Trinity Trumpeter Serving Christ Since 1901 Trinity Lutheran Church 603 Classen Norman, Oklahoma 73071 405-321-3443 Webpage: Article Submissions: (due by 18th of the month) IN THIS ISSUE: Pastor ....................... 1 LYF ............................ 2 School Meetings / ............... 3 Reminders Stewardship ............. 4 Organ Update ........... 5 Advent LWML ....................... 6 Seniors Vicar .......................... 7 IMPORTANT REMINDERS BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES November 2014 4.) The Last Sunday in the Church Year, also called “Christ the King Sunday” is Nov 23rd. The theme for the lessons is the 2nd Coming and Return of Christ. This is also called the “Parousia.” He is coming again in glory to judge 1.) This month we again celebrate All Saints the living and the dead. He comes to raise our Day on Sunday Nov. 2nd. For all the Saints who bodies unto life everlasting. Come Lord Jesus! have died before us- we rejoice in their victory! We will recall all those in our congregation who 5.) Thanksgiving Day Worship Service is have died this past year and gone into heaven. Thursday Nov. 27th at 10:00 a.m. Our We will toll the bell as each name is read out blessings of Church, Home and Country in the loud during the service. USA are so tremendous and bountiful that we FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Saints bound for Heaven and Citizens living on Earth! The annual Pledge Sundays are November 2nd, 9th and 16th. We will PRESENT OUR PLEDGES AT THE ALTAR. You have received your packet of materials in the mail. are overwhelmed by God’s graciousness! Plan to attend with your family and friends before your festive meal. 6.) The First Sunday in Advent is Nov. 30th. As the new church year begins, we prepare for 2.) On Sunday Nov. 9th we will focus on Christmas with repentant hearts focusing on the “International Persecuted Church Day” as we Old Testament promises of Immanuel, God with pray on behalf of the many Christians around the us, born of the virgin Mary at Bethlehem. You world who have put their lives at risk because of will receive the Lutheran Hour Ministries their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Advent Devotional booklet that day with the theme: “God’s Home for the Holidays.” 3.) The 2015 Church Work Program will be voted on this month at the Voters Meeting on 7.) Wednesday Dec. 3rd at 7:30 p.m. will be Sunday Nov 16th at 1:00 p.m. with the the first Advent Vespers Service. At 6:30 p.m. LWML Thanksgiving Dinner at 12:00 noon there will be a Soup and Salad Supper. The before the meeting. We plan our year in God’s theme this year is “Arise, O Christian People” Kingdom. We set the budget prayerfully and from LSB Hymn 354. with careful planning. We set goals for the coming year and we look forward to God’s Rejoice that you have a wonderful place to be blessings in meeting them! We do our pledging, divinely served by God in Word and Sacrament confident that we can give God the 10% and we as you receive His bountiful gifts for your body will live on the 90%. and soul! Giving proportionately means that We need each of us to pledge of our time, talent and treasures for the work of the Lord in our congregation. What a joy to participate in the Gospel work of our Lord through our TLC Church, School and Campus Ministry, as “One Family!” we give a set percentage of our income for the Gospel work of the Lord Jesus Christ in our local congregation and in the church-at-large in the LCMS. God bless our receiving and our giving, as we walk by faith. "The Lord Our God Establishes the Work of Our Hands!" is our 2015 Stewardship Theme. CALENDAR SERVANTS FOR THE MONTH In Christ Jesus, Pastor Nehrenz Trinity Trumpeter LYF News November is here and the LYF have several events coming up! On Sunday the 9th we will be taking 6th-12th graders out for an afternoon of bowling here in Norman. We will leave directly after late service. The 14th-16th is the Oklahoma District Senior High Youth Gathering, OK’d In Christ. This weekend event is for 9th-12th graders and will be held in Tulsa, at the Doubletree Hotel. We will leave from the church at 5 p.m. on Friday and return Sunday afternoon. The cost is $110 per participant, or $45 for non-congregational friends who have not attended before. Please make payment out to Trinity Lutheran Church, as registration must be paid from a Church account. On Wednesday the 19th the Senior High School Bible Study will be replaced by a servant event at the OKC Regional Foodbank. We will leave from the church at 5:15 and return around 8:30. This is a free event but all youth under the age of 18 will require a parent’s signature on a liability waiver. If interest, please let the Youth Directors know as soon as possible. Please be aware there will not be Senior High Bible Study on the 26th, as school will be out for Thanksgiving. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email us at tlcnormanlyf@gmail, or contact us via the information on the LYF bulletin insert. 2 Trinity Lutheran School and Childcare The Trinity Lutheran School students will be singing patriotic songs for the Trinity Seniors at their monthly meeting. We would like to thank all our Veterans and their spouses for their service to our country! NO SCHOOL – Friday, November 7 - Parent/Teacher Conferences. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR – Monday, Nov. 10 through Friday, Nov. 14 We will be set up in Fellowship Hall during the week. This is a great opportunity to buy some books for Christmas gifts. Our school/childcare will receive 40% back in books when we sell more than $1000. If we sell more than $2000 we will receive 50% in books. Our classroom teachers LOVE the Scholastic Book Fair. We hope you do, too! Operation Christmas Child (The Shoebox Ministry) Many years ago, Mary Beth Studebaker talked to our school about filling shoeboxes with items for children that may not receive a Christmas gift. She told us about Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse and their worldwide mission to help children. Every box contains a book about Jesus in the child’s native language. This year we are asking school/childcare families and church members to help us fill 100 shoeboxes. A list of items and a sample display board can be found in the Narthex. (We do NOT need any boxes – only the items to fill them.) Families can donate items for an entire box or any number of specific items. (We will need 100 of everything on the list.) We will put all the donations together and ask the children to fill the boxes. Remember to think small when you are shopping. Everything has to fit in a normal size shoebox. All donations need to be received by Monday, November 10. Please help us as we fill the boxes. Pray for our children as they learn to share and for the children that will receive these gifts. THANKSGIVING FEAST - November 25 NO SCHOOL – Nov. 26, 27 and 28 – HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Trinity Trumpeter 3 BOARDS AND COUNCIL VOTERS MEETING Sunday, November 9th We THANK YOU all for serving in our congregation! Sunday Nov. 16th at 1:00 p.m. (After the LWML Thanksgiving Dinner at 12:00 noon.) − 2015 Budget Presentation − Board reports − Hinners Organ Update − Update on the progress of the upstairs construction project All communicant members over 18 years old plan to attend and become a voter! 1:30 p.m.- Elders 6:00 p.m.- Council See calendar for: - Stewardship Board – Sun. Nov. 2nd at 7:00 p.m. - Education Board -Wed. Nov. 26th at 6:00 p.m. - Evangelism Board – Tues. Nov. 4th at 7:00 p.m. - School Board - Tues. Nov. 4th at 7:00 p.m. - Board of Trustees – Sat. Nov. 8th at 9:30 a.m. All Board members please note these times and plan to attend. SCHOOL/CHURCH STAFF ADMINISTRATORS MEETING Wednesday, November 19th at 8:00 a.m. NORMAN CIRCUIT PASTORS' STUDY CONFERENCE Thursday Nov. 13th in Sulphur. Pastor and Vicar will attend. THANKSGIVING TURKEY DINNER by LWML Sunday Nov. 16th at 12:00 NOON. Come enjoy food, fellowship and thanksgiving at this meal provided by the women of the LWML. Free-will donations will be taken. ADULT TLC CHOIR is on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Choir Director Silviya Mateva welcomes all teens, college students, adults! We sing praises to our Lord and Savior in joyful song! We will need your voices and musical gifts in praise to our King! SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASSES 9:15 AM Join us at our Sunday morning Bible study at 9:15 a.m. while your children and teens are in Sunday School. Come and be with us for your growth in God’s Word! WITH PASTOR: “2nd Thessalonians” WITH BOB LEE: “Matthew” VICAR ZIMMERMAN: “A Look Ahead” at the next Sunday’s Scripture Readings WEDDING God’s blessings be upon Seth Lemke and Madisen Cary who will be married on Sat. Nov. 29th at 6:30 p.m. Trinity Trumpeter OPEN ADULT BIBLE STUDY – Title: "C.F.W. Walther " Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.-taught by Eldon Jupe Schedule: -Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. -Refreshments provided Materials: -Participant books -Teacher leads the class through the study Plan to attend these new and powerful studies taught by the Board of Elders. Everyone is welcome, so invite a friend and attend. Contact person and teacher: Elder Eldon Jupe (447-1269. ) Ends on Nov. 18, resumes in Jan. THANKSGIVING DAY DIVINE WORSHIP SERVICE Date: Thursday Nov. 27th Time: 10:00 a.m. Theme: “Oh Give Thanks Unto the Lord, for He is Good!” Come be with us and bring ALL your family to this service, which will feature: PSALMS, HYMNS, SCRIPTURE LESSONS, MESSAGE, THANKSGIVING PRAYERS praising God for CHURCH, HOME AND COUNTRY! Come give thanks to our Triune God before our festive meals and football games! This is our national annual “Day of Thanksgiving” in the U.S.A. 4 "THE LORD OUR GOD ESTABLISHES THE WORK OF OUR HANDS!” Sundays November 2nd, 9th, 16th Stewardship Pledge Sundays 1, 2, 3 Consecrated Pledges - Presented at BOTH services and placed on the Altar Bible Text: Psalm 90:17: “Let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands.” Preparation: Special sermons with a Stewardship emphasis on Sundays Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 2 Explanation: To celebrate our life together as “One Family – Church, School, Campus Ministry,” we will gather on CONSECRATION SUNDAY and will PRESENT OUR PLEDGES TO THE LORD ON THE ALTAR. Mailing: Enclosed with the mailing was your Consecration Pledge Card to dedicate ourselves to the making of disciples of all nations in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in 2015. We ask you to bring your CONSECRATION PLEDGE CARDS to be presented on the altar to our Lord. May the Lord bless our consecrated work and plan to join us for these important Sundays NOVEMBER 2, 9, 16 Trinity Trumpeter Hinners Organ Update: 5 COMING IN DECEMBER: ** An Organ Committee has been formed by the Church Council. You will be receiving a mailing which will include detailed information about the Hinners Organ we have purchased for use in our sanctuary. It will be renovated during 2015 and installed in our church in 2016. FIRST ADVENT VESPERS SERVICE Wednesday Dec. 3rd **Silviya Mateva played the O.U. Hinners organ on October 20, 21 and 22 (Monday-Wednesday) from 6.30 to 7.30 pm. Everyone was welcome to come and hear OU's organ, which is very similar to our own Hinners. The address is: Catlett Music Center, 500 W Boyd St., Norman. ADVENT WEDNESDAY VESPERS SERVICES - 7:30 p.m. (30 minutes in length) Vespers, Psalms, Hymns and Brief Sermon - come prepare your hearts for the celebration of the Christmas Event! ** Save the Date! OU faculty will lead a tour of the OU organ workshop for Trinity members on Sunday, November 23, at 1:00 p.m. Come see where Trinity's Hinners organ will be restored. 2101 W. Tecumseh Road, Suite C | Norman, OK **To date, $29,357 has been donated toward the organ fund. To contribute toward the pipe organ's storage and restoration, please write "Organ" on the memo line of your check. Contact Neal Schuster for more information. Advent Soup and Salad Supper (6:30 p.m.) Theme: “Arise, O Christian People!” LSB 354 SENIORS The senior lunch and program have been scheduled for Thursday, November 6. As usual, the devotional will begin promptly at 11:15 followed by a very brief business meeting and a very sumptuous lunch. The program, "The Story of James Garner", will be presented by Mr. Roy Hamilton, a life-long friend of James Garner, whom we all know from his tv series "Maverick" and "The Rockford Files" and many films. Garner even lived for a while with the Hamilton family, so we can learn a lot about his early years. Mark this date on your calendar, come with something edible, and be prepared for a wonderful time. Friends are always welcome. On Friday, November 21, the church bus will depart for Shawnee to convey us to the Mabee-Gerrer Museum to participate in a guided tour where we will see the St. John's Bible Heritage Edition, as well as other permanent exhibits. The St. John's Bible volumes are considered rare books, as each one is a fine-art reproduction of the only handwritten and illustrated Bible since the advent of the printing press 500 years ago. The museum will host a one-year exhibit of the St. John's Bible Edition, and the engagement will begin with the Heritage Edition of the Gospels and Acts Volume.There are 7 volumes in the St. John's Bible. The remaining volumes will be on display at a later date. The museum has graciously waived the admission fee for church groups to see the special Bible exhibit and the museum in general. Our tour is scheduled for 1:00, so we will have lunch first at a location selected by J.B.Dufran. The bus will leave the church at 10:00. Trinity Trumpeter MITE SUNDAY = FIRST SUNDAY. On the first Sunday of each month, you are invited to bring your mites to church and dump them in the extra-large Mite box found on the welcome center. We will be highlighting one mission/month in the prayers during service, as well as talking about it during Pastor’s Sunday School class. You can learn about our missions anytime by checking out the two websites; (to learn about the missions our Oklahoma District has voted on) and (to learn about the missions the national LWML body has voted on). This month’s highlighted mission is the “Voice of Care Ministry to the Developmentally Challenged” mission grant of $50,600. This grant will help to support the Director of Development, to create and produce informational materials, and to fund technology to tell the story of sharing the Gospel with the developmentally challenged. The Oklahoma District Convention was held in September at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond. About 100 women attended, plus 8 pastors. There were 35 voting delegates. New officers were elected to the Oklahoma District Board. These include Myrna Lou Meyer as President, Laura Schalat as Vice President, Suzet Roggow to the Nominating Committee, and Judy Pendley as our Delegate to the National Convention. The offering collected was $772 to be used for mites. 6 LWML Ruth Circle – Ladies you are invited to join us for Bible Study on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Pastor or Vicar lead the study. Bring a friend! LWML THANKSGIVING DINNER – Each year our LWML ladies host a turkey dinner prior to the Voter’s Meeting. This year that meal will be served Sunday, November 16. A sign up sheet will be passed around during the Sunday School hour in which you can sign up to donate food and/or time to help. A freewill offering will be taken and matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thank you for your support. LWML will be collecting items for MARY ABBOTT HOUSE for Christmas this year. The Mary Abbott House here in Norman assists children and families suffering abuse. They would like to have the following items to hand out to the children; teddy bears, play-doh and washable markers. We will be accepting donations for 3 Sundays; November 23rd and 30th , and December 7th. Look for a box in the narthex to deposit them. We will also be donating fleece blankets to the Mary Abbott House. We need YOUR help to cut strips and tie them. We will be doing this during the Advent Soup Supper, from 6:00-7:30 p.m., on Wednesday, December 3rd. No skill level required, we will show you what to do. Trinity Trumpeter FROM THE VICAR Dear fellow redeemed, As I said at the October Senior’s Luncheon and at the Oct. 5 children’s message, All Saint’s Day is my favorite holiday of the church year. All Saint’s Day is the first of November every year, we transfer it to the nearest Sunday to celebrate, for 2014, it’s observed on Sunday, November 2. For me, All Saint’s Day one of those church festivals where the realities of our Christian Faith hits home the hardest and the sweetest. It is indeed a bit sad when the names of the saints that have gone on before us in the past year are read aloud. We miss our friends and family members on this side of heaven. This November, Grandpa Zimmerman’s name will be read at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Traverse City, Michigan. But, as we Easter Christians know, it’s on this holiday and every day that we remember the Gospel promise of Eternal Life that has been freely given to them and we rejoice in their transfer from mortal life to being with the Lord forever. One can’t quite help but have a bit of a tear of repentant joy when the 6/4 time signature of that Norwegian tune starts up for “Behold a Host Arrayed in White” from TLH 656 (Lutheran Service Book 676), and we sing: At home above the God of Love, For aye their tears shall dry. They now enjoy their Sabbath rest, the paschal banquet of the blest. 7 The Lamb, their Lord, at festal board, himself is Host and Guest Our beloved family members and friends that have died in the Faith have not passed away to oblivion. They share in the certainty that St. Paul taught in Romans, chapter 6, verse 5: “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” We remember the sweet words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from John, chapter 14: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. …“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” In our preaching and singing, we often hear the generic application of the Gospel, and yes, we are forgiven for our sins. When we read the names of the dearly departed in the Faith, we recall how they specifically now rest from their labors and rejoice in being in the presence of the Lord for eternity. Thanks be to God. A blessed November to you all! Vicar Zimmerman NOVEMBER Anniversaries Birthdays Ian Barnes David Mathison Rose Niehues Jessie Schuerman Roy Yarbrough Tanner Sendelbach Brad Anderson Trent Cason Barbara Beall Les Brown Jim Randol Jane Hollandsworth Alex Laffin Ashley Laatsch Steve Bute Frank Richartz Wende Weber Dick Leech Susan Crane Wanda Roepke Evelyn Gather Tammy Lemke Donna Freeling Travis Wendte Stephen Favors Johna Jupe Sabrina Wise Sue Ebey Jacquelyn Farquharson Nathan Hasbrook Scott Hasbrook Veronica Richartz Bethany Conkling Tyler Beavers Wayne Stehr Scott Anderson Helen Higbee Pansy Brown Carla Kramer Brian Rytlewski Brigitte Parker David Riesland Cindi Schemm Fern Stine Jerry & Charlene Jerman Brian & Penny Rytlewski Raymond & Nancy Hartman Darryl & Tammy Vogt Tyler & Maranda Wendte 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/3 11/4 11/4 11/5 11/5 11/5 11/6 11/6 11/7 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/9 11/13 11/13 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/17 11/18 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/22 11/23 11/23 11/25 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/29 11/30 11/30 11/30 11/30 11/4/1972 11/9/1991 11/21/1987 11/26/2004 11/30/2013 42 23 27 10 1 PLEASE MAKE THESE CHANGES / ADDITIONS / DELETIONS TO YOUR CHURCH DIRECTORY BAPTISM Zoey AnnMarie Pledger, daughter of Sidney Pledger and Eliane Hopper, was baptized on 10/4/14 DEATHS Pauline Hartman passed away on September 25th. Santiago Philemore passed away September 25th. "THE LUTHERAN HOUR" RADIO BROADCAST Can’t Make it to Church? Listen to the Lutheran Hour! The Lutheran Hour broadcasts in the Oklahoma City area Sunday mornings at 9:00 am on BOTT radio station KQCV (800 AM). Zion Lutheran Church, Guthrie, will be sponsoring the broadcast. “The Lutheran Hour, the world’s longest-running Christian outreach radio program, has been proclaiming a changeless Christ to a changing world for more than three quarters of a century” says Rev. Gregory Seltz, speaker of The Lutheran Hour. “Beginning with the Great Depression of the 1930s and throughout the generations to follow, The Lutheran Hour has shared God’s peace and offered comfort and hope to millions of people.” The Lutheran Hour is also available as a podcast from the web, online at and on the American Forces Network for members of the military and their families. Trinity Lutheran Church 603 Classen Blvd. Norman, OK 73071-5048 Missouri Synod Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage PAID Permit No. 38 Norman, Oklahoma ∗Return Service Requested The Trinity Trumpeter Affix Label here God’s Servants Trinity Staff ACOLYTE 8:00 a.m. Keely Brown 10:30 a.m. Alyssa Trissell ALTAR CARE 8:00 a.m. Annie Reiswig 10:30 am Robin Hollandsworth TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH ELDER OF THE DAY OFFICE 321-3443 8:00 a.m. Jeremy Conkling PASTOR David Nehrenz 321-3443 or home 360-9396 or 10:30 a.m. Eric Burley GREETERS 8:00 a.m. SECRETARY Jackie Mullen 321-3443 10:30 a.m. S.S. Superintendent Misty Sendelbach Assistant Superintendent Tisha Merchant 329-1503 School Administrator Cheryl Anderson Choir Director & Organist Child Care Director Carol Wendte TLC School / Child Care Web: 899-4831 778-5965 Youth Director Troy Young 580-304-3381 Brianna Brown Eddie Pledger ESL Dir. Emily Jerman 227-7874 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 429-9327 VICAR TRINITY SCHOOL USHERS FAX 928-2686 Custodians Silviya Mateva Bill & Jackie Mullen Trumpeter Editor . Trinity Church / Web Page 872-9591 Bobby Thomale Julie Laffin
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