PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID The Roundup (406) 433-3306 or 1-800-749-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 e-mail address: :HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHU Fireworks! Sleigh Rides! Santa! Kick off the holiday season Saturday, November 15 in Fairview. The day starts with the 6th annual Craft Bazaar from DPWRSPLQWKH)DLUYLHZ High School. The old gym and the cafeteria will be packed with vendors offering great Christmas gift ideas and special items just for you. Explore America will host concessions. After the bazaar, head out to the Fairview Bridge for the traditional lighting. Huge ornaments will be lit up beginning at 5 pm. Katelyn Dynneson will be giving horse and wagon rides from 5 to 6:15 pm, and Santa Claus is scheduled to PDNHKLVDSSHDUDQFHDW Zion Luther Lights will be serving hot chili and beverages for a free will donation. Fireworks will light up the sky beginning at 7 pm. Anyone wishing to hop a ride to the bridge can catch the bus at the Senior Citizen &HQWHUDWSP See pages 4, 5 and 6B in this edition for highlights from ODVW \HDU·V FHOHEUDWLRQ )RU further information, contact Paul and Joan Eldridge at %XVLQHVV2IÀFH /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ 6LGQH\07 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV P.O. Box 1207 6LGQH\07 9ROXPH1XPEHU Fitzgerald Trucking Thanks Vets for Their Service Every Day /RFDO9HWHUDQVVKRZWKHLUVXSSRUWRIWKHVLJQDQGVKDUHZKDWLW VPHDQWWRWKHP)URPOHIWWRULJKW/XLV0DUWLQH]86$UP\-RKQ 0RUDQ86$UP\+HFWRU9RQKHHGHU86$UP\&RRSHU/RZH86$UP\6WHYHQ6QLGHU860DULQH&RUSV0LNH1HDOH860DULQH &RUSV1HLO3DUNV861DY\DQG)UDQN5XJJLHUV860DULQH&RUSV %\0HDJDQ'RWVRQ For Al Fitzgerald, owner of Fitzgerald Trucking in Watford City, it seems there cannot be enough said or done to convey the appreciation he has for all of the veterans who have honorably served the United States of America. That sentiment prompted a mobile “thank you” in the form of a custom made billboard Fitz- The Christmas Stroll is Back! Kick off the Christmas season Friday, November 28 in Sidney with the “Polar Express” Christmas Stroll and Parade of Lights. The popular Christmas stroll starts at 4 pm. East Main Street ZLOOEHEORFNHGRIIDQGÀOOHGZLWKYHQGRUVRIIHULQJHYHU\WKLQJIURP hot chocolate to chili. A variety of entertainment will be offered for your enjoyment, and of course, the Sidney merchants will be offering Black Friday specials until 7 pm. The Village Square Mall will be the scene of lots of action with a gift wrapping station manned by the Boys and Girls Club of Richland County, cookie decorating for the kids, Toys for Tots drop off and more. 7DNHKRPHDSLHFHRIPRYLHKLVWRU\3XUFKDVHDUDIÁHWLFNHW to win The Polar Express train. Tickets are available now for only $5 each or 5 for $20 at Ribbon & Rail, the Sidney Chamber RIÀFH-·])DVKLRQVDQG&RIIHH%RXWLTXH3DUW\&HQWUDO-RKQVRQ +DUGZDUH DQG )XUQLWXUH DQG 6KRRWLQ· %ODQNV7KH 3RODU ([SUHVVZLOOEHRQGLVSOD\DOODIWHUQRRQDW6KRRWLQ·%ODQNVZLWK the drawing at 6 pm. You must be present at 6pm to win. The classic “Polar Express” movie will be shown free to children 12 and under at the Elks Lodge. Popcorn is being provided by The Popcorn Factory, and the Boys and Girls Club of Richland County will chaperone. There is a limit of 50 children, so come early. Spice up your afternoon by sampling the entries in the chili cook off from 4-6 pm at the Elks Lodge. Have a great chili UHFLSH"(QWHUWKHFRQWHVWE\FDOOLQJWKH6LGQH\&KDPEHURIÀFH Area “gourmands” will be judging and prizes will be awarded. Finish off the evening with the spectacular Parade of Lights at 7pm on Central Avenue followed by Santa Claus and treats DW5HHVHDQG5D\·V,*$ Vendors, entertainers, cooks, volunteers and parade entries are encouraged to contact the Sidney Chamber of Commerce DWRULQIRFKDPEHU#VLGQH\PWFRP gerald had mounted on one of his trucks. The sign was made by Perma Letter in Billings, MT with all of the pictures being from his brother, Rick FitzgerDOG·V VHUYLFH LQ WKH$LU IRUFH Rick Fitzgerald passed away in 2006 shortly after his third tour of service in Iraq. “I believe that as a society we have never and will never have the right to truly enjoy our IUHHGRPV XQWLO ZH ÀUVW OHDUQ to receive, respect and embrace the individuals that have greatly altered or completely VDFULÀFHGWKHLUOLYHVWRVHFXUH these freedoms for this great country,” replied Al Fitzgerald when asked what prompted him to have the sign made. What has been described as a simple thank you is making an impact across the area. Drivers of the truck have no- ticed a lot of recognition from people they meet on the road whether it is a honk and a thumbs up or a silent thanks mouthed by other drivers, it seems that even a quiet act of appreciation goes a long way. Local veterans who met to show their support of the sign unanimously agreed that show of gratitude meant more to them than they could express. Neil Parks, who joined the Navy at seventeen noted that, “This standard of living is the highest the earth has ever VHHQ DQG LW·V EHFDXVH WKHUH have been people willing to VDFULÀFH DQG JR WKURXJK ZDU to have this freedom. A lot of blood has been shed and a lot of lives lost for what we have. I hope people will look around the world and under- stand the privilege of being an American.” “More people should show their support of (military) services,” said Army Veteran John Moran and Hector Vonheeder, formerly with the Army, agreed that there should be more awareness. ´,W·V D JUHDW WKLQJ$O·V GRQHµ Vonheeder commented of the billboard. There are plans for the other two trucks of FitzgerDOG·V 7UXFNLQJ WR EH RXWÀWWHG with similar signs, one to give VSHFLÀFUHFRJQLWLRQWR9LHWQDP Veterans and Prisoners of War and the other focusing RQWKRVHZKR·YHVHUYHGLQ,UDT and Afghanistan. “When people see it, it sparks interest,” said Cooper Lowe an army veteran who also works as the night driver of the truck.” There are lots of people who are or were in the PLOLWDU\RXWKHUHLQWKHRLOÀHOG People see the sign and it makes them think.” “I hope people take a moPHQWRIUHÁHFWLRQIRUWKHIDOOHQ when they see the truck,” commented Steven Snider who served in the United States Marine Corps. “I hope WKH\WKLQNDERXWWKRVHZKR·YH PDGHWKHXOWLPDWHVDFULÀFHIRU our freedom.” And in a word one veteran sums up what words struggle to express, “Semper fi,” he says smiling. A well-known motto of the US Marine Corps, it means always faithful, as our troops are to this country and as we should all be to those ZKR·YHVHUYHGXVZHOO The 12th Annual Parade of Trees Auction Joins the Winter Wonderland Celebration at Reynolds and the Shops at Fox Run %\0HDJDQ'RWVRQ Reynolds Market and the Shops at Fox Run are excited to host the 12th Annual Parade of Trees Auction on Saturday 1RYHPEHUth at 4:00PM as part of their Winter Wonderland Celebration. The Parade of Trees is a unique fundraising opportunity and an anticipated community event where individuals and businesses donate decorated Christmas Trees and wreaths to be auctioned off. All proceeds from the auction will be distributed between the Boys and Girls Club, Family Resource Center and WKH6LGQH\+LJK6FKRRO·V%XVLQHVV3URIHVVLRQDOVRI$PHULFD together, the organizations are coordinating the familiar fundraiser with new ideas. The Parade of Trees has traditionally been held in downtown Sidney and the auction has taken place during the Christmas Stroll the day after Thanksgiving. This year, in addition to the change of venue, a limited number of items will be accepted and the decorating time has been moved back. Unlike previous years, only decorated trees and wreaths will be accepted and there is a limit of 60 items to be auctioned. Entry forms can be picked up at District II Alcohol and Drug or 2OG5LFKODQG&RXQW\/DZ (QIRUFHPHQW&HQWHU'HPROLWLRQ at the Customer Service Desk at Reynolds Market and anyone needing an electrical outlet should contact Libby Berndt at 5H\QROGVWRUHVHUYHDVSDFH3DUWLFLSDQWVDUH encouraged to have their entry forms submitted to Reynolds Market by November 15th WUHHV FDQ EH VHW XS DQG ZUHDWKV dropped off Saturday the 15th through Tuesday the 25th. The ZHHNRIWKH1RYHPEHUUG&KULVWPDV7UHHVZLOOEHRQGLVSOD\ at Reynolds while the wreaths will be displayed throughout the Shops at Fox Run and the community is invited to preview and ELGRQWKHLWHPV7KHUHZRQ·WEHDQ\YRWLQJRQWKLV\HDU·VGRnations but a silent auction bid sheet will be located with each LWHPWKHDXFWLRQZLOOEHKHOGDWSPLQ5H\QROGVDQGZLOO FORVHRXWWKHGD\·V:LQWHU:RQGHUODQG&HOHEUDWLRQ Winter Wonderland activities will begin at 11:00 am on the thDQGLQFOXGHSRQ\ULGHVDFKLOGUHQ·VFDUQLYDOQRQSURÀWIRRG vendors and horse drawn wagon rides around the grounds. Santa will make his entrance at noon and kids can have their SLFWXUHVWDNHQZLWKKLPIURPSPDW5H\QROGV For more information, please contact BPA Advisor Elaine 6WHGPDQDWRU9LFN\3DUNHUZLWKWKH)DPLO\5HVRXUFH&HQWHUDW :LOOLDPVWREH,QGXFWHGLQWR$$8+DOORI)DPH 7HUU\:LOOLDPVRI6LGQH\ 07 ZDV UHFRJQL]HG IRU Terry RXWVWDQGLQJVHUYLFHDQG :LOOLDPV DFKLHYHPHQWE\WKH$$8 ZLWKKLVZLIH $W WKHLU WK DQQXDO /XDQQDWWKH FRQYHQWLRQ WKLV SDVW FRQYHQWLRQ ZHHNLQ)RUW/DXGHUGDOH )ORULGDWKH1DWLRQDO$$8 DQQRXQFHGWKDW:LOOLDPV ZLOOEHRQHRIWKLV\HDU·V LQGXFWHHV WR WKHLU KDOO RI IDPH :LOOLDPV KDV EHHQ D PHPEHU RI WKH $$8 IRU RYHU \HDUV +H KDV EHHQ D FRDFK RIILFHU DQG UHIHUHH IRU WKH0RQWDQD$$8+HLV &RQWUDFWRUV VWDUWHG GHPROLWLRQ RI WKH ROG 5LFKODQG &RXQW\ /DZ (QIRUFHPHQW RQ WKH 1DWLRQDO$$8 :UHVWOLQJ H[HFXWLYH ERDUG UHIHUHH IRU VHYHUDO ORFDO DQG FHQWHURQnd$YHLQ6LGQH\ODVWZHHN,QDGGLWLRQWRODZHQIRUFHPHQWWKHEXLOGLQJ QDWLRQDO$$8WRXUQDPHQWVDQGDVWDWHVSRUWVFKDLUPDQ+DOO2I)DPHLQGXFWLRQ ZDVDOVRKRPHWRWKHFXUUHQWVKHULIIDQGKLVIDPLO\XQWLOLWZDVUHPRGHOHGLQ LVRQHRIWKHKLJKHVWDZDUGVJLYHQE\WKH1DWLRQDO$$86XEPLWWHGE\$PDQGD 2OH*ULQROGVDQGKLVIDPLO\ZHUHWKHODVWWROLYHLQWKHEXLOGLQJ &RUWH]0RQWDQD$$86HFUHWDU\ 2A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 REAL ESTATE FINANCING For Home Purchases & Refinancing Stop in today and see Janet Sergent in Sidney Janet Sergent Real Estate Loan Officer NMLS ID# 525727 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 For all your Farm/Ranch, Recreational, Residential, and Commercial needs. Alan Seigfreid Amanda Seigfreid Jim & Janice Knudsen 120 2nd St. N.E. • Sidney Mt. 59270 (O) 406-433-3010 • (C) 406-489-3010 Broker/Owners email: Website: Café Villarreal 214 S Ellery Ave • Fairview, MT 406-742-5307 Sun: Closed Mon-Thur: 5am - 9pm Fri & Sat: 5am - 5pm • 10pm - 4am Serving Mexican & American Food Get Your Roundup, M Ag Roundup or Museum liston a Guide in Williston at: # t"NJHPT # t(SBNNB4IBSPOT # t)FEEFSJDIT # t,VNAO(P-PDBUJPOT #" ! t4DFOJD4QPSUT #! t4JNPOTPOT # t5IPNBT1FUSPMFVN$4UPSF # !"! # !! t8JMMJTUPO"JSQPSU AREA RECOVERY GROUPS MONDAYS: Noon — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 1 - 3 p.m. – Grief Recovery Support Group in First Lutheran Church, Fellowship Room, Watford City. 6 p.m. – Al-Anon,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 7 p.m. – Fairview Alive and Kicking at Faith Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. TUESDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. WEDNESDAYS: 5:00 p.m. – 6REHU/LIH<RXQJ3HRSOH·V1$$$VWHS recovery group, 25 yr. old & younger, Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 8 p.m.— Al-Anon, Sanford Room, McKenzie Co. Public Library, Watford City. THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. – 1$PHHWLQJ0RQ'DN7UXFNLQJRIÀFH%OGJ W. Holly, Sidney. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. FRIDAYS: noon – AA,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.- 5 Stones faith based recovery PHHWLQJ6LGQH\1D]DUHQHWK6W6:%DFNGRRU is open. 7 p.m. – Fairview Alive and Kicking at Faith Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 7 p.m. – Watford City area Celebrate Recovery, Assembly of God, 2117 S. Main. For help call Robert 417-296-2809 or Stephanie 417-296-2810. 8 p.m. – $$PHHWLQJV7ULQLW\/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK(G%OGJ Sidney. SATURDAYS: 7P.M. – AA 24 hour group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Education bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. SUNDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney OBITUARIES Albert Riedel, 82, E. Fairview, ND Memorial services for Albert Riedel, 82, of E. Fairview, ND ZHUHKHOGDWDP)ULGD\1RYHPEHUDWWKH=LRQ Lutheran Church in Fairview, MT with Pastor Roberta Pierce RIÀFLDWLQJ &UHPDWLRQ KDV WDNHQ SODFH XQGHU WKH GLUHFWLRQ RI )XONHUVRQ )XQHUDO +RPH RI 6LGQH\$OEHUW·V FUHPDLQV ZLOO EH interred in the Fairview Cemetery, Fairview, ND at a later date. Remembrances, condolences and pictures may be shared with the family at Albert died on Sunday, November 2, 2014, at the Sidney Health Center, Sidney, MT. -DVRQ&0F&ODVNH\ Sidney, MT Memorial service for Jason C. McClaskey, 24, of Sidney, MT is 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at the Fulkerson Memorial Chapel in Sidney. Cremation has taken place. Remembrances, condolences and pictures may be shared with the family at Jason died Sunday morning, November 2, 2014, at his home in Sidney, MT. ROI Presents “Mr. Scrooge’s Christmas” Nov. 15 Submitted by Arch Ellwein *HWLQWRWKHKROLGD\VSLULWZLWK52,·VSURGXFWLRQWKLVZHHNHQG5LFKODQG2SSRUWXQLWLHV,QF)RXQGDWLRQRI6LGQH\LVKRVWLQJ ORFDODFWRUDQGGLUHFWRU$UFK(OOZHLQZKRLVZRUNLQJZLWK52, staff and individuals to produce a Family and Friends show, which will be presented at 2 p.m. Saturday, November 15th at WKH6LGQH\0LGGOH6FKRRO$XGLWRULXP(OOZHLQVDLG´:H·YHGRQH WKUHHVKRZVLQWKHSDVW7KHÀUVWZDVLQWKHVXPPHURI DQGHYHU\RQHZDVSOHDVHGKRZLWWXUQHGRXW:H·YHKDGDORW of fun rehearsing for this show.” 7KH VKRZ LV HQWLWOHG ´0U 6FURRJH·V &KULVWPDVµ ,W LV DQ DGDSWDWLRQRI&KDUOHV'LFNHQ·VIDPRXV´$&KULVWPDV&DUROµE\ Thomas Hischak. The timeless tory of Ebenezer Scrooge who is visited by the ghost of his former partner Jacob Marley and WKUHHVSLULWVFKDQJHV6FURRJH·VDWWLWXGHWRZDUGV&KULVWPDV The cast will include Chad Richards, Jon Foster, Stephanie Sturgis, Shelly Schaubel, Brock Mjolness, Meghan Erickson, 'DOODV+DXJHQ.DUL,YHUVHQ&DLWO\Q3RSH.HOL/XWWUHOO'HVWLQ\ Bear Comes Out, and Edie Brademeyer. ´0U6FURRJH·V&KULVWPDVµLVSUHVHQWHGE\VSHFLDODUUDQJHPHQWZLWK3LRQHHU'UDPD6HUYLFH,QFRI(QJOHZRRG&RORUDGR 7KHVKRZZLOOEHDSSURSULDWHIRUDOODJHV´:H·OOEHWKHUH to have fun and we invite everybody to join us,” said Ellwein. A freewill donation will be requested at the door; otherwise the show will have free admission. All money donated will go to the 52,)RXQGDWLRQ For more information contact Arch Ellwein at 1-800-482RU ,W·V7LPHIRU7XUNH\ %LQJRLQ:DWIRUG&LW\ Tuesday, November 18th in the Watford City High School Commons Area. The local 4-H will be having their soup and sandwich fundraiser starting at 5:00pm as well as a Bake Sale prior to %LQJR%LQJRZLOOVWDUWDW307KHÀUVWFDUGLVDQG for each additional card. LYREC Coat Drive Concludes Lower Yellowstone REC held another successful coat and food drive the month of October. Over 200 pounds of food and $2500 in cash were donated to the Richland County Food Bank, while at least three tables full of coats were given to the Salvation Army. LYREC wishes to thank everyone for their generosity. Gingerbread House Contest The Sidney-Richland Public Library will hold a gingerbread house contest December 2ndWKUX'HFHPEHUth with winners chosen on December 22nd.There is only one entry per person, or one entry per team/family. You can pick up a registration form at the Sidney Public Library at 121 3rd Ave. NW, Sidney, 07 -XGJLQJ IRU ´3DWURQ·V &KRLFHµ ZLOO EH 'HFHPEHU th- 18th. The different age categories are Child (8 and under), Youth (9-14), Adult/Teen (15 & up), and Groups/Families. Winners will be posted at the Sidney Public Library on December 22nd, and prizes will be given out. Join us December 22nd for coffee, juice, and cookies! West Side School Holds Book Fair Nov.19-21 6XEPLWWHGE\'DZQ*UHHQZRRG West Side Elementary School will have its annual Book Fair, Nov. 19-21, at the West Side School Library, 1100 5th Street SW. The Book Fair will be open during regular school hours, DVZHOODVIURP30:HGQHVGD\1RYDQG30 Thursday, Nov. 20. The fair ends at 10:00 AM Friday. This reading event will offer students, parents and teachers the opportunity to see the latest works by popular authors and illustrators of books for children. Along with winners of state and national awards, the Book Fair will present hundreds of titles selected to excite and motivate students to become lifelong UHDGHUV6SHFLDODWWHQWLRQLVJLYHQWRÀQGERRNVWKDWZLOODSSHDO to the emergent, the experienced, and the reluctant reader. All parents of Preschool and younger children are invited to attend, as there will be many selections just right for those age levels, too. Ron and Barb Scherry, well-known educators in elementary education in Montana before taking over Great Northern Book Company, will be doing book talks with students Wednesday morning, and will be available throughout the Book Fair to give advice on reading selections. For more information, contact librarian Dawn Greenwood at West Side Elementary School, 433-2530. MNAXLP “Partnering with Your Doctor” Presented by ND Dementia Care Services DQGWKH$O]KHLPHU·V$VVRFLDWLRQ011' By Tie Shank 7KH1''HPHQWLD&DUH6HUYLFHVDQGWKH$O]KHLPHU·V$Vsociation MN-ND have partnered with one another to present a free presentation titled: “Partnering with your Doctor.” The presentation will take place on Friday, December 5, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. at Mercy Medical Center in the McAuley Education Center, 1301 15th Ave. W, Williston, ND 58801. Quick Facts from the website: 1) More than 5 million Americans DUHOLYLQJZLWK$O]KHLPHU·V(YHU\VHFRQGVVRPHRQHLQWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVGHYHORSV$O]KHLPHU·V$O]KHLPHU·VGLVHDVHLV WKHWKOHDGLQJFDXVHRIGHDWKLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV7KHUH are approximately 500,000 people dying each year because WKH\KDYH$O]KHLPHU·VLQVHQLRUVGLHVZLWK$O]KHLPHU·VRU DQRWKHUGHPHQWLD,QPLOOLRQFDUHJLYHUVSURYLGHG DQHVWLPDWHGELOOLRQKRXUVRIXQSDLGFDUHYDOXHGDWPRUH than $220 billion. ´,I\RXRUVRPHRQH\RXORYHLVOLYLQJZLWKGHPHQWLDGHYHORSing a good relationship with your physician and enhancing your communication skills can result in both an increased knowledge of the situation and decreased stress. This class helps care partners make informed decisions about care and services. This program is appropriate for both the care partner and the person with the disease.” This project is supported by funding granted through the North Dakota Department of Human Services: Aging Service 'LYLVLRQ,WLVIUHHWRDWWHQGDQGLVRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF EVENTS SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207 :HVW0DLQ6LGQH\07 )D[(PDLOFODVVDGV#HVLGQH\FRP Montana FSA: USDA Farm Service Agency Reminds Producers of November 17th Acreage Reporting Deadline. Richland County Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Thurs., Nov. 13th 7:00 p.m. - 1$13UHVHQWDWLRQ´3UHVLGLR%UDVVµDWWKH 0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU Fri., Nov. 14th 11:30 a.m. - 5LFKODQG5HG+DWWHUVZLOOKRVWDOXQFK PHHWLQJDWWKH6LGQH\6HQLRU&HQWHUUG6W1( 5693E\1RYWKWR6\OYLDRU0DUJDUHW Sat., Nov. 15th - 'RQDWLRQVIRUWKHWK$QQXDO3DUDGHRI 7UHHV$XFWLRQDUHZHOFRPHDW5H\QROGV0DUNHWWKUX 1RYWKZLWKWKH$XFWLRQEHLQJKHOGRQ1RYWK,I \RXDUHLQWHUHVWHGLQGRQDWLQJDGHFRUDWHG&KULVWPDV WUHHRUZUHDWKFRQWDFW9LFN\3DUNHUDWRUHPDLO YSDUNHUUF#\DKRRFRP 2:00 p.m. - 5LFKODQG2SSRUWXQLWLHV,QFFOLHQWVSUHVHQW Mr. Scrooge’s ChristmasDGDSWHGE\7KRPDV+LVKDNDQG SUHVHQWHGE\VSHFLDODUUDQJHPHQWZLWK3LRQHHU'UDPD 6HUYLFH,QFDWWKH6LGQH\0LGGOH6FKRRO$XGLWRULXPIRU WKHLUIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\$OODUHZHOFRPHZLWKIUHHZLOO GRQDWLRQVWRWKH52,)RXQGDWLRQ 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - $QQXDO/LJKWLQJRIWKH%ULGJHLQ )DLUYLHZ6SHFLDODSSHDUDQFHIURP6DQWDZDJRQULGHV IRRGDQGÀUHZRUNV Tues., Nov 18th 7:00 p.m. - 7KH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVRI/HDUQLQJIRU $GXOWV5LFKODQG&RXQW\ZLOOKROGLWVDQQXDOPHHWLQJZLWK WKHUHJXODUERDUGPHHWLQJSUHFHGLQJDWSPLQWKH 6LGQH\+LJK6FKRRO/LEUDU\7KLVPHHWLQJLVEHLQJKHOG WRHOHFWWKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVHOHFWRUDXWKRUL]HWKH DSSRLQWPHQWE\WKH3UHVLGHQWRID%RDUG'HYHORSPHQW DQG1RPLQDWLQJ&RPPLWWHH Wed., Nov. 19th 12:00 p.m. - 6LGQH\-RE6HUYLFHIUHHLQWHUDFWLYH ZRUNVKRS'LVFRYHU\RXUVNLOOVDELOLWLHVTXDOLÀFDWLRQV WRÀOORXWDSSOLFDWLRQVUHVXPHVDQGDVVLVW\RXLQWKH LQWHUYLHZSURFHVV Wed., Nov. 19th & Thurs., Nov. 20th 7KH%RRN)DLUDW:HVW6LGH(OHPHQWDU\6FKRROLQ6LGQH\ ZLOOEHRSHQIURP30:HGQHVGD\1RYDQG 307KXUVGD\1RYIRUSDUHQWVVWXGHQWVDQGWKH SXEOLFWRDWWHQG7KH%RRN)DLULVDOVRRSHQGXULQJVFKRRO KRXUVDQGFORVHVDW$0)ULGD\PRUQLQJ:LWKKXQGUHGV RIERRNVWRFKRRVHIURPWKH%RRN)DLUIHDWXUHVWKHODWHVW ZRUNVE\SRSXODUDXWKRUV)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW 'DZQ*UHHQZRRG7HDFKHU/LEUDULDQDW:HVW6LGH Tues., Nov. 21st :LWKWKHKROLGD\VDSSURDFKLQJWKH6HQLRU&RPPRGLWLHV 'LVWULEXWLRQZLOOKDYHWZRGLIIHUHQWGLVWULEXWLRQGDWHV LQ1RYHPEHUDQG'HFHPEHU7KH1RYHPEHU6HQLRU &RPPRGLW\'LVWULEXWLRQZLOOEHKHOGRQ7XHV1RYVW DQGWKHQDJDLQRQ'HFWK)URPWKHQRQGDWHVZLOOVWLOO KDYHGLVWULEXWLRQRQ)ULGD\V MCKENZIE COUNTY Events in Watford City unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. Tues., Nov. 18th 6:30 p.m. - 7XUNH\%LQJRDWWKH:DWIRUG&LW\+LJK6FKRRO &RPPRQVDUHD+VRXSDQGVDQGZLFKIXQGUDLVHUSULRU WR%LQJR Fri., Nov. 28th 6:30 p.m. - $QQXDO3DUDGHRI/LJKWVRQ0DLQ6WUHHW,I \RXZRXOGOLNHWRKDYHDÁRDWLQWKHSDUDGHFRQWDFWWKH :DWIRUG&LW\&KDPEHU OTHER COUNTIES Events unless otherwise listed. CT Zone Dawson County Wed., Nov. 19th 12:00 p.m. - 1RYHPEHU/XQFK·Q·/HDQDWWKH*OHQGLYH 3XEOLF/LEUDU\&RPPXQLW\5RRP Roosevelt County Sat., Nov. 22nd 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. - 7KH%DLQYLOOH372LVKRVWLQJWKHLU DQQXDO)DOO%D]DDUDWWKH%DLQYLOOH+LJK6FKRRO 0XOWLSXUSRVH5RRP7KHUHDUHGLIIHUQHQWYHQGRU FUDIWDQGKDQGPDGHJRRGLHVWDEOHVDORQJZLWK )HDWKHUVWRQ3KRWRJUDSK\$IUHHZLOOGRQDWLRQFKLOL IHHGIRUDOOZKRFRPHZLWKGRQDWLRQVJRLQJWRWKH %DLQYLOOH3DUHQW7HDFKHU2UJDQL]DWLRQ Williams County Thurs., Nov. 13th 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - +ROLGD\PHDOVOHDUQIURPWKHSURV DW7KH*ULOORQ0DLQLQWKLVSDUWVHULHV 7:00 p.m. - 0LVVRXUL<HOORZVWRQH&RQÁXHQFH,QWHUSUHWLYH &HQWHUKRVWV+LVWRU\%RRN&OXEYellowstone Kelly - The Memoirs of Luther S. Kelly Fri., Nov 21st & 22nd 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - 4XLOWLQJDWWKH&RQÁXHQFHKRVWHG E\0LVVRXUL<HOORZVWRQH&RQÁXHQFH,QWHUSUHWLYH&HQWHU Sat., Nov. 22nd 0HUF\0HGLFDO)RXQGDWLRQ$QQXDO&KDULW\%DOODWWKH :LOOLVWRQ$UHD5HFUHDWLRQ&HQWHU)XQGVUDLVHGZLOOEH GHGLFDWHGWRXSJUDGLQJWRDOHYHO,,QXUVHU\&DOO WRUHTXHVWWLFNHWVDQG5693 Tues., Nov. 25th 6:00 p.m. - 5HJXODUPHHWLQJRI:LOOLVWRQ&LW\&RPPLVVLRQ ZLOOEHKHOGWKHQGDQGWK7XHVGD\RIHDFKPRQWKDW SPDWWKH&LW\+DOO MNAXLP View all monthly events on our calendar at: ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 3A Savage Advances to State Semi-Final Round 2014 Soup Cook-Off Looking for Participants (ULN/DUVHQ 6RXS&KDPS 6XEPLWWHGE\.LP6LPPRQGV ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU The MonDak Heritage Center is looking for participants for our 2014 Soup Cook-Off, taking place as part of the MonDak &KULVWPDV7KLV\HDU·VWKHPHLV´+DZDLLDQ+ROLGD\VµDQGWKH contest will feature the use of a mystery ingredient, to be provided by the MonDak Heritage Center. The winner of the event will be crowned Soup Champ, and their name will be added to our Soup Champ trophy. 7KH &RRN2II LV OLPLWHG WR WKH ÀUVW ÀYH SDUWLFLSDQWV ZKR register. For more information, for rules or to register, please FRQWDFW$PDQGDDW 7KH6DYDJH:DUULRUVGHIHDWHG/RQH3HDNWKLVSDVWZHHNHQG6DYDJHZLOO KRVW*HUDOGLQH+LJKZRRGWKLV6DWXUGD\DWSPLQVHPLÀQDODFWLRQ $ERYH6DYDJH6HQLRU%UDGHQ)HLVWKDPHOVOLSVSDVWGHIHQGHUVLQWKH:DUULRUV· SOD\RIIZLQDJDLQVW/RQH3HDN Good Luck Savage Warriors IN YOUR UPCOMING PLAYOFF GAME THIS WEEKEND! Sidney, Montana: 433-8600 © 2014 Stockman Bank | Member FDIC WWW.STOCKMANBANK.COM 6 D Y D J H : D U U L R U V · T X D U W H U E D F N 3 D [ W R Q 0 L O O H U U X Q V L Q I R U D WRXFKGRZQ GXULQJ WKHLU %URFN0LOOHUVFRUHVDWRXFKGRZQLQWKHZLQRYHU/RQH SOD\RIIYLFWRU\ 3HDN3KRWRVE\7RQL=LHVNH 9HWHUDQV+RQRUHGDW6W0DWWKHZV Bainville Fire Department Would Like To Invite One & All To Our Open House Thanksgiving Dinner November 27th • 12-4pm (MTX) Bainville, Montana Come & Enjoy All The Trimmings With A Potluck Dessert! 9HWHUDQVZHUHKRQRUHGDW6W0DWWKHZ·V6XQGD\0DVV DQGDSUD\HUZDVUHDGE\&DWKROLF'DXJKWHU&RXUW 0RWKHU &DEULQL 5HJHQW -DQHW 0DUWLQHDX 7KHQ WKH .QLJKWVRI&ROXPEXVFRQWLQXHGWKHUHFRJQLWLRQZLWK DEUXQFKLQWKHLUKRQRU-XQLRU&DWKROLF'DXJKWHUV VDQJSDWULRWLFPXVLFGXULQJWKHPHDO7KH-&'$ZHUH DFFRPSDQLHGRQWKHSLDQRE\9LFH5HJHQW.DWKHULQH %LGHJDUD\ ,W ZDV D VSHFLDO GD\ WR UHPHPEHU WKH VDFULÀFHDQGVHUYLFHRIIHUHGIRURXUIUHHGRPDQGDQ RSSRUWXQLW\WRSUD\WKDWWKH3ULQFHRI3HDFH-HVXV &KULVWZLOOEULQJKHDOLQJWRRXUZRUOG3KRWRE\-DQHW 0DUWLQHDX Are You Ready For That New Country or Ranch Home? The Apollo C M 32x72 3 bdrm/2bath | 2184 sq ft COOKS ON MAIN for the everyday chef Buy A Standard Pro 300 or 750 and The Red Cedar 32x76 4 bdrm/3bath | 2062 sq ft Save up to $100 on a second container! Get This 24" Craftsman As A Great & Useful Addition To Your New Home This Time Of Year With Any New Home Purchase! e! New Homes Arriving Weekly! Winter Hours: W Open Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pm 224 Main Street • Williston, ND 701-572-COOK (2665) • (F) 701-572-2666 M Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm • Sat: 9am - 4pm 22308 West Front St. Williston, ND | 701-572-2590 4A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Richland Economic Development 2014 Annual Meeting Richland Economic Development held its annual meeting last Thursday at the Elks /RGJHLQ6LGQH\$QRYHUYLHZRIWKHJURXS·V accomplishments, with emphasis on 2014, was presented, as well as statements from Mayor Rick Norby and county commissioner Shane Gorder. Come & see our wide range of: New Steel, Wood Posts, Gates & Panels! We pay for: Scrap Metal, Aluminum, Copper, Stainless, Batteries & Much More! SERVING THE MONDAK AREA FOR OVER 70 YEARS! 35023 County Road 123 • Sidney, MT Delivery Available! 406-433-1301 Leslie Messer, executive director of Richland Economic Development, discusses the activities of RED in 2014. Richland County commissioner Shane Gorder says the county commissioners are giving 110% for the benefit of residents and businesses. Hailey Steinbeisser #17 goes up for a return at the volleyball tournaments this past weekend in Sidney as Aubrey Kessel #9 and Logan Peterson #12 watch. The lady Eagles ended their season this weekend. (Photo by Kathy Johnson) Your One STOP Shop for Christmas Sidney Volleyball Action Trees, Decorations & Lighting Toys, Games & Stuffed Animals For Home or Kitchen His or Hers Gifts! 2011 Ford F150 PENDING ............................................................ ST# 6065, CC Raptor, white & 77,275mi 2012 Ford F250 ................................................... ST# 6079, CC Lariat, diesel, silver & 43,002mi 2012 Ford F150 ..............................................................ST# 6080, CC Lariat, black & 49,120mi Holiday Hours 2011 Ford F150 ..............................................................ST# 6081, CC XLT, bronze & 61,660mi Starting Dec. 7th, Open Sundays 1:00pm to 4:00pm Starting Dec. 15th, Open Late Weekdays until 7:00pm 2012 Ford F150 .................................................................ST# 6082, CC Fx4, white & 68,602mi 2013 Ford F150 ..................................................................ST# 6083, CC XLT, blue & 18,667mi 2010 Ford F150 t4$FOUSBM"WFt4JEOFZ.5 XXXKPIOTPOIBSEXBSFBOEGVSOJUVSFDPN .PO'SJBNQNt4BUBNQN PENDING ..................................................................ST# 6088, CC XLT, blue & 42,986mi CHRISTMAS CASH GIVEAWAY PARTICIPANT 2011 Ford Ranger ................................................................. ST# 6094, S/C XLT, blue & 35,251mi “Experience the Eagle Country Difference!” XNLV180467 215 East Main • Sidney, MT | 433-1810 or 1-800-482-1810 | ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 5A Game Warden Exam Set for Dec. 29 4-Hers Donate to Cancer Organization The North Dakota Game and Fish Department has scheduled an examination to select candidates for the position of district game warden. The test is at 10 a.m., Dec. 29, DWWKHGHSDUWPHQW·VPDLQRIÀFH in Bismarck. Applicants must register to take the exam by submitting an online application through the North Dakota State Job Openings website. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and KDYH D EDFKHORU·V GHJUHH Other requirements are a current North Dakota peace RIÀFHUOLFHQVHRUHOLJLELOLW\IRU DOLFHQVHDQGDYDOLGGULYHU·V license. Candidates must have excellent interpersonal skills in communications and writing, and must not have a record of any felony convictions. Game wardens enforce JDPHDQGÀVKODZVDQGUHODWed regulations in an assigned district and other locations as determined by the department. Wardens normally work alone under varied conditions, at all hours of the day, night and weekends. In addition to law enforcement duties, wardens assist in the areas of public relations, education programs, and hunter and boat safety education. Selection procedures following the test may include an evaluation of the application, a structured oral interview, background and reference checks, and psychological and medical examinations. The salary for beginning game wardens through training is $3,500 per month. Upon successful completion of training, the salary is $4,016 - $6,693 per month. Wardens DOVRUHFHLYHWKHVWDWHEHQHÀWV package, including travel allowance. Uniforms and other equipment are provided. These young 4-H members attended a sewing class recently and learned several new techniques, such as using a rotary cutter and ruler. They made a pillowcase for themselves and then made another pillowcase to donate to the ConKerr Cancer organization in Billings – whose mission is to provide children with cheery pillowcases to brighten their hospital stay and a chance to learn to sew while breaking up the boredom of a hospital stay. Pictured from left to right are Lauren Prevost, Iris Arlint and Ella Arlint. For more information about 4-H contact the 5LFKODQG&RXQW\([WHQVLRQRIÀFHDW3KRWRE\/HVOLH0F0LOOHQ Kiwanis Honors Law (QIRUFHPHQW2IÀFHUV Good Luck Fairview Warriors IN YOUR UPCOMING PLAYOFF GAME THIS WEEKEND! Sidney, Montana: 433-8600 © 2014 Stockman Bank | Member FDIC WWW.STOCKMANBANK.COM The Sidney Kiwanis Club thanked sheriff Brad Baisch, right, and undersheriff Denny Palmer last Thursday for their 20 years of valuable service to Richland County. The men were presented a collage of pictures taken and prepared by Margaret Bradley. Mercy Medical Charity Ball November 22 Mercy Medical Center is excited to announce the return of its annual CharLW\ %DOO 7KLV \HDU·V HYHQW will take place on Saturday, November 22 at the Williston Area Recreation Center. We are pleased to invite you and your business to stand with us as we seek to raise funds dedicated to upgrading to a level II Nursery. As the expected birth rates at Mercy continue to increase, the complexity of care needed is changing. A level II Nursery offers a higher level of observation and allows us to EHTXDOLÀHGDQGHTXLSSHGIRU babies we currently cannot keep. Your support will make a difference in the lives of Mercy parents throughout the region. Whether you plan to attend the Charity Ball or become a sponsor or both, \RXUFRQWULEXWLRQZLOOEHQHÀWD valuable cause. Please take a moment to review the ways you can support us through this event. Make an impact and have a ball! Mercy Medical Center appreciates your partnership. With your help we can continue to grow as the Leading Healthcare Provider in the region. As limited seats are available to this event, we encourage you to call and RSVP ZLWK JXHVW·V QDPHV WR DYRLG missing out on your tickets! Please call 774-7466 to request tickets or for additional information. Everything Roundup on the web. Stock Cow Sale Sat, Nov 22nd • 11am Consignments: Complete Dispersion of Bred Hfrs to 4 yr olds: 30 Black Angus Hfrs, 70 head of 3 yr olds, 30 head of 4 yr olds. All Bangs Vaccinated & Pre-breeding shots 227 Black Commercial Bred Hfrs, March 25th Calving, Range Raised, Moderate Framed, Easy Fleshing, Quiet Disposition, Gilbert Ranch one iron, 100% Bangs Vacc, Synchronized & AI’d to Sitz Dash 10277, 105 Bull Pregnancies & 122 Hfr Pregnancies 32 Black Bred Hfrs, AI’s & Bull Bred, AI’d to Black Cigar, March 20th Calving 19 Black Bred Hfrs, Bred to Gartner Denowh & Panasuk Bulls, March 20th Calving for 60 days, Bangs Vaccinated 27 Black Bred Cows, 6-8 yr old, Bred Black, March 20th Calving 28 Black Bred Cows, 8 head of 3 yr olds, 1 head of 6 yr olds, 3 head of 8 yr olds & 16 Short Term, Bulls ~ Leland & Kuester Red Angus, April 15th Calving 15 head of 10 yr old Red Angus Bred Cows, Bred Red & Black, April 5th Calving 100 red bred Hfrs, AI’d, calve March 15 through April 15 Tim Larson: 406-480-2666 Mobile | Roger Nygaard: 406-650-7410 Mobile You’re Invited to... Sidney Health Center’s "OOVBM.FFUJOH Wednesday, November 12th Sidney Country Club Member sign-in is from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ȱ¢ȱȱȱěȱȱȱȱǯ AGENDA: ȱȱȱȱȊȱȱȱȱȊȱȱȱȊȱȱȱŘŖŗŚȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ Ȭȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Ĵǯȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱǰȱȱȱ¢ȱ¢ǰȱȱ ǰȱȱǻŚŖŜǼȱŚŞŞȬŘřŜŚȱȱȱȱȱ¢ȱ ȱǰȱ ŘŗŜȱŗŚȱȱǰȱ¢ǰȱȱȱȱǯ UI"WF48t4JEOFZ.5t Visit us online: 6A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Increased Hospital Use Following Medicaid Expansion is Mostly Temporary 3HQWXSGHPDQGIRUKHDOWKFDUHZLOOGHFOLQHVLJQLÀFDQWO\DIWHUWKHÀUVW\HDURIHQUROOPHQW The expansion of Medicaid to millions of uninsured new enrollees should not have the catastrophic impact predicted for WKHVWDWHEXGJHWVEHFDXVHWKHVLJQLÀFDQWLQFUHDVHVLQKRVSLWDO and emergency-room usage are only temporary, according to a new study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. ´:HIRXQGWKDWWKHVXUJHGRHVQ·WODVWORQJRQFHSHRSOHJHW FRYHUDJHµVDLGUHVHDUFKDQDO\VW1LJHO/R0$WKHVWXG\·VOHDG DXWKRU´2XUÀQGLQJVVXJJHVWWKDWHDUO\DQGVLJQLÀFDQWLQYHVWments in infrastructure and in improving the process of care delivery can effectively address the pent-up demand for health care services of previously uninsured people. Fears that these new enrollees will overuse healthcare services are just not true.” Using two years of claims data from 182,000 low-income, XQLQVXUHGUHVLGHQWVHQUROOHGLQ&DOLIRUQLD·VVWDWHUXQSURJUDPV the UCLA team found that the group of people who previously had had the least medical care initially used hospital emergency rooms (ERs) at a high rate of 600 visits per 1,000. UCLA also found that their hospital admissions declined sharply, from 194 to 42, a decline of 78.5 percent. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has extended Medicaid eligibility in 27 states, but many other states have refused coverage because of predictions that state budgets will be overwhelmed by the pent-up demand of the previously uninsured, particularly when federal subsidies stop covering the full expansion cost in 2017. Three states –Indiana, Missouri, and Utah- are currently considering expansion, and other state legislatures will soon debate the issue. The Obama administration is pushing states to expand Medicaid, arguing they are not only leaving millions of the residents uninsured, but are also forcing their hospitals to absorb billions of dollars in uncompensated costs for treating them. ´&DOLIRUQLD·VVXFFHVVVKRXOGVHWDQH[DPSOHIRUVWDWHVWKDW are on the fence about expanding Medicaid,” said co-author Gerald F. Kominski, PhD, director of the UCLA Center for Health 3ROLF\5HVHDUFK´,W·VDQLQYHVWPHQW%XLOGPRUHLQIUDVWUXFWXUH and care delivery early on, and you can manage chronic care, address unmet health care needs, and keep cost increases to a manageable level.” The UCLA study looked at data from two programs in California- the Health Care Coverage Initiative, which ran from 2007 to 2010, and the Low Income Health Program (LIHP), which ran from 2011 to 2013. On Jan. 1, 2014, these enrollees became part of the 1.5 million Californians who were able to transition XQGHUWKH$&$LQWR0HGL&DO&DOLIRUQLD·V0HGLFDLGSURJUDP 7KHDXWKRUVVDLGWKDWEHFDXVH&DOLIRUQLD·V/,+3KDGSURYLGed preventative medical care and regular treatment for chronic diseases, the newly insured were no longer dependent on ER treatment and hospitalization because they had more accessible and less costly alternatives. Improving care delivery through the use of medical homes, care coordination and health risk assessments, as well as greater availability of specialty services and culturally competent self-care also potentially helped manage pent-up demand, they said. The UCLA results provide new insights into previously SXEOLVKHGÀQGLQJVWKDWFRVWO\(5YLVLWVLQ2UHJRQLQFUHDVHGE\ 40 percent during the year after the state expanded Medicaid HOLJLELOLW\%\H[DPLQLQJGDWDRYHUDORQJHUSHULRGRIWLPHWKH UCLA study was able to determine that such spikes in usage were only temporary. The study was funded with support from California DeSDUWPHQWRI+HDOWK&DUH6HUYLFHVDQG%OXH6KLHOGRI&DOLIRUQLD Foundation. FAIRVIEW WARRIORS AT FOOTBALL QUARTER FINALS Sat., Nov. 15 • 1 pm | Fairview at Chinook ! k c u dL Goo Fairview Football Roster: Monte Cayko: 7, Donald Fugate: 69, Jared Gustafson: 18, Alex Taylor: 19, Nate Turner: 31, Michael Calvert: 25, Ben Hardy: 11, Josh Hurley: 32, Jonathon Lebsock: 33, Dustin Rice: 79, Mitchell Shaide: 2, Brett Andreasen: 6, Braden Burman: 22, Taryn Candee: 12, Pat Hardy: 9, Parker Jensen: 40, Tanner Reynolds: 5, Sean Conlin: 8, Jason Klein: 1, Sterling Sannon: 55, Dalton Watson: 85, Rex Renolds: 37 & Edwardo Luna: 66 Bar JV Angus Jim Vitt 406-798-3653 Dale Vitt 406-798-3398 Fairview, MT Greg Breuer, Accounts Manager 2IÀFH .... 406-742-8800 &HOO ....... 406-489-3429 Fax........ 406-742-8801 EXPERIENCE THE NEW BUICK •Oil Field Roads & Locations • Reclaim Work • Gravel & Scoria Hauling Fairview, MT 406-742-5549 • Sewers • Basements • Water Pipelines Dan Cayko (406)-480-5665 Marty Shaide (406)-489-1441 Marlon: 406-489-1243 Kenny: 406-489-1426 Fairview, Montana 701-744-5752 • Potable Water • Sewer System •Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses • Porta Potties 2429 W. Holly St. 406-488-4400 • WE DELIVER • Hwy. 16 S, Sidney, MT • 406-433-4650 1151 S. Central • Sidney, MT Open Daily 6am - 10pm Grocery 433-2305 Fertilizer & Irrigation Sales & Service (406) 488-8706 David Williams Cell (406) 489-8706 Scott Ramus Cell (406) 489-8707 1511 S Central Ave • Sidney Open 9am - 4pm Monday - Friday Box 465 • Fairview, MT 406-742-5203 Fairview, MT 701-844-5300 Office: 406-433-6757 Cell: 406-697-7153 Fax: 406-433-6755 2221 S. Central Ave • Sidney 406-747-5804 Agent, Jim Duffey 203 2nd St. NW • Sidney 406-482-3737 Fairview Insurance located in the Merchant’s Bank Building Marty Shaide Fairview, MT (701)-744-9051 (406)-489-1441 Dispatch: 701-844-1234 Fairview, MT PIZZA & FINE FOODS 416 S. Ellery Mon-Kota, Inc. OILFIELD SERVICES 3½ miles north of Fairview on Hwy 58 Open 10am - 2am Daily 401 Ellery Avenue Fairview, MT 406-742-8110 Steakhouse Hours: 11am - 9pm, Sun - Thurs 11am - 10pm, Fri & Sat 701-744-9051 • Fairview, MT 406-433-6754 Fax: 406-433-6755 2265 S. Central Ave • Sidney Fairview Warriors 406-433-3120 Kilen Backhoe Service EST. 1972 Family Dining Open 4:30 pm Tue-Fri 2 pm Sat & Sun Fairview • 406-742-5180 From the Fairview School Staff 703 S. Central • Sidney HURLEY’S KEG Good Luck! Hours: 9am - 5pm • M, T, TH 304 S Ellery Ave • Fairview, MT Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 1pm 215 East Main St • Sidney 1(800)482-1810 • 433-1810 BLUE ROCK PRODUCTS CO. 501 9th Ave NE, Sidney 406-433-3403 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2014 7A Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at (Paypal required for online purchases) Now Taking Credit Cards! Add a photo to your classy online! (additional charge) (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $9 • Deadline: Monday HELP WANTED HELP WANTED RECEPTIONIST Badlands Inspection Services is looking for an organized, self motivated, computer literate receptionist/clerk. Call Woody at 406-480-7673 or Steve at 256-259-7663. BARTENDERS WANTED Enjoy a private club atmosphere. Full & part time bartenders needed at the Elks Lodge, Sidney, MT. Apply in person with Randy, 1pm - 6pm at 123 3rd St. S.W. FLEET TECHNICIAN POSITION Family owned trucking company seeking to add experienced fleet technicians to Sidney MT project. The right applicants will have a minimum of 3 years of verifiable Tractor and Trailer repair experience, welding experience is preferred but not required, comfort with computers is a plus. Responsibilities will be to provide full maintenance to 14 FL tractors and 34 trailers. The work schedule is flexible and there is scheduled overtime during the busiest part of the year. We do have housing available for the employee for a reasonable rate. Pay depends on qualifications and experience. Apply online at or call 406-454-7655 to find out more. You will be GLAD you did. Housing Available. CARRIERS WANTED Need extra cash or want to get some exercise while getting paid? We have carrier routes available in most parts of Sidney. Call 406-4333306, or fill out application at The Roundup, 111 W. Main, Sidney. WANTED SERVERS & KITCHEN STAFF Wage DOE. Apply in person at Cattle-Ac, 119 N. Central Ave., Sidney, MT. REAL ESTATE PLENTY OF LAND WITH LIVING QUARTERS Unrestricted 39 acres in Ekalaka with a huge shop. 11,060 sq. ft, insulated w/ 3 bd living quarters inside. Plus a 4 plex all 1 bedroom. Amazing hunting, fenced 3 pastures, well. $750,000. Western Skies Real Estate, Lorie Trump 406860-2902. MANUFACTURED HOME Unrestricted 8.4 acres in Roundup, MT. 3 bd 2 ba, manufactured home. Plus 20x20 shed, 18x40 open metal shed, pond, fenced, garden, great wildlife. Can be used for a business. $239,000. Western Skies Real Estate, Agronomist Position Available Immediately Hefty Seed Company has as agronomy position open now at the Sidney location. Work for an outstanding company and a leader in the field! For more information, call Hefty Seed Company, Sidney at : 406-488-4338 (HEFT) Cooks Needed! We Need Full & Part-time Cooks!! Lorie Trump 406-860-2902. HUGE HOME FOR SALE 5 bd 3 ba on 1.24 acres, 7752 Buckskin, Shepherd, MT. Open floor plan, 3 family rooms, double garage, good wells, lots of trees. $260,000. Western Skies Real Estate, Lorie Trump 406-860-202. ACREAGE WITH WELLS FOR SALE Lewistown, MT 11 acres for $45,000. Near Spring Creek, okay for trailers, good wells in the area, okay for shops also. Western Skies Real Estate, Lorie Trump 406-860-2902. PRICE REDUCED 1800 sq ft 3 bedroom 1 3/4 bath on three levels. Underground sprinklers, two car detached garage, 12x12 storage shed and privacy fence around back yard. $235,000. 316 8th St SE, 406-480-2459. 5 ACRE COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR SALE Conveniently located between Williston & Watford City, right off Hwy 85. Graded recently. Perfect for a new shop, or FOR RENT business! Lots have rural water, power, RTC, & electric right at the road.Hwy 85, S. on 140th Ave NW, 1/4 mile on right. 406-471-4049. FOR RENT RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Located in downtown Sidney, utilities pd., cell phone booster, wireless internet, $750/mo. Call Linda, 406-489-1945 or Melissa 360-708-8170. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT Remodeled, furnished room, $720 per month; Sidney, MT. All utilities, cable TV, internet furnished. Washer, dryer available. 218-234-1162 or 406-489-1467. HOUSE CLEANING Professional, detail oriented cleaning service. Weekly, b i - w e e k l y a n d m o n t h l y. References available. Call 406-951-4852. RV PARK RENTAL Yellowstone Bridges RV Park, twelve units available. Beautiful location, full hook up, perfect for a company or individual, utilities included in rent. Call 406-488-1054 or 406-478-4671. WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENTS Lowest price around. Quick service. Over 300 windshields in stock for cars pickups & semis. Magrum Motors, 1820 2nd St. W., Williston, 701572-0114. SERVICES ƵƌƌĞŶƚŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚKƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƟĞƐ CERTIFIED NURSE’S ASSISTANTS URGENTLY NEEDED. MUST BE RELIABLE, COMPASSIONATE, DEPENDABLE. ĐƟǀŝƚLJŝĚĞ͗ Part-ƟŵĞƉŽƐŝƟŽŶĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͘ŶƚŚƵƐŝĂƐͲ ƟĐ͕ĐĂƌŝŶŐ͕ĂŶĚƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďůĞŝŶĚŝǀŝĚƵĂůŶĞĞĚĞĚƚŽǁŽƌŬ ǁŝƚŚĂŶĚĞŶŐĂŐĞƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐŝŶĂĐƟǀŝƚLJƉƌŽŐƌĂŵŵŝŶŐ͘ WŽƐŝƟŽŶƌĞƋƵŝƌĞƐ 1-ϮǁĞĞŬĞŶĚƐƉĞƌŵŽŶƚŚĂŶĚƐŽŵĞ ĞĂƌůLJĞǀĞŶŝŶŐŚŽƵƌƐĨŽƌůĞƐƐƚŚĂŶϮϬŚŽƵƌƐƉĞƌǁĞĞŬ͘ tŽƵůĚŵĂŬĞĂŐŽŽĚĂŌĞƌ-ƐĐŚŽŽůũŽďĨŽƌƚŚĞƌŝŐŚƚŚŝŐŚ ƐĐŚŽŽůƐƚƵĚĞŶƚ͘ŽŶƚĂĐƚsŝĐŬŝĞ'ƌŝŵƐƌƵĚĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶͲ ĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶĂƚϳϴϳ-ϲϰϮϵ͘ ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂůZEͬ>WE DĂƌŬĞƟŶŐͬ&ŽƵŶĚĂƟŽŶŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ͘ƌĞĂƟǀĞ͕ĞŶĞƌͲ ŐĞƟĐƉĞƌƐŽŶŶĞĞĚĞĚƚŽŝĚĞŶƟĨLJĂŶĚĞĚƵĐĂƚĞƉŽƚĞŶƟĂů ĚŽŶŽƌƐ͖ƉůĂŶĂŶĚĞdžĞĐƵƚĞĨƵŶĚƌĂŝƐŝŶŐĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐĨŽƌĂŶͲ ŶƵĂůĂŶĚůŽŶŐƚĞƌŵŐŝǀŝŶŐƉƌŽŐƌĂŵƐ͖ǁƌŝƚĞŐƌĂŶƚƐ͕ĂŶĚ ĐŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚĞĂůůŵĂƌŬĞƟŶŐĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐƚŽƚŚĞďĞŶĞĮƚŽĨƚŚĞ ĨĂĐŝůŝƚLJ͕ĞŵƉůŽLJĞĞƐ͕ĂŶĚĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƟĞƐ͘ƉƉůŝĐĂŶƚŝƐƌĞͲ ƐƉŽŶƐŝďůĞƚŽŶŽŶ-ƉƌŽĮƚŽĂƌĚŽĨŝƌĞĐƚŽƌƐĨŽƌZD &ŽƵŶĚĂƟŽŶĂŶĚZDĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŽƌ͘WĞƌƐŽŶŵƵƐƚďĞ ŽƵƚŐŽŝŶŐ͕ĨƌŝĞŶĚůLJ͕ĂŶĚĂƐĞůĨ-ƐƚĂƌƚĞƌ͘ ůŝŶŝĐĂů>ĂďŽƌĂƚŽƌLJdĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶ ZDĞŶĞĮƚƐ͗,ĞĂůƚŚΘ>ŝĨĞ/ŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞ͕ϰϬϭ<͕džƚĞŶĚͲ ĞĚ/ůůŶĞƐƐĂŶŬ͕WĞƌƐŽŶĂůdŝŵĞKī͕ĂŶĚŽŵƉĞƟƟǀĞ ^ĂůĂƌŝĞƐ͘&ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶǀŝƐŝƚŽƵƌǁĞďƉĂŐĞŽƌ ĐĂůůϰϬϲ͘ϳϴϳ͘ϲϰϬϭ&ŝŶĚƵƐŽŶ&ĂĐĞŬ 4XDOLW\6HUYLFH&DULQJ3HRSOH-RLQ2XU7HDP • Equipment operators • Mechanics • Welders 1700 S. Central • Sidney, MT iring NowA CH DL Driver Class Competitive p Wages g & Benefits Please Call 406-433-1301 We Are A 100% Employee OR STOP IN FOR AN APPLICATION: Owned, ESOP Company. 3-4 bedroom newly built houses for rent. Available in the Williston, ND area. Please contact Johnston Property Management for details. 701-842-4205 • Engineer Maintenance Worker • Groundskeeper • Health Information Management Clerk • Lodge Evening Cook • Registered Nurses • Ward Clerk Medical/Surgical Alexander, ND • 701-828-3100 7HOZZZURRVHYHOWPHGLFDORUJ • Truck drivers with current CDL Apply in person or Employment Office Hi-Way Lounge &XOEHUWVRQ07 Is Looking For: Benefits Available Wages DOE Wages are competitive! 5RRVHYHOW0HGLFDO&HQWHU EXCAVATOR & SKID STEER SERVICES We have a mini excavator & a skid steer. We will do driveways, clean up, demolition, gravel hauling, snow removal. Servicing Glendive to Culbertson, includes Fairview. 406-4784219 or 208-200-2846 Help Wanted Are you looking for a fulfilling career with a large regional energy supplier? If so, Montana-Dakota Utilities is looking for you! Yard Operator in Sidney, MT Major Responsibilities: • Performs all duties associated with the operation and maintenance of the grounds and all fuel handling facilities • Assists other departments in the performance of their duties • Responds to emergencies, scheduled and unscheduled overtime • Subject to rotating shift work Minimum Qualifications: • High school education and a degree in Power Plant Technology or high school education and equivalent Power Plant related work experience • Mechanical and basic computer skills with ability to operate heavy work equipment and ability to work independently • Possess a valid motor vehicle driver’s license MDU offers: • Competitive salary • Rental Subsidy & Housing assistance available • 401(k) savings plan and retirement contribution • Health, dental, and life insurance Montana-Dakota Utilities Co • A Division of MDU Resources Group, Inc Must be legally authorized to work in the United States, no sponsorships considered. Subject to pre-employment drug testing & background checks. Apply online & check our other vacancies currently open with the MDU Resources Group, Inc. on our website: BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE OF THE STATE OF MONTANA LIQUOR LICENSING NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF ONE ORIGINAL (NEW) MONTANA RETAIL ON PREMISES CONSUMPTION RESTARUANT BEER AND WINE LICENSE On September 12, 2014, Jose S. Lopez - Sole Proprietor, filed an application for the issuance of a license to be used at MUCHO SI, 317 South Ellery Avenue, Fairview, Richland County, Montana. Protests against an application must be (1) made in writing, (2) mailed to the Department of Revenue, Liquor Licensing, PO Box 1712, Helena, Montana 59624-1712, and (3) received and date stamped by the Department no later than the 8th day of December 2014. Protests will be accepted from residents of the county from which the application originates, residents of adjoining counties, or residents of adjoining counties in another state if the criteria in subsection (4)(d) are met. Each protestor is required to mail a separate letter that contains in legible print, the protestor’s full name, mailing address, and street address. Each letter must be signed by the protestor. Protest petitions bearing the names and signatures of more than one protestor will not be considered. Protest letters must provide the trade name, or applicant name associated with the license being protested for identification purposes. Protest letters must contain a clear statement of the writer’s intent to protest the application. The grounds for protest of an application for a new license are limited to those set out in section 16-4-405, MCA for denial of a license, and public convenience and necessity as set forth in section 16-4-203, MCA. Protest letters which do not provide the information described in this paragraph will not be considered valid protest letters. Only those grounds for protest raised in valid protest letters will be considered at hearing. An individual’s testimony at hearing will be limited to the grounds for protest raised in that individual’s valid protest letter. If the department receives a sufficient number of protests to require a hearing pursuant to section 16-4-207(4)(a), MCA, a hearing will be scheduled in Helena, Montana. If the department receives a sufficient number of protests to require a hearing pursuant to section 16-4-207(4)(b), MCA, to determine public convenience and necessity, a hearing will be held in the county in which the proposed premises is located. All qualified protestors will be notified of the time, date, and location of the hearing. Hearings are typically scheduled within 90 days following the protest deadline. If a sufficient number of protests to require a hearing are not received and all licensing criteria have been satisfied, the department may issue the license without holding a hearing. DATED: October 29, 2014 BY: Danette Tenneson Compliance Specialist MNAXLP 8A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2014 COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SNOW PLOWING Call 406-478-4219 or 208200-2846 for information. CLEANING Will clean houses, apartments, rental units, work force housing, business offices, anything you need cleaned, I can do. Will do weekly, biweekly times available. Will clean around your schedule. Shampoo carpets & deep cleaning as well. 406-4782 3 7 3 o r 4 0 6 - 4 8 8 - 11 9 2 leave message. References available upon request. WELDING Welding & repair work. No job is too small. Portable welder, reasonable rates. 701-4442936. FARM & RANCH HAY FOR SALE 200-1,400 lb, big, round grass and grass/alfalfa, net wrap, no rain. $80/T. Call (701) 5652377. FOR SALE Small square durum bales for sale. Can be used for animal bedding, gun or bow and arrow targets, holiday decorations, Only $17 A Week! If you run it for 2 weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run it for 2 more weeks................... FREE! winter calving or insulation for 5th wheel. If no answer leave a message 701-875-4466. BARLEY STRAW BALES Big round net wrapped barley straw bales. 701-828-3051. If no answer leave a message. Possible delivery. MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS Complete line of minerals & supplements, Crystalx protein & mineral tubs for cattle, horses & sheep. All types of liquid feed for livestock. Calving supplies. R&J Ag Supply 406-488-1953, 406480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, Sidney, MT. WANTED Have CRP acres to shred. Would rent a shredder or have someone shred acres. Call Jack at 406-480-5493. MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS Complete line of minerals & supplements, Crystalx protein & mineral tubs for cattle, horses & sheep. All types of liquid feed for livestock. Calving supplies. R&J Ag Supply 406-488-1953, 406480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, Sidney, MT. LIVESTOCK WATER FOUNTAINS Dependable Ritchie Water Fountains for horses and cattle. Williston Saddlery, AIRCRAFT FOR SALE: 1981 Hughes 269C TTAF 3132: TSMOH 845, 3 new M/R blades, Component times on request, big fuel and much more. $157,000 $147,000 Call Barry at Sidney Air Service: 406-480-2024 2011 Amity Beet Harvester 6 row, 24" spacing, excellent shape, stored inside since new. Call 406-489-6499 for more information and pricing details. • (406) 433-3306 for details MOUSE ASSAULT BAIT Kills mice quickly. Williston S a d d l e r y, H W Y 2 We s t , Williston. 701-572-2267. VERMEER HAYING EQUIPMENT See us today for all your haying & feeding equipment, sweeps & farm oil. Anderson Vermeer Sales & Service. Open Mon.Fri., 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 701-8283358 or 701-828-3482 (after hrs.). Alexander, ND. MISC. FOR SALE GUN SHOW Minot Rifle and Pistol Club is hosting a HUGE buy/sell/ swap gun show with tons of displays and a vartiey of guns Nov. 29th, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Nov. 30th 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Minot State Fair Center. For questions call 701-839-4679. ‘04 PONTIAC GRAND AM FOR SALE 2004 Pontiac Grand Am SE V6, 95,000 miles. Books at $5,000, asking $3,800 OBO. Call 480-9601 or 489-3050. CRANE FOR SALE Older 40 ton crane for sale. Call 406-478-4219 or 208200-2846 for info. AIRCRAFT Buying or selling. Call Barry at Sidney Air Service Inc. 406480-2024. WANTED WANTED TO BUY Small independent trucking firm looking for property in the Sidney area. 1-10 acres. Developed or not. Willing to trade property by Flathead Lake or other terms. 406270-3194. BEADEX SHEETROCK MUD Get BEADEX sheetrock mud at Sidney Woodworker & Lumber. 406-433-7767. SCRAP METAL TO BUY Wa n t i n g t o b u y s c r a p metal, scrap cars & scrap farm machinery. Will pick up from surrounding areas from Cultbertson to Glendive/ Sidney and Fairview to Watford City. 406-478-4219 or 208-200-2846. Kilen Backhoe Service Bakken Mobile Veterinary Service Dr. Vince Stenson Do you have news or photos from McKenzie County you would like in The Roundup? Want to place an ad in the Auto trader? HWY 2 West, Williston. 701572-2267. CONTACT: Kathy Taylor in Watford City 701-842-6188 Complete small animal care 8 am - 4 pm • Sewers • Basements • Water Pipelines Marlon: 406-489-1243 Kenny: 406-489-1426 Fairview, Montana Sidney: Tues, Nov 18 & Dec 2 Tractor Supply Co. Culbertson: Wed, Nov 12, 19, 26 County Ext. Bldg on Main Street Bainville: Wed, Nov 12 Fairview: Wed, Nov 26 The Welcome Stop The Powder Keg Call for Appointment (701) - 609 - 3705 Is your Farm & Ranch business Come Join Our Team! STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE All Positions - Full & Part-Time • Management • Crew • Maintenance 20X20 • 10X20 10X16 • 8X9 Sidney, MT 482-3799 or 482-2666 Roundup Ready See Us Today We make good business better! 406-433-3306 Benefits include: competitive pay, flexible schedules, scholarship program, comprehensive benefits program & management training can earn college credits Wages Start at $13 - $17 per Hour APPLY ONLINE AT WWW.MCSTATE.COM/06524 CALL SIDNEY MCDONALD’S: 406-433-1983 McDonald’s is an equal opportunity employer committed to an inclusive & diverse workforce. Steve Kober WWW.NICKJONESRE.COM Master Plumber email: 1-877-488-8066 Office: 406-488-8066 Fax: 406-488-8067 1775 S. Central Ave. Sidney, MT 59270 Customer Service is Our #1 Priority Farm & Ranch Products & Construction Materials. New Steel, Auminum & Stainless. Brady Smelser • Tim Mulholland • Kelly Moody • Bret Smelser • Ernie Gawryluk Sidney Glendive 35002 CR 123 2703 W. Towne St. 406-433-7737 1-800-423-5219 1-855-810-2995 TRAILERS • Cargo • Flatbed •Parts • Repairs GOLF CARS TRAEGER GRILLS Mark Brodhead email: website: Manager Cell: 406-480-7332 Office: 406-433-1888 3490 Highway 23 Sidney, MT 59270 TRADING POST 111 E. MAIN STREET • SIDNEY, MT. 59270 CONSIGNMENT • ANTIQUES GUNS • TOOLS • PAWN 1-406-433-7676 ASK FOR JERRY OR JOANNA Williston 13896 W. Front St. 1-800-820-5493 Plentywood Hwy 16 East 406-765-2624 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 9A Best Western Golden Prairie Inn & Suites Recognized With Two Awards At Hotel Brand’s Annual Convention Submitted by Bryce Baker The Best Western Golden Prairie Inn & Suites in Sidney ZDVUHFRJQL]HGZLWKWKHEUDQG·VKLJKHVWKRQRUWKH0.*XHUtin Award, as well as the Champion Customer Care Award at %HVW:HVWHUQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO·V&RQYHQWLRQKHOGUHFHQWO\LQ Toronto, Ontario. The awards were presented in front of more than 2,000 Best Western hoteliers. 7KHSUHVWLJLRXV0.*XHUWLQ$ZDUGLVSUHVHQWHGWRWKRVH member properties that have best represented the vision of %HVW:HVWHUQ·VIRXQGHUDQGGHPRQVWUDWHGH[FHSWLRQDOOHYHOV of service, quality, value and commitment to the brand. The Champion Customer Care Award honors properties that best exemplify exceptional levels of service and care to guests. The hotels must also meet quality and service standards and other membership requirements to qualify for each award. The Best Western Golden Prairie Inn & Suites is one of only 44 hotels out of more than 2,100 Best Western properties in the U.S. and Canada to receive both awards. ´7KH 0. *XHUWLQ$ZDUG LV JLYHQ WR RXU PRVW HQJDJHG members whose hotels are our top scorers in quality and overall service and are leaders in our brand,” said Dilipkumar Patel, &KDLUPDQRI%HVW:HVWHUQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO·V%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV “The BEST WESTERN Golden Prairie Inn & Suites also received the Champion Customer Care Award because of its dedication and focus on providing memorable experiences for guests.” Bryce Baker, General Manager, says, “I am extremely proud of our team in Sidney. They truly care about each of our guests and it shows! From taking care of a pet for a day to making sure our guests have a great breakfast in the morning, they live the ¶,&DUH·FXOWXUHRI%HVW:HVWHUQHDFKDQGHYHU\GD\µ Located at 820 S. Central Avenue, the Best Western Golden Prairie Inn & Suites features 72 rooms and a fantastic hot breakfast buffet. Another feature unique to this hotel is the business center with print from your room capabilities. For reservations, call the hotel directly at 406-433-4560 or FDOO%HVW:HVWHUQ·VKRXUWROOIUHHQXPEHUDW:(67ERN. Reservations are also available through About Best Western International, Inc. Best Western International, Inc., headquartered in Phoenix, Ariz., is a privately held hotel brand made up of more than 4,000* Best Western®, Best Western Plus® and Best Western Premier hotels in more than 100* countries and territories worldwide. Now celebrating 68 years of hospitality, Best Western welcomes hundreds of thousands of guests nightly. Best Western provides its hoteliers with global operational, sales, marketing and promotional support, and online and HY mobile booking capabilities. More than 20 million travelers are PHPEHUV RI WKH EUDQG·V DZDUGZLQQLQJ OR\DOW\ SURJUDP %HVW Western Rewards®, one of the few programs in which members earn points that never expire and can be redeemed at any Best :HVWHUQKRWHOZRUOGZLGH7KHEUDQG·VSDUWQHUVKLSVZLWK$$$ CAA, Minor League Baseball, and Harley-Davidson® provide travelers with exciting ways to interact with the brand. In 2014, Best Western earned our highest level of brand recognition, LQFOXGLQJRXUÀIWK$$$&$$+RWHO3DUWQHURIWKH<HDUDZDUG second Compuware Best of the Web Gold award, fourth No. 1 UDQNLQJLQ%UDQG.H\V&RQVXPHU/R\DOW\(QJDJHPHQW,QGH[ for midscale hotels and seventh TTG Asia Best Mid-range Hotel Brand. Forty-one percent of Best Western hotels worldwide won 7ULS$GYLVRU&HUWLÀFDWHVRI([FHOOHQFHIRUFXVWRPHUVDWLVIDFWLRQ For more information or to make a reservation, please visit 1XPEHUVDUHDSSUR[LPDWHDQGPD\ÁXFWXDWH AY IGH Luxurious 3 bed/2 bath modular home. Ready to move into! 1800 sq ft with aditional 1000 sq ft walk-up attic access. On a 1-acre lot with 2-stall attached garage. Located in Missouri Meadows subdivision 4 miles east of Walmart, Williston. Holiday Drinking: Keep It Safe By The Richland County DUI Task Force Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years ~ Family Gatherings, Celebrations & Parties the stress of the holidays is overwhelming. The Holiday season is also one of the most dangerous times of the year for alcohol related crashes. Due to increased festivities there is increased alcohol consumption. Many of those who drink GXULQJWKHKROLGD\VGRQ·WGULQN often so they have a lower alcohol tolerance. They also tend to underestimate their level of impairment and may GULYHZKHQWKH\VKRXOGQ·W Those who drink on a regular basis enjoy the holidays because there are more social events to drink. They also have a higher tolerance level and can consume more alcohol before showing effects. As a result they drink and drive more frequently. The rush of the holiday season results in drivers rushing more than normal and with our winter road conditions it makes driving even more dangerous. So what can you do? When it comes to alcohol consumption there is a safe and healthy limit. The Center for Disease Control recommends those who choose to drink know what a standard drink is. 12oz of 5% beer ~ 8oz of 7% malt ~ 5oz of 12% wine & 1.5oz of 40% or 80 proof distilled spirits. If you choose to drink the CDC encourages doing so in moderation, one standard drink per day for women and two standard GULQNVSHUGD\IRUPHQ'RQ·W drink at all if you are under the age of 21, pregnant or have health problems that could be made worse by drinking. If you choose to drink do what responsible drinkers do: Designate a driver before. Sidney Shuttle 433-3636 offers 24/7 transportation, they will take you to your destination as well as home. You ZRQ·W KDYH WR ZRUU\ DERXW parking or getting into a cold car. Set your limit and encourage others to do the same. Choose nonalcoholic beverages and offer nonalcoholic beverages if you are hosting Christmas Sale! Boxed Beef Sticks 2½ lb. box (40-50 per box) ............... $20 Boxed String Cheese 24 oz. (individually wrapped) ............ $12 Smokey Snack Sticks 16 oz. (11-12 per package)............... $12 Support your 4-H program by planning now to place an order when a member contacts you or call 433-1206 By popular request, Richland County 4-H Clubs will be taking orders through Nov. 17th for the same great tasting beef & cheese sticks offered during our Spring Citrus Sale. These will make great gifts for those hard-to-buy-for on your Christmas list! Deliveries will be made the week of December 1st A Radio That Will Fit Whatever You Drive! Starting at $359 a party. You can ensure your holiday season is a relaxing, enjoyable and peaceful one as long as you remember to drink responsibly, and encourage your loved ones to do the VDPH'RQ·WEHFRPHDQRWKHU drunk driving statistic. Be RADD (Report a Drunk Driver) and call 911 if you see an impaired driver on our roadways. You may save the life of some you know. E NT $ Approximate Monthly Payment: 2,300 BLACK FRIDAY MONTH 25 REBATE $ with purchase of $250 or more with Ford Credit Card BATTERIES 2 YEAR PART WARRANTY 3 year free replacement, prorated 100 month & free roadside assistance if installed by Eagle County Ford. LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE BRAKE PADS INSTALLED AT EAGLE COUNTRY FORD GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE All Good November 12th - December 1st “Experience the Eagle Country Difference!” 215 East Main • Sidney, MT | 433-1810 or 1-800-482-1810 | You Know We’re An FR Store But... Did You Know Our Embroidery Department We Do Embro Custom ide Kinds ry On All Of Ite ms! Has A Catalog Full Of Items Ranging From Bags & Hats To Clothing & More! Perfect For Christmas Gifts! Call Larry Today At... Just North of McDonald’s • Sidney, MT 406-433-1659 • Toll Free: 1-866-433-1659 Professional • Affordable • Fun M-F: 6am - 6pm • Sat: 8am - 5pm | 2221 S. Central, Sidney | 406-433-6757 10A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Richland Community Complex “The Time Is Now, Together We Can”! 6XSHU6DYLQJ6DOH Modulars starting at $60 per sq. ft. 6$9( LOCK IN SALE PRICE, TAKE DELIVERY LATER! ·V • WOW!! Triplewide 2790 sq. ft. with all the bells & whistles. Submitted by Lisa Gorder The members of the Richland Community Complex Board are in the process of creating an exciting new project. The Rich• 1600 sq. ft. modular, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 6” walls, glamour land Community Complex is an opportunity that will, we believe, bath, low-e windows, upgraded cabinets. 21/< change our way of life in Richland County and Eastern Montana. Our board is comprised of a diverse group of positive, forward thinking individuals. We are committed to creating a positive community facility that will enhance the lives of our residents. We have taken ideas from the community and we are ing a plan of action. We are making a dream into a reality. We see the Richland Community Complex as a focal point and a 7239 South Frontage Rd., Billings, Montana 59101 hub of our county and this region of Montana. The space shown RQWKHFRQFHSWGUDZLQJLVRQHÁRZLQJFRPPXQLW\VSDFHZLWK options for residents of all ages. This complex will have a revolutionary multipurpose arena space which could provide seating of up to 4000 and host events like community shows, concerts, basketball, volleyball, and wrestling tournaments 2,/),(/'6(59,&(6 and more on weekends. This • Potable Water • Sewer System •Oil Field Roads & Locations Drive Thru space during the week will be Walk In •Loaders • Communications Mon-Sat: Mon-Sat: • Reclaim Work used as a recreation and prac10am-8pm 8am-9pm • Backhoe • Trucking • Gravel & Scoria Hauling Sun: 1-4:30pm tice area for all types of sports Sun: 1-5pm • Skid Houses • Porta Potties Hwy. 85 Watford City and activities, with 3 individual Fairview, MT 406-742-5312 701-444-3335 gym spaces that can be used (Located in the Long X Visitor Center) 406-742-5549 Fairview, MT daily. It will also have an indoor walking/running track and fitness/workout space that includes studio rooms on the upper level. Adjacent to this space is an exhibit hall building with a FHPHQWÁRRUWKDWFDQEHXVHG for the same types of events plus rodeos, livestock shows, and exhibits. This space will have upper level seating for 1000 which will open to the main building when necessary Sat, Nov 15 for larger events. Geraldine/Highwood at Savage, 1 pm This complex will also Fairview at Chinook, 1 pm include outdoor recreation Be Sure To Thank The Sports Booster space with 3 soccer fields, Schedule Sponsors On This Page VRIWEDOO ÀHOGV DQG OLWWOH OHDJXHEDVHEDOOÀHOGV7KHUH Family will be green park space and walking and biking paths. We Dining! EST. 1972 hope to reach all types of activities from sports to 4-H, FFA, school groups, church Fairview groups, ROI and all ages from 6PDUWHU%HWWHU)DVWHU Farmer’s pre-school to senior citizens. 406-742-5180 Union Oil Co. This building will be Open at 4:30pm Turs-Fri 501 6th Ave SE • Watford City unique in the fact that adjacent Phone z Internet z TV 2pm Sat & Sun 701-444-3639 to these large event spaces, 1(:+20(6 RIWKH )8785( +85/(<·6 Sports Booster WEEKLY SCHEDULE Support Your Favorite Team! Football KEG 2014 RAM 1500 4 DOOR 2014 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT 5.7 V8 Hemi, automatic, airconditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks & windows & Ram Box Cargo System Heated seats & steering wheel, mounted audio controls on steering wheel & remote start MSRP ................................................................$39,145 Action Auto Disc....................................................... -$2,918 Chrysler Rebate ....................................................... -$3,000 You Pay ..................................... MSRP ................................................................$26,785 Action Auto Disc.......................................................... -$485 Chrysler Rebate ....................................................... -$3,000 You Pay ..................................... 33,227 $ #4496 $ 23,300 #4605 5 year/100,000 mile power train warranty. Must qualify for all rebates. Title, tax & document fees not included. we would like to see different community spaces. The concept drawing includes a library, an auditorium (for theater, dance, and music), a gymnastics space, a recreation area (a zero entry pool with a lap swim area, lazy river, and slides, rehab area, and play area), and a daycare with a preschool which will also SURYLGH DIWHU VFKRRO DQG ´VFKRRO·V RXWµ DFWLYLWLHV 7KH XSSHU level of this area has additional space which could be used for senior center activities, college classes and meeting rooms. The commons area will provide a teen lounge and coffee shop or juice bar. These are all ideas that would possibly be a part of this community complex. We have listened to the “needs and ZDQWVµRIRXUDUHDDQGZHIHHOWKDWWKLVEXLOGLQJZLOODGGUHVVWKH health and well-being of all ages in our communities in Eastern Montana. We will continue to remain open to ideas as the proFHVVRIÀQHWXQLQJWKLVSURMHFWPRYHVIRUZDUG The concept provides for families to have a child at theatre or band practice, while another is practicing basketball, and yet another studies at the library. When each is done with their event, they could move on to the next activity in the same building. Mom can work out while her toddler is in art class at preschool, and dad is at a meeting with the stockgrowers. Grandma can help at the daycare, or watch her grandchildren swim, while grandpa is at the coffee shop playing cards. The ideas are endless in this amazing multipurpose facility. The Lone Tree Ranch Board of Directors representative Joe Russell states “The board has agreed to set aside land. I challenge the community to get behind this endeavor. We are H[FLWHGWREHDSDUWRIWKLVSURMHFWµ7KHORFDWLRQLVQRUWKRIWKH Candlewood Hotel. This will be a huge investment in our future in Richland &RXQW\DQGEH\RQG7KHEHQHÀWVWKDWHDFKEXVLQHVVDQGFRPmunity member will see will be tremendous. We do hope that this community complex will help facilitate recruitment of new employees for our area and enhance the lives of our current residents. We see a need for a place for our community to not RQO\UHFUHDWHEXWÀQGERWKSK\VLFDODQGPHQWDOKHDOWK We have spoken to many positive individuals and will be continuing to contact as many entities as we can to become a part of this project. If you have not heard from us yet and are interested in getting involved or supporting, please contact our project coordinator Lisa Gorder at 480-3193. She will be happy to answer any questions or meet with any group to explain this YLVLRQ:HDUHRSHQWRQHZLGHDVDWDQ\WLPH7KLVÀUVWFRQFHSW drawing is just a start of what we can do if our community comes together on this endeavor. We would like to provide the opportunity for you to invest LQWKHIXWXUHRI5LFKODQG&RXQW\:HDUHDQRQSURÀWHQWLW\DQG your support is tax-deductible. Please show your support in the form of a check to the Richland Community Complex, 1201 West Holly #1, Sidney, MT 59270. Your level of support will be proudly displayed in the entry of this new building and will leave a legacy that will last a lifetime. The legacy levels of sponsorship are as follows: Platinum Donors - $1,000,000 and over; Ambassadors - $500,000 to $999,999; Regents - $250,000 to $499,999; Pacesetters -$100,000 to $249,999; Founders - $50,000 to $99,999; Benefactors - $25,000 to $49,999; Patrons - $10,000 to $24,999; Builders - $5000 to $9,999; Friend $1-$5000. We truly believe in this project and are excited to see what the future of our community holds. Richland County is an amazing place to live and we know with your support we can make this dream come true. The Time Is Now, Together We Can! Richland Community Complex Board Members Lisa Gorder, Project Coordinator, Ross Hall, Julie Brodhead, Mark Martin, Dan Peters, Jessica Davies, Colter Devries, Connie Sturgis, Serina Everett, Pat McWilliams, Joe Bradley, Angie Olson MonDak Area Stockgrowers Annual Meeting & Dinner Thurs, Nov 20 • Sidney Elks Lodge Social: 6pm • Meeting & Dinner: 6:30pm • $20 Per Plate Come have a voice in your industry & learn about current issues facing the beef industry. We need you to make our association work – your input, your ideas & your participation will keep this industry strong & united! There Will Be Door Prizes! Informative speakers & business meeting to be held. Annual awards & officer elections – if you are interested in serving as an officer or director, please contact Jerry McMillan at 406-569-2020. Meeting & dinner sponsored by Yellowstone Bank & Sidney Livestock Market Center Thank You! ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 11A World Health Organization Updates Ebola Facts Sheet By Tie Shank Question: What is Ebola? Answer: Ebola hemorrhagic fever, also known as Ebola YLUXVGLVHDVHRU(9'LVDGLVHDVHFDXVHGE\RQHRIÀYHGLIIHUHQW Ebola viruses. Four of the strains can cause severe illness in KXPDQVDQGDQLPDOV7KHÀIWK5HVWRQYLUXVKDVFDXVHGLOOQHVV in some animals, but not in humans. (9'ÀUVWDSSHDUHGLQLQWZRVLPXOWDQHRXVRXWEUHDNV LQ6XGDQDQGLQ<DPEXNX'HPRFUDWLF5HSXEOLFRI&RQJR7KH ODWWHURFFXUUHGLQDYLOODJHQHDUWKH(EROD5LYHUIURPZKLFKWKH disease received its name. The most recent outbreak in West Africa, is the largest and by far the most comSOH[ (EROD RXWEUHDN since the virus was GLVFRYHUHG LQ The most critically affected countries, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea have weak Fruit Bat health systems that lack in both infrastructural and human resources. On August 8, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International &RQFHUQ $OWKRXJK(ERODLVH[WUHPHO\LQIHFWLRXVLWLVQRWH[WUHPHO\ contagious. It is infectious, because a minute amount can cause a fatal infection. &11 +HDOWK /LEUDU\ ZULWHV ´(EROD FRXOG EH FRQVLGHUHG moderately contagious, because the virus is not transmitted through the air. Humans can be infected by other humans if WKH\FRPHLQFRQWDFWZLWKERG\ÁXLGVIURPDQLQIHFWHGSHUVRQRU FRQWDPLQDWHGREMHFWVIURPLQIHFWHGSHUVRQV+XPDQVFDQDOVR EH H[SRVHG WR WKH YLUXV IRU H[DPSOH E\ EXWFKHULQJ LQIHFWHG animals.” $FFRUGLQJWR:+2WUDQVPLVVLRQRIWKH(ERODYLUXVLV´LQWURGXFHGLQWRWKHKXPDQSRSXODWLRQWKURXJKFORVHFRQWDFWZLWK WKHEORRGVHFUHWLRQVRUJDQVRURWKHUERGLO\ÁXLGVRILQIHFWHG DQLPDOVVXFKDVFKLPSDQ]HHVJRULOODVIUXLWEDWVPRQNH\VIRUHVWDQWHORSHDQGSRUFXSLQHVIRXQGLOORUGHDGRULQWKHUDLQIRUHVW (ERODWKHQVSUHDGVWKURXJKKXPDQWRKXPDQWUDQVPLVVLRQYLD direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with WKHEORRGVHFUHWLRQVRUJDQVRURWKHUERGLO\ÁXLGVRILQIHFWHG SHRSOHDQGZLWKVXUIDFHVDQGPDWHULDOVHJEHGGLQJFORWKLQJ FRQWDPLQDWHGZLWKWKHVHÁXLGVµ 6FLHQWLVWVVWXG\LQJ(ERODKDYHORQJVXVSHFWHGIUXLWEDWVDV being the natural hosts. The link to humans is often indirect as IUXLWGURSSHGE\LQIHFWHGEDWVFDQEHSLFNHGXSE\RWKHUVSHFLHV WKHUHIRUHVSUHDGLQJWKHYLUXVWRRWKHUDQLPDOV+XPDQVFDQWKHQ FRQWUDFWWKHYLUXVWKURXJKWKHH[SRVXUHWRLQIHFWHGEORRGLQWKH NLOOLQJDQGSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKHLQIHFWHGDQLPDOV 7RSHRSOHLQ:HVW$IULFDEDWVDUHDWUDGLWLRQDOVRXUFHRI SURWHLQDQGRIWHQVHUYHGLQVWHZV%DWVKDYHEHHQUHIHUUHGWR DV¶YHQLVRQZLWKZLQJV·&RRNLQJWKHPLVWKRXJKWWRPDNHWKHP VDIHWRHDW:+2DGYLVHVSHRSOHWRZHDUSURWHFWLYHJORYHVDQG FORWKLQJZKLOHKXQWLQJEXWFKHULQJDQGKDQGOLQJZLOGOLIH´$QLPDO SURGXFWVEORRGDQGPHDWVKRXOGEHWKRURXJKO\FRRNHGEHIRUH FRQVXPSWLRQµ 7KH:RUOG+HDOWK2UJDQL]DWLRQKDVXSGDWHGWKHOLVWRQNH\ facts about the Ebola virus. You can read more on this at KWWS ZZZZKRLQWPHGLDFHQWUHIDFWVKHHWVIVHQ 5DLVLQJDZDUHQHVVRIULVNIDFWRUVIRU(ERODLQIHFWLRQDQG SURWHFWLYH PHDVXUHV WKDW LQGLYLGXDOV FDQ WDNH LV DQ HIIHFWLYH ZD\WRUHGXFHKXPDQWUDQVPLVVLRQ,I\RX·GOLNHWRUHDGPRUH RQ(ERODDQGZD\VWRSURWHFW\RXUVHOIIURPWKH9LUXVYLVLWWKH ZHEVLWHRI&HQWHUVIRU'LVHDVH&RQWURODQG3UHYHQWLRQ&'& at MNAXLP W Good Luck \ R U U e U I e Savage Warriors H W S D H e H At Quarter Final Playoffs Geraldine/Highwood at Savage • Sat, Nov 15th • 1pm Back (L-R): Asst. Coach Eric Rensvold, Asst. Coach Troy Prevost, Trent Prevost, Braden Feisthamel, Ryder Rice, Chase Hagler, Tanner Hagler, Head Coach Jim Miller. Front Row (L-R): Bailey Micheletto, Bryar Lange, Riley Hagler, Trey Bloesser, Paxton Miller, Brock Miller, Owen Nelson, Jeff Scholla, Clay Sheehan. Photo by Picture Perfect W Z W W H a H U \ V W s W H H H Savage Warriors R V “Good Luck!” – From the Savage School Staff W H QUINNELL ELECTRIC W 406-776-2474 Savage, MT Luck! Good From • custom meat processing • curing & smoking • sausage & Jerky • wild game Slaughter at the plant or your farm! Chuck Quinnell 406-776-2334 406-776-2331 THE NEW BUICK 703 S. Central • Sidney 406-433-3120 OILFIELD SERVICES • Potable Water • Sewer System •Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses • Porta Potties PO Box 30 • Savage, MT 406-798-3651 Dispatch: 701-844-1234 Fairview, MT 1511 S Central Ave • Sidney Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 1pm A DARN GOOD LITTLE NEWSPAPER! 501 9th Ave NE, Sidney 406-433-3403 Savage, MT EXPERIENCE HURLEY’S The Savage Mine BLUE ROCK PRODUCTS CO. • Commercial • Residential • Remodels • New Construction 215 East Main St • Sidney 1(800)482-1810 • 433-1810 (406) 488-8706 David Williams Cell (406) 489-8706 Scott Ramus Cell (406) 489-8707 PO Box 1207 Sidney, Montana 406-433-3306 Office: 406-433-6757 Cell: 406-697-7153 Fax: 406-433-6755 2221 S. Central Ave • Sidney 406-433-6754 Fax: 406-433-6755 2265 S. Central Ave • Sidney 1151 S. Central • Sidney, MT Open Daily 6am - 10pm 2429 W. Holly St. 406-488-4400 203 2nd St. NW • Sidney 406-482-3737 Grocery 433-2305 12A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 PPL Grants ROI $10,000 Boots By: Hunting Season Is In Full Swing... See Us For: Guns | Ammo | Optics & Accessories Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm 440 N Central Ave • Sidney, MT Shops at Fox Run • 406-433-1800 T H R O U G H I T A L L As your life unfolds, change is waiting around every corner. That’s why it’s comforting to know, for nearly 75 years, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana has been with you every step of the way. So when life calls, and you need us most, we’re here for you…through it all. PPL generously granted $10,000 to Richland Opportunities Inc., o f S i d n e y. R i c h l a n d Opportunities plans to use the grant donation to install a ceiling lift, which ZLOO QRW RQO\ EHQHÀW WKH residents of ROI but also the employees to help better the life and mobility of residents. Back (L-R) Leslie Messer, Tami Christensen, Dan Peters and Whitney Grossman. Front (LR) Joanne Krappman, Destiny Bear Comesout and Melvin Waltz. West Side Elementary Students of the Month 6WXGHQWRIWKH0RQWKIRU0LVV6FHEHQVNL·VFODVVLV&DUWHU +HJJHP&DUWHUGLVSOD\VDSSURSULDWHEHKDYLRUVRQDGDLO\EDVLV WKDWIROORZRXUVFKRROH[SHFWDWLRQVRIEHLQJDVDIHUHVSRQVLEOHUHVSHFWIXOOHDUQHU&DUWHUGLVSOD\VWKLVE\GRLQJWKLQJVOLNH IROORZLQJ GLUHFWLRQV KHOSLQJ RXW KLV QHLJKERUV DSSURSULDWH YRLFH OHYHOV DQG KH KDQGOHV HTXLSPHQW DQG VFKRRO SURSHUW\ DSSURSULDWHO\6LGQH\3XEOLF6FKRROVDQG:HVW6LGH(OHPHQWDU\ FRQJUDWXODWH\RXRQHDUQLQJWKLVDZDUG.HHSXSWKHJRRGZRUN 6WXGHQWRIWKH0RQWKIRU0UV6LPRQVHQ·VFODVVLV'RPLQLFN .OHLQ'RPLQLFNLVDQHQWKXVLDVWLFÀUVWJUDGHUZKRFRPHVUHDG\ WROHDUQHYHU\GD\+HLVUHVSRQVLEOHDQGUHVSHFWIXODWDOOWLPHV +LVH[FLWHPHQWIRUOHDUQLQJNLQGQHVVDQGSRVLWLYHDWWLWXGHDUH FRQWDJLRXVLQRXUFODVVURRP6LGQH\3XEOLF6FKRROVDQG:HVW 6LGH(OHPHQWDU\FRQJUDWXODWH\RXRQHDUQLQJWKLVDZDUG.HHS XSWKHJRRGZRUN 6WXGHQW RI WKH 0RQWK IRU 0UV )XOJKDP·V FODVV LV -DFO\Q $UFKHU-DFO\QLVDYHU\KDUGZRUNLQJVWXGHQW6KHLVSURPSW ZKHQFRPLQJWRVFKRROIROORZLQJGLUHFWLRQVDQGFRPSOHWLQJKHU ZRUN6KHLVDOZD\VZLOOLQJWRKHOSRXWDFODVVPDWHDQGSDUWLFLSDWHLQFODVVURRPGLVFXVVLRQV-DFO\QLVDZRQGHUIXOUROHPRGHO IRUKHUSHHUV6LGQH\3XEOLF6FKRROVDQG:HVW6LGH(OHPHQWDU\ FRQJUDWXODWH\RXRQHDUQLQJWKLVDZDUG.HHSXSWKHJRRGZRUN 6WXGHQWRIWKH0RQWKIRU0UV/DXFNQHU·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·VFODVVLV4XLQWRQ 6LPSVRQ4XLQWLQZRUNVYHU\KDUGZLWKKLVDFDGHPLFV+HLVYHU\ SROLWHWRKLVFODVVPDWHVDQGLVZHOOUHVSHFWHGE\KLVSHHUV+HLV DYHU\JRRGOLVWHQHUDQGIROORZVWKHGLUHFWLRQVWKHÀUVWWLPHJLYHQ +HDOZD\VKDVDVPLOHRQKLVIDFHDQGLVDJUHDWSOHDVXUHWR KDYHLQFODVV6LGQH\3XEOLF6FKRROVDQG:HVW6LGH(OHPHQWDU\ FRQJUDWXODWH\RXRQHDUQLQJWKLVDZDUG.HHSXSWKHJRRGZRUN 6WXGHQWRIWKH0RQWKIRU0UV%H\HU·VFODVVLV3DUNHU9HUKDVVHOW3DUNHULVDQH[FHOOHQWVWXGHQWSD\VDWWHQWLRQLQFODVV DQGSDUWLFLSDWHVGXULQJWKHOHVVRQV+HWULHVKLVEHVWHYHU\GD\ DQGIROORZVDOORXUVFKRROH[SHFWDWLRQV3DUNHULVDOVRDJUHDW IULHQGDQGKHOSHULQWKHFODVVURRP,HQMR\KDYLQJKLPLQP\ FODVV6LGQH\3XEOLF6FKRROVDQG:HVW6LGH(OHPHQWDU\FRQJUDWXODWH\RXRQHDUQLQJWKLVDZDUG.HHSXSWKHJRRGZRUN Jaclyn Archer Jesslyn Roth Carter Heggem A division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Learn More or Enroll Today at I 855-765-1222 Dominick Klein Quinton Simpson Parker Verhasselt ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 1B Golden Roundup Fashions & Footwear For Men, Women & Children Fall & Winter Jackets Get up to 50% off Workout Wear 20% off Fall Fashions, Winter Sweaters & Jeans 105 Broadway, Culbertson | 406-787-5211 • Mon-Sat: 10am - 5pm Flu Shot Clinics at the Richland Co. Health Dept. Retired Senior Volunteer Program Volunteer Opportunities Mon - Wed: 12 - 4:30 pm Vaccines Still Available! Thurs, Nov 20: 1 -4 pm It is recommended that everyone 6 months & older get an influenza vaccination every year. Richland County Library- assisting with story time, helping with family nights and other tasks Boys and Girls Club- helping with fundraising events, running classes for the kids at the club, assisting Boys and Girls Club staff with tasks Red Cross- helping set up and take down for blood drives, helping at the blood drive with registration, watching donors, serving cookies and juice &RQWDFW 5LWD RU *UHWD DW WKH 5693 RIÀFH IRU PRUH information or to get signed up to volunteer today! Call 406-433-2207 and get started giving this fall! Like Us On Facebook! Richland Count y He al th Departme nt Community Services Building on 1201 W Holly in Sidney Bring your Medicare, Medicaid or Insurance Card with you. Call RCHD for more information: 433-2207 Better Late Than Never for Retirement Planning %37 ,I \RX·UH ZLWKLQ \HDUV RI UHWLUHPHQW DQG KDYHQ·WGRQHDQ\DSSUHFLDEOHSODQQLQJ\RX·UHQRWDORQH Nearly half of Americans age 50 and older expect WRUHWLUHODWHUWKDQWKH\KRSHGFLWLQJÀQDQFLDOFRQFHUQV according to a 2013 study by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. And while you may EHSDUWRIWKDWJURXSNHHSLQPLQGLW·VEHWWHUWRSODQODWH than never. A good benchmark on retirement readiness is the ability to replace at least 75 percent of your pre-retirement income at the age you qualify for full Social Security EHQHÀWVZKLFKLVRUIRUPRVWSHRSOH5HWLUHPHQW income can come from a variety of sources, including Social Security, savings and a pension, if you have one. “While people age 50 or older no longer have time on their side when it comes to retirement savings, there are strategies that can help you play catch up,” says Elaine Sarsynski, executive vice president, MassMutual Retirement Services division. “Pre-retirees have some levers to pull that younger workers may not.” To help you make the most of your retirement planning, follow the tips below. * First, take stock of where you are. Meet with a ÀQDQFLDOSURIHVVLRQDOZKRFDQHYDOXDWH\RXUUHWLUHPHQW resources and project how much income you can expect if you retire at a certain age. Many 401(k) plans offer online tools to help you determine where you stand and how likely you are to replace your income based on your current assets and saving habits. * Make the most of matching contributions. Say your employer matches contributions to your 401(k) plan up to 5 percent of your salary and you only FRQWULEXWHSHUFHQW\RX·UH turning down free money. Make sure you save enough to at least get the full match. * Talk to your tax advisor about whether you should contribute to your 401(k) on a before- or after-tax basis. Pre-tax contributions may make it affordable to save a higher percentage of your pay by deferring some of your tax liability until retirement. After-tax contributions may reduce your tax liability in retirement. * Take advantage of catch-up contributions. If \RX·UHDJHRUROGHUDWWKH end of the calendar year, you are eligible to contribute up to an additional $6,000 to your retirement SODQ LQ 7KDW·V RQ top of the $18,000 limit for younger employees. Matching contributions from your employer do not count toward your contribution limit. * Optimize Social Security. You can begin taking NEW Shipment of Tribal 20% off off JUST IN! New Flannel & Vests By Keren Hart! The Season of Giving: Give Some Time to Volunteer! By Meagan Dotson As we head into the fall season, many local organizations are in need of volunteers. School is back in session; businesses and community organizations are back in full swing once again after the summer season. Volunteers are needed for: Richland County Health Department- assisting with the Vision and hearing school screenings Salvation Army- assisting at the Salvation Army store with cleaning, sorting, organizing, and selling items Good Cents Store- sorting donation items, cashiering, cleaning, organizing and other tasks Meals on Wheels- distributing food to local seniors in need Commodities- help organize and put together food for pickup and delivery to community members in need. With the holidays approaching the Senior Commodities Distribution will have two different distribution dates in November and December. The November Senior Commodity Distribution will be held on Tues., Nov. 21st and then again on Dec. 19th. From then on, dates will still have distribution on Fridays. 40% 6RFLDO6HFXULW\UHWLUHPHQWEHQHÀWVDVHDUO\DVDJH But should you? “It depends on a lot of things - your health, medical hisWRU\FXUUHQWFDVKQHHGVDQGIXWXUHÀQDQFLDOREOLJDWLRQV to name a few,” says Farnoosh Torabi, best-selling author DQGSHUVRQDOÀQDQFHFRDFK´%XWRQHWKLQJLVFHUWDLQWKH ORQJHU\RXGHOD\\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQWKHELJJHU\RXUEHQHÀW ZLOOEHµ7KHPD[LPXPEHQHÀWIURP6RFLDO6HFXULW\VWDUWV DWDJH<RXFDQHVWLPDWH\RXUUHWLUHPHQWEHQHÀWE\ XVLQJ WKH 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ·V 5HWLUHPHQW Estimator at 'RQ·WIRUJHW\RXUSHQVLRQ,I\RXDUHHQWLWOHGWRD pension, this is an important source of income that should factor into your retirement planning. Your pension pays \RXDEHQHÀWDWUHWLUHPHQWEDVHGRQIDFWRUVVXFKDV\RXU years of service and salary. Your plan administrator will KDYHVSHFLÀFLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW\RXUSODQ ´:KHQ LW FRPHV WR VDYLQJ IRU UHWLUHPHQW GRQ·W OHW a late start dissuade you,” Sarsynski says. “Becoming PRUHÀQDQFLDOO\GLVFLSOLQHGDQGPDNLQJWKHPRVWRI\RXU resources can go a long way toward helping you retire on your own terms.” For more information about planning your retirement, go to “Retirement Living At It’s Best” Large 1 bed apartments • Individual climate control • Close to downtown • Transportation available Activities • Noon meals • Support Services Security cameras Come Home To Crestwood! Reserve Your Tickets Today! Mercy Medical Foundation Welcomes Back THE ANNUAL CHARITY BALL E an vening in A P RIS 11.22.14 As limited seats are availble, if you did not receive a “Save The Date” in the mail, we encourage you to call 774-7466 or visit for tickets and information. 2B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When Something Hurts %370DQDJLQJSDLQFDQEHWRXJKZKHWKHU\RX·UH RQH RI WKH PLOOLRQ$PHULFDQV ZLWK FKURQLF SDLQ RU RQO\VXIIHUIURPWKHRFFDVLRQDOEDFNDFKHRUKHDGDFKH 1RPDWWHUZKDWNLQGRISDLQ\RXKDYH\RXZDQWWRPDNH VXUH\RX·UHPDQDJLQJLWWKHEHVWZD\SRVVLEOH :KLOHPDQ\SHRSOHFDQPDQDJHSDLQRQWKHLURZQ RUFDQEHKHOSHGE\DSULPDU\FDUHSK\VLFLDQWKRVHZLWK XQUHOHQWLQJ FKDOOHQJLQJ SDLQ VKRXOG FRQVLGHU VHHLQJ D SDLQPHGLFLQHVSHFLDOLVW ´2QH RI WKH ELJJHVW PLVWDNHV SDWLHQWV PDNH LV QRW YLVLWLQJ D SDLQ PHGLFLQH VSHFLDOLVW VXFK DV D SK\VLFLDQ DQHVWKHVLRORJLVWZKHQWKH\H[SHULHQFHSHUVLVWHQWFRPSOH[ SDLQµ VD\V 'U 5LFKDUG 5RVHQTXLVW FKDLU RI WKH $PHULFDQ6RFLHW\RI$QHVWKHVLRORJLVWV$6$&RPPLWWHH RQ 3DLQ 0HGLFLQH DQG FKDLUPDQ RI WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI 3DLQ0DQDJHPHQWLQWKH$QHVWKHVLRORJ\,QVWLWXWHDWWKH &OHYHODQG&OLQLF´3K\VLFLDQDQHVWKHVLRORJLVWVDQGRWKHU SDLQPHGLFLQHVSHFLDOLVWVFDQIXOO\DVVHVVDSDWLHQW·VSDLQ DQG SUHVFULEH D WUHDWPHQW SODQ 7KLV PD\ LQFRUSRUDWH PHGLFDWLRQVLQMHFWLRQVWKDWFDQFRQWUROSDLQIRUXSWRD \HDUVSLQDOFRUGVWLPXODWLRQSK\VLFDODQGSV\FKRORJLFDO WKHUDSLHVDQGDOWHUQDWLYHWKHUDSLHVVXFKDVDFXSXQFWXUHµ 7KH$6$DQGLWVSK\VLFLDQDQHVWKHVLRORJLVWPHPEHUV QRWHWKHVHÀYHPLVWDNHVSDWLHQWVLQSDLQRIWHQPDNH 7DNLQJPHGLFDWLRQLQFRUUHFWO\:KHWKHU\RX·UHWDNLQJ RSLRLGVQDUFRWLFVIRUFKURQLFSDLQRUDQRYHUWKHFRXQWHU SDLQUHPHG\VXFKDVLEXSURIHQIRUDVRUHEDFNGRQ·WWDNH PRUH WKDQ SUHVFULEHG RU UHFRPPHQGHG E\ WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU:LWKSUHVFULSWLRQSDLQPHGLFDWLRQWDNLQJPRUH than directed can lead to addiction or even accidental RYHUGRVH,W·VFULWLFDOWRIROORZ\RXUSK\VLFLDQ·VLQVWUXFWLRQV FDUHIXOO\,I\RX·UHVWLOOLQSDLQDIWHUWDNLQJWKHSUHVFULEHG GRVHFRQWDFW\RXUSK\VLFLDQWRGLVFXVVRWKHUSDLQUHOLHI RSWLRQV &KRRVLQJ WKHZURQJPHGLFDWLRQ2YHUWKHFRXQWHU SDLQUHOLHYHUVFDQKHOS\RXPDQDJHWKHSDLQRIDVSUDLQHG DQNOHRUWZLVWHGNQHHZLWKRXWVHHLQJDGRFWRU%XWFKRRVLQJWKHULJKWSDLQUHOLHIPHGLFDWLRQFDQGHSHQGRQ\RXU KHDOWKKLVWRU\,I\RXKDYHOLYHUSUREOHPVRUFRQVXPHWKUHH RU PRUH DOFRKROLF GULQNV D QLJKW DYRLG DFHWDPLQRSKHQ ZKLFK FDQ FDXVH OLYHU GDPDJH$QG DQWLLQÁDPPDWRU\ SDLQUHOLHYHUVVXFKDVLEXSURIHQDQGQDSUR[HQFDQPDNH KLJKEORRGSUHVVXUHDQGNLGQH\GLVHDVHZRUVHVRDVN \RXUSK\VLFLDQRUDSKDUPDFLVWIRUDQDOWHUQDWLYHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQ 'HPDQGLQJ DQ ;UD\ 6WXGLHV VKRZ WHVWV VXFK DV ;UD\VDQG05,VGRQRWGRDJRRGMRERISLQSRLQWLQJWKH FDXVHRISDLQ)RUH[DPSOH\RXPLJKWKDYHSDLQEXWQRWKLQJVKRZVXSRQWKHLPDJH$QGYLFHYHUVDVRPHWLPHV WKLQJVVKRZXSRQ;UD\VWKDWDUHQ·WFDXVLQJSUREOHPVRU SDLQ7KDW·VZK\LW·VVRLPSRUWDQWWRVHHDSK\VLFLDQZKR FDQDVVHVV\RXUV\PSWRPVDQGRUGHUWKHPRVWHIIHFWLYH ...Like A Helping Hand. We have many styles and colors of Power Lift Chairs and Beds to choose from! Comfort shouldn’t be a challenge. Take control today! Perfect Christmas Gift! Mon-Fri: 8am - 5:30pm • Sat: 8am - 5pm 406-433-1402 • 111 S. Central Ave • Sidney, MT | THE FAIRVIEW NEWS The Fairview News Thurs, Dec 21, 1972 Cattle Drive Ends In The Valley Eight days journey brings 600 cows to Fairview area The Old West lived again last Tuesday, Dec. 19, when a herd of 600 head of cattle arrived in the valley from a range south of Mandaree, North Dakota, over a hundred miles away. Driving the herd as in the old days, they left the range south of Mandaree eight days ago and headed the cows west for their winter feeding grounds in the brushland northeast of Fairview. The herd is owned by Mrs. Lela Dayton, Mrs. Gerald Kilen and her son Brian, and James Cattaneo. Trail boss for the drive was Ray Fettig who works on the Dayton ranch in the Andes locality west of Fairview. Other cowboys were “Snowball” – a well-known Negro ranch hand, and Dennis Dahl of Fairview. The Fairview News Thurs, Mar 16, 1972 Fairview FFA Wins 2nd The Fairview Chapter W.L. THURSDAY DECEMBER 21, 1972 of Future Farmers of America placed 2nd in the Sweepstakes event at the annual Big Muddy District FFA Convention held in Plentywood, March 10-11th. The Fairview chapter missed winning the top sweepstakes award by 1 point as Bainville scored 39 points to Fairview’s 38. Plevna was third with 34 points, Plentywood fourth with 31 points. Next came Culbertson, 30 points, Wibaux 28, Baker 24, and Sidney 20. In the team events, Fairview placed 1st in Ag Achievement tests. On Fairview’s team were Ted Paschke, Vern Anvik, and Warren Johnson. Ted Paschke was the high individual in the District. Fairview’s crops judging team also won 1st place. On the team were Dave Shannon, Mike Shannon and Larry Tviet. Larry was 2nd high individual and Mike 3rd high in the District. The Mechanic’s Team placed 3rd. On the team were Art Taylor, Loren Young and Warren Johnson. Warren was 2nd high individual in the District. The Livestock judging team of Tim Miller, Larry Dore, and Terry Johnson AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER placed 7th. In the Public Speaking event, Ted Paschke placed 3rd. Dennis Kittleson of the Fairview Chapter participated in the District Greenhand event as Fairview’s Outstanding Greenhand. The FFA members were accompanied on the trip by Dan Watts, local FFA Advisor. The Fairview News Thurs, May 17, 1972 2 Years – And FHS’s Debbie Baxter Never Missed A Day Debbie Baxter, who will graduate this spring from Fairview High School, has one of the more unusual records – 12 years without ever being absent or tardy. WHVWVZKHQQHFHVVDU\ 1RWWKLQNLQJRXWVLGHWKHSLOOER[0DQ\WUHDWPHQWVWKDW GRQ·WLQYROYHWDNLQJPHGLFDWLRQKHOSSHRSOHLQSDLQÀQG UHOLHI)RUH[DPSOHVSLQDOFRUGVWLPXODWLRQXVHVHOHFWULFDO VLJQDOVWRVKRUWFLUFXLWSDLQLQWKHORZHUEDFNDQGOHJV2WKHUDOWHUQDWLYHWUHDWPHQWVWKDWPD\KHOSLQFOXGHLQMHFWLRQV DFXSXQFWXUHPDVVDJHPHGLWDWLRQDQGSK\VLFDOWKHUDS\ 1HJOHFWLQJ\RXURYHUDOOKHDOWK6WXGLHVVKRZSHRSOH ZKR VPRNH DUH PRUH OLNHO\ WR KDYH FKURQLF SDLQ VR LI \RXVPRNHJHWWKHKHOS\RXQHHGWRTXLW$OVREHVXUHWR HDWKHDOWK\6WXGLHVVKRZIROORZLQJDQDQWLLQÁDPPDWRU\ GLHWRIZKROHVRPHXQSURFHVVHGIRRGVYHJHWDEOHVDQG IRRGVKLJKLQRPHJDIDWW\DFLGVVXFKDVZLOGVDOPRQ DQG ZDOQXWV PD\ KHOS UHGXFH SDLQ7KH KHDOWKLHU \RX DUHWKHEHWWHU\RX·OOIHHODQGWKHOHVVSDLQ\RX·OOKDYH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWSDLQWUHDWPHQWDQGÀQGLQJ DSDLQPHGLFLQHVSHFLDOLVWYLVLWKWWSRZO\$O< Medicare in Montana, 2015 Submitted by Fierberg, Michael A. The Affordable Care Act strengthens Medicare and KHOSVEHQHÀFLDULHVWDNHFKDUJHRIWKHLUKHDOWK7KHODZ SURYLGHVLPSRUWDQWEHQHÀWVVXFKDVIUHHSUHYHQWLYHVHUYLFHVIUHHDQQXDOZHOOQHVVYLVLWVDQGGLVFRXQWVDQGEHWWHU FRYHUDJHIRUSUHVFULSWLRQGUXJVIRU0HGLFDUHUHFLSLHQWVLQ WKHFRYHUDJHJDSNQRZQDVWKH´GRQXWKROHµ %HWZHHQ ZKHQ WKH$IIRUGDEOH &DUH$FW ZDV HQDFWHGDQGWKHQXPEHURISHRSOHZKRDUHHQUROOHG in Medicare Advantage plans is expected to increase by SHUFHQWWRDQDOOWLPHKLJK 0HGLFDUHUHPDLQVVWURQJDQGEHQHÀFLDULHVZLOOFRQWLQXHWREHFRYHUHGWKURXJKWKHSURJUDP:KHWKHUWKURXJK 2ULJLQDO0HGLFDUHRUD0HGLFDUH$GYDQWDJHSODQWKH\·OO VWLOOKDYHWKHVDPHEHQHÀWVDQGVHFXULW\WKH\KDYHQRZ WKH\GRQRWQHHGWRHQUROOLQWKH+HDOWK,QVXUDQFH0DUNHWSODFH0HGLFDUHLVQRWSDUWRIWKH0DUNHWSODFH ,Q0RQWDQDLQ RI SHRSOH ZLWK 0HGLFDUH KDYH DFFHVV WR D Medicare Advantage plan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²WKURXJKERWK GLVFRXQWV RQ EUDQGQDPH GUXJV LQ WKH 0HGLFDUH 3DUW ' ´GRQXW KROHµ DQG D SURYLVLRQ LQ WKH ODZ WKDW PDNHV SUHYHQWLYHVHUYLFHVOLNHPDPPRJUDPVDQGRWKHUFDQFHU VFUHHQLQJVDYDLODEOHIRUIUHH,QSHRSOHLQ 0RQWDQDZLWK2ULJLQDO0HGLFDUHWRRNDGYDQWDJHRIDWOHDVW RQHSUHYHQWLYHVHUYLFHZLWKRXWFRVWVKDULQJWKURXJK-XO\ 3HRSOHZLWK0HGLFDUHLQ0RQWDQDKDYHVDYHGDQ RYHUDOORQSUHVFULSWLRQGUXJVLQWKH0HGLFDUH 3DUW'GRQXWKROHVLQFHDVDUHVXOWRIWKH$IIRUGDEOH &DUH$FW Important Dates in 2015 September 0HGLFDUHEHQHÀFLDULHVVKRXOGZDWFKWKHLUPDLOER[HV IRUWKH´0HGLFDUH<RXµKDQGERRNDQGIRULQIRUPDWLRQIURPWKHLUFXUUHQWKHDOWKRUGUXJSODQDERXWFKDQJHV WKH\ZLOOVHHLQ October 0HGLFDUH2SHQ(QUROOPHQWEHJLQV2FWREHU %HQHÀFLDULHVVKRXOGZDWFKWKHLUPDLOIRUQRWLFHVIURP 0HGLFDUHZLWKLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFKDQJHVLQ %HQHÀFLDULHVFDQFRPSDUHSODQVDWZZZPHGLFDUH JRYVWDUWLQJ2FWREHU December 0HGLFDUH2SHQ(QUROOPHQWHQGV'HFHPEHU The Fairview News Thurs, May 17, 1972 BUILDING A STRONG FOUNDATION. Our Men In Service Army Private Kenneth D. Sharbono, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sharbono, Fairview Montana, recently completed eight weeks of basic training at the U.S. Army Training Center, Armor, Ft. Knox, Ky. He received instruction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, combat tactics, Military Justice, First Aid, and army History and Traditions. Pvt. Sharbono received his training with Company D of the 5th Brigade’s 18th Battalion. The Private is a 1971 graduate of Fairview High School. NEU CONSTRUCTION, INC. All donations made to the Foundation for Community Care help to ensure the continuance and quality of local healthcare services! big dreams focused solutions can produce Keeping Charitable Dollars Local Give back to your community. Please call Fairview, MT 59221 Office: 406-742-5549 406.488.2273 QG6W6:q6LGQH\07 Visit our website at ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 3B Simple Twists to Enhance Classic Thanksgiving Fare (BPT) - Family and friends make Thanksgiving speFLDOEXWLW·VWKHIRRGWKDW·VDOZD\VWKHFHQWHURIDWWHQWLRQ )URPMXLF\WXUNH\DQGFUHDP\SRWDWRHVWR]HVW\FUDQEHUULHV DQG EXWWHU\ UROOV QRERG\ OHDYHV WKH WDEOH KXQJU\ 7KLV \HDU GHOLJKW JXHVWV E\ PDNLQJ WKH FODVVLF IRRGV WKH\ORYHEXWZLWKDIHZVLPSOHWZLVWVWKDWZLOOOHDYHWDVWH EXGVGDQFLQJ Appetizers :KHQJXHVWVDUULYHJLYHWKHPVRPHWKLQJWRQLEEOH RQDVWKH\YLVLWDQGZDWFKWKHSDUDGHRUJDPH$FKHHVH SODWWHU WKDW IHDWXUHV WKUHH WR ÀYH QHZ YDULHWLHV ZLOO JHW HYHU\RQHWDONLQJ6HOHFWDUDQJHRIÁDYRUVWRWHPSWHYHU\ SDODWHVXFKDVSDLULQJVRIWEULHZLWKDFUXPEO\EOXHDQG Black Creek premium extra-aged cheddar cheese, made E\&HUWLÀHG0DVWHU&KHHVHPDNHUV Accompaniments 7KH FKHHVH VKRXOGQ·W VWDQG DORQH VR EH VXUH WR FRPSOHPHQWLWZLWKIUHVKIUXLWV,QVWHDGRIVLPSO\SODFLQJ ELWHVL]HSLHFHVRQDSODWHFUHDWHIUXLWFRUQXFRSLDVXVLQJ VXJDULFHFUHDPFRQHV6LPSO\VSRRQIUXLWLQWRWKHFRQHV DQGDUUDQJHWKHPLQLFRUQXFRSLDVRQDSODWWHUIRUDEHDXWLIXOVHDVRQDOSUHVHQWDWLRQWKDW·VHDV\WRJUDEDQGHQMR\ IRUSDUW\JXHVWV\RXQJDQGROG Drinks $SSOH FLGHU LV D KROLGD\ PXVWKDYH WR TXHQFK 7KDQNVJLYLQJWKLUVW7KLV\HDUDGGVRPHLQWHUHVWWR\RXU EHYHUDJHRIIHULQJVZLWKDWKHPHGGULQNWKDWH[SDQGVRQ WKHVZHHWFLGHUÁDYRUV)RUH[DPSOHDQDXWXPQVDQJULD LVWKHSHUIHFWVHDVRQDORIIHULQJWKDW·VDVFKHHUIXODVLWLV UHIUHVKLQJ6WDUWZLWKVSDUNOLQJZLQHDQGDGGLQDVSODVK RIFLGHUZLWKIUHVKO\VOLFHGSHDUVDQGDSSOHV)LQLVKZLWK DIHZFUDQEHUULHVDQGVSULQNOHVRPHQXWPHJRQWRS)RU \RXQJJXHVWVRUWKRVHZKRSUHIHUQRQDOFRKROLFGULQNV VLPSO\VZDSRXWZLQHIRUDOFRKROIUHHVSDUNOLQJMXLFH Cranberries &UDQEHUULHV DUH D 7KDQNVJLYLQJ VWDSOH EXW PRVW SHRSOHWDNHDVPDOOVSRRQIXODQGPRYHRQ,I\RXZDQW WRDGGQHZÁDYRUWRFUDQEHUULHVVRJXHVWVZLOOEHDVNLQJ IRUVHFRQGVGLIIHUHQWVSLFHVDQGDGGLWLRQVFRXOGPHDQ OLSVPDFNLQJUHVXOWV6ZHHWFLWUXVIUXLWVOLNHRUDQJHVWDVWH KHDYHQO\ZKHQFRRNHGGRZQZLWKFUDQEHUULHV$VSODVK RI SRUW FDQ EULQJ QHZ GHSWKV WR WKH FODVVLF GLVK WRR $OOVSLFHFLQQDPRQQXWPHJDQGHYHQFKLOLSRZGHUFDQ DGGVXUSULVLQJÁDYRU,I\RXZDQWWRDGGWH[WXUHFUXVKHG ZDOQXWVDGGFUXQFKDQGFRPSOH[LW\WRWKHVDXFH 3RWDWRHV 7KDQNVJLYLQJ PHQXV RIWHQ LQFOXGH VHYHUDO SRWDWR GLVKHV7KHVHFUHWWRHQKDQFLQJSRWDWRGLVKHVLVDGGLQJ FKHHVHIRUDQLQGXOJHQWUHVXOW)RUH[DPSOHWKHFRPSOH[ ÁDYRUVRIFUXPEOHGJRUJRQ]RODIROGHGLQWRVZHHWSRWDWRHV PDNHDULFKGLVKWKDWJXHVWVZLOOORYH:LWKDFKHHVHPDNLQJKLVWRU\WKDWGDWHVEDFNWR\RXFDQ·WJRZURQJ ZLWK6WHOOD*RUJRQ]ROD8SJUDGHVWDQGDUGPDVKHGDOOSXUSRVHZKLWHSRWDWRHVUXVVHW,GDKRHWFE\VSULQNOLQJLQ IUHVKO\JUDWHGSDUPHVDQRUFKHGGDUIRUH[WUDNLFN Dessert 1RPDWWHUKRZIXOO\RXDUHDIWHU\RXU7KDQNVJLYLQJ GLQQHUWKHUH·VDOZD\VURRPIRUGHVVHUW,QVWHDGRIRULQ DGGLWLRQWRSXPSNLQSLHWU\SXPSNLQFXSFDNHVRUSXPSNLQ FKHHVHFDNH$GGQHZÁDYRUWRDSSOHSLHRUDSSOHFULVSE\ PL[LQJVKUHGGHGFKHGGDUFKHHVHLQWRWKHDSSOHPL[WXUH SULRU WR EDNLQJ *XHVWV ZLOO RRKDQGDKK RYHU KRZ WKH VKDUSFKHGGDUÁDYRUHQKDQFHVWKHVZHHWDSSOHÀOOLQJ 1HHG LQVSLUDWLRQ" 7U\ WKHVH WZR GHOLFLRXV UHFLSHV SHUIHFWIRUHQKDQFLQJDQ\7KDQNVJLYLQJWDEOH)RUPRUH XQLTXHUHFLSHVYLVLWZZZGFLFKHHVHFRFRPUHFLSHV Cheddar Apple Crisp 0DNHVVHUYLQJV ,QJUHGLHQWV 4 cups apples (crisp and tart such as Braeburn), peeled and sliced WDEOHVSRRQOHPRQMXLFH SOXV FXS EURZQ VXJDU ILUPO\ packed, divided FXSUROOHGRDWV FXSÁRXU NETZER LAW OFFICE, PC Estate Planning And Real Estate WHDVSRRQJURXQGFLQQDPRQ FXSEXWWHU FXS%ODFN&UHHNFKHGGDUFKHHVHVKUHGGHG ,QVWUXFWLRQV 3UHKHDWRYHQWR)&RPELQHDSSOHVOHPRQMXLFH DQGFXSEURZQVXJDU$UUDQJHLQEXWWHUHGRULQFK VTXDUH SDQ &RPELQH GU\ LQJUHGLHQWV DQG FXW LQ EXWWHU XQWLOPL[WXUHLVFUXPEO\JHQWO\PL[LQFKHHVH6SULQNOH HYHQO\ RYHU DSSOH PL[WXUH %DNH IRU WR PLQXWHV 6HUYH ZLWK LFH FUHDP RU ZKLSSHG FUHDP JDUQLVK ZLWK VKUHGGHGFKHHVH Baked Sweet Potatoes with Cranberry Gorgonzola Gremolata 0DNHVVHUYLQJV ,QJUHGLHQWV PHGLXPVZHHWSRWDWRHV FXSPHOWHGEXWWHU WHDVSRRQVDOW FXSSXUHPDSOHV\UXS FXSPLQFHGIUHVKSDUVOH\ OHPRQ]HVWHG FORYHJDUOLFPLQFHGÀQHO\ WDEOHVSRRQVPLQFHGSHFDQV WDEOHVSRRQVÀQHO\FKRSSHGGULHGFUDQEHUULHV VFDOOLRQPLQFHG RXQFHV6WHOODJRUJRQ]RODFUXPEOHG,I\RXSUHIHUD PLOGHUÁ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icensed in Montana and North Dakota 1060 S. Central Ave. Ste. 2, Sidney, MT 406-433-5511 • Every Friday is Senior Day Get 10off % * In Service Department! Free pickup & delivery in Sidney! Call our certified service department at: 406-433-3120 *Some exlusions may apply. EXPERIENCE THE NEW BUICK We Are Professional Grade 703 S. Central • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3120 Don’t Make People Learn A New Phone Number! Take Your Home Phone And Number With You! ONLY 20 $ 00 MONTH WITH A SERVICE CONTRACT Unlimited Local And Long Distance Calling! The Shops At Fox Run • Sidney • 406-433-4370 Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 5pm 101 Merrill St • Glendive • 406-377-3645 Visiting Physicians Fulkerson Funeral Home 315 2nd St. NW Sidney, MT 59270 406-488-2805 email: Williston • Tioga • Watford City 701-572-6329 email: •November 2014 • Nov. 13th - Dr. Emad Dodin Interventional Cardiology Nov. 20th - Dr. Mark Noel ENT - Audiology Services Nov. 24th - Aaron Albers Podiatrist Nov. 25th - Dr. Erdal Diri Rheumatologist Nov. 26th - Dr. Samir Turk Pacemaker Check Dr. Mark Noel Dr. Erdal Diri Dr. Aaron Albers Dr. Samir Turk Dr. Emad Dodin To make an appointment with any of these specialists, call 701-572-7711 Re-Inventing Health 701-572-7711 • 1-800-735-4940 1321 W. Dakota Parkway • Williston, ND 4B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Sixth Annual Fairview Chamber Holiday Bazaar Saturday, November 15th • 10am - 3pm MST Happy Holidays! Join Us At The Old Fairview High School Gym & Cafeteria! Concessions Will Be Available 416 S. Ellery, Fairview 4 406-742-5224 4 A customer visits with Kevin Lake at his booth during the 2013 craft bazaar. “Have Fun In Fairview This Weekend!” “Experience the Eagle Country Difference!” 215 East Main • Sidney, MT | 433-1810 or 1-800-482-1810 Enjoy the Lighting of the Bridge in Fairview this weekend! 111 West Main • Sidney, MT 406-433-3306 • 1-800-749-3306 Merry Christmas! HURLEY’S OILFIELD SERVICES • Porta Potties • Potable Water • Sewer System • Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses 406-742-5312 • Fairview, MT An excited group looks over the selection at last year’s craft bazaar. Welcome to Fairview’s Silver Bells Everyone at MonKota Fertilizer & Irrigation would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Thank You for your business. Stop In For Great Food & Fun! Steakhouse Hours: Sun-Thurs: 5-9pm Fri & Sat: 5-10pm Prime Rib Every Fri & Sat! Weekday Happy Hour From 5-7pm! LIVE POKER NIGHTLY! 401 ELLERY AVE FAIRVIEW, MT 406-742-8110 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 5B Bridge To The Holidays! Celebrate the Lighting of the Bridge 5-8pm | Fireworks at 7pm Chili & Refreshments By Zion Luther Lights Horse & Wagon Rides By Katelyn Dynneson 5-6:15pm Catch the bus to the bridge 5:30pm, Sat, Nov 15 at the Fairview Senior Center. It’s FREE! Enjoy the weekend ekend kend and an ice cold Pepsi! SIDNEY MT Wendy Wiltzen, FNP Welcome to Fairview for Silver Bells! Highlights from last year’s Bridge Lighting included the Bridge’s 100th Birthday with cake, chili, beverages & spectacular fireworks! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year in 2015! HOURS M - T - TH An Outreach Service of 9:00AM-5:00PM Closed Wednesday & Friday 6(OOHU\)DLUYLHZ073KRQH 4PVUI&MMFSZt'BJSWJFX.5 -PVOHFt0GGJDFtBNBN Welcome To The Holidays! Enjoy All The Festivities Saturday! FAIRVIEW BRIDGE Come Out and Enjoy THE LIGHTING OF THE BRIDGE! W.L. NEU CONSTRUCTION, INC. Saturday, November 15 Fireworks at Fairview Bridge at 7:00pm Fairview, MT 59221 Office: 406-742-5549 Sidney, Montana: 433-8600 © 2014 Stockman Bank | Member FDIC WWW.STOCKMANBANK.COM 6B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 A Bridge To The Holidays! Enjoy All The Activities This Saturday Plan To Attend Our Open House On Wednesday, December 10th Merchants Bank Big enough to serve you | Small enough to know you Come visit Santa at the Bridge! Bridge! 216 S. Ellery Ave. • Fairview, MT | 406-742-5203 | Mon-Fri: 9am - 4pm Enjoy All The Activities Saturday! FREE Ice Cream With Purchase! EST. 1972 K KEG Pizza | Burgers | Beer | And More! Open Tues-Fri at 4:30 pm Sat & Sun at 2 pm Fairview • 406-742-5180 Happy Holidays From All Of Us At: Horse & Wagon Rides By Katelyn Dynneson • 5-6:15pm 419 S. Ellery • Fairview, MT | 406-742-5164 406-776-2334 • Savage Enjoy the Fireworks at the Fairview Bridge! 315 Second St. NW, Sidney, MT • 406-488-2805 • For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6-7 May you find inspiration in the miracle of Christmas, and may peace and joy reside with you throughout this holy season and beyond! SK & S OIL FIE LD ES SE IC RV . Inc WOOD GROUP ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 7B Crestwood Midstream Partners Announces Loading of 1,000th Unit Train At Its Bakken COLT Hub Facility By Tie Shank In a news release on October 27, 2014, Houston, Texas, based Crestwood Midstream Partners LP (NYSE: CMLP) announced the loading of the 1,000th crude oil unit train at its COLT Hub in Epping, North Dakota. The COLT rail facility commenced service in June 2012 with an original capacity to load 80,000 barrels per day (“Bpd”). The facility has undergone two major expansions since 2012 and has a current capacity to load up to 160,000 Bpd. Crestwood’s COLT rail facility is one of the largest crude-by-rail loading terminals in the U.S., based on daily volumes loaded, currently averaging approximately 120,000 Bpd. A central logistics point for crude oil produced in the Bakken Shale, the COLT Hub receives crude from pipeline connections with Summit Midstream’s Meadowlark pipeline, Tesoro’s High Plains pipeline and Hiland Partners’ Market Center pipeline. The COLT Hub has 1.2 million barrels of storage capacity and can also deliver crude oil to the Enbridge and Tesoro pipeline systems, at the Beaver Lodge terminal, through Crestwood’s COLT Connector pipeline. “We are pleased to announce this crude loading milestone at the COLT Hub,” stated Bill Gautreaux, President of Crestwood’s Liquids and Crude Business Unit. “The COLT Hub is a major distribution point for crude oil produced in the Bakken. ReÀQHUVRQWKH(DVWDQG:HVW Coasts are much less reliant on foreign imports and gain direct access to higher quality and lower cost feedstock.” Gautreaux adds, “Reaching the 1,000th unit train loading in such a short time frame since commissioning the facility is a testament to the strength of the Bakken play, BNSF Railroad and our customers’ willingness to devote substantial investment to the play.” “North Dakota recently surpassed a major milestone of one million barrels of crude production per day,” said Ron Ness, President of the North Dakota Petroleum Council. “In addition, the industry has proven that this amount of production can be PRYHGWRPDUNHWHIÀFLHQWO\ Rail has played a big role in those movements and is now making other value added energy projects possible.” “The COLT Hub and rail facility continues to be the centerpiece for our Bakken Shale midstream value-chain strategy,” commented Robert G. Phillips, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Crestwood. “We have made significant investments in the Bakken Shale in recent years due to our belief that the Bakken play is an important part of America’s drive to energy independence.” Despite the recent reduction in global crude prices and the narrowing of the spread between Brent and WTI price indices, Crestwood believes the COLT Hub, along with our other crude gathering, trucking, storage and terminal assets, are well positioned to provide valuable midstream services for many years. -«iV>â}ÊÊ,Ê Ì } /&&)#%s#%,, 3#%.42!,!6%.5%s3)$.%9-4 &!8s7%"3)4%7773/.$!33/,54)/.3#/- 3#ENTRAL!VE3IDNEY-4 %MAILLES SLSERVICESNET #USTOMER3ERVICEIS/UR0RIORITY Recruiting? We Can Help! /ILlELD0IPELINE#ONSTRUCTION 406-433-3306 | 0HONE &AX 0HONE#(!: &AX TH3T373IDNEY-4s3TE MBI Energy Services Currently seeking Class A CDL Drivers in ŽƵƌEůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ Become a part of MBI’s team today! 701.575.8242 Apply online ÃÌÀÕVÌÊ>ÌiÀ>ÃÊUÊ iÜÊ-ÌiiÊUÊÕÕÊEÊ-Ì>iÃà "RADY3MELSERs4IM-ULHOLLANDs+ELLY-OODYs"RET3MELSERs%RNIE'AWRYLUKs+EN3YME 3IDNEY 'LENDIVE 7ILLISTON 0LENTYWOOD #2 74OWNE3T 7&RONT3T (WY%AST :H$UH<RXU2LOÀHOG6XSSO\ +HDGTXDUWHUV $OWN(OLE3UCKER2OD0UMPS 4UBING!NCHORSs'ATES (YDRAULIC(OSES"ELTS "ALON"ALL6ALVESs,INE0IPEs4UBING &ITTINGSs.ORRIS3UCKER2ODS 3TANLEY.$ 3IDNEY-4 sRPANDS MIDRIVERSCOM 8B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Lunch Menus Sidney School Thurs., Nov. 13th: Belgian ZDIÁHVVDXVDJHOLQNVKDVK EURZQVDSSOHVDXFH Fri., Nov. 14th: &KLOLFLQQDPRQUROOVSLQHDSSOHWLGELWV Mon., Nov. 17th: +RWGRJIUHQFK IULHVSHDUV Tues., Nov. 18th: 7DFR VDODG SHDFKFXS Wed., Nov. 19th: 6SDJKHWWL WRVVHGVDODGJDUOLFWRDVWPDQGDULQRUDQJHV Rau School Thurs., Nov. 13th: 6ORSS\ -RHVIULHVFDUURWVWLFNV IUXLW Fri., Nov. 14th: &KLOL FDUURW FHOHU\FLQQDPRQUROOIUXLW Mon., Nov. 17th: 0DFQFKHHVH JUHHQEHDQVSHDFKHVPXIÀQ Tues., Nov. 18th: &KLFNHQ SRW SLHFRWWDJHFKHHVHIUXLW Wed., Nov. 19th: &RRNҋVFKRLFH Savage School Thurs., Nov. 13th: 3L]]D Fri., Nov. 14th: 6SDJKHWWLZHLQHU FDVVHUROHJUHHQEHDQVFRWWDJH FKHHVHPDQGDULQRUDQJHV Mon., Nov. 17th: 3ROLVK GRJVZLWKVDXHUNUDXW Tues., Nov. 18th: 7KDQNVJLYLQJGLQQHU Wed., Nov. 19th: +DPEXUJHUV Froid School Thur., Nov. 13th: 6SOLWSHD KDPVRXSERVFRVWL[VDODG EDUIUXLWPLON Fri., Nov. 14th: &KDOXSDV UHIULHGEHDQVWDFREDUIUXLW PLON Mon., Nov. 17th: &KLOL GRJV IUHQFKIULHVFDUURWVOLFHVVDODG EDUPLON Tues., Nov. 18th: 7RPDWRVRXS JULOOHGFKHHVHVDQGZLFKHVVDODG EDUIUXLWPLON Wed., Nov. 19th: 7KDQNVJLYLQJ GLQQHU Lambert School Thurs., Nov. 13th: &KLFNHQ IDMLWDVIUHVKYHJJLHVMHOOR PLON Fri., Nov. 14th: 6RXS VDQGZLFKIUHVKIUXLWPLON Mon., Nov. 17th: &KLFNHQ RU EHHI HQFKLODGD IUHVK YHJJLHV IUHVKIUXLWPLON Tues., Nov. 18th: )UHQFK GLS EDNHG SRWDWR FUHDPHG FRUQ DSSOHFULVSPLON Wed., Nov. 19th: 6XSHUQDFKR IUHVKYHJJLHVIUHVKIUXLWPLON Culbertson School Thur., Nov. 13th: &KLFNHQ DODNLQJRYHUELVFXLWVSHDV SHDFKHVDQGPLON Fri., Nov. 14th: 126&+22/ Mon., Nov. 17th: &KLFNHQ EUHDVWULFHJUHHQEHDQVPDQGDULQRUDQJHVDQGPLON Tues., Nov. 18th: %HHI DQG FKHGGDURQDEXQIUHQFKIULHV JUHHQEHDQVSHDUVDQGPLON Wed., Nov. 19th: 6OLFHG KRW GRJVLQVFDOORSHGSRWDWRHVSHDV DQG FDUURWV SLQHDSSOH FKXQNV DQGPLON Richey School Thurs., Nov. 13th: Beef VWULSVPDVKHGSRWDWRHV ZLWKFRXQWU\JUDY\SHDV DSSOHFULVS Fri., Nov. 14th: 3L]]D OHWWXFH VDODGSLQHDSSOH Mon., Nov. 17th: 7RPDWRVRXS JULOOHGFKHHVHFUDFNHUVSHDFKHV Tues., Nov. 18th: 6OXVKEXUJHUV IULHVDSSOHVOLFHV Wed., Nov. 19th: 7DFR VDODG IUXLWVFRWFKDURRV Fairview School Thur., Nov. 13th: 3XOOHG SRUNRQDEXQVZHHWSRWDWR JHPVVOLFHGDSSOH Fri., Nov. 14th: NO 6&+22/ Mon., Nov. 17th: &KLFNHQSDWW\ EXQVZHHWSRWDWRIULHVRUDQJHV Tues., Nov. 18th: 6RIWVKHOOWDFR VSDQLVKULFHSLQHDSSOH Wed., Nov. 19th: &KLOL IUHVK EUHDGIUHVKIUXLWEURFFROL East Fairview Thurs., Nov. 13th: %HHI FKHHVHEXUULWRULFHVDODG DSSOHVDXFH Fri., Nov. 14th: &KLFNHQ QXJJHWVJUHHQEHDQVSHDFKHV Mon., Nov. 17th: %HHI VWURJDQRII EXWWHUHG QRRGOHV SHDV SHDFKHV Tues., Nov. 18th: 7XQD WZLVWHU PHOWJUHHQEHDQVSRWDWRZHGJHVJUDSHV Wed., Nov. 19th:&KLFNHQEURFFROLSHDVQRRGOHVSHDUV Bainville School Thur., Nov. 13th: %XUULWRV WDFRVDODGEDUZD\YHJJLHV PL[HGIUXLW Fri., Nov. 14th: &KLFNHQ WHWUD]]LQLFRUSHDFKHV Mon., Nov. 17th: BBQ PHDWEDOOVSRWDWREURFFROL QRUPDQG\ Tues., Nov. 18th: &KLFNHQ ULFHVRXSXQFUXVWDEOHV Wed., Nov. 19th: 3RWSLH RYHUELVFXLWVIUXLW Great American Smokeout, November 20th By Jacklyn Damm/Richland County Health Department The American Cancer Society marks the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November each year by encouraging smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit, or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. By quitting even for one day smokers will be taking an important step towards a healthier life, one that can lead to reducing cancer risk. Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and pre- mature death in the US, yet about 42 million Americans still smoke cigarettes, approximately 1 in every 5 adults. As of 2012, there were also 13.4 million cigar smokers in the US, and 2.3 million who smoke tobacco in pipes. And even more disturbingly, more than a quarter of a million youth who had never smoked a cigarette used electronic cigarettes in 2013, according to a CDC study published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research. These, most likely, will EHWRPRUURZ·VWREDFFRXVHUV Why Quit? Within: 20 Minutes: Your heart rate and blood pressure drop. 12 Hours: The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. 2 Weeks – 3 Months: Your circulation improves and your lung function increases 1-9 Months: Coughing and shortness of breath decrease 1 Year: The excess risk of coronary heart disease is half WKDWRIDFRQWLQXLQJVPRNHU·V 5 Years: Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder are cut in half. Cervical cancer risk falls to that of a non-smoker. Stroke risk can fall to that of a non smoker after 2-5 years. 10 Years: The risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a person who is still smoking. 1 5 Ye a r s : T h e risk of coronary heart disease is that of a QRQVPRNHU·V Make a plan and quit! Call the Quit Line 1-800-QUIT-NOW or the Richland County Health Department for more information. 406.433.2207
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