November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Served by Oratorians 1694 Bird Street ● Rock Hill, SC 29730 ● Phone: (803) 329-2662 ● Fax: (803) 329-2190 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm ● Email: Sacramental Emergency (803) 329-2662 Ext.7 ● WELCOME to saint anne We celebrate our cultural diversity and invite everyone in our community to share their unique gifts. PARISH PERSONNEL Rev. Fabio Refosco, C.O., Pastor Rev. Paul Nguyen, C.O., Parochial Vicar Deacon Ray Moore (803) 684-5621 Deacon Jim Hyland (803) 327-5080 Mrs. Pat Fedele, Parish Manager Mrs. Christina Pascual, Parish Secretary Ms. Margie Blair, Facility Operations Mrs. Maria Perez, Parish Bookkeeper Mrs. Elena Ziegler, DRE Mrs. Kendra Foos, Youth Minister Mr. Jermaine Evans, Music Director Mr. Dan Taylor, FLC Coordinator Saint Anne Catholic School Phone: (803) 324-4814 Mrs. Shaileen Riginos, Principal Mrs. Melita Talbot-Hill, Secretary Mrs. Michelle Hatchett, Marketing Mrs. Terrah Shene, Nurse SAS’s Virtuous Students of the Month MISSION STATEMENT Saint Anne Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community blessed with a diversity of cultures all united in the Body of Christ. Formed in Faith and nourished by the Sacraments, we continue to grow in our call to Evangelization. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Masses 5:30pm and 7:30pm (Vietnamese Mass) Sunday Masses 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am 12:30pm (Spanish Mass) and 5:00pm (Contemporary Mass) Weekday Mass 7:00am (Monday - Friday) SACRAMENTS Baptism—Contact the office before or after the child’s birth. Baptism Class is on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Church Meeting Room. Holy Eucharist—Please call the church for Communion to be brought to the homebound, the sick or the hospitalized. Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:45pm — 5:15pm or by appointment. Confirmation—Call the DRE for more information. Marriage—Bride and Groom must schedule with the pastor a minimum of one year prior to intended date of marriage. Holy Orders—If you feel a call to the priesthood or the diaconate, contact our priests or deacons. Anointing of the Sick—If you are in need of this sacrament, contact one of our priests. November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH CONTACTS Altar Servers Lauren Switzer (803) 517 7415 Annulments Jim Hyland (803) 327 5080 Apostles of Divine Mercy Bill Griesbauer (803) 327 4300 Bereavement Ministry Marian Craig (803) 327 1458 Boy Scouts Dan D'Agostino (803) 628 0150 Building Committee Rob Worley (803) 328 9399 Confirmation Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808 Craft Group Mary Sacco (803) 328 3244 Cub Scouts Todd Cook (803) 327 0420 Daily Morning Mass Marian Shulgay (803) 327 7676 Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen Beverly Carroll (803) 366 2963 Extraordinary Ministers Bill Rife (803) 980 5483 Family Promise Jan Richards (803) 328 6535 Finance Council Ralph Domenick (803) 324 4250 Girl Scouts Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439 Greeters Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637 Hispanic Ministry Ángel Juarez (803) 327 2548 Knights of Columbus Ray Howard (803) 325 1086 Lectors Pat Gann (803) 366 2168 Little Flowers Group Kristine Patterson (803) 327 1333 Men’s Organization Ed FitzGerald (803) 366 2774 Music Director Jermaine Evans (803) 517 4537 Parish Manager Pat Fedele (803) 329 2662 Pastoral Council Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439 Perpetual Adoration Bud & Carol Marlow (803) 328 9745 Religious Education Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865 Respect For Life Kristine Lenti (803) 328 5810 Rosary Group (M.M.P.) Maureen Johnson (803) 366 1588 Sacristan Bill Rife (803) 980 5483 Safe Environment Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865 Secretary Christina Pascual (803) 329 2662 St. Anne Festival Kendra Foos (803) 792 1442 St. Martha’s Circle Mary Lou Fellows (803) 980 6271 St. Vincent De Paul Debi Noce (803) 327 2099 St. Vincent De Paul Youth Donna Willis ( 803) 324 2724 Stewardship Committee Charlie Grobusky (803) 366 1501 Ushers Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637 Vietnamese Ministry Jenny Nguyen (803) 389 9516 Wedding Advisor Diane Hinton (803) 366 6652 Welcome Committee Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439 Worship Committee Fr. Paul Nguyen (803) 329 2662 Youth Ministry Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808 CONTACTOS EN ESPAÑOL • • • • • • • • • • • Oficina Parroquial Christina Pascual (803) 329-2662 Caballeros de Colón Rigoberto Félix (803) 980-4990 Coro de la Iglesia Jesús Román (803) 324-9784 Catecismo Denise Kizer, Coordinadora (803) 324-8260 Bautizos Gerardo Arroyo (803) 412-1859 Matrimonio Ángel Juarez (803) 327-2548 Quinceañera Coi Juarez (803) 242-2985 Ministerio de Eucaristía Luis Lozano (803) 371-7210 Lectores María Quiroz (803) 487-8682 Grupo de Oración Elvia Trujillo (803) 678-9961 Legión de María Chela Arzaluz (803) 324-2088 LIÊN LẠ LẠC Mục Vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam Mọi vấn đề liên quan đến mục vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam xin trực tiếp liên lạc với Ông Gioan Nguyễn Văn Chuyên (324-7532), Ông Nguyễn Văn Toán (803)3671990, Bà Phạm Thị Liễu (803-325-5260), Bà Nguyễn Jenny Nhung (803-389-9516), Bà Nguyễn Thị Huyền (803-412-2759), hoặc Phạm Thị Loan (803-328-5100). Các vấn đề liên quan tới phép bí tích xin liên lạc với Cha Xứ hoặc các vị dưới đây. Bí Tích Rửa Tội Cha mẹ muốn cho con chịu phép Rửa Tội cần phải (1) gia nhập giáo xứ và (2) tham dự khóa hướng dẫn về Bí Tích Rửa Tội. Xin liên lạc văn phòng giáo xứ (803-3292662 ext. 3) để ghi danh. Bí Tích Hôn Phối Theo luật Ðịa Phận Charleston, những ai muốn lãnh nhận Bí Tích Hôn Phối cần phải học khóa dự bị hôn nhân với cha xứ ít nhất là 6 tháng trước ngày lễ cưới. Liên lạc: Cha Phaolô Hiền PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Xin liên lạc với bà Diane Hinton (366-6652) để biết những việc cần làm và tập dợt cho ngày lễ cưới. Pat Swoope - Chair 2012-2015 - Pat Swoope, Ángel Juarez, Elena Ziegler 2013-2016 - Denise Kizer, Bud Marlow, Jenny Nguyen 2014-2017 - Ed FitzGerald, Joe Geraci, Jamie Raad If you would like to serve in the Parish Council, please contact the Parish Office. Chương Trình Giáo Lý Mọi chi tiết về chương trình Giáo Lý xin trực tiếp liên lạc với bà Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4). Chương Trình Giới Trẻ PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Ralph Domenick - Chair Pat Fedele, Shaileen Riginos, Andrew Shene, Ray Howard, Michael Radl, Mark Eddie Mọi chi tiết về Nhóm Trẻ (Youth Group) xin liên lạc với bà Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4). 2 November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time LITURGY & WORSHIP TODAY’S READINGS LECTURAS DE HOY First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15,19-21]). Primera lectura — Un esposo es capaz de confiar su corazón a su esposa que es como una joya (Proverbios 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Salmo — Dichosos los que temen al Señor (Salmo 128 [127]). Segunda lectura — El día del Señor vendrá como el ladrón en la noche (1 Tesalonicenses 5:1-6). Evangelio — Porque has sido fiel en lo poco, ven a compartir la alegría de tu Señor (Mateo 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. PERPETUAL ADORATION This hour still needs an adorer— might you help fill it? 1:00am Thurs. If you wish to be a substitute adorer, please call Bud Marlow at (803) 328-9745. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Los lectores se reúnen el segundo jueves de cada mes a las 7:00pm en la iglesia. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO La siguiente hora todavia está abierta ¿usted puede ayudar? Los jueves a la 1:00am. Si le gustaria ser sustituto, llame a Felipe Uribe (803) 985-3850. SATURDAY - November 15 - St. Albert the Great Knights of Columbus Blood-Drive – FLC 10am-3pm Vigil Masses at 5:30pm and 7:30pm SUNDAY - November 16 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm - Sunday Masses 10:30am Faith Formation K4 & F.U.E.L. — 12th Grade 10:30am Adult Bible Study - “A Cultural Tour of the Bible” Parish Prayer List Susan T. William Brenner Tom Perrott Kelly Salta John Perez Paul Borrell Bill Reburn Jake Porter, Jr. Mike O’Neil Lillian Riopel George Pistanowich George Steinfeld Dan Brett Phil Schmit Deacon Diego Perez Janet Duffy MONDAY - November 17 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary 7:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm Mass - Daily Chapel Rosary (Spanish) - Daily Chapel Power of Prayer - Religion Room Boy Scouts # 277 - Cafeteria Mothering With Grace - Library Mtg. Room Hispanic Prayer Grp.- Sacristy TUESDAY Nov. 18 Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter & Paul 7:00am 7:00pm Mass - Daily Chapel Rosary (M.M.P.) - Church WEDNESDAY - November 19 7:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10am-2pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Those who have died (los difuntos) † Wilder Aitken Mass Intentions Saturday November 15 5:30pm † Pauline Sullivan Sunday November 16 7:30am † Mr. and Mrs. Glover 9:00am † Sandra Glover 10:30am † Mark Membrino 5:00pm † Kathy and Claud Bellamy Monday November 17 7:00am Gail Reninger Wednesday November 19 9:00am † Esperanza Olivas Friday November 21 7:00am † Janice Keller Mass - Daily Chapel School Mass - Church Bible Study - “The Gospel of Mark” - FLC Mtg Room SAS Open House Faith Formation K4 — 8th Grade - FLC Adult Bible Study - “Catholic Beliefs that Guide you” Confirmation Class - Religion Room Adult Choir - Music Room Legion of Mary (Spanish) - Sacristy Choir (Spanish) - Church THURSDAY - November 20 7:00am 8:00am 8:30am 6:30pm Mass - Daily Chapel Finance Council - FLC Conference Room Virtus Training - FLC Meeting Room Cub Den Meeting - Café-Mtg-Music Rooms FRIDAY - November 21 - The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:00am 3:00pm 3:30pm 6:30pm 8:00pm Mass - Daily Chapel Divine Mercy Chaplet - Daily Chapel Stations of the Cross - Daily Chapel Little Flowers Group - FLC Cafeteria Hispanic Prayer Group - Church SATURDAY - November 22 - St. Cecilia Little Flowers Girls Club Sales in the Gathering Space FLOWERS If you would like to donate flowers for the church, please call the church office at 329-2662 during business hours (8am-4pm) or email Your flower donation enhances the weekend Masses while being a special remembrance. 11/22-11/23 Life Teen Retreat at Bethelwoods Camp Vigil Masses at 5:30pm and 7:30pm 3 November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time CHRISTIAN FORMATION Saint Anne: Committed to Safe Environment The policy requires any adult who has regular contact with children or vulnerable adults and all employees of the Church to attend awareness training, be background screened, sign a volunteer/employee code of conduct and acknowledgement of receipt of our diocesan policy. Please go to to register for one of the upcoming classes. FAITH FORMATION NEWS Elena Ziegler (DRE) (803) 372 5865 YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Kendra Foos (Youth Minister) (803) 372 5808 Only 40 days until Christmas! Is it time for the holiday rush or will this year be different? Opportunities are coming to help you keep the season prayerful. Here are a few: What’s it all about? TV ads and billboards are advertising ‘Black Friday’ and the number of shopping days until Christmas. But, Advent is a season that calls us to wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior. Take some time to reflect on the real “Reason for the Season.” Mark your calendar for a Family Advent Retreat Day on Saturday, December 6th. This retreat is for parish families with children 8th grade and younger. Look for the registration form on the welcome desk in the Gathering Space. Space is limited, so please sign up soon. Ariel Smith receiving the Youth Group Student of the Month award presented by Knight of Columbus Grand Knight Ray Howard. Congratulations, Ariel! What are you doing for Advent? Amidst all the Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve frenzy and frolicking, treat yourself to a pause to refresh your soul. You are familiar with the catchy phrase, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season.” Come spend some quality time reflecting on just what this means. A special adult group will meet from 9:00-10:15am in the Family Life Center library beginning the First Sunday of Advent, November 30th. Sunday Morning F.U.E.L. All 9-12 grade students are invited to come and engage in lively discussions about our Faith: Sundays 10:30am12:00pm in the Religion Room. (F.U.E.L will not meet November 23rd or 30th). Children’s Liturgy of the Word will be offered during Advent at the 10:30am Mass. This is for children four years old and through first grade. The children will be sent forth during the Liturgy of the Word during Mass and return after the intercessions. The goal is to understand the Gospel more fully in an age-appropriate way. Several dedicated adults are needed. The training session is Wednesday, November 19th at 6pm in the Family Life Center. The Power of Prayer is November 17th from 7:008:00pm in the Religion Room. The Power of Prayer is a chance for students to come and learn some traditional Catholic prayers as well as sit and have silent prayer. We live in a very busy world and sometimes we just need a chance to decompress. Families are welcome to join us! 9-12 Grade Movie Night—this Saturday Interested in Starting a Young Adult Group We will have movie night on Saturday, Nov. 15th in the gym from 7:00-10:00pm. Snacks will be provided. Let’s get organized! E-mail your hopes and ideas to Elena Ziegler. Confirmation Upcoming VIRTUS training sessions Fall session is underway and meets Wednesdays at 6pm in the Religion Room. Please contact Kendra and/or visit Go to to register: Nov.20, 8:30am (St. Anne, Rock Hill), & Dec.13 9am (All Saints, Lake Wylie). SALVATION Outside the Church: “God introduced salvation to the world through his chosen people, the Jews. God’s revelation to the Jews found its fulfillment in Christ, the Messiah, who established the Catholic Church. The grace necessary for salvation continues to come from Christ, through his Church. Those who innocently do not know and embrace this might still attain salvation but those who knowingly and willingly choose to reject it, reject salvation on God’s terms” (Jim Blackburn, 4 November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP “Active Parishioner” is determined by three things: ●Being properly registered in the parish—faithfully attending Mass on the weekends and Holy Days of Obligation ●Regularly supporting the parish by using any identifiable donation (such as envelope system, loose check, or electronic donation) ●Being active in at least one parish program, ministry, or organization. Stewardship of Treasure Corresponsabilidad Financiera FAMILY COMMUNION A few years ago, I was introduced to a younger parishioner who welcomed me to the parish and asked when I joined St. Anne church. She was surprised when I told her I had been a member for many years. I don’t tell this story to embarrass the very nice young lady, but to make the point that we have so many members that we can’t possibly know everyone. Or can we? Can we at least make the effort to get to know the other members of our parish family when the opportunity arises? I come from a very large family who are all located in other states yet we are very close because we make the effort to get together to celebrate memorable events or just because we miss one another. There is always food involved – lots of it. But most importantly, we get together, and no matter how long it has been since we have seen each other, we have a connection due to our commitment to our relationship. On November 23, our parish family will celebrate Christ the King. It is being held in the Family Life Center from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Please come and bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share with others. Just like the young lady and I who met for the first time that year, you may meet a member of our parish family and make a new connection. Whether you are new to the parish or have been here awhile, I look forward to seeing you on November 23. OFFERING YTD Nov 9, 2014 Collection Online Contributions Other Income Catholic Schools Facilities Improvement 14,216 2,771 2,765 115 440 255,676 21,879 19,865 6,163 15,990 TOTAL INCOME BUDGET SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL) 20,307 19,261 1,046 319,573 365,959 (46,386) Weeklyofferingsbudgetbasedonpredicted expensesdividedby52weeks THIS WEEK—Second Collection Catholic Schools This collection helps to offset tuition assistance. Catholic Schools empower students through an academically Christcentered education. We invite you to participate in this ministry by supporting this collection which helps schools to remain a place where our faith is taught and lived. Pat Fedele Parish Manager NEXT WEEK—Second Collection Catholic Campaign for Human Development Stewardship & Thanksgiving Day Next week’s collection was founded in 1970 by the Catholic bishops of the United States as their domestic anti-poverty program. It funds community and economic development programs across the U.S. that help poor and marginalized people to join together to make decisions, seek solutions to local problems, and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. For more information, visit “Stewardship in the Catholic tradition affirms that into this creation, God sent Jesus the Christ to live among us and teach us the ways of God, and that our stewardship of the world includes cultivating it and building it into an even better and more grace-filled world; a world that reveals the light of Christ and is returned to his Father with increase. Stewards strive to embrace a life of gratitude; a life that reminds them of the relative abundance they enjoy. It is an abundance unavailable to most of the earth’s inhabitants. Most of us have much more than we really need, and the spirit of gratitude should impel us to share this relative abundance with those who are less fortunate. As Thanksgiving Day approaches, let us take stock of the many wonderful blessings we enjoy. Let’s be sure to take time to thank God in prayer for our abundance; avoid the sin of an ungrateful heart; and consider how we might be even better stewards of the gifts God has entrusted to us” ( Bulletin contributors: Please be aware that the deadline for the November 30 bulletin is NOON ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2014. Thank you! 5 November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time EVANGELIZATION We welcome all children who are seeking a Catholic and academically strong education. We provide an environment conducive to the proper development of the whole child: intellectually, physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and culturally. We believe in the God-created world, the teachings of Jesus, the grace of the Holy Spirit and the value of human beings created by the grace of God. Forgiveness Mon., Dec. 1, 2014: 9:30 - 11:30 am or 7:00 - 9:00 pm Fr. Paul Maier The topic of forgiveness is a concern for many people. This session addresses: what forgiveness is and what it is not; helps to identify steps in the process of forgiveness; and ways to practice this essential virtue/strength. Scriptures of Handel’s Messiah Drop by Saint Anne School on Wednesday November 19th between 10:00am and 2:00pm for a tour and see what makes Saint Anne School the special place that it is. Additional open house events will be on January 14th from 10:00am to 11:00am and January 26th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm or by appointment. Contact Michelle Hatchett with tour requests or questions at: Wed., Dec. 10, 7 - 9pm/Sat., Dec.13, 2014, 9:30 - 11:30 am Dr. Peter Judge The Christmas section of Handel’s oratorio, Messiah, is a perennial favorite. This Advent mini-retreat will focus on the Old and New Testament passages that inspired this beloved piece and offer a peaceful pause in the midst of the busyness of the season. Cost: $15.00. Virtuous Students for October The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul Certificates and Knights of Columbus Rosaries presented to the winning students by Grand Knight Ray Howard, picture on the front page of this bulletin. Kindergarten- Grace Hurley Elementary School- Gabriel Robles Middle School- Elizabeth Mischel Rome’s Most-Frequented Pilgrimage Sites “St. Peter’s is probably the most famous church in Christendom. Massive in scale and a veritable museum of art and architecture, it began on a much humbler scale. Vatican Hill was a simple cemetery where believers gathered at St. Peter’s tomb to pray. In 319 Constantine built a basilica on the site that stood for more than a thousand years until, despite numerous restorations, it threatened to collapse. In 1506, Pope Julius II ordered it razed and reconstructed, but the new basilica was not completed and dedicated for more than two centuries. St. Paul’s Outside-the-Walls stands near the Abaazia delle Tre Fontane, where St. Paul is believed to have been beheaded. The largest church in Rome until St. Peter’s was rebuilt, the basilica also rises over the traditional site of its namesake’s grave. The most recent edifice was constructed after a fire in 1823. The first basilica was also Constantine’s doing. Constantine’s building projects enticed the first of a centurieslong parade of pilgrims to Rome. From the time the basilicas were first built until the empire crumbled under ‘barbarian’ invasions, the two churches, although miles apart, were linked by a roofed colonnade of marble columns.” Interestingly, “Peter, the rough fisherman whom Jesus named the rock on which the Church is built, and the educated Paul, reformed persecutor of Christians, Roman citizen and missionary to the Gentiles, are the original odd couple. The major similarity in their faith-journeys is the journey’s end: Both, according to tradition, died a martyr’s death in Rome— Peter on a cross and Paul beneath the sword. Their combined gifts shaped the early Church and believers have prayed at their tombs from the earliest days” ( All Saints Assembly St. Anne School first graders entertained SAS and SAS families—celebrating the saints on Friday, November 7th as they dressed up, sang in procession, and told the assembly about what made their saint special. You all did a terrific job—thank you! 6 November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH LIFE - MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Saint Martha’s Gift Shop Offers... Beautiful statuaries, crucifixes, and rosaries reflective of our rich Catholic heritage as well as popular, contemporary items like the St. Joseph Home Seller Kit and the Catholic Teen Bible—stop by this weekend! Hospitality Sunday and Home for the Holidays Pot Luck Interested in becoming an Altar Server? Adults and children are needed (ages 10 and up or in 5th grade) to serve weekend Masses—especially the 7:30am, 9am, and 5pm. Scheduling is flexible. Is God calling you to be an altar server? Contact Lauren Switzer at 803-517-7415 or to discuss this special ministry. We'd love for you to join us for a day of fun and fellowship on November 23rd. The members of the Pastoral Council will be hosting the final Hospitality Sunday for the year serving coffee, donuts and juice in the cafeteria after all of the morning Masses. Then, get ready for the annual Home for the Holidays Parish Pot Luck to be held in the Parish Life Center from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Bring your favorite holiday dish as we start the Holiday season in our Spiritual Home. You'll be surprised when you meet someone else who calls the area you came from Home as well! There will be fun, fellowship and activities for the children! Mothering With Grace All mothers are invited to attend the next meeting of Mothering With Grace on Monday, November 17 in the St. Anne School library. The mission of Mothering With Grace is to help mothers grow in holiness through their vocation as wives and mothers. Each meeting we reflect on a different virtue and discuss how to live it out. Please RSVP to Sponsor a Child before Christmas Project San Pedro is a child sponsorship program of the Diocese of Charleston in partnership with the Sisters of Bethany and the Diocese of Sololá in Guatemala. We collaborate with the local parishes in Guatemala where the needs are great. For only $25.00 a month, you or your church group can sponsor one child. Project San Pedro is set up to insure that children, who often end their education prematurely to help support their families, are able to complete school. They are given financial assistance to pay for school, are given nutritional supplements, healthcare and clothing allowances. We have now over 100 children without a sponsor. For more information, please visit our website at, Project San Pedro, to sign up and sponsor a child today. Please contact Genevieve James, Administrative Assistant Catholic Charities of the Midlands 1427 Pickens Street, Columbia, SC 29201, phone (803) 602 0397, or email at Here’s a Great Way to Give Thanks! Did you know that we supply 600-700 meals for shut-ins and the soup kitchen on Thanksgiving Day? Sign-up sheets for donations and volunteering are on the welcome desk in the Gathering Space. Please be generous and sign up. Slots that need filling are for the 8:30am Kitchen Help, the 10:00am Meal Assembly, or the 11:00am Food Deliveries. We are collecting the following canned goods to help with the Thanksgiving Day dinner: green beans, sweet potatoes, corn, peas, gravy and cranberry sauce. There are boxes in the Gathering Space at the welcome desk for your donations. If you know of anyone who will need a dinner delivered, please notify the church office by Monday, November 24th. Little Flowers Girls’ Club: Advent Items Our very own St. Anne Little Flowers Girls’ Club will be in the Gathering Space the weekend of November 22-23 offering parishioners and guests family-friendly Advent devotionals through the Holy Heroes program. The Little Flowers Girls’ Club is a Catholic club for girls ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through scripture, saints’ biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Thank you in advance for your support! For a sneak peek, visit: St. Anne Altar Laundry Group There is a need for someone interested in helping our Altar Laundry Group with the cleaning of the linens used during Mass. This involves the washing and ironing of altar and credence table cloths, corporals, purificators, lavabo towels and dishtowels used in the sacristy on a monthly basis. The months that are now available are January and July. If interested, please contact Bill Rife/Sacristan at 803-980-5483. Please consider this worthwhile ministry. Worldwide Marriage Encounter “When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has and unfailing prize.” Do we value the prize we have in our spouse enough to take time to enjoy it? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is February 27 - March 2, 2015 in Myrtle Beach. Please apply early. For more information, go to or call 803-810-9602. Your Book Orders are In “At Home With the Word” and “Workbook for Lectors” have arrived and are in the parish office. Those who ordered copies can pick them up during office hours, Monday through Friday, 8AM to 4PM. Please bring payment with you. There are a few extra copies available for sale for those who did not preorder. 7 November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Bienvenidos a la Página de Información Hispana Esta página contiene información para la Communidad Hispana. Los invitamos a formar parte de nuestra parroquia, a crecer espiritualmente, a integrarse a algunos de nuestros ministerios, y a leer todas las páginas del boletín. Lecturas y Calendário, página 3 - Finanzas, página 5 - Evangelización, página 6 Rosarios en la Semana THANKSGIVING: DÍA de ACCIÓN de GRACIAS Invitamos a la comunidad a rezar el Rosario a las 12:00pm cada domingo y/o a las 7pm los lunes. El día de acción de gracias se celebra a lo grande en los Estados Unidos, tomando la oportunidad de compartir una comida o cena tradiciónal con los seres queridos. St. Anne ayuda a miembros de la comunidad que están solos o que necesitan comida ese día. Por lo tanto, la iglesia pide donaciones para preparer la comida para estas personas necesitadas. Además, St. Anne necesita voluntarios para servir la comida, empacarla, y distribuirla a las familias. Hay hojas en el loby donde uno puede inscribir para donar o ayudar. ¡Muchas gracias por considerar este ministerio! NOVENAS para Nuestra SEÑORA de GUADALUPE Las novenas para la Virgen empiezan el 3 de diciembre en la iglesia. Si su familia le gustaría tomar un día para coordinar el rosario, por favor hable con Berta Uribe al (803) 985-3850. Noche de Oración: Para los Jóvenes en el High School el 17 Noviembre, Lunes Invitamos a todos los jóvenes a una noche de oración. Lunes, 17 de noviembre, de las 6:30pm a las 8pm en la escuela de St. Anne. Es una buena oportunidad de tener unos momentos tranquilos con el Senor y también para poder rezar juntos. Esta noche cuenta hacia la preparación de la confirmación, especialmente para los jovenes del primer año. Boletines para los Niños Cada semana hay un boletín nuevo para los niños. Esto se encuentra en el area enfrente de la oficina parroquial. Los boletines son especialmente para niños de 3 a 6 o de 7 a 12 años. Son gratis (en inglés) y ayudan a que los niños aprendan sobre las lecturas dominicales. Noviembre es el Mes Dedicado a Todos Los Difuntos: Oración Por Nuestros Seres Queridos Comida de la Parroquia: 23 de Noviembre St. Anne es muy afortunada de tener nuevas familias en nuestra comunidad. Queremos darles la bienvenida e invitar a la parroquia a compartir una comida especial, el dia 23 de noviembre de las 2 a las 5pm en la cafeteria de St. Anne. La iglesia proveera el plato fuerte y los refrescos pero están invitados a llevar un plato para compartir también. “Oh buen Jesús, que durante toda tu vida te compadeciste de los dolores ajenos, mira con misericordia las almas de nuestros seres queridos que están en el Purgatorio. Oh Jesús, que amaste a los tuyos con gran predilección, escucha la súplica que te hacemos, y por tu misericordia concede a aquellos que Tú te has llevado de nuestro hogar el gozar del eterno descanso en el seno de tu infinito amor. Amén. Concédeles, Señor, el descanso eterno y que les ilumine tu luz perpetua. Que las almas de los fieles difuntos por la misericordia de Dios descansen en paz. Amén” ( Clases de Confirmación Jóvenes, si han estado un año en el Youth Group, pueden comenzar las clases de confirmación. Las primeras clases empezaron en octubre y son cada miércoles de las 6 hasta las 7:30pm en la escuela de St. Anne. Por favor, contacten a Kendra Foos para poder preparar y celebrar este sacramento (803) 372-5808. El Sábado es el Día de la Semana Dedicado a la Virgen María Intenciones del Santo Padre para el Mes de Noviembre Universal: Personal Solas Para que las personas que sufren la soledad sientan la cercanía de Dios y el apoyo de sus hermanos en la fe. Por la Evangelización: Formadores del Clero y de Religiosos Para que los seminaristas, religiosos y jóvenes religiosas tengan formadores sabios y bien preparados. Desde el principio de los tiempos, la Santa Madre del Señor ha sido amada y venerada al modo que Cristo deseó para Ella. A lo largo de su historia, la iglesia buscó formas de honrarla y servirla adecuadamente. Las maneras tradicionales para honrar a la Virgen son: asistir a la Santa Misa, confesarse y recibir la eucaristía, rezar el rosario como familia, y mostrar caridad para el prójimo de forma especial todo con un corazón dirigido a Dios a través de María. 8 TIN CNG OÀN I CHÚA (CN XXXIII - Mùa Thng Niên - nm A) “Chu toàn trách nhim” Bài c I (Cn 31,10-13.19-20.30-31) Bài ca tng ngi v hin m ang. Chm sóc chng mt cách y không thiu thn chi; chu toàn mi vic trong nhà; qung i giúp nhng ngi túng thiu; và phn kt thúc bài ca cho bit nguyên nhân ca vic m ang này là nh có lòng kính s Chúa. Bài c II (1 Tx 5,1-6) Thánh Phaolô " nh ngha" tín hu là con cái ca s sáng. Bi ó tín hu ng "mê ng" mà phi "tnh thc". Mê ng có ngha là sng bê tha, tho hip i ti l!i, không tính n t#ng lai… Tnh thc có ngha là s$n sàng ch ngày Chúa n, chu toàn b%n ph&n, 'u … Bài Tin Mng (Mt 25,14-30) Bài Tin Mng hôm nay nói v d ngôn nhng nén *c. Ông ch trao cho các y t s lng nén bc không ng u nhau, nhng úng vi kh nng +!i ngi. Sau khi trao các nén bc, ông ch ra i. Ông tín nhim các y t, không cn ki/m soát h. Nhng y t0 c khen không ch vì ã làm cho nhng nén bc sinh li, mà còn vì t1m lòng ca h i vi ch; ông ch tín nhim h, h0 ã áp ng 2ng áng vi s tín nhim 1y. Ngi y t b trách không phi vì không làm cho nén bc ca ch sinh li, mà c3ng vì lòng h4n i vi ch: không ngh ti s tín nhim ca ch mà li ngh ch là ngi hà kh4c, keo kit, do ó không ht lòng vi ch. XIN MT LI CU Trong tun, xin hip ý cu cho nhng ý nguyn sau: Cu cho các linh hn Cu cho các bnh nhân i L Các Thánh To Vit Nam 16 tháng 11 nm 2014 a m: St. Martin DePorres 2229 Hampton Street Columbia, SC 29204 Thi gian: 2:30 PM Kiu CTTDVN 3:00 PM bt u Thánh L Sau l tic mng Xin kính mi quí ông bà anh ch em c gng dành thi gian tham d ngày i L. Phân Nhim Cho Tha Tác Viên: x 15 tháng 11, 2014 Æ 7:30 PM Tha Tác Viên Li Chúa o C. Maria Nguy5n T. Nh&t Trang (Bài c I) o B. Maria Mai Th Thu Mai (Bài c II) Tha Tác Viên Thánh Th o B. Anna Hoàng Th Dung o B. Maria Phm Th Li5u o B. Maria V3 Th Hoa x 22 tháng 11, 2014 Æ 7:30 PM Tha Tác Viên Li Chúa o Ô. Gioan B. Nguy5n Minh Tâm (Bài c I) o Ô. Giuse Bùi 6c Ph#ng (Bài c II) Tha Tác Viên Thánh Th o Ô. Giuse Hoàng Vn Phát o Ô. Giuse Nguy5n Vn 6ông o Ô. Giuse Nguy5n Vit Xuyên Kinh Kính Các Thánh To Vit Nam y Chúa là Cha chí nhân, chúng con hân hoan ghi nh ân hu Chúa ã ban cho dân tc Vit Nam. Nh i rao gi ng ca Giáo Hi, cha ông chúng con ón nhn tin Mng cu ri. Các ngài ã vng tin vào Chúa, là ng to thành tri t, và Chúa Ktô ng u Thc sai n trn gian. Trong cn gian lao th thách, Chúa ã ban cho các ngài sc mnh ca Chúa Thánh Linh, các ngài can m tuyên xng c Tin, và hiên ngang hy sinh mng sng, làm vinh quang Thp Giá Chúa Ki-tô. Các Thánh To là ân hu Chúa ã ban cho Giáo Hi Vit Nam. Vì th chúng con dâng li c m t và ca tng Chúa, hp vi cuc hy sinh to ca các tin nhân anh d!ng chúng con. Xin dâng lên Chúa li c m t, biu l tình con hiu th o vi Chúa là Cha, b"ng chng tc tin sng ng ca chúng con. Vì công nghip ca các thánh T o, xin ban cho dân Vit Nam chúng con c an vui và thnh vng, cho m#i ngi ón nhn Tin $ng cu ri và bc theo con ng chân lý. Xin cho Giáo Hi Vit Nam, c sng trong hòa thun và hip nht, luôn thông h o tr#n v%n vi ng & v Thánh Phêrô, và h'ng say lo vic tông ), nhit thành rao gi ng c Ki-Tô cho m#i ngi. Xin cho chúng con c trung thành vi Chúa * trn gian, ngày sau v h*ng vinh quang bt dit cùng các Thánh To chúng * trên Tri. Amen. (Bn Kinh mi do b Phng tã duyt y và cho phép dùng t ngày 06-02-1988 Trích trong Niên l ch phng v 1992 trang 102) November 16, 2014 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 9
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