ST. ISIDORE THE FARMER CHURCH PRO-LIFE ROSE Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm November 15, 2014 Eleanor DiPace by Dolly D’Ippolito Joyce Curley by Michael & Robin Bertonazzi Aldo Lovisone by Perry & Kathleen Barse & Family Jack Homes- Birthday Remembrance by wife, Mary, Children, Grand-Children, & Great Grandchildren Louis Toffenetti by Mary Holmes Alice & Eugene Patrignani by daughter, Marie & Family Steve Blandino by M/M Leonard Simone Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am November 16, 2014 Catherine Henderson by Dominic & Helen Margiotti Mary Coraluzzo by Anita D’Allesandro Marie & Frank Robinson by daughters, Denise Kurshner & Gail Robinson 6:00 pm (SI) Flossie Feo by Frances Stadler Monday November 17, 2014 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Theresa Caterina by Jereen Langley Alice Consalo by Joan M. Smaniotto Anna Figueroa by Valerie & Jim Casadia Tuesday November 18, 2014 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Donata Testa by Barbara Carli Rose Bua by Joe & Sandy Ferrarie Elaine Moffa by Dale Sciore Wednesday November 19, 2014 The Pro- Life Rose is given in memory for PAT CLARK BY DAN & JOAN BEHE BLESSED MOTHER ROSE THE BLESSED MOTHER ROSE IS GIVEN IN MEMORY FOR ANNA M ERIGHI BY ROBERT BASSETTI SANCTUARY CANDLE THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS GIVEN IN MEMORY FOR VINCENT CAMARDO BY ED & JOSIE ZATZARINY SACRED HEART CHURCH T HE PRO-LIFE ROSE THE PRO-LIFE ROSE IS GIVEN AS A BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE FOR SARAH JORDAN BY CHILDREN BLESSED MOTHER ROSE THE BLESSED MOTHER ROSE IS GIVEN AS A BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE VIOLA HORVATH BY SISTER, LILLIAN & NEPHEW BRUCE PALMONARI SACRED HEART ROSE NO INTENTION SANCTUARY CANDLE 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Terry Caterina by Dolores & John Durie Parishioners Bernie Olivio by Lorri & Anthony V. Smaniotto III Thursday November 20, 2014 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS 7:00 am 8:00 am Joyce Ann Curley by Frances Reuss & Family Vincent C. Law – Birthday Remembrance 9:00 am Helen Imburgia – Birthday Remembrance Margaret Bradley, Dennis DeMatte, Jr., Jackie Gross, Francis Miley, Steve Miley, Gloria Polizzi, Joseph Reed, Catherine Van Buren, Marie Vi, Mark Volpe, Linda Berghof, Robert Till, Betty Hollman, Mary Lou Boller, Joseph DiPrimio, Lisa Acilio, Dan Malec, Darlene Piccola, Helen Jeter, Adele Huryn, George DiStefano, Angelina DiStefano, Joseph Piccione, Jr., Sandra Pace, Kathy Kelly, Dolly Lucas, Phyllis Ganci, Richard Fanucci, Jr., Luis Armando Rodriguez, Francis J. Guaciaro, Josephine T. Schwegel, Angela Schwegel, Carmella Heineman, Maria Giannascoli, Msgr. Joseph Stoerlein, Joshua Sterchele, Brenda Webster, Artie Rundstrom, Jr., Scott Feneli, Jeano Amici, Edward Costante, Sr., Agatha Law, Bill Cressman, Terese Shoemaker, Michael Corcoran, Marie Corcoran, Carol Sciore, Donna Beatty, Tiffany Frantz, John Gallo, Sr., Howard Milanesi, Brien DeMartino, George Deem, Luis Rodriguez, Salvatore Vernuccio, Donald Tharp, Jr., Richard Blickos by Wife by Fran & Noel Bolinger Friday November 21, 2014 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Donna Testa by Annie & Joe Leonardo Samuel Panzino by wife, Antoinette & Family Theresa Caterina by Barbara Daley Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm November 22, 2014 Teresa Cappellucci by Daniel & Angie Avena Joyce Curley by Rick & Celestine Pollock Elaine Moffa by Carol Sciore Viola Horvath by Perry & Kathleen Barse & Family Bernard Olivio by Mary Holmes Marshall Low, Sr. by wife Marie & Children Theresa Caterina by Joyce & Fred Angelo Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm (SI) November 23, 2014 Terry Testa by Don & Lorraine Lamcken Elaine DelBeato by Paula Monari Humber & Bryson Anthony Asselta by Claire Monari Viola Horvath by Lillie & Vai Families NO INTENTION ALTAR FLOWERS: Flowers for the altar at St. Isidore Church are given as an anniversary remembrance for Angelina Ingraldi from son, Jerry Genova. Maureen Asselta RoseMarie Rodin PASTORAL COUNCIL PASTOR’S REPORT 10 NOVEMEBR, 2014 As reported last month, I met with our parishioners who attended the workshop last May conducted by the authors of the book Rebuilt. We are reviewing the minutes from this last meeting to consider our next steps in providing recommendations for the Pastoral Council as we work together to enable our parish to grow. Deacon Bob has begun to minister to the residents at Vineland Developmental Center. He reports that there were approximately 20 residents in attendance along with their caregivers. The service consisted of a brief Liturgy of the Word including a homily and a blessing with holy water. The facility cafeteria provided cookies and drinks and the Hoffman’s of Pancoast Funeral Home provided prayer cards for the occasion. Many thanks to Deacon Frank for his excellent leadership of the Parish Wine Tasting. Thanks as well go to the excellent committee who has worked to prepare for yet another spectacular wine tasting event. This year’s event will be held at the Greenview Inn on Friday, 21 November from 6-10 PM. This is one of the social highlights of the parish’s year. I hope to see as many parishioners there as possible. Preparatory conversations continue with several of our parish nurses. They are exploring possibilities and needs to help us develop a strong program of parish nursing here at Christ the Good Shepherd. I have confirmed the dates of 22-25 March for a Lenten Mission with Sister Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S. Sister is the Director of the Institute of Liturgical Ministry in Dayton, Ohio. She is nationally recognized and a highly respected liturgist, author, professor of liturgy and workshop facilitator. The title of the mission is Journey to New Life. I have asked our Staff to be mindful of this special moment in the life of the parish, and to avoid all conflicts of schedule during these days of mission so that all of us can enjoy Sr. Joyce’s presentations with as little distraction as possible. Msgr. Burton ADVENT WREATH BLESSING th On November 30 , the First Sunday of Advent, we will be blessing family Advent Wreaths at all our masses. If you don’t have an Advent Wreath or your wreath needs to be refreshed, rd there will be a pamphlet in the bulletin for November 23 with ideas on how to make a wreath and the prayers and format to use with your family ritual at home. This is a beautiful way to begin your Advent journey! The Fabulous Christmas 50/50 Raffle Tickets have been mailed out. If you did not receive yours, please let the Parish Office know (856-691-9077). If you are in need of more tickets, they are available at the Rectory Monday through Friday, 9AM– 4PM. Thanks to everyone who took part in last year’s raffle. The first prize was almost $12,750.00!!! Remember – the more tickets sold, the bigger the prize, so let’s work together once again to make this year’s Raffle even more successful! The 50/50 drawing will be held in the Gathering Space on Saturday, December 20 at 6PM. Please be sure to return your Raffle tickets to the Rectory office or place them in the collection basket at Mass. All tickets must be returned by 4PM on December 20. Remember - the more tickets sold the bigger the cash prize! Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service The clergy of Vineland Ministerial Fellowship is once again sponsoring the Vineland Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday, November 26, at 7:00 pm at Christ the Good Shepherd Parish at St. Isidore the Farmer Church. Please join members of the Vineland Faith Community as we give thanks to God for all that he has given us and pray for those in need in our community. To prepare for the celebration, we need volunteers to make desserts … cakes, pies, or whatever your specialty is … for the fellowship in the Parish Hall after the service. If you would like to help by making a dessert, please sign up on the sheets in the Gathering Space at St. Isidore’s or the tables at the doors at Sacred Heart Church. Also, if you would like to help in the kitchen on the night of the Service, please call Carol Bassetti at 856-696-2434. THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 An encomium for a good and worthy wife, this passage from Proverbs extols all the virtues which a worthy wife possesses – fidelity, industriousness, skill, charity to the poor, and fear of the Lord. Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Once again, Paul reassures the Thessalonians, who are anxious about the coming of Christ, that they need not fear being unprepared because they are “children of light.” Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus narrates the parable of the talents – in the story, the silver pieces given to the three men. Two of the men invest their coins and double their worth, but the third buries his coins in the ground and earns no return. The message of Jesus is that we must use to the fullest the talents we have received. November 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewards are Faithful Servants “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibility.”- MATTHEW 25:21b God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts He has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous with them. Stewardship of Treasure…Your gifts of treasure to the parish totaled: November 9, 2014 - Offertory- $12,007.45 QUESTION OF THE WEEK Who has affirmed your talents; who needs your affirmation of their talents? IN ANTICIPATION OF THE HOLIDAY NEEDS St. Vincent DePaul is in need of the following items: jello, canned sweet potatoes, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, boxed mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, and cans of fruit. We are hoping to give a goodie bag to 400 families in November and 400 families in December. Please leave your donations in the Gathering Space at St. Isidore the Farmer Church or the Vestibule at Sacred Heart Church. Please contact SVDP at 856-691-2400 if you have any questions or are in need of help. We pray for all our young men and women serving in the United States military. Jose (Al) Gonzalez, - Air Force National Guard Nicholas Gladfelter, Jeffrey Timmick – Army; Brad Dulowe - Army Reserves; Matthew A. Coulter - Coast Guard; John Lawrence Marcucci,Travis L. Homiak – Marines; Jacob Elias Nunez, Taylor Woodward – Navy Gabriel Solazzo, - Edward Crowell, Felix Eric Rolon, Dylan Daniel Fagan - Air Force The Giving Tree(s) for St. Vincent de Paul will be in the Churches on the weekend of November 22/23. This year we will be filling shoe boxes with goodies for different age groups. Please take a tag and a shoe box and fill it with goodies appropriate for that age group. Please return the shoe box before th December 14 so they can be distributed in time for Christmas. Thank you in advance for us to be able to serve the needs of the poor in Vineland. MURDER AT THE PIE AUCTION Auditions for MURDER AT THE PIE AUCTION will be held on Monday, November 17th in the Bishop Schad School Library at 7:00 pm. Performance th will take place on Friday, February 13 , 2015. We are in need of 6 women, 4 men, plus 4 small parts for men or women. If you are interested/questions, please call Carol Polaha at 856-696-0243 ___________________________________________________ Christ the Good Shepherd Parish Lifelong Faith Formation Presents: Journey to Peace Night in Bethlehem - Decree of Caesar Augustus “All the world shall be taxed! Everyone to his own city!” … and Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judæa, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem . . . Visit with the citizens. Sample the wares of shopkeepers & bakers. Hear the warning of the Roman Centurions! Old Bakery Shoppe Old Tyme Pottery Toy Shoppe Carpenter Shoppe Hebrew School Frankincense & Myrrh and more! Who has seen the king? __________________________ Shopkeepers Needed! Easy set-‐up! We have great ideas for your family or business to sponsor a marketplace stall. Contact Mayor Barb Sykora at Actors & Participants Needed! For one hour or the evening, your help will help us! Call or email Anita MacDonald (856) 563-‐0482 or December 6th and 7th 5:30 PM ‘til 8:00 PM on Sat until 7:30 on Sunday USE ELMER ROAD ENTRANCE MASS SCHEDULES WILL REMAIN SAME Night in Bethlehem Marketplace, Dinner & Caroling St. Isidore Church Hall Journey to Peace Enacted Bible Scenes & Live Nativity St. Isidore Church Grounds with Christmas Stories Carolers & Bell Choir Take out meals available too! sponsored in part by the Knights of Columbus Vineland Council 2531 This whole parish advent program is free! However, your $$ donations and help would be graciously appreciated! See the bulletin and PLEASE NOTE: 1) Feast of St. Nicholas Gift Giving will take place at all Masses the weekend of December 6th & 7th. Please remember the less fortunate. 2) Breakfast with St. Nicholas will be held on December 14th at Sacred Heart Church Hall come celebrate with your family!
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