Inside Article: 7: The Experiment Bible Study Turkeys NEEDED Support Groups + November 12, 2014 Made for More: Commitment Through sermons shared in worship services, Messenger articles, and other means, we’ve been inviting you throughout November to ponder the theme, “Made for More.” You were Made for More. I hope you own that. I hope you recognize that God made you for an abundant life, and Jesus invites you to find that abundant life in him. I hope you know that you shouldn’t settle for the times when you feel weak, but instead let the strength of the Holy Spirit fill you. I hope you know you can be more, and do more, than you allow yourself to dream or imagine. I hope you want to be equipped for more and better life in and through Christ and his Church. We were Made for More. I hope we own that. I hope we recognize that God made St. Mark’s to live out of his abundance, not our own fixation on scarcity. I hope we know that we shouldn’t dwell on our weaknesses, but instead let the strength of the Holy Spirit re-ignite this amazing body of believers. I hope we know we can be more, and do more, than we allow ourselves to dare or implement. I hope we want to be equipped to be the church in all its glory as St. Mark’s today and tomorrow, to the glory of Almighty God through his Living Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. The World was Made for More. I hope we own that. I hope we recognize that God wants all of his creation to have abundant life, and that Jesus came to give it to us all. I hope you want to join me in letting the people we can reach know they don’t have to settle for a shallow reflection of that abundant life, but that in Jesus – and His Church – there is power to see transformation anywhere and everywhere. I hope you want to see the Holy Spirit move in places that are dry and dusty, on the outside perhaps but especially on the inside. May Christ cover the earth with his glory! If you share these hopes with me, then you also know the realization of these hopes requires sacrificial love on the part of both Christ and his Church. We can’t see these hopes find tangible expression in our own lives, or in the lives of others, without serious engagement in our covenantal patterns to worship, grow, serve, and share. And now, it’s time for the Share. It’s time to make commitments to generosity in 2015. It’s time for me to know what I have to work with, in terms of financial resources, to lead St. Mark’s in its mission and ministry next year. I know what we have done. I know what God is calling us to do. I know who we can be in Jesus. How about you? I look forward to seeing part of your response as you prayerfully consider filling out a commitment card for giving in 2015, and help me know how to lead our preparations for ministry in 2015. There is a Commitment Card in the Messenger this week and next week. Cards will be available at worship, and will be sent out via mail and email over this next week. If you’re worshiping with us on November 22nd or 23rd, bring the card with you and make your commitment part of our worship that weekend. Or, feel free to turn it in, during worship or at the church office, when the time is right for you to commit. May the commitment you make be part of your worship, part of your praise, part of your joy, part of your thanks, part of our hope, part of God’s plan, part of the Kingdom Christ is forming in our very midst, using you and me. Thanks be to God, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Pastor Jon Greg Harrell Kenneth O. Agbita Jennie Bouchard-Hall Taber Bouchard-Hall Josh Drake Christinia R.Golden Paul Herrera Jason Hill Aaron Lane Courtnay Madden Matthew McMurtry Carrie Pommeranz R. J. Rahey Tyler Ryan Sean Madden Stephen Marion “The 2-29” Walter Golden III Mark Griggs Matthew Wingo Michael Weiss John Longenbaugh Robert Ed Patrick Kilroy Alton Weber James Lay Bryan Ed Spiritual Mentors If you have not already done so, finding a spiritual mentor will be a tremendous help and support as you move forward in your daily walk and spiritual growth. Your spiritual mentor should be a person who is a mature Christian, one who knows and studies the Bible, and one who understands the power of prayer. This person should care for you and desire that you grow in the Lord. The best way to find a spiritual mentor is to pray that God will bring the two of you together and to actively seek out someone in your church. Then, make a plan with that person to meet together or have regular phone chats. Plan to pray together, ask questions, and discuss biblical truths that apply to the difficulties you are facing each day. This person should be one who encourages you to study your Bible, meditate on God’s Word, and live it daily! The Bible contains many, many examples of Christians helping one another to grow in the understanding and application of faith and the Scriptures. Aquila and Priscilla were faithful followers of Christ, who were mentored by the apostle Paul. Later, Aquila and Priscilla had the opportunity to mentor a highly educated man named Apollos. A good spiritual mentor is one who is strong in areas that you are not. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him [Apollos], they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately. Acts 18:24-26 Dear Lord, lead me to a person who can help me grow in my relationship with You and who will teach me how to live a life rooted in You. Amen. Mission Kids Our midweek program for kids 1st-5th grade Wednesdays | 6:30pm Contact Joyce Yellock 915-581-4444 Lillie Harvey is looking for a roommate to share a 3 bedroom home in the Upper Valley area. For more details: 915-587-4537 Tonight | November 12th | CIA Bible Study St. Mark's 6:30pm Activities: Friday, November 21st | 6:00pm Food Truck Dinner - meeting at the food trucks on the corner of Remcon & Mesa in the parking lot of a Pay Day Loan Saturday - November 22nd | 9:00am Going to Raynold's House to deliver stuffed animals. Meet at Peggy's Home to ride together Sunday, December 7th | 2:00pm The Best Christmas Pageant Ever at the El Paso Playhouse Heaven Isn’t Boring One of the things known about heaven from the Bible is that it is not a place of inactivity. In fact, there will not be a single moment in heaven that is boring. “Our experience in heaven won’t be static; it won’t be inert,” explains Joni Eareckson Tada. “It will be active. It will be dynamic. And it should be, because we as humans are only inspired by the active and the dynamic, never the inert or static.” Dr. Erwin Lutzer says, “In heaven, first of all, we worship God. It is spontaneous worship of God. It is a worship of God that is fulfilling. It is a worship of God that does not weary us. Then, the Bible says His servants shall serve Him. We will be given assignments. I think some of the same vocations here on earth are going to be continued in heaven. I can imagine an artist continuing to do artwork. I can imagine a scientist continuing to study the universe.” Your work in heaven will be completely exciting and satisfying to you. On earth you are fortunate if your work is occasionally exciting or satisfying! Think of the opportunities for hands-on learning and intellectual growth that will be available in heaven from biblical leaders and historical figures who have died before you. Think of meeting the God of the Universe! To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. Revelation 1:5-6 I worship You, O God, my King. Blessing and honor, forever and ever, belongs to You. Amen. Utter Satisfaction “Heaven is going to be real,” says Dr. Joseph Stowell. “It’s not like we end up being clouds of mystical dust wafting through the universe. We’re going to be real people, really reacting with a real God and His Son Jesus Christ.” "The heartbeat of heaven is going to be the fullness of unlimited satisfaction and joy in the presence of my Lord forever and ever and ever. Think about the most satisfying experience you’ve ever had in life, the most joyous, most fulfilling moment you’ve ever had in life. Heaven will be that moment multiplied by a thousand times forever, no end.” In the Bible, Paul knew that to be in heaven with Christ would be “better by far” than to remain on this earth. Paul longed to be in the joyful presence of God, but he understood that God wanted him to continue His work on earth first. Paul’s desire on earth was to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to as many people as he could. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me. Philippians 1:22-26 Heavenly God, life with You in heaven would be better by far, but for now I will continue Your work here on earth. Amen. Exploring Eternal Life I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1:18-19 So many people do not take the time or make an effort to discover the truth about Jesus Christ and God’s plan for eternity. Our prayer is that you take the time to read God’s Word, to pray, and to learn more about Him. Do not believe all you hear. Find out the truth for yourself. The Bible has much to say about Jesus, eternity, heaven, death, and abundant life. Dr. Erwin Lutzer says, “Christ is the only one who can forgive you, declare you to be righteous, scoop you up out of the pit of sin, and place you right before the throne of God.” The key to eternal life, Jesus, is You. Help me to learn more and to back up my beliefs with facts. Amen. Weekend Services Saturday 5:32pm Evening Contemporary Worship Sunday – Love Road Campus 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am Senior High Youth Sundays 10am Walker Annex, room 3 Class: Proverbs, verse by verse Tuesdays 5:45pm Youth Group Word & Table Praise & Worship Traditional Worship Praise & Worship Sunday – Grace Campus 9:00am Traditional Worship Our Pastoral Staff Rev. Jon Moore, Sr. Pastor Rev. Tina Cross, Associate Pastor Rev. Matt Bridges, Associate Pastor Mid-High Youth Sundays - 11am - Walker Annex, room 3 Class: Student Life, James Sundays - 12:30pm Walker Annex Quick Reference List Church Office: Wednesday, November 12 5:45pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm Dinner at the church Courageous- Men’s Bible study - Perales 18 to 24 Young Adults Group CIA Singles Say What? Mission Kids Thursday, November 13 10:00am Women’s Bible Study – Owen 11:30am Men’s Bible Study at Great American Steakburger 6:30pm Men’s Bible Study Friday, November 14 6:30pm Women’s Unleashing Faith 7:00pm Narcotics Anonymous Saturday, November 15 9:00am Mexico Missions to Casa De Vida Y Paz 5:32pm Saturday Worship Service Sunday, November 16 Nursery is always available during worship. 8:00am Word & Table Worship Service 9:00am Traditional Worship Service on Grace Campus 9:00am Praise & Worship Service 9:00am Kid’s Church 9:00am Agape Class 9:00am Followers Class 9:00am Differently Abled 10:00am Traditional Worship Service 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Praise & Worship Service 12:30pm Mid High Youth Group Monday, November 17 10:00am Readers Book Chat 5:30pm Connect 3 6:00pm Open Gym Tuesday, November 18 2:00pm Bible Study-Grace by Max Lucado-Grace campus 5:45pm Dinner at the church 5:45pm Senior High Youth 6:30pm Divorce Care 6:30pm Grief Share 6:30pm Cancer Care 6:30pm Bible Study - Rash phone: 581-4444 fax: 581-1866 web: Pastors’ Assistant Nancy Watters Children and Family Ministries Director Joyce Yellock Preschool Programming Administrator Norma Covington Youth Director Jachin Ford Congregational Care Director Frances Gonzalez Congregational Care Office Manager Elena Flores Office Assistant Susangail Roberts Communications Director Terrence D. Johnson Operations Manager Arlene Cooper Maintenance Scott Spidel St.Mark’s Early Education Office: 581-2186 St.Mark’s School Office: 581-2032 web: Rehearsals Jazz Unlimited Tues., Nov. 18 6:30pm Getting Down To Business Full Staff Meeting Worship Planning Tues., November 18 9:00am Tues., November 18 11:30am Month of November: Green Team cooks Leader: Frances Gonzalez For More Information: Frances Gonzales 915-581-4444 or Messenger is published weekly by St. Mark’s UMC, 5005 Love Road, El Paso 79922 Issue 11/2, November 12, 2014 Editor: T. Johnson Deadline for articles: Monday morning
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