DriLyner Drywall masonry lining systems book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:23 Page 224 DriLyner DriLyner systems provide simple and effective techniques for fixing Gyproc plasterboards or Gyproc thermal laminates to brick, block, and concrete walls. They can be used in all building types in both new-build and refurbishment work. The DriLyner MF system facilitates the fixing of Gyproc plasterboards or thermal laminates to lightweight MF10 metal furring channels, which are bonded to masonry wall surfaces using Gyproc Compound. When using the DriLyner MF system, care must be taken with solid in-situ walls, solid concrete panel walls, heavy block, or no-fines walls, as thermal bridging may occur which could result in screwhead pattern staining. DriLyner BASIC, DriLyner TL, and DriLyner MF systems all use the principle of gypsum adhesive dabs to bond boards directly to the wall. Secondary mechanical fixings are required when installing laminates. The DriLyner RF system provides a method of fixing boards directly to solid walls, including directly to plastered walls in a refurbishment situation, using blobs of Gyproc Sealant. The DriLyner RF system should only be used on suitably pretreated dry, sound, plastered wall surfaces, or fair-faced concrete, brick, or block walls, without major irregularities. DriLyner BASIC - dry lining using Gyproc Wallboard, Gyproc DuraLine or Gyproc Moisture Resistant. DriLyner TL - dry lining using Gyproc Thermal laminates. All DriLyner systems provide a low maintenance, low thermal capacity lining which responds quickly to heating and provides early room comfort conditions. The linings are quick to install with minimum drying time. Services can be incorporated with minimum chasing. 1 2 Note: If Gyproc WallBoard Duplex is to be installed using a DriLyner method, it should only be fixed in the DriLyner MF system. Key facts 3 1 DriLyner BASIC system, DriLyner TL 2 DriLyner RF system 3 DriLyner MF system ● Choice of framing sizes to suit range of performance requirements ● Comfortable room temperatures are quickly achieved ● Services incorporated with minimum chasing ● Suitable for use in both new build and refurbishment work 224 ✔ ✔ Resid e High ntial Rise Resid e Apar ntial tmen ts Resid e Hous ntial ing ✔ Enter tainm ent ✔ Custo dial ✔ Audit oria Indus trial ✔ Healt hcare ✔ Educ ation Retail ✔ Sport & Leis ure Comm ercial 5.2 Offic es Sector Guide book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:23 Page 225 E enquiries@gyproc.ie DriLyner F 00353 1 623 7054 COMPONENTS Gyproc board products Gyproc WallBoard1 Thickness Width Gyproc Skimcoat, Gyproc Carlite Finish or Gyproc Board Finish To provide a plaster skim finish. 9.5, 12.5, 15mm 1200mm Gyproc WallBoard duplex Thickness 9.5, 12.5, 15mm Width 1200mm Gyproc DuraLine1 Thickness Width 13.5, 15mm 1200mm Gyproc jointing materials For a seamless finish. Drywall masonry lining systems T 00353 1 629 8400 Health and Safety Safety Data Sheets for all Gypsum Industries’ products are available to download from our website: www.gypsum.ie, or via the Technical Sales Department. Gyproc Thermal laminate Thickness 29, 38, 50mm Width 1200mm 1 Moisture resistant boards should be specified for intermittent wet use areas e.g. shower areas, bathrooms and kitchens. Gypframe metal products Gypframe MF10 Channel Gypframe G106 Skirting Plate To provide a fixing for skirtings over Gyproc Thermal Laminate Board. Fixing and finishing products Gyproc Compound For dab fixing in the DriLyner basic, TL and MF systems. 25kg bags. Gyproc Nailable Plugs Diameter Length 6mm 60, 80, 100mm Gyproc Sealant Used as an adhesive in DriLyner RF and DriLyner MF when fixing thermal laminates, and for sealing small air gaps and option for fixing skirting boards. 5.2 225 book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:23 Page 226 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW - DriLyner BASIC and TL systems Setting out lines are marked on the floor and ceiling allowing for high spots, a 10mm drylining cavity and the thickness of board. The wall is marked with lines at 900mm or 1200mm centres to indicate board positioning. A continuous fillet / ribbon of Gyproc Compound is applied to the wall perimeter and around services and openings as board fixing proceeds. Drylining is commenced from a window/door reveal or internal angle and adhesive dabs applied in three or four rows (as appropriate) to receive the first board, together with intermediate dabs at ceiling level and a continuous band of adhesive at skirting level. The boards are positioned with the bottom edge resting on plasterboard packing strips. Boards are ‘tapped’ into position, lifted tight to the ceiling using a footlifter and supported until the adhesive sets. Further boards are installed, lightly butted together, to complete the lining. When installing Gyproc ThermaLine laminates in the TL system, two Gyproc Nailable Plugs are inserted per board (after the dabs have set) as secondary mechanical fixings, normally located within the tapered edges so that they are concealed when the system is finished, at mid height. The fitting of Gypframe Skirting Plates over the bottom edge of boards during installation provides a ground for subsequent skirting fixing. INSTALLATION OVERVIEW - DriLyner RF system The wall is marked with lines at 900mm or 1200mm centres to indicate boardpositioning. Drylining is commenced from a window / door reveal or internal angle. Gyproc Sealant is gun-applied to the wall in blobs at 300mm centres. 5.2 226 Boards are positioned against the sealant, with the bottom edge resting on plasterboard packing strips. Boards are ‘tapped’ into position, lifted tight to the ceiling using a footlifter and supported until the sealant hardens. Further boards are installed, lightly butted together, to complete the lining. Two Gyproc Nailable Plugs are inserted per board (after the sealant has hardened) as secondary mechanical fixings, normally located within the tapered edges so that they are concealed when the system is finished, at mid height for Gyproc ThermaLine laminates. General purpose metal stud partition system GypWall™ DriLyner Drywall masonry lining systems www.gyproc.ie book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:23 Page 227 E enquiries@gyproc.ie DriLyner F 00353 1 623 7054 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW - DriLyner MF system Setting out lines are marked on the floor and ceiling allowing for high spots, a 20mm dry lining cavity and the thickness of board. The wall is marked with lines at 600mm centres to indicate Gypframe MF10 Channel positioning. A continuous fillet / ribbon of Gyproc Compound is applied to the wall perimeter and around services and openings as board fixing proceeds. Dabs of Gyproc Compound are applied progressively to the wall to each vertical line. Gypframe MF10 Channels are located onto the adhesive dabs and ‘tapped’ into position. Further vertical Gypframe MF10 Channels are adhesive fixed to complete the run of wall. Horizontal channels are similarly located at the head and base. Board fixing can proceed once the adhesive has fully set. Drywall masonry lining systems General purpose metal stud partition system GypWall™ T 00353 1 629 8400 At angles and reveals, Gypframe MF10 Channels are installed close to the corner to provide support. Door and window openings are framed with Gypframe MF10 Channels. At window openings, the channel at the head forms a ground for fixing curtain track. Where a partition abuts, an additional Gypframe MF10 Channel is installed to provide a fixing ground. When installing Gyproc ThermaLine laminates, a continuous bead of Gyproc Sealant is gun-applied to the Gypframe MF10 Channels just prior to positioning and screw fixing the boards. Boards are positioned with the back against the Gypframe MF10 Channels and bottom edge resting on plasterboard packing strips and lifted tight to the ceiling using a footlifter. Addtional packing strips are inserted at the base to wedge the board in place. Boards are screw-fixed to all Gypframe MF10 Channel supports. For full installation details, refer to the Installation Guide at www.gypsum.ie 5.2 227 book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:23 Page 228 DriLyner Drywall masonry lining systems www.gyproc.ie PERFORMANCE Environmental DriLyner systems are unsuitable for use in areas subject to continuously damp or humid conditions. Plasterboards are not suitable for use in temperatures above 49ºC, but can be subjected to freezing conditions without risk of damage. Please refer to section 5.1 - Introduction for general considerations. Fire protection For reaction to fire classifications for Gyproc and Glasroc boards please refer to Section 2.1 . DriLyner TL, RF and MF systems incorporate mechanical fixings, which, when Gyproc thermal laminates are used, extend the fire protection afforded by the plasterboard to the insulating material. Sound insulation Airtightness is essential for optimum sound insulation. Whilst most junctions will be sealed by standard jointing materials, gaps at the base of the wall and other small airpaths can be sealed using Gyproc Sealant. Thermal properties Gyproc linings are relatively lightweight and have a low thermal capacity. In conditions of intermittent heating, they will warm up quickly, providing early comfort conditions for the occupants, and will help reduce the risk of harmful surface condensation. 5.2 228 Condensation and water vapour resistance Gyproc WallBoard Duplex offers significant resistance to water vapour transmission. The application of two coats of Gyproc Drywall Sealer to Gyproc WallBoard, Moisture Resistant or Gyproc Thermal after installation and jointing provides a water vapour resistance of at least 15MNs/g. Please refer to section 5.1 - Introduction, CONDENSATION CONTROL. The use of Gyproc WallBoard Duplex or plasterboards supplemented with a vapour control layer treatment such as two coats of Gyproc Drywall Sealer, considerably reduces the risk of interstitial condensation. Drying out It is important, particularly in new buildings, that external walls are properly dried out before a vapour control layer is provided. Otherwise moisture may be trapped which will impair the performance of the construction. book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:23 Page 229 E enquiries@gyproc.ie DriLyner F 00353 1 623 7054 DESIGN Please refer to section 5.1 - Introduction for general considerations. Planning - key factors In general, an allowance of the total board thickness plus 3mm for DriLyner RF, 10mm for DriLyner BASIC and TL and 20mm for DriLyner MF, should be made from the face of the background to the face of the plasterboard lining. This will determine the lining dimension required at door and window reveals and soffits. If the background is badly out of line a greater allowance may be necessary. Ceilings should be installed prior to the application of DriLyner linings, ensuring that the boards are cut close to the wall. Any partitions abutting the inner leaf of the external wall should also be installed prior to dry lining. Cavity barriers Building Regulations may require the provision of vertical cavity barriers to long runs of lining. A suitable cavity barrier can be formed using a continuous vertical line of dabs running down the centre of a board. Thermal performance Uncontrolled air movement through the drylining cavity can result in excessive heat loss from the building. A closed cavity between the lining and the background is achieved in practice if the abutting elements and the background are well fitted, and junctions are sealed. When the perimeter of the cavity is to be sealed by the drylining contractor, the recommended method is to apply a continuous fillet of Gyproc Compound or Gyproc Sealant to the perimeter of the external wall and around any openings. The designer should also specify a method of restricting air movement around the perimeter of suspended timber floors, such as the provision of a flexible seal between the floor and walls. Integrity of construction and integrity of lining are unlikely to be issues with existing walls, therefore the foregoing design precautions are unlikely to be required with the DriLyner RF system. For further guidance, please refer to section 5.1 - Introduction, Integrity of linings. Window and door reveals When using the DriLyner MF system, if Gyproc WallBoard or Gyproc thermal laminates are being used, the reveals may be lined with narrow widths of board directly bonded to the background with Gyproc Compound. Where it is necessary to continue the DriLyner MF system throughout the reveal, i.e. when fixing Duplex grade boards, channels should be fixed as near as possible to both the external angle and the frame. Drywall masonry lining systems T 00353 1 629 8400 If thermal laminates are to be installed and the dimensions of the frame prevent the same thickness of thermal laminate being used in the reveal, a thinner laminate or Gyproc WallBoard can be used, providing the requirements for insulation around openings is observed. Backgrounds DriLyner linings should only be installed to backgrounds that are dry and protected from the weather. In DriLyner BASIC, DriLyner TL, and DriLyner MF systems, linings can be fixed directly to low and medium suction masonry, as well as pre-cast and in-situ normal ballast concrete, using Gyproc Compound. Concrete backgrounds should be pre-treated with ThistleBond-It in accordance with section 1.6 applied in bands to correspond with the adhesive dab centres. In the DriLyner RF system, linings can be fixed directly to suitably pretreated plastered wall surfaces, or suitable level, solid backgrounds of brick, block, or fair-faced concrete, using Gyproc Sealant. Variations in moisture content of the background will lead to differences in its suction characteristics. When these are extreme, either with slow drying conditions, or dry, hot conditions, care must be taken. If wet, allow the backgrounds to dry out. In dry, hot conditions, care should be taken to avoid rapid loss of moisture prior to the set of the adhesive. When a considerable quantity of moisture may be present in the building, due to the condition of the building fabric or to prolonged damp weather, consideration should be given to the use of dehumidifiers or appropriate heating and ventilation to speed the drying-out process. Installation of the lining before the building is adequately dry may have an adverse effect on both the building and the lining itself. 5.2 229 book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:23 Page 230 DriLyner Drywall masonry lining systems www.gyproc.ie When installing DriLyner linings to composite wall structures consisting of concrete columns with infills of brick or block, dabs of adhesive should not be located on the columns but only on the brick or block infill areas. This may reduce the likelihood of cracking of the finished lining as a result of differential movement from the background. Adhesive Dab location Dabs should be applied in a regular pattern in accordance with BS 8212: 1995 and BS 8000: Part 8: 1994 to give a minimum area of contact between board and background of 20%. Cavity barriers, where required, can be formed with continuous dabs. Services The cavity between the linings and the background can be used to incorporate services. This minimises the depth of chasing required in the background. Pipes and conduits should be fixed in position before lining work commences. To maintain an airtight construction the perimeter of any penetration through the lining should be sealed as necessary at the time the services are being installed. Board finishing Please refer to section 1.5 - Finishing Coat Plasters, section 2.2 - Jointing and section 2.5 - Decorative effects. Estimating The estimated construction times (ready for finishing) are as follows : DriLyner DriLyner DriLyner DriLyner system TL system MF system RF system BASIC 7m2 / hour 6m2 / hour 5m2 / hour 11 - 12m2 / hour GYPROC COMPOUND The insulating backing of the laminates should not be chased to accommodate services. PVC covered cables must not come into direct contact with polystyrene insulation. Suitable isolation methods such as conduit or capping should be used. All services should be installed in accordance with all available standards, guidelines and recommendations. Fixtures Lightweight fixtures can be made directly to the lining. For other fixtures, the fixing device used should be long enough to give adequate penetration into the solid wall. Ceramic tiling Tiles up to 12.5mm thick with a maximum weight of 32kg/m2, can be applied to the lining using thin-bed adhesives (usually 3mm thick). Please refer to section 2.3 - Ceramic tiling. In wet-use areas Gyproc Moisture Resistant should be used or two coats of Gyproc Drywall Sealer should be applied to the surface of the lining to protect the boards against moisture. Wall linings should be left to stand for at least 7 days before tiling commences. Additional fixing provisions will be required during installation. 5.2 230 Gyproc Compound should be mixed to a thick consistency using clean water. The application of Gyproc Compound to frozen backgrounds must be avoided. The compound is not suitable for use where the temperature exceeds 43ºC. Approximate coverage, based on 10mm stand-off from the wall: DriLyner BASIC - 400kg/100m2 DriLyner TL - 380kg/100m2 book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:24 Page 231 E enquiries@gyproc.ie DriLyner F 00353 1 623 7054 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DRILYNER SYSTEMS - BASIC AND TL (BASIC SYSTEM ILLUSTRATED) Fig 1 - Wall elevation – Gyproc WallBoard, 12.5mm thick, 1200mm wide Drywall masonry lining systems T 00353 1 629 8400 B B C C D D A A Fig 2 - Section A - A Fig 3 - Section B - B Fig 4 - Section C - C Fig 5 - Section D - D - window reveal using WallBoard Proprietary cavity barrier 5.2 231 book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:24 Page 232 DriLyner Drywall masonry lining systems www.gyproc.ie 5.2 232 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS - continued DRILYNER SYSTEMS - BASIC AND TL (BASIC SYSTEM ILLUSTRATED) Fig 6 - External angle Fig 7a - Partition at right angles to wall lining standard detail Fig 7b - Partition at right angles to wall lining detail when acoustic performance is a key consideration helps to reduce flanking transmission Fig 8 - Door frame Fig 9 - Ceiling-to-roof junction book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:24 Page 233 E enquiries@gyproc.ie DriLyner F 00353 1 623 7054 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS continued DRILYNER TL SYSTEM - ADDITIONAL DETAILING Fig 10 - Skirting Fixing Drywall masonry lining systems T 00353 1 629 8400 DRILYNER MF SYSTEM Fig 11 - Wall elevation - Gyproc WallBoard, 12.5mm thick, 1200 wide Fig 12 - Internal angle Fig 13 - External angle 5.2 233 book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:24 Page 234 DriLyner Drywall masonry lining systems www.gyproc.ie CONSTRUCTION DETAILS - continued DRILYNER MF SYSTEM - CONTINUED Fig 14 - Door frame Fig 15a - Partition at right angles to wall lining standard detail Fixing length should be selected to avoid contact with block DRILYNER MF SYSTEM USING THERMAL LAMINATES Fig 16 - Junction with metal stud partition 5.2 234 Fig 15b - Partition at right angles to wall lining detail when acoustic performance is a key consideration helps to reduce flanking transmission book 5_jan10:b01 Introduction v1.qxd 15/04/2010 17:24 Page 235 E enquiries@gyproc.ie DriLyner F 00353 1 623 7054 Drywall masonry lining systems T 00353 1 629 8400 5.2 235
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