Thursday 13 November 2014 Dear Parent/Caregiver It was great to see so many of you at the gala on Saturday. Thank you to the PTA and everyone else who helped or donated items. We are looking forward to having a kitchen that we can cook in with the children. The second half of this term is looking very busy with lots of events coming up. Please take the time to read through what we will be doing over the next five and a half weeks at school. Hot Shots Tennis The children have just completed four half hour tennis lessons over the past four weeks. The lessons were delivered in a fun way. The children participated in games and activities that developed their hand eye co-‐ordination. This event was made possible because of the support from the PTA who paid for half the cost of having these lessons. The other half of the cost was covered by the school. The lessons were dvelivered by Ngaire and Ash from the Wakefield Tennis Club. Swimming Lessons Swimming lessons started on Monday. Please ensure your child comes to school with their swimming togs and goggles every day. Sometimes there needs to be changes made to times and days due to other events happening in the school. If your child is doing the paid swimming lessons then they will have two half hour lessons a week. Later in the term there will be an opportunity for you to come along and see your child swimming. Please see your childs home base teacher for days and times. Please ensure your child is wearing clothing that they can easily take off and put back on independently. Year 3 and 4 Athletics The annual Year 3 and 4 athletics with Brightwater School will be on Tuesday 18 November at Wakefield School. The teachers involved in running the events on the day will be Julie, Bek, Lyn and Isobel. Please ensure your child comes to school with a hat, suncream on, suitable footwear for running in and a drink bottle. Christmas Songs All students in the Matai syndicate will be singing their Christmas songs on Thursday 11 December at 2:00pm in the school hall. After this the students will get an ice block. Please see your childs home base teacher if your child is unable to have an ice block. We look forward to seeing you there. ADDRESS Edward Street Wakefield 7025 ▼ TELEPHONE 03 541 8332 EMAIL ▼ WEBSITE Final Assembly and Prizegiving This will be on the evening of Tuesday 16 December in the school hall. It would be great to see you there. This is a new event for us. Reports/ Optional interviews Progress reports will go home on Monday 15 December to those children who have been at school 6 months, 18 months and 30 months. National Standards reports will go home the same day for students who have been at school 12 months, 24 months and 36 months. If your child receives a report this term and you would like to have an interview please see your childs home base teacher to arrange a time. Teachers will be available for interviews the week before the report goes home (Monday 8 December-‐ Thursday 11 December). If you child is getting their 6 months at school and after one year at school report this term then their home base teacher will be in contact to arrange an interview time. Learning conferences will take place early in Term 1 with the 2015 home base teacher. Class Placements for 2015 Your child will find out who their home base teacher is in the last week of the term. This information will be sent home informing you of your child’s home base and home base teachers. Being Safe in the Sun With the weather getting warmer it is important your child comes to school with a sun hat. If your child does not have their hat then they will not be able to play out in the sun. We also ask that the children wear clothing that covers their shoulders. Shoe string tops are not suitable. Science Experiments The children are taking part in a variety of science experiments. We are also very lucky that Marco Doblanovic who is a secondary science teacher, parent and board of trustees chairman is coming into school and doing one off science experiments in some of the Matai syndicate classrooms. Thank you for all the support with your child’s learning this year. It is greatly appreciated and does make a difference. If you have any questions about what is happening this term please see your child’s home base teacher. Melissa, Sue, Paula, Michelle, Anna, Sylvia, Lyn, Isobel and Carol ADDRESS Edward Street Wakefield 7025 ▼ TELEPHONE 03 541 8332 EMAIL ▼ WEBSITE
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