry check prior to commencing employment.
Published Weekly by:
You won’t want to miss the ....
Country Christmas
Craft Sale
Friday, November 28
Ashern Centennial Hall
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
k Many Crafts & Products Available
(over 35 tables booked)
k Bake Tables, Silent Auctions
k Food Concession available
Door Prizes
FMI 768-2187
(LIFE Office)
Page 8
Mailed directly to 3000 homes every week!
phone: 204-768-3189 Fax: 204-768-3807
#61 Main Street - TBJ Mall, P.O. Box 85, Ashern, MB R0C 0E0
Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Serving: Ashern, Moosehorn, Mulvihill, Oakview, Grahamdale, Faulkner, Steep Rock, Hilbre, Gypsumville, St. Martin, Fairford, Vogar, Eriksdale, Lundar, Oak Point
vol. 22 No. 44
topics include:
• Beef economics and marketing
• Feeding those unusual feeds - what you need to know about fusarium, nitrates and more
• Stretching those feed supplies - alternative options to make the most of what you have
for more information please contact
Marfd ashern 204-768-2782
West 1/2 Section 36 Township 28 Range
10 WPM approximately 320 acres.
South boundary of property is located one mile north of
PR 239 along Kyler Road (Steep Rock Beach road) and
about 1.5 miles east and south from Steep Rock Beach.
Property is fenced with three strand barb wire, fence
could use some maintenance.
Property is developed farm land presently used for livestock pasture. The NW 1/4 36 has a dugout for cattle.
An addition ten adjoining deeded quarters possibly
available for a large block cow/calf/livestock operation.
Moosehorn Curling Club
Open Mixed
November 21, 22 & 23
Phone entries to: Rob @ 204-768-0368
or Shane @ 204-302-0034
accepting teams for league
play; starts Nov 25th
Happy 65 th Birthday
(on November 17th)
May your day be special
plus many more
#6 Quality Repair
off #6 hwy in Deerhorn
**Certified Technicians**
Small Engines, Automotive & Diesel
provincial safeties
- light & heavy
caa roadside assistance
Turned On elecTric
Devin Kiesman
Red Seal Electrician
For your electrical, data,
and security needs.
Ph: 1-204-232-5031 or 768-3288
Christmas Chocolates
Homemade, Handmade!
All trays will be variety
all trays have been prepackaged and
cannOt be altered.
• Rice Chrispy
• Peanut Butter Cup
• Milk Chocolate Centre
• Milk Chocolate Solid
• White Chocolate Solid
• Coconut
• Mint
• Peanut
• Caramel
• Hazelnut
• Peppermint
• Almond
• Marshmallow
Last day to order:
November 23
Love Tom, Lynette &
Ron, Ed & Lisa, Jen &
Harold & grandkids
Marylynn Bankert
Pick up November 28, Ashern Centennial Hall
DeADLine for advertising: Friday, November 14, 2014 by 12:00 NooN
November 12, 2014
One‐in‐fOur ManitOba hOMes have higher than accepted
radOn gas levels
november 24, 2014
Moosehorn community hall
7:00 - 9:00 pm
For information ph: 1-403 548-2151 or 1-780 921-2186
Ashern Country ChristmAs sAle
The LIFE Program is planning to have a silent
auction table at the Centennial Hall on
Fri. Nov. 28. Anyone wishing to donate
an article please contact 204-768-2187 or drop
off at the office at #4, 61 Main St., TBJ Mall.
Malcolm’s Printing
A Health Canada survey of Canadian homes found that nearly one‐in‐four Manitoba homes
have higherradon levels than federal guidelines. Across Canada about 11% of homes have
radon gas levels higher than the Health Canada standard of 200 Bq/m3. In Manitoba, 24%
of homes have higher than the acceptable levels with some parts of the province – the area
in and around Brandon, Bossevian and Dauphin – having up to 41% of homes higher than
the accepted level. “November is Radon Awareness month and we want people to be
aware that they should be testing for radon gas,’’ said Erin Crawford, Senior Director of
Public Issues and Community Engagement with the Canadian Cancer Society’s Manitoba
Division. “Radon accounts for 16% of all cases of lung cancer in Canada and is the second
leading cause of lung cancer after smoking and the leading cause of lung cancer in
Crawford said because of its soil composition, Manitoba homes are more likely to have a
build‐up of radon gas. Radon is a colourless, odourless cancer‐causing gas that enters
homes through cracks and gaps in the floors and walls of basements and can build up over
time. “What I`ve learned is that radon can be an issue in all types of homes whether they
are new or old, with finished or unfinished basements,” Hartleb said. “The only way to find
out if your home has high radon levels is to test.”
Crawford said those at greatest risk are people who spend significant amounts of time in
the basement areas of homes. This includes Manitobans renting basement apartments or
those with children in basement daycares. All should be tested for radon.
If a home has radon levels higher than Health Canada’s guideline of 200 Bq/m3, the Cancer
Society recommends home owners take action with the assistance of a remediation professional. Crawford also called on the provincial government to introduce programs to increase testing for radon and mitigation efforts in Manitoba.
“If your home does have high radon levels, the problem can be fixed, usually within a day,”
says Crawford. “But first, you need to test your home.”
Unlike carbon monoxide there are no immediate symptoms to signal the presence of radon.
There are no known health effects other than lung cancer. There are also no medical tests
available to see if you have been exposed to radon.
The Cancer Society believes people have the right to know if they are being exposed to
cancer causing substances in their homes, environment or workplaces. This allows them
to make informed decisions and take actions that could impact their health.
What can you do?
Get your home tested. Radon is easy to test for and can usually be reduced to safe levels
by a certified mitigation professional. Everyone should check their home but those who live
in older homes, spend time in their basement or smoke are at higher risk.
Long term tests (three months to one year) produce more accurate results than short term
testing. Low‐cost test kits are available through the Canadian Cancer Society at
1‐888‐532‐6982. They can also be purchased at some local hardware stores, the Home
Depot or through a certified radon testing professional.
You can find Canadian radon testing service providers and mitigation experts listed on the
For valuable information about radon and how to test your home visit
The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers
whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of
people living with cancer. When you want to know more about cancer, visit our website or call our toll-free, bilingual Cancer Information Service at 1 888 939-3333.
noticE oF REDUcED
SpEED ScHool ZonES
A speed limit of 30km/h is now in place within
reduced–speed school zones at the Ashern
Early Years School and the Ashern Central
School. The Reduced-Speed School Zone ByLaw was passed on October 16th 2014. This
speed limit is permanent 24 hours per day
year round.
A copy of By-Law no. 06/2014 is
available on and/or
can be viewed at the RM of Siglunes
Office on 38 Main Street, Ashern, MB
Colleen L. Johnson, CMMA
Interim Chief Administrative Officer
2 lb carrots, 2 lb onions, 5 lb potatoes
3 lb carrots, 1 lb parsnips, 3 lb onions,
10 lb potatoes, 1 cabbage
Orders Due: Nov 26
Delivery Date: Dec 9
fOr the fOllOWing pOsitiOns
(full tiMe & part tiMe)
gas bar cashiers, Kitchen helpers,
cashier, cook. Bring your resume with
you, we are considering all age group,
experience is not necessary, starting
good wages.
interview dates:
Nov 13 - 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Nov 14 - 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
petro canada & Jeans restaurant,
hwy #6 Main st. ashern, Mb
204-768-2899 or 204-768-3413
DeADLine for advertising: Friday, November 14, 2014 by 12:00 NooN
taxideRmy canada
tera lobay
(204) 314-0187
Moosehorn, Mb
61 Main Street. New members welcome to attend.
nOv. 18 - lOg cabin riders snOWMObile Meeting - 7:30 p.m., R.M. of Grahamdale Office.
nOv. 19 - ashern daYcare annual general Meeting - 7:00 p.m., at the daycare.
prOvincial cOurt dates / lOcatiOns • nov 19 - ashern - 9:30 a.m. • nov 24 - peguis fn - 9:30 a.m.
Christmas Tea, Silent Auction MOn. - alcOhOlics anOnYMOus Mtgs w/al anon participation - Eriksdale Library, 8:00 pm. FMI call 739-2710.
& Bake Sale
Wed. - alcOhOlics anOn. Mtgs - Lundar Lutheran Church Hall, 8:00 pm. FMI call 762-5146.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 pm
invitatiOn tO tender
canteen Operation contract
The Ashern Arena board is seeking tender
for Canteen operation services for the
2014-2015 season. The contract would be
for canteen operation during games only
and would be based on a per game fee.
Duties would include, full operation of the
canteen from opening, cooking, serving
and till, up to clean up and closing up.
The contracts may not necessarily be
awarded to the lowest bidder.
Bids are due by november 20, 2014
and must be forwarded to:
Ashern Arena Board
PO Box 576, Ashern MB
Or dropped off in sealed envelope to
Granger's Accounting Services
Friday Night BINGO
Nov 14 7:00pm
in 52 numbers or less
Mini Toonie approx $2275+
(letter ‘T’ anyway)
Book Today . . .
Pam’s Photo
• FAC Pictures • Special Occasions
• Weddings • Family Portraits
• Sports
& more!
204-768-3929 please leave a msg
Wed. - al-anOn Mtgs - at Lundar Lutheran Church Board Room, 7:00 pm. FMI call 739-2710.
Wed. - ladies lunch - 12:00 p.m., at the Moosehorn Hotel. Bring a friend and join us. Everyone welcome.
Church Services
saturdaY, nOveMber 15
• ashern hOlY crOss parish - 4:00 p.m.
• J.O.Y. YOung peOple’s grOups - 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.,ages 15-18., Moosehorn Baptist Church.
sundaY, nOveMber 16
• MOOsehOrn baptist church - Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 am.
• hilbre gOspel chapel - Coffee & fellowship 10:30 am.
• ashern gOspel chapel - Morning Worship with Pastor Bill, 10:45 a.m. Sunday School starts 10:45 am.
• lundar lutheran church - Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome. Sunday School 10:30 am.
• st. eriK’s cathOlic church - Sunday Mass, 12:00 noon.
• lundar st. Olaf cathOlic church - Sunday Morning Mass, 8:00 am. Wednesday Rosary 4:00 p.m.
• eriKsdale evangelical free church - Sunday School (ages 3 - adult) 10:00am, Worship Service 11:00am
• lundar gOspel lighthOuse - Morning Service & Sunday School 11:00 a.m.,with Pastor McGillam.
Youth Service Sunday Evening at 6:30 p.m.
• grace lutheran church - Ashern, service, 9:00 a.m.
• peace lutheran church - Moosehorn, service, 11:00 a.m.
• ashern united church - No Service.
• gYpsuMville united church - Service 10:00 a.m, everyone welcome.
• st. JOhn’s lutheran church - in grahamdale - Service 11:00 a.m. Everyone welcome.
• plaYgrOup- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 10:00 - 11:30 AM Moosehorn Baptist Church
FMI Margaret 204-768-9486.
• siglunes district librarY - Regular hours - Mon. 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, Wed. 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. ,
Fri. 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. FMI call 204-768-2048. History Books available.
• ashern suppOrt centre hOurs are Mon. to Fri. from 8:00 am-1:00 p.m.
• eriKsdale public librarY - Hours are Tuesday & Thursday from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday
from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
• service canada - A Citizen Service Agent from Service Canada will be available in Ashern
at Fieldstone Ventures, #61 Main St., eVeRY MOnDAY (except for Stat. holidays), from 10:00 am - 3:00
pm, (closed for lunch from 12:00 - 12:30).
• understanding diabetes - November 13 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm - Eriksdale Wellness Centre, to
register or for more information call 1-877-979-9355 or - available via MB Telehealth @
St. Laurent Community Health Centre.
Seniors corner . . .
• Eriksdale New Horizon’s Whist - Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.
• Eriksdale New Horizon’s Cribbage - Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.
• Lundar New Horizons Club - Card games, pool & shuffleboard, Every Monday &
Friday 1:00 p.m.
• Eriksdale New Horizon’s Jam Session - Nov 19, 7:00 - 9:30 pm, everyone welcome!
RMT PluMbing
PluMbing & HeaTing
Blaine Wahl, your local
Red Seal Plumber & Gas Fitter
• water softeners • water treatment boilers
• drain augering
Call or text: 204-302-1608 or 204-768-0701
Custom Firewood
Processing • reasonable rates •
Turn those logs into firewood before winter.
call gage 768-0079 leave a msg
around Town • week of November 12, 2014
*all you can eat buffet
all day - every day!
Please call 204-768-2228 to
place orders (until Nov 20)
Order your
2015 wood
now while
we are
cutting. 8 foot or 16 inch
ross: 768-3900
• MOM n tOts plaYgrOup - runs every 2nd Wednesday, 10:00am at the Ashern Lutheran Church
and every 3rd Wednesday, 10:00am at the Eriksdale Community Centre. Contact Tess for more information 204-739-6029.
• basKetball - Ashern Central School, Wenesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
• inland Oceans arts alliance - meeting at 7:00 p.m. on November 18, 2014 at Jody ForsythOversby's in Ashern. If you have an interest in Arts in your Community please plan to attend. If you require more information please contact Audrey at 204-659-5271 or Jody at 204-768-2278.
• heart health class - November 20 - 1:00 - 3:00 pm - Eriksdale Wellness Centre, to register or for
more information call 1-877-979-9355 or - available via MB Telehealth @
St. Laurent Community Health Centre.
• flu Mist - It is a new way of receiving the Flu Vaccine available for all children ages 2 -17 years.
FluMist is given as a nasal spray into both nostrils…NO needle! Call Cindy at the Health Office 204 7682585 for more information or an appointment. If anyone still wants to receive a flu shot please call the Health
• Rossin up your bow and tune up your tonsils...cfrY talent shOW is cOMing tO ashern January
31, 2015!
• fOund cat- 4 month old female cat found on Main St in Ashern, please
call 204-768-2890 FMI.
42 days
ashern auctiOn Mart farm Market report
Week of nov 5 No. of Cattle: 2774
View Regular Sale online.
Slaughter Cattle Prices
Now Open!
friday, december 5
*If you would like to donate a silent auction item, baking,
or an item for our hamper raffle, call Damien at 768-2461.
Page 2
nOv. 13 - ashern snOWMObile club Meeting - 7:00 p.m., at the club cabin on Cook Rd.
nOv. 18 - eriKsdale legiOn branch Meeting - 7:30 p.m., RM Board Rm, all members welcome.
nOv. 18 - fieldstOne ventures regular bOard Meeting - 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. in Classroom B, Fieldstone Ventures,
Ashern Motor Hotel
CAre home
Age Verified .....................120 - 133 D1 & D2 Cows..................110 - 121
D3 & D5 Cows.................95 - 110
Good Bulls ........................140 - 149.50
Heifer Prices
Steer Prices
300 - 400.............. 290 - 311
400 - 500.............. 280 - 313
500 - 600 ............. 270 - 297
600 - 700 ............. 250 - 288
700 - 800 ............. 254 - 269
eriksdale community club
annual general
nOv 27.2014 - 7:30 pM
eriksdale rec centre
Everyone welcome. We are hoping you
will come with some fresh ideas/
suggestios. Coffee will be served.
300 - 400.............. 280 - 315
400 - 500.............. 270 - 287
500 - 600 ............. 236 - 276
600 - 700.............. 220 - 257
Happy Birthday Antoinette!
Join us Saturday, november 22, 2014
For Nettie
90th Birthday
Come & Go Tea
Ashern Legion
2:00 - 4:00 pm
The pleasure of your company is her gift!
WANTED- will buy
Capes off deer, moose and elk, and full
wolf pelts for fair market value.
please contact for skinning or field care
information. (204)314-0187
Resurrection Taxidermy Canada
Jack & Jill
Baby Shower
november 16, 2014,1:00 pm
Moosehorn baptist church
for Evelyn Kathryn Ives
Daughter of Herbert and
Shandi Ives
around Town • week of November 12, 2014
Christmas Craft &
friday, november 21
ashern legion hall
11am - 4pm
FMI or to book
a table call Kathie at
Page 7
Christmas Fruitcake Bars
#28 railway ave., ashern
ph: 204-768-3980
fax: 204-768-2629
Gift Catalogue Sale Toy Sale
On Now!
On Now!
tons to choose from!
Christmas Lights &
In-Stock Now!
Muck Boots Now Available!
*WatCH FOr Our
aPPreCIatIOn day
COMInG nOV. 20/14!
Many Great
Gift Ideas!
• Burts Bees
• Movies
• snoozie slippers
& Fuzzy socks
• Xbox, Playstation
& Wii (u) Video Games
• earrings for sensitive ears
• Paperback books $4.99 ea
•Fleece Lined dawg shoes
• Watches $9.99 ea
& much more!
**Our last order day before Christmas is dec 11/14**
Page 6
around Town • week of November 12, 2014
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp each ground ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt
1/4 tsp each allspice, baking soda and baking powder
1/4 cup butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
2 tbsp dark rum or 1/2 tsp rum extract with 2 tbsp of water
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups coarsely chopped red and green glacé cherries
1/2 cup finely chopped candied orange or lemon peel
1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional)
MR ConsTRuCTion
Mike: 204-768-4888
• Drywall • Taping • painTing • Doors • winDows
• laminaTe Floors • Decks • rooFing • siDing
• new consTrucTion • kiTchen & BaTh renovaTions
its flu season. not
sure about the flu
shot yet want to
keep your immune
system strong?
Homeopathic Flu package is for you as a
safe, reliable alternative. Call for details
Dr. Jody Forsyth-Oversby
Fraser Handyman Service
1/4 cup butter, at room temperature
2 cups icing sugar
2 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp almond extract
• handyman services
• complete renovations
• Kitchen cabinet sales & installations
James fraser:
Preheat oven to 350F (180C). Lightly spray or oil a baking sheet. In a medium bowl,
using a fork, stir flour with spices, baking soda and baking powder. In a large bowl,
using an electric mixer, beat butter with sugar for 2 min, scraping down side of bowl if
necessary. Beat in egg, rum and vanilla just until mixed. Don’t worry if it separates – it
will come together when flour mixture is added. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Th en,
using a wooden spoon, stir in cherries, orange peel, pecans and chocolate chips. Dough
will be thick and chunky.
Turn into a 9-in. (2-L) square baking dish. Bake in centre of preheated oven until top is
firm and dark golden, 30 min. Set pan on a rack to cool. For icing, beat 1/4 cup (50 mL)
room-temperature butter with 2 cups (500 mL) icing sugar, 2 tbsp (30 mL) milk and 1/2
tsp (2 mL) almond extract until creamy. Spread overtop. Store in an airtight container
in the refrigerator up to 1 week or freeze up to 1 month.
Live Band:
Ash &
the Arsonists
fridaY, nOveMber 21
OpeN SUNday
Ashern Motor Hotel
Railway Ave. 204-768-2228
Norseman Mechanical
Plumbing • Heating • Gasfitting
Matthew Sveistrup
Lundar GaraGe &
naPa autO Parts
Participating member of the
Manitoba Public Insurance
WInter tIre PrOGraM.
Financing available through Manitoba Public Insurance.
Call for more information.
travel with piece of mind this winter.
Your Full Service Automotive Center.
around Town • week of November 12, 2014
Journeyman Plumber
Licensed Gasfitter
New construction and Renovations
Geothermal/Hydronic/in floor Heat Design and
Installation Professional/Reliable/Affordable
argyle Mb • 204-470-9526
RV Boarding Kennel
& Grooming
3 miles west of Eriksdale on PR 417
• grOOMing
• bOarding
• dOg & cat
fOOd sales
Call Val or Rick Willetts
Page 3
Please call to book
your Christmas Party
#13 Main Street, Ashern
Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
children, YOuth and faMilY
Talent Night
Lemon Bars
3/4 cup (175 mL) butter, softened
1/2 cup (125 mL) granulated sugar
1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt
2 cups (500 mL) all-purpose flour
Lemon Curd:
4 eggs
1-1/2 cups (375 mL) granulated sugar
2 tbsp (30 mL) finely grated lemon zest
1/2 cup (125 mL) lemon juice
1/4 cup (60 mL) all purpose flour
1 tsp (5 mL) baking powder
2 tsp (10 mL) icing sugar
December 5, 2014
Ashern Central School
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
A friendly atmosphere, an
enjoyable program and delicious
snacks are waiting for you!
Everybody is welcome to attend this amazing evening.
Do not miss a chance to show your amazing talents
(singing, dancing, telling poems, ect.) and to see others.
For a rehearsal and a talent registration call
Tanya or Alex: 204-449-2305. This concert
is ran by “JUMP” club and sponsored by
Ashern Gospel Chapel
Wednesday Nov 19
Eriksdale Community Centre
10:00 a.m.
Free drop-in group for children up to
5 yrs old with a parent/caregiver/guardian
Come enjoy a visit,stories,songs & a healthy snack
For more Info call Tess: 204-739-6029
eriksdale community club is accepting
applications for a subcontract position for
the caretaker position for the Eriksdale
Arena. salary range is $2400 & up
(monthly) depending on qualifications.
approx. start date is dec. 15th (but is
weather permitted) and ends at spring thaw.
For a full list of duties
call Ben: 204-739-3276
applications can be mailed to box 320
eriksdale, Mb r0c 0W0. (deadline for
applications are nov.27th at noon) lowest or
any applications not necessarily accepted.
Page 4
Good Neighbors Restaurant
• used for 1 month • new condition
Butter Tart Squares
Tip: Replace raisins with nuts
(walnuts or pecans)
Preheat oven to 350ºF (180ºC). Lightly grease and line
an 8” x 8” (2L) baking dish with parchment paper, letting
paper hang slightly over two sides of pan to use as handles for easy removal of squares.
Cream butter and brown sugar in large mixing bowl until
combined. Add flour and beat until mixture is a soft
dough. Press dough evenly into bottom of prepared pan.
Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, or until lightly
Filling: Cream butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy
in large bowl. Beat in corn syrup, eggs and vanilla. Stir
in flour and baking powder.
Sprinkle raisins over baked pastry base. Pour filling over
Bake for 25 minutes or until filling is set. Cool. Loosen
edges of pastry and remove from pan. Cut into squares.
Eriksdale United Church thanks
EVERYONE for making our Fall
Supper a huge success !!!
A donation to the Eriksdale Fire
Dept will be made.
Ashern Central School
Christmas Concerts
Senior Bands & Choir
Thursday, December 11, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Middle Years Concert
“Santa Goes Green”
& Grade 7/8 Band
Monday, December 15
7:00 pm
around Town • week of November 12, 2014
Younique by Jenn
Safe, naturally based, healthy, high
quality cosmentics and skin care line.
Please contact me for more info:
Jennifer Hofer 204-223-1503
burn permits
required year round.
No Cost, Permit to be
obtained and signed at the
RM Office 204-739-2666
paid $750.00/ asking $500.00
Thank You
In bowl, beat together butter, sugar and salt
until light and fluffy; stir in flour in 2 additions.
Press into parchment paper–lined 13- x 9-inch
(3.5 L) cake pan. Bake in 325°F (160°C) oven
until golden, 35 to 40 minutes. Let cool on rack.
Lemon Curd: In bowl, beat eggs with sugar until
pale and thickened; beat in lemon zest and
lemon juice. Stir in flour and baking powder.
Pour over base, spreading evenly.
Bake 325°F (160°C) oven until centre is set but still jiggly, 20 to 25 minutes. Let cool
on rack. Dust with icing sugar. Cut into squares. (Make-ahead: Layer between
waxed paper in airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days.)
½ cup (125mL) butter, softened
¼ cup (50mL) brown sugar
1 cup (250mL) All Purpose Flour
¾ cup (175mL) brown sugar
¼ cup (50mL) butter, softened
½ cup (125mL) corn syrup
1 tsp
(5mL) vanilla extract
2 tbsp (30mL) All Purpose Flour
½ tsp (2mL) baking powder
½ cup (125mL) raisins (optional)
ceraMic tOp stOve
1. A warm ___ (7)
1. For better or ___ (5)
2. It never ___ but it pours (5)
3. Roll up your ___ (7)
3. ___ the show (6)
6. Act in haste, repent at ___ (7)
4. ___ and flowed (5)
8. ___ Rouge (5)
5. The ___ of time (5)
10. Cul de ___ (3)
7. Bob's your ___ (5)
11. Snakes and ___ (7)
Variation on a ___ (5)
12. ___ said than done (6)
13. The patience of a ___ (5)
14. The ___ of the exercise (6)
The father of the ___ (5)
18. A ___ of hope (7)
___ and lightning (7)
20. It is an __ wind that blows nobody any good (3)
22. ___ space (5)
17. ___ or foe? (6)
23. Ireland, the ___ Isle (7)
18. Bride and ___ (5)
24. Evenly ___ (7)
19. The Ides of ___ (5)
25. Older and ___ (5)
21. ___ and bounds (5)
FOr saLe
Seasoned Firewood
8 foot length
Kris’ Custom Renos
Kris Michaluk
• Foundation & Up
•Interior & Exterior Painting
•Roofing •Flooring
•Kitchen & Bath Renos
•and much more
Call for a Free Estimate
Ph: 204-449-2386
or 204-302-0009 leave msg
ashern central school
parent advisory council
annual general Meeting
Monday, November 17
7:00 pm at ACS.
Please plan to attend.
William Miller
Gravel/Sand/Rock/Top Soil
Snow Plowing & removal
Skid Steer Service
Post Hole Drilling
Cell 204-768-0619
around Town • week of November 12, 2014
I would like to take this
opportunity to thank the residents
of the Interlake region who
showed their support in electing
me as their new Progressive
Conservative Candidate.
Thank you to my family and
friends for their encouragement
throughout my campaign.
Their constant love and
support was immeasurable.
I am deeply humbled.
Thanks again, Interlake region
constituents, for your vote of
confidence. I look forward to continuing our mission in making this
region a priority.
~Derek Johnson
The following private land is being offered for sale:
N1⁄2 02-28-07 W SW 02-28-07 W E 1⁄2 03-28-07 W
N 1⁄2 10-28-07 W SW 11-28-07 W
The following crown lands have been approved by Manitoba
Agriculture, Food & Rural Development for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the
ranch unit held by Leonard Kiesman of Moosehorn, MB.
W1⁄2 34-27-07W SE 35-27-07 W SE 02-28-07 W
SE 11-28-07 W SW 22-28-07 W PT LS 3 & 5
If you wish to purchase the private land and apply for the Unit
Transfer contact the Lessee, Leonard Kiesman at Box 215,
Moosehorn, MB R0C 2E0.
If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this Unit
Transfer write the Director, MAFRD Agriculture Crown Lands,
PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 or fax 204-867-6678.
Ashern & District
VeterinAry clinic
Dr. Walter Olson (DVM)
cat neutering daY
sat, nov. 15 9:00am - 5:00pm
please book your appointment 204-768-9609
cattle prOducers:
Walter is now available during the week
(on appointment)
Dr. Olson can accurate preg check
potential cull cows, so you can cash in
on today’s excellent prices.
dOn’t fOrget tO:
pre-Order YOur cattle vaccinatiOns
Clinic: 204-768-9609
Dr. Walter Olson: 204-804-3010
Clinic Hours: Tues - Fri 9:30-2:00, Sat 9:00-5:00
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