rd SPALDING GRAMMAR SCHOOL SIXTH FORM OPEN DAY -‐ Wednesday, 3 December 2014 TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO SPALDING GRAMMAR SCHOOL BY FRIDAY, 21 November 2014. PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY. PERSONAL DETAILS First Name: ________________________________________________ Surname: ________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________ Current School: ________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Postcode: ______________________ Home Tel No: ______________________ Mobile Tel No: ______________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________ For the Open Day, please indicate which five subjects from the list below you would like to try. Students choosing Physics should also choose Maths. Students wishing to study Maths and Further Maths should simply select ‘Further Maths’. This will only count as one subject, leaving students to select four other subjects. N.B. Further to the Open Day, all Year 12 students will then be required to submit an application by Tuesday, 16th December, choosing three A2 subjects to form their core curriculum. Students wishing to study Maths and Further Maths or Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and Maths will be permitted to choose four A2 subjects. CORE CURRICULUM SUBJECTS ü Art and Design Design Technology: Product Design Biology Economics Ethics and Philosophy Government and Politics Latin Music Sociology English Literature German ICT Maths (Further) Psychology ü ü Business Studies ü Chemistry Engineering English Language French Geography History – Modern History – Early Modern Law Physical Education Maths Physics Spanish Your personalised timetable will be given to you on your arrival on the Open Day. We will write to you nearer the time with more information about the Open Day.
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