Ashern around town Published Weekly by: #28 Railway ave., ashern Ph: 204-768-3980 2 day sale!! fax: 204-768-2629 November 28 & 29 !* only 1! reg $419.99 reg $13.99 Now $319.99 Now $6.99 1635-959 5461-357 24 hr digital step stool iNdoor light reg $10.99 Now $7.49 446-241 timer reg $14.99 Now $6.49 3609-170 plug iN co detector 2 reg $34.99 Now $22.97 3616-821 makita 4pc combo tool kit 18v only 1! reg $569.99 Now $469.97 Freshen Up Your Walls this Holiday Season! 1239-110 stud seNsor reg $19.99 Now $12.97 1010-865 1l Natura stackable storage biNs safe prep reg $5.49 th reg $4.99 Now $2.97 Now $2.97 4415-644 1620950 EriksdalE Christmas hampEr Campaign The calendar has rolled around again and the season of family celebrations is near at hand. For most of us we only need to worry about what to serve, not if we will have anything to serve. Many families in our municipality struggle to get by during the year and the added pressure of the Christmas season can be especially hard. Each year we as a community support approximately 20 families with food hampers and gifts for the Christmas holidays. This year will be no different. Our School has once again accepted the challenge to have a non-perishable food drive for the week of December 8-13. This event helps us out immensely as it allows us to add food for more than just the Christmas day meals. We also purchase perishable products (turkey, fresh fruit & vegetables, milk, eggs, bread products, margarine, bacon, juice and much more) depending on our available funds. To do this we require donations from the kind hearted individuals of our community. If you want and are able to donate monetary fund’s we will be accepting donations through the United Church of Eriksdale. All donations of $10.00 or more will be tax receipted on a in and out basis, no monies collected are used by the church. Please contact Debbie Lundale @ 204-739-2606 or Sandra Hogue @ 204-739-2605 or mail directly to Eriksdale United Church c/o Carol Boychuk Box 234 Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0. For those in the RM of Eriksdale who are in need of a hamper please contact the Eriksdale RM office @ 204-739-2666. We do not use the list from the previous years and you must call in for your hamper no one can do this for you. Only one hamper per residence. All this information is kept confidential. Deadline for this is Monday December 8 by noon. Hampers will be available for pick up at the united Church on Thursday December 18. (Please make arrangements for pick-up from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm ... we will be delivering baskets to shut-ins only). (Paint Card Applies) Thanks to the selfless people of Eriksdale for their continuing support to this campaign every year. May you all have a very Merry Christmas and Health & Good will for the New Year! & get the 2 nd 50% off DeCember 5th & 6th! **our last order day before christmas is dec 11/14** *While quantities last. No rainchecks. You won’t want to miss the .... Country Christmas Craft Sale Friday, November 28 Ashern Centennial Hall 10:00 am - 7:00 pm k Many Crafts & Products Available (over 40 tables booked) k Bake Tables, Silent Auctions k Food Concession available Proceeds go to Silver Bay Bible Camp with every purchase, enTeR To Win One of our door prizes FMI 768-2187 (LIFE Office) Page 8 #61 Main Street - TBJ Mall, P.O. Box 85, Ashern, MB R0C 0E0 Email: buy 1 galloN beauti-toNe sigNature series velvet iNterior paiNt Decorate your home for the Holidays! pick your discouNt days Choose from our great selection of Christmas Trees, Lights, are back! Decorations & Holiday Decor mailed directly to 3000 homes every week! Phone: 204-768-3189 Fax: 204-768-3807 office hours: mon. - fri. 9:00 am - 4:30 pm vol. 22 No. 46 th 5hp 28g air 50’ camo compressor braided rope Malcolm’s Printing DEaDliNE for advertising: Friday, November 28, 2014 by 12:00 NooN Christmas Tea & More Sale December 4th 1-3 p.m. at Lundar Personal Care Home Silent Auction wGrocery Hampers wBaking & Crafts FMI Call Colleen : 204-762-5663 Lic. #547BI Gypsumville Community Club Fundraising Bingo Tuesday Dec 2, 2014 Gypsumville Hall 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $1000 to go must purchase book of 9 to play $20 November 26, 2014 Lundar Christmas * Bakers * Crafters * Independent Sale Representatives *Raffle Tables Welcome you to come on Saturday, Nov. 29, 2014 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at Lundar Community Hall, #28 1st Ave Ph: 204-762-5426 day of sale. Lunch available - Free Admission - Gluten Free Baking available Please bring your own carry shopping bags as the RM of Coldwell is plastic bag free! Your support is very much appreciated. For more info please phone Wendy 204-762-5525 Sponsored by Lundar Farmers Market Co-op Inc. Book Today . . . Family Photos Pam’s Photo • FAC Pictures • Special Occasions • Weddings • Family Portraits • Sports & more! 204-768-3929 please leave a msg oosehorn otorPh:H otel 204-768-2417 Moosehorn, MB ResTauRanT CLoseD saturday nov 29, Bar open until 3:00 pm CLoseD foR PRivaTe PaRTy vendor open as usual RestauRant CLosed on Mondays Restaurant for Lease • very reasonable • • come have a look • call Roy 204-768-4505 DEaDliNE for advertising: Friday, November 28, 2014 by 12:00 NooN BRed Cow saLe ashern auction Mart will be holding a bred cow sale following the feeder sale on Wed., December 17, 2014 open to all Consignors *December 17th will also be the last sale of 2014 for more info call: Buddy: (204) 768-0018 Kirk: (204) 768-0019 Lic # 1128 FYI nov. 25 - eRiKsDaLe neW HoRiZons MeeTinG - 1:00 p.m. Election of Officers. DeC. 1 - asHeRn LeGion MeeTinG - 7:30 p.m., at the hall. DeC. 3 - WooL n’ neeDLes - 1:00 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church. DeC. 8 - LaKesHoRe HanDivan MeeTinG - 6:00 p.m. at RM of Siglunes office. DeC. 9 - WHiTeTaiL & WaLLeye MeeTinG - 8:00 p.m., at Spearhill Clubhouse. PRovinCiaL CouRT DaTes / LoCaTions • nov 27 - Lundar - 9:30 a.m. • Dec 9 - st. Martin - 9:30 a.m. • Dec 10 - Peguis fn - 9:30 a.m. Mon. - aLCoHoLiCs anonyMous MTGs w/al anon Participation - Eriksdale Library, 8:00 pm. FMI call 739-2710. WeD. - aLCoHoLiCs anon. MTGs - Lundar Lutheran Church Hall, 8:00 pm. FMI call 762-5146. WeD. - aL-anon MTGs - at Lundar Lutheran Church Board Room, 7:00 pm. FMI call 739-2710. WeD. - LaDies LunCH - 12:00 p.m., at the Moosehorn Hotel. Bring a friend and join us. Everyone welcome.Christmas gift exchange Wednesday December 17th. Bring a gift, pick or steal a gift. If you don't want to take part just come for the fun. Church Services mr ConstruCtion Mike: 204-768-4888 • Drywall • Taping • painTing • Doors • winDows • laminaTe Floors • Decks • rooFing • siDing • new consTrucTion • kiTchen & BaTh renovaTions RM of GRaHaMDaLe ResiDenTs The R.M. of Grahamdale is part of the West Interlake Watershed Conservation District which consists of the Municipalities of Grahamdale, Siglunes, Eriksdale, Coldwell, St. Laurent, Woodlands and Armstrong.We are currently seeking a Grahamdale ratepayer who would be interested in serving on the Lake St. Martin Sub-District Board. Deadline to apply is January 30, 2015. for more information, please contact the Municipal office at 23 Government Road, Moosehorn, Manitoba, R0C 2e0 Phone 204-768-2858 – fax 204-768-3374 or e-mail Shelly Schwitek, CMMA Chief Administrative Officer Page 2 saTuRDay, noveMBeR 29 • asHeRn HoLy CRoss PaRisH - 4:00 p.m. • J.o.y. younG PeoPLe’s GRouPs - 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.,ages 15-18., Moosehorn Baptist Church. sunDay, noveMBeR 30 • MooseHoRn BaPTisT CHuRCH - Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 am. • HiLBRe GosPeL CHaPeL - Coffee & fellowship 10:30 am. • asHeRn GosPeL CHaPeL - Morning Worship with Pastor Bill, 10:45 a.m. Sunday School starts 10:45 am. • LunDaR LuTHeRan CHuRCH - Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome. Sunday School 10:30 am. • sT. eRiK’s CaTHoLiC CHuRCH - Celebration of the Word, 10:00 a.m. • LunDaR sT. oLaf CaTHoLiC CHuRCH - Sunday Morning Mass, 8:00 am. Wednesday Rosary 4:00 p.m. • eRiKsDaLe evanGeLiCaL fRee CHuRCH - Sunday School (ages 3 - adult) 10:00am, Worship Service 11:00am • LunDaR GosPeL LiGHTHouse - Morning Service & Sunday School 11:00 a.m.,with Pastor McGillam. Youth Service Sunday Evening at 6:30 p.m. • GRaCe LuTHeRan CHuRCH - Ashern, service, 9:00 a.m. • PeaCe LuTHeRan CHuRCH - Moosehorn, service, 11:00 a.m. • asHeRn uniTeD CHuRCH - Service, First Sunday in Advent, 10:00 am. • eRiKsDaLe uniTeD CHuRCH - Service, 10:00 a.m. Seniors Corner . . . • Eriksdale New Horizon’s Whist - Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. • Eriksdale New Horizon’s Cribbage - Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. • Lundar New Horizons Club - Card games, pool & shuffleboard, Every Monday & Friday 1:00 p.m. • Eriksdale New Horizon’s Jam Session - Dec 3, 7:00 - 9:30 pm, everyone welcome! *last one until further notice. Good Neighbors Restaurant ShortShotS • PLayGRouP- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 10:00 - 11:30 AM Moosehorn Baptist Church FMI Margaret 204-768-9486. • siGLunes DisTRiCT LiBRaRy - Regular hours - Mon. 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, Wed. 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. , Fri. 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. FMI call 204-768-2048. History Books available. • asHeRn suPPoRT CenTRe HouRs are Mon. to Fri. from 8:00 am-1:00 p.m. • eRiKsDaLe PuBLiC LiBRaRy - Hours are Tuesday & Thursday from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. • seRviCe CanaDa - A Citizen Service Agent from Service Canada will be available in Ashern at Fieldstone Ventures, #61 Main St., EVERY MONDaY (except for Stat. holidays), from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, (closed for lunch from 12:00 - 12:30). • MoM n ToTs PLayGRouP - runs every 2nd Wednesday, 10:00am at the Ashern Lutheran Church and every 3rd Wednesday, 10:00am at the Eriksdale Community Centre. Contact Tess for more information 204-739-6029. • BasKeTBaLL - Ashern Central School, Wenesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 pm. • sTayinG HeaLTHy WiTH DiaBeTes - December 4 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm - Eriksdale Wellness Centre, to register or for more information call 1-877-979-9355 or - available via MB Telehealth @ St. Laurent Community Health Centre. asHeRn auCTion MaRT farm Market Report Week of nov 19 No. of Cattle: 2996 View Regular Sale online. Slaughter Cattle Prices Only 27 days until Christmas!!! Age Verified .....................120 - 137 D1 & D2 Cows ..................110 - 120 D3 & D5 Cows.................100 - 110 Good Bulls ......................140 - 162 Steer Prices 300 - 400 ............... 300 - 340 400 - 500 ............... 280 - 326 500 - 600 .............. 270 - 309 600 - 700 .............. 252 - 276 700 - 800 .............. 224 - 261 Heifer Prices 300 - 400.............. 270 - 317 400 - 500.............. 260 - 307 500 - 600 ............. 250 - 292 600 - 700.............. 240 - 266 700 - 800.............. 220 - 224 rm of grahamdalE and siglunEs Christmas ChEEr Board The RM of Grahamdale and Siglunes Christmas Cheer Board is again preparing for the Christmas season. We are appealing to the communities for donations of non-perishable food items, new toys, knit items, homemade baked goods, vegetables or donations of any kind will be greatly appreciated. If you can help in any way or need more information please call Sylvia 204-7682975. Please have all donations in by 9:00 am on December 19, 2014. Non-perishable food items and new toys are being accepted at Moosehorn and Ashern Co-ops and Ashern Shop Easy. Cash donations can be made at the Noventis Credit Union (Moosehorn or Ashern Branch). To request a hamper phone 768-2858. NOTE: The RM of Grahamdale office is the only office receiving requests. Deadline for hamper requests will be December 5, 2014. Only names registered will be considered (last year’s list will not be used). Please call to book your Christmas Party! #13 Main Street, Ashern Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Kris’ Custom Renos Kris Michaluk • Foundation & Up Construction •Interior & Exterior Painting •Roofing •Flooring •Kitchen & Bath Renos •and much more Call for a Free Estimate Ph: 204-449-2386 or 204-302-0009 leave msg Lakeshore Women’s Christmas Jewelry Sale December, 10, 2014 - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Lakeshore Women’s Resource Centre FMI call 204-768-3016 rV Boarding kennel & grooming 3 miles west of Eriksdale on PR 417 • GRooMinG • BoaRDinG • DoG & CaT fooD saLes Call Val or Rick Willetts 204-739-2642 Deb’s Jewellery will be at Ashern Legion Hall Friday, Nov 28, 2014 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Ashern Arena Happenings huge discounts! Get your watch batteries changed! • diamond engagement rings & wedding bands • diamond and gold rings • gold earrings and charms • body jewellery • new selection of scarves Cash Only • MonDays- Public Skating- 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm - Admission Free • WeDnesDays - Public Skating 3:30 pm -5:30 pm - Admission Free • WeDnesDays- Sticks & Pucks, 5:30 pm -7:30 pm - Admission Free • THuRsDay - Public Skating - 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm- Admission Free • sun. - Public Skating - 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm- when there is no hockey games around Town • week of November 26, 2014 204-768-4444 around Town • week of November 26, 2014 Page 7 The following Private Land is being offered for sale: N1⁄2 02-28-07 W SW 02-28-07 W E 1⁄2 03-28-07 W N 1⁄2 10-28-07 W SW 11-28-07 W The following Crown Lands have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Development for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the ranch unit held by Leonard Kiesman of Moosehorn, MB. W1⁄2 34-27-07W SE 35-27-07 W SE 02-28-07 W SE 11-28-07 W SW 22-28-07 W PT LS 3 & 5 If you wish to purchase the private land and apply for the Unit Transfer contact the Lessee, Leonard Kiesman at Box 215, Moosehorn, MB R0C 2E0. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this Unit Transfer write the Director, MAFRD Agriculture Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 or fax 204-867-6678. eriksdale Ph: 204-739-2110 new Winter Hours, effective Dec. 1: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed 12 -1 pm for lunch Responsibilities include: Under the direction of the Principal and/or Maintenance Supervisor, the Head Custodian shall be responsible for performing regular cleaning and maintenance of the school building, property and furnishings and minor repair of building systems responding to alarms and performing periodic inspections on the entire facility and grounds. Qualifications: • Must be physically fit • Must be capable of working from elevated platforms and ladders • Shall respect the confidentiality of students and staff • Building trade experience is an asset Plan to attend the Retirement & Herd Dispersal of approx. 180 CharX Cows & 7 Bulls for Leonard & Joanne Kiesman saturday, December 13, 2014 at 1:00 pm ashern auction Mart Cows consist of: 13 Heifers - bred easy calving Charolais bull 40 cows - coming with second calf 127 cows 3 - 9 yrs old Cows bred Charolais w/ 2 Red Simmental Bulls Bulls turned out end of May. Cows have been on a full Pfizer health program. All cows preg checked at the auction mart and age verified. Bulls consist of: 6 white Charolais and 1 Red Simmental **Gift Certificate for volume buyer** shift: Monday - Friday (8 hours per day) Split shift will be required. salary: As per collective agreement start Date: As soon as possible. A complete job description is available at Alf Cuthbert School. Please submit a resume to: Lic # 1128 for more info call: Moosehorn Friday Night BINGO Nov 28 7:00pm FULL HOUSE $2000 in 53 numbers or less Mini Toonie approx $2450+ (letter ‘T’ anyway) Ashern Curling Club Grey Cup Tickets on sale at: Chicken Chef • Just My Kind of Bakery Dodd's Siding • Ashern Country Christmas or from Curling Members • Try your skill at the “Toilet Toss” at the ashern Country Christmas this friday! • open Mixed Bonspiel feb 6-8, 2015 • Ladies’ Bonspiel March 13-15, 2015 Contact Glenda 768-2346 or Monica 768-3031 for info. Mr. Mr. Curtis Basso Director of Operations & Infrastructure Lakeshore School Division Box 100, Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0 Phone: (204) 739-2101 Fax: (204) 739-2145 email: asheRn phaRMaCy aPPLiCaTion DeaDLine: Friday, December 5, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. CST Please call us 204-768-2824 or We thank all who applied for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Lakeshore School Division may contact former employers. for more information Successful candidates must complete a Criminal Record and Child Abuse Registry check prior to commencing employment. email: N!! e P O w NO asherN pharmacy 768-2824 D N A L TOY Visit Ho! Ho! Ho! e rs All toy flywhile e effectiv last. supplies Quizmasters coming May 8th, 2015 Page 6 eMpLoyMent notiCe Lakeshore School Division is accepting applications for a permanent HeaD CusToDian at alf Cuthbert school, Moosehorn, MB commencing November 25, 2014: Farmers & ranchers Leonard: (204) 768-3288 Cell: (204) 739-3696 Buddy: (204) 768-0018 Kirk: (204) 768-0019 Lakeshore Handivan will be having a shopping trip to selkirk! Dec 11th $40/per person Leaving at 8:30 am. fMi call 204-768-2237 nEw tOYS ARRivinG ! EvERY dAY Gift Certificates Available all Year HAYBALES FOR SALE 204-732-2481(evgs) ask for Lorne Thank You and everyone of you I want to thank each my dear family and friends for the cards, gifts, flowers and well wishes, and for being there to celebrate my 90th Birthday with me. Special thanks to my children for hosting the celebration and to my grandchildren, and great grandchildren for being there, which made it a perfect day. God Bless You All and Keep Healthy! ~ Love Nettie EriksdalE activE living cEntrE WintEr PrograMMing • YOGA: Saturdays at 1:30 pm, $5 per session. FMI call Linda Lee (certified fitness constructor) 204-739-5266. • ZUMBA: Thursday’s at 5:30 pm, $12 drop in or buy a 5 pack for $50. FMI call Sabrina Windross (Certified Zumba Instructor) 204-739-8169. • ACTIVE ADULTS: Tuesdays & Fridays at 10:00 pm, $5 per class. FMI call Maggie Greig (Certified Fitness Instructor) 204-739-3523. • CIRCUIT TRAINING: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. FMI call Linda Lee (Certified Fitness Instructor) 204-739-5266. EriksdalE activE living cEntrE dEcEMbEr gift cErtificatE dEals Fitness Centre-Unit #3 (Rear Entrance) 35 Railway Ave Purchase a month membership and get 1 month free (an $80 value) $40 Buy a 3 Month Membership Gift Certificate and get 3 Months free (a $200.00 value) - $100.00 Just in Time for Christmas! For New or Renewing Customers On sale from Dec. 1st to Dec. 31st, 2014 Call ElsieAnn Hogue: 204-739-2777 or Nicole Jeffers: 204-739-3521 around Town • week of November 26, 2014 TurnED On ElECTriC Devin Kiesman Red Seal Electrician For your electrical, data, and security needs. Ph: 1-204-232-5031 or 768-3288 eMPLoyMenT oPPoRTuniTy eriksdale Community Club is accepting applications for a subcontract position for the Caretaker Position for the Eriksdale Arena. salary range is $2400 & up (monthly) depending on qualifications. approx. start date is Dec. 15th (but is weather permitted) and ends at spring thaw. For a full list of duties call Ben: 204-739-3276 applications can be mailed to Box 320 eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0. (Deadline for applications are nov.27th at noon) Lowest or any applications not necessarily accepted. PuBLiC noTiCe The R.M. of Grahamdale regular Council Meeting set for Thursday, november 27th, 2014 has been rescheduled to Thursday, December 4th, 2014. Shelly Schwitek, CMMA Chief Administrative Officer Norseman Mechanical Plumbing • Heating • Gasfitting Matthew Sveistrup Journeyman Plumber Licensed Gasfitter Commercial/Residential New construction and Renovations Geothermal/Hydronic/in floor Heat Design and Installation Professional/Reliable/Affordable argyle MB • 204-470-9526 eriksdale curliNg club’s eriksdale Community Club december 5, 6 & 7, 2014 annuaL GeneRaL MeeTinG Mixed Bonspiel Progressive Payout 3 Events! 32 Team Limit Team Entry: $150 (Includes Supper) $1000 Team Entries close Elimination Draw December 4th Entries call: Doug Kirby 204-739-2761or 204-280-0380 Lakeshore Women’s Resource Centre employment opportunity administrative assistant Part-time Term Position Until March 31,2015 The Centre is in need of a mature, responsible and organized individual who is able to work with minimum supervision. Preference will be given to applicants who are familiar with Microsoft Office, understanding of general bookkeeping , have excellent communication skills, and are capable of heavy lifting. Clear Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Registry Check required. Please submit your resume to: Lakeshore Women’s Resource Centre Box 628, Ashern, MB,R0C OEO or to: Deadline: Dec.8,2014 by 12 noon Contact Agency at 768-3016 for full job details. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted around Town • week of November 26, 2014 nov 27.2014 - 7:30 PM eriksdale Rec Centre Everyone welcome. We are hoping you will come with some fresh ideas/ suggestios. Coffee will be served. William Miller Disking Landscaping Gravel/Sand/Rock/Top Soil Snow Plowing & removal Skid Steer Service Post Hole Drilling 204-768-3072 Cell 204-768-0619 Malcolm’s Printing Ph: (204) 768•3189 Fax: (204) 768•3807 • Copy Service • Business Cards • Signs • Business Forms • Tickets • Wedding Invitations • Fax Service • Brochures• Laminating • Posters • Programs • Catalogues • Rubber & Self Inking Stamps • and much more... Email: Page 3 Page 4 . $25 Co-oP Gift Card will be Given away every hour froM 12 - 4 (must be in attendance to win) pam’s photos pictures With saNta & mrs. claus 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm (only Hardware items will be eligible for discount) also Moosehorn hardware BothFoodStores Call ahead to order your party trays & gift baskets Moosehorn 204-768-2770 ashern 204-768-2546 Featuring “Festive solutions” FERTilizER PREBUY 2015 Delivery use for 2014 tax year order Deadline: Dec 29, 2014 fMi Call Kathy around Town • week of November 26, 2014 craft tables for reNt contact dennis rawluk caNteeN lakeside 4h beef club MoosehoRn Co-op Ph: 204-768-2770 “MondayMAdness” sCRatCh n’ save Join us every Monday in december for: (excludes dairy, lotto, tobacco, liquor & Post Office) at our ashern & Moosehorn Food stores FillUptoWinatthePump openuntil7:00pm-Mon-Fri Just in time for your Christmas shopping foryourshoppingconvenience new items & gift ideas in Forallyourholidayentertaining! ...manyour hardware store! Enteryourreceipttowinyourmonday purchasebackupto$100! aLso neW: 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8” Plywood 7/16 osB & 1/2” treated plywood 2 x 4 x 8’ spruce studs pick up a hot & Juicy Rotisserie Chicken $10.49 or try our delicious wings 10 for $10.49 in a tiMe to Cook? at Moosehorn Food Store. Orders are welcome 09 10 around Town • week of November 26, 2014 05 12:45 Cards at Ashern Legion 3:30 Public Skating 04 6:30 Bingo Ashern Legion 3:30 Public Skating 6:30 Bingo Ashern Legion 2-4 Public Skating 29 12:45 Cards at Ashern Legion 28 3:30 Public Skating 6:30 Bingo Ashern Legion 2-4 Public Skating 22 12:45 Cards at Ashern Legion 21 7:00 Ashern Curling Club League Games 7:00 Basketball ACS 7:00 Middle Years Band Concert ACS 2-4 Public Skating 1:00 Come out & Curl at Moosehorn Curling Club 5:30-7:30 Sticks & Pucks 18 24 5:30-7:30 Sticks & Pucks New Year’s Eve 31 Christmas Eve 25 01 Christmas Day 6:30 Bingo Moosehorn Community Hal 02 Boxing Day 26 6:30 Bingo Moosehorn Community Hal 19 6:30 Bingo Moosehorn Community Hal 12 7:00 Talent Night ACS 05 FRI 06 SAT 03 27 Sponsored by Moosehorn Co-op If you would 1:30 Lake Manitoba Atom vs Riverton 12:00 Ashern Novice Vs Fairford 20 13 1:30 Lake Manitoba Atom vs Fariford 12:00 Ashern Novice Vs Peguis Novice 2 Afternoon curling will be on Mondays from 1-3 please contact Bill or Debbie McTavish at 204-768-2269 to register & a start date. like to add anything to the Community Calender in the following months or have any comments or concerns please contact 30 23 7:00 Alf Cuthbert School Christmas Concert 3:30 Public Skating 3:30 Public Skating 3:30 Public Skating 6:30 Bingo Ashern Legion 6:30-8:15 Karate at AYES 15 12:45 Cards at Ashern Legion 14 1:00 Come out & Curl at Moosehorn Curling Club 7:00 Ashern Curling Club League 7 pm Senior Band & Choir ACS 3:30 Public Skating 11 7:00 Ashern Curling Club League Gam 1:00 Come out & Curl at Moosehorn Curling Club 3:30 Public Skating 04 THU 2-4 Public Skating 17 10:00 Mom & Tots at Ashern Lutheran Church 7:00 Basketball ACS 16 5:30-7:30 Sticks & Pucks 3:30 Public Skating 7:00 AEYS Christmas Concert Ashern Centennial Hall 6:30-8:15 Karate at AYES 3:30 Public Skating 08 07 5:30-7:30 Sticks & Pucks 3:30 Public Skating 6:30 Bingo Ashern Legion 3:30 Public Skating 6:30 Bingo Ashern Legion 6:30-8:15 Karate at AYES 03 WED 12:45 Cards at Ashern Legion 12:45 Cards at Ashern Legion 2-4 Public Skating 02 TUE 2-4 Public Skating 01 30 MON Moosehorn Community hall saturday, december 6, 2014 11:00 am - 4:00 pm SUN funsPiel (for kids of all ages) at the Moosehorn Curling rink 12 noon fMi contact andrew bailey 204-768-2546 or Gary Corrigan 204-768-2770 2014 Moosehorn Co-oP at the hall end of the year sale! Ashern & Area December Calendar of Events DECEMBER Moosehorn’s Preview to Christmas! Page 5
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