St Andrew’s Cathedral T he D iocese O f S ingapo r e Christmas Concert in Mandarin (Kreta Ayer People’s Theatre)* 20 December 2014 (Saturday) @ 3.00pm & 7.00pm *Tickets @$5 can be purchased from Mandarin Congregation Office. For enquiries, please call 63392435 BISHOP OF SINGAPORE: The Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah ASSISTANT BISHOPS: The Rt Revd Low Jee King The Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng 16 NOVEMBER 2014 second SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT APPEAL: 500 CHRISTMAS WISHES! 1500 needy children from various Children VWOs are making their Christmas wishes, ranging from stationery to toys. We are appealing for wish granters to adopt and grant 500 more wishes. Please sign up via the Information Desk or Welcome Centre, TODAY. Enquiries: / 86219044. Visit our website by scanning this QR code with your smartphone: Join our Facebook Group: Follow us on Twitter: @standrewcath COLLECT Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and to make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life: grant that we, having this hope, may purify ourselves even as he is pure; that when he shall appear in power and great glory we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. SCRIPTURE READINGS I) 1 Thess 5:1-11 We warmly welcome you to St Andrew’s Cathedral. Church Bible, NT, page 359. II) Matthew 25:14-30 Church Bible, NT, page 49. Please complete and return this portion to the ushers or the Information Desk, or simply drop it into an offering bag. PSALM FOR: 5.00pm Name : ________________________________________________ Sex :____ Age: _____ Address : ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________(H) ___________________(HP)____________________(O) Email:________________________________________________________________________ I am a visitor. I would like to be contacted. I wish to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ. Service Attended: _____________ I wish to be a member of St Andrew’s Cathedral. I wish to join a housegroup or a fellowship group. I wish to have a set of tithe/offering envelopes. I wish to register for the CE course. Name of course: __________________________ Others : ___________________________________ DEAN & VICAR: The Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng ASSOCIATE VICAR:The Revd Canon Dr Louis Tay Ps 89:19-37, Church Bible, OT, page 971. HYMNS FOR: 8.00 am : 2, 537,409, 435 11.15 am : 2, 537,Spirit Touch Your Church, 409, 435 5.00 pm : HP28, HP432, 505, HP384 CHRISTMAS@ CATHEDRAL 22-24 DECEMBER 2014 St Andrew’s Cathedral Performances on 22-23 Dec : 6.30-9.30pm Food fair & Performances on 24 Dec : 2pm-9.30pm [Mon - Wed] Come join us in St Andrew’s Cathedral on 22-23 Dec there will be open air Christmas performances at night. On 24 Dec there will be a food fair and open air Christmas performances from 2pm – 9.30pm. From Fri, 12 Dec onwards there will be colourful, life-size display of Bethlehem, the birth place of Jesus Christ, and the Nativity scene. For more information: Email: Facebook: Christmas At Cathedral 11 St Andrew’s Road (S. 178959) • Tel: 63376104 / 90022455 (emergency after office hrs) • Fax: 63376107 / 63391197 announcements announcements LITTLE MYANMAR SERVICE Wedding Little Myanmar Worship Service is on every Sunday from 7.00pm to 9.00pm at the Prayer Halls. Please invite your Burmese friends and colleagues to join us. For more information please email: Dr Moses Israel: or Pastor Richard Ting: We want to rejoice with Mr Lim Wei Xiang Darrell and Miss Lim Su Ping Eliza Marie Ann who have filed their notice of marriage with the Registry of Marriages. Their wedding date is this Saturday, 22 November 2014. CATHEDRAL FAMILY CAMP 2015 Date: 7-10 June 2015 BIBLE SOCIETY OF SINGAPORE CALENDARS 2015 Venue: Thistle Hotel, Johor Bahru. The desk calendars 2015 co-print with BSS are available for sale @ Information Desk and CWC @ S$3.00 each. If you know of any reason why they may not lawfully marry, you are asked to inform the Dean & Vicar of the Cathedral, or the Registrar of Marriages before the wedding. Camp Speaker: Bishop Rennis Ponniah CHRISTMAS VARIETY SHOW My Saviour’s Church is organising a Christmas Variety Show to reach out to non-Christians. There will be songs, drama, comedy skits, dances, a sumptuous buffet dinner and a short encouraging exhortation. This Christmas Variety Show is a good avenue to introduce the love of Jesus to unsaved parents, siblings, friends and relatives who are more familiar with conversing in Tamil, or find themselves at home with the Indian culture. COUNSELLING SERVICE SAC is pleased to announce that Counselling Service (at no cost) is available for members from now to December 2014. This is provided by: Event : Christmas Variety Show Date : 13 December 2014 Venue : Nanyang Technological University Auditorium Time : 6.30pm to 9.30pm (1) Mr David Ng who is a staff in St. Andrew’s Cathedral. He has a Master of Arts in Counselling. (2) Ms Heng Siow Ing who has a Master of Social Science (Professional Counselling). Please contact Mr. Arulkumar at 6474 2823 during office hours or email him at msc@mysaviours. org for further details as to tickets pricing and other information. Both David and Siow Ing have been involved in various church ministries in the last 20 years at St Andrew’s Cathedral, including teaching, discipleship training and cell group leading. They are currently serving as Parish Worker and Lay Reader respectively at the 11.15am service. DURING HOLY COMMUNION It would be helpful and appropriate, during Holy Communion, for us to be in communion with the Lord. As such, please refrain from carrying on conversations with one another, and let us worship the Lord together with the Communion songs, or remain in silent prayer while Holy Communion is being administered. If you have any queries please call Ti Lian Swan at 63376104 ext 120. If you wish to make an appointment, please call David Ng at 9833 2786, email or Siow Ing at 9733 1951, email A GENTLE REMINDER Kindly put your handphones and pagers on silent mode during services. Also refrain from sending/ receiving sms messages. The sound from the keypad may distract others. Please also refrain from playing any pocket computer games. DONATION FOR FLOWERS TODAY Are received in memory of Mr Joseph See Yeok Seck and Mrs Rosalind See Ying Khuan. 2 More information will be available soon. BATAM MEDICAL OUTREACH The Batam Medical Outreach is a bimonthly Cathedral medical mission chiefly to the island of Batam and also to other islands in the Riau Archipelago in Indonesia. It aims to share the grace & love of God primarily by providing much-needed basic healthcare to the rural villages in these islands. Each mission extends over a weekend and now comprises 4 medical teams serving at different locations. In addition to this primary healthcare, the teams also provide health education and run a vibrant children’s ministry. We serve these numerous locations in rotation. Though this is a medical mission, there are many opportunities for service for non-medical persons as well. We are able to accommodate up to 100 volunteers on each mission trip. However, do register early as the places do fill up quickly. The cost per person is $100 ($80 for day-trippers) and includes all meals, 2-way ferry, land transport, hotel accommodation and travel insurance. We are pleased to announce the dates for 2015. Do register early, particularly if signing up as a group.” 2015 mission dates 24-25 January 28-29 March 23-24 May date for briefing 11 January 15 March 10 May 2015 mission dates 25-26 July 26-27 September 28-29 November date for briefing 12 July 13 September 15 November We would also welcome your prayers and contributions to this logisticallyintensive mission. Cheques can be made out to “St. Andrew’s Cathedral” with “Medical Mission Fund” written on the back. To volunteer, please write to Mrs. Judy Teo at 63376104 ext 132, email: or A/Prof. Joseph Thambiah at “..let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” Matthew 5:16 7 SUNDAY SERVICES 16 NOVEMBER SENIOR CITIZENS SUNDAY 2ND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT SUNDAY SERVICES 23 NOVEMBER SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT PROVINCIAL MISSIONS SUNDAY 7.00 a.m. 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Ng Koon Sheng Holy Communion Ds June Tan 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Peter Chen What does Jesus Deserve from You? 9.00 a.m. Contemporary Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Very Revd Canon Patrick Augustine 9.30 a.m. Service in Mandarin 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Michael Lim 2.30 p.m. Bahasa Indonesia Service Chapel for All Peoples Mr Victor Effendie 2.30 p.m. Service in Cantonese 4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 Revd Freddy Lim 5.00 p.m. Holy Communion Revd Loren Fox 5.00 p.m. Service in Mandarin Cathedral New Sanctuary 7.00 p.m. Little Myanmar Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 7.30 p.m. New Life Service Revd Rusty Russell EXTENSION CENTRES 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. Service in Mandarin 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Michael Lim 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Peter Chen What does Jesus Deserve from You? Filipino Service Mrs Lisa Espineli Chinn Contemporary Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Revd John Lin The Suffering wounded Servant 11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation Cathedral New Sanctuary 11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation Cathedral New Sanctuary 2.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m. Filipino Service Mrs Priscilla Tay 2.30 p.m. Bahasa Indonesia Service Chapel for All Peoples Mr Victor Effendie 2.30 p.m. Service in Cantonese 4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 Revd Freddy Lim 5.00 p.m. Evensong Ds Bessie Lee 5.00 p.m. Service in Mandarin Cathedral New Sanctuary 7.00 p.m. Little Myanmar Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 7.30 p.m. New Life Service Mr James Tan SUNDAY SCHOOL ministries Acts Centre Sunday Service St. Margaret’s Secondary School Performing Arts Studio Westside Anglican Church (WAC) Revd Timothy Chow WAC Service in Mandarin West Coast Recreation Centre 8.00 a.m. Sunday School 9.00 a.m. Sunday School 9.30 a.m. Sunday School (Mandarin) 11.15 a.m. Sunday School 5.00 p.m. Sunday School 4 Mobile Medical Service to the Community (MOFOW) WEEKDAY SERVICES/MEETINGS Monday, 17 NOV 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer We are called, as disciples of Jesus, to love our neighbours as ourselves. This mission affords you an opportunity to do just that. Be a part of this unique mobile medical mission which serves 2 vulnerable population groups by providing free primary healthcare and health screening – the migrant workers living in residential dormitories and the elderly poor living in 1-room HBD estates. You do not have to be a doctor or a nurse to serve. Non-medical volunteers are also most welcome. It only requires about 4 hours of your time on a Saturday evening. If you would like to volunteer, please write to A/Prof. Joseph Thambiah at or Mr. Philip Lim at Tuesday, 18 NOV 7.30 a.m. Clergy & Leaders Holy Communion Wednesday, 19 NOV 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 12.45 p.m. Holy Communion @ Prayer Hall A&B Revd Soon Soo Kee 5.15 p.m. Evening Prayer Thursday, 20 NOV 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion @ Chapel for All Peoples Canon Louis Tay In 2015, the mission dates are: 10 Jan, 7 Feb, 7 Mar, 18 Apr, 9 May , 4 Jul, 15 Aug, 5 Sep, 17 Oct , 7 Nov Please submit your names early as spaces on the mission teams are at a premium. No prior medical mission experience is necessary. This mission survives by the grace of God and through your generous contributions. If you would like to contribute financially to this logistically intensive mission, please make your cheques out to “St. Andrew’s Community Hospital” with “Mobile Medical Service” written on the back and drop the cheques into the offertory bags. All donations are tax-deductible 250%.. Friday, 21 NOV 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 10.30 a.m. Mandarin Senior Citizens’ Meeting @ CNS Saturday, 22 NOV 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 2.00 p.m. LYnC Youth Ministry Amazing Race with BB “So then, as we have opportunity, ALL SAINTS’ DAY let us do good SAT, 1 NOVEMBER to 2014everyone..” Galatians 6:10a 2.00 p.m. Young Adults’ Ministry @ Prayer Hall A & B 2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. C3 (CITY Children Club) @ Cathedral New Sanctuary 5.00 p.m. Saturday Contemporary Service @ Cathedral New Sanctuary (no meetings on 4th & 5th Sat) Shalomkids Ministry (For children with autism) @ Prayer Hall C INFANT BAPTISM Infants may be baptised at this Service: Revd John Lin The Suffering wounded Servant 25 December - 11.15 am (together with adults) Application forms are available at the Information Desk and should be submitted one month in advance. 5 “Notes for 1st session will be given only to those who have pre-registered. For those who have pre-registered but are unable to come for the course, kindly inform CE administrator to cut down on paper wastage.” for our salvation. We also cannot live out our calling as God’s people to a world in need of Christ. COMING UP IN JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 Building Faith Foundations challenges and teaches believers on what it means to live out their salvation according to the will and purpose of God for their lives. Topics include the relevance and authority of Scriptures, the Sovereignty of God, who Jesus is and how is He different from the founders of other faiths, the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and what it means to be a true worshipper and follower of Jesus. The course prepares candidates for baptism and confirmation. It is also open to enquirers who want to find out more about Christianity as well as mature believers who want to strengthen their faith foundation. Romans: God’s Great Renovation Project 20/1 – 24/2 (5 Tues, 7:30pm – 9:30pm @ PHA-C), no class on 17/2 Revd Dr Rick Griffith (Professor of OT & NT Studies, SBC) How can a God of love send people to hell? Don’t all religions lead to heaven? Can a non-believing good person go to heaven? These are common questions asked by both believers and non-believers. The bible does not only provide answers to these and other questions, it also helps us to understand God’s overall plan for the fallen world. God’s plan includes His choice and salvation of the generation of Israel alive at Christ’s return, as well as His plan for all believers to be molded into the likeness of Jesus. How to Know the Will of God 15/11 -29/11 (3 Sat 10am – 12pm @ PH A-B) Pastor Alvin Toh Epiphanies: Life-Changing Encounters with God The course looks at ‘God’s Great Renovation Project’ to give His righteousness to sinful people by faith alone and in Christ alone. It observes & interprets each chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans and how the lessons can be applied to faith in the 21st Century. It intends to: 16/1 (Fri, 7:30pm – 9:30pm) & 17/1 (Sat, 9:30am – 12:30pm) Venue: Prayer Halls A-C Revd Charlie Cleverly • Trace the argument of the book of Romans from beginning to end. • Show the Bible’s teaching on our need for salvation answered in the gospel. • Explain from Scriptures key theological terms, such as justification, sanctification, redemption, propitiation, glorification, etc. • Discern God’s plan for Israel’s future based on the nation’s election. Before You Say, “I Do.” (Marriage Prep Course) 28/2 – 25/4 (9 Sat, 2pm – 4pm @ ST Hall) Retreat 25/4, (Sat, 9:30am – 1:30pm) Revd Michael Lim & Mrs. Judy Lim & Team Building Faith Foundations (Bap-Confirm Prep for Adults & Teens) For more info on the other courses, check SAC’s CE website: Call or email CE staff at 63376104 or sacce@ • James Tan (Ext 177) Complimentary car-park exit tickets will be made available for those who attend the courses. They can be collected in class at the registration table. 24/1 – 24/5 (16 Sat, 2pm – 4pm @ B2RA) Pastor Alvin Toh & Team In a plural society, it is critical that we know the uniqueness of our Christian faith; distinctiveness in beliefs and calling. Without a clear understanding of what we believe, who we are and what we are called to be, we cannot fully appreciate the marvelous work of God 6 prayer highlights DIOCESE OF SINGAPORE for the leadership development as there is a critical lack of trained, mature leaders. Many pastors are caring for 10 or more congregations, often miles apart. • St Hilda’s Church Vicar: Ven Wong Tak Meng Priests: Revd David Lee, Revd Huang Hui Jen Parish Workers: Ms Allison Chee, Ms Amy Lee Bible translation is an urgent need. 51 languages have no Scripture at all and a further 32 have only portions. Pray for more translation teams, including Tanzanians and foreigners, for projects to be completed quickly and well, and for the necessary literacy programmes to accompany the translations. (Source: Operation • St Hilda’s Kindergarten Principal: Mrs Melina Chen • St Hilda’s Community Services Centre Centre Manager: Ms Joanna Ng World, 21st Century Edition, 808-811) • St Hilda’s Church and Schools’ 80th Anniversary Today is the celebration of 80 years of God’s goodness and faithfulness for both the Church and Schools. Theme: Run with Endurance, Race with Joy (Heb 12:1-2). SINGAPORE • School Holidays The school holidays begin this week and we pray for a good time of rest and break for all students and their families. We pray too for opportunities for extended time in devotion – bible reading, prayer and Christian fellowship. ST ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL • Parochial Church Council (PCC) Meeting This Wednesday (19 Nov) We pray for godly wisdom upon our PCC as they meet this Wednesday to deliberate and decide on matters of the Cathedral. • Celebrate Christmas in Singapore (CCIS) 2014, 18-25 Dec 2014 We pray for good weather throughout the event and good opportunities of sharing the joy and peace of Christmas with everyone present. Pray for the Mass Carolling on 24 Dec (Wed) that the singing of traditional Christmas Carols would touch and bless the lives of listeners, especially pre-believers, to know the meaning of Christmas in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all mankind. • Batam Medical Outreach Next Weekend, 22-23 Nov (Sat-Sun) By God’s grace, we give thanks for this God-given ministry and the encouraging support of volunteers to serve as God’s channel of blessings. We pray for those who are coming to receive medical help, may they receive physical healing and also come to know and receive the love and joy of salvation in Jesus Christ. THANKSGIVING We thank God for the lives of the following brothers who went home to the Lord on the respective dates: Wee Tee Yong (5 Nov), Ralph Roberts (8 Nov), Gutav Patrick Sims (9 Nov) and Gabriel Quek Keng Chuan (10 Nov). • Christmas @ Cathedral 22-24 Dec (Mon-Wed) As we look forward to celebrating Christmas @ Cathedral, let us uphold the organisers in their planning and putting together the performances and related activities for this outreach event. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Veena Susan Cherian, Chia Hearn Jiang, Terence Choo. Amy Dang, Annie Dang, Khor Seow Hong, Marjorie Lau, Nancy Li, Ng Beng Tong, William Ng, Maisie Tan, Millie Tan, Sylvia Wong and Lily Yeo. WORLD • Tanzania (Africa) The strong church planting movement in Tanzania has, since the 1980s, birthed new agencies within the country and a greater level of partnership between nationals and expatriate missionaries. There is a strong focus on planning new churches and reaching the remaining unevangelised peoples of Tanzania with much fruit evident in recent years. Prayers are needed Members who know them are encouraged to visit and pray with them. 3
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