Monthly Newsletter - North Lake Presbyterian Church

North Lake Presbyterian Church
975 Rolling Acres Road
Lady Lake, FL 32159
(352) 753-8484 phone (352) 753-3982 fax
January 2015
Christmas Night at North Lake Special Thanks!
Christmas Night at North Lake hosted approximately 600 people who
enjoyed an evening filled with the Christmas spirit. We captured contact
information on 40 new families, one of which has already enrolled their two
oldest children in LOGOS. This community outreach starts at least two
months out and involves a horde of volunteers – each essential to their
individual role of inviting potential new
families to experience the love and joy
of Christ as visitors to our church. It’s
an opportunity to demonstrate that
this is a place where they and their
children are wanted, safe, loved and
have the opportunity to grow in the
knowledge and promise of The Word.
Our words cannot express the heights
of thankfulness or the depth of seismic emotion we experience from the
outpouring of talents from the multitude of volunteers who make this event
an annual success. May God bless each and every one of you for the gifts
you laid at the feet of the Christ child to celebrate His birth.
Jim & Cyndi Crutchfield, Co-Chairs,
Christmas Night at North Lake
Inside this issue:
Pastor’s Letter
Pastor Mike’s Letter
FAB Tuesday
PW Circle Meetings
PW News
Backpack Update
Life at North Lake
PNC Update
Mission Opportunities
Little Blessings
Trip to Mozambique
Letter from Love INC
January Birthdays
Night at NL Pictures
Military Prayers
Behind the Scenes at NLPC - Church Staff
Chris Kao
Chris and Van moved from
Seminole County in the early
1980’s and made Lake County
their home with their daughter,
Ryan. After helping with Chris’s
family business, she went to
cosmetology school with the goal
of owning her own business. Her
dream came true after 15 years of
working in the industry. Before
being called to serve at North
Lake working with the Children
and Youth as the LOGOS
Director, she owned a full service
salon for 12 years.
Van was always an active support
of their business along with working at the City of Fruitland Park for
18 years. He currently works for
the Town of Lady Lake and also
North Lake Presbyterian Church.
They both enjoy working at North
Lake and feel that everyone is an
extension of their family.
When they can, they like to spend
time with their three grandsons,
daughter and son-in-law that live
on the west coast of Florida. Chris
and Van enjoy living in the country
on 10 acres in Weirsdale with their
dog, Tater.
Page 2
Good Newsletter
The Pastor’s Letter
What If North Lake Had Never Been Born?
January 2015
Dear North Lake Family and Friends:
Last week I was watching the movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life.” It’s the familiar story of
George who goes through a financial crisis. He encountered an angel, Clarence.
When asked by the angel, George says he wished he’d never been born. The angle
made George’s wish come true and George saw what the world would be like without
Have you ever considered what our community would be like if North Lake Presbyterian
Church would have never been born?
Operation Homebound
Little Blessings
Christian Food Pantry
LOGOS Program
Love INC
Children’s Feeding Program
Ocala Forest Children
Music Concerts
… The list goes on and on and on!
You have been so generous this year. As a result, hundreds of lives are different. A
profound, “THANK YOU!”
MLK Commemorative Breakfast
The 11th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative
Breakfast is scheduled on Saturday, January 10, 2015, at the
Savannah Center, 1545 Buena Vista Boulevard in The Villages.
Keynote Speaker is Dr. Robert Perry, Pastor of the
First Baptist Church of The Villages.
Cost is $13.00 per person. Ticket contact: Dr. Robert Kimbrough
(259-8623) or Carol Potter (259-7054).
The submittal deadline
for the February Good
Newsletter is January
9th. Submit your articles
For the latest information at NLPC,
check out our website:
Page 3
January 2015
Letter from Associate Pastor Michael Smith
Eternal Life
Hello Saints,
Our God is a God of the living, not of the dead. When we were created, we were created to live forever.
Neither physical or spiritual death were included in God’s good plan for humanity.
Our God is a God of life, love, beauty, and all that is good; in short, God is life. When eternity was
interrupted by our unwillingness to give our full yes to God's love, God sent Jesus to be with us and to
restore us to eternal life. “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth,
the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy
Spirit” (Ephesians 1:13).
So let's not be afraid of death. Death of our physical bodies is just a comma in our eternal life now and
forever in God. We are spirit beings, created in eternal life with God, created for eternal life with God,
living our life on earth in God through Christ. Our loving, always forgiving God, is eager to welcome us
into eternity, the home prepared for us before the world was created. God is all in all and desires to give
us the eternal life that we were created for.
May 2015 be a year of peace and love in Christ for us, God’s children, at North Lake Presbyterian
Church. God’ s best to you my brothers and sisters in Christ.
All for Jesus, Pastor Mike
Church Office News
Office hours are:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 am. - Noon
The Church Office will be closed:
 January 1 & 2
 January 19 (Martin Luther King Day)
Happy New Year from the staff at North Lake!
The Great American 60’s Bash
Save the date - April 19th!
Operation Homebound presents
The Great American 60’s Bash –
Where Sock Hop and Woodstock
Come Together. This will be at the
Savannah Center in the theatre on
Sunday, April 19, from 6:00 p.m. –
9:00 p.m. The band, The Sixties,
will be playing the music. Look for
more information in next month’s
Page 4
Good Newsletter
This Month’s F. A. B. TUESDAY Activities & Meals
PW Circle Meetings
Wed., Jan. 14, 9:30 a.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Nancy Will
January Activities
January Menu
Tuesday, January 6
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Bethel, OT & NT
3:30 p.m. - Men’s Gathering (Faith Room)
6:00 p.m. - Gene Gstohl’s discussion on
Tim Tebow’s foundation, Christianville,
located in Haiti. This is a special Needs
Orphanage and Children’s Village.
Tuesday, January 6
Spaghetti & Meat Ball w/
Meat Sauce
Bread Sticks & Butter
Tossed Salad/Dressings
Blueberry-Topped Cake
Tuesday, January 13
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Bethel, OT & NT
3:30 p.m. - Men’s Gathering (Faith Room)
6:00 p.m. - Dr. Smirnoff “Training Your
Brain.” Advice that we, young or old, can
all use.
Tuesday, January 13
Pulled Pork Sandwich
Baked Beans
Cole Slaw
Double Fudge Brownies
Tuesday, January 20
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Bethel, OT & NT
3:30 p.m. - Men’s Gathering (Faith Room)
6:00 p.m. - Dr. Randy Braddom presents
“Exercise IS Medicine!” In addition, Judy’s
Exercise Class presentation.
Tuesday, January 20
Baked Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Dinner Roll & Butter
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Tuesday, January 27
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Bethel, OT & NT
3:30 p.m. - Men’s Gathering (Faith Room)
6:00 p.m. - Tony Curtis will present “Medical
Emergencies and Equipping
Yourself.” (CPR training and more)
Tuesday, January 27
Spicy Chili w/Shredded
Green Salad
Fancy Fruit Salad
Corn Bread w/Butter
***Activities are subject to
change. ***
Mon., Jan. 12, 6:30 p.m.
Member’s Homes*
Leader: Barbara Stickler
Thur., Jan.8, 9:30 a.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Rose Gorman
Mon., Jan. 12, 7:00 p.m.
Members Homes*
Leader: Joyce Corso (751-1121)
Wed., Jan. 14, 1:00 p.m.
Hope Room
Leader: Dottie Salchak
Tues., Jan. 13, 9:00 a.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Merial Heldt (603-3972)
Thurs., Jan.8, 1:00 p.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Janet Kobar (753-5446)
Mon., Jan. 12, 10:00 a.m.
Faith Room
Leader: Gail Marineau
Join us for a month of medical and mission information!
Dinner served on Tuesdays from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. followed
with activities. Child care is available at 6:00 p.m. (please register
for child care when making reservations). Dinner: Adult $7.00,
Child $3.50, family $20.00. Signup is in the lobby.
*Contact circle leaders for
January 2015
Page 5
Presbyterian Women (PW)
Forgiven and freed
by God in Jesus
Christ, and
empowered by the
Holy Spirit, we
commit ourselves;
to nurture our faith through
prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the Church
worldwide, to work for justice
and peace, and to build an inclusive caring community of
women that strengthens the
Presbyterian Church (USA) and
witnesses to the promise of
God’s kingdom.
the Presbyterian Women
Central Florida Presbytery
Date: January 24, 2015
Registration: 9:30 a.m.
Cost: $10 includes lunch
Transportation: Car Pool will
leave from the church around
8:30 a.m.
Registration forms are available
from Circle Leaders.
Save The Date - Friday, March
27, 2015, for the
Tea & Fashion
Show. Ticket
information will be
given at the January Circle
Monthly workshops will continue
this year to be held on the first
Tuesday of each month from
1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. in the
Faith Room. We will be working on all PW projects (PLARN
Mats, pillow cases, stuffed animals, baby hats) and help will be
given if needed.
This is a wonderful way to meet
other women and enjoy Christian Fellowship. Jo Summers is
asking that at least 2 people
from each circle be present to
work on these projects.
The meeting will be on Tuesday,
January 4th at 10:00 a.m. (note
the change of time) in the Faith
Room with Kay Kennedy,
Moderator, presiding.
The workshop will be held on
Tuesday, January 4th, 1:00
p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Faith
The meeting will be on Tuesday,
January 27th, at 10:00 a.m. (note
the time change) in the Faith
Room with Jo Summers & Betty
Lint, Co-Chairmen, presiding.
Backpack Ministry Update
The Backpack Ministry was busy
during the first two weeks of
December. Because of the
continued generosity of the North
Lake family, we were able to give
each of our five elementary
schools (Fruitland Park, The
Villages of Lady Lake, Wildwood,
Harbour View & Stanton Weirsdale) a check for
$500 to help replenish their schools supplies which
are necessary tools for successful learning.
Meeting with each school’s principal and guidance
staff was indeed an honor. We witnessed tears of
happiness, laughter and hearts filled with
gratitude. Thank you, North Lake, for your
unbelievable generosity!!! Please know that every
dollar directly touches the children. It also helps
the staff perform their job of educating the future
leaders of Central Florida.
We send our heartfelt thanks to each of you and
wish you a Blessed 2015.
Carey and Tom Jones
P.S. We will begin our 2015 Backpack campaign
in March. Remember that just $10 “puts a pack
on the back and a smile on the face of a child”.
We are looking for some folks who would like to
learn more about this ministry and possibly join the
leadership of Backpack.
Page 6
Good Newsletter
Volunteer Spotlight
Prison Ministry New s
A huge thank you to:
I thought this would be a good time to share
some feedback about the Prison Ministry. We
are part of an International Ministry of 5,600
CBI "instructors" who Minister to over 45,000
inmates. To many prisoners, our letters are the
only contact with the outside. The following is
typical of the letters WE receive.
Sharon Bush
Van Durrett
Sue Green
Madelyne Raksnis
Rhonda Tilghman
They have helped with miscellaneous office tasks,
mailings, etc.
Operation HomeBound Update
The Quilting Guild of the Villages donated 600!!!!
quilted placemats to Operation Homebound.
The Senior Gift Tree had over 100 tags on it and in
10 days they were all gone!
LOGOS children took all the "cookie" tags off the
Senior Gift Tree and baked cookies for our clients.
Great job, LOGOS!
"There were times I almost gave up, but
the instructor’s encouragement kept me
Most letters tell of the contacts making a
difference when choices had to be made to not
backslide. As a former Prison Chaplain, I
know how much outside contact can change a
person. I have known people who even get
rearrested because they cannot cope with
being out. Please pray about becoming part of
the Prison Ministry.(Mathew 25)
If anyone has any questions, please call Ed
Jones at 352-430-1062.
The Trinity Lutheran Quilting Group made many
quilted lap robes and wheelchair bags for our
OHB is so very blessed with NLPC and the
community support!
Healing Service - February 8
The healing team extends a warm invitation to
everyone to join them on Sunday afternoon,
February 8, at 4:00 p.m. for a Healing
101 Class
NLPC receives members at our 101 Class by
profession of faith, transfer of membership or by
reaffirmation of faith. The next 101 Seminar: Introduction to our Church Family will be on Sunday,
January 18, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in
the Fellowship Hall. Dinner will be provided. To
receive more information or to register, please
contact the church office (352-753-8484). Please
note: The 201, 301, & 401 Seminars will also be
held on the same date and time.
Cancer Support Group
The next meeting for a non-denominational
cancer support group will be on Wed., Jan. 3
at 9:30 a.m. at St. Timothy's Catholic Church,
Parish Hall, Rm. 3. All cancer patients,
survivors, care-givers and friends are welcome.
For additional information call Dr. Hector
Morales (430-2120), Michele Brady (566-7160)
or Betty Anderson (753-4068).
Page 7
January 2015
Life @ North Lake
Nuturing the Eternal Life Within Us
The following four classes will be held on the same
Sunday and dinner will be shared during the
classes. These classes are to be the beginning of
your discipleship program at North Lake. The next
offering will be on January 18, 2015, from 4:00 p.m.
– 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
The knowledge that Jesus came to
dress our mortal bodies with
immortality must help us develop an
inner desire to be born to a new
eternal life with Him and encourage us to find
ways to prepare for it.
101 Class - This is your opportunity to learn about
North Lake - what membership would mean to you
and what it would mean to our church family. Pastor
Denny takes you on a short journey through the
history of NL, and the organization of the
Presbyterian Church [USA]. You also have the
opportunity to ask questions about our church and
the Presbyterian Church in general. There is a light
dinner offered during this course.
It is important to nurture constantly the life of the
Spirit of Jesus - which is the eternal life - that is
already in us. Baptism gave us this life, the
Eucharist maintains it, and our many spiritual
practices - such as prayer, meditation, spiritual
reading, and spiritual guidance - can help us to
deepen and solidify it. The sacramental life and
life with the Word of God gradually
make us ready to let go of our mortal
bodies and receive the mantle of
immortality. Thus death is not the
enemy who puts an end to everything but the
friend who takes us by the hand and leads us
into the Kingdom of eternal love.
201 Class - This class is the next in our Discipleship program, following the 101 Class. This course
will help us to get a "Grasp” on the study of the
Bible. It will help us make the Bible more interesting and useful in our everyday lives. In addition, we
explore HOW to develop a deeper relationship with
our Heavenly Father, and thus become a more
productive Christian.
301 Class - This class is designed to help you
discover how you are equipped for the work of
ministry and that each of us has been uniquely
made to serve. We are given spiritual gifts to be
used for the good of each member of the body. Ask
yourself some of the following questions: What am I
gifted to do? What do I love to do? What natural
abilities do I have? Where does my personality
best suit me to serve? What experiences have I
had that can help me with others? God did create
each of us with a purpose and a plan and He told
each of us to go! 301 will help you find the plan and
401 Class - How do I share my love for Christ with
friends and strangers? As a child, telling about your
favorite Christmas or Birthday gift was fun and
easy. Telling about the greatest gift in your life,
Jesus Christ, should also be fun and easy. In this
class we will work together to make the sharing of
your testimony easy. We will learn how to take our
gift and share it with others around the world or
down the street. Evangelism and mission hand in
(Excerpt from Henri Nouwen)
Buddy S ystem
Have you ever wondered about joining the
Buddy System here at North Lake? Following is
a note sent to Marilyn Waites (Buddy System
coordinator) from one of the participants in this
“I just wanted to update you on my buddy.
I called J******* and we have since gotten
together several times. She is so very
sweet and we have hit it off beautifully.
She seems to be as thrilled to have me in
her life as I am to have her in mine. I just
want to thank you for bringing us together.
I had been thinking of getting involved
with the Buddy System for a long time and
kept putting it off. I am so very glad that I
finally contacted you.”
If this note touched your heart, the Buddy
System is currently in need of volunteers to
minister to those who are lonely and homebound. For information or to volunteer, call
Marilyn Waites (245-6638).
Page 8
Good Newsletter
November / December, 2014 - PNC Committee Update
1. The PNC developed and released a survey;
374 members responded to the survey, with the
majority responding on-line. There were more
than 300 additional comments provided by
members to the survey. The results of the
survey and the additional comments were
incorporated in the Ministry Information Form
(“MIF”) and will be considered during the entire
process by the PNC.
2. The PNC held two Open Forum meetings
(informational meetings) for the members and a
total of approximately 90 - 100 members
attended. A verbal status was provided by
Chairperson, Bob Hazlett; questions were then
asked by the attendees and answered by the
PNC and Berry Long, the Central Florida Presbytery Committee on Ministry liaison, at the
December 9th Open Forum.
3. The PNC completed the Ministry Information
Form and submitted the MIF to the Session for
Approval. The Session approved the MIF on
December 16, 2014.
4. The Session approved MIF will be submitted to
the Committee on Ministry (“COM”) acting on
behalf of Central Florida Presbytery for
approval at the January scheduled meeting of
the Committee on Ministry.
The primary goals for January/February 2015 are:
Communication Card Ministry
Veteran’s Fellow ship Starting Up!
The Communication Card Ministry needs
volunteers who can help to call visitors that sign the
cards each Sunday. This should only take a few
minutes each month. I would email you the names
and you would probably need to call only 4 or 5
different people each month. It is very rewarding
to talk to new people. If interested, please email me
at or call 352-7537762. Blessings to you, Gail Marineau.
1) Upon the approval of the MIF, publish the MIF
for prospective applicants on the PCUSA Church
Leadership Connection website in order to receive
Personal Information Forms (“PIF”) from potential
Head of Staff Pastor candidates; 2) publicize the
position through all other appropriate methods to
identify and reach potential candidates; 3) network
for recommendations from North Lake members
and other referrals; and, 4) begin to review Pastor
Information Forms (“PIF”) as they are submitted.
After a short break for Christmas and the New Year
week, the PNC plans to meet weekly, or as needed,
starting in January once the MIF is approved by the
Central Florida Presbytery.
The PNC wishes to thank the members for their
submission of the survey with comments and for
their support and prayers. The committee hopes you
had a special Christmas as we celebrated the birth
of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the committee asks
for your continued prayers.
Anyone interested in joining other
veterans for a time of fellowship, please
note your interest on a communication
card along with your contact information
(name & phone number). Please
contact Michael England (732-674-6055)
with any questions.
Joined the Church Triumphant
Blood Pressure Checks
Have your blood pressure checked by the
Parish Nurses on the 3rd Sunday of the
month between services.
Please pray for the families of:
Cortis McKenzie
Gary McDonald
Tom Penn
January 2015
Page 9
Travel Ministry/2015 Upcoming Trips
Letter From Debbie Doran
The Travel Ministry has many travel opportunities
for 2015.
I am new to the mission field as a missionary. I
love and adore children of all ages and Mexico
is a country that has been on my heart for a few
years, along with orphans. I think it is not fair
that children should be without a loving family.
1. Avalon River Cruise August 9 21 from Budapest to Prague
2. Avalon River Cruise August 30 September 6 from Zurich to
3. Globus Italian Highlights
September 3 - 10 from Milan to
4. Cosmos Italian Lakes Sept. 10 17 From Milan to Milan
All prices vary by cabin for River Cruises. Group
rates available on all of these tours.
Contact Gayle Erskine at 352-750-6756 if you have
Librar y New s
Thank you to everyone who donated books during
2014. The library will not be accepting any new
donations for the months of January and February in
order to reevaluate the outdated materials. Future
donations will be limited to books two years old or
There are a lot of delightful fiction books for the lighthearted reader. A simple listing of resources-by-topic
is located directly to the right inside the library.
Happy reading!
Library Hours are:
 Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
 Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - Noon
 Sunday: 8:15 a.m. - Noon
North Lake Presbyterian Church is a
smoke-free campus. We appreciate your
I am staying with a Mexican family near Roca
Blanca where I am studying their native
language, Spanish. It is challenging to learn
another language, but rewarding when you can
start communicating (or communicate better)
once you have started the learning process. It
also helps when you live with people who speak
that language.
The Mexican family I live with has four children
(ages 12, 10, 5, & 2). I love to see their personalities shine as they interact with one another.
The orphanage I am supposed to be helping
with is not quite done yet
and they have only one
child so far. This child is
the youngest of six and their
mother is dying of cancer.
The remaining children will
be coming to the orphanage
when it's time. Please keep this family in your
I will be in Mexico until April 19, 2015. I ask for
your support by praying for me. If you would like
to contact me my email is:
Dios le bendiga. (May God bless you.)
Handyman Ministry
This ministry offers minor home
repairs free of charge to NLPC
members and others who are not
able to do the work themselves or
cannot afford to hire someone. For
more information, call Gene
Blomquist (352-307-9739) or email
him at:
Page 10
Good Newsletter
We Give Our Thanks!
What a privilege that we North Lakers have been
able to share a beautiful Holy Christmas Season at
our church. Sincere thanks needs to be given to all
the special people who have shared their talents and
hard work to make this time especially blessed.
We start with all of those who decorated to make our
sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, lobby, outside entrance
and landscape lighting just spectacular for our
Sharon and Jim Hay transformed the sanctuary
with the majestic banner; the lighted red garland
and wreaths in the choir loft and the heavenly
angel in the café area.
Jim and Cyndi Crutchfield and their team
installed lights on the bushes, put up trees,
wreaths and garland all over the church. Their
work on the event, "Christmas Night At North
Lake,” provided a fun and meaningful time for our
members and the people of the community.
Great Job!
Toni Miller repainted the figures of the crèche
scene; they looked brand new.
Jean Butler, Tom Pizzi and Sallie Matteson
worked diligently to encourage the Concert Choir
to reach its usual outstanding level of
performance at our three Christmas Concerts.
What a gift to the community to offer these
beautiful free concerts.
Thanks to Linda Brown and her adorable "Little
Blessings" for the Christmas pageant and the skit
about a "good" Grinch who saved Christmas.
We loved seeing the children waving to family
and friends, but truly the families waved back just
as much.
Our dear pastors inspired us with their messages
of love and hope for all of us.
Numerous families were able to enjoy
gifts provided by the Angel tree and the Special
Tree for homebound seniors. We are truly a generous congregation -- thank you North Lakers.
General appreciation must be given to all who
planned, created and worked to make Christmas
2014 just wonderful! God Bless Us Everyone.
Judy Etheridge
Mission Opportunities for 2015 - Local and International
1. Africa - The TETE Province, Mozambique.
Join the Outreach Foundation as they return to
Mozambique in June. You will have the
opportunity to see the well and school that we
supported and attend church with the people in
the villages. Plan to come home a different
2. The Central Florida Presbytery has been
taking trips to Cuba with the idea of adopting
sister churches there. This would be an
opportunity to be in on the ground work of a
new relationship. The next trip has not been
planned at this time, but they would like to
know if anyone would be interested.
3. Our first FAB dinner in January will be an
introduction to Christianville in Haiti. At that
time we will have an opportunity to find out what
is being done to help orphaned children in Haiti.
If there is interest, we can plan a mission trip.
The previous are international trips that are not
working trips, but ones to see what the people are
doing, how they can be helped, and mostly to
support and love God's people. Contact Becky Bros
(352-750-9217) with any questions or if you have an
interest in joining us on one of these mission trips.
Local and working trips:
1. Mountain Top, TN: We always go the first
weekend in October, which would be Oct. 1– 4,
2015. There is physical work or you can just
listen to and shower love on the people we are
helping. This is a wonderful bonding trip with
fellow church members and an opportunity to
meet new people from around the U.S. Contact
Tom Miller (751-5136).
2. There will be a new mentoring center opening in
Weirsdale sometime in 2015 where they will
need volunteers to work with the children. There
will be information on this opportunity to serve
as it becomes available.
January 2015
Page 11
Youth - Chris Kao
It’s so exciting knowing that God has great plans
for 2015 and we welcome this New Year.
Beginning January 4th
 The new YOUTH hours 11:00 a.m. –
1:00 p.m. on Sundays
 YOUTH will include grades 6-12
On Sunday, January 18th, the Youth will test their
agility and aim when they take on Laser Tag.
On Sunday, February 15th, a mystery date out is
Every Sunday afternoon the Youth are with each
other sharing a part of themselves, talking,
laughing and praying; forming a bond that has
been created through the love of Jesus Christ.
The Youth are in God’s favor and have plenty to
look forward to this New Year. With your prayer,
love and encouragement, they will grow and
disciple other youth that are in need of our Savior
Happy New Year to all and may you be blessed
with good health and a prosperous New Year.
If you would like more information about Youth,
please contact Chris Kao at:
LOGOS - Chris Kao
Getting To Know Your Youth…..
It’s a New Year and a New LOGOS Semester.
LOGOS kicks off the Spring Semester on January
7th with a New Year celebration and a LOGOS
tradition “Cup Stomp’in.” We will also celebrate
January and July Birthdays. So, put on your finest New Year clothes because we are going to
ring in the New Year!
Many of you know Brittany Sapp,
but for those who may not, she is
the beautiful, hazel-eyed, young
lady who will turn 18 on January
16th. She is also known to many
as Theresa’s oldest daughter.
Brittany is a bright ray of sunshine
that is eager to help in whatever
way she can. She is a volunteer
for Operation Homebound and delivers meals to
the shut ins. She also helps in the church office
when there is a need.
Thank you to all that made the LOGOS Christmas
Shoppe possible. You blessed so many with your
If you are interested in becoming a part of sharing
in the life of a child and their relationship with our
Lord, or can help shepherd, tutor or just be there
to show you care, please contact Chris Kao at
352-408-4539 or Help is
always welcomed.
Brittany was born in Florida. She is dual enrolled
in Virtual School as well as Lake Sumter State
College. Her ambition is (in her words):
“To help people, probably working with
kids or maybe the Peace Corps.”
She has always wanted to travel to Alaska. She
collects frogs, her favorite color is purple, and her
favorite food is “mac & cheese or bacon (she likes
to switch them around). If you see Brittany
around, take a minute to “get to know her.”
Page 12
Good Newsletter
Little Blessings - Linda Brow n
January and a new year are upon us already. I
hope you and your family will have a year filled
with good health, happiness and great blessings.
Our children returned happy and excited to share
all their holiday memories with us. We also have a
few new students and their families to welcome in
to the Little Blessings family. It seems like it is
shaping up to be an exciting year already.
In January we will celebrate Early Literacy Month
at Little Blessings. We are looking for guest
readers to come and spend some time reading to
our students. We will provide the
book and the children. No
experience is necessary except
for a love of God’s wonderful
children and a few minutes of
your spare time. If you are
interested, please call or email
me and we can plug your name
into our calendar. I hope several
of our members and friends will take us up on the
offer to come and visit and share the joy of reading
with our little children.
During January it is also time to do our second
VPK Student Assessment to measure the
progress our children have made since September.
I am hopeful that all our children will have shown
great progress and be functioning on ‘grade’ level
so that by the end of the school year they will be
above where they should be. This will guarantee
them a successful start to Kindergarten and a great
education to come. You see, child care is not babysitting but a formal program preparing the children
to be successful in school. We use two state
approved curriculums, “Learn Every Day” and
“Wee Learn” to teach the children in an
atmosphere of play. Sometimes we have to
educate the parents as well because they think
their child isn’t learning unless they are sitting at a
table doing seat work and dittos. The work of a
child is play. That is where they learn to work
together with others, be creative, ask questions
and experiment even though it looks as if they are
just playing.
We welcome you to come and visit us and see how
much we are learning and what a fun place it is.
Every day is different and we never tire of seeing
and being a part of the growth and development of
our “Little Blessings.”
Until next month,
Linda Brown
Children’s Sunda y School Schedule
This Year’s Theme:
The Teaching Ministry of Jesus
Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount:
The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12)
The Lord’s Prayer, Ash Wednesday,
Beginning of Lent (Matthew 6:5-13)
March: Jesus Washes the Disciples’ feet, Palm
Sunday (John 13:1-17; Matthew 6:5-13)
April: Easter, the Great Commission (Matthew
27:32-66; 28:1-10; Mark 15:21 thru 16:1-14;
Luke 23:26 thru 24:12; Matthew 28:16-20.
Teachers and helpers are always needed for
Children’s Sunday School (ages 4 & 5 years,
kindergarten through sixth grade). If you are
interested, please call Judy Truscott (259-3371)
or Jim Crutchfield (307-6113).
Page 13
January 2015
The Outreach Foundation Trip to Mozambique
Purpose of the Trip
 To visit The Outreach
Foundation mission
 To strengthen our
relationship with mission
partners in Mozambique
 To learn from the faith of
our African brothers and
sisters as we meet, pray
and worship together
 To share our common
faith together with African
Christians as we seek to
fulfill the call of Christ
 To open ourselves to God
to allow for spiritual
growth and transformation
This is a Life-Changing Trip!!
The trip will be led by Berry &
Elizabeth Long and Tom
McDow. Berry and Tom are
trustees of The Outreach
Date: June 8 - June 18, 2015
Cost: The trip will be approx.
$4,100. The airfare part, which
you pay directly to our travel
agent, will be about $2,350
depending on when you
purchase your tickets. The
ground cost of lodging, meals,
and travel, which are paid to
The Outreach Foundation, are
expected to be $1,750 but
could change slightly due to
situations beyond their control.
In addition, you will be respon-
sible for transportation with the
USA, immunizations and
medical trip insurance.
Experience Holistic
Evangelism in Tete Province
In Tete province, Rev.
Nedson Zulu, the coordinator for the Holistic
Evangelism project,
and Sebber Banda, the
public health
nurse who leads the
health ministries, will
be the guides as you
travel from village to
village, meeting local
Christian leaders and
encouraging them in their work.
You will experience components
of the Holistic Evangelism
Project that are supported by
Presbyterians through The Outreach Foundation:
 Planting and building
 Digging community wells
 Building schools and teacher
 Training in church leadership
and income-producing skills
 Improving the lives of the
people through health
Planting & Building Churches
The Outreach Foundation has
helped the Presbyterian Church
of Mozambique establish more
than 60 new congregations
since the 1990’s. You will visit
some of these congregations.
Community Wells
Many village women and children spend much of their day
walking to a water source to get
water for their family’s use and
often the water is contaminated.
You will see wells that have
been dug within the village.
Schools & Teacher Housing
You will visit schools
that have been built
using funds from The
Outreach Foundation.
Health Ministries
You will join the people of a
village in watching drama
presentations by a gifted team
organized by Sebber Banda.
They will demonstrate health
related issues.
If you are interested or would
like additional information,
please contact:
Berry Long: or
(407) 257-7807
Elizabeth Long: or
(352) 343-9245
Lisa Dill (TOF contact person):
org or (615) 778-8881
Page 14
Good Newsletter
A Letter from Cheryl Hershberger of Love INC
Dear Friends,
The Staff and Board of Directors of
Love In the Name of Christ of the Heart
of Florida would like to thank you for
giving generously in 2014.
The Love INC family, like every family, has undergone some changes this year. But no matter what
happens, our volunteer work force continues to be
the strength that sustains us. They are the most
caring, giving people I have ever had the privilege
to meet. They come to us from the surrounding
area and our 36 Partner Churches and give tirelessly of their time and talents to help the needy in
the community. We simply couldn’t exist without
We have established many new connections this
year with others in the community who are making
an impact on poverty. As we continue to work
together, we see transformation taking place in
those who had no hope and no reason to try any
Every Monday volunteers deliver beds, other
furniture, and appliances to those who have been
interviewed, vetted and visited for need. This year,
57 site visits have been done in client homes and
those in need have received 59 beds and bedding,
110 sofas or tables and chairs, and 43 appliances
along with necessary kitchen equipment. Clients
have received help with Access Florida, Birthday
Boxes, Clothing, Baby Supplies, Job hunting,
Personal Hygiene, Back to School, supplemental
food, Dress for Success, car repairs, Medical
Equipment, Christmas gifts, as well as counseling
services. Love INC volunteers have walked beside
those in need as they learn to live better and more
responsible lives.
This time of year our call volume in the Clearinghouse increases and people seem more concerned
about their children having a nice Christmas,
forgetting for the moment that they face overwhelming challenges in the coming year. For the past 3
years many people have gathered together to
create our annual event, Christmas Blessings, to
show their love and concern for those families in
need. Our clients’ families will be treated to an allday event which includes choosing gifts for each
one in their family; even the children get to
participate in the joy of giving as well as receiving.
None of the programs provided through Love In the
Name of Christ would be possible without your
donations. Please help us continue to meet the
need by donating your time, talent and funds.
Perhaps you would welcome the opportunity to help
someone turn their life around; here at Love INC
you may receive and be a blessing all at once.
With your support Love INC will continue to be there
to provide help, hope, and a hand up. Will you help
us meet the multitude of needs, share Christ’s love
and provide hope both for now and eternity?
Christian Food Pantry
The Food Pantry appreciates any food donations
you make, but they are especially in need of the
following items:
Beans - Canned or Dry
Cake Mix
Canned Tomatoes
Canned Tuna, Chicken and Salmon
Canned Vegetables
Meals in a Box—Hamburger Helper
Mac & Cheese
Pancake Mix
Peanut Butter
Spaghetti Sauce
Toilet Paper
Please place items in the shopping cart located
in the Church Lobby.
January 2015
Page 15
January Birthdays
Jan. 1
Jan. 2
Jan. 3
Jan. 4
Jan. 5
Jan. 6
Jan. 7
Jan. 8
Jan. 10
Jan. 11
Ray George
Doris Mason
Janice McNitt
Denny Phillips
Charlie Bash
Monte Boone
Richard Buehrig
John Decker
Patty Meyers
Judith Belair
Joyce Corso
Dick Lautzenhiser
Bob Peacock
Barbara Probyn
Crystal Wallace
Bill Wardle
Hiroko Snare
William Boring
Fame Arent
Donna Burns
Bernadette McIntyre
James Patrick
Bill Walraven
Sophia Ambroziak
Larry McMullen
Helen Tate
Roy Trulson
Gail Henry
Sandy Nicometo
Lila O’Rourke
Ed Richesson
Doloris Rodriguez
Janet Boyer
JoAnne Branaman
Joan Ellis
Kenneth Geiger
Bob Hayen
Bob Jolly
Mary Beth Kensell
Judy Spraley
Jan. 12
Jan. 13
Jan. 14
Jan. 15
Jan. 16
Jan. 17
Jan. 18
Jan. 19
Jan. 20
Jan. 21
Jan. 22
Ron Hellier
Jill Miller
Connie Prine
Barbara French
Rachel Herman
Greg Mitchell
Bob Sabourin
Yolanda Stanton
Dorreen Welsh
Theron Mitchell
Gordon Nicholson
Dottie Salchak
Larry McKenzie
Harriet Lowry
Karen Nemeth
Ken Sutton
Nancy Zuidema
William Fletcher
Bob Gifford
Sharyn Gifford
Jean Temple
Addie Tilyou
Jack Adams
Ann Bierma
Ruth Campbell
Charles Dunlap
Sara Happel
Ronald Pfeuffer
Rose Blomquist
Bill Gray
Yvonne Lemere
Joanne Louden
Judy Marshall
Terry Martin
Joei Pennington
Ken Sliker
Peggy Holdsworth
Anne Rohlfs
Barbara Stickler
Marla Butler
Jan. 23
Jan. 24
Jan. 25
Jan. 26
Jan. 27
Jan. 28
Jan. 29
Jan. 30
Jan. 31
Jeanne Angleberger
Douglas Brandow
Connie Walraven
Nancy King
Ed Clements
Dena Rene Goldberg
Nigel Harris
Philip Lerman
Lou Nahrup
Richard Reeder
Vickie Schlosser
Sidney Zorn
Betty Keller
Bob Gorney
Joe Kobar
Elizabeth Meute
Garth Price
Bill Hoover
Donna Ulrich
Marge Waterstreet
Geri Conrad
Bob McElroy
James McQueston
Anne Bailey
Peggy Miller
Kerry Montgomery
Linda Prater
Vern Wade
Bill Bartholomew
Richard Gardner
Carolyn Gaston
Kathy Gricius
Ronald Moceri
Laura Piech
Donna Rahn
Craig Aston
Emma Beckham
Terry Little
Lynn Miller
Kathy Racette
Page 16
Good Newsletter
Christmas Night at North Lake
LOGOS Puppeteers
The Whoville Line-up
A Chat with Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus
Christmas Sing-Along
With the Praise Band
Christmas Crafts
Little Blessings Plays - “The Grinch Who Found the Perfect Gift” and “The Nativity Story”
Operation Prayer Shield
Military Persons of the Month
Join us in prayer for members of our Armed Services,
remembering especially members of NLPC and their loved ones.
Capt. Keith Carpenter
U.S. Army
Son of
Terry & Jan Carpenter
Pvt. Connor Martinson
U.S. Army National Guard
Son of
Donya Broda
CO4 Stephen Hale
U.S. Navy
Son of
Marilyn Watts
Capt. Nathan Hayba
U.S. Marines
Grandson of
Betsy Hayba
Please note: To update the Operation Prayer Shield bulletin board, notify
Barbara Lindsley at 352-751-0225 / or Nancy Richards at 750-0017 / .
Sunda y Worship
Join us for our Sunday Worship:
8:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
Fellowship Hall