OU Study Results on Grand Lake’s Watershed Provides

Vol. 5 Issue 20 November 12, 2014
OU Study Results on Grand Lake’s Watershed Provides
Support for Planned Rule Curve Amendment Proposal
This year’s Christmas Boat Review, hosted by the Cherokee Yacht Club, is set for the second weekend in December.
Look inside for new additions to the festivities including a surprise arrival by Santa himself. Plans are being developed to make this the biggest and best holiday event ever on Grand Lake. See page 16 for more information.
This past Monday, November 10th, the much antici- agement. It addressed the current level of 741’, but also
pated public presentation of the University of Oklahoma studied the same events if the lake had been maintained at
study on the Grand lake watershed took place at the Carson 743 and 744 feet of elevation. In all scenarios studied, the
Engineering Building on the school’s campus. Alan Den- maximum upstream change in elevation was minimal…
nis, a student in the School of Civil Engineering and En- less than ½ foot of change during the period studied, which
vironmental Science, presented the findings as part of his was defined as August through September.
Master’s thesis defense.
Following the presentation and a short break, Mr. DenWhile the exercise was of an academic nature and in- nis entertained questions from those in attendance. He
tended to introduce the student to the process of such a fielded numerous questions from the City of Miami’s techstudy, the accumulation of the data, formulating findings nical consultant related to the study’s protocol and techand defending those findings, the end result may have a niques utilized.
far reaching effect on Grand Lake’s future. That was well
City of Miami lobbyist Stuart McCalman (Capitol Vendocumented as the presentation was well attended by lake tures) questioned why the Grand Lake watershed had been
interests, including the lake-wide coalition seeking relief selected as Dennis’ thesis subject. The school of engineerfrom the annual draw-down of Grand Lake in mid-August, ing’s head man, Randall L. Kolar, Ph.D., P.E., explained
and several representatives and consultants representing that the Grand River Dam Authority provided a fellow
the City of Miami (including Miami Mayor Rudy Schultz)
Continued on page 11....
and other upstream interests. Senator Jim Inhofe’s field
representative, Michael Junk, was also in the audience.
The presentation included a detailed look at data during flood events of varying magnitudes and projected the
impact on upstream interests at various levels of lake man-
Page 2
November 12, 2014
Billy Gene Daugherty, 72
year old well known Vinita
banker, passed away at his
home on Sunday, November 9,
2014. Bill was the President of
the First National Bank in Vinita and had been in the banking business for 42 years. He
was born on March 1, 1942 in
Vinita to Louis Leo and Irene
(Cass) Daugherty. Bill graduated from Vinita High School,
attended NEO A & M College in Miami, along with many
banking schools throughout his career. He was married
to Saundra Spradlin in 1960 in Vinita, they have spent
54 wonderful years together. Bill was a very community
oriented person and served in many capacities, including
treasure for the Vinita, Cleora and White Oak School Districts. He also served on the Advisory Board of the First
National Bank, Home of Hope Housing, and Grand Lake
Mental Health Boards. Bill was an active member of the
Vinita Lions Club for over 40 years and was a member of
the United Methodist Church in Vinita.
Bill was a loving, supportive and fun husband, father,
pops and friend. He was blessed to have his wife, sons,
grandchildren, fishing and golfing buddies, along with his
First National Bank family. Bill believed in fairness and
honesty for everyone. He loved to help his many customers and friends, that he made while at the bank, and made
many lasting friendships. He loved being out in nature and
pointing out a beautiful sunset. Bill said so many times,
“I’ve lived a great life”.
Preceding him in death were his parents, a sister, Rita
Vanhoose and a brother, Jerry Daugherty.
The family includes: his wife Saundra of the home; his
sons, Larry Daugherty of Owasso, Jay Daugherty and wife
Lana of Vinita; a brother, Fred Daugherty of Claremore;
five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Philippians 4:12
12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to
abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the
secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
The memorial service will be held on Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 11:00 AM, at the First United Methodist Church, with Pastor Skip McClain and Rev. Sonja Tobey
officiating. Memorials may be made to the Craig County
Cancer Outreach or Salvation Army. Online condolences
can be made at www.honoringmemories.com. Arrangements are by the Luginbuel Funeral Home of Vinita.
Marvin Boyd Adams, a Langley resident, died Saturday, November 8, 2014. Boyd was born
in Vinita on September 14, 1927
to Marvin Francis and Donna
(Reeves) Adams. When he was
17 years old he enlisted in the
United States Navy, earning the
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
and the World War II Victory
Medal. He earned his Bachelor’s
Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Oklahoma State University. This led him to employment working on the Apollo space shuttles as an engineer for
McDonald Douglas for several years. Upon retiring from McDonald Douglas he worked for 15 years as a high school math
teacher for Bartlesville school district. On October 12, 1949 he
was united in marriage to Wilda June Schubert, of Pensacola,
and together they raised three daughters. Marvin enjoyed reading, golfing, cooking, listening to music, and above all spending
time with family. Boyd and June were happily married for 65
years until his passing.
Survivors include his wife Wilda June, daughters: Gloria
Harchar and husband Norman of Plano, TX and Alice Andres
and husband Mike of Willmington, North Carolina, grandchildren: Elaine Glass, Karla Bell, Audrey Little, Chad Harchar,
Emily Andres, and Ian Andres, great grandchildren: Grady Bell,
Riley Bell, Nathaniel Harchar, Tommy Glass, Gwendolyn Glass,
Logan Glass, and Genevieve Glass, as well as two brothers: Gilbert Crook and wife Nancy of Tehachapi, CA and Charles Don
Crook and wife Donna of Adair, OK. He is preceded in death
by his parents, daughter Rayma Harchar, and brothers Ronald
Crook and George Calvin Crook.
Visitation will be from 6-7 p.m., Friday, November 14, 2014
at the Luginbuel South Grand Lake Funeral Home in Langley.
Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m., Saturday, November 15,
2014 at the Ketchum United Methodist Church with Rev. Diana
Bradford officiating. Services are under the direction of Luginbuel South Grand Lake Funeral Home. Online condolences may
be made at www.honoringmemories.com. If you want to give
in lieu of flowers, you may donate in memory of Marvin Boyd
Adams to Ketchum United Methodist Church.
PO Box 1 • Langley, OK 74350
For Advertising & more info contact
email us at:
© Copyright Grandlakenewsonline. All rights reserved.
November 12, 2014
Page 3
prietor expanded Tun Tavern and gave the addition a new
name, “Peggy Mullan’s Red Hot Beef Steak Club at Tun
Tavern.” The new restaurant became a smashing commercial success and was patronized by notable Americans. In
1747 the St. Andrews Society, a charitable group dedicated
to assisting poor immigrants from Scotland, was founded
in the tavern.
Nine years later, then Col. Benjamin Franklin organized the Pennsylvania Militia. He used Tun Tavern as a
gathering place to recruit a regiment of soldiers to go into
battle against the Indian uprisings that were plaguing the
American colonies. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the Continental Congress later met in Tun Tavern
as the American colonies prepared for independence from
the English Crown.
On November 10, 1775, the Continental Congress
commissioned Samuel Nicholas to raise two Battalions of
Marines. That very day, Nicholas set up shop in Tun Tavern. He appointed Robert Mullan, then the proprietor of
the tavern, to the job of chief Marine Recruiter -- serving,
of course, from his place of business at Tun Tavern. Prospective recruits flocked to the tavern, lured by (1) cold
beer and (2) the opportunity to serve in the new Corps of
Marines. So, yes, the U.S. Marine Corps was indeed born
Even though our publication goes live on Wednesday
in Tun Tavern. Needless to say, both the Marine Corps and
afternoons and a salute to our veterans is in the rearview
the tavern thrived during this new relationship.
mirror, I’d like to thank each and every one of them for
Tun Tavern still lives today. And, Tun Tavern beer is
their service. In spite of the political rhetoric, we still have
still readily available throughout the Philadelphia area.
the greatest nation on earth, which was bought and paid
Further, through magazines it is advertised to Marines
for with commitment and sacrifice. The tributes and salutes
throughout the world.
found in virtually every form of media this week were, inSo, as it turns out, it was always in the cards that I would
deed, heart-warming and it’s reassuring to know the generwind up a jarhead….always a sucker for bars, waterfront
al public recognized that commitment and sacrifice which
living, spending time on beaches, cold beer, tradition and
came before us.
hangin’ out with some of the greatest people in the world.
This year was somewhat unusual in that the celebration
A salute to vets everywhere, even doggies and swabbies
of the Marine Corps birthday was on Monday, November
and all the rest, but a very special Semper Fi to the very
10th and was immediately followed on Tuesday by Vetbest as Monday was the 239th birthday of the United States
eran’s day. As an old Marine, yes, once a Marine always
Marine Corps.
a Marine, I received a lot of shout-outs from others, who
either wore the uniform with pride, or had an appreciation
See Ya’ Around the Pond!!
for those who did.
Just makes sense that I would be attracted to a branch of
the service organized and founded in a bar in Philly. When
I hear the phrase, if only these walls could talk, I always
think of the history shared by the Marine Corps and Tun
Ask any Marine. Just ask. He will tell you that the Marine Corps was born in Tun Tavern on 10 November 1775.
But, beyond that the Marine’s recollection for detail will
probably get fuzzy. So, here is the straight scoop:
In the year 1685, Samuel Carpenter built a huge “brew
house” in Philadelphia. He located this tavern on the waterfront at the corner of Water Street and Tun Alley. The
old English word tun means a cask, barrel, or keg of beer.
So, with his new beer tavern on Tun Alley, Carpenter elected to christen the new waterfront brewery with a logical
name, Tun Tavern.
Tun Tavern quickly gained a reputation for serving fine
beer. Beginning 47 years later in 1732, the first meetings
of the St. John’s No. 1 Lodge of the Grand Lodge of the
Masonic Temple were held in the tavern. An American of
note, Benjamin Franklin, was its third Grand Master. Even
today the Masonic Temple of Philadelphia recognizes Tun
Tavern as the birthplace of Masonic teachings in America.
Roughly ten years later in the early 1740s, the new pro-
Here’s to Veterans, Marines,
Waterfront Bars, Cold Beer
& Investing in the Greatest
Nation on Earth
Page 4
November 5, 2014
Gateway to Grand Lake Christmas Parade
Ketchum, OK
The Ketchum “Gateway to Grand Lake” Christmas Parade will take place on Friday, December 12th, 2014, at
6:30 p.m. Line up will begin at 5:30 p.m. at Jones Hardware.
You may pick up entry forms at Buddy’s Foods in
Ketchum or Speedy’s in Langley.
The parade will end at the Ketchum High School and all
the parade participants and spectators are invited inside to
attend the award ceremony and to participate in the drawings of door prizes. The last item drawn for is a big screen
TV donated by the City of Ketchum.
To be eligible to win, you must purchase a ticket for
$1.00 at the door. There is no limit of tickets you can purchase but you must be present to win. If you wish to prepurchase 10 tickets at $8.00, please call (918) 782-7062 for
A portion of the monies will be donated to the Grand
Lake Area Ministries “Blue House”. At this time, they requested this so only the food items in most demand can
be purchased by them at the Tulsa Food Bank. PLEASE
NOTE: (Do not bring any food items to the Event. It will
no longer be accepted for door prize tickets.)
The 3 categories considered for awards are “Floats,
Marchers/Riders and Automobiles/ATV’S”
A grand prize of $ 700.00 will be awarded the Judge’s
“Choice Award” and can be selected from any category
listed above.
First place in all 3 categories will also receive cash
Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus will be coming and bringing candy with them. Hot chocolate and cookies will be
We want to wish everyone a very Merry 2014 Christmas!
Ketchum Christmas Parade Committee
South Grand Lake Lions
Veterans Day Remembrance
Program 2014
The South Grand Lake Lions, Town of Langley along
with our Veterans and friends invite you to attend our annual Veterans Day Remembrance Program.
The program will be held at the Veterans Honor Plaza
located in downtown Langley, November 8, 2014 beginning at 10:00 A.M.
November 12, 2014
Page 5
Random Observations from The Grand Lake Bum
I had to put in overtime over the past weekend, squeezing every last ounce of sunshine and warmth out of a great
weekend. I hope you got your outdoor activities for the week
finished over the past weekend, because the upcoming weekend looks like a good time
for a blanket and a TV. Better yet, how about the first Christmas Party of the Year (South
Grand Lake Chamber Banquet Thursday at Cherokee Yacht Club) and the first Thanksgiving Dinner of the year – potluck Saturday night at Monkey Island Pub. Yep. That’s
better than a
blanket and
a TV!
Election day has
come and
gone. Midterms
over (I hope
you passed
– it represents 30% of
your grade,
you know).
made more
history in this election cycle. We’re #1 again. Oklahoma’s voter turn-out dropped from
2010 more than any other state. It’s official. We care less than any other state in America!
We’ll see what happens after this year’s tumultuous elections. As we all know, the
last Congress was the least productive Congress of all time; but I’m thinking that record
may be in jeopardy now.
Lee Chong Wei, the world’s top badminton player, failed a doping test over the
weekend. I guess I’m just curious what kind of enhancement drugs you need for a game
of badminton. Next thing you know, we’ll be testing horseshoe players.
Now we know which is which. Ashley Olsen attended the 2014 World Of Children
Awards in New York City last week alongside her formerly twin sister Mary-Kate. Something’s up. The 28-year-old didn’t quite go full Zellweger in her cosmetic work, but she
had enough work done that we can finally tell the twins apart.
At least three people were shot last week in the U.S. by toddlers who somehow got
their hands on loaded guns. Clearly we need to do something about the growing threat
of toddlers to our citizens.
When you order a specialty drink, be sure you get the name right. A family in Colorado Springs ran into a problem created by such confusion at Joe’s Crab Shack. There is
an adult beverage called a “Shark Bite” and a child’s beverage called a “Shark Nibble.”
It’s a cute enough comparison, unless the two get confused in the waiter’s mind. Just ask
the family’s drunk 2-year-old. No, really.
There were lots of surprises in last week’s elections. Perhaps the biggest surprise
was the election of Mia Love, an African-American, Republican, LDS woman – the first
such member of Congress ever – and she was elected in Utah. Jimmy Fallon put it best:
“An African-American Republican LDS woman elected in Utah? Even unicorns are saying, ‘Naa, I don’t think I believe that!’”
Your “significant other” may be precious to you – but eventually, they could be
a precious stone to you. Seriously. A Swiss company called Algordanza has perfected
a process to turn the remains of your dearly departed into a diamond. As it turns out,
the human body is about 18% carbon. After you are cremated, about 2% of that carbon
remains. That’s what Algordanza uses to make your burned-up body into a diamond.
“How’s the wife, these days?” “Oh, you didn’t hear? She’s stoned. Wanna see?”
Best tweet of the week: We should pass a law that all Ebola patients are immediately transported to Las Vegas; because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. #ifIwereincharge
FUN FACT OF THE WEEK (thanks to Valerie Carter): It takes 17 million barrels
of oil each year to make water bottles for the U.S. market.
GRAND LAKE BUM SHOUT-OUTS: Happy birthday wishes go out this week to
Chuck Perry, Cliff Hudson, Roxane Gardner, Lisa-Marie Jones, Clark Boone, Steve Wetwiska, and Gary Goss. Special congratulations to great Grand Laker, former GRDA Board
member and father of “The Lady Lake Lawyer,” Gretchen Zumwalt-Smith, Dr. Gerald C.
Zumwalt. He retired from 25 years of service to the Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision last week. They named the board room in his honor. Terrific honor
for a terrific
W E E K :
When interviewees say
“no comment,” isn’t
that technically
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Thursday night is the South Grand Lake Area Chamber of
Commerce Annual Banquet at Cherokee Yacht Club with Jay Wilkinson as the featured
speaker. Should be great. Saturday night will be a lot of fun, too. It’s Monkey Island
Pub’s annual Thanksgiving potluck dinner. Bring a dish & come for the fun. Sunday,
November 16, make the trek to Miami to watch the National Champion NEO Norsemen
wrestling squad take on Division I powerhouse Oklahoma State (4:00 p.m.)!
always underway on Grand Lake. The biggest show of the week is a concert by the great
Sawyer Brown at Downstream Casino’s Pavilion Saturday night at 8:00. There are also
great performances in a couple of other Downstream venues. Kenny Babb will perform
Friday night in the Lover’s Leap Lounge, while Scott Ellison will be featured in Legends
Sports Bar. Kenny Babb will be back on stage in Lover’s Leap Lounge Saturday night,
while Earl &
over the stage
in Legends.
Buffalo Run
Casino has
of live music
and Saturday
nights at the
Trailer Park
Bar & Grill
The Sex. The
weekend begins on Wednesday night at Indigo Sky Casino’s Echo Bar with Travis Kidd , followed
by a Thursday night performance by Runnin’ on Empty. Friday night features music
from Blaze of Glory; and Big Smitty wraps up the weekend with a Saturday night show.
On Monkey Island, Big Shots Rhythm & Booze, Monkey Island Pub, and Road
Hog Saloon always have the music cranked up and the dance floors open. The Pub also
has their Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner party Saturday night. If you’re on the south end of
the lake, try the always great entertainment at Pickles at the Lake. If you’re in the Grove
area, there’s always great music and entertainment at J.R. Spanky’s on Highway 10.
The best spots to catch NFL and college football, NBA, PGA, and NASCAR action are the Buffalo Bar at Shangri-La, Monkey Island Pub, Hookers at Cherokee Yacht
Club, Pickles at the Lake in Langley, J.R. Spanky’s and JJ’s Wing ‘N’ It in Grove. Enjoy!
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Washington, D.C. voted to legalize marijuana – and
they’re going to need it!” – Andy Borowitz
SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, November 20 – Monkey Island Thanksgiving celebration at Big Shots. Thursday, November 20 – South Grand Lake Chamber of Commerce Open House 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Ecosystems Building in Langley. Friday-Saturday, November 21-22 – Santa Paws Pet Photo event (Santa will be on hand for photos
with your pets at Second Chance Thrift Shop in Grove. Saturday, November 22 – Pancake Breakfast at The Shebang (8:00-1:00) raising money to extend the Monkey Island
Pedestrian/Golf Cart Trail. Saturday, November 22 – “Festivus” party, nighttime golf &
pre-Christmas shopping extravaganza at Shangri-La Golf Club. Sunday, November 23
– Thanksgiving Sunday Brunch at the Summit Restaurant at Shangri-La. Friday, November 28 – The official “I’m-Sick-of-Turkey-and-I’m-Not-Cooking Seafood Buffet” at the
Summit at Shangri-La 5:00-9:00 p.m. Saturday, November 29 – Small Business Saturday
(shop local). Saturday, December 13 – Polar Plunge at Arrowhead Yacht Club. Saturday,
December 13 – Christmas Boat Parade out of Cherokee Yacht Club. Sunday, December
21 – Sunday Brunch with Santa (photo opportunities, too) at the Summit Restaurant at
In the TV Sports world, it’s already week #12 in the college football world, and
great coverage starts Thursday night this week with East Carolina at Cincinnati (6:00
on ESPN2), Southern Miss at UTSA (7:00 on CBS-SN), and California at USC (8:00
on ESPN). “Big Four” action starts Friday night with Tulsa traveling to Central Florida
(7:00 on ESPN2). Oklahoma is at Texas Tech Saturday (2:30 on ABC), Oklahoma State
hosts Texas (6:30 on Fox), and Arkansas hosts LSU (7:00 on ESPN2). Other great Saturday games include Mississippi State at Alabama, Auburn at Georgia, Ohio State at Minnesota (11:00 on ABC), Nebraska at Wisconsin (2:30 on ABC), TCU at Kansas (2:00 on
Fox Sports 1), Northwestern at Notre Dame (2:30 on NBC), and Florida State at Miami
(7:00 on ABC).
NFL action kicks of Thursday night as the Dolphins host the Bills in Miami (NFL
Network at 7:30). Sunday’s games include Seattle at Kansas City (12:00 on Fox) and
New England at Indianapolis Sunday night (7:30 on NBC). Monday night football features the Pittsburgh Steelers and Tennessee Titans (7:30 on ESPN).
NBA action is rolling this week, too. Thursday night’s TNT games feature Chicago
at Toronto (7:00) and Brooklyn at Golden State (9:30). The OKC Thunder hosts the
Detroit Pistons Friday night (7:00 on FSN) and the red hot Rockets Sunday night (6:00
on FSN) before hitting the road for a Monday night match with the Jazz in Utah (8:00 on
FSN). The Lakers host the Spurs Friday night late (9:00 on ESPN).
The PGA Tour players are on the Mexican Riviera this week for the OHL Classic
at Mayakoba. Coverage is on the Golf Channel Thursday-Sunday beginning at 1:00 p.m.
NASCAR Sprint Cup action is down to the Championship Round with coverage of the Ford Ecoboost 400 beginning Sunday afternoon at 2:00 on ESPN.
I’m not gonna lie. The weather for the weekend ahead looks like an invitation
to indoor activities. The toughest of boaters and golfers will be out, of course, but
they’ll be bundled up, with highs predicted in the 40s with a chance of rain. Personally, I’m planning to start with the South Grand Chamber banquet Thursday, then
frequent all my favorite clubs, topping it off with the annual Thanksgiving potluck
dinner at Monkey Island Pub Saturday night. There’s great entertainment around
the lake, too – and it might be a good time to drop a few bucks at an area casino.
Remember, though…wherever you decided to party on Grand Lake, be sure to buy
a drink for the guy next to you. It could be me.
Page 6
November 12, 2014
Holiday Open House
Kringle himself has decided
interrupt his holiday preparations to make an early
journey to Grand Lake to
help the South Grand Lake
Chamber of Commerce with
its Holiday Open House on
Nov 20th at the GRDA Ecosystems Center in Langley,
OK from 5-8 PM. “It’s a
very busy time of year at the
North Pole”, shared Santa,
“but when I heard about the
giveaways and refreshments,
I had to make a special trip.
Local merchants and crafters
will be set up in the Grand
Ballroom selling their wares
– making the Holiday Open House a one stop shop for
your holiday purchases. Organizers have secured great
Door prizes to be given away every 30 minutes plus light
refreshments to enjoy while you shop. Santa will be arriving for photos starting at 5 PM and this family friendly
event is FREE to attend. The GRDA Ecosystems and
Education Center is located at 420 Highway 28 in Langley,
Area businesses and vendors are encouraged to participate in the Holiday Open House that will include refreshments and of course a Visit from Santa for the children. To
participate as a vendor in the holiday open house is free
for current South Grand Lake Chamber members and only
$25 for non-members. For more information please go to
www.grandlakechamber.org for more information and/or
contact Jaime Dobbins at 405-409-1324 or jaimedobbins@
Sixth Annual Chili Fest and Bazaar
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Time: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm (Craft
items until 3:00)
Cleora United Methodist Church
451154 E 295 Rd, Afton, OK 74331
Enjoy the best chili in NE Oklahoma and the homemade
goodies available at the Bazaar including pies, cakes,
cookies, cinnamon rolls, peanut brittle, candy, jelly, jams.
Also Christmas ornaments, pillows, and other craft items.
You will have opportunity to vote on the best chili for the
People’s Choice Award.
Cost of chili is by donation and proceeds from the event
benefit our local and foreign mission projects.
Langley 75th Birthday
Celebration Continues
The Town of Langley is hosting an open house to celebrate the growth and prosperity that we have seen over
the past 75 years. Please join us for refreshments to commemorate this occasion November 21, 2014 from 11:00 am
to 6:00 pm at Langley City Hall. For more information
contact us at 918-782-9850.
November 12, 2014
a step by step
Video on this App
Page 7
Page 8
November 12, 2014
Holiday or Everyday The GLOC Quilt
Guild is “Sew Busy”
The GLOC Quilt Guild members work all
year long to make a difference in the lives of
others. Little by little they accomplish so very
much. No wonder they are always “Sew Busy”!
The November meeting of the Grand Lake O’
the Cherokees Quilt Guild showed members
just how busy they have been this past year.
Guild President, Carol Torline, first made
note of a large stack of strip quilts that members
had made for various area charities, including
baby quilts that went to DHS, lap sized quilts
that went to the Delaware County Extension
for senior citizens, and twin sized blankets that
went to Project Manna House in Tulsa. The
guild members made forty quilts in all. Some
quilts had already been given out and the others
would soon be delivered.
President Torline next introduced Linda
Smith from Abundant Blessings who first spoke Carol Torline, President of the GLOC Quilt Guild, with some of the 40 strip
to the guild members about the needs of the orquilts that were made and donated this year.
ganization and then received the guild’s gift of
Nationwide, 88 miles of pillowcases were made. For the
140 hand made Christmas stockings for Abundant Bless- benefit of the guests from Bella Vista, AR and Miami, OK
ings to give out to their clients.
quilt guilds, she stated that the cases are given both to chilGuild members then heard from Glo Reherman, the dren with cancer in hospitals in Tulsa and Oklahoma City,
coordinator of the Oklahoma Chapter for ConKerr Can- and also to children who are critically ill.
cer. Glo announced that during the month of October, also
The GLOC Quilt Guild meets the first Friday of every
known as “Miles of Pillowcase Smiles” month, 1,700 pil- month, except July. For more information about the guild,
lowcases were made. Noting that it takes 2,200 cases to check their website at grandlakecqg@gmail.com, or call
fill a mile, Oklahoma contributed .8 miles to this effort. Guild President, Carol Torline at 517 990 2051.
Ed Hardesty, District 6110 Rotary Foundation chair, speaks at
Grove Rotary on Wednesday, November 5, about the Rotary International effort to eradicate polio around the world by 2018.
Hardesty said contributions from club members, like those in
Grove, has helped make a difference in the fight.
November 12, 2014
Page 9
Power for Progress…
A weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority
Proud of their service,
proud to support them…
have given
and talents
to both serve
our country
and to provide the lowcost, reliable
that benefits
thousands of
their service.
electric utility;
An event to honor them … The United States flag is unfurled along the side of a building in
elecdowntown Miami, Oklahoma on Thursday, October 30, 2014. It was part of the opening certric and water
emony for the “Great Deer Hunt” facilitated by the River Bottom Sportsmen and the Paralyzed sales instead
Veterans of America (PVA).
of taxes. Directly or indiThe Grand River Dam Authority was proud to be part
touches75 of
of a recent, special event that honored our nation’s veter77 counties in the state. At no cost to taxpayers, GRDA also
When the MidAmerica Chapter of the Paralyzed Vet- manages 70,000 surface acres of lakes in the state, includerans of American (PVA) hosted its annual “Great Deer ing Grand Lake, Lake Hudson and the W.R. Holway ResHunt” in late October near Miami, Oklahoma, the veterans ervoir. Today, GRDA’s 500 employees continue to produce
had the opportunity to hunt on GRDA land near the Ne- the same “power for progress” that has benefited the state
for 75 years.
osho River.
For several years, the PVA has been holding the special hunt in the Miami area. Since it began in 2008, 34
different paralyzed veterans have had the opportunity to
participate in the hunt, with everything they need – food,
lodging, equipment – all provided by event sponsors. This
most recent hunt marked GRDA’s first time to support the
program. Through a pilot program and agreement between
GRDA and PVA, GRDA lands were also used for the hunt,
allowing organizers to expand it from four hunters to six in
2014. Altogether, those six veterans had access to approximately 2,200 acres including GRDA and other properties.
From all accounts the 2014 hunt, like the previous
hunts put hosted in the Miami area, was a huge success for
participants, supporters and organizers.
As we pause this time of year to reflect on Veteran’s
Day, GRDA is also proud of the many members of both its
active and retired workforce that are both former or active
members of the United States military. These Oklahomans
Page 10
November 12, 2014
MIAMI, Okla. -- The Coleman Theatre in downtown at 103 North Main in Miami. MasterCard, Visa, Discover
Miami is pleased to welcome Ernestine Dillard and Lonnie and American Express are accepted.
Liggitt for a special one-night concert Saturday, Nov. 8, at
7:30 p.m.
The tremendous vocals of Dillard combined with the
talent of Liggitt on the organ and piano will create an amazing night of music on the stage of the historic Coleman
Dillard, from Bixby, Okla., is perhaps best remembered
for her April 23, 1995, performance when she electrified
11,000 mourners and a national television audience with
her “God Bless America” medley during the Oklahoma
City memorial service for the victims of the Murrah Building bombing.
For the past 15 years, Dillard has circled the globe using her voice to spread a message of unity and hope. She
regularly sings as a part of the Salute to Seniors & Veterans
Tour and in 2009 was featured at the National VFW Convention Patriotic Rally in Phoenix, Ariz.
To purchase tickets or for more information, call the
Ticket prices are $20 adults, $15 seniors (65 and older)
Coleman Theatre at 918-540-2425, visit the Web site at
and $10 for students and children.
www.colemantheatre.org or stop by the box office window
Oklahoma Today Wins International
Regional Magazine Association Awards
The 34th Annual IRMA Awards were announced
on October 27th in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Oklahoma Today won seven awards and competed
against regional magazines from around the United
States and Canada.
“It’s an honor to have the work of so many talented writers and photographers appear in the pages
of Oklahoma Today, and we’re proud to see that talent recognized on an international level,” said Steffie Corcoran, Editor of Oklahoma Today.
• Nature & Environment feature, Award of
Merit, The Eagles Have Landed, by Megan Rossman
• Reader Service Article, Bronze Award, The
Oklahoma Today Bucket List, by Nathan Gunter
• Essay, Award of Merit, Down in Green Pastures, by
Gary Lanz
• Photo Series, Bronze Award, The Long View, by
George Long
• Overall Art Direction, Bronze Award
• Special Focus Issue, Gold Award, The Indian Issue
• Food Feature, Bronze Award, The Oklahoma Today
Breakfast Club, by Nathan Gunter, Steffie Corcoran, Karlie
Tipton, Megan Rossman, and Kayla Mugler
“We’re grateful to the dozens of committed colleagues—not only Oklahoma Today’s fantastic staff but an
amazing roster of writers and photographers—who help us
bring authentic stories of home to readers six times a year.
We always try to be mindful of the fact that it takes a village to make a magazine. It’s wonderful to see IRMA acknowledge so many of their contributions,” Corcoran said.
Oklahoma Today, the Magazine of Oklahoma since
1956, focuses on the people, places, and culture of Oklahoma. A paid-circulation magazine, it has subscribers in every
state and many foreign countries. It is published bimonthly
by the Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department.
November 12, 2014
Page 11
Santa Paws
Pet Photos at
Chance Thrift Shop
Santa’s coming to town, and he would love to meet you
and your dog-gone good canine or your pur-r-r-fect feline
to take “Santa Paws Pet Photos.” And yes, family members are welcome to pose with Santa as well.
On Friday nite, November 21, from 5 to 8 pm, and
Saturday, November 22, from 10 am to 4 pm, join Santa
Claus and his elves from the Second Chance Pet Rescue
of Grand Lake (formerly known as the Humane Society
of Grove and Grand Lake) for pet photos at the Second
Chance Thrift Shop, now located at 220 E. 3rd Street (3
blocks east of downtown Grove).
Photos will be taken by local photographers Robert and
David Livesay. Photos will be $10 for a 4 x 6 photo in a
beautiful Holiday card frame. All proceeds to benefit the
animals of the Second Chance Pet Rescue. What better
way to say “Merry Christmas” than with a photo of your
cherished pet with Santa Claus.
Sniffing for more information? Then contact Carol
Rice at carolr.hs@gmail.com or call 918-786-5750 or the
shelter at 918-786-7630. Please have all dogs on a leash
and cats or other furry animals safely in a pet carrier.
Continued from front page....OU Study Results on Grand
Lake’s Watershed Provides Support for Planned Rule
Curve Amendment Proposal
scholarship to the school and their only requirement
was that something within the Grand Neosho Watershed
be studied.
He added, “This is an academic exercise in conjunction
with the student’s application for his Master’s degree from
the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science. Fellowships are provided by a variety of entities with
a variety of requirements. His work will be questioned and
reviewed by our committee, and is subject to peer review
before publication. His work will be thoroughly examined.
It’s about the methods and the science; and the source of
funding does not change the science,” he pointed out.
Dr. Kollar described the next step in the process as a
private meeting with the schools of engineering’s faculty
for further questioning and possible recommendations for
change or additions to the body of work. There is a sixty
day window set aside for that process.
The study may well go a long way in providing the
scientific data the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
has asked for in previous filing to adjust Grand Lake’s rule
curve. The presentation also revealed some of what the actual rule curve modification request might include. The definition provided in the study called for maintaining Grand
Lake’s late summer level at an elevation of 743’through
September 15th annually and then dropping it to a wintertime level of 742’. Obviously, if adopted, the 22 year-old
dilemma with respect to the lowering of the lake prior to
the Labor Day weekend would finally be resolved.
Grove Rotary
Outstanding Grove seniors C.J. Boone and Sarah Riley
were introduced as Students of the Month Wednesday,
November 5, at the weekly meeting of Grove Rotary.
C.J. and Sarah will attend all regular meetings of the
club this month, where they will learn more about
Rotary’s activities in the community.
Page 12
November 12, 2014
can be one of the avenues. Here’s the list:
This Week’s Update
It takes a village to raise a child and it takes all of us in rescue, working together, to find solutions when dogs and cats are
dumped and/or end up on our front door step - or in our yard.
In addition to: Miami Alliance, Second Chance Pet Rescue of
Grand Lake and Pryor Animal League - to name a few - - social
media is a tremendous help - - especially Facebook.
Here are the most active sites that have proved invaluable
when someone needs to rehome an animal. In addition to the facebook sites below - save www.rescueshelter.com. If you have
a breed specific dog or cat that needs a home, start typing in the
breed on facebook and you should get several options. Comfortable with Instagram - - use it. I’m getting familiar with this
medium, but not up to speed just yet. It is a powerful tool.
Be sure to take a good picture of the animal, write a compelling story as to why it needs a home and put your contact information. Does it always work - no - - nothing is perfect. But it
Craig County Pet Rescue
Craig County Lost & Found Pets & Pets Needing a New
Oklahoma Animals for Sale, Free, Trade
Lost & Found Pets of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Lost & Found Animals
Think outside the box as well - - can you post it on a church
facebook site, your town’s facebook page, share with friends,
have the story and picture published in local news outlets and
any/all facebook groups that you’ve “liked”. Always, Always,
Always encourage people to share.
If you know of sites I’ve not mentioned, please send me an
email : director@paasvinita.com
Kay Stout, Director
PAAS Vinita
We have dogs that DESPERATELY need foster homes.
Some are elderly and need to be off the cold hard ground, some
are very shy, some need to be taught manners, and others have
special needs. We need YOU! We have very little foster help
right now.
Everything you do for a foster animal helps them succeed in
their new home. You give them a foundation, a secure and safe
place to come into their own, to blossom into a great pet. Knowing that everything they learn, from potty training to obedience
training will help make them a good companion and loving pet
for someone is most rewarding. These things help give the dog
or cat a chance to become a permanent “member of the family”
by offering people fewer behavioral problems and presenting
them with a loving, happy and healthy animal.
To see a puppy or kitten respond to love and attention and
enjoy social interaction with people and other pets is a joy beyond words. When a good home is found for the pet, you get a
wonderful feeling that you’ve accomplished a goal and helped
another living being. You’ve given them a head start on a successful adoption and great life.
When a forever home is found, you get to tell the prospective
new owner all the things you’ve learned about your foster dog or
cat - their personality, the commands they know, the games they
like best, their favorite toy, place to sleep, favorite foods . . . You
are the expert that helps the shelter place the animal in the best
possible home.
You can make a tremendous difference in the life of a dog
November 12, 2014
Page 13
Veterans Day - Voices of Oklahoma
Paul Andert and Rex Calvert... WWII Veteran
World War II veteran Paul J. Andert enlisted in the
U.S.Army in 1940 at the age of 17. Paul served as an infantry platoon sergeant in the 41st Armored Infantry, Company “B” during most of his five-year Army career. Mr.
Andert served in Africa, Sicily and Europe while participating in seven major campaigns, plus making two major
landing invasions. Oklahoman Paul Andert has vivid memories of General George Patton and General Dwight Eisenhower among others and remembers listening to Axis Sally.
He was wounded twice and received the Silver Star, three
Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts.
Mr. Andert’s war stories are filled with blunt honesty
and include the horror of war as he talks about the bravery
of the infantryman. World War II vets and those who study
the war years will appreciate his attention to detail as he
talks about the instructions to “kill or be killed”. It is Paul
Andert’s way of telling these stories which will make you
feel like you were there. Paul is from Tulsa and is the author of the book Unless You Have Been There, which you
may find in our bookstore.
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
of 1918 an armistice between Germany and Allied nations
came into effect. In 1926, the United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War 1 and declared
the anniversary of the armistice should be commemorated.
And so we honor all American veterans, where ever and
whenever they have served.
Voices of Oklahoma is proud to feature two WWII veterans, Paul Andert and Rex Calvert.
Their stories will make you proud and grateful!
Page 14
November 12, 2014
Contact me or your local retailer.
SHANGRI-LA Fall Golf Specials:
Sunday golf after 1:00 p.m. is $59.
Mondays are Ladies Day ($49 golf for women) and $49
golf for everyone after 1:00 pm.
Tuesday’s feature $49 golf for Seniors (55+), veterans
and military personnel.
ANNUAL PRO SHOP STAFF vs THE MAINTEThursdays are “Young Professionals Golf Day” with
$59 golf for all players age 55 and younger.
Saturday, November 8, 2014; Superintendent Chris
Buck said “The P.I. Maintenance Crew (champions for
the last few years) felt sorry for the Pro Shop Staff and
Most golfer’s think that they turn during their backlet them win this year”. There will be grumblings all year
swing. The truth is very few do.
long. There was much “trash-talking” etc before the match
To create a good turn simply feel yourself turn your
and now it will just have to continue for a whole year. The
back to the target during your backswing and then feel your
challenge for a re-match has already been issued and acbelly to the target on your follow through or release. We
cepted. The Maintenance Crew will have to display the not
call this move “Back to Belly”. Another test for your turn is
so glamorous trophy in their facility all year to help remind
to check and see if your chin hits your lead shoulder at the
them of the defeat. On the other hand, the Pro Shop folks
top of your backswing. Your shoulder technically is supwill have to really practice and work on their game to reposed to go under the chin, not in to it.
peat. Great fellowship! Really!
Four guys were playing their weekly game of golf, and
- For those of you who can, get on line and look at:
one remarked how nice it would be to wake up on Christhttp://mis-hitshappen.com/#closer-look
mas morning, roll out of bed and without an argument
go directly to the golf course, meet his buddies and play
- “SLDR” SPECIAL thru end of the year
a round. His buddies all chimed in and said, “Let’s do it.
- Beginning on 10/2, through the end of 2014, the
We’ll make it a
SLDR family of metalwoods will be placed on promo.
priority, figure out a way and meet here early Christmas
They are as follows:
$100 off the purchase price of a SLDR Driver, includes
Months later, that special morning arrives, and there
TP ($299.)
they are on the golf course.
$ 80 off the purchase price of a SLDR Mini Driver,
The first guy says, “Boy this game cost me a fortune. I
includes TP ($199);
bought my wife such a diamond ring that she can’t take her
$ 50 off the purchase price of a SLDR Fairway, ineyes off it.”
cludes TP ($199);
Number 2 guy says, “I spent a ton, too. My wife is at
$ 40 off the purchase price of a SLDR Rescue, includes
home planning the cruise I gave her. She was up to her eyeTP ($179).
balls in brochures.”
Number 3 guy says “Well my wife is at home admiring
her new car, reading the manual.”
They all turned to the last guy in the group who is staring at them like they’ve lost their minds.
I can’t believe you all went to such expense for this golf
I kissed my wife on the cheek and said, ‘Well babe,
Merry Christmas. It’s a great morning for either making
love or golf ‘ and she said … “Take a sweater.”
November 12, 2014
Page 15
Har-Ber Village Lights up with
Christmas on Main Street
Looking for a family friendly local venue where you
can enjoy Christmas lights, festive music, hot chocolate
and cookies and other traditional holiday activities? Look
no further! Over 20 local busineses, organizations and individuals have decked out the exhibit buildings on Main
Street at Har-Ber Village Museum for your viewing pleasure. Visit this season and show your support of this community event by voting for your favorite displays using
your coins and other currency. Half of the proceeds will go
to Har-Ber Village; the remaining funds will be distributed
to the first, second and third place winners.
The list of 2014 decorators includes Darren R. Cook,
PC, Delaware County Girl Scouts, Designs by Dana, For
Get Me Nots, Grand Lake Audubon Society, Grand Lake
Casino, Grand Country Pest Control, Grand Lake o’ the
Cherokees Quilt Guild, GRDA, Grove Small Animal Hospital, The Grove Sun, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Integris
Hospital Service Excellence Ambassadors, Grand Lake
Newcomer’s Club, Picture Framing and More, Prairie Iron
Works, Redemption Implements, Second Chance Pet Rescue, Wakeland’s Harp and Bowl Studio, Wilma McKee,
The Crafters at Har-Ber Village Shop and Har-Ber Village
This free annual event will kick off on Saturday, November 29, from 2:00 - 8:00 p.m. A tree lighting ceremony
at 6:00 p.m. will feature Broadway star Ron Young. The
event continues on Saturdays and Sundays, November 30,
December 6, 7, 13 and 14. Musical entertainment by local talent—including contestants and winners from Playmaker’s 2014 Grove’s Grand Talent Contest—will put everyone in the Christmas spirit. “This is the third year for
Lake Conditions
GRDA Website
Grand Lake Area Chamber
Grand Lake Sail & Power Squadron
Grand Lake Association
Grove Chamber
So.Grand Lake Reg Airport
Grand Lake Radio Network
this event,” said Executive Director Amelia Chamberlain.
“Har-Ber Village is decorated for the season, local businesses and organizations get to promote themselves at little
or no cost and admission is free—everyone wins!”
Santa and Mrs. Claus will visit on Saturday, December
6 from 2:30 to 4. Be sure to bring your camera to take pictures of your family with this jolly old elf! The following
weekend, create a gingerbread house with freshly baked
and precut pieces of gingerbread and a wide assortment of
candies. The workshop is for families and individuals of all
ages and will be offered twice—once on Saturday, December 13 and then on Sunday, December 14 starting at 2:30.
The fee for the workshop is $17 per house for non-members
or $12 for members, and the project may be worked on by
one or more people. Reservations are required by Wednesday, December 10. Be sure to call 918-786-6446 to sign up
or for more information about Christmas on Main Street.
The Country Store and Crafters at Har-Ber Village Shop
will both be open during the event hours so that you can
find unique gifts for those special someones! The Crafters
Shop has unusual hand-made items and craft kits that will
make perfect gifts. Please note that only the buildings on
Main Street will be open for viewing; the rest of the museum is closed for the season.
Christmas on Main Street is sponsored by Bank of
Grove, The Evans, Bridges and Siems Families, Grand
Lake Casino, Muscari Law, Rich & Cartmill, Rose & McCrary, Jack Wimer, Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, and Signs
by Sikorski. For more information, or to volunteer to perform for Christmas on Main Street, contact Har-Ber Village
Museum at 918-786-6446 or info@har-bervillage.com.
Page 16
November 12, 2014
Grand Lake Winterfest
Saturday, December 13th
are invited to a Wine Dinner at Cherokee Yacht
Club on Friday, December 12th.
This beautiful display will be the conclusion of a fun filled Grand Lake Christmas Celebration!
The day begins with the 15th Annual Polar
Plunge at Arrowhead Yacht Club. This event
was started in 1999 by Tom McKibben. The
Polar Bear Plunge is hosted by Arrowhead
Yacht Club and solely to help the less fortunate
children in the South Grand Lake Area. The
party begins at 11AM with the plunge taking
place at 1PM. Bring a donated toy (and yes we
take money!) and join us for the “PLUNGE”!
ALL proceeds go to South Grand Lakers Helping Children.
The day’s events are scheduled as
The annual Christmas Light Boat Parade will be held
on December 13th. This now 25 year old tradition, started
by then Cherokee Yacht Club owner, Terry Frost, is shaping up to be one of the biggest yet. Current owners, Joe
Harwood and Tom McKibben are diligently working to
build participation by not only boat owners and parade
participants, but with watch parties, social media, business
participation, 2 classes of boat
size for competition and television coverage. A BONFIRE on
the shore at Disney State Park
is being planned as a watch
party area.
There will be a competition for boats 35’ and under,
and boats over 35’. We are also
asking any business that would
like to decorate their boat with
their company name to get involved. The benefit for businesses is the opportunity to join
in the festivities and have their
name in lights with the television coverage that will be done
by Discover Oklahoma. The
Boat Captain and the First Mate
Arrowhead Yacht Club 11AM: Party Starts
for Polar Bear Plunge
Arrowhead Yacht Club 1PM: Take the
Cherokee Yacht Club (Approximately)
4PM: Christmas Light Boat Parade Participants begin lining up at Cherokee Courtesy
Christmas Light Boat Parade begins heading south into Duck Creek and then north to
the Dam to meet up with the Disney Christmas
On land “Watch Parties” are asked to acknowledge the Parade with flashlights as they
go by and a tentative social media set is in planning stages
for watchers to communicate with the Boat Captains.
All of the day’s festivities will be covered by Discover
Entry forms are attached. Tina Dixon, Cherokee Yacht
Club 918-782-4421, for questions or more information.
Page 17
November 12, 2014
House Republicans Elect Caucus Leadership
OKLAHOMA CITY - After maintaining a 72-29 majority in the Oklahoma House of Representatives earlier
this week, the House Republican caucus selected leaders
for the 55th Oklahoma Legislature.
House Speaker Jeffery W. Hickman will be the Speaker-elect for the upcoming session. Hickman is the seventh
Republican speaker in state history and the sixth consecutive Republican speaker since the GOP took the majority in
the House in 2004.
“The confidence of my fellow Republican House members is truly humbling, and I look forward to continuing
our work to make Oklahoma a more prosperous state,” said
Hickman, R-Fairview. “House Republicans have led the
way to create greater economic opportunity for our citizens
and authored legislation to ensure an even better state for
future generations of Oklahomans. As the chamber closest
to the people, we will continue to work hard on behalf of
all Oklahomans.”
The Republican caucus also elected several other top
leadership positions today.
The caucus chose state Rep. Lee Denney as Speaker
Pro Tempore-elect. Denney is a veterinarian from Cushing
and served as chair of the Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee for the past six years.
“I am honored and deeply humbled by the support of
my colleagues,” said Rep. Denney, R-Cushing. “I look
forward to working with Speaker Hickman and the newly
elected members of our caucus.”
House Republicans also elected Rep. David Brumbaugh of Broken Arrow as Caucus Chairman, Rep. Elise
Hall of Bethany as Caucus Vice Chairman and Rep. Katie
Henke of Tulsa as Caucus Secretary.
“It is a privilege to serve the House Republican caucus as chairman,” said Rep. Brumbaugh, R-Broken Arrow.
“With such a large freshman class of legislators, we have
a great opportunity ahead of us to explore new ideas and
build coalitions to better serve the people of Oklahoma.”
Brumbaugh is president/owner of DRB Industries, a
leading company in the electric power industry. He served
as vice chair of the Non-appropriated Subcommittee and
served on the Government Modernization, Energy and Aerospace, and the Appropriations and Budget Public Safety
Subcommittee. He also serves on the Executive Committee
of the Energy Council and is a veteran of 101st Airborne
Caucus Vice Chair Hall is a small business owner who
operates Hall’s Pizza Kitchen. She was elected in 2010 and
made history as the youngest woman elected to the Oklahoma Legislature.
“I thank my fellow caucus members for their confidence in electing me to this leadership position,” said Hall,
R-Bethany. “I look forward to serving my constituents and
the state. We must continue to work hard for and ensure the
success and happiness of our neighbors.”
Caucus Secretary Henke has proudly served House
District 71 for two years. A former teacher, she holds a
Bachelor of Science in Childhood Education. She has also
served as vice chair of the Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee.
“The role of secretary is a great honor,” said Henke,
R-Tulsa. “I am thankful for the opportunity to serve my
colleagues, as well as my constituents, through hard work
and diligence.”
Today’s caucus meeting was the first for 14 new Republican members of the House. Newly elected members
of the Oklahoma House of Representatives will be sworn
in at the Capitol on November 18 at 10:30 a.m.
On January 6, the full House will convene for Organization Day to formally elect House leadership.
Judges needed for FCCLA District
STAR Events
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) - formerlly known as Future Homemakers of America - hosts this competition each Fall.
Middle School and High School Students from across Northeastern Oklahoma will compete in Vinita
on Nov. 18th.
FCCLA needs several adults to serve as judges for the events.
Judges need no prior knowledge of the events - judging criteria will be given during the Judges Orientation.
Event info:
Date: November 18
Location: Vinita 1st Baptist Church (321 W. Illinois)
Time: 9:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Food and refreshments will be provided in the judges lounge.
If interested in judging, please contact Jennifer Johnson, Wyandotte High School FCCLA Advisor at
(918) 399-4999 or via email at jjohnson@wyandotte.k12.ok.us
Page 18
November 12, 2014
November 12, 2014
BL-40’1997 Carver 355MY, Twins, Gen/AC/Heat, Very Nice, $74,900
BL-40’2007 Carver 40MY, Bow & Stern Thrusters, T- 8.1s, 133Hrs, $289,900
GL-40’2014 Jeanneau Leader 40, T-Volvo D6-370hpDP, Hydraulic Platform,
GL-41’2005 Carver 41 CMY, Twin Volvo 8.1s, Gen/AC/Heat, Bow Thruster,
GL-41’1994 Carver Santego 380, Twins, Gen/AC/Heat, Good Condition,
GL-41’2008 SeaRay 40 Sundancer, Twin Merc 8.1, Thruster, Cockpit Air,
GL- 42’ 2013 Cruisers 41 Cantius, Volvo IPS500 Diesel, Many Upgrades,
Owner Moving Up, $539,000
GL- 42’ 2013 Cruisers 41 Cantius Volvo IPS500 Diesel, Only 53 hours,
Priced to Move, $459.000
GL- 42’ 1997 Carver 405 Aft Cabin, Twins, Gen/AC/Heat, Only 264 hours,
Pristine, Only $124,495
GL- 42’ 1999 Carver 406 Aft Cabin, Twins, Gen/AC/Heat, New Carpet, Very
Nice! $129,000
GL- 44’ 2007 Carver 42 Super Sport, Twin Crusaders-385hp, Loaded, 98
hours, Like New, $375,000
GL- 45’ 2014 Jeanneau NC14, Twin Volvo IPS500 Diesel, Hydraulic Platform, New Concept!!
GL- 45’ 2014 Prestige 450 Flybridge, Twin Volvo IPS600 diesels, Hydraulic
Swim Platform, Loaded!
GL- 45’ 2014 Prestige 450S, Twin Volvo IPS600 diesels, Hydraulic Swim
Platform, Must See!!
GL-46’ 2001 Silverton 41 Sportbridge, Twin Cummins Diesels, Only 275
hours, Nice! $159,000
GL- 47’ 2001 Carver 466 Motoryacht, Twin Diesels, 380 Hours, Very Nice,
GL-48’ 2002 Silverton 43MY, Condo sized cabin, low hours, Bow Thruster,
Nice, $153,900
GL-48’ 2014 Cruisers 48 Cantius, Twin Volvo IPS600 diesels, Hydraulic
Swim Platform, Black!
GL- 50’ 1997 Carver 500 Cockpit Motoryacht, Twin Cummins, Bridge Heat/
AC, Low Hours, $199,500
GL- 53’ 1998 Navigator 53 Pilothouse, Twin Volvo Diesels, Loaded, Great
Condition, $239,900
GL- 53’ 2001 Carver Yachts 530 Voyager, Twin Cummins 450, Low Hours,
Must See, $297,900
GL-54’ 2014 Cruisers 540 Sport Coupe, Triple IPS600 diesels, Hard Loaded, Amazing Yacht!!!!
GL-55’ 2014 Prestige 550 Fly, Twin Cummins 8.3- 600hp Zeus, Hydraulic
Platform, Loaded!!
GL- 58’ 2009 Navigator 5800, Twin Volvo 575hp diesels, Loaded, with only
50hours, $519,000
GL- 60’ 2004 Sunseeker Predator 58, Twin MAN 800 Diesels, Hardtop, Hydraulic Platform, $629,000
GL- 27’ 1967 Chis Craft Commander Sport Express, Twin Fresh 327s, Fresh
Bottom, Must See $13,500
BL- 31’ 2000 SeaRay 310 Sundancer, Twin Merc 350 Horizon V-Drive, Hard
Loaded, $59,975
GL- 32’ 2005 Rinker 320 Fiesta Vee, Twins, Gen/AC/Heat, Loaded, Only
139 hours, $72,000
BL-32’ 2004 Cruisers 320 Express, Twin Merc 5.0, Bravo3, Gen/AC/Heat,
only 239 hours, $65,900
GL-35’ 1983 ChrisCraft 350 Catalina, Twin 350s, Gen/AC/Heat, Nice!
GL-35’ 2003 Cruisers Yachts 3470, Twin Merc 8.1S, Gen/AC/Heat, One
Owner, $86,500
BL- 36’ 1985 Carver 3607 Aft Cabin, Twin 454s, Gen/AC/Heat, 481 hours,
Nice, $34,500
GL- 36’ 1985 Carver Mariner 36, Twin Crusader 454, Gen/AC/Heat, Updated interior, $34,900
GL- 36’ 2010 Rinker 360 Express, Twin Merc 377, Bravo3, Gen/AC/Heat,
Like New, $179,500
GL- 37’ 2010 Regal 3760 Sportyacht, Twins, Gen/AC/Heat, Hardtop, Like
New!! $209,000
GL- 37’ 1998 Formula 34 PC, T7.4MPI, Gen/AC/Heat, Only $68,500
BL- 37’ 1995 Carver 370 Aft Cabin, Twin 454s, Gen/AC/Heat, Two Stations,
Must See!! $65,900
GL- 38’ 1985 ChrisCraft 380 Commander, Ts, Gen/AC/Heat, $37,500
GL- 38’ 2008 Formula 370 SS, Twin 496 Mag HO, Gen/AC/Heat, 46 hours,
Like New, Only $229,000
GL- 40’ 1989 Formula 35 PC, Twin 454s, Gen/AC/Heat, New Cabin interior
& carpet, Must See $33,900
GL- 43’ 2003 Cruisers 3970, Twin 8.1S-HO, Gen/AC/Heat, Full Enclosure,
Low Hours, Ver y Nice! $149,500
TM- 17’1998 SeaRay 175, Merc 3.0, Trailer, $11,000
TM-18’ 2007 Larson 180 Merc 4.3, Custom Trailer, Nice, $14,500
TM-23’ 2000 Cobalt 232, Volvo 7.4, Duo-Prop, Trailer, Nice, $21,500
TM-23’ 2011 Monterey M3, Merc 350 Mag,B-3, Custom Trailer, $52,500
Page 19
TM-23’ 2013 Cruisers Sport Series 238, Merc 5.0MPI, Value Packed
TM- 23’2011 Monterey M3, Merc 350 Mag, B3, Trailer, $54,500
TM-25’ 2007 Chaparral 256 SSI, Merc 6.2, Captains Call, Nice
GL- 25’ 2008 Chris Craft Launch 25, Volvo 5.7GXI-320hp, Palm Beach Yellow, $59,900
TM-25’ 2013 Cruisers Sport Series 258, Merc 350Mag, Innovative New
TM-25’ Chaparral 256SSI, Merc 496 Mag, Bravo3 Silent Choice, Nice
TM-26’ 1998 Crownline 266 BR, Merc 7.4, Bravo3, Trailer, $18,500
TM-26’ 1999 Crownline 260 BR, 454MPI, B3, Corsa Exhaust, $23,500
TM-26’ 2014 Monterey 268SS, New, Merc 377Mag, Captains Call
GL- 27’ 2013 Cruisers Sport Series 278 Merc 350 Mag Bravo3,
TM-29’ 2008 Monterey 278SS, 496 Mag, Black , Custom Trailer,
KL- 29’ 2002 Monterey 268SS, Only 225 hours, Very Nice, Only $42,500
TM-29’ 2013 Cruisers Sport Series 298, Merc 377Mag,
GL- 29’2014 Cruisers Sport Series 298, Merc 8.2Mag, Arch
GL-29’ 2010 Cobalt 296 Bowrider, Merc 496, B-3, Low Hours, $94,500
TM-29’ 2013 Monterey 288SS, 8.2MAG,Bravo3, Unbelievable
GL-30’ 2009 Crownline 300, Ts, Loaded, Only 116 hours, $89,900
GL-32’ 2012 Monterey 328SS, T Merc 350 Mag B3, joystick, 30 HRS,
TM-32’2014 Monterey 328SS, T-Merc 350 Mag, Bravo3, DTS/AXIUS,
GL-32’ 2015 Cruisers Sport Series 328SS, T-Volvo 320hp, joystick, AC,
GL-33’ 1997 Formula 330SS, T-Merc 330hp, Bravo3, Gen/AC, $42,900
TM-20’ 2012 Nautique Sport 200, PCM 343, Hydro-Gate w/Sport Shift,
GL- 21’ 2006 Malibu 21 VLX, Indmar Monsoon 340hp, Custom Trailer,
TM-21’ 1997 Tige PRE2050WT, Merc 350 Mag, Ski Edition, White/Red
TM-21’ 2014 Nautique G21, Loaded, PCM409, purple/white, Custom Trailer
TM-22’ 2003 Centurion Sport BR, Merc 350 Mag, Low hours, $21,500
TM-23’ 2011 Centurion Enzo 230, PCM 343, Only 40 hours, $59,900
TM-23’ 2009 Nautique, 230 Super Air, PCM ZR409, Blue, Trailer, $64,500
TM- 23’ 2014 Nautique Super Air 230, NSS Wake System, PCM 409TM- 23’
2014 Nautique G23 Red/Black, PCM 550, Loaded, Must See
GL -24’ 2011 Malibu 247 LSV, Supercharged 550hp, White, $74,900
TM-24’ 2009 Mastercraft X45, Vortec 350hp, Trailer, $68,700
GL -25’ 2011 Mastercraft X55,Ilmor MV8 6.2-430hp, Must See!
GL-25’ 2014 Nautique G25, PCM 450HP, Loaded, Blue/White
TM23,2005 Baja 23 Outlaw, 496 Mag, Captains Call, Trailer, $27,251
TM27’2007 Baja 277 Islander, Merc 496Mag-H0, 74 hrs,Trailer, $59,950
TM-34’ 1990 Scarab Excel, Twin 496 Mags, Bravo drives, Custom Wrap,
Must See, $34,900
GL- 35’ 2007 Baja 35 Outlaw, Twin 496 Mag HO Mercs, 18k HydroHoist
available, $119,900
GL- 35’ 2007 Baja 35 Outlaw Twin 496 Mag HO, 100 hours, Very Nice,
TM-38’ 1995 Powerquest, 380 Avenger, Twin Merc 600SC, 400Hrs, Nice,
TM-42’ 2000 Fountain 42 Lightning, Twin Merc 500 EFI, Staggered, Only
GL- 46 2002 Cigarette 46 Rough Rider, Triple Merc 700s, 78 hours, Like
New, $239,500
GL- 46 2003 Sunseeker Superhawk 48, Triple Merc 496 Mag HO, Low
hours, $239,000
BL- 20’ 2012 G3 Boats LV208C, Pontoon, Yamaha 40hp four stroke, Maroon, trailer, $18,550
TM- 20’ 2014 Avalon GS Cruise 20, Mercury 50hp, Trailer, Great Value,
TM- 22’ 2013 Avalon DRL 22, Triple Log, Mercury 150hp, Blue, Custom
Trailer, Call!
TM- 22’ 2013 Avalon C Fish 22, Pontoon, Mercury 90ph, Custom Trailer
TM- 23’ 2006 Harris LX230, Pontoon, Mercury 115hp, Tan, Very Nice,
TM- 24’ 2013 Avalon Catalina Entertainer 24, Triple Log, Mercury 150hp,
Red, Trailer
TM- 27’ 2013 Avalon Deco Funship 27, Triple Log, Mercury250 Verado,
Red, Trailer
TM- 27’ 2013 Avalon Deco Sandbar27, Triple Log, Mercruiser 350 Mag,
Captains Call, Trailer
TM- 29’ 2011 Avalon 29 Excaliber, Merc 350 Mag, Bravo3, Switchable Exhaust, trailer, $59,500
Page 20
November 12, 2014
NEO hosts Fifth Annual
Alumni Recruiting Rodeo
Miami, Okla. – Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 – The Rodeo
team at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) is
hosting the fifth annual alumni and recruiting rodeo. The
event is open to all NEO alumni and family. High school
graduates are encouraged to come and experience the tradition here at NEO and the chance to compete with NEO
alumni. The rodeo will be held on Saturday, November 22,
at 7pm at the NEO multipurpose arena.
The NEO facilities include one indoor and two outdoor
arenas, two round pens and over one hundred horse stalls!
The events that will be taking place are Bareback
Bronc, Saddle Bronc, Bull Riding, Calf Roping, Steer
Wrestling, Cowgirl Barrel Racing, Team Roping, Barrels,
and Goat Tying. Entry fees vary from $50 to $75 and entry
times are Monday November 17th and Tuesday November
18th from 10am to 4pm. There will also be scholarships up
for grabs to the high point high school senior. The winner
will receive a two year tuition scholarship that is valued at
over $4,500 and two book scholarships to second and third
high point winners.
There will be a fundraiser benefit auction at 5pm during the Bar-B-Que cookout. Be sure to stop by and help
support the NEO Rodeo team. This event is sponsored by
Buffalo Run.
For more information contact Kolby Ungeheuer at
(918) 540-6480 or Kolby.ungeheuer@neo.edu
Tulsa RV Ranch Hosting Demolition Derby “Cops and
Robbers” to Benefit Area Food Banks
Screeching tires, smashing bumpers and revved-up motors may not cause one to think of food for the hungry, but
that’s exactly what the sponsors of the “Cops and Robbers”
Demolition Derby hope to accomplish.
The Tulsa RV Ranch, area county Sheriff Departments
and the Muscogee (Creek) Nation have come together to
support the event to be held at 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 6, at the TRV Ranch in Beggs. The event proceeds will
benefit area food banks.
“In conjunction with area county sheriff departments
and the Muscogee Nation, the Ranch is striving to raise
awareness and support of our local food banks,” said Eileen
Phillips, marketing director of the Ranch.
“Anyone coming to the event is encouraged to bring a
canned food item which allows them a ticket for $5 instead
of $10. In the afternoon, Jeepers Anonymous will be on
campus collecting Toys for Tots. So it will be a big day
featuring the joy of giving,” Phillips said.
The food banks benefitting from the event include: the
Okmulgee Salvation Army, Henryetta Church of Christ,
Bristow Social Services, Sapulpa Community Care,
Muskogee Community Food Pantry, Muskogee Creek Nation Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program, and the Okmulgee Homeless Shelter.
The Tulsa RV Ranch or “The Ranch” is a popular Green
Country destination located off of the U.S. Hwy. 75 corridor. The Ranch offers more than 90 full-service RV spaces,
15 fully-furnished rental cabins, showers, game and fitness
rooms, a General Store, MX track, ¼ mile Go Kart tract,
18- hole Putt-Putt course, the Silverado Steak House, a saloon, a 100-stall barn, an outdoor race track and a modern
event center.
“The event center offers a large space perfect for hosting festivals, concerts, farm shows, tractor pulls, motocross and arena flat track racing, pro rodeos and bull riding
events,” she added.
For the rules and registration information for entering
cars in the Derby, call 918.267.9000, option 2. The Tulsa
RV Ranch is located at 2538 U.S. 75 in Beggs. For more
information, visit tulsarvranch.com.
The Tulsa RV Ranch is a member of Green Country
Marketing Association, one of 11 multi-county organizations working with the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation
Department, the Oklahoma Travel Industry Assn. and others to promote state tourism, a $7.2 billion industry.
(By Jeanette Swindell, Public Relations Consultant,
Green Country Marketing Assn.)
November 12, 2014
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