20 THE PROVOST NEWS, PROVOST, ALBERTA Put your message where more people will see it, in The Provost News To place your help wanted ad, contact the provost news at: HELP WANTED fi Ph. (780) 753-2564 fi fax (780) 753-6117 fi e-mail: advertising@provostnews.ca fi Website: www.provostnews.ca • froNT desk Rock Solid FluShbyS We offer above average rates, dental benefits and a great working environment. SWampeRS and opeRaToR Interested in joining our team? Please email greenhd@telus.net or drop off resume at: WanTed requires a Will train. Tickets an asset. GreeNhead MoTel & resTauraNT Full Time Submit resumes to: rocksolid36@hotmail.com Swamper Insertion Order #66098WFD mik (780) 753-4437 ~ Provost ~ —8-11/05/1 —4-10/22/6 Send resume For questions regarding •this insertion order,by fax to: (780) 753-2457 please contact: Lisa Bowes Account Manager • Or email to: Phone: 832-437-1477 Fax: 832-553-2599 AND caspic@telusplanet.net oices reflecting IO number to: Patriot Advertising, Inc., Attn: Accounts• POr ayable, call John at: (780) 753-6563 for more information nue, Katy Katy, TX 77493 AND THE D AX OR EMAIL proof of -7-01/22/tf nt/tearsheets to: Fax: 832-553-2599 or tearsheets@patriotadvertising.com. er Wednesday, November 12, 2014 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Maintenance Plant Construction Quality Control Completions 4 x 4 Combo Unit Pressure Truck Hot Shot Sand, Clay & Pit Run Access to Water Dash Tubing Balers Trailer Rentals Light Tower Rentals 35 Kw Genset Rentals Bobcat Rentals Lease Mowing Snow Blowing Water Pumping . . . would like to hire someone to be trained as a PIPE INSPECTOR and to Account work at Rep:the Timyard. Runge Size: 2ax 7bonus but Benefit package, oilfield tickets Rate: $.77 l/gross will train, valid driver’s license a must, competitive wages, full time Online:position. none Techmation Electric & Controls is one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies that Please drop off resumes at provides electrical and instrumentation services throughout Western Canada for the Oil & Gas industry. We are recognized as Best in Class and we are committed to Quality, 21Advertising Wheatland Provost are property of Patriot Inc andCres., are for the use through Patriot Advertising e Techmation is currently accepting resumes for work within the Safety & Inc. Service. region forInc. the following positions: s may not be reproduced by to: any vendor or publication. C Copyright 2009 PatriotProvost Advertising or email bossgrp@yahoo.com. —6-11/05/4 WORK FOR WEATHERFORD WEA THERFORD - Instrumentation Journeyman & Apprentices - Electrical Journeyman & Apprentices What We Offer at Techmation Electric & Controls Ltd: Stable, Long Term Employment Competitive Wages 14112TT1 Extensive Benefits Package Exceptional Employer Contributed Pension Plan Promote from Within for further Career Opportunities & Advancement Excellent Safety Record School Tuition Re-imbursement Program Come be a part of this steadily growing company that offers stable, permanent work within one of the most exciting industries in Western Canada! If you are interested in working for a company that provides the highest standard of Construction, Maintenance & Workmanship, APPLY TODAY! Please submit your resume via email, fax or online at: Email: kmoore@techmationelectric.com Fax: 780.986.4882 www.techmationelectric.com Weatherford provides a wide range of oil and gas services to national, integrated and independent oil and gas companies around the world, using fit-for-purpose technologies. Presently, our office in Macklin, SK is recruiting for: Committed to Quality, Safety & Service! www.techmationelectric.com We are currently accepting applications for € CONSTRUCTION/ MAINTENANCE CREW TRUCK FOREMAN € SWAMPER € PRESSURE TRUCK DRIVER Submit resumes to workiner@gmail.com or PHONE SHANE 780-753-4488 —12-10/22/tf —126-11/12/1 Now Hiring! Pump Technician Technician - Job# 45980 Depending on level of experience, candidates will initially work under supervision ( on the job training) with an experienced employee, achieving competency on basic job tasks/ set instructions or procedures in the shop relating to assembling, dis-assembling and testing of pumps to both WFT and external customer specifications. Subsequent delivery and pick up of pumps on customer location as required. Qualifications s0RIORASSEMBLYOROILlELDEXPERIENCEANASSETBUTNOTREQUIRED s(IGH3CHOOL$IPLOMAOR'%$ s6ALIDCLASSOPERATORSLICENSEWITHACLEANABSTRACT s$EMONSTRATEDMECHANICALAPTITUDE s#APABILITYOFWORKINGOVERTIME s&AMILIARITYWITHWORKPROCESSANDABILITYTOANTICIPATETHENEXTSTEP s3AFETYMINDEDINDIVIDUALWILLINGNESSANDCOMMITMENTTORECEIVING both required and ongoing mandatory safety training as a condition of employment Weatherford offers an excellent wage and benefit package, including a generous retirement savings plan and health care spending account. Weatherford has many training and development opportunities for career progression. All employees are required to undergo drug and alcohol testing. Drop off a resume at the facility address: 5414 46TH A AVENUE, VENUE, Macklin, SK S0L 2C0, or Apply Apply Online At: www.Weatherford.com www.Weatherford.com You can be in the oilPaTch direcTorY every week. Just call (780) 753-2564 today! T S O O V S S O R E P FULL TIME POSITIONS 5111-57 ave., ProvosT —flexible hours. Competitive wages s $12 plus benefIts. SUB PREP TarTiNG aT Per hour Position Available Formation Evaluation | W Well ell Construction | Completion | Production © 2013 W Weatherford. eatherford. All rights reser reserved. ved. —196-11/12/2 call don in Provost at (780)753-2408 —12-07/02/tf
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