Newsletter Mr Walker’s Update Sidmouth C of E Primary School

Sidmouth C of E
Primary School
Mr Walker’s Update
What a diverse week we have had, star'ng the week with Remembrance and
poppies and ending with Children in Need and a school full of superheroes!
As you will see from the ar'cles both this week and last, our classes have been
working hard reflec'ng on the wars and the importance of remembering what has
gone before. The theme has con'nued this week and some of the war poems that
6B have wri4en feature in the newsle4er. All the sites had a Remembrance Service
on Tuesday morning with a two-minute silence, to mark our respect for the fallen.
All the children on the Woolbrook Road site were also set the challenge to find out
what their families might have done during the war.
As part of our involvement in Children in Need everyone has today dressed up as
heroes and superheroes. Money is con'nuing to come in, but so far we have raised
£438.30 towards this. As you will see from the photos plenty of children have really
embraced this theme and we have seen some incredible costumes—not least from
our teachers and support staff.
Next Tuesday we are holding an Open Day on all three of our sites from 9 - 10.30am
and 2 - 3.45pm. We do hope you will take this opportunity to come and have a tour
and see what goes on at school.
Week 9
Term 2
14th November 2014
Devon Finals Year 5/6 Netball
Mon 17th Nov 3.45 - 5pm
Sidmouth College
Open Day (all sites)
Tuesday 18th Nov
9 - 10.30 am and 2 - 3.45pm
5B & 5W Swimming
Fri 21st Nov (am)
LED Sidmouth
Bag 2 School Collection
Tuesday 25th Nov 9am
All sites
Parent Workshop : Maths
Tues 25th Nov 6 - 7pm
Woolbrook Road Hall
4W’s Disney Day
Friday 28th November
Would you like to know a bit more about how maths is taught in school? Do you try
to help your child with their maths and yet worry about whether you are doing ‘the
right thing’? On Tuesday 25th November we will be having another of our Parent
Workshops on Maths, which we hope many of you will take the opportunity to
come along and take part in.
5B & 5W Swimming
Fri 28th Nov (am)
LED Sidmouth
Enjoy your weekend.
Woolbrook Road Choir at
Lions Christmas Show
Wed 3rd December
St Francis Church
Paul Walker
Fundraising for
Children in Need
On Saturday 15th November, Ella from 6T
(under supervision from her Dad) will be
dribbling with a football from one end of The
Byes to the other.
If anyone would like to sponsor Ella a form is
at school or alterna'vely please text :
0789 105 5979 and pledge whatever you can
spare. Thank you.
Full Governors Meeting
Tues 2nd Dec 6pm
Woolbrook Road
PTFA Christmas Fair
Thursday 4th Dec 3.30 - 5.30pm
Woolbrook Road site
Year 5/6 Football vs N Pop
Thurs 4th Dec 3.45 - 6pm
West Exe School, Exeter
Family Activity Day
Friday 5th December
All sites
Late night shopping & carols
Friday 5th December 6pm
Sidmouth Market Square
St Nicholas Day
Monday 8th December
4H’s Busy Week
This week 4H have been con'nuing their mul'plica'on
and division work. They got on really well using the follow
on cards.
We have also started to design and make our role play
area for our Topic ‘Want to play a game?’
The children have learnt to hold their balance in different
ways in Gymnas'cs and have started to learn how to play
Netball High 5s.
Pooh Sticks in the Preschool
Sidmouth Primary Preschool children had a great 'me in the
Byes, exploring on a blustery autumn aDernoon.
We have been reading and enac'ng “S'ckman” so we played
Pooh s'cks from two of the bridges in the byes and watched
the flow of the river Sid in different places.
Week 9
Page 2
6B’s War Poems
This term 6B have been looking at war poems and have
wri4en some of their own.
Here are just some of the ones
they shared with the school in
Thursday’s assembly:
The lifeme of the war
The dark and barren land, li>ered with bodies of young
and old,
The soldiers tremble over the dead,
Afraid of the fate that may come,
As they marched to the enemy line,
They sung the songs of ba>le with cheer in their voices,
Bravery in their hearts, facing their foes they run.
As the sun sets over the horizon, the shadows of the
enemy comes charging,
Their hearts pound as they look: leA and right, forwards
And behind, the last minute clicks on.
Flanders Fields …
The dark barren land,
Turned into Flanders Field,
Where poppies grow strong and true,
Blowing around in the wind,
Each poppy represenBng an innocent soldier’s soul,
Who died in the war and
Afraid of the fate that would come.
Who am I?
Guns shooBng to get the flesh,
Bang! The sound of the bombs,
I can’t hear anything, feel anything, see anything,
The men are lying in a line, I don’t know which one is
A small child kneels down to cry,
I don’t understand and I wonder why?
The child grabs a hand, rubs off the blood and sand,
He lays a poppy on my chest,
In hope to put me at rest,
The men are lying in a line, now I know which body is
Remember them
Cheerful boys, one aAer one, march endlessly across
the road,
Unaware of the horror comes close
Reaching closer and closer to war,
Blood covers the barren floor.
Terrified men sprint for their lives across the now red
Endless shooBng echoes the black air, as men rapidly
meet their death.
To the end,
To the end,
Remember them.
We were wrong
Under the poppies
Here dead we lie with poppies above,
The sorrow is real but there once was love
Shell shock; we all were demented and bloody,
The endless death of young boys who never became
A moment that had no end,
A life that wasn’t lived
A heart that had no love,
War; it was a deadly place.
War never ends
The eerie cries of wails echo around the barren ground
People drop like ca>le in a slaughter house
The rapid rifles shoot one aAer another, again and
Week 9
Gun shots rapidly firing causing men to die,
The demented cries of soldiers rush around the ba>le
Many brave warriors went out to fight this war,
And many suffered horrible consequences.
The tender nurses racing to the air of bleeding men
and helping them to their feet.
AAer the enemies stop firing we think the war is over,
We thought wrong.
Bombs start coming down on us like rain,
We were foolish,
We were children 16, 17 years old,
We were excited,
We were wrong.
Page 3
3B’s New Role Play Area
3B have very much enjoyed our new topic so far especially working as medical staff in our
interac've role play area!
Martian Maths in 3S
In 3S we have been learning about “Mar'an Maths” which helps us with
our place value.
You click your fingers to show the ones, tap your shoulders to show the
tens, and touch your head to show the hundreds. The photos show the
children trying to calculate using this.
3S’s Peaceful Big Writes
We love wri'ng in 3S, especially the Big Write when we light our
candle and listen to beau'ful calming music. We do need Mrs
Somerfield to get a new candle though!
Week 9
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1/2J’s Activity Afternoon
Lots of lovely family members turned up on Wednesday for our
Ac'vity ADernoon. We had so much fun making 3D robots for our
Transformers topic. They will make our Big Write story about a
malfunc'oning robot so much easier to write!
Week 9
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4W’s Balancing Act
4W have been working hard to create interes'ng balances.
We have learnt about needing a strong base to help support
each other.
Stars of the Week
This week’s Stars of the Week are:
Abigael F/1G, Annabelle FL, Mazie-Louise 1/2H, Bre4 1/2C, Jay 1/2J,
Ella 1/2S, Eleanor FS, Emma F/1F, James 3B, Florence 3TB, Toby 4NS, Ben 4W,
Eleanor 4H, Jacob 5W, Finn 5B, Alexandru 5T, Naomi 6RE and Freddie 6T,
Week 9
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1/2S’s Fantastic Fire Adventure
On Thursday 1/2S visited the Sidmouth Fire
Sta'on and learnt what to do if there was a fire
in the house or if they were on fire and all
about the role of the Fire and Rescue Service.
They had an amazing 'me and Mr Stephens
had fun as well because he got the chance to
dress up as a Fireman!
We also used fire as a source of light, when we
spent our aDernoon learning with only candlelight to see by.
Week 9
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6RE’s Peer Reading Programme
In 6RE we have started doing some new reading sessions in class. We are doing a Peer Reading Programme where
we work with a partner for about half an hour, twice a week. During this 'me, we take it in turns to read and our
partner listens to us and decides whether we have been fluent and expressive enough. We then discuss any
unknown or any hard to say words in the text. The person who has read then iden'fies the key words in the text,
and then summarises what the paragraph they have read was about. We then swap over and our partner does the
reading. We are trying to improve our reading for meaning and our ability to quickly iden'fy what a text is about.
We have all been enjoying these sessions and hopefully they are going to also improve all our reading
Here are some photos of us working with our partners, alongside our guided reading session.
Open Day
Coffee and Cake Morning
Coffee and Cake morning on Saturday 15th
November and also a charity head shave!
At Sidmouth Football Club.
Tea and Coffee will be served from 10 - 12 noon
together with a wide range of cakes including
chocolate brownies, Victoria sponge, drizzle cakes
and cupcakes.
The charity head shave will take place to help raise
money and awareness for cancer research.
Children welcome.
Week 9
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Vicarage Road Heroes
Here are classes 1/2S and 1/2J in costume as
superheroes raising money for Children in Need.
Here is a photo of our “hero” Stepan who
made biscuits for everyone in 1/2S because
they all dressed up for Children in Need.
Woolbrook Road Heroes
Here are just a few
of the heroes who
appeared at school
Week 9
Page 9
School Meals
Menu choices (w/c 17th Nov) are:
Hot Meal
Toad in the
Fish in
Vegetarian Meal
Toad in the Hold
Sausage Roll
Hash browns
or pasta,
baked beans
and sweetcorn
Pasta or new
potatoes, carrots,
peas and gravy
Garlic bread
and vegetables
Roast or mashed
potato, carrots,
cabbage and
Chips or pasta
and vegetables
and custard
Jelly and
Iced chocolate
cake and
milk drink
Chocolate chip
Side Dishes
Jacket Potatoes, Packed Lunches and a Salad Bar are also available everyday. Water is
available to drink and sometimes fruit juice / milkshake. Fresh fruit and yoghurt are
available as alternative desserts.
The price of a school lunch is £2.20 per day and must be paid in advance. Meals can be
paid for by cheque or cash which should be sent to school on either a Monday or
Thursday morning in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class on it. Cheques
should be made payable to DCC.
Bag 2 School Collection
The next Bag2School collection will be on Tuesday 25th Nov. This time there have not been enough bags
delivered for everyone, but please don't let that put you off! Please collect any unwanted, good condition items
from the list below into bin bags or any plastic bag and drop off to any school site before 9am on the Tues 25th.
Last year the PTFA raised £475 from the 3 collections in the year - so please do bring in your stuff!
Bag2School accept the following ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE:
Men’s, Ladies and Children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
Handbags & Bags
Hats, Scarves and ties
Jewellery, Lingerie & Belts
Soft toys
Bag2School do not accept:
Duvets, bedding, blankets and household linen
Pillows and cushions
Carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats)
Curtains, Towels
Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing*
School uniforms
Corporate clothing and work wear
Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material
Other collections will be 25th February and 9th June.
Week 9
Page 10
Sidmouth C of E
Primary School
Advent Fayre
Woolbrook Road Site
55 Woolbrook Road
EX10 9XB
Phone: 01395 514146
Absence Line:
01395 572940
thwww. sidmou
Mission Statement:
“To be a posi,ve learning
community where
everyone enjoys the
opportunity to achieve
within a caring Chris,an
Please note: Santa will only be at the event from 1.30 - 2.30pm
Sid Valley Big Sing
Squash Coaching