IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia UPcoming events COMING SOON …… MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Sunday Feb. 1st Superbowl Friday, Feb. 6th Carnevale Friday, Feb. 13th Wild Game Party Friday, Feb. 20th Fish Fry Begins Tuesday, Feb. 24th Euchre Card Game Saturday, March 21st Annual Regional Extravaganza featuring Tuscany Friday, April 24th Wild Dame Dinner-“Girls just Wanna have Fun” Dear Fellow Members, Happy New Year to all. With the holidays behind us, it’s back to work here at the IACL. Committees are busy meeting and planning for 2015. Plans for the 2015 Regional Dinner are underway and tickets are selling fast. We are planning on another full house for the Annual Wild Game Dinner and be sure to check the calendar for other upcoming events. With the New Year, we are also looking at new volunteers to serve at the committee level. If interested, please contact Lucia in the Club office or myself via email. Please encourage everyone you know to book their upcoming events at the IABC. The best advertising we can ask for is that of personal referrals. As I stated at the General Membership Meeting last month, we are making a conscious effort to unite the Club members with our Charitable Foundation. It is a most worthy cause which helps and promotes our great culture while also providing scholarship opportunities to young Italian Americans. All of this is done through the hard work of the Foundation as well as your tax deductible contributions. So please join us in our efforts to rejuvenate the IACL Charitable Foundation this year. I am pleased to report that in 2014 we had over 30 new members join our Club. I still think we can do better. Our Board of Directors is reminded at each meeting of my challenge to them in recruiting new Club members. I now challenge members. We have a first tier goal of reaching 1,000 members. So please, each of you try to help by recruiting just ONE (1) new member in 2015. We can accomplish so much together. Until next time, stay safe and stay warm. Sincerely, Jerry Ruggirello IACL President 1 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Italian American Club of Livonia 2 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia MEMBERSHIP NEWS CHARITABLE FOuNDATION Happy New Year. I hope that everyone had wonderful Holidays. As the newly appointed President of the Charitable Foundation, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our past president, Anna Giammarco, for the time, energy, commitment and leadership she has contributed to the organization for the past eight years. Grazie! Welcome to our new member: Anthony Di Paolo sponsored by As always, the Foundation Board has the fiduciary responsibility to administer the assets of the Foundation and will continue to develop cultural and educational projects for the benefit of the members of the Club and the American Italian Community. Nino Ruggirello COMING SOON MEMBERSHIP DRIVE! Membership Chairperson Maryann Rea Telephone 248 478-0663 to all members, We invite all of you to share your club with families, friends and neighbors so our membership can grow. together we can make this the year we reach 1,000 families! IACL NEWSLETTER IS IN COLOR ON-LINE During the January General Meeting, the Scholarship Committee awarded ten high school students of Italian descent scholarships for distinguishing themselves academically. The names of the recipients are: Andrea Dalimonte, Adam Zaretti, Catrina Whitton, BreAnn Urbani, Jacob Zelinski, David Matassa, Alyssa Fabrizio, Jaclyn VanGilder, Camilla Cascardo and Dominic Polsirelli. CHECK IT OuT!!!! www.iacl.us To ensure prompt delivery of your IACL Newsletter the deadline for any news/committee news, information or advertising to be printed in IACL Newsletter, is the 14th of every month. Any questions or concerns please e-mail at: lucia@iacl.us or contact IACL Clubhouse Office 734-953-1137 #2 to speak with Lucia. Since the time the Scholarship Program has been initiated, the Foundation has awarded more than $75,000 in scholarships and will continue to do so. Every dollar you spend buying 50/50 tickets and attending programs sponsored by the Foundation you make a contribution to this program for the members of your family, children, grandchildren who could become our leaders of tomorrow. Maria Harris, President IACL Charitable Foundation WE VALuE yOuR INPuT. PLEASE JOT DOWN yOuR SuGGESTIONS, IDEAS AS TO WHAT yOuR INPuT IS ON OuR VARIOuS PROGRAMS ETC. DROP IN SuGGESTION BOX OuTSIDE CLuB OFFICE. IN PARTICuLAR WE NEED yOuR INPuT ON WHAT yOu WANT AVAILABLE AT THE CLuB BAR, BOTH IN BEVERAGE & FOOD SERVICE. The IACL Charitable Foundation will continue the sponsorship to Italian Film Festival - uSA for 2015. The Detroit chapter will host the festival throughout the month of April, opening on Wednesday, April 1 at the beautiful Detroit Film Theatre of the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA). The festival will then continue each weekend thereafter at Wayne State University in Detroit (Apr. 3-4), Henry Ford College in Dearborn (Apr.10-11), University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (Apr. 1718) and Oakland University in Rochester (Apr. 24-25). The festival will conclude on Sunday, April 26 again at the DIA . Additional information on the festival, like titles of the movies, can be found on the website (www.italianfilmfests.org). thank You! 3 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia MEMBERSHIP NEWS IACL Members Jerry and Kathy Jones are very excited and blessed to announce the marriage engagements of sons. We are so very proud of the growth of our family and the love of ours sons’ hearts. It was a night to remember, as family and friends were invited to a Holiday Night at Greenfield Village, Wayne Anthony Kinney lowered to one knee and asked Kellie Lynn Adamczak “to be his wife forever” and she said “Yes!”. Besides the chilled evening air that night our hearts were warmed by the love and embraces. Wayne A. Kinney of Livonia, owner of Rock Out Entertainment, met Kellie Adamczak, daughter of Harry and Alice Adamczak of Canton, hair stylist at Charisma Salon Livonia while on Entertainment Production at a mutual friends’ wedding. Since then, they have continued to enjoy each others’ company. Patrick and Phyllis Casey celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary with their family (all 9 of their children were able to attend) making a total of 91 guests from all over the United States. This is a photo of their immediate family. memBeRs on tHe move Our own Gene Blanchard may be elderly but keeps busy. A WWII Veteran,Gene is working with Yankee Air Museum along with two fellow veterans to restore the two-seater TG-3 used in training glider pilots during that era. Their goal is to have the glider restored to its WWII specs in time for the 2017 opening of the National Museum of Aviation and Technology at Historic Willow Run. Way to go Gene. Planning their wedding is the next step to begin a bright future together. Kellie and Wayne plan to have children very soon and looking forward to make the most of life and love. A 2015 wedding planned At beachside, breathing California air, feeling the warmth of the sun, sounds of romantic music, there stood Jerad Patrick Kinney awaiting the arrival of the love of his life Kelly Marie Zagata, surprised Kelly and asked for her heart and hand in marriage, still in shock, she did say “Yes!” GOLF LEAGuE CELEBRATES! IACL Golf League members celebrated Christmas on December 6th at their annual party. They dined on sausage and peppers, ravioli and Mama Rita’s fabulous torte. Don DiComo and his sister, Gerry Besh, brought in a karaoke machine to add to the caroling which traditionally follows dinner. The machine remains a work in progress; however the singing – great job sibs and golfers! A jolly good time was had by all. Members look forward to Spring and resuming play of a sport they love. If you would like to join us Thursday afternoons at Fox Creek Golf Course in Livonia and/or get more information about the League, please call Ann Tavolacci at 734-591-0042 or Don DiComo at 248-207-1095. Jerad Kinney, Mortgage Broker at Gold Star Financial Group, met Kelly of Livonia, daughter of Len and Anita Zagata, through mutual friends. Kelly is part owner with family of Zagata Agency, Farmers Insurance of Livonia. Kelly was in California at a work conference, when Jerad decided it was the perfect opportunity to travel to California and plot the perfect proposal, at the perfect setting of The Wedge on Newport Beach. A 2015 wedding is planned. EuCHRE TOuRNAMENT At the request of some members, dates have been established to hold a Euchre Tournament once a month at the Club. The dates are: PRESENTING Vivianna Antonietta Filangi Tuesday, February 24 at 7:30 p.m. Members Davy and Antonella Filangi announce the birth of their daughter, Vivianna Antonietta, in October of 2014. Vivianna was welcomed with love by family and friends including grandparents the late Anna Almerico Filangi and Vincenzo/Maria Tuesday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. Please contact Mario Stante @ gmail.com or Lucia Romano at 734-953-1137 to reserve a spot or for more information 4 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia MEMBERSHIP NEWS LINE DANCING CLASSES IACL’s New Club Coordinator.... LuCIA ROMANO Line Dancing Classes began Friday, January 30th at the Italian Club with MARCELLA CORONA teaching. Next sessions will be held: FRIDAy, APRIL 17th FRIDAy, MAy 15th From: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Classes are for beginners to advanced. Cost is $5.00 per session, pay as you go. You do not need to call ahead. Just show up. Fall classes may be offered. After three months as Club Coordinator of the IACL, Lucia Romano feels she has made significant progress at a job more varied and challenging than she ever imagined. But being detail-oriented and appreciative of her Italian heritage, she is determined to succeed. ATTENTION: IACL WOMEN Lucia grew up in Dearborn Heights, the daughter of Vincenzo and Maria DiDomenico and sister of Nino DiDomenico and Antonella Filangi. Her love of the Italian culture came through her grandmother, Lucia, who lived with the family and after whom she was named. The Lucias shared a bedroom and in order to communicate with her grandmother, Lucia had to learn Italian (which she can also read and write). The DiDomenico family was one that made their own wine and sausage and jarred tomatoes from their grandmother’s garden. If you like to play cards (poker, pinochle, etc.) or a board game, join your Italian American Club ladies (non-members welcome) on the second Tuesday of each month from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm in the lower level. We have a lot of fun and we all bring a light snack to share. With the exception of coffee and tea, beverages are not provided. You must bring your own. Please contact Bea King 734420-4481 or Shirley Broccardo 734-464-7909 for more information. TO ALL MEMBERS WITH OuTSTANDING PASTA NIGHT GIFT CERTIFICATES: After graduation from Crestwood High, Lucia worked as a hair stylist until her marriage to Gian Romano. She then became the stay-at-home Mom of daughters Catarina and Sofia. Those with any outstanding Pasta Night Gift Certificates not yet redeemed, would you please bring them into the Club office. New 2015 Gift Certificates will be issued to you. We ask that you bring them in no later than March 3lst, 2015. The years passed and Lucia found herself at the IACL Banquet Center arranging a high school graduation party for Catarina, then Sofia. She became friendly with the staff in the process joking with them about her upcoming status as an “empty nester” and the possible need of a job to fill up her time. The staff remembered and when an opening in the Club office came up, Lucia was called, interviewed and hired. IACL PASTA BuFFET served every thursday night Must make reservations by noon Wednesday. Please contact: IACL Clubhouse Office 734-953-1137 #1. PASTA NIGHT – RESERVATIONS MANDATORy OPEN SEATING On the personal side, Lucia loves bowling and movies and has been a volunteer raising funds for St. Mary Hospital through their annual gala. She has done this for seven years. Check-in begins at 5 p.m. Dinner is served 6:00-7:30 Members: $10.00 • Non Members: $15.00 Children (5-12 age): $5.00 To reserve table of 8 or 10, check or credit card must be given prior. So, after 25 years of marriage and a lifetime of immersion in the Italian culture, Lucia Romano is happy to be an integral part of an organization centered on the family and her heritage. A “people person”, she loves planning events (down to the smallest detail) and feels that with the patience and support of Club members her new job “is a match”. 5 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 CULTURAL COMMITTEE NEWS Italian American Club of Livonia December has come and gone and we are well into the New Year 2015. La Befana was held on January 9th to the delight of all the children who attended. Some members complained about it being held on Friday night rather than as part of Thursday night Pasta. It is hard to please everyone but rest assured we are trying. Carnevale will also be held on a Friday night, February 6th Make your reservations early. Mike Wolverton and his band will be playing so it should turn out to be a wonderful night for our children and grown ups alike. We need new members on our Committee. Come join us and bring your ideas and talent with you. We meet the last Thursday of each month at 7:30 p. m. Come join us on 2-26-15. Hope to see you there. The December events our annual Christmas Lunch, Christmas Regional and Sing-a-Long were all well attended and Santa’s appearance was surely and extra that excited all who attended. Keep in mind that Lenten Fish Dinners begin on Friday, February 20th Hope to see a number of you fish lovers there each week through Good Friday, April 3rd. Sing-a-Long 6 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia CULTURAL COMMITTEE NEWS La Befana January 9th, 2015 7 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia GOOD & WELFARE NEWS Prayers of heartfelt sympathy and peace to IACL Member and families for their loss. May their light always shine in our hearts This Committee represents communication of the well-being of our members to the general membership Members in need of prayers of strength, healing, heartfelt sympathy and any special announcements will be posted in the newsletter. To honor the loss of IACL member it is customary to display the Italian American Club of Livonia flag during visitation. Sympathy intentions, healing prayer intentions, family announcements, member news and pictures that you would like shared in the Good and Welfare section, please contact Kathy Iadipaolo-Jones at kjones0322@hotmail.com or 734-462-9438. IACL Member Rocco L. Grimaldi b. March 23, 1945 - d. January 13, 2015 PLEASE JOIN uS TO PRAy THE ROSARy IACL Member Palmira Grimaldi family and dear friends for the loss of beloved husband Rocco. Born in Rocca D’Orcia, Italy to Pasquale & Virginia Grimaldi on March 23, 1945. On August 2, The Italian Rosary is Every Wednesday 1964 married his beloved wife Palmira. In 1965 they took at 7:30 p.m. everything they owned and moved to the United States to WE INVITE ALL TO ATTEND THIS WONDERFUL DEVOTION! start their new lives together. God blessed them with two loving children: Joanne (Benny) Troiani and Tony (Brenda) Un sincero ringraziamento alle signore Anna Bonacchi, Clara DeLuca Grimaldi. Proud grandfather of Sergio Troiani, Stefano Troiani, and Maria DeFlaviis per il lavoro che hanno fatto nel rifare i libri delle canzoni e preghiere che usiamo durante il rosario. Di nuovo Gabriela Grimaldi, Anthony Grimaldi and Nick Grimaldi. Dear brother of Adele Pantanella and Bernardina Serra. Preceded in grazie mille per il lavoro ben fatto. From Maria Vespa death by brother Antonio Grimaldi. Also survived by many brothers in laws, sisters in laws, nieces and nephews. Prayers of strength and healing during time of illness are extended to members and families Jim Hoomaian Teresa Nascimbeni Nancy Abramson Reverend Father Alex J. Brunett Almerinda DeLuca Ann Vassallo Nelson (Vassallo family) Jeannette Dechape (Rimanelli family) Vernon Stubbe (Potestio family) Americo Bianchi Carol Zago Amelia Robertson Lawrence Oberti Vernon Stubbe (Potestio family) Gail Iafrate Ed DeGeeter Andrea Pacitto Liz DeSimone IACL Member Annette Kovalcheck b.July 18, 1955 – d. January 20, 2015 IACL Member Michael Kovalchek , family and dear friends for the loss of beloved wife Annette (Toni). Annette (Toni) Victoria Kovalcheck age 59 of Livonia, passed away at Angela Hospice Care Center in Livonia with her family surrounding her. Born in Detroit to the late Chester & Henrietta Dombrowski. Survived by her loving husband of 39 years Michael. Loving mother of Michael Kovalcheck and Erin (Alexander) Lucas. Proud gramma of Izzy & Xavier. Dear sister of Robert (Linda) Dombrowski, Nancy (David) Robertson, Ronald (Kathy) Dombrowski and Michael Dombrowski. Dearest daughter in law of Rose Kovalcheck. Loving sister in law of Donald (Mhing) Masi, Stephanie (Rick) Serrico and Mark (Rene) Kovalcheck. Numerous nieces and nephews and friends also survive. 8 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia GOOD & WELFARE NEWS LOVING HEARTS AND HANDS KNIT AND CROCHET GROuP NEWS IACL Member Joseph Andreassi b. March 20, 1929 – d. January 20, 2015 IACL Member Ada Andreassi, family and dear friends for the loss of beloved husband Joe. Loving Father of Mary (Mike) Bawol and Ann (Wayne) Combs. Dearest Grandfather of Michael, Andrew and Matthew. IACL Members Joe and Anna Bonacchi and family for the loss of son in law Patrick Hespen, beloved husband to daughter Gina and brother in law to Stephanie. We just finished a very exciting time of year for our Knit and Crochet Group. Twenty ladies gathered on a lovely winter’s day to celebrate the Christmas season with a delicious luncheon. IACL Members Hurley and Fran Fields for the loss of beloved brother Doug Fields. We had filled over twenty large, colorful holiday bags with our knitted and crocheted items. These bags were then delivered to area nursing homes: St. Mary Mercy Cancer Center, U. of M. Mott Children’s Hospital and Villa Maris Senior Home, among others. Our items helped to brighten the holidays for their residents. IACL Members Vince and Teresa Peruchietti for the loss of beloved brother Joe Andreassi // o Dio ascolta la nostra preghiera per l'animi che hai chiamato a te, concedi il riposo eterno nella beata pace della tua dimora, in compagnia dei tuoi angeli e santi, Amen. This past year we also made prayer blankets for some of our ailing club members. We donated items for the 2015 Saint Louis Center Extravaganza raffle. We’ve been busy! Group members have been generous with their time, donations and supplies. They have also supported each other with their knowledge and friendship. Thanks to all who helped us this year. We couldn’t have done it without you. O God hear our prayer for the souls that you have called to thee grant eternal rest in the blessed peace of your dwelling and in the company of thy angels and saints Amen. Connie Vassallo (734) 464-2521 During the upcoming year, we will be putting together a memory photo display to present at 2015 Memorial Mass, we are asking families and friends to submit a photo of your loved one by email kjones0322@hotmail or by mail to: IACL/Good and Welfare 39200 Five Mile Road Livonia, Michigan 48154 Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions Kathy Jones – 734-377-5246. Any photo mailed please enclose return address information. Teresa Peruchietti (313) 274-0117 Carmela Sgroi (734) 464-2918 9 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia KIDZ KORNER Note that at each Pasta Dinner the Band of the week will play a special set for you. Don’t be afraid to ask the band for your favorite fun dance or line dance. REALLy WOuLD APPRECIATE A KIDZ’ MOTHER TO VOLuNTEER TO WRITE THIS COLuMN MONTHLy. PLEASE CALL MARy GALASSO @ (248) 957-6693 FOR FuRTHER INFORMATION. JuST A LITTLE OF yOuR TIME AND TALENT TO KEEP THIS PAGE GOING. ENCOuRAGE yOuR CHILDREN TO GET INVOLVED AS WELL (Pictures, Stories, Drawings, Jokes) PINTO BEAN AND CHEESE TACOS SIMPLE BUT GREAT! 1 15 Ounce Can Pinto Beans, rinsed ¾ Cup mild salsa 1 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese 8 Taco Shells 1 Heart of Romaine Directions: 1. In a small microwave proof bowl, combine the beans & ½ Cup of the Salsa. Microwave on high until hot 2. Tear the lettuce into bite size pieces 3. Divide the taco shells among 4 plates. Divide the bean mixture among the taco shells and top with Lettuce, Cheddar and remaining ¼ Cup of Salsa WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEWS FROM yOu! e-mail to lucia@iacl.us YOUR NAME________________________________________ WORD MATCH SCuOLA LIBRO RAGAZZO MAESTRO RAGAZZA SCRIVERE BOy TEACHER TO WRITE SCHOOL BOOK GIRL ADDRESS _____________________________________________ BIRTHDATE________________________ AGE _______ PHONE_______________________________________ CELL PHONE_______________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS______________________________________ 10 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia TEEN TYMES TEEN TYMES WE HAVE HAD SOME VOLuNTEERS WORKING WITH OuR SMALL CHILDREN IN OuR PLAyROOM ON THuRSDAy NIGHT PASTA NIGHTS. THANK yOu. HOW ABOuT A COuPLE DIFFERENT TEENS TO HELP uS OuT. IF yOu ARE PLANNING ON A TEACHING CAREER IN FuTuRE THIS MIGHT GIVE yOu SOME INSIGHT TO THAT PROFESSION AND BESIDES yOu WILL BE CREDITED FOR yOuR COMMuNITy INVOLVEMENT. I AWAIT yOuR CALL. Mary Galasso @ (248) 957-6693 or mgalasso@mi.rr.com HOW ABOUT STARTING A BOCCE LEAGUE? WE CAN POST A SIGN uP SHEET FOR yOu & yOuR FRIENDS. LET ME KNOW IF yOu ARE INTERESTED. Contact: Mary Galasso...See information above. We are looking for a few teenagers to spend some time with our small children in our playroom working with them by reading to them, coloring projects, chalkboard time, games etc during our Thursday Pasta Dinners from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. If any of you are willing to spend an hour with them it could serve as your community time for school and probably be fun besides. Call Lucia and let her know you are interested, maybe even bring a friend along to help out as well. Answers: 1. Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered. 2. A garbage truck. JOKES #1 What did the blanket say to the bed? #2 What has four wheels and flies? #3 Why couldn’t the Pirate play cards? #4 What goes through towns, up and over hills, but doesn’t move? #5 What three candies can you find in every school? #6 Did you hear the joke about the roof? 3. Because he was sitting on the deck. 4. The road. 5. Nerds, DumDums and Smarties. 6. Never mind it’s over your head WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEWS FROM yOu! YOUR NAME ___________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ PHONE__________________________________CELL PHONE____________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________ 11 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia YOUNG ADULTS NOTICE FOR YOUNG ADULTS...18-26 Years Old A volunteer young Adult is needed to spearhead establishing this valuable link to your Italian Heritage so please contact our Club Coordinator at (734) 953-1137 or via e-mail at lucia@iacl.us Make it yOuR CLuB. If you aren’t an official member, join now. An annual membership is just $35.00 for young Adults. • Establish a Bocce Team • Plan a group trip • Participate in our Euchre Tournaments Call Mary Galasso with questions, ideas at (248) 957-6693 HOW ABOuT A KARAOKE OR TRIVIA NIGHT JuST FOR yOuNG ADuLTS? PLEASE CALL ME SO WE CAN GET STARTED. Mary Galasso (248) 957-6693 Please provide us with information noted below and send to: LuCIA@iacl.us. HoPe to HeAR FRom YoU. NO ONE HAS VOLuNTEERED TO DATE.... PLEASE HELP uS GET THIS STARTED! A reprint from HEALTH Watch magazine STRESSING yOuRSELF SICK BY Sari Harrar A little stress can be good for you- helping you swerve your car to avoid a crash, or giving you a burst of energy before you give a speech. But nonstop stress speeds up the aging process. It can make you tired, slow your body’s ability to make infection-fighting blood cells, and add to problems with memory and concentration Stress affects your health, from head to toe. Stress can “rewire” our BRAIN, putting us at risk for anxiety and depression. EMOTIONS Moodiness, Irritability, or angriness. IMMUNE SYSTEM stress boosts inflammation as your system releases more chemicals called cytokines. HEART AND BLOOD VESSELS – Stress can increase heart disease risk and slow down the healing after a heart attack. BONES AND JOINTS Worsens the pain of arthritis and may weaken bones. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Stress can cause bloating, diarrhea, gas, nausea, and flare-ups of irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. SKIN Stress may cause skin rashes, and worsen eczema and psoriasis. SOLUTIONS Take care of you. Sleep, Exercise, gardening, friends. Breathe away stress. Take three breaths each on deeper than the last. RELAX FULLY Sit comfortably or lie down. Take a calm breath as you tense and relax each part of your body. KEEP A “FUN LIST” HANDY. Write down fun things you like to do. When feeling stressed choose one. SMILE the next time you’re stressed waiting in a long line or traffic jam smile at others. You’ll feel better and they may too. ****** Y0UNG ADULT (18 TO 26)******* YOUR NAME __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________ PHONE _________________________________ CELL PHONE __________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________ 12 ATTENTION IACL WOMEN If you like to play cards (poker, pinochle, euchre, etc.) or a board game, join your Italian American Club ladies (non-members welcome) on the second Tuesday of each month from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM in the lower level. We have a lot of fun and we all bring a light snack to share. With the exception of Coffee and Tea Beverages are not provided, so you must bring your own. Please contact Bea King (734) 420-4481 or Shirley Broccardo (734) 464-7909 for more information. A number of our members have expressed the wish to sponsor a euchre tournament once a month on a specific Friday. We are looking for interested parties (male or female) who would like to participate in such an activity. Please call Lucia Romano at (247) 9531137 if you wish to play. This could be a fun event. Let’s make it happen. ITALIAN AMERICAN CLuB OF LIVONIA ~ BAR MENu CARRy OuT ~ 734 953 1137 AFTER 5:30 P.M. PRESS “4” PIZZA PASTA , CHICKEN AND SALADS BIANCA (MOZZARELLA & SEASONING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.25 ITALIA (CHEESE, ARUGULA, TOMATOES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.50 STAGIONI (CHEESE, MUSHROOM, OLIVES, PEPPERONI, SAUSAGE) . . . . . . .$9.00 RuSTICA (CHEESE, PEPPERONI, MUSHROOMS ONION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 CAPRICCIOSA (CHEESE, MUSHROOM, CAPICOLA, OLIVES, ARTICHOKE) . . . .$9.95 MARGHERITA (TOMATOES, MOZZARELLA, ASIAGO, BASIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 PuTTANESCA (CHEESE, BLACK OLIVES, CAPERS & ANCHOVIES) . . . . . . . . . .$8.50 AMAZING (CHEESE, CHICKEN, GRAPE TOMATOES, ARUGULA, ASIAGO, ARTICHOKE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11.95 CALZONE (CHEESE, PEPPERONI, SAUSAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 BRuSCHETTA (PIZZA BREAD,TOMATOS,GARLIC,BASIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.00 EXTRA ITEMS: ONIONS, MUSHROOMS, OLIVES, ARUGULA, CAPERS, TOMATOES, ASIAGO, BANANA PEPPERS, PARMESAN CHEESE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 6 GRANDE CHICKEN WINGS (BBQ, RANCH, OR HOT SAUCE) . . . . . . . . . . .$3.95 4 CHICKEN TENDERS (BBQ , RANCH OR HOT SAUCE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.65 ANTIPASTO SALAD BuLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.95 GARDEN SALAD BuLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.75 PASTA MARINARA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.00 DESSERTS PANE FRITTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.75 SPuM0NI OR LEMON ICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.35 NuTELLA (DESSERT PIZZA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.75 GELATO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25 SAUSAGE, CAPICOLA, PEPPERONI, PROSCIUTTO, CHICKEN, ANCHOVIES, ARTICHOKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 HAMBuRGER & SANDWICHES (ADD ITALIAN FRIES FOR ONLy $1.00) 1/3 POuND CERTIFIED ANGuS ITALIAN BuRGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.75 GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.00 ITALIAN SuB (PROSCIUTTO, MORTADELLA, SOPPRESSATA, PROVOLONE) . .$5.25 ITALIAN STEAK FRIES SEASONED WITH ROSEMARy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50 13 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Banquet Center IABC To All Italian American Club of Livonia Members THE ITALIAN-AMERICAN BANQuET CENTER OF LIVONIA Dear Members, offers discounts to IACL members- LIFETIME MEMBERS who have been fully paid for a period of two years to date of deposit will receive a 10% discount on food entrée purchases only. ANNUAL MEMBERS who are in good standing for a period of three consecutive years prior to date of deposit will receive a 5% discount on food entrée purchases only. IACL Membership Committee will verify membership criteria to discount allocation. Don’t forget to join us for your Celebrations such as communions, graduations, Showers and weddings. We would welcome the opportunity to assist you in planning your At-Home Celebration We offer full service catering on premise as well as our carryout service Please give us a call at (734) 953-9724 To discuss your specific needs We would welcome the opportunity Sincerely, Fabiola Brace, General Manager A wheelchair is available for use in our facility. If you need to use it when attending one of our functions please call The Italian-American Banquet Center Sales Office to make arrangements (734) 953-9724. We offer carry out service. Please see enclosed carry out catering menu items. For further information or placing orders please contact Sales office Fabiola or Linda 734-953-9724 ext. 202. Please allow 2-4 days notice. Pick up only. Please note: iAcL member discount does not apply to any carry out orders. 14 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 Italian American Club of Livonia IABC The Italian-American Banquet Center would like to thank Antonio and Mary Schimizzi for their generous donation of money that helped us purchase the big screen TV in the lobby for our digital signage. We appreciate everything that you do to help make our Banquet Center beautiful. Thank you again for your gracious support. 15 IACL NEWSLETTER FEBRuARy 2015 GENERAL INFO Italian American Club of Livonia FROM THE CuCINA OF IACL MEMBERS 2011-2013 Standing Committee Chairpersons Building Maintenance – John Zago Cultural – Maria Stante Good and Welfare – Kathy Jones Finance – Frank Luscri Membership – Maryann Rea Featuring this month: LEMON PEPPER SHRIMP SCAMPI 1 cup of uncooked orzo 2 tablespoons chopped parsley l/2 teaspoon salt divided 7 teaspoons unsalted butter divided l-l/2 pounds peeled and deveined fresh jumbo shrimp 2 teaspoons minced fresh garlic 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice l/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1. Cook orzo according to package directions omitting salt. Drain. Place orzo in a medium bowl. Stir in parsley and l/4 teaspoon salt. Cover and keep warm. 2. While orzo cooks, melt l tablespoon butter in large nonstick pan over medium high heat. Sprinkle shrimp with remaining l/4 teaspoon salt. Add half of shrimp to pan, saute 2 minutes or until shrimp are almost done. Transfer shrimp to a plate. Melt 1 teaspoon butter in pan, saute remainder of shrimp 2 minutes or until almost done. Transfer to plate. 3. Melt remaining 1 tablespoon butter in pan. Add garlic to pan, cook 30 seconds stirring constantly. Add shrimp, juice and pepper to pan, cook 1 minute or until shrimp are done. BuON APPETITO! PLEASE NOTE! IF yOu HAVE A PARTy OF TEN (10) OR MORE COMING FOR PIZZA, WINGS, ETC. PLEASE CALL A DAy IN ADVANCE TO ADVISE uS SO THAT GOOD, PROMPT SERVICE CAN BE ASSuRED. CALL LuCIA, OuR CLuB COORDINATOR AT (734) 953-1137 WHO WILL COORDINATE WITH OuR BANQuET HALL MANAGER. ALSO, PLEASE BE AWARE ANy PIZZA PARTy OF 15 PEOPLE OR MORE WILL BE CHARGED A 15% GRATuITy. Communication with our members is important. Please feel free to call Lucia, our Club Coordinator, to reach any of our Board Members. Gianna will arrange to have the person you are interested in talking with give you a call. 2014-2016 Board of Directors Italian American Club of Livonia Officers Jerry Ruggirello President Vince Peruchietti Vice President Angela (Soave) Kelley Treasurer Frank Luscri Recording Secretary Maryann Rea Corresponding Secretary Ernest Iafrate Sergeant-at-Arms Mary F. Galasso Past President Robert Ficano Consul IACL Directors Robert Catanzarite Reginaldo De Luca Piero Di Stefano Mark Merucci Ron Robertson Alice Rotondo Silvio Scappaticci Pete Soave Mario Stante John Zago Board of Directors - as of Jan. 1, 2015 Italian American Charitable Foundation Officers President Maria (Capicchioni) Harris Vice-President Anna Giammarco Treasurer Maria Stante Secretary John Colasanti Directors Tiffany Devon Mary Galasso Carmelo Greco Franco Iaderosa Teresa Nascimbeni Jerry Ruggirello Board of Directors Italian American Banquet & Conference Center Officers Roger De Luca President Tony De Marco Treasurer Vito Guarano Secretary CALL LUCIA AT 734-953-1137 EXT 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 STRIKING OUT ON YOUR DENTAL SMILE? DO YOU HAVE MISSING TEETH BECAUSE OF: v TOOTH DECAY? v TRAUMA TO THE MOUTH? v ROOT CANAL FAILURE? v EXCESSIVE WEAR & TEAR? v GUM DISEASE? v CONGENITAL DEFECTS? v LOOSE OR ILL FITTING DENTURES? Dr. Terri Todaro CALL OUR OFFICE FOR A FREE CONSULTATION AND $200 OFF EACH IMPLANT! TODARO DENTAL CAN OFFER A PERMANENT SOLUTION WITH DENTAL IMPLANTS! 31395 SEVEN MILE ROAD (at Merriman) LIVONIA, MI 48152 (248) 477-7905 http://todarodental.com Dr. Cynthia Todaro 28 29 CALL LUCIA AT 734-953-1137 EXT 2 PLACE YOUR AD HERE! 30 31 32 33 Lou Mascolo IACL Member 34 The Italian American Club of Livonia 39200 Five Mile Road Livonia, Michigan 48154 Club Level - Tel: 734-953-1137 Fax: 734-953-2992 IACL Club Office HOuRS: Mon. thru Fri. 10:00am--4:00pm Sat-Sun - CLOSED Banquet Center - Sales Office: 734-953-9724 Fax: 734-953-5736 • www.iabc-livonia.com info@iabc-livonia.com Charitable Foundation - Tel: 734-953-2664 Newsletter Coordinator: Email: Lucia@iacl.us PLACE AN AD IN NEWSLETTER TODAy! Contact Tel: 734-953-1137 for information and rates the italian American club newsletter published monthly by and for italian American club members FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID S.C.S., MI 48080 PERMIT NO. 111
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