October 2013 The Temple Chimes Volume 14 Exalted Ruler's Corner Issue 07 Check us out @ www.boiseelks.org Boise Elks Lodge 310 Old Timers Dinner Wednesday October 9, 2013 Fellowship 5:00 pm Dinner 6:00 PM cost $10.00 Swiss Steak with all the trimmings The Exalted Ruler, Bill, ask that you join us for this years event. Joe Caroselli, CEO of the Elks Hospital will be our M. C. The speaker will be Brad Larrondo, assistant Athletic Director of Boise State College, he will try to bring a football player with him. With so many things to do in our City, not every one gets the message. Please call any of the Old Timers you know and ask them to join us for an opportunity to see friends. Be sure to wear your Lapel Pin to exchange, if it ends in a five year increment. Please bring your current Membership card. Our 74 year member, Lyle Smith will be present to greet you. For transportation you may call me, Ken Downend at 322-5541 or the Lodge at 377-2763. Please come join us and bring your Old Timer friends. VOICE FOR VETERANS In August, a few individuals were recognized for helping with veteran activities throughout the year. Inadvertently, one person who is absolutely amazing was not mentioned – again, please join me in recognizing Fred Bartel who has helped with several events. A Marine Corps Veteran, Fred has contributed greatly to our efforts in supporting veterans. Thank you so much! I also would like to thank everyone who participated in supporting the Veterans Olympics on September 21st, especially Geri Scaglione, Patrick Thomas, and Lloyd Skogerson. These individuals stepped up and kept things going. It was a fabulous team effort that strengthened the reputation of Elks support to veterans in our community. To finish off a great year, please mark your calendars for November 9th and join us as we celebrate our own Veterans with dinner and ceremony. It is a great time to renew the brotherhood and sisterhood that veterans share as well as offer appreciation for the sacrifices our veterans have made in the name of peace and liberty. Individuals with ideas, please feel free to share with committee members: Nancy Naramore, Lloyd Skogerson, Bob Bourn, Geri Scaglione, Bill and Julie Washam, John Dahl, Jerry Stewart, and John and Claudia Buehler. As always, volunteers are needed for Bingo: at the VA Hospital the first Thursday, October 3rd and at the Idaho Veterans Home the following Tuesday, October 8th. Another month has gone by and it is hard to believe that the Elk year is half over. September was a busy month. We had the Food Caravan at Boise Lodge. The Family picnic was at Municipal park. The DD Clinic was held at Boise Lodge. The Veteran’s Olympics were the same day and Boise Lodge was represented well at both. We have been approved for a loan to consolidate our two mortgages. I sent the application to Grand Lodge and our State Sponsor the Honorable Jim Damon PGER on Fed Ex next day. It is in their hands now. We are pushing for an early approval to freeze the interest rate at the bank. Please keep your fingers crossed. There was a lot of time put in this process. I would like to thank all those involved. Mike Stagner, Jerry Ransom, District Deputy Daren McIntier, Sue Megran, Susie Stertz, Jim Thompson, Tony Megran and Jennifer Romagnano. We never would have got it done so quickly. I would like to thank the Honorable Jim Damon PGER for his quick response to my request for the paperwork and as always his advice and support. A special thanks goes out to Albin Jossis for all his help. We have been getting new members and talked some past members back into our fold. If you know any past Elks please let them know what is happening and we would love to see them back. Susie Stertz and Geri Scaglione are leading the way. Ask them how to get new members. Maybe they will give you a few pointers. Please read the articles about upcoming events. We have the Old Timers on October 9th. Ken Downend has lined up great speakers. Please see his article. Julie and I will be going on a cruise from October 12th to the 20th. My Leading Knight, Susie Stertz will be in charge. Please show her the respect you have shown me. As always I love to hear from members. Phone 208-322-8841, text 208258-5104 and email washambj@cableone.net. Please visit our website at boiseelks.org. If there is anything you would like to put on the website contact me or my wife, Susie Stertz or Mike Stagner. The lodge owes a great deal of gratitude to Mike. He has worked hard on this website. Your Exalted Ruler Bill Washam MEMBER/GUEST INFORMATION It is important you carry your member card and key card for entry into the lodge. Remember you will need to use your member key card or ring the bell for entry. There will be exceptions to the rule such as private party's, Friday night Entertainers, etc. If you have any questions just call the lodge. We really appreciate everyone's cooperation. Thank you! Sue Megran These items may be donated, and will be greatly appreciated, to help with operating costs and to stretch the budget. White copy paper (at least 91 bright), tape, coffee, Ziploc quart and gallon bags, pine sol (off brand ok), degreaser simple green, 409, dish soap, SOS pads, window cleaner, cleanser, bleach, ammonia, paper kitchen towels, garden gloves, weed control spray, round up, file folders (8”1/2”X 11”), sharpie pens. Thank you in advance for your help. Lodge Officers Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knight Secretary Bill Washam Susie Stertz Don Burns Claudia Buehler Jennifer Romagnano Treasurer Tiler Chaplain Inner Guard Esquire Trustee 1 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 3 Year Trustee 4 Year Trustee 5 Year Jimmy Thompson Jim Curtis Geri Scaglione Bob Warren Bob Bourn Sue Megran - Chair Tony Megran Sceone Sorneson Dennis Hyland Lloyd Skogerson To Our Absent Members 208-377-2763 Hours from August 31st Monday to Friday 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM GER Millard C. Pickering DDGER ID South Daren McIntier Elk of the Year Jerry Stewart Lady Elk of the Year Kathy Stewart Officer of the Year Jennifer Romagnano PER Association Don Burns PER Elkette President Pat Burns Citizen of the Year Dorothy Washam Chimes Editor Jerry Ransom PER jrretiredguy@gmail.com Proposed for Membership Donald Bacton by Jennifer Romagnano Monte Stiles by Steve Meier Charles Vore-Transfer - Caldwell #1448 James Hunter -Transfer - Auburn #1691 Danny Butler -Transfer - Miami #1320 Crying Corner Demar Timmons $250.00 Wayne Worley $250.00 ELKETTES ATTENTION MEMBERS MEETING OCTOBER 14,2013 MONDAY NIGHT AT 7:00 PM. THANK YOU PAT BURNS PRESIDENT In Memoriam Members who have passed into the Light which is beyond the Valley of the Shadow of Death since our last Chimes William Johnson passed on 8/22/13 28 year member. Joanne Ramos passed on 8/29/13 7 year member; Dr. Delbert Scott passed on 6/26/13 46 year member “The Faults of our members, We write upon the sand, Their Virtues upon the tablets of Love and Memory.” Sickness and Distress Mel Rodriguez our past state president has passed away. Member Keith Raines' wife has throat cancer. Barbara Kirkpatrick is in the hospital having a pacemaker installed. Dwight Snodgrass has pneumonia. Chimes Thank YOU Thanks to ALL the ELKETTES Ladies and Elks who helped with the Chimes. FOOD PANTRY CORNER- OCTOBER Fri. 4th: Special of the night: Pork, 5:30-7:00pm $8.00 Sun. 6th: Breakfast 9am-11am $7.50 Wed 9th Lodge Social Night: Old Timer Dinner (see article) Thur. 10th: Bar Stool BINGO, 6:00 pm -Taco 5:30 Fri. 11th: Special of the night: Liver and Onions, 5:30-7:00pm $8.00 Sat. 12th: Card Party 12pm Fri. 18th: October Fest Dinner, 5:30-7:00pm $8.00 Sun. 20th: Breakfast 9am-11am $7.50 Wed 23rd: Lodge social Night: Pot Luck Dinner. Bring a dish to share cost - $2.00 per person, without a dish - $5.00 per person. Fri. 25th: Special of the night: Spaghetti, 5:30-7:00pm $8.00 Sat. 26th: Pumpkin Party (see article) Sunday Breakfast…Buffet line includes, hash browns, biscuits & gravy, bacon, sausage, and eggs to order, including omelets. Toast is whole wheat & sourdough. We also serve pancakes upon request. Coffee, tea and juice included, all for $7.50. All prices include sales tax. Wednesday Menu: Hamburger ($4.50), & more, 2nd, 16th. Ask for the punch card and get your 10th Wed. meal FREE. Friday Menu: Shrimp, Cod, Chicken Strips, and Finger Steaks for $6.50$8.00, on 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th. THERE IS A ‘SPECIAL’ FRIDAY EVENING; A HOME COOKED MEAL, $8. On Friday Nights we have a band, ENTERTAINERS. Plays 6-8pm. All Elks & guests, kids are WELCOME! The next Food Committee meeting will be Monday, Oct. 7th, at 6:30pm, at the lodge. We invite you to join the team, serving others and having fun doing so. If you have questions and want to learn more you can call Julie Washam at 322-8841. You do not have to be on the committee to help in kitchen! This is a New Potluck Dinner Night Please come out for social night, Wednesday the 23rd, and join your friends & family for just a good old fashion POT LUCK DINNER. Bring a dish to share cost $2.00 per person. Without a dish $5.00 per person. This is a great way to share your favorite dish and have a great dinner too. Attention Members and helpers We need more help for Friday night dinners and Sunday breakfasts. If you could volunteer one night or morning a month it would take a load off the regulars and maybe give them a day off once in a while. There are many jobs. If you feel you can not handle a physical task, there are light duty ones. Also we are looking for more bartenders. Please call Julie or myself at 322-8841 and let us know what you can do for the Lodge. Bill Washam Exalted Ruler Thanks to a generous donation by PER Dave Gould we have a ton of VCR tapes to sell. Twenty Five pennies will get you one. Call Bill Washam if you would like to look through them. Some are in the lobby and the rest are in the storage shed. The proceeds will go to the lodge to be used where they are needed. BOISE ELKS LODGE #310 OLD TIMERS DINNER WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9, 2013 Fellowship time 5:00pm, Dinner 6:00pm $10.00, Swiss Steak for Dinner The Exalted Ruler, Officers, and I as Chairman of the Old Timers, welcome all Old Timers, to come join us at the lodge for and evening of fellowship and seeing our long time Brother Elks. To help us plan the meal and to have your name tag prepared please make your reservation by October 5th by signing the attendance list on the bulletin board or calling the Lodge 377-2763. If you do not find your name on the list please call Exalted Ruler Bill Washam 322-8841. Coach Lyle Smith will attend as our 74 year member. Lyle has a guest speaker from the BSU Football staff. We will have one of our group with lots of talent, to be our M. C. I ask that you call your Elk Old Timer friends and ask them to attend, the more we have the better time will be had by all in remembering why we joined the Elks. Be sure to wear your Lapel Pin to exchange for the new one, in five year increments. You will also need to be sure you have your current membership card. For transportation, you may call Ken Downend 322-5541 or the Lodge 377-2763. 74 Lyle Smith 71 J Brookover 69 William Gornik Larry Schmitz 68 Merl Bock Earl Hill Jack Maxwell Eugene Showman 67 J Blanton PER Charles Brandeberry Ramon Ysursa 66 John Green Carl Olson Robert Pond 65 Kenneth Downend PDDGER 64 Wayne Phillips Russell Ward 63 Keith Stein Thomas Troy 62 William Alfson D Daly John Harris Jonathan Scott Myron Tucker 60 Donald Weilmunster Charles Williamson 59 Hal Davis PER James Jackson Richard Williams PER 58 Edward Clements Robert Kauffman 57 Walter Dunajski Tandy Fleming Dave Gould PER John O'Rorke Donald Stewart 56 De Wayne Bills Paul Boyer Dean Chatburn PSP Frank Dagres Jerome Reininger Ronald Siple E Snodgrass PER 55 Herbert Cowham PER George Newland William Poncia James Wolf 54 Robert Butner Paul King Russell Lloyd Merlin Wald 53 Milt Blume Kenneth Gluch Ronald Laursen Allen Noble Harvey Scott J Smiley PER 52 Ronald Blakeley Duyane Canada Ken Carlson William Goodrich Stanley Rishel Continued 51 Fred Freeland Homer Garrett Craig Marcus Charles Ogg William Wood 50 Melvin Adamson Robert Feiler Orville Hanna G Sprague Nathan Wallace 49 E Copple Charles Green Lloyd Hill Clarance Janousek PER Daniel Shrum 48 Doyle Callaway Edward Hall Edwin Hildwein Jr Ronald Hughes Raymond Inglin Sr Richard Laursen James Rees Robert Smith 47 James Barker William Bienapfl Jr Lee Brown Pete Cenarrusa John Conway Leon Dansereau Robin McRae Glen Naylor Vanny Squier Eugene Stewart Norman Weber Marvin Wright 46 Wilfred Barrett Everett Doty T Fannin Alvard Kiler Delbert Scott Marshall Smithman Jr John Vogt 45 Emerson Maxson Rolland Megorden 44 Alan Fox Alvin Luke Charles O'Hara Kenneth Personette Lloyd Skogerson Demar Timmons William Whitsitt 43 R Bentley Mark Kreizenbeck Robert Larson William Reeves Jr 42 J Aramburu Roger Herr 41 Glenn Darnall John Ewing Richard Ulbright Pete Wilson 40 Robert Rountree Donald Staudenmeir 39 Robert Apa Charles Duke Johnny Johnson Albin Jossis Thomas Symonds PER J Walton 38 Fred Gilbert R Martin 37 Donald Amaral Dwain Baxter John Gray Robert Pabst Ed Rankin Robert Warren 36 Gerald Brekke Charles Creech D Huffman Daren McIntier PER Eugene Miller Samuel Naramore Charles Schmoeger Wayne Seavey Donald Wisdom 35 Donald Burns George Dillard Thomas Foster Larry Hewett Robert Lally Dennis Lawson Glen Linder Charles Mellen Kenneth Mitchell Max Morgan 34 Arnet Bates John Conners PER George Edes George Farner Harvey Fisher Mark Jensen Lawrence Marks Elwood Rennison Ronald Scott Jimmy Thompson PDDGER William Winiger Wayne Worley 33 Donald Hutchinson Keith Raines Gerald Rockstad 32 Dennis Casper Stanley Herzinger Paul Kohout Lyle Prindle Jr 31 Raymond Alvarez Alan Harris Chester Smith 30 Ronald Byron Harold Littlefield 29 Jerry Ransom PER Mike Stagner PER 28 Franklin Benson Robert Bourn PER James Carpenter David Hynek Francis Mc Kenna George Neumayer Harris Stewart Jr Larry Whipple William Woods 27 Charles Lindeen Phillip Oberrecht 26 Joseph Caroselli Robert Friedman Md James Perkins Bill Washam PDDGER 25 Vandye Forrester III Steve Vlassek 24 David Branesky Robert Donovan George Estes Paul Loll 23 Jesus Chairez Norman Toombs 22 Don Cantrell Anthony Megran PER Kay Moore Richard Peryer 20 Mel Stokes Trustees Note Dennis and Terry Hyland were in England recently and they brought back a LILLIPUT COLLECTABLE of WINDSOR CASTLE. This Castle is the weekend home of Queen Elizabeth and her family. The Hyland’s gave the WINDSOR CASTLE to the Boise Elks Lodge as a donation. This Gift will be raffled starting September 1, 2013 with the drawing at the Lodge meeting on November 20, 2013. You do not need to be present to win. The cost of a ticket is $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. We can’t thank the Hyland’s enough for their generous donation to the lodge. Pictures of the Windsor Castle Collectable and the story of the Castle will be at the Lodge bar for all to see. When purchasing the ticket, put your name and phone number on the back of the ticket and drop it in the box along with your money. Remember the drawing will be 11/20/13 at the lodge meeting. Thank you in advance for your support of the lodge. Boise Elks Lodge Trustees FOOD CARAVAN FINAL REPORT I want to say thanks to all the volunteers that worked on the FOOD CARAVAN weekend. JOB WELL DONE. Gary Brekke, setting up tables and chairs on Friday, and Gary, Monte, and Dennis Saturday morning for parking. And the Food Committee for dinner Friday evening and breakfast Saturday morning. We donated a little over $3000.00 to the Elks Rehab Hospital with your donations of food and money. The winners from the Raffle are posted at the bar and if not picked up by Oct.1st, your winnings will be mailed out to you. Call the lodge to see if you are winner. Thanks to all that participated in the Raffle and also those whom just donated. Remember, your donation is tax deductible on your Idaho return. Wayne Seavey Food Caravan Chairman Highway Clean-up Attention Members and Helpers! There is going to be a Highway Clean up event. We will be meeting meet at the Grimes Creek turnoff off of Highway 21 at 10: A.M. on Saturday October 5th. For those who would like to join us for the 1st time call me at 322-8841 and we will tell you how to get there and what it is about. We have been doing this for a lot of years and we are dedicating this year to John Hinman (the first Highway Clean-up chairman). We are looking for a new Chairperson for this committee. Don Burns Loyal Knight has the details. Bill Washam Exalted Ruler Annual Pumpkin Carving Party Elkettes Holiday Bazaar Saturday, October 26, 6:00 p.m. Saturday, November 16 Booths available! Holiday Basket Project Plans are underway for this year’s effort. To help raise funds, we will re-raffle the Chocolate Basket from the Food Caravan at the Oktoberfest event on October 18. Don’t miss it! For information about any of these events please contact Bugs Sorneson at 343-0049. 02 Diane Stephenson Julie Washam 04 Wilfred Barrett 05 Ferrel Black David Hynek 07 Richard Laursen 08 William Hart Lawrence Marks Dwight Thomason 09 Eugene Showman 12 Dennis Bowen Robert Warren 14 Chester Smith 15 Bernard Skogerson II Bill Washam PDDGER 16 Linda Munsey 18 Merl Bock 19 Larry Hewett 21 Mark Farrow Cynthia Rasavage Gene Schofield 22 Dennis Casper 25 Patricia Angell Robert France Mike Stagner 26 Garry Street Fred Warren 28 John Gray Erick Stagner 29 Wayne Seavey 2 William Wood Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to YOu Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to YOU FUND RAISER that MIGHT WORK The Boise Elks Lodge has an account at PACIFIC STEEL AND RECYCLING. When you take your recycle items to them, tell them to credit the Boise Elks Lodge account. (Just as a follow-up provide a note to secretary.) Once a month they will issue the Lodge a check for the amount that is in our account. This is a perfect way to RECYCLE and HELP the LODGE. They take everything from computers, printers, cars, refrigerators, and etc. Some items may need some pre-processing. If you have something that you need help with, call the Lodge for assistance, or contact the Exalted Ruler, leave a message and we will get back to you with help. THANKS for your support of the lodge. H A L D AV I S J E W E L E R S Diamonds, Exquisite Color Stone Jewelry, Fine Swiss Watches In-Store Watch and Jewelry Repair Free Parking Lot next to the Store Downtown Boise - Jefferson at 10th 921 W. Jefferson Street Boise, ID 83702 208 343-6151 or 800 421-6151 Chimes Donors Annual Donors: Don & Pat Burns Jordan Family Elkettes Monthly Donors Wapiti Wanderers Oktoberfest! BAZAAR BAZAAR Elk and Lady Elk of the Year ATTENTION Oktoberfest. Come out and enjoy brats, German OCTOBER 1ST, 15TH, and 29TH sausage, ribs & kraut, cabbage rolls the 1ST, 3rd, and 5TH Tuesdays and more. Oct. 18th. From 3:00 to 8:00 PM 5:30-7pm Friday night dinner. at the Lodge 13 Vendors This month breakfasts are on the th th Free Parking 6 & 20 . Please mark your CalenIf you have any questions call dar and don’t miss another breakfast. 9 to 11AM. $7.50, best Kathy Stewart at 208-890-4102 October Lodge Breakfasts breakfast in town for that price. Includes coffee and juice. TRUSTEE REPORT The October Meeting for the Trustee’s will on Tuesday the 8th at 6:30 pm. Thoughts, ideas, concerns, please attend the meeting. For November and the following months, we will be on the second Wednesday of each month. We welcome all members to come with your questions and/or concerns. And We encourage you to volunteer to help with future projects. Sue Megran, Chair 870-2536 NOTICE Notice to all Idaho Elks Members We have recently received a reputable offer of $11,090,000 to sell the vacant land in Meridian owned by the Elks Rehab System. This land was originally purchased in 1993 to replace the old Elks Rehab Hospital building in downtown Boise. Since we built the new Elks Hospital building at the old Hospital site, we no longer have any use for the land and have been trying to sell the property for several years. The State Officers, State Trustees and the Board of Directors of the Elks Rehab System have reviewed the offer and are in unanimous agreement that it is in the best interests of the Elks Rehab System to sell the land. At the 1st lodge meeting in October, a representative of the State Officers, State Trustees or a Elks Rehab System Board member will attend your lodge meeting to present information on this offer and to answer questions. The members present will then be asked to vote and approve the sale of the land. Fraternally, Edward Sanman III, President, Idaho State Elks Association Steve Johnson, Trustee Chairman, Idaho State Elks Association Flag Retirement Boise Elks Lodge will have an Elks Flag Retirement Service on November 17th, 2013. We are searching for a way to dispose of them afterward. We will also have an American Classic dinner. Bring your Flags in. More details will be in the November Chimes. Please join us. The Officers will perform the ceremony. Bill Washam Exalted Ruler Saturday Card Party The monthly Card Party will be the second Saturday of each month beginning October 12th, with lunch being served at Noon, for $7.00. Gather your friends and come on down to play the game of your choice on Saturday October 12th! We look forward to having you at our lodge. Hope to see you then!!! Next Month, will have reports from the Government Relations and Volunteer, Charitable and Community Services Committees. - Chris Nilson Boise Elks 310 - October 2013 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 2 PER MTG 6:30 LODGE MTG 7:30 WED SUPPER 5:30 PM VETS HOSPITAL BINGO 7:00 PM DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 ENTERTAINERS 6-8 FRIDAY SUPPER 5:30 - 7:00 PM OCTOBERFEST DINNER 19 23 25 26 DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 LODGE POT LUCK 5:30 PM HOUSE COMM 6:30 24 29 30 31 DARTS 3 - 5 VETS HOME BINGO 7:15 TRUSTEE MTG 6:30 DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 13 14 15 SUNDAY BREAKFAST 9 - 11, $7.50 27 21 DARTS 3-5 ELKO POTLUCK BINGO 6:30 28 DARTS 3-5 VFW – 7 PM SATURDAY 5 7 20 FRIDAY 4 6 DARTS 3-5 ELKETTE MTG 7:00 THURSDAY 3 KATHY’S BAZAAR 3-8 DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 CONCEALED WEAPONS 8-NOON SUNDAY BREAKFAST 9 - 11, $7.50 WEDNESDAY KATHY’S BAZAAR 3-8 DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 22 KATHY’S BAZAAR 3-8 DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 OLD TIMERS DINNER 6-DINNER AT 7 LODGE MTG 7:30 WED SUPPER 5:30 PM LODGE SOCIAL 7:30 PM BARSTOOL BINGO 6:00 FLY FISHERMAN 7:00 GUN SHOOTING CONTEST – IMPACT GUNS 7:30 PM DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 ENTERTAINERS 6-8 FRIDAY SUPPER 5:30 - 7:00 PM SPECIAL: PORK DINNER ENTERTAINERS 6-8 FRIDAY SUPPER 5:30 - 7:00 PM SPECIAL: LIVER & ONIONS OR CHICKEN ENTERTAINERS 6-8 FRIDAY SUPPER 5:30 - 7:00 PM SPECIAL: SPAGHETTI DINNER DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 – 10:00 Monthly Calendar Items Bingo 1st Thursday at VA Hospital The next Tuesday at the Vets Home Last Tuesday Rehab Hosp Meetings PER Meeting - 6:30PM Prior to the 1st Business Meeting. Trustees 2nd Tuesday CONCEALED WEAPONS 8-NOON FAIR APPRECIATION DINNER 5-7 CARD PARTY noon - 3 PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST – HOT DOGS ETC. 5:00 – 8:00 THOMPSON FAMILY MEMORIAL - Noon Boise State Football 10/12 10/19 10/25 11/02 11/16 11/30 at Utah State vs. Nevada at BYU at Colorado State vs. Wyoming vs. New Mexico 6 PM MT 6 PM MT 6 PM MT 6 PM MT TBA TBA
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