OCTOBER 19, 2014 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. VINCENT de PAUL C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 1502 E. Wallen Road Fort Wayne, IN 46825 www.saintv.org PARISH STAFF MASS SCHEDULE Pastor ............................................................... Fr. Daniel Scheidt Parochial Vicar ........................................... Fr. Andrew Budzinski Parochial Vicar ......................................... Fr. Polycarp Fernando Deacon................................................ Deacon James Fitzpatrick Pastoral Associate ........................................ Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate ..........................................................Julia Thill Business Administrator ..................................... Tom Schuerman School Principal ..................................................... Sandra Guffey School Assistant Principal .................................Elizabeth Kleber Dir. of Religious Education ............................. Debbie Blackburn Director of Music .................................................... Tony Andorfer Facilities Manager ................................................. Bruce Cadwell Youth Director ............................................................... Sarah Hill Youth Director ..................................................... Lindsay Klinker Communications Coordinator .................................. Joe Knepper Parish Secretary ................................................... Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ................................................... Marie Andorfer Parish Secretary ...................................................... Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry ....................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson........................ Dan Rohloff Rectory Housekeeper …………………………………… Corrine Boyer Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am, TELEPHONES Church Office…Hours: 8:30 - 4:30 pm M - F .. (260) 489-3537 Church Fax ....................................................................497-9405 E-Mail .............................................................. church@saintv.org Religious Education Office .............................................. ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office ....................................................... ext. 228 Director of Music ............................................................. ext. 210 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll .............................. 341-1249 Development Director Linda McCarthy .......................... ext. 247 Scout Lodge ..................................................................489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie ........................................................755-0816 Mary ..........................................................483-4369 BULLETIN DEADLINE Items should be in the church office via e-mail by Monday 9:00 am. 12:45 and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday: Monday—Thursday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am; Friday: 8:00 am and 5:30 pm; Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day: WILL BE ANNOUNCED Holiday: 9:00 am SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Wed. 4:30 pm (priests must finish by 5:30 pm). Sat. 8:45 - 9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH SCHOOL (1720 E. WALLEN ROAD) A Catholic education for children (grades K-8) Office Hours ..................................................... 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office, Mary Tess Roof ........... (260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line, Ellen Ryan............................... ext. 214 School Kitchen................................................................. ext. 220 School Secretary, Kathy Palmer ..................................... ext. 212 NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office. 2 N E W S & N O T E S MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 20 *6:30 am Carol Gibson 8:00 am Eugene and Zoa Pequignot Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday, October 21 *6:30 am Leonard Hopen 8:00 am Mary Frances and Clarence Bechtel Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:25-38 Wednesday, October 22 *6:30 am Carl and Sharon Minick 8:00 am Edmund Bobay All Mass Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 Thursday, October 23 *6:30 am Debra Jones 8:00 am Deceased Members of Ohlman/Malone Family Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 Friday, October 24 8:00 am Evelyn Russel *5:30 pm Richard Lawrence Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12: 54-59 Saturday, October 25 8:00 am Ed and Monica Etter 45th Anniversary Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 5:00 pm Dr. James Berghoff Sunday, October 26 7:15 am Special Intention of Paul and Fran Braun 9:00 am Nicholas and Olga Michaels 11:00 am For the Parish 12:45 pm Alma McSweeney 6:00 pm Florence and Tom O’Reilly (Life Teen Mass) Ex 22:20-26/1Thes 1:5-10/Mt 22:34-40 *Chapel BISHOPS APPEAL If you have not had an opportunity to return your Bishop’s Appeal pledge, please take time to do so today. Funds from the Bishop’s Appeal go to fund important diocesan ministries including the education of seminarians. Overage from this year’s funds will be used to improve handicap accessibility on our campus. FROM THE PASTOR In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear the Lord Jesus give to us a principle which---even in secular terms---has literally transformed world history: “Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” By situating us as “in the world” without being “of the world,” Christ commissions us with both great freedom and great responsibility. Our very distinctiveness as Christians commits us to be a leaven of transformation for the world rather than simply a weathervane of worldly opinion. Over the past several weeks, we have seen this distinction play out dramatically in the discussions surrounding the Synod on the Family in Rome. This weekend Pope Francis beatifies that great prophet of the twentieth century, Pope Paul VI, who presided over the conclusion and implementation of the Second Vatican Council and who in his encyclical Humanae vitae laid the foundation for what St. John Paul II would develop as the “theology of the body.” Given that so many truths of our life of faith are being discussed so widely both in and outside of the Church, I wish to offer a first session of reflections on the writings that have come from the Synod on the Family. Please join me in church on Wednesday, October 22 from 6:00 to 7:30PM for “All in the Family of Christ: Seeking the Truth in Love.” Please also come to the groundbreaking blessing for the new rectory at 2:00PM on Sunday, October 26. We shall meet after the 12:45PM Mass by the detention pond south of the church and walk over to the land immediately adjacent to it on Effie Drive. Finally, we shall celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints on Saturday, November 1 at 8:00AM in the old cemetery at the corner of Auburn and Wallen Roads. Because All Saints Day falls on a Saturday this year, it is not a Holy Day of Obligation. Nonetheless, the Lord deserves to be glorified in His saints, so we shall offer a 6PM vigil Mass in church on October 31 (no 5:30PM Friday Mass in the Spiritual Center chapel that day!), as well as the 8AM Mass in the old cemetery on November 1. Even through the myriad of concerns afflicting our families on earth, we are surrounded and supported by our great, happy, and fully perfected Family in Heaven! In St. Vincent’s love of Christ, Fr. Daniel Scheidt RCIA NEWS We are coming near the celebration of the Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming on Sunday, October 26. This celebration is where our RCIA Inquirers will assemble publicly for the first time in the Church declaring their intention to the Church and the Church in turn, carrying out its apostolic mission, accepts them as persons who intend to become its members. Please continue to pray that God showers His grace on them, since the celebration manifests their desire publicly and marks their reception and first consecration by the Church. WEDDING BANNS “Please pray that the Lord will abundantly bless these couples as they prepare to take their marriage vows.” III III II Ryan Williams and Bethany Ransbottom A.J. Hamilton and Alyssa Roy Zach Ruetz and Sarita Boacheon M I N I S T R Y WEDNESDAY ECUARISTIC ADORATION “A Holy Hour before the Most Blessed Sacrament so pleases the Heart of Jesus, that every man, woman and child on earth receives a new effect of God’s graces!” - St. Faustina St. Vincent's is blessed with the opportunity to adore Jesus in the Eucharist on Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Are you able to spend 30 minutes or an hour on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis as a scheduled adorer? We are in need of additional people for each of the times on Wednesdays! Would your Small Christian Community, CRHP team, or family like to grow closer to Jesus by committing as a group to a scheduled time? Are you able to attend as your schedule permits by adding your name to our substitute list? We are in need of many substitutes! If none of the above, please remember that YOU are always welcome to stop by for as little or as long as you are able. The regular schedule is in place to ensure that The opportunity exists for the entire parish; take advantage of it, you will be glad you did! Would you be willing to assist the Office staff with coordinating Wednesday times? If so, please contact the parish office at 489-3537! If you are available to commit to a time, please contact the Church office at 489-3537, dschueman@saintv.org. FACILITATOR OPENING FOR CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH We will be discerning individuals or a husband/wife team for a 3-year commitment to the Committee’s service position of Weekend Facilitator. If you are a registered parishioner, have been on a past Christ Renews team and feel called to serve in this ministry, please send a letter to the Church Office, Attention: Julia Thill, answering the following questions: How did you hear this call? What is your previous team experience and ministry? How do you feel you could best serve the committee, teams and invitees? For more information regarding this ministry, contact Julia Thill at 260-489-3537 ext. 208. FUNERAL LUNCHEON DISHES Please pick up any dishes you may have left at the Spiritual Center by November 1. Any remaining funeral luncheon dishes after November 1 will be donated to charity. Thank you for your assistance. L I F E 3 ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY PANTRY Thanks to all our supporters who continue to give. Also thank you to all who donated items at the St Vincent de Paul Society table at Vincentfest. We continue to depend on you. COAT DRIVE We will be collecting new and gently used winter coats, hats, and gloves November 1 and 2 before and after all REKINDLE THE FIRE Meeting this Sunday, October 19th, 7 pm, in the Parish Hall. Another great meeting is planned for tonight as the catechesis is part 2 of “Christian Mission”. Attend the RTF meeting and share in what it means to be great Leaders, Friends, Husbands, Fathers and Sons - - - the Men God calls us to be. This will be done with Catechesis, Scripture Reflection, Man Time, Faith Share, Food/Drink & Fellowship. All men are welcome! HARVEST HOUSE Harvest House is meeting Monday, October 20 at 1:15 pm in the spiritual center. We will be playing cards and board games. Bring a snack to share. SAFE HARBOR SUPPORT GROUP Safe Harbor is hosting a retreat for widows on Saturday, October 25, from 8:00 am until 11:30 am. The retreat begins with Mass in the church followed by breakfast at 9:00 am and the retreat in the Monsignor Kuzmich Life Center. The retreat will be facilitated by Kay Cozad, grief educator, speaking on “Not a Dash, but a Journey”. Registration is required by calling 489-4875 or emailing judymockenhaupt@hotmail.com. Free will donations will be accepted. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASSES Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required before your child is baptized — Session I and Session II. You may attend Session II before Session I, if necessary. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It is recommended that both parents attend before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome. At least one parent and one godparent must be practicing Catholics. Also, parents must be registered in the Parish. Please call the church office to sign up for your sessions. Session I (East Room ) Nov 13 Session II (Church Conference Room) Oct. 23, Nov. 20 4 SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS Religious Ed News RE Calendar Preschool October 19 - NO PRESCHOOL - Fall Break October 26 - Preschool Sunday, October 19 – NO RE – Fall Break October 26 – RE “Battle of the Saints” Life Center Gr. 7 & 8 (Wednesday and Sunday classes 4:00 – 5:30) Wednesday, October 22 – RE - Living Rosary – Parents welcome! 6:10 – 6:50 – Gr. 1 – 4 6: 50 – 7:30 – Gr. 5 – 8 October 29 - RE – Hall of Saints Museum Gr. 4 Parents are welcome to tour the Museum NO RE for Grades 7 & 8 due to attendance at Battle of the Saints on Sunday. Battle of the Saints On October 26 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm in the Msgr. John Kuzmich Life Center all 7th & 8th Grade Religious Ed students will be testing their knowledge by participating in the Battle of the Saints. Team colors, fun costumes and accessories are encouraged. Parents are welcome to come and watch this evening of good spirited competition, faith, fun and fellowship. Hall of Saints Museum Our fourth Grade Religious Ed students will be sponsoring a “Hall of Saints Museum” in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, October 29 andSunday, November 2. Each student will be on display dressed as their favorite saint. Grades 1- 3 will tour the saint museum as a fun way to learn important details about lives of our most important role models. Parents are encouraged to tour the museum as well! Come and be Inspired! Confirmation Parent Meeting Thanks to the 8th Grade parents who attended the Confirmation parent meetings. If you did not attend, please contact the Religious Ed Office at 489-3537 ext. 204 to learn the things necessary to aid you in preparation for your child’s Confirmation. MARKET DAY November is their yummy dessert month with 14 great choices for your holiday needs! FREE dessert pedestal with a $90 order AND NOVBONUS in the promo code box. Orders due by Nov. 1st, with pick-up on the 6th. Questions, please call Eva at 490-9329. Thank you for all your support! SCRIP SALES SCHEDULE Our sales schedule for the month of October will be: School Sales - Monday and Friday mornings Church Sales - Saturday after 5:00 Mass, Sunday from 8:00-11:00 am and after Life Teen Mass This is a reminder that Papa Murphy’s is closing its Fort Wayne locations. While the Illinois and Dupont Road stores are already closed, the store at St. Joe and Maplecrest is still open and reportedly will be open until the end of October. Please try to use any Papa Murphy’s cards you have left soon; we don’t want anyone to miss out on this last chance! PRAY A ROSARY FOR PEACE Thank you for the Rosaries! Remember if you have a close loved one or friend who has been deployed recently or who is already serving in other countries, you are welcome to join us as a community in praying the Rosary for peace and the safe return of all our troops. Any time you say a Rosary with your family, a friend or just by yourself, you can pick up a card in the office to be placed on the wall in the school. Now until Veterans Day on November 11, we want to line the walls with red, white and blue and send prayers to Our Lady to intercede for us with her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. C HURCH AND S CHOOL N EWS Monday, October 20 1:15 pm Harvest House - Community Room A 6:30 pm Light Weigh - East Room 7:00 pm Third Option Training - Community Room A 7:00 pm Young Adults Group - Spiritual Center Chapel Tuesday, October 21 8:45 am Two by Two Bible Study - East Room 6:15 pm Practical Minister Training - Church 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ - Blessed Sacrament Chapel 7:00 pm RCIA - Spiritual Center 7:30 pm Respect Life Committee - Church Conf Room Wednesday, October 22 9:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9:00 am WINGS - Fireplace Room Life Center 6:00 pm Candle Ministry - Community Room B Thursday, October 23 9:00 am WINGS II - Community Room A 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Pack 3009 - Parish Hall 6:30 pm Knights of Columbus Admission Ceremony Community Room A 7:00 pm Baptismal Prep II - Church Conference Room Saturday, October 25 9:00 am Safe Harbor Retreat - Life Center Sunday, October 26 12:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Blessed Sacrament Chapel 7:00 pm Rekindle the Fire - Parish Hall 5 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL FOOD DRIVE 2014 OCTOBER 16—NOVEMBER 14 Once again this year, the Student Council is sponsoring a Food Drive to benefit the Saint Vincent de Paul Society here in our parish. We have communicated with the society and have identified the following items as those most needed. Items should be brought to school and given to homeroom teachers. Thank you for your support! Grade K Grade One Grade Two Grade Three Grade Four Grade Five Grade Six Grade Seven Grade Eight Macaroni and Cheese and Cereal Canned Fruit and Gelatin/Pudding Mix Pasta Sauce, Dry Pasta, and Ramen Noodles Boxed Potatoes, Rice, and Canned Pasta like Spaghetti O’s Cake Mixes, Bake Mixes, and Canned Soup Boxed Snacks, Canned Mixed Vegetables, and Canned Beans (not green beans) Peanut Butter and Boxed Sides like Rice A Roni Canned Soups and Boxed Meal Helpers like Hamburger/Tuna Helper Canned Beef Stew, Toothpaste, and Paper Towels Do you have a Will? Appointments Sponsored at St. Vincent’s Make sure your will is done so your last wishes and thoughts are clear for your family. If you would like a will or need to update your existing will, you can take advantage of a complimentary service to create your SIMPLE WILL. A SIMPLE WILL allows for the naming of a personal representative for the estate, allows for simple, direct distributions of assets to a surviving spouse, charities, and/or other beneficiaries and follows all applicable state requirements for witnesses and signatures. It may contain guardian appointments if there are children under age 18. Write a Will event from Monday, October 20 through Friday, October 24 Volunteer parishioner attorneys will be available to prepare your simple wills. If you leave a bequest (gift or any size) to a non-profit organization (such as St. Vincent’s Church, School, an endowment fund or another charity of your choice) in your will, this service is free of charge. Appointments are required and are limited. Schedule includes daytime and evening hours. Call Linda McCarthy at St. Vincent’s at 489-3537, ext 247, or email lindamccarthy@saintv.org to schedule your appointment. LEAVE YOUR LEGACY AND HAVE PEACE OF MIND! 6 NEWS AND INFORMATION BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY SUPPORT GROUP NEWS FROM BISHOP DWENGER In a time of loss, it is important to know that there is a place where you can be with others who understand your pain. This is a time when being with others who have walked their own path of grief may be of comfort and offer solace in a way that your family and friends cannot give. St. Vincent’s Bereavement Ministry is holding support group sessions which will meet for seven weeks. The dates run from Wednesday, November 5 to December 17, with one meeting on Tuesday, November 25. All meetings will be held 6:30pm-8:30pm in the East Room at St. Vincent de Paul Church. It is our hope to provide a comforting atmosphere in which to share the grief and bereavement process and to offer emotional support. Your loss need not be recent for the sessions to be helpful. If this is something you are looking for, call Carrie Boedeker at 260-489-8588 or cell phone 260-418-8054 orcarrieboedeker@msn.com. DIABETIC CLASSES DATE NIGHTS FOR MARRIED COUPLES Called to serve to enrich marriage? We’re putting together a core team to plan date nights for married couples. Contacy Cindy Black cblack.926@gmail.com or 260-446-4665 by November 1. Join us for our first BDHS Faculty Purse Bingo on Saturday, November 8, in the Bishop Dwenger Cafeteria. Doors open at 5 pm, first game begins at 6:30 pm. $20 entrance fee and one bingo card; $5 each additional card. Tables are sold at $200 each and reserves 8 seats together. Seating is limited. Must be 21 or older to attend. Beer, wine, and light refreshments will be sold- please no carry-ins. Gather a group of friends and make a day of it! Visit the music department Craft Bazaar from 9 am-3 pm in the gym and then come back for the chance to go home with a designer purse! Tickets are available in the BDHS Main Office, by phone (260) 496-4775, or email rsvp@bishopdwenger.com. License #134719 Diabetic classes will again be taught for diabetics, pre diabetics, new diabetics or anyone who wants to learn more. There will be 2 sessions, one in the afternoon, 1:00 - 2:30 pm and one in the evening, 7:00-8:30 pm, on Wednesdays in November. For the afternoon session, please RSVP to Grace Denny, 312-0297. No RSVP is necessary for the evening session. Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y 7 WE’RE HEADED TO WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016! LET’S GO! YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Sunday, Oct. 19th Tuesday, Oct. 21st Wednesday, Oct. 22nd Thursday, Oct. 23rd Sunday, Oct. 26th LN: Gathered to be Sent Prelude - 7-9pm @LC Mini Hour - 7:30-9pm @LC Prelude - 7-9pm @LC Social: Krazy Kickball LIFENIGHT: GATHERED TO BE SENT We finish our Series on the Mass this Sunday by seeing why the closing rites make a difference and how we are changed after every single Mass, being sent into the world to bring Christ to others. We hope that you’ll join us! TOTALLY YOURS PLANNING TEAM: Fall Retreat Planning is underway - and we need you! We could really use some help getting everything painted, so come whenever you have time, any Tues. or Thurs. until the retreat. We will need lots of helping setting everything up on the Friday of the retreat, so come and make the magic happen…or something like that. Bishop Rhoades is inviting all young people who will be between the ages of 16 and 35 as of July 20, 2016, to consider attending World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland from July 21-August 1, 2016. Our four-day pre-World Youth Day spiritual preparation includes sites in Warsaw, Czestochowa, AuschwitzBirkenau, Wadowice, and Kalwaria. WYD activities in Krakow include a visit to the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, the WYD Opening Mass, catechetical sessions, daily Mass, Stations of the Cross, and other WYD events. Pope Francis will arrive on July 28, but the culmination of WYD will be the Vigil Mass with Pope Francis on July 30. Following the Closing Mass and Farewell Dinner on July 31, pilgrims will journey home on August 1. Visit www.diocesefwsb.org/WYD or email Natalie Kohrman at wyd@diocesefwsb.org for more information. TOTALLY YOURS FALL RETREAT: The Fall Retreat preparations have begun! Nov. 7-9th is going to be an amazing weekend with praise & worship, skits, talks, small groups, reconciliation, Mass, adoration, and much much more. The retreat is now full, but please continue to send in forms to be placed on the waiting list. If you have a spot but something comes up that makes you unable to attend, please let Sarah know ASAP so the next person on the waiting list can be notified! Thanks! 40 DAYS PRAYER: Wed., Oct. 29th, we will be going to the prayer site for this year’s 40 Days for Life starting at an earlier time - at 7pm until 8pm - and then return to St. Vincent’s until we end Mini Hour at 9pm. The site this year is across from the Planned Parenthood at First Pilgrim Holiness, 1508 Ardmore Ave., Fort Wayne, 46802. We welcome all teens and families to join us, so find a carpool ride or drive yourself and meet us there. CORE TEAM: Have you felt God calling you to serve Him, but aren’t sure how? Maybe He is calling you to serve His teens. This is an amazing ministry and I encourage you to pray about joining the Core team. If you are interested, or if you have someone else to suggest, please talk to Sarah or any of the Core for more information. ATTENTION HIGH-SCHOOL OR COLLEGE AGE MUSICIANS: Would you like to give your talents back to God by being a part of the Life Teen Music Ministry? If you're interested in playing/cantoring at Life Teen Mass once a month, email Frankie at fhrband@gmail.com! Coming Up in Edge: October 27th: Bonfire For more information about Edge, please contact Lindsay Klinker at LindsayKlinker@saintv.org or 489-3537 ext. 230. Saintvym.weebly.com RCIC SPONSORS NEEDED We are currently seeking three sponsors for three children who are currently enrolled in RCIA for Children this year. This is a minimal time commitment, but incredibly rewarding. You must be at least 16 years old, a practicing Catholic, and be Confirmed. If you feel called to this important ministry please email maryjoparrish@saintv.org or call the church office. For information about our Life Teen Program, please contact Sarah Hill, 435-0453 or Sarahhill@saintv.org. 8 MINISTRY SCHEDULE Oct 25, 8:00 AM Oct 25, 5:00 PM Justin Craw Cortney Kitchen Kevin Thompson NOT FILLED Usher Alex Fosnaugh Erin Strzelecki Server Colton Buescher Clayton Jackson Kendal Kitchen Christopher Raines Lector Catherine McLeish (1) David Springer (2) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Bob Buescher Monica Buescher Karen Green Christina Jackson Chuck Kawka Terry Lehman Scott McLeish Dianne Mitro Jon Smith Mary Smith Peggy Springer Andrew Tauzin Cathy Tauzin Claudia Thomas David Thomas Mary Schafer Sacristan Oct 26, 7:15 AM Deb Andrews Oct 26, 9:00 AM Oct 26, 11:00 AM Oct 26, 12:45 PM David Barrett Larry Eberle Thomas Herber Gary Weaver Donald Bobay Peggy Poiry Glenn Wynn NOT FILLED Andrew Bobay Joshua Burkhardt Jean-Paul Kalonji David Kinniry Ronald Tirpak Benjamin Becker John Becker Timothy Helbing Randy Thelen Server Leah Anderson Kaley Lyons Luke Schiffli Mya Vanderhagen Luke Sarrazine Johnathan Sarrazine Mary Simcox Max Simcox Catie Hamrick Thomas Koehl Grace Rohloff Jacob Smith Marcus Leach Jackson Schuhmacher Kendall Willwerth Vincent Yanko Lector Terrence Coonan (1) Dennis Fech (2) David Falater (1) James Freiburger (2) Michael E. Smith (1) Chris Dunmire (2) Kathleen Masri (1) Michael Smith (2) Monique Alderdice Mary Arnold Kathleen Jarboe Egbert Jarboe Denise Lyons Sean Lyons Mary Racine Alexandra Schanbacher Mitchell Schanbacher Lisa Schanbacher Thomas Schanbacher Barbara A'Hearn Robert A'Hearn Betty Braun Lori Casiano Scott Cook Joseph Dewald Mary Ehlerding John Faylor Elise Fisher Maureen Fulk Laura Garcia Rosemary Parent Mary Schafer Geri Schmidt Teresa Swaim Brien Blackburn Deborah Blackburn Keith Burns Sheila Burns Leslie Byrne Sara DiRenzo Kathleen Dougherty June Dusseau John Goodwin Timothy Hake Mary Hamrick Scott Hamrick Rose Hillman Sheri Jones John Minnich Joyce Burns Stephen King Sandra Kruse Barbara Lomont Barry Lomont Thomas Loogman Stephen Lybrook Barbara Richardson Jeffrey Schafer Darryl Smith Mary Osborn Usher Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Sacristan TO VOLUNTEER FOR AN OPEN POSITION, REQUEST A SUB, OR UPDATE YOUR PROFILE VISIT WWW.ROTUNDASOFTWARE.COM/MINISTRY/SAINTV 9
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