FEBRUARY 8, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1502 E. Wallen Road, Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 www.saintv.org PLEASE JOIN US AS OUR PARISH CELEBRATES MARDI GRAS! New Orleans style dinner St. Vincent’s Parish Hall 5:30 5:30— —7:00 pm Tuesday, February 17 Bingo and games until 7:30 pm, when everyone is invited to attend the bonfire where we will burn the palms so the ashes can be used on Ash Wednesday! Thanks to the Knights of Columbus, St Vincent de Paul Society, St Vincent Scouts, Rekindle the Fire and our St Vincent Student Council members for this event. Don’t miss it! PARISH STAFF BULLETIN DEADLINE Pastor.......................................................... Fr. Daniel Scheidt Parochial Vicar ....................................... Fr. Andrew Budzinski Parochial Vicar ..................................... Fr. Polycarp Fernando Deacon............................................ Deacon James Fitzpatrick Pastoral Associate .................................... Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate .................................................... Julia Thill Business Administrator................................... Tom Schuerman School Principal ................................................ Sandra Guffey School Assistant Principal .............................. Elizabeth Kleber Dir. of Religious Education ........................... Debbie Blackburn Director of Music ................................................Tony Andorfer Facilities Manager ............................................. Bruce Cadwell Youth Director.......................................................... Sarah Hill Youth Director.................................................. Lindsay Klinker Parish Secretary .............................................. Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ............................................... Marie Andorfer Parish Secretary ................................................. Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry ...................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson ..................... Dan Rohloff Rectory Housekeeper ………………………… ..... Corrine Boyer Items should be e-mailed to bulletin@saintv.org by Monday at 9:00 am. TELEPHONES A Catholic education for children (grades K-8) Office Hours ......................................................... 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office, Mary Tess Roof .................(260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line, Ellen Ryan....................................ext. 214 School Kitchen....................................................................ext. 220 School Secretary, Kathy Palmer ..........................................ext. 212 Church Office…Hours: 8:30—4:30 pm M - F ......... (260) 489-3537 Church Fax ...................................................................... 497-9405 E-Mail ................................................................. church@saintv.org Religious Education Office.................................................. ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office .......................................................... ext. 228 Director of Music ................................................................ ext. 210 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll .................................. 341-1249 Development Director Linda McCarthy ............................... ext. 247 Scout Lodge .................................................................... 489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie ........................................................... 755-0816 Mary ............................................................. 483-4369 MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am, 12:45 pm and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday: Monday—Thursday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am; Friday: 8:00 am and 5:30 pm; Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day: WILL BE ANNOUNCED Holiday: 9:00 am SACRAMENTS Reconciliation—Wed. 4:30 pm (priests must finish by 5:30 pm). Sat. 8:45 - 9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism—Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony—Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls—Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH SCHOOL (1720 E. WALLEN ROAD) NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE— We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office. 2 N E W S & N O T E S MASS INTENTIONS FROM Monday, February 9 *6:30 am Carole Bryan 8:00 am INT Paul Sturm Tuesday, February 10 *6:30 am James Fenker 8:00 am Jerry Reuf Gn 1:20-2:4a / Mk 7:1-13 Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17 / Mk 7:14-23 Thursday, February 12 *6:30 am Sandy Kalchbrenner 8:00 am Eleanor Sarrazine Gn 2:18-25 / Mk 7:24-30 Friday, February 13 8:00 am Joseph Kohrman *5:30 pm Craig Taylor Gn 3:1-8 / Mk 7:31-37 Saturday, February 14 8:00 am Eromi Jayawickrama Gn 3:9-24 / Mk 8:1-10 5:00 pm Stephen Ueber Sunday, February 15 7:15 am Judy Frantz 9:00 am Jim Frank 11:00 am Dan Rondot 12:45 pm Daniel Eash 6:00 pm For the Parish (Life Teen Mass) Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 / 1 Cor 10:31-11:1 / Mk 1:40-45 *Chapel NEW MEMBER REGISTRATION Parish representatives will be in the Church Conference Room today, Sunday, February 8, after the 9:00 am Mass to welcome and register new members to St. Vincent’s. PALM BRANCHES We will be burning palm branches blessed on Palm Sunday of last year. You may bring your blessed palm branches from home and place them in the basket located in the Gathering Space. The ashes from the burnt branches will be used at our Ash Wednesday services. The LAST day palms will be received is NEXT Sunday, February 15. WEDDING BANNS “Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will guide this couple as they approach the sacrament of marriage.” III John Wunderlin & Jill Houlihan PASTOR This Sunday we see in the Gospel the curing of Peter’s mother-in-law. No sooner does the Lord heal her than she begins to wait on the guests to her home. Christian service is the fruit of thanksgiving that Christ has taken the transformative initiative in our lives. Gn 1:1-19 / Mk 6:53-56 Wednesday, February 11 *6:30 am Jeanette Palmer 8:00 am Jennifer Scoles All Mass THE This past Tuesday on the Feast of the Presentation, our own Bernadette Becker--daughter of John and Patty Becker---entered her novice year with the Franciscan Sisters Minor, in which she will learn more deeply their form of service to the Lord Jesus in evangelical poverty, chastity, and obedience. At her investiture with the veil, cincture (cord of rope), and rosary worn at her side over her simple religious habit, Bernadette received the new name of Sr. Angelina Maria of Our Lady of Good Counsel. It was such a joy to see so many of our St. Vincent’s families surrounding her in her next step of discerning life in her new Franciscan family. On the subject of families, my youngest brother Dominic visited me at St. Vincent’s this week, for which I thank you for your prayers and support of my new year’s resolution to grow closer to members of my first family. I look forward to the day when his wife and three children can visit and I can introduce all of them to you. Today’s Gospel shows Jesus’ delight in working in the midst of families and their challenges to increase their love for each other through everything. This coming week I have my final appointment at the Piper Clinic in St. Petersburg, Florida, where two years ago Dr. Mark Piper performed TMJ surgery on me after an orthodontic accident. I am quite hopeful that this last time of “having my head examined” (at least on this issue!) will verify my jaw’s full recovery. Not wanting a medical appointment in a warm climate to go to waste, I shall return this Friday, February 13 after a few days of rest before the pastoral duties of Lent begin later this month. In St. Vincent’s love of Christ, Fr. Daniel Scheidt EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Sunday, 12:00 pm—5:30 pm and Wednesday, 9:00 am—5:30 pm MISSION TRIP PLANNING MEETING Anyone interested in participating in a medical mission trip to Honduras sometime yet this year, please come to an informational meeting on Monday, February 9 at 6:30 pm in the Spiritual Center Community Room A or contact Dorothy at the Church office 489-3537 ext. 3 or dschuerman@saintv.org. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “How sweet the presence of Jesus to the longing, harassed soul! It is instant peace, and balm to every wound." - Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Come find peace in Jesus' presence during Eucharist Adoration! We are hoping to expand the hours for Adoration on Sundays, and invite all in the parish to consider committing to 30 minutes, or even an hour, as a scheduled adorer. If you are unable to commit to every Sunday, consider forming a team with family or friends (perhaps your Small Christian Community, or Christ Renews team) to jointly cover a time slot on a rotating basis. The proposed schedule would begin at 8:15 am, right after the first Sunday Mass, and would end at 5:30 pm. If you are able to commit to a scheduled time please call Julie Fox @ 437-5668 or email juliemfox@msn.com. C HURCH N EWS HARVEST HOUSE—WHAT IS IT? It is NOT a house. It is a movement for persons 55 years and older. Here at St. Vincent’s, it is a small group of people, both men and women. We meet once a month in the Spiritual Center. Maybe we are a small group because many don’t know about us. That means you don’t know what you are missing! We don’t want it to be a small group, so please come Monday, February 16 and check us out! We will have snacks, socialize, play cards, board games and other fun games. No reservations needed. Just come and bring a snack to share. For more information or questions, call Margaret at 482-2085. We are looking forward to seeing you Monday, February 16 at 1:15 pm in the Spiritual Center! If school closes—there will be no meeting. DO YOU NEED TO RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION? Young adults in high school and other adults who, for whatever reason have not been confirmed, please come to a brief orientation meeting to be held Sunday, February 8 (this is a CHANGE OF DATE) at noon in the Parish Library. If possible, bring Baptismal and First Communion information to that meeting, so that we may begin the Confirmation process. If you want to participate and cannot attend one of these two times, please call the church office at 489-3537 ext. 3 or email Dorothy Schuerman at dschuerman@saintv.org for further information. Classes will begin during the week of February 22 and the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on May 30 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Fort Wayne. HANDICAPPED PARKING Please remember that the spaces marked with the blue lines are for handicap use only. Also, please respect the spacing required for ramps and lifts where these spaces are indicated by blue hashes. The spaces for the handicapped are along the pull-in drive next to the Eucharistic Chapel and along the closest drive on the south side of the church. Thank you for your kind consideration of those who need these spaces. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASSES Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required before your child is baptized — Session I and Session II. You may attend Session II before Session I, if necessary. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It is recommended that both parents attend before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome. At least one parent and one godparent must be practicing Catholics. Also, parents must be registered in the Parish. Please call the church office to sign up for your sessions. Session I (Parish Library) - February 12 Session II (Church Conference Room) - February 19 3 MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Monday, February 9 6:30 pm Light Weigh—Parish Library 6:30 pm Mission Planning Meeting—Comm. Room A Tuesday, February 10 8:45 am Two-By-Two—Parish Library 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6:45 pm RCIA—Community Rooms A&B 7:00 pm 7-Steps—Parish Library Wednesday, February 11 9:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Church 9:00 am WINGS—Life Center Conference Room/Café Thursday, February 12 9:00 am WINGS II—Community Room A 1:00 pm HASA—Community Room A 5:15 pm Market Day—Parish Hall 7:00 pm Ultreya—Community Room A 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Officers—Comm Room B 7:00 pm Baptismal Preparation I—Parish Library Friday, February 13 4:00 pm Safe Harbor—Parish Library Saturday, February 14 8:30 am Medical Guild—Community Room A 11:00 am First Reconciliation—Church Sunday, February 15 12:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 7:00 pm Rekindle the Fire—Parish Hall DIVINE MERCY Divine Mercy Ministry has begun a new session. There is still time to join. Divine Mercy Ministry is a support group dedicated to the healing of those hurting from a past abortion. In a confidential, safe, non-judgmental atmosphere, members are welcomed with prayer and love. For more information, call our confidential, dedicated phone line at 260-445-8119. We await you…with open arms and caring hearts. Jesus awaits you…with His love and mercy. DIVORCED/SEPARATED CATHOLIC SUPPORT GROUP St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church welcomes men and women who have suffered from divorce or separation to our program: The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide. As we come to the final three sessions of the DVD series, please mark your calendar and join us on Thursday, February 19 for the session "Re-Learning How to Date". This session advises reconciliation of broken marriages if possible, and if not possible, the seeking of an annulment. The segment gives real-life advice on seeking a new spouse or choosing to stay single. The program is from 7:00-9:00 pm, doors open at 6:45 pm. Join us in the Parish Library, located off of the Gathering Space in the Church. For more information visit our web page: www.saintv.org and select the Community Life/Support link or call the St. Vincent de Paul church office at 260-489-3537 ext. 208. We look forward to seeing you! Y O U T H 4 M I N I S T R Y YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Sunday, February 8 Social: Lights-Out Dodgeball Wednesday, February 11 Mini Hour - 7:30-9pm @LC Thursday, February 12 Spring Retreat Planning Meeting—7:30 pm @ LC Sunday, February 15 Life Night: Marriage Night #1 LIGHTS-OUT DODGEBALL: Join us Sunday as we grow in community by pummeling each other with dodgeballs…in the dark… with black lights. =) Because nothing says I love you like a dodgeball to the face. SPRING RETREAT PLANNING MEETING: We need you to put on the Spring Retreat. There are a number of ways you can help out! We need teens for Witnesses, for Drama Team skits, for other various skits, and to help with Prelude - which involves doing all the Palanca envelopes, painting and creating all the decorations. We literally couldn’t do it without you! You need to be a sophomore or older and been on at least one retreat in order to help out. The secret retreat theme reveal planning meeting is tentatively set for Thurs, Feb. 12th @ 7:30 pm in the Life Center. It’s a great way to extend the retreat, so we hope to see you there! LIFE TEEN ON THE WEB: To stay current on what’s going on with Life Teen, especially when it gets to inclement weather, we will post notices on our FB page, our Twitter account, and our webpage: www.saintvym.weebly.com. So be sure to Like, Follow, or check us out. The Spring Retreat will be here soon, and forms will also be posted to the website like they were for the Fall Retreat, so now is a good time to bookmark it and check it out for a schedule of events and other info. CORE TEAM: Have you felt God calling you to serve Him, but aren’t sure how? Maybe He is calling you to serve His teens. This is an amazing ministry and I encourage you to pray about joining the Core team. If you are interested, or if you have someone else to suggest, please talk to Sarah or any of the Core for more information. For information about our Life Teen Program, please contact Sarah Hill, 435-0453 or Sarahhill@saintv.org. Coming up in Edge: February 9: Mardi Gras February 23: Two Become One March 9: Around the Table Next Edge Night: Mardi Gras Join us as we kick back and relax for an Edge fun night of games and fun! 7-8:45 pm Life Center ST. VINCENT COACHES NEEDED Coaches are needed for spring sports at St Vincent's School. Registration will be opening soon for spring sports on the website. This includes boys and girls soccer, girls softball, boys and girls track and golf. Please contact Terry Coonan with any questions by emailing terrycoonan@saintv.org. DETERGENT SALE Friends of St. Vincent American Heritage Girls & Boy Scouts Detergent Sale will be held February 2-16. We would like to offer members of the parish the opportunity to purchase 5-gallon buckets of high efficiency laundry detergent, softener and dish soap at almost 50% off the retail price to raise funds for participation at AHG nationals and a new Scout Lodge kitchen. Order forms can be found in the gathering space and should be returned to the St. Vincent school office no later than February 16. Orders will be available for pick-up on Monday, March 2 between 5:30-7:30 pm at the St. Vincent Scout Lodge. Please contact Michelle Baumgartner (260-205-3116/ michbaum@hotmail.com) with any questions. Edge Boys' Retreat: Yellow forms are out in the back of Church for the Edge Boys' Retreat, “You Never Let Go,” March 20-21. ALL 7th and 8th grade boys of the parish are invited. Space is limited, so reserve your spot now!! For information about our EDGE Program, please contact Lindsay Klinker LindsayKlinker@saintv.org. SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS Religious Ed News First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meeting I promise that this meeting will eventually take place! Please pray for good weather! The meeting has been rescheduled for this Sunday, February 8 at 4:00 pm in the Spiritual Center. If you have a child preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, and you did not attend the meeting in January, please plan to attend. Confirmation Candidate Information Sheets We still have outstanding forms that need to be turned in ASAP. We are unable to contact the sponsors without them. It is important for the confirmation sponsor to be informed to effectively walk this faith journey with your child. Sunday Grade 4 Retreat Rescheduled Due to another Religious Ed cancellation last week, it was necessary to reschedule the 4th Grade Retreat again! It will be held next Sunday, February 15 from 4:00—5:30 pm in the Spiritual Center. Please plan to bring your child a few minutes early, so the retreat can begin promptly at 4:00 pm. Students will also be picked up at the Spiritual Center. 2nd Grade Parents If your child was not baptized at St. Vincent’s, please get a copy of their baptism certificate to the Religious Ed office as soon as possible. It must be on file with us prior to their First Reconciliation. Important Sacrament Dates: First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meeting: Sunday, February 8—4:00—5:30 pm—Spiritual Center FIRST RECONCILIATION: (choose the date most convenient for your family) February 14 or February 21, 11:00 am—Church CONFIRMATION: Practice (Sponsor & Student) Tuesday, April 7, 7:00 pm—Church Sacrament of Confirmation Wednesday, April 8, 7:00 pm—Church FIRST COMMUNION: Retreat – Saturday, April 11, 7:45 am—noon – School First Communion - April 26, 12:45 Mass and May 3, 12:45 Mass (or by written request to Debbie Blackburn on the weekend of May 2/3) RE Calendar Preschool Preschool Sunday February 8 RE First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meeting—4:00—5:30 pm—Spiritual Center February 15 RE—4th Grade Retreat—4:00-5:30 pm Spiritual Center Wednesday February 11 February 18 SCHOOL REGISTRATION St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School is currently registering students for next year. We welcome you to take a look at what we do every day and how we enable all of our students to live their Catholic faith and to achieve academic success in a safe and effective environment. Call for an appointment, and we will give you a tour. The office number is 489-3537. Ask for Kathy Palmer or Sandra Guffey. We would love to meet with you. We will share information about a strong academic program that, throughout the curriculum, incorporates our Catholic Identity. We’ll also show how our students develop an intimate relationship with Christ through the many opportunities for prayer and weekly reception of the Eucharist. We regularly engage in Works of Mercy by participating in food drives, walk-a-thons, and other activities to serve others. Our students at St. Vincent’s thrive in a strong academic program with teachers who dedicate themselves to assisting each child in meeting his or her full potential while being supported by caring, giving families. If you already know about our school and are ready to enroll, go to the school website at www.saintv.org/school to find the registration paperwork. We want to welcome you into our Community in Christ! MARKET DAY Pick-up is on Thursday, beginning at 5:15 pm in the school cafeteria. If you missed the order deadline, we always have some extra items available for purchase to anyone willing to buy. Thanks for all your support! Questions, please call Eva at 490-9329. YOU CAN LEND A HAND FUNDRAISER! Preschool February 8 February 15 5 RE NO RE—Attend Ash Wednesday Mass with your family Please help support St. Vincent de Paul School. The annual "You Can Lend A Hand" coupon book sales for diocesan schools is underway. You can purchase a booklet from any St. Vincent student, or stop by the school office. The coupon books are just $3 and have over a $100 value with offers to: Burger King, Chili's, Fort Wayne Komets, and Fort Wayne Mad Ants. This is an important fundraiser that has raised over $13,000 for our school. Please support this cause and help improve our children’s education by purchasing a "You Can Lend A Hand" coupon book now through the end of February. 6 M I N I S T R Y MASS INTENTIONS— CHANGE OF POLICY Due to the high volume of Mass intentions and the importance of being fair to all parishioners making a request---especially those who are in special need (for example, after a loved one has just died or is in an urgent, acute situation requiring prayer)---our Parish Office is adjusting the procedure for scheduling Mass intentions. Moving forward, the Office can accept 3 Masses per intention per year. One Mass may be scheduled on a Sunday, two during the week either at 6:30 am or 8:00 am. We shall try to honor special dates, depending on availability. Because of occasional, serious pastoral circumstances, Mass intentions need to be subject to change without notice. Next year’s calendar will open on August 1. Finally, should you wish to sponsor larger numbers of Mass intentions, the Parish Office can assist you in selecting retired Priests and missionary Priests connected to our Parish who are in most need of Mass stipends for their work and livelihood. L I F E ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY PANTRY The Saint Vincent de Paul Society pantry is in need of Baked beans Crackers Bake mixes Peanut butter Beef broth Catsup and mustard THANK YOU for your generosity and may God bless you! Catholic Apostle Build Dedication Please join us on Friday, February 20 at 4:00 pm at 4308 W. Cook Rd (in Fuller's Landing ) as we dedicate and hand over the keys to a brand new house to the Bakhtov family. Tour the house, have some hot chocolate and celebrate the beautiful outcome of many Catholic laborers working as the hands and feet of Jesus! HAVE YOU MADE A CURSILLO WEEKEND? Recently or years ago? Please join us Thursday, February 12 at St. Vincent de Paul's Spiritual Center from 7:00—8:30 pm for the Fort Wayne monthly Ultreya. Ultreyas are opportunities for people to gather, pray, and share personal stories about living a life in God's grace. Ultreyas are open to all adults, even if you have not made a Cursillo weekend. Questions-call Brant or Christy Howe 260-619-3650. JESUS IS HERE IN THIS PLACE My husband and I became parishioners a couple of years ago after attending St. Jude’s for about 20 years. It was a difficult adjustment coming to St. Vincent’s because St. Vincent’s is much larger and we didn’t know many people. We felt lost in a crowd, like we didn’t belong, which was a different feeling than what we had at St. Jude’s. What was the difference? I got to thinking about our friendships we’d developed at St. Jude’s; how did we meet them? A lot of them came through going on a Christ Renews His Parish retreat, and then joining team. The friendships that were developed helped us in our marriage, with our growing family, and our spiritual journey in countless ways. My relationship with Jesus and my prayer life definitely improved. After attending CRHP here at St. Vincent’s I had a glimmer of hope that our church family would grow again like what we once had and that hope has come to fruition. Some people are afraid of coming on the retreat; I didn’t want to go either the first time! I didn’t know what to expect. I would like to reassure anyone who is reluctant to come, you are not forced to talk to anyone, you do not have to share anything personal with anyone, the choice is yours. It is a wonderful gift you can give yourself! And to your marriage, if you are married! It is probably the most rewarding gift I have ever given myself. I have never known anyone who regretted going. If you like it and want more afterwards, join team, but know you do not have to join team and you do have the option of joining team in the future if the timing just isn’t right. If you haven’t received a personal invitation, know that you do not need to be “invited”- it is for anyone and everyone in the parish. Call and let the parish know you are interested if the time isn’t right, you can be put on a list to be called next time. One last thing: it is FREE! Who doesn’t like free? Come and be pleasantly surprised! Jerri Witchey Men’s Weekend: Feb. 28-March 1, 2015 (Contact T.J. Charland @ tjchar88@aol.com or 443-3571) Women's Weekend: March 14-15, 2015 (Contact Mandy Keller @ mschloemer@gmail.com or 567-224-0487) OTHER NEWS ST. VINCENT’S AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS: FAITH, SERVICE, FUN All young ladies (ages 5 to 18 years) within the St. Vincent de Paul community are invited to attend this year’s American Heritage Girls (AHG) Lenten Retreat to be held at the Parish Life Center on Saturday, March 7 from 12:30— 4:30 pm. Girls who are not currently registered members of St. Vincent’s AHG program are required to attend with a parent/grandparent or another adult family member. This year’s theme is “Thy Word.” Participants will spend the afternoon learning about the fruits of the spirit, helping others with a crafting service project, and more. The fun and learning will end with 5:00 pm Mass together as a group. Cost is $3 per girl with a snack provided. Please RSVP to Holly Dailey at hollydailey@gmail.com by March 1. We invite you to spend an afternoon preparing your heart for Easter. American Heritage Girls is a Christian-based Scouting-like organization with a character building program whose mission is to build “women of integrity” through service to God, family, community and country. SOUP’S ON! ASH WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON Come begin Lent simply. Bring a friend for a lunch of soup and bread on Ash Wednesday, February 18 from 11:30 am— 2:00 pm at St. Mary Mother of God Church. Your free will donation will help support St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen, which serves 1,000 free bowls of soup to hungry people every day. A Lenten Prayer Service with distribution of Ashes will begin at 11:00 am. 7 CAREGIVERS NEEDED 1) Mature caregiver being sought for elderly couple in home near St. Vincent’s church. Assist with activities of daily living, cooking, laundry, driving to appointments, etc. Varying hours (day and night shifts). Call 806-231-4090 for information. 2) We are looking for an individual who would be willing to serve as a caregiver for a female with Parkinson’s from midnight—8:00 am. The caretaker does not have to be a nurse but someone who has cared for someone. It is also important to have some strength as there are times she needs help getting up and moved around in her bed. Pay is $18/hour - please call Kathy at 489-3350 if you are interested. BISHOP DWENGER ALUMNI If your high school graduating class year ended in a "0" or "5," your class should be gathering for a reunion in 2015! If you or someone you know is planning a class reunion, please contact Molly Schreck at mschreck@bishopdwenger.com. If you have exciting news to share - career information, weddings, baby announcements, etc., please email your information and picture to saints@bishopdwenger.com. We will include your news in our next edition of the "Dwenger Times" alumni magazine. Once a Saint, Always a Saint! HAPPY WORLD MARRIAGE DAY!! Throughout the world, the 2nd Sunday in February is recognized as a day to celebrate the sacredness of Holy Matrimony. Celebrate your marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! Upcoming dates are February 27—March 1 in Elkhart and April 17—19 in Ft. Wayne. For more information visit our website at www.wwme-ni.org. ST. LOUIS BESANCON SQUARE DANCE Grab your partner and promenade over to a Square Dance at St. Louis Besancon Hall, 15535 Lincoln Hwy. East, New Haven. February 14 & March 14. Music by Bill Werling & Breakaway. Doors open at 7:30 pm, dancing from 8:00—11:00 pm. Tickets are $10/person (includes 1 beer per person & snacks—additional beer available for purchase). All proceeds go to the St. Louis Academy Home and School Association. For questions call Stacey at 414-1757 or Melissa at 418-7172. LEGISLATIVE ACTION FORUM— ALLEN COUNTY RIGHT TO LIFE Saturday, February 21 at Concordia Theological Seminary, 9:00—10:30 am in Wyneken Hall—Room 8. Join us and our panel of elected officials for a Pro-life legislation briefing, significant time for Q&A and time to speak informally with elected officials. Coffee, juice, and donuts will be provided and the event is free, but reservations are requested. Please register by February 17 with Abigail 260.471.1849 or abigail@ichooselife.org. 8 RETREATS RIGOROUS HONESTY: A WOMAN’S 12 STEP RETREAT Transformations Spirituality Center, 3427 Gull Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49048. 7:00 pm Friday, March 27—noon Sunday, March 29. Led by Karen Anne Jackson, CSC. The continued working of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous challenges us to practice rigorous honesty. Self-honesty requires practice, asking for and accepting help and feedback in order to mature in self-appraisal. The power of sharing with other recovering women, as well as time for prayer, reflection, rest and relaxation are all gifts of the weekend retreat. Karen Anne Jackson, CSC, an experienced AA 12 Step retreat facilitator, is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross St. Mary’s, Notre Dame. To register, see TransformationsCenter.org or call 269.381.6290 x310. RETREAT FOR SINGLE CATHOLIC WOMEN The Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration will be hosting a Discernment Retreat for single Catholic women age 18-35. The retreat begins on Friday, February 27 at 7:00 pm and ends Sunday, March 1 at 1:00 pm. To register, visit our website: www.ssfpa.org/retreat, or contact Sr. Lois, srloisdelee@gmail.com. The retreat will be held at the Motherhouse, 1515 Dragoon Trail, Mishawaka, IN, and will include opportunities for: Confession and Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, time for personal prayer and prayer with the Sisters, Marian devotions, conferences offered by Priests and Sisters and time for sharing with others. RETREAT FOR HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS The Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration will be hosting a retreat for high school girls the weekend of March 21-22. The retreat will begin at 9:30 am on Saturday and conclude at 1:00 pm on Sunday. To register, visit our website: www.ssfpa.org/retreat, or contact Sr. Lois, srloisdelee@gmail.com. RETREAT FOR BUSY CATHOLIC MOMS The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, will host “Retreat for Busy Catholic Moms,” February 27— March 1. The retreat will begin at 7:00 pm on Friday, February 27, and conclude at 1:30 pm on March 1. All moms are welcome as well as nursing infants. The retreat will take place at the motherhouse of the Sisters of Providence, located 10 minutes northwest of downtown Terre Haute. The retreat will be facilitated by Sister Mary Montgomery with planning assistance from Stephanie Bosma, West Lafayette, and Karen Peters, Fort Wayne. Registration forms are on the Information Center in the Gathering Space. For information, call 812-249-3189 or email mmontgom@spsmw.org. PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY Visit holy places and fun places, too. Sample lots of Gelato! The adventure begins October 5, and return home October 15, or extend your stay with Fr. Tim Wrozek until October 19. Basic trip (double occupancy) $3,946. The extension is $1,098. A meeting for information: February 15 at 3:00 pm, at St. Joseph Church, corner of Brooklyn and Hale Avenues in Fort Wayne. For advanced information, call Fr. Tim at 432-4010. You can also get info by e-mail, send message to Fr. Tim at frogheart@comcast.net. MINISTRY SCHEDULE Feb 14, 8 AM Greeter Usher Server Fean, Mary Fiacable, Vincent Hudson, Thomas Hudson, Tyler Lead Server Lector Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Sacristan Schafer, Mary Feb 15, 9 AM Collins, Mary & Emily Hire, David Ehinger, Carl Johnson, Valerie Moreau, Jacquelin & Paul Ehinger, Carol Ann Craw, Justin Dumford, Brian Kitchen, Cortney Thompson, Kevin Barrett, David E. Eberle, Larry Herber, Thomas Weaver, Gary Bobay, Donald Poiry, Peggy Todoran, Mike Wynn, Glenn NOT FILLED Bobay, Andrew Burkhardt, Joshua Kalonji, Jean-Paul Kinniry, David Tirpak, Ronald Achor, Dana Dawson, Nicholas McComb, Ted Smeltzley, William Hilger, Eli Tucker, Katie Weber, Rebecca Yolevich, Rose Schiffli, Luke Schreck, Benjamin Wilder, Noah NOT FILLED Murphy, Leo Sorg, Grant Stump, Mikayla Wagner, Gus Hudson, Thomas Hudson, Tyler Leach, Marcus Sarrazine, Joseph Mericle, Sammi Meyer, Nick Nguyen, Andrew Rohloff, Grace Yolevich, Sam Herber, Jeremy Reith, Danny Beeber, Jack Hagar, Chris Kalb, Mary (1) Smith, Michael E (1) Talbott, Michael (2) Hooten, Gary (2) Becker, Judy Arnold, Mary Black, Edison Becker, John Christensen, John Dewald, Joseph Clark, Todd Frane, Kristen Clark, Jodi Frane, Bradley Cook, Scott Jones, Thomas Goodwin, John Lyons, Sean Kawka, Chuck Lyons, Denise Lallow, David E Racine, Mary Ley, Ronald Scagnoli, Albert Lybrook, Stephen Mikulski, Frank - Captain McAllister, Michael McLeish, Scott Rowe, Allison Lawrence, Joan Captain Lauer, Bobbi (1) Stump, Anthony (2) Kelly, Michael (1) Benoit, Michael (2) Stange, Larry (1) Scoles, Richard (2) Brown, Joseph Brunner, Burt Casiano, Lori DeCook, Gordon DeCook, Cynthia Ehlerding, Mary Kay Gensheimer, Robert Knepper, Joe Lake, Amber Lomont, Jennifer Patterson, Jean Roy, Dan Stump, Delaine Swaim, Teresa Thill, Julia - Captain Burns, Sheila Burns, Keith DiRenzo, Sara Dusseau, June Fean, Thomas Goffer, Kathleen Lane, Sarah Minnich, John Noll, Rhonda Olinger, Tom Pequignot, Robert Stanley, Kellie Steinhofer, David Steinhofer, Nancy Arnold, David - Captain Arnold, Ann - Captain A'Hearn, Barbara A'Hearn, Robert Fox, Kevin Green, Karen Kruse, Sandra McAlister, Scott Vickery, Nancy Wolf, Suzanne NOT FILLED - Captain Heiny, Martin Sorg, Kevin Lane, Sarah Baird, Esther NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Richardson, Barbara Feb 18, 8:00 AM Ash Wednesday NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Feb 18, 12:30 PM Ash Wednesday Feb 18, 6:30 PM Ash Wednesday Barrett, David E. NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Ehinger, Carl NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Richardson, Ryan Stump, Mikayla NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Leach, Marcus Steele, Howard Steele, Nora Szymanski, Tommy Lead Server Feb 20, 6:30 PM (Mass/Stations of the Cross) Cortezano, Sabrina Fean, Mary Noll, Braeden Yanko, Vincent Reith, Danny NOT FILLED (1) Von Rohr, Robert (1) Fech, Dennis (2) Meehan, Mary (1) Dunmire, Chris (2) Fox, Kevin Lallow, David E NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED - Captain Kemper, Lindsay Kiraly, Sandra McCarthy, Linda NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Schmidt, Geri - Captain Blackburn, Brien Christensen, John Cook, Scott Emerson, Nancy Fisher, Elise Goodwin, John Heiny, Debbie Heiny, Martin Schreck, Michael Stark, Patricia Szymanski, Tom Szymanski, Monica Waldschmidt, Edward Williams, Lester Schanbacher, Thomas - Captain Schanbacher, Lisa - Captain Lallow, David E Lane, Sarah Heiny, Martin Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Sacristan Feb 15, 12:45 PM Beard, Suzanne Walsh, Laurel Server Lector Feb 15, 11 AM Bair, Mary Jo Reuille, Melissa Feb 18, 6:30 AM Ash Wednesday Usher Feb 15, 7:15 AM Feb 14, 5 PM 9 Noll, Kevin (1) To volunteer for an open position, request a sub, or update your profile visit www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/SaintV or if you're viewing this online, click HERE
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