To: Rensselaer Be enefits Eligible e Faculty & Staff S (Troy Caampus) From: Curtis N. Pow well, SPHR Vice V Presidentt for Human Resources Date: November N 11 1, 2014 Re: What’s W New in i Benefits fo or 2015 The 2015 5 Annual Ben nefits Open Enrollment Period is Fri day, Novem mber 14, 2014 through Frriday, Novembe er 28, 2014. The Annual Benefits Open Enrollm ment period is an importaant time to rreview your currrent benefitss; assess you ur coverage needs; and make changges to benefiit plan electiions for you and your y eligible e family mem mbers. The benefit b electtions you cho oose will be effective Jaanuary 1, 2015, and will remain in effect th hrough the 2015 2 calend ar year. While other organizaations are either reducing or eliminnating their medical, prescription and other benefit plans p for their employee es, Rensselae er continuess to provide a compreheensive and afffordable benefits program. Partnerships with Capital District Phyysician’s Heaalth Plan (CD DPHP), Anth hem, AIG, and Deltaa Dental enaable Rensselaer to provide the best coverages in the markeetplace. Also o, we will strengthe en our Heaalthy Campu us Initiativess to includee new wellness prograams and paarticipant incentive es. Rensselaer’s benefitss program re epresents a significant pportion of yo our total com mpensation, and the Total Com mpensation Initiative co ontinues to be b instrumenntal in ensurring stable employment and pay growth fo or our facultty and staff, as well as ensuring thatt our benefitts programs are comprehensive and afforrdable. As Rensselaer is reco ognized locallly and natio onally for thee depth and breadth of iits compenssation and bene efits program ms, we offer core benefits such as m medical and d dental insuraance, retirem ment programs, tuition reiimbursemen nt, travel acccident insuraance, adoption assistancce, and Pinch h Hitter Elder & Child C Care prrograms. Our goal is to provide p you and your eliigible family members w with an affordable, comprehensive and quality q bene efits packagee. Annual Benefits B Fairr & Faculty and a Staff Ap ppreciation D Day oin us for the e Annual Ben nefits Fair & Faculty andd Staff Appreeciation Day scheduled ffor Please jo Friday, November N 14 4, 2014, betw ween 10:30aam to 2:00pm m at the Easst Campus A Athletic Villa age (ECAV). WHAT ISS CHANGING G IN 2015? NEW!! Delta Dental is our ne ew dental carrier. c The D Delta Dental plan will h have reduced d rates and en nhanced ben nefits with a 12% reductiion in cost! This means you will seee no increasee in your dental payroll deductions. The e enhanced benefits incclude Diagno ostic and Preeventive Servvices (Examss, cleanings, x-rays, perio odontal maintenance annd sealants) that will no ot count toward your $1,500 0 per person per year maaximum! New AIG! A Benefit Solutions S is the new Life e and Disabillity Insurancce Partner. A AIG is replaccing the current MetLife Liffe and Disab bility offeringg, but the plaan design will remain th he same. e open enrrollment pe eriod, AIG iis offering g employee es (with the e Also, during the excep ption of tho ose who ha ad previou usly been d declined co overage), tthe option to enrolll in the Sup pplementa al Life plan,, and electt up to the Guarantee e Issue Am mount of the e lesser of three times base pay y or $300,0 000 withou ut providing g medical eviden nce. With AIG, A you will continue to have accesss to a numbeer of importtant servicess including W Will and Funeraal Preparatio on, and access to a numb ber of new sservices like AIG Benefitss Travel Assiist program which inccludes travell assistance, medical asssistance, con ncierge services, personaal securitty and identiity-theft assiistance. Furrthermore, aas a result off our continu ued partnersship, we have reduced the AIG EyeMed d Vision Plan n costs by 500%! 2015 Premium P Deductions D s Per Pay Period P The premiums for our medicall, dental and d vision plan s for full tim me faculty an nd staff are sshown in the following f ch harts, and refflect your acctual payroll deductions. Please rem member thatt premiu ums for med dical, dental and vision plans p are dedducted from m 24 pay periiods annually, on a tax-fre ee basis whicch means, yo ou do not paay federal, sttate, or Social Security / Medicare taaxes on the premiums. The employyee rates rep present yourr cost for meedical, dentaal and vision coveraage. Rensselaaer pays the e remaining cost. c Individ dual Covera age Person Two P Cove erage mily Fam Cove erage $73.9 94 $57.0 02 $14 47.90 $114.04 $211.49 $152.82 Individ dual Covera age Person Two P Cove erage mily Fam Cove erage $68.0 02 $52.4 46 $136.06 $104.92 $19 94.57 $14 40.59 Individ dual Covera age Two P Person Cove erage Fam mily Cove erage AIG EyeMed E Visio on Plan COST TS ARE DECR REASING BY 50 0%! $2.43 $4.65 $6 6.72 Delta a Dental Plan n COSTS ARE E DECREASIING BY 12%!! $4.97 $9.92 $16 6.85 For Faculty/Stafff with Pay Above A $50,000 0 Rens sselaer Healtth Plan Rens sselaer HMO O For Faculty/Stafff with Pay $5 50,000 and Le ess Rens sselaer Health Plan Rens sselaer HMO All Faculty/Staff F Rensselaer Health h Plan (RHP) Change e The Out-of-Pocket Maximum M under the Rensselaer Heallth Plan will change from m $6,350 to $6,600 for individual coverage, and from m $12,700 to o $13,200 foor family covverage, in ord der to comp ply with the Patie ent Protectio on and Affordable Care Act A (PPACA).. ment Progra am Update e for 2015 Retirem The 2015 5 contributio on limit for the Supplemental Retire ment Prograam is $18,00 00. For faculty and staff age 50 and olde er, the catch-up contribu ution limit is $6,000. Healthy y Campus Initiatives I for f 2015! Begin the e new beneffits year with h a healthierr you! Take aadvantage o of Rensselaerr’s Health Prromotion & Wellne ess Programs available to faculty and d staff. The ffollowing prrogram activvities are free, or offered at a a reduced rate to eligiible employe ees. • • • • • • VS Pharmaccy and at thee Benefits Faair Frree Flu Shotts –At any CV LiifePoints - In ncentives forr Biometric Screening S annd Personal Health Risk Assessmentts Health H Coach h follow up to o ensure em mployees undderstand health risks Weight W Watchers Discoun nts up to 50% Defensive D Driiving Trainin ng Discount up u to 50% Walking/Run W ning Program m – Book Sto ore or Compputer Store G Gift Certificaates up to $1 15 ****** THREE EA ASY STEPS S TO A HEEALTHY LIFESTYLE ****** O STEP ONE STEP TWO Get Your Very V Own BIO OMETRIC Scre eening at thee BENEFITS FAIR! One im mportant com mponent to the H Assesssment is know wing a varietyy Personal Health of baselin ne health meaasures critical to assessing risk-factors for disease e. STEP ONE is to get your free, conffidential, com mprehensive biometric b screeninggs which will be b provided by b CDPHP and d St. Peter'ss Health Care Services. Screenings, approximately 15-minu utes in duratiion, involve a finger-sticck reading forr blood glucosse levels, totaal cholestero ol, HDL, LDL & Triglyceride e levels, and blood pre essure and Bo ody Mass Inde ex. Com mplete your vvery own Perrsonal Health Asssessment. On nce you have completed th he Bioometrics Screening you aree ready for STTEP TW WO. The CDPH HP Personal H Health Assessm ment (PH HA) is an interractive onlinee survey desiggned to hellp employeess identify areaas for health impprovement, sset realistic heealth goals, and creeate an action n plan based o on one's read diness to maake changes. TThe PHA can be completed onlline ( Your indivvidual PH A results will NOT be sharred with Renssselaer. HREE STEP TH As an inccentive, each h employee who w comple etes both thee Personal H Health Assessment and Biometric Screening at the Beneffits Fair will receive the following grreat gifts: $2 20 gift card tto the Campus Bookstore or o Computer Store, plus 10% off giftt card to the Campus Bo ookstore, plu us $10 gift card to classes at the Muelle er Center. Online Open Enrollment for 2015 During this year’s open enrollment period, you are required to utilize an online interactive tool only if you are: 1. Making a change to your current benefit elections; 2. Signing up for new benefits; or 3. Enrolling in the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program. Please remember the FSA program has mandatory re-enrollment every year. You must make these changes using Benelogic. Benelogic is a state of the art, online benefits administrator. Benelogic’s website is Changes must be made online between November 14, 2014 and November 28, 2014. TO MAKE BENEFIT CHANGES OR RE-ENROLL IN THE FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT (FSA) FOR 2015: Go to Enter your User ID = RCS Sign on Enter your RCS password Follow instructions and enroll in your 2015 benefits Click the Finish Button to save your elections and Print your confirmation statement For assistance, you may call a Benelogic Customer Service Representative at 866-415-4391 Need More Information? Should you have any questions regarding the benefits enrollment for 2015, please contact Louis Padula, Director of Benefits, Retirement and HRIS at 276-6164.
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