IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 014 Italian American Club of Livonia UPcoming events Dear Fellow Members, sunday, nov. 2 Memorial Mass sunday, nov. 9 Volunteer Appreciation thursday, nov. 13 Veterans Recognition Pasta Friday, nov. 14 Family Movie Night Friday, nov. 21 Sock Hop Friday, dec. 5 Christmas Regional Celebration sunday, dec. 7 Santa Brunch Wednesday, dec. 10 Annual Christmas Luncheon thursday, dec. 18 Christmas Sing-a-Long I hope everyone is enjoying the autumn season. With the holidays right around the corner, the committee’s here at the club are as busy as ever. Here are a few of the dates for upcoming events. Our Memorial Mass is scheduled for November 2nd. Please bring the family to the Sock Hop on November 21st. This event will surely be a fun one. Save the dates for Christmas Regional Dinner on December 5th and Brunch with Santa on December 7th. Our building and maintenance committee is also very busy with planned improvements around the club and grounds. As always, I want to encourage all of you to come and make use of our club. Making time to attend events is truly the best way to ensure the club’s future. Until next time; stay safe and healthy. I can be reached by email at Jerry1031@aol.com. InsIde thIs Issue: Calendar Membership News Good & Welfare Cultural Committee Charitable Foundation Kidz Korner Teen Tymes Young Adults IABC General Information 1 2 3 6 8 11 12 13 15 17 Jerry Ruggirello IACL President 1 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia MEMBERSHIP NEWS IACL PAstA BuFFet served every thursday night Welcome to the following new members and”thank you” to their sponsors: Must make reservations by noon Wednesday. Please contact: IACL Clubhouse Office 734-953-1137 #1. PASTA NIGHT – reserVAtIOns MAndAtOry Check-in begins at 5 p.m. Dinner is served 6:00-7:30 Members: $10.00 Non Members: $15.00 Children (5-12 age): $5.00 James and Carol Malzone Sponsored by Eugene Blanchard James and Cynthia Peterson Sponsored by Loretta Ciccarelli roy and Jamie Pistor Sponsored by Vincenzo and Maria Barone We are happy to Report Our Total Membership is Now at 901 Let’s reach the 1,000 member goal set out for us by year end NOTE: New member orientation n is Monday, November 2nd from 7 to 9 in Club Board Room. New members please come to learn more about your wonderful Club to all members, We invite all of you to share your club with families, friends and neighbors so our membership can grow. together we can make this the year we reach 1,000 families! nOtICe tO MeMBers yOung And OLd We have added a Fire Pit to our patio for your enjoyment. Wood will be provided. If planning on using the Fire Pit, please let Lucia know.Please use it responsibly with cleanup is to be handled by parties using fire pit. IACL neWsLetter Is In COLOr On-LIne CheCK It Out!!!! www.iacl.us To ensure prompt delivery of your IACL Newsletter the deadline for any news/committee news, information or advertising to be printed in IACL Newsletter, is the 14th of every month. Any questions or concerns please e-mail at: lucia@iacl.us or contact IACL Clubhouse Office 734-9531137 #2 to speak with Lucia. We VALue yOur InPut. PLeAse JOt dOWn yOur suggestIOns, IdeAs As tO WhAt yOur InPut Is On Our VArIOus PrOgrAMs etC. drOP In suggestIOn BOX OutsIde CLuB OFFICe. In PArtICuLAr We need yOur InPut On WhAt yOu WAnt AVAILABLe At the CLuB BAr, BOth In BeVerAge & FOOd serVICe. FrIdAy nIght • nOVeMBer 14 FAMILy MOVIe nIght Bring the children, their friends, and yours welcome. Pajamas and Blankets just fine. enjoy a family meal of Pizza, Pasta, salad and soft drink for $15.00 thank You! ***POPCOrn Free*** 2 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia GOOD & WELFARE NEWS This Committee represents communication of the wellbeing of our members to the general membership Prayers of strength and healing during time of illness are extended to members and families Members in need of prayers of strength, healing, heartfelt sympathy and any special announcements will be posted in the newsletter. To honor the loss of IACL member it is customary to display the Italian American Club of Livonia flag during visitation. Sympathy intentions, healing prayer intentions, family announcements, member news and pictures that you would like shared in the Good and Welfare section, please contact Kathy Iadipaolo-Jones at kjones0322@hotmail.com or 734-462-9438. Jim hoomaian teresa nascimbeni nancy Abramson reverend Father Alex J. Brunett Almerinda deLuca Ann Vassallo nelson (Vassallo family) Jeannette dechape (rimanelli family) Americo Bianchi Carol Zago Amelia robertson Frank settecerri theresa Peruchietti Lawrence Oberti toni Kovalcheck PLeAse JOIn us tO PrAy the rOsAry the Italian rosary is at 8:00 p.m. WE ARE ASKING THOSE ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS AND FRIENDS TO JOIN US FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL DEVOTION. Prayers of heartfelt sympathy and peace to IACL Member and families for their loss. May their light always shine in our hearts LOVIng heArts And hAnds KnIt And CrOChet grOuP neWs We had ten ladies this month for our October get together. We shared pattern ideas, good conversation and dessert. Twenty-one items were turned in! We have over 150 beautiful and colorful litems to share with the needy this holiday season. Thank you ladies for your continuing charitable work! We thank Ingrid Schimizze again for her yarn donation. If any one is interested in supporting our efforts we accept donations of yarn or money to buy yarn. We have been using coupons to get our yarn for less cost. Our group meets the first Tuesday of each month at the IACL at 1:00PM. Please feel free to join us! Connie Vassallo (734) 464-2521 teresa Peruchietti (313) 274-0117 Carmela sgroi (734) 464-2918 Heartfelt sorrow for the recent loss of IACL Member henry Bona Age 80, of Farmington Hills, died Oct. 24, 2014, following a lengthy illness. IACL Member Henry John Bona - b. March 12, 1934, d. October 24, 2014. Henry was the beloved husband of 58 years to Shirley; devoted father of Dennis, Marty (Sharon), Tina (Scott) Miller and Andrea (Joel) Lynch; dear brother of John (Pat) Bona, Dino (Barbara) Bona and Larry (Vince) Zaremba; and cherished grandfather of Leisa (Nick) Bibbings, Greg, Matthew (fiance' Mary), C.J., Stephen, Jacob, Maddy, Anthony, Ben and Gina; and great grandfather of Easton and Emmy. 3 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia GOOD & WELFARE NEWS o Dio ascolta la nostra preghiera per l'animi che hai chiamato a te, concedi il riposo eterno nella beata pace della tua dimora, in compagnia dei tuoi angeli e santi, Amen. O God hear our prayer for the souls that you have called to thee grant eternal rest in the blessed peace of your dwelling and in the company of thy angels and saints Amen. IACL Member Florence reaume age 89 d. October 25, 2014 Beloved wife of the late Lawrence for 66 years. Loving mother of Denis (Nancy), Karen (Michael) Rushlow, and Chris (Diane). Cherished grandmother of 7, great grandmother of 6. She leaves behind many loving family members and friends. // IACL Member george griggs b. April 23, 1949, d. October 28, 2014 Passed away at his home with his family by his side. He was 65 years old. George was born April 23, 1949, in Detroit, to Mary (nee Perrin) and George M. Griggs. George was a dedicated member of the United States Air Force before becoming a lab technician and scheduler for the Ford Motor Company. George is survived by his loving wife Patricia of 39 years. His son Scott (Teresa) and daughter Gina (Geoff) Novack. “In god’s eyes, human life always retains its value far beyond any discriminating vision” Pope Francis in his address to the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers on November 23, 2013 at the Vatican. 4 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia GOOD & WELFARE NEWS 5 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia CULTURAL COMMITTEE NEWS In 1939 Guido met and married his sweetheart, Adelia Ellero. They had four children, Guy Jr., Gino, Susan, and Dennis. Guido physically built several homes, the last of which he built to resemble a home that Adelia dreamed about as a little girl in San Daniele, Italy. Adelia passed away in 2004 after nearly 65 years together. Guido has a strong work ethic, love and respect of family, God and country. He has been honored as Italian American of the Year, and is known by family and friends as a kind and generous individual. He has always been a role model for his children, three grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. tanti Auguri! The 100th Birthday celebration of IACL Member guido Lombardi was recently attend by family and friends, many of whom traveled from throughout the United States, and Italy, to share in this memorable occasion. Guido, affectionately called “Guy” by his friends, was born on August 10, 1914 in Flint, Michigan to Giuseppe ‘Joe’ Lombardi and Maria (Fusi) Lombardi, who immigrated from Brescia, region of Lambardy in Northern Italy, in the Alpine town of Bagolino in 1910 and 1912 respectively. Guido relates the story of how his father Joe saved up enough money to pay for the passage to America for his wife Maria. She was to make the Atlantic Ocean journey to America with several female friends, each coming to America to meet their husbands who had already immigrated to the U.S. While waiting the day of the voyage, one of her friends lost their ticket. An unsuccessful attempt was made to purchase another ticket for their ship. Wanting to remain together, they purchased admission to another ocean-liner. The original tickets were for the RMS Titanic. At the age of four, Guido and his family moved West by steam train to California where his mother’s sister and husband had a working ranch in the Imperial Valley, where Guido’s father worked as cowboy and ranch hand. In 1919, with a chance of better prospects, Joe moved his family back to Michigan to settle in the city of Hamtramck to work at Chevrolet. As a boy, Guido remembers seeing in person, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone and Civil War Veterans marching in the Detroit Armistice Day Parade. Graduating from Hamtramck High School in 1933 as Class President, and received a college scholarship. Guido was looking forward to the future. This was during the depression however, and therefore, Guy at 18 years of age, began his working career at Chevrolet Gear and Axle as a laborer, and advanced to General Foreman; retiring after 47 years of service in 1980. gOLF LeAgue tO CeLeBrAte ChrIstMAs Members of the Golf League and friends will gather on Saturday, December 6th for their annual Christmas Party. After a feast of excellent Italian food and wine, they plan to sing carols under the direction of Gerry Besh ending the songfest with a special version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas".l Don DiComo valiantly tries to maintain order as he assigns people to sing out "Three Cucuzzas", "Five Golden Figs" or "Seven Salsiccia".Better luck this year, Don. On behalf of the Golf League, may I wish all members of the Italian Club, their families and friends a Happy Thanksgiving. Ann Tavolacci One Overhead Projector with supply of sheets--reasonable One Cash register. One Check Protector One Four drawer Fireproof File Best Offer If interested call Lucia, Club Coordinator, for details. (734) 953-1137 6 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia CULTURAL COMMITTEE NEWS COMMunIty eVents & MOre st. LOuIs Center 16195 Old U.S. 12 • Chelsea, MI 48118 (734) 475-8430 November 8 Annual Fall Auction December 6 FADM Christmas Party December 14 SLC Christmas Program December 21 Tocco Family Christmas January 25 IACL will be honoring all of our WAr VeterAns with a Free pasta dinner on nOVeMBer 13th. It is important that we have your reservation And BrAnChOF serVICe By OCtOBer 15th. PLeAse gIVe reserVAtIOn And BrAnCh OF serVICe tO LuCIA By thAt dAte. IACL Culinary Extravaganza st MAry MerCy hOsPItAL November 20 Pelvis Prolapse -Paul B. Maskela,M.D. Meadowbrook Country Club 5:45 p.m. Check-in 6 p.m. presentation *AngeLA hOsPICe hOLy FAMILy ChurCh Downtown Detroit 641 Chrysler Phone: (313) 963-2046 Fr. Giuseppe Licciardi, Pastor u. s. ArMy FederAZIOne ABruZZese deL MIChIgAn November 4 November 18 James Malzoni, Keith Philbrick, Joe Laura, Al tech WWII, Vito Iafrate, Lou Broccardo Paratrooper,george Cirocco, Ornell nori, Al utech, Walter Zambelli ,ray Morro, Cosmo Valenti, James seager-Vietnam,thomas Waling, John santilli, george evanoff, John Zago, Fred daquanno, rich sieperski,John Baldori, Joe Andreassi General Membership Mtg. Election Board Meeting LOdge FIgLI deLLA sICILIA #227 Community Living services Tiffany M. Devon-CLS Public Relations Director 35425 Michigan Ave. West Wayne, MI 48184 734.722.7185 u. s. nAVy egnazio salis, Carlo de Angelo WWII, dominic Lucca, Joe Paulus u. s. MArInes rico Bianchi, ed degeeter, Bill King, Bob Catanzarite, u. s. AIr FOrCe Charlie smith. Art Peruchietti, Vince Peruchietti 7 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia CHARITABLE FOUNDATION NEWS ChArItABLe FOundAtIOn neWs And uP-COMIng eVents COLuMBus dAy ACtIVItIes thIs yeAr Were nuMerOus InCLudIng: Bus trip to state of Michigan Capitol rotunda floor for a beautiful tribute to Christopher Columbus, on Wednesday October 1st, the celebration of our Club’s birthday & Celebration of founder of the Amercas, Christopher Columbus , on Sunday, October where Fr. enzo Addari of. Louis Center in Chelsea, MI was honored as the Outstanding Italian of the year by Club President, Jerry Ruggirello, the annual flag raising celebration at Livonia City Hall on Monday, October 6th. Note The Italian and Irish flags only are recognized and raised by the Mayor of Livonia. We should all be proud that the Italians are honored in this manner. On sunday, October 12th again we had a full bus to travel downtown to holy Family Church, The oldest Italian Church and a great part of the history of Detroit. A beautiful Mass was celebrated in English and Italian with Columbus queens, jr. queens and little Isaebellas from both the Italian American Club of Livonia and the IACS processed into Church with a K of C honor guard and at the end of Mass all the girls went to the side altar where the Blessed Mother’s statute was honored with flowers and a beautiful rendition of Ave Maria. Next we again boarded our bus and traveled over the the Bust of Columbus for a beautiful ceremony honoring the founder of the Americas, Christopher Columbus. Finally we boarded the bus once again and traveled back to IACL with many beautiful memories. Hopefully next year we will need additional bus transportation for these special celebrations. 8 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia CHARITABLE FOUNDATION NEWS Fr. Enzo Addari, SdC 2014 IACL ITALIAN OF THE YEAR Fr. Enzo Addari is the Administrator of St. Louis Center in Chelsea, MI, and has held this position since 2008. He is a longtime member of the Italian-American Club of Livonia, and serves as its Chaplain. Fr. Enzo’s family is from the town of Corcumello, Italy, in the province of Abruzzi northeast of Rome. He still maintains a home there, and returns every August during his vacation from the priesthood. He was born on November 17, 1950, and is currently 63 years old. Fr. Enzo is a member of the Servants of Charity congregation of priests and brothers of the Roman Catholic Church, whose Motherhouse is in Como, Italy, while its headquarters is in Rome. His first profession was on June 24, 1968, and his ordination date was on May 8, 1976. After serving in various assignments in Italy, Fr. Enzo was sent to St. Louis Center in Chelsea, MI where he became an Assistant Administrator from 1983-88. In 1988, he was sent to the Don Guanella School in Springfield, PA to become the Administrator until 1991, when he returned to Michigan to become the Administrator of St. Louis Center from 91-97. In 1998 he returned to Italy to care for his ailing parents, and was assigned to St. Joseph Cottelengo Parish in Rome until 2000, when he was assigned to be the Assistant Administrator & Library Director of the SOC Theological Seminary in Rome. He returned to St. Louis Center in Michigan in 2005 as the Assistant Administrator, and became the Administrator once again in 2008, where he remains to this day. Fr. Addari is a passionate spokesman for persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and has worked very hard to raise the consciousness of the community in this area. He also participates in a national organization called NAFiM, which stands for the National Association for Inclusion Ministry. Fr. Enzo’s efforts to improve the facilities at St. Louis Center have resulted in a first ever capital campaign that has raised nearly $3.25 million to date, and has led to many improvements in the program for the 50 residents who call St. Louis Center their home. The new Family Welcome Center was dedicated in July 2011, a new Special Needs Playground was dedicated in April 2013, and the remodeled Fr. Guanella Hall was dedicated on June 8, 2014 under his leadership. Fr. Enzo actively engages politicians at the State and Federal level to support the developmentally disabled, and continues to network with Italian-Americans throughout Michigan in search of financial assistance. The St. Louis Center Family is proud that Fr. Enzo Addari, SdC., has been named Italian of the Year by the Italian American Club of Livonia in 2014. 9 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia CHARITABLE FOUNDATION NEWS ChArItABLe FOundAtIOn neWs And uP-COMIng eVents The Family halloween Celebration on October 24th was a huge success. Sixty adults and 35 Children had a super time. Highlight of the evening were some very young Club member tripllets dressed as the Three Little Pigs with big brother dressed as the Big Bad Wolf. The children who attended had a great time with lots of treats, costume parade and prizes. A big thanks to Ann and Ed Skowronski for all their efforts in making this a great evening. Family Halloween Celebration 2014 10 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia KIDZ KORNER WORD MATCH MOOn eArth sun seA tell us about how you celebrated thanksgiving and what you are thankful for.to win a free PiZZA certificate including your favorite ice cream treat. sOLe MAre LunA terrA note that at each Pasta dinner the Band of the week will play a special set for you. don’t be afraid to ask the band for your favorite fun dance or line dance. Puddin' Pie Combine 1 packet instant vanilla pudding, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup pumpkin puree and 1 tsp. pumpkin-pie spice. Pour into a pre-made graham cracker crust. Chill two hours. We Are LOOKIng FOr neWs FrOM yOu! e-mail to lucia@iacl.us YOUR NAME________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________ BIRTHDATE________________________ AGE _______ PHONE_______________________________________ CELL PHONE_______________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS______________________________________ 11 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia TEEN TYMES TEEN TYMES Finally, on show nights I make sure everything is ready to be performed in front of an audience. I call each cue by giving a stand-by and then a go for lighting, spotlight, sound and run crew members, sometimes all at once. It’s a lot of responsibility, but once we hit “blackout” on closing night it’s a rewarding feeling. The whole process brings me closer to my cast, crew and directors as I learn to balance the different personalities and manage all that needs to happen to make the show incredible. These shows seem so simple and effortless in front of an audience. Its beautiful really, an art form that combines raw talent and endless determination. After months of preparation and stress, I am finally able to look back and believe that I contributed to making that art happen.. the life of a stage Manager Besides being Vision Manager, newspaper editor, nhs Member, Invent team member, student Council, and many other things by Alaina Galasso, Opinions Editor VANDERGRIF HIGH, AUSTIN, TX October 3, 2014 My love for theatre has always been present, even in my younger years, but it didn’t become prominent until high school. I was thrown into the world of technical theatre when I enrolled in the class my freshman year, and from then it’s been a whirlwind. I started out as a spotlight operator, then moved up to a light board operator. In between main stage shows I would work as a run crew member. Then I was asked to be a stage manager. JOKES Stage managing is a complicated job. Stage management is defined as being in charge of coordinating and executing a production. It requires complete knowledge of what is going on at all times within the production. Each technical aspect of the show, from lighting to props, falls on the stage manager’s shoulders. They are also oversee the actors needs in collaboration with the director. #1 Why did the picture go to jail? #2 What do you get when you cross fish and an elephant? #3 Why did the computer go to the doctor? Stage managing The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza began in the last week of August with auditions. I ran the audition process by collecting and organizing all the forms, sending the candidates in and making sure the directors each had what they needed. After the show was casted we jumped straight into rehearsals, in which I documented everything that occurred in each rehearsal, sent out emails every night to remind the actors of who is called for the next day and made sure each actor has the props they needed. #4 Who earns their living driving their customers away? #5 What is the best day to go to the beach? We are looking for a few teenagers to spend some time with our small children in our playroom working with them by reading to them, coloring projects, chalkboard time, games etc during our Thursday Pasta Dinners from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. If any of you are willing to spend an hour with them it could serve as your community time for school and probably be fun besides. Call Lucia and let her know you are interested, maybe even bring a friend along to help out as well. Then the technical rehearsals began. Technical rehearsals are basically when all of the technical elements are integrated with the acting components of the show. In these rehearsals I collaborate both with the director, Mr. Howland, and the technical director, Mr. Stahlecker, to build the lighting cues, adjust the sound cues and run the transitions. As the show comes together, I learn the timing of each cue because when it reaches show time I am the one who determines what happens at what time. the rOCKdALes WILL Be returnIng In nOVeMBer And POssIBLy deCeMBer As WeLL. CheCK IACL.us WeBsIte FOr Further InFOrMAtIOn. Answers: 1. Because it was framed. 2. Swimming trunks. 3. Because it had a virus. 4. Taxi Driver 5. Sunday, of course. We Are LOOKIng FOr neWs FrOM yOu! YOUR NAME ___________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ PHONE__________________________________CELL PHONE____________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________ 12 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia YOUNG ADULTS NOTICE FOR YOUNG ADULTS... A volunteer young Adult is needed to spearhead establishing this valuable link to your Italian heritage so please contact our Club Coordinator at (734) 953-1137 or via e-mail at lucia@iacl.us Make it yOur CLuB. By the way we now have a beautiful FIre PIt in our Patio area. A place to casually gather and socialize with other young people. Please provide us with information noted below and send to: LuCIA@iacl.us. hOPe tO heAr FrOM yOu. nO One hAs VOLunteered tO dAte.... PLeAse heLP us get thIs stArted! ****** Y0UNG ADULT (18 TO 26)******* YOUR NAME __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________ PHONE _________________________________ CELL PHONE __________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________ 13 AttentIOn IACL WOMen We are inviting women interested in playing cards, etc. to join us on the second Tuesday of each month beginning September 9th from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm in the lower level of the Club. We suggest that you bring a light snack to pass and a drink, as there will be no food or beverages provided. Cards of interest could be pinochle, poker, euchre or even a board game. Please contact Bea King 734-420-4481 or Shirley Broccardo 734-464-7906 if you are interested. ItALIAn AMerICAn CLuB OF LIVOnIA ~ BAr Menu CArry Out ~ 734 953 1137 AFter 5:30 P.M. Press “4” PIZZA PAstA , ChICKen And sALAds BIAnCA (MOZZARELLA & SEASONING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.25 ItALIA (CHEESE, ARUGULA, TOMATOES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.50 stAgIOnI (CHEESE, MUSHROOM, OLIVES, PEPPERONI, SAUSAGE) . . . . . . .$9.00 rustICA (CHEESE, PEPPERONI, MUSHROOMS ONION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 CAPrICCIOsA (CHEESE, MUSHROOM, CAPICOLA, OLIVES, ARTICHOKE) . . . .$9.95 MArgherItA (TOMATOES, MOZZARELLA, ASIAGO, BASIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 PuttAnesCA (CHEESE, BLACK OLIVES, CAPERS & ANCHOVIES) . . . . . . . . . .$8.50 AMAZIng (CHEESE, CHICKEN, GRAPE TOMATOES, ARUGULA, ASIAGO, ARTICHOKE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11.95 CALZOne (CHEESE, PEPPERONI, SAUSAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 BrusChettA (PIZZA BREAD,TOMATOS,GARLIC,BASIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.00 eXtrA IteMs: ONIONS, MUSHROOMS, OLIVES, ARUGULA, CAPERS, TOMATOES, ASIAGO, BANANA PEPPERS, PARMESAN CHEESE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 6 grAnde ChICKen WIngs (BBQ, RANCH, OR HOT SAUCE) . . . . . . . . . . .$3.95 4 ChICKen tenders (BBQ , RANCH OR HOT SAUCE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.65 AntIPAstO sALAd BuLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.95 gArden sALAd BuLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.75 PAstA MArInArA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.00 desserts PAne FrIttA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.75 sPuM0nI Or LeMOn ICe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.35 nuteLLA (DESSERT PIZZA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.75 geLAtO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25 SAUSAGE, CAPICOLA, PEPPERONI, PROSCIUTTO, CHICKEN, ANCHOVIES, ARTICHOKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 hAMBurger & sAndWIChes (Add ItALIAn FrIes FOr OnLy $1.00) 1/3 POund CertIFIed Angus ItALIAn Burger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.75 grILLed ChICKen sAndWICh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.00 ItALIAn suB (PROSCIUTTO, MORTADELLA, SOPPRESSATA, PROVOLONE) . .$5.25 ItALIAn steAK FrIes seAsOned WIth rOseMAry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50 14 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia IABC Manager’s Corner 15 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia IABC Catering Menu dear Members, We are always happy when thanksgiving is approaching because this wonderful holiday affords us the opportunity to thank all of our friends. this past year has been good to us so please don’t forget to join us for all your celebration such as holiday parties for your family and your business, communions, showers, weddings. We thank you for your support and for allowing us to be of service to you. hAPPy thAnKsgIVIng! sincerely, Fabiola, Linda, nandi and all banquet center staff the ItALIAn-AMerICAn BAnQuet Center OF LIVOnIA offers discounts to IACL members- LIFETIME MEMBERS who have been fully paid for a period of two years to date of deposit will receive a 10% discount on food entrée purchases only. ANNUAL MEMBERS who are in good standing for a period of three consecutive years prior to date of deposit will receive a 5% discount on food entrée purchases only. IACL Membership Committee will verify membership criteria to discount allocation. A wheelchair is available for use in our facility. If you need to use it when attending one of our functions please call The ItalianAmerican Banquet Center Sales Office to make arrangements (734) 953-9724. We offer carry out service. Please see enclosed carry out catering menu items. For further information or placing orders please contact Sales office Fabiola or Linda 734-953-9724 ext. 202. Please allow 2-4 days notice. Pick up only. Please note: iAcL member discount does not apply to any carry out orders. Please note: IACL member discount does not apply. 16 IACL neWsLetter nOVeMBer 2014 Italian American Club of Livonia GENERAL INFO 2011-2013 Standing Committee Chairpersons Building Maintenance – John Zago Cultural – Maria Stante Good and Welfare – Kathy Jones Finance – Frank Luscri Membership – Maryann Rea FrOM the CuCInA OF IACL MeMBers Featuring this month: One-dIsh rOseMAry ChICKen And WhIte BeAns 2 Teaspoons Olive Oil Tomatoes, undrained 1 Can (15 ozs.) navy beans, drained & rinsed ¼ cup chopped pitted Kalamata olives 1 Can (14 1//2 Oz.) Stewed 1 ½ Teaspoons dried rosemary ¼ Teaspoon Salt ¼ Teaspoon black pepper 8 Skinless, boneless chicken thighs (About 1 Lb.) 2014-2016 Board of Directors Italian American Club of Livonia Officers Jerry Ruggirello President Vince Peruchietti Vice President Angela (Soave) Kelley Treasurer Frank Luscri Recording Secretary Maryann Rea Corresponding Secretary Ernest Iafrate Sergeant-at-Arms Mary F. Galasso Past President Robert Ficano Consul In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat. Combine rosemary, salt and ppper, sprinkle over one side of the chicken. Place the chicken in pan, seasoned side down. Cook 3 minutes. Reduce heat to medium, turn the chicken. Add tomatoes and beans, cover and simmer 10 minutes or until chicken is done. Stir in the olives and serve. IACL Directors Robert Catanzarite Reginaldo De Luca Piero Di Stefano Mark Merucci Ron Robertson Alice Rotondo Silvio Scappaticci Pete Soave Mario Stante John Zago Note: A spinach salad spiked with slivered red onions and drizzled with red wine vinaigrette complements this dish nicely....BUON APPETIT PLeAse nOte! IF yOu hAVe A PArty OF ten (10) Or MOre COMIng FOr PIZZA, WIngs, etC. PLeAse CALL A dAy In AdVAnCe tO AdVIse us sO thAt gOOd, PrOMPt serVICe CAn Be Assured. CALL LuCIA, Our CLuB COOrdInAtOr At (734) 953-1137 WhO WILL COOrdInAte WIth Our BAnQuet hALL MAnAger. ALsO, PLeAse Be AWAre Any PIZZA PArty OF 15 PeOPLe Or MOre WILL Be ChArged A 15% grAtuIty. Communication with our members is important. Please feel free to call Lucia, our Club Coordinator, to reach any of our Board Members. gianna will arrange to have the person you are interested in talking with give you a call. Board of Directors Italian American Charitable Foundation Officers President Anna Giammarco Vice-President Maria (Capicchioni) Harris Treasurer Maria Stante Secretary John Colasanti Directors Tim Augustine Tiffany Devon Mary F. Galasso Carmelo Greco Teresa Nascimbeni Jerry Ruggirello Board of Directors Italian American Banquet & Conference Center Officers Roger De Luca President Tony De Marco Treasurer Vito Guarano Secretary CALL LUCIA AT 734-953-1137 EXT 2 17 18 the IACL Cultural Committee Presents Our First “Family/singles” Sock Hop 2014 FrIdAy, nOVeMBer 21, 2014 ALL ages invited…. From high Chair to Wheelchair, Poodle skirts to Jeans, Let’s dance to Chubby Checkers “twist” to taylor swifts “shake it Off” Friday, november 21, 2014 Music by dJ “Aaron” of rusch entertainment 6:00 – 10:00 P.M. nO tICKets sOLd At dOOr-Must Pre PAy serving Pizza, sliders, Ice Cream Floats, Popcorn, Chips, Fritos and a special “Chocolate record” for your sweet tooth along with a Coffee station… ”Cash Bar Available” Adults-12 & Older….$20.00 Children-5 to 11….$8.00 4 Years & Under….FREE Tables of 10 will be reserved ONLY upon request and one check for “full” payment will be accepted per table of 10 reservations…please submit names with this request. Make checks payable to “IACL” resPOnses Must Be reCeIVed By FrIdAy, nOVeMBer 14, 2014!!! “Be there…don’t Be square” to also enjoy our nostalgic raffle & door Prize(s) so…. c’mon, “twist” that wrist completing the form below & mail payment to: helene Larussa, 2540 Pond View Court, Canton, MI 48188 Name(s)_________________________________________ Phone _________________________ Adult 12 & Older: $20.00 x_____=$_______ 4 Years & Under….FREE Children 5 – 11 Years: $8.00 x _____=$_______ Total Number of Your Party ________ Any questions, call Helene LaRussa (313)598-0150 or helenethequeen@hotmail.com dOn’t MIss thIs eXCItIng nIght Out WIth FAMILy & FrIends 19 20 Sing-A-Long December 18th IT’S THE HAPPIEST SEASON OF THE YEAR THE ITALIAN AMERICAN CLUB IS PLANNING A SING-A-LONG EVENING WITH MIKE WOLVERTON. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT THE DECEMBER 18TH PASTA RUSTICA. COME JOIN IN THE FUN AND FESTIVITIES THAT EVENING TO SET THE TONE FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. “A NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS” WILL BE READ TO ALL THE CHILDREN AND THERE MAY POSSIBLY BE A VISIT FROM SANTA TOO. SO AS NOT TO BE DISAPPOINTED PLEASE CALL LUCIA, OUR CLUB COORDINATOR, TO BOOK YOUR RESERVATION EARLY AS THIS IS USUALLY A SELL OUT EVENING. IF BRINGING CHILDREN WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW MANY, THEIR AGES AND WHETHER THEY ARE BOYS OIR GIRLS. SEE YOU ON THE 18TH. 21 Christmas Regional Dinner Menu: dAte: tIMe: COst: POt LuCK deCeMBer 5th 2014 6:30 PM $2 Per PersOn - CAsh BAr PLeAse JOIn us At the CLuBhOuse BrIng A FAVOrIte dIsh And A dessert tO shAre WIth yOur IACL MeMBers MusIC By: PAsQuALe reA FOr MOre InFOrMAtIOn CALL Ann (CAtAnIA) sKOWrOnsKI 734-437-9067 Or MArIA reA734-591-0263 Must CALL By: WednesdAy, deCeMBer 3rd 2014 A sIgn-uP sheet Is PLACed On the CLuB BuLLetIn BOArd ReseRve tHe DAte sundAy JAnuAry 25, 2015 iAcL is sPonsoRing tHeiR 20tH AnnUAL “Be A guArdIAn AngeL” CuLInAry eXtrAVAgAnZA In suPPOrt OF st. LOuIs Center A caring residential Community for residents with Intellectual and developmental disabilities in Chelsea, Michigan. PLeAse PLAn On JOInIng us FOr A sPeCIAL dAy WIth sILent AuCtIOn, rAFFLe, entertAInMent And LOts OF WOnderFuL COMPLeMents OF VArIOus AreA restAurAnts, deLI’s And BAKerIes. 22 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 CELEBRATE NEW YEARS AT THE ITALIAN AMERICAN BANQUET CENTER OF LIVONIA 39200 FIVE MILE RD, LIVONIA, MICHIGAN 48154 APPETIZERS 7:00PM DINNER 8:00 PM DELUXE BAR RED WINE AT TABLES ESPRESSO AND CAPPUCCINO CHAMPAGNE TOAST AND MIDNIGHT AFTERGLOW $95.00 PER PERSON ENTERTAINMENT BY 7-PIECE BAND “CHATEAU” RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL SALES OFFICE MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00AM-5:00PM PH: 734-953-9724 NO TICKETS SALES AT DOOR, NO REFUNDS. CASH, CHECK, VISA AND MASTERCARD ONLY ACCEPTED. MUST BE 21 YEARS TO ATTEND TABLE SELECTION AT TIME OF PAYMENT 23 24 25 26 27 STRIKING OUT ON YOUR DENTAL SMILE? DO YOU HAVE MISSING TEETH BECAUSE OF: v TOOTH DECAY? v TRAUMA TO THE MOUTH? v ROOT CANAL FAILURE? v EXCESSIVE WEAR & TEAR? v GUM DISEASE? v CONGENITAL DEFECTS? v LOOSE OR ILL FITTING DENTURES? Dr. Terri Todaro CALL OUR OFFICE FOR A FREE CONSULTATION AND $200 OFF EACH IMPLANT! TODARO DENTAL CAN OFFER A PERMANENT SOLUTION WITH DENTAL IMPLANTS! 31395 SEVEN MILE ROAD (at Merriman) LIVONIA, MI 48152 (248) 477-7905 http://todarodental.com Dr. Cynthia Todaro 28 29 CALL LUCIA AT 734-953-1137 EXT 2 PLACE YOUR AD HERE! 30 31 32 33 Lou Mascolo IACL Member 34 the Italian American Club of Livonia 39200 Five Mile road Livonia, Michigan 48154 Club Level - tel: 734-953-1137 Fax: 734-953-2992 IACL Club Office hOurs: Mon. & tues. • Wed. & Fri. 10:00am--4:00pm thurs. 12--9pm • sat-sun - CLOsed Banquet Center - sales Office: 734-953-9724 Fax: 734-953-5736 • www.iabc-livonia.com info@iabc-livonia.com Charitable Foundation - tel: 734-953-2664 newsletter Coordinator: email: Lucia@iacl.us PLACe An Ad In neWsLetter tOdAy! Contact tel: 734-953-1137 for information and rates the italian American club newsletter published monthly by and for italian American club members FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAId S.C.S., MI 48080 PERMIT NO. 111
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