J&O GLOBAL FORESTRY INVESTMENT FUND APPLICATION FORM INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS Page 1/2 C shares in J&O Global pursuant toto the terms and conditions setset out inin the current Prospectus. Please subscribe to Class A Global Forestry ForestryInvestment InvestmentFund, Fund, pursuant the terms and conditions out the current Prospectus. BASIC INFORMATION Professional Life CompanyInvestor Name Contact person Intermediary (if any) INVESTMENT Policy number number/Investor ID Remittance Amount in currency Remittance Amount in currency GBP SEK NOKEUR EUR Total SEK NOKEUR GBP USD GBP EUR USD SEK ISIN number BMG4988Y2056 BMG4988Y2478BMG4988Y2130 BMG4988Y2213 BMG4988Y2395 BMG4988Y1637 BMG4988Y1553 BMG4988Y1306 BMG4988Y1488 USD GBP SEKUSD Investment Investment GBP EUR EUR USD SEK SEKNOK GBP USD Note that the investment is subject to redemption fees: 5% year 1; 4% year 2; 3% year 3; 2% year 4; 1% year 5; 0% year 6. The NAV development between the SEK, EUR, USD and GBP denominated shares could vary as a result of currency hedges. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES Signature Name in block letters Place, date Signature Name in block letters Place, date J&O Asset Management Ltd. 3 Burnaby Street, T.J. Pearman Building, Hamilton HM12, Bermuda +44 872 111 7381 www.jo-am.com mj@jo-am.com FullFull AML AML documentation documentation must must be be supplied. supplied. J&O J&O GLOBAL GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND : : 2. 2. TRANSFER TRANSFER SUBSCRIBED SUBSCRIBED AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTO APPLICATION APPLICATION FORM FORM INSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS CLIENTS J&O J&OGLOBAL GLOBALFORESTRY FORESTRYINVESTMENT INVESTMENTFUND FUND Page Page 2/22/2 BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, Fund, 3 Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Street, T.J.T.J. Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY BANK BANK Credit Credit Suisse Suisse AG.AG. Paradeplatz Paradeplatz 8. 8070 8. 8070 Zurich. Zurich. Switzerland Switzerland Page Page 2/22/2 APPLICATION APPLICATION FORM FORMINSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS CLIENTS J&O J&OGLOBAL GLOBALFORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND J&O J&OGLOBAL GLOBALFORESTRY FORESTRYINVESTMENT INVESTMENTFUND FUND FOR FOR EUR EUR Page Page 2/22/2 APPLICATION APPLICATION FORM FORMINSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONALCLIENTS CLIENTS Page Page 2/22/2 APPLICATION APPLICATION FORM FORM INSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS CLIENTS Directly Directly to APPLICATION to APPLICATION or funds or funds to be to be sent to BOTH Correspondent to Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank 1. SEND 1. SEND IN IN ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOGETHER TOGETHER WITH WITH ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS BYsent BY BOTH FAX, FAX, EMAIL EMAIL AND AND MAIL MAIL TO: TO: Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. 010-130540-511 010-130540-511 Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name BYBY Deutsche Deutsche Bank Bank AGAG FAX FAX NUMBER +353-214-633377 +353-214-633377 1. SEND 1. NUMBER SEND APPLICATION APPLICATION IN IN ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOGETHER TOGETHER WITH WITH ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS BOTH BOTH FAX, FAX, EMAIL EMAIL AND AND MAIL MAIL TO:TO: Currency Currency EUR EUR J&O Account Account name name JFund +JServices O+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTDLTD MAIL MAIL J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, Fund, c/o c/o Apex Apex Fund Services (Ireland) (Ireland) Ltd.Ltd.INVESTMENT Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Enterprise Enterprise House. House. WatersEdge, WatersEdge, Midleton. Midleton. Ireland Ireland 1. SEND 1. SEND APPLICATION APPLICATION IN IN ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOGETHER TOGETHER WITH WITH ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS BYBY BOTH BOTH FAX, FAX, EMAIL EMAIL AND AND MAIL MAIL TO:TO: 00353 00353 (1) (1) 411 411 2948 2948 FAX FAX NUMBER NUMBER +353-214-633377 +353-214-633377 1. SEND 1. SEND APPLICATION APPLICATION IN IN ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOGETHER TOGETHER WITH WITH ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS BY BY BOTH BOTH FAX, FAX, EMAIL EMAIL AND AND MAIL MAIL TO:TO: BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC BIC DEUTDEFF DEUTDEFF EMAIL EMAIL bryan@apexfunds.ie bryan@apexfunds.ie AND AND yvonne@apexfunds.ie yvonne@apexfunds.ie J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, Fund, c/oc/o c/o Apex Apex Fund Fund Services Services (Ireland) (Ireland) Ltd. Ltd. MAIL MAIL J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, Fund, c/o Apex Apex Fund Fund Services Services (Ireland) (Ireland) Ltd. Ltd. 1st 1st Floor, Floor, Block Block 2 WatersEdge, 2 WatersEdge, FAX FAX NUMBER NUMBER +353-214-633377 +353-214-633377 Enterprise Enterprise House. House. Midleton. Midleton. Ireland Ireland FAX FAX NUMBER NUMBER +353-214-633377 +353-214-633377 FOR GBP GBP Harcourt Harcourt Centre Centre FullFOR Full AML AML documentation documentation must must be be supplied. supplied. MAIL MAIL J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, Fund, c/oc/o Apex Apex Fund Fund Services Services (Ireland) (Ireland) Ltd.Ltd. EMAIL EMAIL bryan@apexfunds.ie bryan@apexfunds.ie AND AND yvonne@apexfunds.ie yvonne@apexfunds.ie MAIL MAIL J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, Fund, c/o c/o Apex Apex Services Services (Ireland) (Ireland) Ltd. Directly Directly to to or funds or funds to Ireland be to Ireland be sent sent toFund Correspondent toFund Correspondent Bank Bank forLtd. for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Harcourt Harcourt St, St, Dublin Dublin 2,WatersEdge, Ireland 2, Ireland Enterprise Enterprise House. House. WatersEdge, Midleton. Midleton. EMAIL EMAIL Enterprise Enterprise House. House. WatersEdge, WatersEdge, Midleton. Midleton. Ireland Ireland JO@apexfunds.ie JO@apexfunds.ie Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no. no. 010-130540-513 010-130540-513 EMAIL EMAIL bryan@apexfunds.ie bryan@apexfunds.ie AND AND yvonne@apexfunds.ie yvonne@apexfunds.ie FullFull AML AML documentation documentation must must be be supplied. supplied. EMAIL EMAIL bryan@apexfunds.ie bryan@apexfunds.ie AND yvonne@apexfunds.ie yvonne@apexfunds.ie Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited LimitedAND Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank PLCPLC Currency GBP GBP Account Account name name J +JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTDLTD : : Full AML together with Apex Self-Certification must be supplied. 2. 2. TRANSFER TRANSFER SUBSCRIBED SUBSCRIBED AMOUNT TOTO FullCurrency AML documentation documentation must must beAMOUNT be supplied. supplied. FullCountry Full AML AML documentation documentation must must be be supplied. supplied. Country Bermuda Bermuda BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BICStreet, BIC T.J.T.J. MIDLGB22 MIDLGB22 BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, 3 Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda : :Fund, 2. BIC 2. TRANSFER TRANSFER SUBSCRIBED SUBSCRIBED AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTO BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY BANK BANK Credit Credit Suisse Suisse AG.AG. Paradeplatz Paradeplatz 8. 8070 8. 8070 Zurich. Zurich. Switzerland Switzerland FOR FOR USD USD : :Fund, 2. 2. TRANSFER SUBSCRIBED AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTO BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, 3 Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Street, T.J.T.J. Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda T RTRANSFER A N S F E RSUBSCRIBED OF F UNDS : : 2. 2. TRANSFER TRANSFER SUBSCRIBED SUBSCRIBED AMOUNT AMOUNT TO TO Directly Directly to to or Switzerland funds or Switzerland funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank FOR FOR EUR EUR BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY BANK BANK Credit Credit Suisse Suisse AG.AG. Paradeplatz Paradeplatz 8. 8070 8. 8070 Zurich. Zurich. Beneficiary Beneficiary Account no. no. 010-130540-501 010-130540-501 BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, Fund, 3Investment Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Street, T.J. Pearman Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda Directly Directly orFund funds or funds toT.J. be to Pearman be sent sent toBuilding, Correspondent toBuilding, Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank TO: to toAccount J&O Global Forestry BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY J&O J&O Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund, Fund, 3Front Burnaby 3Front Burnaby Street, Street, T.J. T.J. Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank USA USA BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY BANKS BANKS HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited 68070 6 Street Street Hamilton Hamilton HM11, HM11, Bermuda Bermuda and and SWEDBANK SWEDBANK AB, AB, 10534 10534 Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Sweden BANK BANK Credit Credit Suisse Suisse AG. AG. Paradeplatz Paradeplatz 8. 8. 8070 Zurich. Zurich. Switzerland Switzerland Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no. no. 010-130540-511 010-130540-511 EUR 3 Burnaby Street, T.J. Pearman Building FOR FOR EUR BENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY BANK BANK Credit Credit Suisse Suisse AG. AG. Paradeplatz Paradeplatz 8. 8070 8. 8070 Zurich. Zurich. Currency Currency USD USD Account Account name name J +Correspondent J O+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD name Hamilton HMLimited 12 Bank Bank name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Bank Bank name name Deutsche Deutsche Bank Bank AG AG Directly Directly to to or Switzerland funds or Switzerland funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Country Country Bermuda Bermuda FOR FOR SEK SEK EUR EUR Currency Currency EUR EUR Account Account name name J +JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTDLTD Account numbers with Swedbank: Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. Bermuda 010-130540-511 010-130540-511 FOR FOR EUR EUR BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC BIC MRMDUS33 MRMDUS33 Directly Directly to to or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name Deutsche Deutsche Bank Bank AG AG Directly Directly toIban toAccount or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to568 Beneficiary Bank Bank Bank:Swedbank SEK 8327-9,934 711-6 Account Account Iban number: number: SE14 8000 8000 0832 0832 7993 7993 4568 4568 7116 7116 BIC Beneficiary Beneficiary Account no.no. SE14 010-130540-511 010-130540-511 BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC DEUTDEFF DEUTDEFF Currency Currency EUR EUR Account Account name name J +Correspondent JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. JO 010-130540-511 010-130540-511 FOR FOR SEK SEK Account Account name: name: JO Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund Fund LtdLtd Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name Deutsche Deutsche Bank Bank AGAGEUR 8327-9,237 675 719-7 Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Bank wire 508-4397 orLimited use one of the account numbers insent the box. Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Bank Bank name name Deutsche Deutsche Bank Bank AG AG GBP 8327-9,37 722-6 name: name: Swedbank Swedbank AB AB Directly Directly to to number, ”Bankgiro”: or or to be to be sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to 013 Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank FOR FOR GBP GBP Currency Currency EUR EUR Account Account name name J +Correspondent J O+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BICfunds BICfunds DEUTDEFF DEUTDEFF USD 8327-9,137 026 583-5 Currency: Currency: EUR EUR Currency Currency Account Account name name J +Correspondent JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD SEK FOR FOR SEK SEK Beneficiary Beneficiary Account no.no. SEK 010-130540-517 010-130540-517 Directly Directly to toAccount or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Sending bank: NOK 8327-9,37 097 163-2 Country: Country: Sweden Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name Skandinaviska Skandinaviska Enskilda Enskilda Banken Banken Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. Sweden 010-130540-513 010-130540-513 BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC BIC DEUTDEFF DEUTDEFF FOR FOR GBP GBP BIC: BIC: SWEDSESS SWEDSESS BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC BIC DEUTDEFF DEUTDEFF Currency Currency SEK Account Account name name J +Correspondent J O+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank PLC PLC Directly Directly to to(investor) bankSEK or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Sender’s BIC/Swift: SWEDSESS Country Country Bermuda Bermuda FOR FOR GBP GBP Currency Currency GBP GBP Account Account name name J + J O + GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no. no. 010-130540-513 010-130540-513 accound number: FOR FOR GBP GBP BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC BIC ESSESESS ESSESESS Directly Directly to to or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank PLC PLC Directly Directly to toAccount or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Beneficiary Beneficiary Account no.no. BBDABMHM 010-130540-513 010-130540-513 BIC BIC BBDABMHM BIC BIC MIDLGB22 MIDLGB22 Currency Currency GBP GBP Account Account name name J +Correspondent JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no. no. use: 010-130540-513 010-130540-513 For For transfers transfers from from Sweden, Sweden, use: Landkod Landkod ‘BM’ ‘BM’ andand Betalningskod Betalningskod ‘602’. ‘602’. This This form form together together with with cleared cleared funds funds must must be be received received 7 days 7 days prior prior to the to the first first Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank PLC PLC Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank PLCPLC business business dayday of the of the month. month. If not, If not, money money will will be be held held andand accepted accepted onBIC on the the next next dealing dealing day. day. Currency Currency GBP GBP Account Account name name J +MIDLGB22 J O+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTDLTD FOR FOR USD USD BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC MIDLGB22 Currency Currency GBP GBP Account Account name name J +Correspondent JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Directly Directly to to or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Country Country Bermuda Bermuda BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BICBIC MIDLGB22 MIDLGB22 Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. 010-130540-501 010-130540-501 FOR FOR USD USD BICBank BICname BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BICfunds BICfunds MIDLGB22 MIDLGB22 Bank name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank USA USA Directly Directly to to or or to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank FOR FOR USD USD Currency Currency USD Account Account name name J +JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTDLTD Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. USD 010-130540-501 010-130540-501 FOR FOR USD USD Directly Directly to to or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank USA USA Directly Directly to toAccount or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Beneficiary Beneficiary Account no.no. BBDABMHM 010-130540-501 010-130540-501 BIC BIC BBDABMHM BIC BIC MRMDUS33 MRMDUS33 Currency Currency USD USD Account Account name name J +Correspondent JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. Bermuda 010-130540-501 010-130540-501 Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank USA USA Country Country Bermuda Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank USA USA FOR FOR SEK SEK Currency Currency USD USD Account Account name name J +MRMDUS33 J O+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTDLTD BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC BIC MRMDUS33 Currency Currency USD USD Account Account name name J +Correspondent JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD Directly Directly to to or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. 010-130540-517 010-130540-517 BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BICBIC MRMDUS33 MRMDUS33 FOR FOR SEK SEK BICBank BICname BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BICfunds BICfunds MRMDUS33 MRMDUS33 Bank name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name Skandinaviska Skandinaviska Enskilda Enskilda Banken Banken Directly Directly to to or or to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank FOR FOR SEK SEK Currency Currency SEK Account Account name name J +JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTDLTD Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. SEK 010-130540-517 010-130540-517 FOR FOR EUR EUR SEK SEK Directly Directly to to or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Correspondent Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name Skandinaviska Skandinaviska Enskilda Enskilda Banken Banken Directly Directly to toAccount or funds or funds to be to be sent sent to Correspondent to Bank Bank for for further further credit credit to Beneficiary to Beneficiary Bank Bank Beneficiary Beneficiary Account no.no. BBDABMHM 010-130540-517 010-130540-517 BIC BIC BBDABMHM BIC BIC ESSESESS ESSESESS Currency Currency SEK SEK Account Account name name J +Correspondent JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD Account Account Iban Iban number: number: SE32 8000 8000 0832 0832 7923 7923 7675 7675 7197 7197 Bank Beneficiary Beneficiary Account Account no.no. SE32 010-130540-517 010-130540-517 Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank name name Skandinaviska Skandinaviska Enskilda Enskilda Banken Banken Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Account Account name: name: JO JO Global Global Forestry Forestry Investment Investment Fund Fund Ltd Ltd Bank Bank name name HSBC HSBC Bank Bank Bermuda Bermuda Limited Limited Bank Bank name name Skandinaviska Skandinaviska Enskilda Enskilda Banken For For transfers transfers from from Sweden, Sweden, use: use: Landkod Landkod ‘BM’ ‘BM’ and and Betalningskod Betalningskod ‘602’. ‘602’. This This form form together together with with funds funds must must beBanken be received received 7 days 7 days prior prior to the to the first first Currency Currency SEK SEK Account Account name name J +ESSESESS J O+cleared GLOBAL O cleared GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTD LTD BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC BIC ESSESESS Bank Bank name: name: Swedbank Swedbank ABAB Currency Currency SEK SEK Account name name J +JO+GLOBAL O GLOBAL FORESTRY FORESTRY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FUND FUND LTDLTD business business dayday of the of the month. month. If not, If not, money money willwill be be held held andand accepted accepted onAccount on the the next next dealing dealing day. day. Country Country Bermuda Bermuda Currency: Currency: EUR EUR Country Country Bermuda Bermuda BIC BIC BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BICBIC ESSESESS ESSESESS For For transfers transfers from from Sweden, Sweden, use: use: Landkod Landkod ‘BM’ ‘BM’ andand Betalningskod Betalningskod ‘602’. ‘602’. This This form form together together with with cleared cleared funds funds must must be be received received 7 days 7 days prior prior to the to the first first Country: Sweden Sweden BICCountry: BIC dayday BBDABMHM BBDABMHM BIC ESSESESS ESSESESS business business of the of the month. month. If not, If not, money money willwill be be held held andand accepted accepted onBIC on the the next next dealing dealing day. day. BIC: BIC: SWEDSESS SWEDSESS ForFor transfers transfers from from Sweden, Sweden, use: use: Landkod Landkod ‘BM’ ‘BM’ andand Betalningskod Betalningskod ‘602’. ‘602’. This This form form together together with with cleared cleared funds funds must must be be received received 7 days 7 days prior prior to the to the first first Forbusiness For transfers transfers from Sweden, use: use: Landkod ‘BM’ ‘BM’ and and Betalningskod Betalningskod ‘602’. ‘602’. This This form form together together with with cleared cleared funds funds must must be be received received 7 days 7 days prior prior to the to the first first business day day of from the ofSweden, the month. month. If not, If Landkod not, money money will will be be held held and and on the next next dealing dealing day. day. This This form form together together with with cleared cleared funds funds must must be be received received 7accepted days 7accepted days prior prior toon the tothe the first first business business day day of the of the month. month. business business dayday of of the month. month. Ifand not, If not, money money will will be be held held and and accepted accepted thethe next next dealing dealing day. day. If not, If not, money money willthe will be be held held and accepted accepted on on the the next next dealing dealing day. day. on on J&O J&O Asset Asset Management Management Ltd. Ltd. 3 Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Street, T.J.T.J. Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda +44 +44 872 872 111111 7381 7381 www.alternativainvesteringar.se www.alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se J&O J&O Asset Asset Management Management Ltd. Ltd. 3 Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Street, T.J.T.J. Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda +44 +44 872 872 111111 7381 7381 www.alternativainvesteringar.se www.alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se J&O J&O Asset Asset Management Management Ltd. Ltd. 3 Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Street, T.J.T.J. Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda +44 +44 872 872 111111 7381 7381 www.alternativainvesteringar.se www.alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se J&O J&O Asset Asset Management Management Ltd. Ltd. 3 Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Street, T.J.T.J. Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda J&O J&O Asset Asset Management Management Ltd. Ltd. 3 Burnaby 3 Burnaby Street, Street, T.J.T.J. Pearman Pearman Building, Building, Hamilton Hamilton HM12, HM12, Bermuda Bermuda +44 +44 872 872 111 111 7381 7381 www.alternativainvesteringar.se www.alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se +44 +44 872 872 111111 7381 7381 www.alternativainvesteringar.se www.alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se deal@alternativainvesteringar.se
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