The Monthly View November 23—December 20 The Pastor’s View Volume 6 Issue 11 Pastor Marc Reeves Inside This Issue Dear Church, West View is truly a blessed place! Thank you, Church, for your kind and generous gi3 to the pastoral staff. We all count it a privilege to serve the Lord in this place, and you all make it such a blessing to serve. The Holidays are quickly approaching! There will be a flurry of ac vity as we prepare for Thanksgiving together, Christmas programs, and the celebra on of Christmas itself. Let me take a moment to remind you that now is the best me to invite family and friends to a+end worship with you. I would also encourage you to make your house a home of peace this year. Let it be the place where others come and where they want to return because they feel the love and presence of Jesus while they are there with you. It doesn’t take a big house, bright lights, or lots of stuff. What is needed is for you to have a listening ear, a kind word, and an open door. Children/Preschool 2 West View Music 2 His Heart Our Hands 2 Women’s Ministry 2 Ac ve Adults 3 Youth Ministry 3 Celebrate Recovery 3 Calendar 4 Looking forward to a great adventure in 2015 as we see what God holds next in store for the people He loves here at West View! West View Church Covenant Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and, on the profession of our faith, having been bap zed in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Chris an love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all na ons. We also engage to maintain family and secret devo ons; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salva on of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings; faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all ta+ling, backbi ng, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of, and use of, destruc ve drugs or intoxica ng drinks as a beverage; to shun pornography; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cul vate Chris an sympathy in feeling and Chris an courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconcilia on and mindful of the rules of our Savior and secure it without delay. We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and principles of God’s Word. Page 2 Volume 6 Issue 11 Children/Preschool Report Billy Hardesty November 7 and 8 we had our annual Preschool and Children’s Fall Fes vals. This year we decided to hold these events at the West View gym to keep the kids a li+le warmer. We did enjoy roas ng hot dogs and marshmallows over an open fire (outside, of course). We played several games, like musical chairs, cake walk, and bobbing for gummy worms in whipped cream. I was surprised by the number of visitors we had during the Children’s Fall Fes val. We did not do much promo ng outside the church, and we s ll had several visitors. Pray as we minister to these new families! I want to remind everyone about the free text message service that we have through the Children’s Department. If you would like to receive messages/updates via text, text westviewch to (859) 757-0261. You can opt out of messages at any me by replying unsubscribe @westviewch. To receive these messages and updates via email, send an email to To unsubscribe, reply with unsubscribe in the subject line. This is a simple way to stay in touch with what is taking place in the Children’s Department. Thank you! West View Music Richie Williams It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!! Well, it’s almost geCng here. ☺ The 2014 Christmas Cantata is going along well, except we are missing something— YOU! We rehearse every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m., right a3er our Wednesday night services. We have had a good number show up each week to prepare, but we need more folks to come alongside our “regulars” and help make this a cantata to remember. Need more convincing? Did you know that it has been scien fically proven that a+ending and singing in a choir WILL help lower your stress, chance of a stroke, and blood pressure?! Not to men on the sa sfac on of accomplishing something that brings praise and glory to our Risen Savior! It’s a WIN-WIN! I hope you’ll consider joining us. Even if you have yet to a+end, it’s not too late! We have plenty of rehearsals to get you caught up. Here’s the remaining schedule: Wednesday, November 19 Sunday, November 30 Wednesday, December 3 Sunday, December 7 Wednesday, December 10 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Sunday, December 14 Wednesday, December 17 Saturday, December 20 Sunday, December 21 His Heart our Hands Food Pantry Kathy Bacigalupo, Phillip/Jessica Morris During the month of October, we served: 244 Households 49 New Households 757 Individuals 169 New Individuals During the month of November we are collec ng canned soup. You may bring your dona on either Sunday, November 23, or Sunday, November 30. Please pray for us as we minister to these families, especially during the holiday season. If you would like to volunteer to work in the food pantry, please see Kathy Bacigalupo. 7:15 PM (a3er Children’s Performance) 6:30 PM 7:00 PM PERFORMANCE 11:00 AM PERFORMANCE Women of West View Kathy Mitchell On Monday, December 8, the Women of West View will gather in the gym at 6:30 PM to write Christmas cards to women in our state prisons. Carol Foster will be our guest speaker to tell us about her ministry to women at McPherson Prison in Newport. Christmas cards will be provided—you do not need to bring any. Each women is asked to bring her favorite Christmas treat to share, as well as 5 postage stamps. Come be a part of making this Christmas special for incarcerated women! Page 3 The Monthly View Ac5ve Adults Ronnie Winn West View’s Ac ve Adults took a couple of fall trips. The pictures below show some of the fun and interes ng things we were able to see and do. The ac vi es below were at Blanchard Springs Caverns and Pumpkin Hollow. Upcoming November ac vi es include: Ac ve Adult Thanksgiving catered meal on November 18 in the West View Gym at noon. Special guest entertainment will be Paragould’s 5th Grade Class. The GCBA Quarterly Senior Adult Fellowship will be on November 20 at Fairview Bap st. Bus leaves at 10:00 a.m., fellowship begins at 10:30 a.m. Our Blytheville Delta Christmas Lights Tour by George Hubbard with supper at Olympia Steak & Seafood Restaurant will be November 25. Bus leaves at 3:30 p.m. West View Ac ve Adults—being ac ve and showing the love of Christ as we go! Youth Ministry Update Robert Piercy This past month, the 7th-8th Graders Small Group was rewarded with breakfast for winning a friendly compe on in conjunc on with our Fall Revival. They had the highest percentage of their class membership present on High A+endance Sunday. On October 17, West View’s Student Ministry fed the Greene County Tech football team before their game. We would like to especially thank Melanie Lane, Meredith Baine, Shana Williams, Janet Rodriguez, and Addie Piercy for their help. This meal gave us the opportunity to share the Gospel, and we invited each player to a+end our annual Bonfire & Hayride. This year’s Bonfire & Hayride was the biggest yet! We met again at the home of Doug & Dana Williams, along with over 70 students! There were so many 1st- me visitors, as well. We were proud to see how many friends our own students had invited. John Lane will be speaking to our Leadership 101 Class on Sunday, November 16, at 5:00 p.m. He will be covering aspects of both business and church leadership, and how to honor God through it all. We are looking forward to hearing from Bro. John. Student Leadership University info packets are now available! If you have not yet received informa on on this incredible opportunity, please contact Bro. Robert right away. As a church, we are commi+ed to working with any student who is willing to put forth the effort to go, in order to make it financially viable. Celebrate Recovery Francis Shelton Celebrate Recovery meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.—come and join us! Do you have a story about how God changed your life? Why not come and share with those who really need to find hope? See me and get plugged in. We are always amazed by how just telling about our struggles and what Jesus did for us can give someone else so much hope. Our average a+endance for October was 25. We are always in need of more helpers. Please pray about what you have to offer, and give it a try. 2014 Lottie Moon Offering Week of Prayer Nov. 30-Dec. 7 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID PARAGOULD, AR 72451 PERMIT NO. 701 We’reHereForYou! Marc Reeves, Senior Pastor 701 W Morgan St Paragould, AR 72450 Phone 870.236.7195 Fax 870.236.1150 E-mail: , To receive reminders on church closings & special events from the pastor via text, please text “@mywestview” to 501-404-4110. To receive reminders on church closings & special events from the pastor via email, please send an email to November 23—December 20 SUN 23 Small Groups 10 AM MON 24 Blended Worship 11 AM TUE 25 Sunshine Manor Care Day 10 AM Ac ve Adults to Delta Christmas Lights Bus leaves 3:30 PM Thanksgiving Meal 12 PM Discipleship Grps/Child. Christmas Rehearsal 5 PM WED THU 26 NO MID-WEEK MEAL 27 NO FOOD PANTRY Celeb. Rec/GriefShare/ Bible Drills 6:30 PM Church Office Closed FRI SAT 28 Church Office Closed 29 04 His Heart Our Hands Food Panty 10am-2pm 05 06 Men’s Breakfast 8 AM 11 His Heart Our Hands Food Panty 10am-2pm 12 13 18 His Heart Our Hands Food Panty 10am-2pm 19 20 Adult Cantata 7 PM Adult Cantata Rehears. 7:30 PM Ac ve Adult Service 6 PM 30 Trad. Service 9 AM 01 WMU Meets 1:30 PM Small Groups 10 AM 02 Chateau on the Ridge Care Day 10 AM Ac ve Adults Hickory Log Trip Cont. Service 11 AM Discipleship Grps /Child. Christmas Rehearsal 5 PM 03 Mid-Week Meal 6 PM Celeb. Rec/GriefShare/ Bible Drills 6:30 PM Adult Cantata Rehears. 7:30 PM 5th Sunday Singing 6 PM 07 Trad. Service 9 AM Small Groups 10 AM 08 Women of West View 6:30 PM 09 Belle Meade Care Day 10 AM 10 Mid-Week Meal 6 PM 15 16 Greene Acres Care Day 10 AM 17 Mid-Week Meal 6 PM Cont. Service 11 AM Kieffner Baby Shower 2 PM Discipleship Grps /Child. Christmas Rehearsal 5 PM Celeb. Rec/GriefShare/ Secret Sis Reveal Party Bible Drills 6:30 PM 6 PM– Wigginton Home Adult Cantata Rehears. 7:30 PM Evening Worship 6 PM 14 Small Groups 10 AM Blended Worship 11 AM Christmas Meal 12 PM Discipleship Grps 5 PM Children’s Program 6 PM Celeb. Rec/GriefShare/ Bible Drills 6:30 PM Adult Cantata Rehears. 7:30 PM
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