November 2014 Mid-Monthly Ministry To Offer New Life in Jesus Christ by Seeking, Shaping and Sending Disciples Thanksgiving Dinner at 1st Church A Tradition Continues Come join us for a Thanksgiving Turkey with all the trimmings November 27th from Noon-3 pm In the Life Center—Completely Free Meal carry-out and delivery will be available If you are interested in helping this year We would sure appreciate it The Gift of Helping others is the most wonderful feeling in the world. If you are interested please contact Chris Wilkins 624-6097 or Gail Sexton 639-3842 Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 2 IT’S BROWN BAG SUNDAY—November 23rd. Time to bring a bag filled with non-perishable grocery items to the Church. Items collected will go to local food pantries and shelters in Charlotte County to assist with the increased need during the holiday season. Thank you!! JOURNEY INTO LIVING WISELY IN A FOOLISH WORLD Paradigm Bible Class presents a new study on November 23rd. God has given us a book filled with wisdom about money, marriage, work, anger, stress, health, parenting, making friends, etc. It is called the book of Proverbs. Lesson titles in this 13-lesson study of selected proverbs include: Becoming Wise, Help for Hotheads, Mastering Your Mouth, Finding Fantastic Friends, The Worst of All Sins, Leaving Laziness, Getting Out of Debt, Eliminating Envy, Wisdom for Better Health, Stifling Stress, Improving Your Marriage, Positive Parenting Principles, etc. The Class will meet Sunday mornings at 9:15 in room 13 beginning November 23rd Holiday Gala to Honor Pastor Bob Carlson First Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church and Macedonia Human Services, Inc. invite you to the 3rd Annual Holiday Gala on Saturday December 6th beginning at 5:00 pm. For information, contact Melody Washington at (941) 637-7743. Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 3 Christmas Cross Project Did you get coal in your Christmas stocking? Maybe you are too young to know about coal in your stocking...but it wasn’t good. We still hang stockings and hope for nice surprises today. It is a Christmas tradition. Here at 1st Church we want to bring happy surprises to people who are unable to have a Christmas stocking to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We will be erecting a Christmas Cross next to the parking lot by the Life Center on November 30 and December 7th. The tree will be decorated with small stockings holding a Christmas wish from those who need some special Christmas cheer. Please choose a stocking that will bring Christmas joy to a special person. The tree will be available after each service. O’ Come All Ye Faithful O’ Come All Ye Faithful, joyful and triumphant! What beautiful words for a Christmas Carol. The sound of the words make you swell with love for the new born Christ. Do you want to know how you can be joyful and triumphant? You can raise your voice in joy as a Caroler on December 21. You can take the joy to others who may not be able to be so joyful, but who still treasure the sounds of the season. Carolers will meet at the Church at 3 p.m. on December 21. Caroling will be from 3 – 5 pm, visiting homebound members and care facilities to spread the Christmas spirit. Afterwards we will regroup at the Church for a pot luck supper…celebrating the contribution to the joy of Christ’s birthday. Won’t you think about joining this group? The more people, the stronger the message goes out. “O Come All Ye Faithful.” If you have questions, call or email the CareMinistry Carol Coordinator, Linda Rines: Email: Phone: 941-637-8769. Watch for more information in the December Chimes. Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 4 Invite Your Friends and Family Come Join as we Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ Christmas Eve Services 1st United Methodist Church 4 pm, 7 pm, and 10 pm Music Department Christmas Concert Make plans to attend our annual Christmas Concert! Sunday, December 7th 3:00 pm Sanctuary The concert will feature selections from our Chancel Choir, Children’s Music Department and our wonderful Church musicians. This is a free event and open to the public Notice: 1st Church Council Meeting on Monday, December 8th 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Open for all church members to attend. The Church office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and Friday, November 28th to allow church staff time with family. Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 5 Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 6 I C a re M i n i s t e r s S p re a d t h e H a r v e s t You have been hearing about the CareMinistry’s new outreach, the Meal Ministry. Sometimes we read or hear about something but then quit thinking about it. We may be too busy or too distracted to give it much thought. After all it isn’t “my” responsibility to help and “I am sure they have enough people helping.” But, the CareMinistry does need your help. Become an ICare Minister and enrich fellow member’s lives by providing a meal when they most need it. Read the following quotes from people who have received a meal to see how much this service means. “What a blessing to come home from the hospital and find a wonderful home-cooked meal.” “Such a wonderful way to realize I have good friends in my church.” “Thanks for taking time to love us through giving us this special meal.” “Our church really cares. Every meal brought was the best! And a visit was an added blessing.” Doesn’t it make you feel good to see how much this program serves the Lord and adds to our Church fellowship? You can be part of this new outreach. Email or call Coordinators for more information. Shirley Bussee, or 941-637-5791 Joyce Tilden, or 941-575-1568 Florida United Methodist Children’s Home Page 7 Mid-Monthly Ministry The Alpha Course is Returning to the community of 1st United Methodist Church of Punta Gorda as well as to Charlotte County and Southwest Florida. As many people have experienced, the Holy Spirit has been working very successfully through the Alpha course to answer some of our deepest questions about the meaning of life. The Alpha Course is designed to help people better understand their faith and grow in their relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Hosting the Alpha course will bring all the best of our church to the community through hospitality, fellowship, worship, learning and exploring together what this new life with Jesus Christ can truly look like. Each gathering begins with a meal and refreshments—a chance to get to know others and then a short period of gathering music. Following this, a short video will address different aspects of the Christian faith. Small groups will gather for a time of discussion and everyone is welcome to contribute their opinion and ask questions. People usually remain in the same small group for the duration of the course so they can get to know each other, continue discussions and deepen friendships. The emphasis is upon exploration and discovery in a relaxed and informal environment. Our God-given vision to “Offer New Life in Jesus Christ by Seeking, Shaping and Sending Disciples” is on our hearts. Each of us is in the middle of a great story. The question is—how is God seeking, shaping and sending you at a time such as this? Let Him woo you into a deeper and fuller relationship with Him by engaging in the Alpha course. Coming to you January 8, 2015 on Thursday nights from 6-8 pm. Meals and childcare will be provided. No fee to attend. Plan to be there and bring a neighbor or friend. Over 12 Weeks, the Alpha Course will address questions such as: Is there more to life than this? Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How can we have faith? Why and how do I pray? Why and how should I read the bible? How does God guide us? Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? How can I make the most of the rest of my life? How can I resist evil? Why and how should we tell others? Does God heal today? What about the Church? Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 8 2015 Sessions Begin Tuesday Evenings, January 6th from 6:30-8:30 pm or Wednesday Mornings, January 7th from 10am to noon (Room 13) Help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend Grief Share is a support group that meets weekly for 13 weeks. You’ll find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an “oasis” on your long journey through grief. There are three key parts to your GriefShare experience: Video Seminar Encouraging, information-packed videos Featuring leading grief recovery experts Support Group Small group discussion about the weekly Video content Workbook Journaling and personal study exercises That reinforce the weekly session topics. Your Journey From Mourning to JOY Is This Normal? The Journey of Grief—part one The Journey of Grief—part two Grief and Your Relationships Why? Guilt and Anger Complicating Factors Stuck Lessons of Grief—part one Lessons of Grief—part two Heaven What Do I Live for Now? To register contact Melodie Austin 941-639-4402 or Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 9 Spaghetti Dinner December 11 Life Center Begins at 5:00 pm Suggested donation $5.00 Florida Conference Women’s Retreats: The Florida Conference has put together another fabulous program for the 2015 Women’s Retreat. This year’s theme: BELIEVE. Friday January 30, 2015 – Sunday February 1, 2015, at the Life Enrichment Center in Leesburg, Florida Keynote Speaker: Rev. Rwth Ann Fuguay. Along with Pastor Fuguay, a team of gifted women to provide spiritual enrichment in so many ways---music, hymn sing, nutrition & wellness, chalk drawing, cardio fitness and so much more. Registration: On-line web site search & click ‘Florida Conference Women’s Retreats’. Cost: Commuter w/no meals $87 or Weekend Guest w/room & all meals $177 (double occupancy). Carpooling can be arranged. All women can attend. Bring a friend or neighbor! B E L I E V E… Contact: Linda Gillen, 941-661-9988 or email at Spiritual Enrichment Chair, UCW DID YOU KNOW? Our CareMinisters were busy in October. 151 visits were made to see over 75 people in nursing homes, the hospitals and those who are homebound. God has blessed First Church with these caring representatives of God’s love. If you know of someone who needs special care, please contact Lin Kraus,, 941-505-1496 or Beverly Martin, 941-625-2213. We wish to thank everyone in our amazing church family for their love, prayers, care, concern and generosity shown to us this past year during the course of Brian’s surgeries and treatments. May God bless you all! - Brian and Jane Sheppard Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 10 Game Day was held on November 1st with a wonderful turnout and lots of fun. Pictured are Dixie Scoville presenting the grand prize to Barbara Durham. Congrats Barb! New Study Begins! What Is Home Builders? Home Builders is a small group whose intent is to help build a biblically strong foundation, whether that be spiritually, financially or relationally with our spouse, children and grandchildren. We are beginning a new Lee Stobel study on Tuesdays from 6-7:30 pm in room 13. November 11th "The Case For Christ” November 18th “The Case For Faith" December 2nd "The Case For A Creator" Please call Elise Gowan (941-286-3943) if you plan on attending so that we have enough seating. Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 11 Microsoft TEAM CHRISTMAS is graciously gifting Crossroads for Kids with the $1,300 funds remaining from their missionary. John Davidson, representing Crossroads, commented the money will be used to purchase a large gift that all of the kids can enjoy, such as a big TV. A big thank you to Team Christmas for all the wonderful Christmases you have made possible for kids the last five years. It won’t be the same. Merry Christmas Charlie Brox, Ken Fish, Mitzie Kohrman, Michelle Kemps, Dick Ouimet, and Frank Robinson from your church family. You may begin registering now at: Or Call the Church Office 941-639-3842 Or Fill out the Let’s Connect portion of your church bulletin, check the membership box and drop in the offering plate 1st Class Art Show 2015 is seeking artists for their next display in our Life Center Halls. All artists who would like to participate in 1st Class Art Shows for January, February, March and April 2015, please contact Ralph LaGro at or call 586-491-0072. Mid-Monthly Ministry Page 12 MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS AT 1ST CHURCH More information will be added as available Email to place your event on this calendar Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Thursday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday 5 6 6 7 11 13 13 14 21 Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Wednesday Garden Club Tour, 11am—4pm Garden Club Tour , 11am—4 pm Punta Gorda Parade Christmas Concert, 3-5pm Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner 5:00 pm Pancake Breakfast 8-10 am Cookie Walk, 8-11am Southport Square Concert (Choir) 2:00 pm Christmas Caroling– 3 pm 6 7 7 8 8 14 GriefShare GriefShare 1st Steps Beth Moore Alpha Starts 1st Steps 6:30 pm—8:30 pm, Room 13 10:00 am—noon, Room 13 6:00 pm—8:00 pm, Room 9 9:00 am—11:15 am, Life Center 6:00 pm—8:00 pm, Life Center 6:00 pm—8:00 pm, Room 9 2015 Offering Envelopes Available Offering envelopes will be available for pickup in Fellowship Hall (Lenox) beginning Sunday, November 9th. If you currently do not have envelopes and would like them for your 2015 offering, please contact the Church Office at 639-3842 or email If you would prefer to make your offerings through Automatic Deposit from your bank we can arrange that also. Automatic Deposits are made on either the 10th or 25th of each month.
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