Policy instruments and consumption

Policy instruments and consumption
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Swedish
Agency for Marine and Water Management (AMWM) are inviting
applications for funding for research to increase the level of
knowledge relating to policy instruments and measures to reduce the
negative impact of consumption by Swedes on health and the
environment, both in Sweden and elsewhere.
Researchers are invited to submit applications for research projects for a total
of SEK 2-6 million split over a period of two to three years (2016-2018). A
number of projects will be awarded funding in this area, which could be
allocated a total budget of SEK 25 million. The final deadline for the submission
of applications is 15 September 2015.
The challenges facing environmental initiatives
It is believed that it will not be possible to achieve 14 of our 16 environmental objectives by
2020 using the adopted policy instruments and planned measures. The current patterns of
consumption in Sweden and other high income countries and the anticipated rate of
development will entail the greater utilisation and processing of natural resources for goods
and services, and will lead to negative environmental and health effects. Continuing high and
rising levels of imports, manufacturing and the use of goods and services in Sweden is
hindering the possibility of achieving the generational target adopted by the Swedish
"... to hand over to the next generation a society in which the major environmental problems
have been overcome, without causing increased environmental and health problems outside
the borders of Sweden."
The in-depth evaluation of the generational objective in 2012 indicated, among other things,
that the climate-related impact from consumption by Swedes is increasing over time, which is
contrary to the desired aim that "patterns of consumption of goods and services cause the least
possible problems for the environment and human health," which is one of the focus areas of
the generational objective [1]. The in-depth evaluation of environmental quality objectives in
2015 indicated that at least four of the objectives will be difficult to achieve, partly because of
unsustainable patterns of consumption, namely the following objectives: Reduced climate
impact, a balanced marine environment, flourishing coastal areas and archipelagos, a toxinfree environment and a good built environment [3]. Well-functioning policy instruments and
measures to effectively contribute to the fulfilment of the objectives are necessary in order to
achieve the generational objective and our environmental quality objectives.
The EPA and AMWM expect the results of the research under this initiative to be of great
benefit in the execution of government assignments, the follow-up of environmental quality
objectives and the efforts being made under the programme of measures for aquatic and
terrestrial environments and in connection with assignments linked to sustainable
consumption where we act as consultation bodies. The research results may also be utilised in
connection with the United Nation's ten-year framework for sustainable consumption and
production patterns (10 YFP), for which the EPA is acting as the Swedish focal point, and
also in connection with the future efforts relating to sustainable development objectives, the
'Post 2015 Development Agenda' [17], [18]. The research is also expected to generate results
that can contribute to knowledge and expertise in connection with international negotiations
and other cooperation both within the EU and internationally.
The focus of the research is aimed at private and public consumption and has the aim of
providing proposals for effective policy instruments and measures that lead to reduced
environmental and health effects, both in Sweden and elsewhere. Project applications are
being sought which will contribute to the available knowledge regarding the incentive
structures to stimulate actions and behaviour in a sustainable direction. Applications may
cover the environmental and health effect of goods and services throughout the entire lifecycle, in which relationships between production, consumption and waste are highlighted.
We welcome both subject-specific and multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary projects and we
wish to encourage researchers from across disciplines to carry out joint analyses. We also
wish to see issues addressed from a cross-border perspective through researchers working
together with the surrounding community in the project. It is important that the application
clearly states the relevance to the EPA and AMWM.
Eligibility matters
All Proposals are assessed against the following eligibility criteria:
The chief investigator or main applicant must be employed by an Eligible
Organisation at the commencement of and for the duration of the Project. An Eligible
Organisation means higher education organisations (universities and university
colleges), or organisations undertaking research as part of their remit (research
institutes and government agencies).
Applicant/researchers must hold a PhD at the closing time of submission of Proposals.
Any Proposal that fails to meet the eligibility criteria set out above may not be approved for
Researchers awarded funding will be expected to participate in the EPA's annual conference
and any annual meetings with the research initiative, and to allocate resources for interaction
with government agencies and other stakeholders.
Background material
[1] Steg på vägen, 2012. Fördjupad utvärdering av miljömålen 2012. Naturvårdsverket
rapport nr 6500
[2] Uppföljning av generationsmålet 2012. Underlag till den fördjupade utvärderingen av
miljömålen 2012. Naturvårdsverket rapport 6504.
[3] Fördjupad utvärdering av miljömålen 2015 (FU2015), fokusområde Hållbar konsumtion:
Rapport Naturvårdsverket. 2015. Preliminary title: Fokusområde Hållbar konsumtion fördjupad utvärdering av miljömålen 2015. Rapport 6663 (in press).
[4] Underlagsrapport till FU2015: ”Styrmedel och andra insatser för att minska svensk
konsumtions påverkan på hälsa och miljö i andra länder”, Rapport av SEI på uppdrag av
[5] Underlagsrapport till FU2015: ”Hållbara konsumtionsmönster – analyser av maten, flyget
och den totala konsumtionens klimatpåverkan idag och 2050”. En forskarantologi. NV rapport
[6] Underlagsrapport till FU2015: ”Styrmedel för hållbar konsumtion - Perspektiv från ett
urval av utvärderingar” NV rapport 6658.
[7] Report produced by the EEA: SOER 2015 - The European environment - state and outlook
2015. A comprehensive assessment of the European environment's state, trends and prospects,
in a global context.
[8] Sanne, C. (2012). Hur vi kan leva hållbart 2030. Naturvårdsverket, rapport 6524, 140 s.
[9] Studies indicating that various forms of environmental pollutants, including those from
industrial emissions in low and medium income countries are the biggest cause of death in
these countries and cause almost three times as many deaths as malaria, HIV/AIDS and
tuberculosis combined.
[10] National Environmental Performance on Planetary Boundaries, Swedish environmental
Protection Agency report 6576.
[11] "Hållbar avfallshantering, Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av Naturvårdsverkets
forskningsprogram”, 2012, Naturvårdsverkets rapport 6523.
[12] Report produced by research synthesis: ”Nudging - Ett verktyg för hållbara beteenden?”
NV rapport 6642.
[13] En studie om styrmedel för hållbar konsumtion. NV rapport 6658
[14] "Utveckling av indikatorer för samhällsfenomen som påverkar utsläpp av näringsämnen
till havet”, 2014. Havsmiljöinstitutet rapport 2014:1
[15] "Konsumtionsrapporten - 2014”. Centre for Consumer Science - School of Business,
Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.
[16] Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production: Priority Products
and Materials, A Report of the Working Group on the Environmental Impacts of Products and
Materials to the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management. UNEP 2010.
Hertwich, E., van der Voet, E., Suh, S., Tukker, A., Huijbregts M., Kazmierczyk, P., Lenzen,
M., McNeely, J., Moriguchi.
[17] Information on the United Nation's ten-year framework for sustainable consumption and
production patterns (10 YFP).
[18] Efforts relating to sustainable development objectives, or 'Post 2015 Development
Applying for research funding
Read more about how to complete the application and click on the link to the application
Complete application
The final deadline for the submission of applications is 15 September 2015.
Martin Gustafsson, Research Secretary
Tel.: +46 (0)10 698 16 37
Email: martin.gustafsson@naturvardsverket.se
Kerstin Jansbo, Research Secretary
+46 (0)10 698 14 56
Email: kerstin.jansbo@naturvardsverket.se