THE MESSENGER — FIRST SECTION Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maloney, Genesee St., entertained at a dinner party Sunday evening. Their 9 Hamilton Kd., spent a few days mm r L ,r r«- ii m ^ guests were Mr. and Mrs.-Eugene -after Christmas-in Qneonta with Mrs. John Van Tassell of E.. Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. P. Maloney. New Year's Genesee St. was a Saturday after- Stanley Minnoe and children and Eve they spent at the Elks Club noon caller on-her sister-in-law, • Mr. and Mrs. James Jx>wery. J in Malone. They were the guests M r r Mr » k-.IrWa« Drabel aDd s - Walter Barrett and chil-l° f M r - ano> Mrs. Leon Disatelle. of Phillips M. , d r e n 2 6 A r t i H e r > . L a n e spent t h e \ They also were present for the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van | week following Christmas with s< w i n t ^ r sports carnival at Lake The. annual meeting of Plainville Christian Church will be Aman of E. Genesee entertained i her mother, Mrs. Iona Harti i n ! P l a c i d h e l d Saturday a t 2 p j t u a t the- Parish Hall beginning with a New Y e a r ' s ^ e a t a-caTdpartyrp'aiBanar~lYrr'and Mrs. Barrett r Those present ware Mr. and Mrs. | were the New Year's Eve guests RUDOLPH'S picnic supper.-'•Those attending_are asked to bring table serV.l-Howard Drabel and son, John, • 0 f Mr. and "Mrs. Carl Nielsen. ' BEAUTY SALON vice for their family. Coffee will be furnished. A .business and Willet Van Tassell. Ruth Ann. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter £ornelv. 13 Patty and Dicky Doran of North Smallwood St., attended aTipliday e Baldwinsvllle Shopping meeting will follow at 8 p.m. with reports from all depart - Center — NE 5-9341 Syracuse were weekend guests of I party Friday evening at the home ments.—- ••- e Van Amans of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aidune in! • Opposite Seneca Knolls Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drabel Fairmount. New Year's Eve, they Shopping Center — NE 5-9441 Plainville Women's Fellowship CARRUTHERS IS and sen, John, of Phillips St. en- were hosts at a party. Their] will hold an all-day meeting at the CHIEF ENGINEER tertained Sunday at a family din- guests were Mr and Mrs. Everett home of Mrs. Maynard Bratt at Xf////////t/fit//ti/r/t/i/rf/rir/^ ner. Those present were Willet Holt. Mr. and Mrs. John Mace, Mr. b 10 a.m. Wednesday.. Come with • William G. Carruthere, formVan Tassell, Mrs. Anna Drabel, apd Mrs. Don Snyder, Mr. and|^ sandwiches for noon luncheon erly of 125 Henderson Blvd., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Aman Mrs. Bill Pettus, Mr. and Mrs. ^ and equipment for sewing. A de- Seneca Knolls, has been named and Patty, Ruth Ann and Dicky John Merritt and Mr. and Mrs KV toejfendcojt votional meeting led by Mrs. D. chief engineer of V Doran. U. Flatt will begin at 2 p.m., fol- ductor Division" of Saratoga InSteven Evans. —Robert -Fielding—of--Flushingr EVENING-GUESTS lowed by the regular monthly dustries, as of Jan. 1. r. I., returned to his home SunMr.-fHrrutaere, Ms wife and business meeting.' :snmtal offerMr. and Mrs. Irvin Heron and|^ day after spending the week with ing will be taken. Notice has their two children, Richard and Miss Sally Heron, 68 E Genesee;^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Aman Narine, recently moved from - been received that the project for St., were New Year's Eve guests !$; of E. Genesee St. this meeting will be making dress- Seneca Knolls to Broadalbin of Mr. and Mrs. William Patchett I ^ RECENT CALLERS ings for the Cancer Committee in where Mr. Carruthere assumed jmd fiimil v i^ yufd-of-f - galdwrnsviTld. Any woman io-tha his new position and Mis. Ralph" Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Collins, i^ Mildred Ave. called on Mr. and -eemmuatty.i.wlKK would like to Tell us your~prlce The Carruthere family spent Mrs. Sheldon Ford of Phoenix last Artillery Lane, were the guests^ help will be' welcome. the Christmas weekend at the New Year's Eve of Mr. and Mrs.!^ class . . . week Thursday. "..-_Mrs. Allen Patchett of W. River home of his parents, Mr. and _£_ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, Paul MiUfr. Rd. wlU open her "home Wednes- Mrs. JohiwG. Mlllis of Palermo. TVFHsuppIy the Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Johnson,is Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johhson^Mr. day, Jan 18, for an all day meetW. Gonefeoo St., were hosts for a.>— and Mrs. Huwaid Doran, Mr. and I , _ • ing. ~ Bring?-hmch and—sewing car »r's Eve party.—They—iiuT Mrs. Ralph Parry and Mr. and equipment. Mrs. B. F. Hulbert of Fenner Mrs. .Maynard Bratt were New vited as their guests Mr. and Mrs." ^ BALDWINSYILLE CAN boast of having had one of t h e i i r s t house trailers which are so -T1ie-Women*s~AuxIirary to theiRd. entertained_ b#r grandchil in Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrington, Mr. and Mrs DRIVE IN TODAY ! $ * M r R p r k ' The photo, from the collection of Mark Plainville Fire Company monthly dren. Jimmy. Frankie. Steven t popular today, This one beTongprl RoberrBrown, Mr. amTMrs. Ralph" Alan Bratt. meeting was postponed until a lat- Linda and Cynthia, overnight Sat Chapman, is dated May 19, 1898. Mn^nHM.s KnlwrLKrouse^ofc^wlev^^nd^In^Stanley-Min- ^ T T B T f f t I I A T A R A -ufdav^—Qn-Sunday the children's er date duo to holiday; weVc Friday evening | noe, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cole.Mr. ^ V f l L Q M O T O R S Liverpool parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin HulEVENING CLUB •;uests of Mr. • and Mrs.- -Ralph-t-and—Mrs. .Tamps T,owerv. Mrs. snooting.— bert. joined them for New Year's Mrs. Floyd Wood will entertain | Doris Johnson and Mrs. Agnes Dodg« if D«rt * L»nc«r nday — 10 a.m., Sunday ^ord of Mildred Ave. I the' Evening Club for the regular Day dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dunbar of,Gaylord SchooTT l i a.m., woflliTp service. if Dodge Trvcb —-monthly- meeting^Thursdayr-JanTJ—Broce^tebTnns. son ofMr.^andj Hunter Dr. entertained 15 guests, Janis Mayfield, daughter of Mr. !7:45 pjn., evening service. Mrs. Nile Stebbins, was ill and out j OPEN EVENINGS^ Wednesday — 7:45 p.m., pray. New Year's Day at a colored T.V. • and Mrs. George Mayfield, S. Ivy s H O 8-6201 12, at 8 p-m. F i r e l o f school earlier this week. > 754 Sfif. ftlr B W . Like! an «r^ oirtv and buffet lunch. They I Tr.. spent part of her holidays in Pi > ' er service. 1 "»PH n's i fflffrtirw. viewed the Tournament of Roses Buffalo with her aunt and uncle, House, is. .to be held Monday due ~^Tf~Tinrt--MTir- Harnlri C r x m ^ d parade from Pasadena, Calif. | « r . and Mrs. H R. Mayfield. MonPLAINVILLE CHRISTIAN to the regular meeting night fall- erick Rd., were hosfs on MondayT for a famiiy Nfew Year's dinner. J .FIRST - • -^Mi^and Mrs. E l m e r , B a a b e ^ £ i ^ i ^ < M ^ B i I j ^ ^ J I r f e M y i ing on New Year's holiday. Rev. Dr. Paul deMeurers ; with Mrs. Charles Oixutt Rev. James R. Boston North St. entertained Donald . field e n t w i n e d for dinner Mr.: Rev^D. Cecil Flatt, who is sup- Their guests were Mr. Crego's two j Today (Thursday) — 7:30 p.m., Harrie St.; May with Mrs. Herbert plying - at the . Congregational, brothers and a, sister, Mr. and ' Pastor Beebe and children for New rf»f-M*^-H'-^>W-ynn^J^-andChurch in Savannah,-was unable Mrs. Howard Crego of Syracuse, Senior Choir-rehearsal.— f " ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ V * ^ .Saturday ..— * 2:30 p.m.. Choir Year's Day dinner. ^TsimJor TRIP ! to make the trip Sunday due to Mrrand Mrs. J. Bowman Crego of „ . _ ... ~. . , ' ber with Miss Elizabeth Walter, 15- rehearsal. 7 p.m., annual church David Bell of E. Oneida St. = the heavy snowfall E. Sorxell Hill Rri^ and Mr. and School; Sundaygraded - 9:45 a.m., t.;-November Mrs. m e e U n g called by' the Official has returned to Colgate Universchool withChurch class-',( DChester Tappanwith St. Road; o w n e r SSaegar" Loren A. Trabert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reed, Plain-,Mrs. J. Wallace Dow of Van Bures for all ages; nursery provided., December at the Center at l:15! B o a r d > t o b e held at the Parish sity after spending the holidays 31 Battery Ter., enjoyed skiing at _ r ville-Baldwinsville Rd., were din- en Rd. Hall -beginning-With a plcnlc snp TvTth his parents, Rev. and Mrs: Greek Point, Monday. Norman _andT' Mrs. Glenn. Sppnen- 11 a.m., morning worship; Guest P-m. ner guests Sunday at the home of ger. Those attending are asked Trabert returned to Cornell UniWednesday •— 1:15 p.m., June to bring table service for their William. Bell. Rev. and Mrs. D. Cecil Flatt. bergh, who were Christmas holi speaker will be Rev. Donald' S. versity, Tuesday. ~^ RECENT GAME and Monday night dinner guests at day guests of the latter's sister, Deer. -Rev. and Mrs. Deer were Circle with Mrs. Leslie Nostrant, family. Coffee will be furnished. Saturday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pirong of rl Walnut St. 8 p.m.. Christian the Flatt home were their son!Mrs. Harry"Bitz and family, left missionaries in the Belgian. Con- Education r n ° i f t A p rt \ A business meeting will follow_al JCappan St. ..._e_niqyeda Syracuse at t Mr. and Mrs. George*TrojanowskK g . . . ,reports „ „ „ _ * _ fr< r ™ , - , o i l H o . X Tatinnals - » i « ^ « l o „vc n«r4r%n. n o m a o t the t h o Oswego SL, were Mr. and Mrs. and daughter-in-law, Mr\ and Mrs. last Thursday to return to their go. Bngtnn- game-at _with 7:30- pjiw-first_session oLggtudy,—^ C O m m U i e t t d l m e „8 p.m. cTiraghTerrChT^Tiomerin WrlghTsTown, N;War Memorial recently. partments. Eric Reuter of Liverpool and Mr. School of Missions; Rev. Donald i dy, of Baldwinsville Emma Heron and Mrs. Van and Mrs. Earl Scott and daughter. Sunday — 10:30 a.m., morning Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dettbarn GR.\CE EPISCOPAL CHURCH S. Deer, speaker. The Misses Helen and Mildred and children, Albert III, Robert y o r s h i p <;prvi^p_ac Rev. Gcorge-B—Dawson Jullt t o y o u r p l a n t Vourhees and their brother, Her- and Sus?n. wh" wexe^&iias K*"tliy paiitur, children's seiuiunette. with Mr. and Mrc. Goorge How' party given—by Mr.—and Mrs.; and 10 -* (Thursday) »- • • — - - - J / .— 6- ~— " i n . j n a.m., Sunday School with ard and Mrs. Freeman Craver. hort^nf Gatp«f.Rd , Antnrfninr^ f n r day through New Year's of their Conference will meet at Fellow-1 Today and specifications Thomas Watts, Ridge Rd., were ] ^w Year's family dinner, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bitz, ship Hall. 7:30 p.m., trustees ; *m-: H o l y Communion. 7 p.m.,|classes Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Brown, Mr. and for all ages including ad Choir. 8 p.m., Senior. un or cn0wmoKmQR^i sister, Mrs. Irene Hotaling, and a Jack's Reef Rd., and Mrs. Albert meeting at the home of Roy Ch;* ! ults; Maynard Bratt, superintend' and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wkl- Mrv Keith Fish, MP and Mcs, brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Iifwiham's'r "i^'n^Z^'inf't iiiin Qrhflmpanph 40 Cantnn St fi] °."va . •eftfcteT-T5imson were guests of Mr^ John Tulloch and Mr. and Mrs: ALL TYPES OF 8 p.m., Adult Confir» Wednesday — 10 a.m^ Women's Mrs. Clifford Voorhees. Another day for their home in Emporium, p.m., Philathea Class monthly) Friday amrMrsT-Alan Bratt and children Robert Gates. meeting in the Church House;' mation rehearsal. sister, Mrs. Vera Frick of Brewer- Pa. Fellowship meeting at the home last week Wednesday evening. Mrs. Janet Sampson of Wor- KITCHEN REMODELING .- -Hostesses, .Esther-Beebe- and Lela Sunday — 8 a.m.. Holy Com- of Mrs Maynard Bratt. Come Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wanner of cester, Mass., spent Christmas with " tonthe^omable ^ b e p r e s e a t - d u e 4 : Mrs. Tr5flirStetJB!Bs--inHr Mrs Dewey. end munion. 10:30 a m ^ o n f i r m a t m n U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ f o , - noon luncheon Cleveland were .qyexulght- guests]_her--son-and-family, Mr..and Mrs. Nile Stebbins and daughter, ^and sermonr—li^O-am., Conflr^Hd" equipment for sewing. A deINJVERNON of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ford Sat Thomas Sampson, 27 Curtis Ave. MODERNIZATION Betsy, were Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Voorhees callers at. the home of Mr. and FIRST METHODIST CHURCH motion and sermon. 7 p.m., Eve- votional meeting, led by Mrs. D. urday. DINNER GUESTS, Rev. Stanley C Robinson nmg Prayer and E.Y.C. . oT-Seneca Gardens drove to Ver- Mrs. Ivan Reddout on Babcock c . Flatt wil, b e £ i n at 2 p m fol. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ney were Guests for dinner Monday of Pastornon last week Thursday where Rd. Monday — 6:45 p.m., acolyte I lowed by the regular monthly Sunday night guests of his sister Mr. and Mrs. John A. Polech and J if Free Estimates it Rev. WillianvR. Emblidge Jr. they called on Mr. and Mrs. Jerry meeting business meeting.- Annual nffeji- and brother-in-law, Mr. and "Mrs: family. 8 Ridge Rd.. were Miss Dinner guests on Monday of Minister of Education Olmsted. 8:15 a^n., release^ Ing .will be taken. Sewing project Robert Tarnow of Curtis Ave. Tuesday Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Bratt and Robin Meade, Jack Everts of BufToday (Thursday) — 7:15 p.m., Miss Lynda Wright, student children, Joyce and Charles, were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pirong of falo and William Johnson of Contime for students. 8:30 p.m., cov- — making dressings for Cancer Senior Choir rehearsal. nurse at Syracuse General Hps- his parents, Mr..and Mrs. Glenn Tappan St. were guestsVat a din- nectTcut. ered dish parish supperT 8 p7m., Committee in BaldwihsvHle. pital. enjoved a'Christmas vaca- Bratt and Rev. "James R. Boston ""Sunday^—-9:30 and 11 reg- annual meting for"conduct of elecnerrparty New Year's Eve at the i M r . an d M r s Howard-Snyder, 75 ular morning worship services lion with her parents, Rev. afid and Larry Davidson. COMMUNITY WESLEY AN tions and routine parish affairs home of Mr. and Mrs. Curt Schul-1 Browa-SL^had their inf ant-daugh-r with the sermon. 'The Pathway Mrs. Harold J. Wright and family, HOLIDAY DINNER CHURCH only. ^ ._-^=_-'-^ txc of Cook Dr. Other guests.werejter, Patricia Rose, baptized at St. To-W isdom^ bythe-pftStO^-Theffr FrawKpy ftr anil at Proctor Vt. He Mrr-and Mrs. Richard FennesscyTHary^- Church,—Sunday^ God^ 0:30 p m.,-coveredr tl"bertafant baptism at both serT —Jan. 17 sister,._ Miss Susan Wright, Rev. Gerald Jack of Seneca Knolls.. .,_» mother for the child was Mrs Van Buren 8 4 . • BoddwlnsrHIe enjoyed dinner Monday with Mr ipper. 8p.m., "Spec vices. Parents afe asked—1< brought her back last weekvTuesSunday .-*-. 10 a.m." Sunday Phone HE 5-5941 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ford a n d | j h n Brolan, and the Godfather and>Mrs. Sherley Matteson 'and 0 ial" parish meeting for considera phone the church office, NE 5day. Enroute, Rev. Wright and School. Crib room for infants — Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson and was David Brolan of Syracuse 6442. '6:15 p.m., MYF Choir re- tion of building problems. family called on Mr. and Mrs. family on E. Sorrell Hill Rd. classes for all ages, including adMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Perry hearsal. E.Y.C. willing to baby-sit during! u j"^" 11 a.m., morning worship; family were Monday evening din6j30 p.m., Methodist Jerry Olmsted at Vernon. After ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl kfr/ftrtfrirrirrri/t/rr/r//rrir/rrrrrr/rnr/rrrrf//t//fu//rrrrrrfj[/t. and family of Homer visited SatMen meeting in- the dining room. leaving Lynda in Syracuse. Rev. ^ S E k o d ™ d „ S n lMSrL ^ i crib .roomtoTinfwSr n u ^ r T for Ford tirday afternoon at the homo of 7 p.m., Junior and Seniui MYF j & gl j"g« «™ ? ^ ° c °°" ff" iuKldltm,, Junior Clmidi. 0 p.m., WEEKEND VISITOR and Mrs. Wright and, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bratt and v m mb 2 8 r M,ss Susan, visited Tuesday through meetings. p!t pTH or ^ ^ f ' ° teacher training courses. 7 p\rn., Mrs. Freeman Craver of Split NV family on Tator Rd Pat Pettit, OL 2-7337. Thursday with friends in his for evening gospel hour. Monday 8 p.m., 'Official! Rock spent the weekend with Mr. 13 8 mer-Plainvule I ^ m d e T -v+i p a T^^ - i , - 3 ?turkey ^ ^grower, offJack's Rd., Board meeting. Wednesday. — 7 p.m., prayer and Mrs. George Howard of E. i ^ r i u u i r i u ^ oand u u tgraauuci leftReef Monday JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES meeting and Bible study. 8 p.m., Genesee St. Mrs. Craver spent 507 State Tower BIdg. . Syracuse . Van Buren Rd. Wednesday — 8 p.m., Wesleyan Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meaker of N" aj t8l ^0 n toa l, a " e n , d * meeting j>f the Service Guild meeting with Mrs. choir rehearsal. Monday afternoon and evening Today (Thursday) —7:30 p.m Nofth" Syracuse^ntoved •'The Turkey Grower's ConJan. u12 — 7 p.m.. • ; th her daughter and family, Mr. s Stanley C. Robinson. Theocratic Ministry School withl Thursday, " ' " K ^ ; •"if"" " Z work b e e at t h e c h u r c h Tournament of Roses Parade"- vention held at the Conrad-Hilton and Mrs. Clifford DuSharm of | Ss Tuesday — 8 p.m., Ruth Circle instruption talk, "Assistant M i n - ! Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hotel, in Chicago. He expects to 60 OSWEGO ST. State Fair Blyd. isterial Servants;" student talks,' s LYSANDER with Mrs. Warren Auyer. HOURS Bratt at their home, with dinner return home Friday evening. PHONES Wednesday — 1 p.m., Elizabeth "Rearing Children in Divine Fav- j CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH r Mx.-and Mrs Axthur-Derrick-1^ Mr. and Mrs. Maury Tigner of '5 Tuesday — 7 to 9 p.m, following. ^Syracuse: GH 1-8257 byrttt or," "Why God's Son Died and! >f~Hunter Dr. w^re New Year's J ^ Wednesday — 7 to 9 pan. Rev. James R. Boston Mrs. Henry Duger of Plainville- Ithaca and brother, Steven Tigner Circle with Mrs". Stanley C. RobBaldwinsville: NE 5-9401 Day dinner guests of her niece ^ Was Raised to Life Again andj Sunday 9 a.m., mdrning worinson; Esther Circle with Mrs. Friday — 7 to 9. p.m. Residence: HO 8-9604 Lysander Rd. spent last week of Rochester,. were holiday callind family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saturday — 8:30 to 11 a,m. Ans. Service: HA 2-1167 Thursday at the home^rf her son ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Taylor; Deborah Circle Gods Kingdom Exalted, Its s n i p service with sermon by the Mocyk. Exposed; and Scrip-. pas tor; children's sermonette, 10 and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Meaker in North Syra- with Mrs. Mark Chapman; Sarah Counterfeit ture reading, Proverbs 3:27 to a.m., Sunday School; Mrs. Henry Marjorie Bell, who spent the Circle with Mrs. M. D. Stafford, cuse. Lynus Duger, Belgium Rd. Christmas holidays with her 5:14. 8:30 p.m., Service meeting. "i ', superintendent'. iT-m-'cov8 p.m., Martha Circle with Mrs. Co e Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reevcs-oX Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woods, +tcr-nnd-farmiyrRcv. and Mrs. . u n t t a j I-^L 3 . p-mA-Pj»b"<-'^We.ered dish dinner preceding Reeves Rd. called Monday eve "Sprague Rd., entertained several Marvin Ver Schure; Hannah Cir- lecture What is God's Way t^gnnuai jjusinessL_tneking_of _the William Bell of E. Oneida St., has nujg on Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fry guests on New Year's Eve. Pros' cle with Mrs. Raymond Lynch;,, 1 by- J^Gomish^—4:15-J}Turch andsociety. 7:30 p.m., Pil- fetuRTeaToXhattanooga, Term:—r Rachel Circle with -Mrs.Donald l ^ * * ^ er on Wheaton Rd. --——. , ent were Mr.3 and Mrs. CHSrles pm. ; Watchtower Bible study,; g r i m Fellowship meeting. Mrs. Elsie Voorhees of Cook Shaver: and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. W o o d T ^ 3 j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ R d ^ ^ r , "Married Believers Called to T)r., with Mr. and Mrs. Donald - LT33?a-Thomas and Mr. and •*prapte^Wr^Trt6TfI!ne'd for New M*«™»~TM-PTTtwr5TSV,T-^r-MT^^ Peace and Salvation." Reed and daughter, Cynthia, of* CHRIST COMMUNITY ST. MARrS CHURCH Mrs. Stanley Trexler of BaldwinsYear's- dinner and the day, her Connors Rd., spent New Year's Tuesday — 8 p.m., area Bible METHODIST CHURCH " RL Rev. John B. Daley, Pastor sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and ville and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl VoorStiles Rd. at State fair Blvd. studies held at Kingdom Hall and Rev. Vincent J. Kelly, Asst, Mrs, Robert Woods, Downer St. Trexler of Lysander. hees of North Syracuse. - '• Rev. Howurd F. Bules Friday — First Friday. 7 and homes of Arthur Peters, E. Mud On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. WilRd., Baldwinsville. 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m., Masses. | Lake Rd., and Earl Haley, Sixty Sunday — 9:30 a.m., divine Audrey Pirong of Tappan St liam Trexler and daughter, Kathy, 1 LUNCHEON GUESTS Saturday — 4 to 5 and 7 to 8 Rd. worship service; Holy Communion Rd. spent four days last week of Baldwinsville were guests at To combat the recession, the U. S. Glovernment Mr. and Mrs. Royal Walker, p.m., Confessions. i and reception of members. Nurs- •vith her aunt and uncle, Mr. and advises specialized training after High School. Fenner Rd^jdxove to Canastota the Floyd Woods home. BEACON GOSPEL I cry provided for preschool chilSunday — 7, 8:30 and 9:45 a.m., Mrs Robert Shore and family of RichyJWl>ods_san of Mr, and last Thursday where they were TABERNACLE NIGHT SCHOOL IS THE IDEAL WAY I dren. 10:45 a.m., Sunday School. Syracuse. Low Masses. 9:45 a.m., additional! luncheon guests of Mrs. Ruth Mrs. Floyd Woods, was a guest Low Mass at school with nursery Rev. W. H. Shoemaker FOR THIS TRAINING \7 p.m., Methodist Youth FellowMr. and Mrs. Warren Auyer of last week Wednesday of George Whipple. Sunday--— 10 a.m., Sunday ship. Register now for any of the following courses provided for children. 11 ajn., W. Genesee St. spent New Year's Downer of .Meridian. Miss Judy Pecore, daughter of offered during the spring term at C.C.B.I. High Mass. 12:15 p.m., ba'ptisms School. 11 a.m., worship services. -Tuesday — 7:30 p.m., monthly with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pecore, RECENT CALLERS by appointment. ', . 1 6:45 p.m Young People. 7:30 n.m mooting of thV Board of Trustees •tr. and Mrs. Donald FLgan and Mr., and Mrs-Frank Stebbins WalnviHe-Daldwinsvillc Rd.; was at the church. Donnie Joe. Tuesday — 8 pjn., Inquiry Evangelistic service. SECRETARIAL STUDIES | Wednesday — 7:30 p.m. evea .guest Saturday through Monday called on their daughter-in-law, Class. Thursday, Jail, 12 7 p.m., OVER HOLIDAYS Mrs, Neil Stebbins of Star Route, ning prayer meeting. of Mr. and Mrs Robert Pillans choir rehearsal. Weekdays — 7 a.m., Mass. Mr and "Mr»L Lewis Cook of Tues. and Vriurs. (. — 6 to 9 P.M. and son, Alan.of PlalnvM*- Re- Phoenix, last week Wednesday Jan. 13 — 3:45 p.m., member- Rensselaer spent the Christmas evening. MFS. Stebbins returned "MTT LYSANDER Beginning Shorthand, Gregg turning Judytiome Monday afterFIRST PRESBYTERIAN ship class for "young people at the holidays with their daughters and METHODIST CHURCH noon. they were supper guests of home from a Syracuse hospital CHURCH Shorthand Dlctatfairrt>O^Ll0Oaa0 wpm church, \ 'amilies, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard The Rev. Raymond L. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Pecore and family. on Wednesday afternoon, having Rev. William G. Bell Shorthand Theory Review . Socia of E. Genesee St. and Mr. been taken In the previous SatSaturday — 2 p.m., Cherub Nile Stebbins of E. Mud Lake Today (Thursday) — 8:15 p.m.. ST. MARK'S EVANGELICAL Typewriting, Beginning and Advanced and Mrs. Ralph Wilcox of River Choir at the parsonage. Rd. drove his daughter, Miss Di- urday evening following an auto- Senior Choir rehearsal. LUTHERAN CHURCH Rd. Comptometer mobile accident at Wrights CornSunday — 10:15 a.m., Sundayane* Stebbins, to Elmira Tuesday Sunday — Worship services at Cold Spring Rd. -x Mrs.. Harvey Newcomb and Office Machines School. 11:30 a.m., worship serand she continued on from there ers. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sermon topic: Sunday — 9:30 a.m., worship daughter of spent last Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Q. Pecore vice. _4 p.m., Junior Choir. 5 Business English by.,, bus to Williamsport, Pa,., "What of. Tomorrow's Ministry?'! service- with sermon by lay\ pa*i week with her parents. Mr. and THTi., ThTermediate Methodist Transcription, 60-90; 10Q-120 wpm whirs she is a sophomore at Ly- and daughter*. Marilyn and Mar- 6:30 a.m., Church School classes, tor Howard ft"**"- - * 3 0 Mrs Arthur Derrick of Hunter coming College. Miss Stebbins cia, entertained Mrs. Pecore'* o.ou a.m., v-iiuivn acnuoi classes, vv...«k tr„ii„„ 8 1v1 sunday School nurserr-through A t h n ^ Tuesday L ^ S J ^ *— 8^ p.m.. Official Dr. Dr. Newcomb spent the week • bad spent the holiday vacation brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and a-ycar ACCOUNTING 6:30 and 11:00 a.m., Nursery care with his mother, Mrs. Mary NewMrs. Hulbert Schenck of Avery for infants and children under Board meeting at the home of with her parents and family.' WARNERS METHODIST comb In Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crego of Rd., Lysander, for dinner )ast three. 11 a.m., kindergarteh play Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koonmen. CHURCH T i n t , a n d T h a n . — 6 : 3 0 t o 8 : 0 0 P.M. S. M. Ney of Rochester was a Emerick Rd. and Mrs. Olive Ken- week Thursday evening. Rev. Warren O. Babcock c group for 4 and 5 year-olds 7 Elementary Accounting I and II LITTLE UTICA weekend guest of his .daughter Plainville Community Council p.m. Senior High Fellowship in e* yon of Clay were .entertained for Sunday — 10 a.m., ChurcJ METHODIST CHURCH Cost Accounting and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert dinner Friday evening-at the -will hold a delayed annual bus- the Church Pari or;, program: film School/ 11 a.m., morning worship The Rev. Raymond L. Hill Tarnow of Curtis Ave. Advanced Accounting hoqie of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ab- tn«M UieelUig i t the schoolhouse strip. "One God — The Ways We service. p.m., Junior <Jiin#Uir IAV-T ~ v.. sorvu*. 6:90 o:3U p.m., junior High iugn Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cole, W. Wednesday evening." There will Worship Him." Junior" High FelBusiness Mathematics bott on Cold Spring Rd. -• vice l f l 7 a 1, ^ » S b ' S K ' * ; i Methodist Youth Fellowship. 7:30 Register 9 to 4:30 Jan. 9 to Jan. 2A lowship-meeting in the Center. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and be election of officers. Hloh 12 MYF r senior Jan. — 7:30 p_.m, Junior Department T e a c h e r s vice, l i . i o a.m., Sundty School. i n nThursday, or 7 to 9 p.m. Jan. 1 8 , 1 9 , 2 0 , 23 family of Minctto invited Mr. and 11 0 Safety-Tested 1 pjn.. Co-workers C l a T m o n t h l v ' ^ . ^ : / VSr?™. _ trmfting In the Center. Mrs. NUe Stebbins and children, Betty, Leslie and Bruce, to be Monday — Kindergarten Teach- mediate ¥ethodi«t Youth Fellow-1 ^-QU&1JJ«,Q* IBM Dulu PiocmlUe) CQOft thftlr dinner guests- last week ers meeting in the Center at 8 «hip 7:30 p.ra., Senior MYF. | COUNSEL MISSION CHURCH p.m. Board of Trustees meeting .Thursday evening. Business Automation and Tab Operations Rev. Joha J. Burke ASC William Carrigan, son of in the'Study at 8 p.m. Deacons at COMMUNITY GOSPEL ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stebbins, CLASSES BEGIN FEB. IS AND MARCH 2* „ • .CHUKQ1 — •> Hoi Lak^BqV-ojaiexUtslgfeek- Mr. and Mrs. William Carrigan of hojxxe^^jatallace- Connell. 55 Q*» -4 — Sunday — g*ft i.m., Mkss.' Wrights Cerner* Cem Thorsday evening at the home of Baker Blvd., arrived at his par- wego St., at 8 pjn. * -**4tf0 ; * Rev. C. W. Lingflbadi Tuesday — The following cirMr. ind M r i I^oft Faltbtolher of ents' home oh Saturday for a oneST. PAUL'S KftSCOPAL Sunday -= 10 i. ra ., Sunday ^—the Jadc*tt»vUJ«*Fulton Rd. They week visit after twnpletmg nine cles win meet at 8 p.m.: January OLOSaiOBlLB '-• GHC also made a call during the week weeks of basic medical training at with Mrs. Alexander MacLeod, 62 School with Robert Anthony as \ Ckere on Mrs. StebbuV* brother and sis- Lackland Air Force Base, Tex. B e Brown SL; February with Mrs. superintendent. 11 V a , worship service. 7:30 p.m.. evening servwill return to Gunnar, Ala., for a Joseph Dreher, 1 MacArthur Rd.; FhtMGL Mm ter-in-law, Ux. and Mrs. Clarence UJL 23-week trtmtag course ft dental please bring white thread and ice. Ferguson of BaMwtesTille, 42S S. Warren 84. Sunday — 6:30 a JM, family worSYRACUSE OPKNEVBNTNGS HA Ml«s laboratory w*rte v needle; March with Mrs. James NKW ***** D." Wednesday -.. 7 JO p.m., prayer ship service. •W ' PLAINVILLE^RJVER RD., FEWER SOCIAL NEWS DISTRICT Annual Meeting Of Plainyille CHureh To Be Held Saturday NEW & USED -Wit BARGAINS I I1 (church f loticed CUSTOM-BUILT CABINETS CUPBOARDS XL PARKS ^SOU THE TOWER MEDICAL LABORATORY BALDWINSVILLE OFFICE CCBI Adult Extension School SPRING TERM STARTS JAN. 24 Service News CARS — - \ j — * * - . * ^ i_ Robert K. Sleeth • rn^rn Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 CENTRAL CITY USINESS • mm — 1 : '11 f i
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