Page 1 SERVED BYTHIRTY-THIRD : SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A ASCENSION CATHOLIC Rev. Eamon Tobin .........................Ext. 3070 Pastor, email: Rev. BK Tran ................................... 254-1595 Associate Pastor Email: November 16, 2014 COMMUNITY 2950 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935 Tel. 321-254-1595 Fax 321-255-3490 Deacon Sergio A. Colon...............Ext. 3082 Bereavement Ministry, Hispanic Community Deacon Tom Stauffacher, 321-242-4504 Deacon Bill Terneus November 16, 2014 Sr. Joseph Barden...........................Ext. 3003 Development Director Sr. Immaculata ................................Ext. 3039 Pastoral Care Doug Workman..............................Ext. 3001 School Principal Betsy Glasenapp .............................Ext. 3080 Religious Education Director Thirty-third Sunday in Mary Birmingham ..........................Ext. 3068 Music/Liturgy Director, Catechumenate Ordinary Mark Kniepmann............................Ext. 3501 High School Youth Minister Time Mary Blucker ...................................Ext. 3069 Middle School Youth Minister Ashley Breaux..................................Ext. 3077 Contemporary Music Monica Sutton.................................Ext. 3076 Volunteer Coordinator PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PARISH OFFICE STAFF Teresa Romano.............................. Ext. 3050 Receptionist Maria Sittig ..................................... Ext. 3072 Secretary/Bulletin, Mary Russo ......................................Ext. 3078 Business Manager/Bookkeeper Anne Dorros.....................................Ext. 3074 Bookkeeper Assistant Brian Carley Facilities Manager Susan Esposito Fingerprinting office ......................Ext. 3079 ASCENSION CATHOLIC SCHOOL U.S. Department of Education School of Excellence Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade FAITH FORMATION Religious Education (Pre-K - 6) Tuesdays, 4:00 - 5:15 p.m. Religious Education (Grades 1-8) Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Youth Ministry Sundays after 5:30 p.m. Mass OUTREACH Ascension Thrift Store: 259-7291 Ascension Social Concerns: 259-5685 BINGO Mondays & Thursdays 6:00 p.m., Parish Hall SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. (free childcare) 11:30 a.m. (free childcare) 5:30 p.m. Weekday Masses Monday-Friday: 7:25 a.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:15 - 4:25 p.m. Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. (or by appointment) As a good steward of the Lord’s blessings, please remember to consider your Parish Family or School Endowment in your Last Will and Testament. Page 2 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A November 16, 2014 • The good steward feels good about sharing. Invaria- bly, we feel good after we sense that our giving has made some difference in someone’s life, e.g., visiting a sick or lonely person, listening to someone’s heartache. • Good stewards look for opportunities to help out or make a difference. Wilkes writes: “The good steward joins in God’s own generous nature by quite simply and directly addressing the needs of the moment.” STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND TALENT • Good stewards live the “attitude of gratitude” mes- sage. Wilkes writes (and I love this piece): “Good stewards have good memories, recalling where they came from, the struggles of their parents, the struggles of their own lives, those peaks and those valleys that shaped them and brought them to this very moment. And they find themselves deeply grateful. It’s an ‘attitude of gratitude.’ Good stewards know Unfortunately, all too many people see stewthey didn’t earn their time, talents or treasardship as another word for fundraising. Per- While the Biblical concept ure. These are truly gifts from a generof stewardship does haps all too often, it has been used in this ous God—miraculous and randomly scatinclude how we manage very narrow way. While the Biblical concept tered over the human race—who asks only our money, of stewardship does include how we manage it encompasses a whole that we also be generous.” The good stewour money, it encompasses a whole lot ard gives not out of guilt but out of gratilot more; in fact, more; in fact, stewardship is about how we stewardship is about how tude. This deep sense of gratitude for life’s we handle all of life. handle all of life. The good steward sees all blessings moves the good steward to be as of life (health, time, talents, kids, work, generous as possible with life’s gifts. home, money, position, etc.) as gifts from God. The • The good steward gives according to his life’s situagood steward is one who seeks daily to use well the tion. At one stage in our lives, we may not be able to blessings of life. God has not given us gifts to squander give much money, so we give of our time. At another like the prodigal son in Luke 15, or to use them just to stage, we may be in a better position to give of our create a lavish lifestyle for ourselves. Unfortunately in time or money. We may have a particular talent or our world today, all too many people have created such skill that can be a blessing to others. a crazy lifestyle for themselves that they can give little or no time, talent or treasure to bless people outside I am most grateful to all of you their own families. I doubt God will see them as rewho week after week give of your The good steward sponsible stewards of his gifts. We are blessed and Time, Treasure and Talent to our gives not out of gifted so that we in turn can bless and gift others, espeguilt but out of parish. Our parish is a vibrant cially the poor and our church family. Stewardship is gratitude. parish because of your generosity. something I am learning about all the time. I am very Thank you. much a student in this area and the same can be said when it comes to practicing what I am learning. If you are not involved in a parish ministry and would like to be, please see our extensive list of ministries Some years ago I read an artiUnfortunately in our in today’s bulletin. If you email or call the contact cle called Seven Secrets of world today, all too person and receive no response, please be sure to email many people have Successful Stewards by Paul Monica Sutton, our Volunteer Coordinator, at created such a crazy Wilkes, a writer who has lifestyle for themselves spent a great deal of time visthat they can give little iting Catholic parishes across or no time, talent or God—The Gambler the country. The following treasure to bless people are four thoughts from outside their own We listened today to the parable of the three men who Wilkes article: families. received various kinds of talents from God. The parable Very few of us Catholics grew up being taught about the concept of stewardship. At least our parents and teachers did not use the term stewardship. On the other hand, they probably did try to impress on us the importance of using well the gifts and talents given to us by God. Page 3 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A places before us a gambling image of God who risks entrusting people with his gifts. Like a gambler or investor, God has no guaranteed return on his investment. It seems that he wants us to have a gambling spirit too with the qualities and talents he has given us. If we succeed, both God and we will be winners. The first two fellows play along with the gambling image of God. They believe that their Master expects them to share his enterprising spirit. In contrast, the third fellow considers God to be a tough taskmaster and feels intimidated by him. Instead of being enterprising with his talents, he arranges a funeral service. So as to lose nothing, he risks nothing. After the Master returns, rather than taking responsibility for Our lives are not given to his “poor show,” he tries to be hoarded and tightly blame his Master. He takes held on to. No, we are the problem from where it is, called to bless others namely, with himself, and with the gifts and talents places it where it is not. The the Lord has blessed us Master isn’t very sympathetic with. It may be a special to the fellow’s excuses. He gift of listening to the calls him a “worthless, lazy woes of others. It may lout.” The Master’s words jar be a ‘Hi, how are you?’ telephone call. We may our sensibilities. Today, we have a special gift for would probably say that the making money. This gift third guy is timid and inseshould be utilized and cure—an underachiever. Perbalanced with a gift of haps, he suffers from a poor generosity. self-image. Fr. Roland Faley, O.F.M., writes: “The point is clear. Those who build on their baptismal commitment by a steady and active growth in virtue and apostolic zeal will be more than amply rewarded. Those who do nothing with this gift will lose whatever they have in final separation from God’s reign. It is the difference between industry and idleness in the Christian life.” If we don’t utilize our faith, help it to grow and share it, we, too, run the risk of being called “worthless, lazy louts” by the Lord. As followers of Christ, we must remember that faith is a risk as much as it is a security. It is a “letting go” as much as it is a “holding on.” A growing faith keeps us constantly on the move, calling to us like it called Abraham, to leave well-trodden paths for less-traveled roads. The parable seems to be telling us that life is a precious gift to be nurtured, appreciated, and shared with others. “Give freely what you have received freely,” the Lord tells us elsewhere. Our lives are not given to be hoarded and tightly held on to. No, we are called to bless others with the gifts and talents the Lord has blessed us with. It may be a special gift of listening to the woes of others. It November 16, 2014 may be a “Hi, how are you?” telephone call. We may have a special gift for making money. This gift should be utilized and balanced with a gift of generosity. The woman or wife in today’s first reading is a wonderful example of an industrious type of person. Her ‘fear of the Lord’ does not paralyze her. Rather, it moves her into action. She uses “her hands to make clothes” (hurray for our Art and Crafts group!). She also “reaches out her hands to the poor, and extends her arms to the needy” (hurray to all our parishioners involved in outreach ministries!). These qualities are seen to be much more important than a vanishing physical attraction. “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting.” We have parishioners who share their gift of time and talent in a public, visible way, e.g., cantors, musicians, lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, etc. Others share their gift in a behind-the-scene way, e.g., the men and women who volunteer their time in the backroom of our Thrift Store, sorting through used clothes, restoring donated furniture and fixing broken computers and appliances; Teresita Baltazar who proofreads all of my writings (her gift is enormous to me); and many others who quietly serve in many ways in the parish, like Joe Eisen and Lee Dague who are on campus several days a week doing electrical work and many other things, thus saving the parish a lot of money. Again, a big thank you to all who volunteer their time and talent especially because of their love for Jesus. Stewardship Prayer Generous and loving God, You call us to be disciples of your Son Jesus and good stewards of your many gifts. Open our minds and hearts to a greater awareness and deeper appreciation of your countless blessings. Transform us through the power of your Spirit to nurture a Stewardship way of life marked by faith-filled prayer, service to our neighbor, and generous sharing. Teach us to be faithful servants of your gifts. With Mary’s help, may we return ten-fold the gifts entrusted to us. We pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen. - Bishop Robert Morneau Have a blessed week, Page 4 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A Next Sunday’s Readings - November 23, 2014 A Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17, Psalm 23:1-6 1Corinthians 15:20-26, 28, Matthew 25:31-46 Describe a time when helping others was your way of living this Gospel. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Action Nights after the 5:30pm Mass Bible Study: Monday evenings, youth room, 7:00 -8:30pm. All high school teens are welcome to come, socialize with friends, learn and talk about our faith. For info regarding Youth Ministry, contact Mark Kniepmann at Middle School Ministry For all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, no matter where you attend school Wednesday After School Nov. 19, 2014: 3-6pm, Ministry Center, Rm 313. Come for an hour or two or three—it’s up to you! Religious Ed youth, come early and hang out until class begins. Need Confirmation service? Call Mary! For more info, check website or contact Mary Blucker at 254-1595 ext. 3069 or November 16, 2014 FIRST CONFIRMATION PREPARATION CLASS TODAY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 3- 5:15pm Buescher Center, Rm 411 Have you ever wanted to fly to Neverland? Now is your chance!! Ascension's Musical Theater will present Disney's Peter Pan, Jr - November 21 and 22 The show starts at 7 pm both nights and includes pizza and dessert. Tickets are available at the Ascension School office through Nov. 21. Please buy tickets early, as we expect to sell out!!! See you there !!! Step-up-for-Children State Funded Program Seventy children are in our school through the StepUp-For Students Program. Step-Up is offered to families whose income is at a particular level. For more information- website: We also have children in our school through the McKay Scholarship. These are children with learning differences. For more information website: or search for McKay Scholarship. Please help us to get the word out about these programs. So many parents would have their children in our school IF they knew about these programs. Ascension Festival Crafters & Artisans: Please reserve your table today. (Hand crafted items only. No independent sales consultants) All spaces will be inside, 8ft table supplied. Friday is optional. Saturday only $50 or Saturday and Sunday for $65. Ascension Parish Crafters - $25. To reserve, call Kory Oransky at 602-882-1400 or Laura O’Connell at 321-501-2654 or email Reservation forms are available online at Make checks payable to Ascension Catholic Church, c/o Laura O’Connell. Bible on Parade-Parade--December --December 6, 2014 Children and parents should attend a preparation meeting on November 23, 2014, in Buescher Center, Room 411, at 1:00 p.m. for a short meeting to explain simple costumes and other information about Ascension's part in this, the 24th anniversary of the only parade in the country honoring Jesus. For further information, please call Linda Webb at (321)733-1536. Page 5 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A November 16, 2014 ADVENT TEA RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Ascension Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Buescher Center, Room 411 We have increased our inventory due to the closing of St Joseph Crafts. Our store will now be open on Thursday mornings, 9:00am - 12:00pm. Each table is round and seats 8; so invite 7 of your dearest lady friends and neighbors (they don't have to be Catholic or members of ACCW) to come for our Advent Tea. If you wish to dress with hat and gloves, that will be fine, too. As Hostess of your table, you are responsible for decorating the table with a cloth (we will have white ones), place settings, and any centerpiece you desire. Bring your favorite finger foods such as petite sandwiches (this is tea, not lunch), cookies, candies, etc., to share with your table guests. You should arrive at noon to set up. Keep it simple! ACCW will provide the beverages, speaker, various surprises and ambience. For your reservation, please call Donna Carole at (321) 698-5238 or Carolyn at (321) 480-6926. You may text or leave voicemail at either number. Space is limited. ACCW looks forward to seeing you there! ROSARY-MAKING MINISTRY Rosary Ministry meets on Sundays, 1 - 3 pm in Buescher Center, Room 413. Next Meeting: November 23, 2014 If interested in joining, call Michi Davis at 242-8092. Military Ministry The Military Ministry’s program this year is to focus on YOU—our veterans. We would like to express our appreciation to all of you. Our priority is to help sponsor a companion for our World War II & Korean vets to take part in the Honor Flights. Some of you could possibly help us attain this goal. Please register with us by calling Peggie at 751-0408 or email her at with your information. During the month of December, we will also be open on Saturday, 12:00-4:00 pm. We will still be open after the 4:30 Mass on Saturdays and all Masses on Sunday except the 5:30 Mass. Call Rita Billingsley at 254-3865 for information. PHILIPPINE COMMUNITY Friends & families of the Philippine Community, you are all invited to our 24th Annual Thanksgiving Mass at 3:00 pm, Sunday, November 23, 2014 at Ascension Catholic Church. The celebration will continue with a covered dish dinner and entertainment in the Parish Hall. It is very important to come together as a family to thank our Lord for all the BLESSINGS that He has given to all of us. Please mark your calendar. For more info, contact Pat Apfelthaler at 254-2865. ADORATION CHAPEL “What does the poor man do at the rich man’s door, the sick man in the presence of his physician, the thirsty man at a limpid stream? What they do, I do before the Eucharistic God. I pray. I adore. I love.” -St. Francis of Assisi Vacations, illness, absent snowbirds and just life take a toll on the availability of adorers. If you can find an hour to commit to Jesus, consider the Adoration Chapel. Jesus wants you there and through the Holy Spirit is calling you! For information, please c o n ta c t Sa m Ro dr íq u e z a t 3 2 1- 7 95 - 98 13 o r Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1am, 2am, 3am, 5pm, 10pm, 11pm 1am, 3am, 4am, 12pm, 10pm 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 1pm 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am 12am,1am, 3am, 3pm, 6pm, 11pm 1am, 2am, 3am 1am, 2am, 3am, 5am, 4pm, 7pm, 8pm VOCATION CUP Our next meeting is Monday, Dec. 1, 7:00pm Ministry Center, Rm 313. Come join us! The Vocation Cup for November will go out at the 4:30 pm Mass. Jim & Joanne Voltaire will take the Cup home this Saturday, November 15. CONFESSIONS Wednesday evenings from 6:00 pm Saturday afternoons from 3:15 pm GRIEF RECOVERY G ROUP Monday, November 24 , 1:00 - 2:30 pm, Church Library For more information, contact Carol Gessler at 779-7850. Page 6 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A Thanksgiving Day Dinner Every day is a day to rejoice and thank God for all our blessings. If you are 55 years or older, we would love for you to join your fellow parishioners for a traditional Thanksgiving Feast following the 10:30am Thanksgiving Day Mass. Doors open in the School Cafetorium around 11:30am and dinner is served at 12:15pm. Tickets are not required, but reservations are necessary. We would like to have responses by Nov. 21. If you would like to bring something to share, a vegetable dish or dessert would be great. Please call your friends and then call the Parish Office at 254-1595, and say you will be joining us for a gloriously filled day of thanks!! Social Concerns & Food Pantry THANK YOU for your generous support of our Thanksgiving food drive! Many families will be able to enjoy a true Thanksgiving meal and all the blessings. We are able to assemble Thanksgiving baskets for 50 families. That’s a Happy Thanksgiving! Volunteers needed next week to sort and assemble the “Thanksgiving Baskets” When: Tues, Nov. 18, 8:30am until completed (usually ends at approx 11:00 am) Where: Parish Hall What: To sort food received from the Thanksgiving food drive. Pack for families receiving. Pantry food items needed: butter, Tuna Helper Sample size Toiletries, peanut SENIOR SOCIAL MINISTRY (For everyone 50 and over) November 16, 2014 The Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Bishop Norbert Dorsey Assembly is supporting Cell Phones for Soldiers. Since 2004, this nonprofit organization has been dedicated to providing cost-free phone cards to active duty military members through the exchange of donated used cellular phones. This organization also provides assistance to veterans and their families with emergency funding. If you have an old cell phone that you wish to donate, please remove the SIM card and battery and deposit your cell phone in the box located in the Church lobby. Counseling Services If you or someone you love struggles with anxiety or depression; are interested in couples counseling and/or family counseling; or have experienced a traumatic event and aren’t sure where to turn for assistance, Discovery Institute, PA is a good resource in our community. In addition to private counseling sessions, the practice holds State Attorney’s Office support groups for female survivors of sexual assault (teens and adult groups available – both are free of charge). As many of you know, Kay Nowak, one of our volunteer interpreters for the Deaf Ministry, recently completed a master’s degree in mental health counseling. Kay works at Discovery Institute. Contact information for the group practice: (321) 631-5538 or email For more information about Discovery Institute, PA and the professionals who work there, visit TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 St Augustine, Florida – Bus Trip – Nights of Lights! $58 PER PERSON Includes: Round-trip transportation, Escort, and Holly Jolly Trolley Ride! Departure / Return: 11:30 am: Walmart, Palm Bay Road (pick-up by Murphy’s Gas Station) 12:00 pm: Ascension Church (2950 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, Florida 32935) Return approximately 9:30 pm! Sponsored by Global Tours and Travel. Payment in full is due at the time of booking. Please call 321-676-6040 for booking and more information. Everyone is welcome to join us for a day and evening of fun! Enjoy a day of shopping and exploration, along with an evening of dazzling displays of light in our nation’s oldest city! VOLUNTEER IN OCTOBER About 250 homeless and needy folks eat each day at Daily Bread, Melbourne's free downtown soup kitchen. Be a friend to them and serve at the Kitchen located at 815 Fee Ave., just a block off U.S. 1. Let us know if you would like to help on any of the following days from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sign up early to reserve your place on a serving team: Tues, Nov. 25: Contact Betsy or Bill Hampton at 254-0418 Knights of Columbus Council #14573 We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month In Ministry Center Room 312. We pray the Rosary in Our Lady's Chapel at 6:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month. For more information, call Grand Knight Doug Blair at 412-2191 or Membership Director Jim Voltaire at 610-3538. Page 7 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A November 16, 2014 Wedding Anniversaries Christian & Anne Schafer Dexter & Bonita Barlo w George & Flo Downey John & Darlene Sheppard John & Monika Counts Sterling & Becky Warner Steve & Cindy Iezzi 59 years 51 years 51 years 46 years 45 years 35 years 30 years Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov 19 16 16 16 22 17 17 Week beginning Monday, November 17, 2014 and ending Sunday, Nove mber 23, 2014 Mon. 7:30 am Tues. 7:30 am Wed. 7:30 am 8:30 am Michael Stitzel, David Humes, Ava Sophia, CVS, Larry Barone, Natalie Carle, Flo McCaffrey, Daniel Walsh, Greg Grasso, Gerald Cardile, Harry Wright, Fred Barlow, Betty Elko, Chuck Hegland, Madeline Maiello, Magda & Claire Grasso, Lydia Vazquez, Barbara Morris, Ed & Peggy Aubrey, Mia Moore, Grace Carlin, John & Nancy Walsh, Julianne Amicucci, Julio Amicucci, Gemma Stiehle, Brian Robinson, Catherine Reid, Darlene Liptak, Larry Kawa, Kenneth Pearsall, Walker Alldredge, Cathi Hurd, Karen Kessler, Judith Dourney, Christopher Linder, John Doyle, Caridad Mederos, Bettina Mondo, Margaret Donah, Karen Kessler, Claire Crotty, Theresa Bryant, Angela Barber, Mary Robinson, Danilee Chin, Angela Thompson, Dolly Casko, Kathy Jagadmann, Maybelle McGee, Leo Schumaker, Flo Downey, Adam Keehnie, Rose Blankenship, Peggy McKelvey, Patricia Schemp, Luke Gallagher, Maria Castro, Carol Randolph, Cecile Hayden, Juan Arboleda, Anne McKelvey, Barbara Moran, Debbie Dunn, Ragan Krupp, Jory Reyes, Donald Clifford, Mary Carney, Dorothy Basel, Pierrette Gardinal, Gene Parsons, Frank Maiello, Gary Tam, Roberto Marzano, Frank shipman, Regis Maygar, Katherine Nitti Thurs. 7:30 am Fri. 7:30 am Sat. 9:00 am 4:30 pm Sun. 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 5:30 pm Flowers on the Altar in memory of Eric Marsh From the Marsh Family and The Trancynger/Warnock Family From Stella Warnock Please pray for those in the nursing homes. Pray for our Armed Forces Personnel overseas Dan Murray, Steve Cabsky, Joseph Marci, Amanda Outly, Joshua Outly, Bryan Outly, Jesse Outly, Jason Brown, Andrew Grazing, Heather Schmitt, Paul Wells, Anthony Torres, Craig Static, Jason Melbourne, Sherwin Separa, Jesse Catellier, Joseph McDuffie, Samuel Luke, Michael Walsh, Robert Crowl, Bryan Calenda, David Barlow, Dylan Traver, Brian Fleming, Wesley Henry, Marty Martinez, Jonathan Martinez, Bryan Satterwhite, Capt. Kyle McDermott, John Kinsora, Jason Baker, Nicholas Owens, Nick Dorros, Josh Grier, Robert Grover, Rory O’Connor, Homeless Heart Christmas Benefit Tour The 4th Annual Concert will feature The Lettermen and a special friend, Florence LaRue of the 5th Dimension, on Thursday, Dec. 4, at 2:30 & 7:00 pm at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, Indialantic. Did you know that if you attend the concert, you are also helping to give people in need–HOPE–during a difficult time in their lives. Last year’s concert helped to raise over $37,000 for Catholic Charities in Brevard–thanks to all who came and enjoyed a great experience. General Seating $25—Reserved Seating $45 For more info, contact Angela Romano at 773-2783x2 † Betty Theriault † Theresa Burt † Joseph Theriault † Joseph Lizzio † Dorothy Billings † Mike Rivers † Betty Workman † Roy C. Prebble, Jr † Roy C. Prebble, III † Jim McMahon † Danny McCarthy Healing Intention—Charles Funk † Bill Londergan † Conrad Bisson People of the Parish † Eileen Corcoran † Therese Bisson † Tomasa Reymundi † John Steffich † Peter Barrett † John Culleton SERVERS’ SCHEDULE – Nove mber 22 & 23, 2014 Sat 4:30 pm: Sun 7:30 am: Sun 9:30 am: Sun 11:30 am: Sun 5:30 pm: Erin & Owen Wells, Becky Payan Abriella & Pierson Mauldin Alex Kieu Mallory, Nick & Tommy Jost Lauren & Michael Rigsby Lyndsi Graham Alexander & Marissa Spies Nathan Wackley Thank You I would like to thank the Ascension Community for the cards, prayers and Masses said during my mother, Dorothea Terneus’ recent illness and passing. Your thoughts and prayers were appreciated. God bless, Deacon Bill & family Page 8 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A November 16, 2014 Page 9 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A RVSD 11/12/14 MS Ministries Requiring training marked with asterisks ** MINISTRY LITURGY **Altar Servers **Eucharistic Ministers **Sacristan/Church Care **Ushers (Ministry of Hospitality) November 16, 2014 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES SPIRITUAL FORMATION MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS For more information on these ministries please contact Monica Sutton 254-1595 ext.3076 or email at CONTACT PHONE EMAIL Deacon Tom Stauffacher 242-4504 Frank Conley Marie Tyson Barbara Jagrowski Marc Worchel Dee Chapman 255-2392 255-3483 259-5942 757-3451 254-7895 Ashley Breaux 254-1595 x3077 Sterling Warner Mary Birmingham 259-4217 254-1595 X3068 Deacon Sergio Marie Odorizzi Fran Kammerdener Carol Gessler Deacon Sergio Colon 254-1595 x3082 255-3952 271-6514 779-7850 254-1595 x3082 Newcomers Ministry& Welcome Newcomers Rachel Benevente Sherri Tebeau Sr. Immaculata Knox Cathy Miller Justine Miller Marie Higbie Brian Carley Kate Midden Pat Apfelthaler Monica Sutton and Cathy Katz 813-735-0352 960- 0664text only 254-1595 x3039 255-4952 254-2767 253-2981 412-4368 610-8210 254-2865 254-1595 x3076 Pariah Mailings Teresa Romano 254-1595 x3050 Pro-Life Respite Care Cindy Iezzi Janet Steiner Jerry & Olga Kelly John Miller Tom Knutson Terry Quinlivan 259-2677 253-4403 253-4684 794-6620 259-7291 254-1828 Fernando Dominicis 254-8565 **High School Youth Ministry Confirmation Mark Kniepmann 254-1595 x3501 Middle School Ministry Aide Youth Advocacy and Justice **Religious Education/1st Holy Communion/Reconciliation Teacher/Aide SACRAMENTAL PREP/ADULT/ INFANT Mary Blucker & Catherine Key Mary Blucker Betsy Glasenapp 254-1595 x 3069 254-1595 x 3069 254-1595 x3080 Infant Baptism Information Teresa Romano 254-1595 ext.3050 Vocations Cup **Lectors MUSIC MINISTRY Contemporary Music Mass/ Instrumentalist Ministry 5:30 PM Sound Technician Mass Choir/ Instrumentalists 9:30 AM BEREAVEMENT **Funeral Planning Funeral Mass Choir Funeral Receptions Grief Support Group OUTREACH/ PARISH MINISTRIES Daily Bread **Deaf Ministry Elder & Pastoral Ministry Habitat for Humanity Handmade Articles Hurricane Helpers Maintenance Military Ministry **Ministry to Sick **Social Concerns Sunday Coffee &Donuts Thrift Store Transitional Housing (Community of Hope) Transportation FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Page 10 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A 254-1595 ext 3070 254-1595 x3068 November 16, Marriage Prep Father Eamon Tobin **RCIA SPONSOR Mary Birmingham SPIRITUALITY & PRAYER **Leader/ Adult Bible Study Participant Deacon Sergio Colon Ascension Fellowship of Catholic Men Bill Kirby Cancer Prayer Group Contemplative Prayer Helen Kniepmann Pamela Lackie Intercessory Prayer Engaging Spirituality **Good News People Participant/ Leader Hispanic Bible Study Terry Roy Kelly Wells Richard & Gayle Njus 254-2029 259-2431 &/or 960-3870 (cell) 779-9502 480-6350 392-3150 Deacon Sergio Colon 254-1595 x3082 Hispanic SCC **Just Faith Participant/Leader Tony Cortes Terry Quinlivan 254-1778 254-1828 Marriage Enrichment Jay & Katie Gander 254-1595 x3067 Perpetual Adoration Sam Rodriguez 795-9813 Small Christian Communities Dave Ramsey Financial Seminar Laura Dodson Kyle and Shelly Mackinnon 254-7896 757-7390 Women Of Faith Dottie Masucci Coleen Amgott 242-9682 259-8576 Women of the Word Teresa Romano 254-1595 Catholic Nursing Mothers League Cristina Giammarinaro 261-6256 **F.I.S.H. Leader/ Participant Church & School Nursery Home School Playground Pals PARISH ORGANIZATIONS A CCW Bingo Boy Scouts/volunteer Cub Scouts/volunteer Girl Scouts/volunteer Hibernians Knights of Columbus K of C Women’s Auxiliary Retirees (Seniors Group) Rosary Makers Ministry S.A.I.L. Senior Adventures in Learning Secular Franciscans INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITIES Meghan Swift Teresa Reynolds Cindy Kelly Melissa Bryan 482-4351 259-9703 576-3882 355-0376 Carolyn Paternoster Hank Laneuville Andy Salaka Chris Quiroz Michelle Devoid Rita Billingsley Doug Blair Joanne Voltaire Joe Giannaco Michi Davis Beverly Wheeler Marilyn Loveday 254-4206 431-8966 255-1830 446-8512 242-9476 254-3865 412-2191. 610-3538 255-7219 242-8092 622-6474 751-9585 No email Hispanic Community Deacon Sergio Colon 254-1595 x3082 Philippine Community Vietnamese Community FESTIVALS Pat Apfelthaler Lan & Be Duong 254-2865 242-6458 Ascension Catholic Festival John Kelly 537-6898 254-1595 x3082 259-4595 FOR OUR LITTLE ONES
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