St Andrew’s Cathedral T he D iocese O f S ingapo r e Visit our website by scanning this QR code with your smartphone: BISHOP OF SINGAPORE: The Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah ASSISTANT BISHOPS: The Rt Revd Low Jee King The Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng Join our Facebook Group: w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/standrewcath 15 March 2015 mothering sunday FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT COLLECT FOR TODAY Follow us on Twitter: @ standrewcath CHILDREN’S EASTER PARTY, 4 APR (SAT) Children ages 6-14, come join us at the Children’s Easter Party, on 4 Apr (Sat), 2pm-3:30pm at the Cathedral New Sanctuary. We encourage you to invite other pre-believing children too. Please see page 7 for details. HYMNS FOR: 8.00 am : 487, 565, 376, 513 11.15 am : 487, 565, HP96, 376, 513 5.00 pm : HP104, 126, 127, In Christ Alone We warmly welcome you to St Andrew’s Cathedral. Please complete and return this portion to the ushers or the Information Desk, or simply drop it into an offering bag. Name : ________________________________________________ Sex :____ Age: _____ Address : ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________(H) ___________________(HP)____________________(O) Email:________________________________________________________________________ I am a visitor. I would like to be contacted. I wish to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ. Service Attended: _____________ I wish to be a member of St Andrew’s Cathedral. I wish to join a housegroup or a fellowship group. I wish to have a set of tithe/offering envelopes. I wish to register for the CE course. Name of course: __________________________ Others : ___________________________________ Merciful Lord, absolve your people from their offences, that through your bountiful goodness we may all be delivered from the chains of those sins which by our frailty we have committed; grant this, heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ’s sake, our blessed Lord and Saviour, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. COLLECT FOR ASH WEDNESDAY Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: create and make in us new and contrite hearts that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may receive from you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. SCRIPTURE READINGS I) Eph 2:1-10, Church Bible, NT, pg 337. II) John 3:14-21, Church Bible, NT, pg 164. PSALM FOR: 5.00 pm Ps 13, Church Bible, OT, page 885. see pg 8 for Hymns for today DEAN & VICAR: The Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng ASSOCIATE VICAR: The Revd Canon Dr Louis Tay EASTER WEEK EVANGELISTIC EVENT “WHO?” A Drama Presentation 9th – 11th April, 2015 (Thu – Sat) $5 for 11am & 4pm shows; $10 for 7pm & 9pm shows (Tickets available at Information Counter) “Who?” is a tour on the life of Jesus, through drama and music, lights and sounds that bring us through the story of our Messiah. Invite your family & friends to share this journey. Show times: 9/4 (Thu) 11am, 4pm, 7pm 10/4 (Fri) 4pm, 7pm, 9pm 11/4 (Sat) 11am, 4pm, 7pm, 9pm MOTHERING SUNDAY (But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother – Gal 4:26) O heavenly Father, we thank you that by our baptism we have been made members of your great family, the Church; and we pray that we may grow up to be faithful members of that family and learn to love and serve you in the fullness of your Holy Spirit; for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 11 St Andrew’s Road (S. 178959) • Tel: 63376104 / 90022455 (emergency after office hrs) • Fax: 63376107 / 63391197 announcements announcements LENT DEVOTION Mobile Medical Service to the Community (MOFOW) CATHEDRAL FAMILY CAMP 2015 THE WAY OF THE CROSS The Holy Spirit A fresh Outpouring on God’s People We are called, as disciples of Jesus, to love our neighbours as ourselves. This mission affords you an opportunity to do just that. Be a part of this unique mobile medical mission which serves 2 vulnerable population groups by providing free primary healthcare and health screening – the migrant workers living in residential dormitories and the elderly poor living in 1-room HBD estates. You do not have to be a doctor or a nurse to serve. Non-medical volunteers are also most welcome. It only requires about 4 hours of your time on a Saturday evening. If you would like to volunteer, please write to A/Prof. Joseph Thambiah at josephthambiah@ or Mr. Philip Lim at philip_ Date: 7-10 June 2015 [Sun - Wed] Venue: Thistle Hotel, Johor Bahru Camp Speaker: Bishop Rennis Ponniah EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 31/3 & 1/4 7.30pm – 9.30pm @ the Nave An early bird discount of $50 per camper will be applicable to all except for Non-Cathedral members. Bishop Rennis Ponniah & Revd Edmund Chan Early bird discount ends TODAY Registration forms available at Information Desk. Come and spend unhurried time to reflect together on: The EXAMPLE of Jesus in Overcoming a World of Raw Power and Self-Interest. ST ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL CNS HALL (ABOVE CITY HALL MRT) CONTACT US FOR AGES 6-14 86219044 INVITE FRIENDS ORGANISED BY: C3 (ST. ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL) MAKING OF PALM CROSSES Please submit your names early as spaces on the mission teams are at a premium. No prior medical mission experience is necessary. This mission survives by the grace of God and through your generous contributions. If you would like to contribute financially to this logistically intensive mission, please make your cheques out to “St. Andrew’s Community Hospital” with “Mobile Medical Service” written on the back and drop the cheques into the offertory bags. All donations are tax-deductible 250%.. Volunteers are needed to make palm crosses for Palm Sunday which falls on 29 March 15. If you are able to help (men and women), please meet at the Graham White Library (ground floor of the North Transept) at 9.00 am on Saturday, 28 March 15. Bishop Rennis Ponniah 31st March (Tues) The EFFICACY of Jesus in a Compulsive World of Efficiencies and Effectiveness Revd Edmund Chan 1st April (Wed) POSITIONS AVAILABLE A. St Andrew’s Cathedral has an immediate vacancy for the position of BOYS’ BRIGADE (BB) MINISTRY STAFF. Applicants should be an independent worker with a passion to work among children To apply, please send your resume in MS Word or PDF format to hr@ Closing Date: 31 Mar 2015 ASCENSION KINDERGARTEN - 2016 REGISTRATION EXERCISE Registration for 2016 Intake at The Ascension Kindergarten for Anglican Church members will take place on Tuesday, 31 March 2015. For details please checkout our website http://kindergarten.ascension. or the notice board. In 2015, the mission dates are: 18 Apr, 9 May, 4 Jul, 15 Aug, 5 Sep, 17 Oct, 7 Nov B. The Diocesan Office has a vacancy for: PROPERTY OFFICER & ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Please apply to with your updated resume, expected salary and notice period. Only shortlisted applicants will be notified. Closing date tomorrow, 16 March CWF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The CWF AGM will be held on Saturday, 21 March 2015 at The Chapel for All Peoples at 2pm. All church members are cordially invited to the AGM. “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone..” Galatians 6:10a More details are posted on the Notice Board. 2 7 SUNDAY SERVICES 15 MAR MOTHERING SUNDAY FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT SUNDAY SERVICES 22 MAR FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT 7.00 a.m.Holy Communion Ms Mirimba Giam 7.00 a.m.Holy Communion Ds June Tan 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Rt Revd John Tan Walk in the Light or in Darkness 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Rt Revd Hwa Yung Five Loaves and Two Fish 9.00 a.m. Contemporary Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Rt Revd Hwa Yung Five Loaves and Two Fish 9.00 a.m. Contemporary Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Revd Dr Mark Griffiths Senior Minister, Warfield Church, UK And their eyes sparkled 9.30 a.m. Service in Mandarin 11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation Cathedral New Sanctuary 9.30 a.m. Service in Mandarin 11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation Cathedral New Sanctuary 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Rt Revd Hwa Yung Five Loaves and Two Fish 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Rt Revd John Tan Walk in the Light or in Darkness 2.00 p.m. Filipino Holy Communion Mrs Priscilla Tay 2.00 p.m. Filipino Service Miss Joyce Carino 2.00 p.m. Myanmar Worship Service Cathedral New Sanctuary 2.00 p.m. Myanmar Worship Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Canon Louis Tay 2.30 p.m. Bahasa Indonesia Service Chapel for All Peoples Mr Victor Effendie 2.30 p.m. Bahasa Indonesia Service Chapel for All Peoples Mr Victor Effendie 2.30 p.m. Service in Cantonese 2.30 p.m. Service in Cantonese 4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 Revd Freddy Lim 4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 Ms Ella Chua 5.00 p.m.Holy Communion Mr Bill Wilson 5.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m.New Life Service Revd Dennis Lee 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. Acts Centre Sunday Service St. Margaret’s Secondary School Performing Arts Studio Westside Anglican Church (WAC) Revd Timothy Chow WAC Service in Mandarin West Coast Recreation Centre 8AM SUNDAY SCHOOL The 8am Sunday School will not be in session TODAY as the children will be on an outing. 4 (If you have previously made a trip with us, there is no need to repeat this information, except updates if any). Please note the age limit for volunteers is 13 years and above. All who wish to go for mission trip are required to attend: PRAYER and BRIEFING/REGISTRATION at Chapel for All Peoples at 7:30pm on Mon, 13th April. The cost for each volunteer for the return ferry tickets and lunch should be S$40 for upcoming trip. The remaining 2015 mission trips to Batam are planned for the following Saturdays: June 6, Aug 22, Oct 24, Dec 5 We welcome your support and if you wish to contribute, your donations can be made out to “St Andrew’s Cathedral” with “289 Fellowship of the Manger” written on the back of your cheques or envelope. Thursday, 19 MAR 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion @ Chapel for All Peoples Revd Timothy Chow Friday, 20 MAR 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 10.30 a.m. Mandarin Senior Citizens’ Meeting @ CNS 2.00 p.m. LYnC Youth Ministry @North Transept Hall End Times 8.00 a.m. Sunday School 9.00 a.m. Sunday School 9.30 a.m. Sunday School (Mandarin) 11.15 a.m. Sunday School 5.00 p.m. Sunday School Passport Name Passport Number Nationality Date of Birth Mobile Number Sex Cathedral Service attending Passport Expiry Date Wednesday, 18 MAR 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 12.45 p.m. Holy Communion @ Prayer Hall A&B Revd Soon Soo Kee 5.15 p.m. Evening Prayer 7.30 p.m. PETALS @ Graham White Library Pulling weeds – bad habits and attitudes 5.00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL ministries EXTENSION CENTRES Tuesday, 17 MAR 7.30 a.m. Clergy & Leaders Holy Communion Saturday, 21 MAR 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 7.30 p.m.New Life Service Revd Ng Koon Sheng Service in Mandarin Cathedral New Sanctuary On 18th April 2015 the “289 Fellowship of the Manger” mission team will be distributing food to about 2000 families in Batam. During the Food Distribution we will also conduct Children’s ministry in partnership with Peduli Bangsa an Indonesian NGO and Gereja Anglikan Indonesia. If you would like to join us for this mission, please email Mike Nga at or sms to 91077941; providing: Monday, 16 MAR 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 5.00 p.m.Evensong Ds Bessie Lee Service in Mandarin Cathedral New Sanctuary 289 FELLOWSHIP OF THE MANGER WEEKDAY SERVICES/MEETINGS 2.00 p.m. Young Adults’ Ministry @ Prayer Hall A & B Gossiping the Gospel 2.00 p.m. C3 (CITY Children Club) @ Cathedral New Sanctuary (no meetings on 4th & 5th Sat) 2.30 p.m. 5.00 p.m. Shalomkids Ministry (For children with autism) @ Prayer Hall C Saturday Contemporary Service @ Cathedral New Sanctuary Mr Alvin Toh 5 “Notes for 1st session will be given only to those who have pre-registered. For those who have pre-registered but are unable to come for the course, kindly inform CE administrator to cut down on paper wastage.” Discipleship, Holiness & Revival 20/3 (Fri, 7.30pm-9.30pm); 21/3 (Sat, 9.30am- 1pm @ PHA-C) Bishop Hwa Yung (Bishop Emeritus of the Methodist Church in Malaysia) The Gospel is the result of the work of the Holy Spirit in revival on the one hand, and the prayers, holy lives and faithfulness of God’s people on the other. The seminar will focus on two movements in Church history and the lessons we can learn from them today on discipleship, holiness and revival. • The Moravian community which sent out a total of 2,158 missionaries in its first 150 years. American missiologist, A. T. Pierson, said this of the Moravians: “Holy living, ceaseless praying and cheerful giving constitute their conception of discipleship…” • OT narrative techniques and the Book of Esther. • Reading the Book of Esther canonically: what difference does it make when we read Esther in the context of the OT as a whole? • Esther, queen of Persia: heroine or backslider? • Where is God in the Book of Esther? The question of divine providence. PROVINCE OF SOUTH EAST ASIA Becoming a Contagious Christian 11/4 – 25/4 (3 Sat 9:30am -12:30pm @ PHA-B) Facilitator: Revd Peter Chen $16/- for Participant’s Guide DIOCESE OF SINGAPORE Our loved ones, friends and colleagues may be curious to know how our faith in Jesus has changed our life, our worldview and relationships. Often instead of passionately telling them about God’s transforming power in salvation, we are tongue-tied and do not know what to say. How do you share with others clearly and convincingly what God has done for you? This course will equip believers to be able to do relational evangelism and sharpen our skills in sharing the good news. Based on the talks “Becoming a Contagious Christian” by Mark Mittelberg, Lee Strobel & Bill Hybels, it is an interactive and practical training on how to share our faith with others. Topics include: • The Benefits of Becoming a Contagious Christian. • How to be yourself and impact others. • Telling your story and communicating God’s message. • Helping your friends cross the line of faith. • Early Methodism, under John Wesley, grew to almost 5% of England’s population in its first 100 years. Roy Hattersley, a former Deputy Labour Party leader in Britain, said Methodism “encouraged the working poor to be ambitious, industrious and respectable…” Cathedral Lenten Devotions The Way of the Cross 31/3 (Tues) & 1/4 (Wed), 7.30– 9.30pm @ the Nave Bishop Rennis Ponniah & Revd Edmund Chan “Jesus told his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me…’” (Matt 16: 24). During this period of Lent, let us reflect together what it means for us to be distinctive in mindset, values, and life in a world in need of Christ. 31/3 (Tues) – The EXAMPLE of Jesus in Overcoming a World of Raw Power and Self-Interest – Bishop Rennis Ponniah COMING UP IN MAY Paul, the Man & his Letters 5/5 – 26/5 (4 Tues, 7:30pm – 9:30pm @ PH A-C) Revd Peter Chen & Mrs. Rosalind Chen 1/4 (Wed) – The EFFICACY of Jesus in a Compulsive World of Efficiencies and Effectiveness – Revd Edmund Chan Jesus Discovery Seminar (1) 9/5 – 30/5 (4 Sat, 2pm – 4pm @ ST Hall) $3/- for discussion booklet Esther: The Providence of God 7/4- 28/4 (4 Tues, 7:30pm – 9:30pm @ PHA-C) Dr Philip Satterthwaite Holistic Care for the Elderly 30/5 – 13/6 (3 Sat 9:30am – 12:30pm @ PH A-B) Revd Freddy Lim & Dr Goh Soon Noi Venue: Prayer Halls A-B (Principal, Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Lecturer in Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew & Hermeneutics) What were Esther, Mordecai and many of her fellow Jews doing in Susa when they could have been back in Judah helping to re-establish God’s people in the Land of Promise? Why did Esther participate in a beauty contest where the first prize was to win a place in the harem of the Xerxes King of Persia? This course will address the following topics: Building Faith Foundations (Baptism & Confirmation) 31/5 – 4/10 (16 Sun, 2:30 – 4:30pm @ B2RA) Revd Peter Chen & Team $10/- for Course book 6 prayer highlights Bp Rennis Ponniah being the Camp Speaker on the topic of ‘The Holy Spirit – A Fresh Outpouring on God’s People.’ • Newly-Appointed Bishop of Sabah The Provincial House of Bishops of the Province of South East Asia is pleased to announce that Rt Revd Melter Tais has been appointed the 6th Bishop of Sabah. WORLD • Brazil (Latin America) The emergence of evangelicals in Brazil has been dramatic. Yet despite the growth – from 2.9% in 1960 (2 million) to 26.3% in 2010 (51.2 million) – there are many prayer needs: • St George’s Church Vicar: Revd Mark Dickens Priests: Revd Dr Soh Guan Chin (Hon), Revd Timothy Khoo (Hon) - Numerical rather than spiritual growth is the emphasis of too many groups, to the point of dishonest inflation of numbers and disregard for discipleship. As a result, churches have ‘multiplied’ but congregations are filled with immature, unfed spiritual infants whose faith is overly based on emotionalism, petty legalism and the personality of leaders. Such zeal without maturity leads spiritual error, nominalism, widespread church-hopping without commitment to a particular church and large-scale backsliding. - There could be over 4,000 distinct evangelical groups with almost every theological disagreement or inter-personal conflict. Pray for lasting unity, fellowship and prayerful cooperation. (Source: Operation World, 21st Century Edition, pp. • Prayer for the Diocese Family To awaken to God’s Voice each day: - Listening to Him daily for everything we need. - Confess where there is a lack of Spirit-led reforming work in our hearts. - Admit and submit our ignorance to God. As we only know in part, we shall not conjecture so that we will not be hindered in building upon God’s revelation. - Submitting to God’s Lordship, we shall be humble, not wise in our own eyes, and we will not be prideful when He blesses us with fruitfulness. ST ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL • Lent Season This Lent, let us remember that costly and sustaining grace has unquestionably delivered us out of the kingdom of darkness. If there are dark areas of our lives that we have yet to totally yield to God, surrender these in faith. Let us be determined to experience freedom in Him and become a testimony of his abundant grace and transforming power! (Excerpt from Daily Devotions for Lent 2015, Bible Society of Singapore, p76) 164-5) SINGAPORE • School Holidays (14-22 Mar) Thank God for a week of break for school going children. May it be a time of rest and refreshing of body, soul & spirit. • Jubilee Day of Prayer (JDOP), 05 Jul (Sun) Let us gather momentum and pray for the many pre-believers in our nation that in this year of SG50, many would come to a personal relationship with the living Christ – children, youths, adults, spouses, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbours and others. • SAC Family Camp 2015, 07-10 Jun (Sun – Wed) We pray for members to set aside time to feed on God’s word and fellowship with the wider body of Cathedral at this biennial camp. Let us uphold PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Patrick Boyd, Chia Hearn Jiang, Terence Choo. Amy Dang, Annie Dang, Khor Seow Hong, Marjorie Lau, Nancy Li, William Ng, Alvin Oh, Madeline Quah and Lily Yeo. Members who know them are encouraged to visit and pray with them. 3
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