NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE ST. VINCENT de PAUL C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 1502 E. Wallen Road Fort Wayne, IN 46825 PARISH STAFF MASS SCHEDULE Pastor ............................................................... Fr. Daniel Scheidt Parochial Vicar ........................................... Fr. Andrew Budzinski Parochial Vicar ......................................... Fr. Polycarp Fernando Deacon................................................ Deacon James Fitzpatrick Pastoral Associate ........................................ Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate ..........................................................Julia Thill Business Administrator ..................................... Tom Schuerman School Principal ..................................................... Sandra Guffey School Assistant Principal .................................Elizabeth Kleber Dir. of Religious Education ............................. Debbie Blackburn Director of Music .................................................... Tony Andorfer Facilities Manager ................................................. Bruce Cadwell Youth Director ............................................................... Sarah Hill Youth Director ..................................................... Lindsay Klinker Communications Coordinator .................................. Joe Knepper Parish Secretary ................................................... Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ................................................... Marie Andorfer Parish Secretary ...................................................... Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry ....................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson........................ Dan Rohloff Rectory Housekeeper …………………………………… Corrine Boyer Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am, TELEPHONES Church Office…Hours: 8:30 - 4:30 pm M - F .. (260) 489-3537 Church Fax ....................................................................497-9405 E-Mail .............................................................. Religious Education Office .............................................. ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office ....................................................... ext. 228 Director of Music ............................................................. ext. 210 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll .............................. 341-1249 Development Director Linda McCarthy .......................... ext. 247 Scout Lodge ..................................................................489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie ........................................................755-0816 Mary ..........................................................483-4369 BULLETIN DEADLINE Items should be in the church office via e-mail by Monday 9:00 am. 12:45 and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday: Monday—Thursday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am; Friday: 8:00 am and 5:30 pm; Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day: WILL BE ANNOUNCED Holiday: 9:00 am SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Wed. 4:30 pm (priests must finish by 5:30 pm). Sat. 8:45 - 9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH SCHOOL (1720 E. WALLEN ROAD) A Catholic education for children (grades K-8) Office Hours ..................................................... 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office, Mary Tess Roof ........... (260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line, Ellen Ryan............................... ext. 214 School Kitchen................................................................. ext. 220 School Secretary, Kathy Palmer ..................................... ext. 212 NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office. 2 N E W S MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 24 *6:30 am Denny Meadows 8:00 am Deceased Members of Martin/Amick Family Rv 14:1-3, 4-5/Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday, November 25 *6:30 am Joshua Amstutz 8:00 am Richard Wolfe Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday, November 26 *6:30 am James Weins 8:00 am Jan Alter All Mass Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19 Thursday, November 27 9:00 am Intention of Grashoff Family Rv 18: 1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9/Lk 21:20-28 Friday, November 28 8:00 am John Bella *5:30 pm Bill Hart Rv 20:1-4, 11-21:2/Lk 21:29-33 Saturday, November 29 8:00 am Raymond Berels, Sr. Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36 5:00 pm Jerome and Velma Minnick Sunday, November 30 7:15 am Catherine Hartman 9:00 am David Stump 11:00 am Deceased Members of the Ohlman/Malone Family 12:45 pm James Frank 6:00 pm For the Parish (Life Teen Mass) & N O T E S FROM THE PASTOR This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. This feast of Christ the King marks the end of the liturgical year and bids us consider the end of time and the final goal of our life---which is eternal union with the Lord. In today’s Gospel, Christ’s parable of the sheep and the goats reminds us that ultimate union with the Lord necessarily requires an “accounting” of our whole life in time. It is in this spirit that I as Pastor render an account to you today of our parish resources in view of the mission and vision of St. Vincent’s as articulated in our Five-year Pentecost Plan. Please take home a copy of this year’s Stewardship Report for prayerful consideration. I also append to my Pastor column a copy of my seven principles of personal stewardship, as a way to be further accountable both to you and to the Lord. This weekend marks the long-anticipated opening of our renovated Parish Library---dedicated this past Friday after the morning Mass---in the church’s East Room of the gathering space. We had been waiting for some time for the arrival of the new furniture for comfortable reading, which began to feel like the span of waiting for the coming of the Lord! Inside the Parish Library you shall find written explanations for its use, including how to check out books and other resources. Even as I offer you my prayers for a blessed Thanksgiving holiday, it is worth noting that next weekend begins the season of Advent. Please take a free copy of the little blue book of Advent meditations and devotions to help you and your family and friends prepare to welcome the Lord at Christmas. In St. Vincent’s love of Christ, Fr. Daniel Scheidt Seven Principles of Personal Witness Answerable to Jesus Christ in daily prayer and on the Day of Judgment, as your Pastor I beg your prayers that I be a wise and loving spiritual father and a bold and prudent steward of the gifts of our shared life together at St. Vincent’s. To this end . . . 1. I am personally committed to making every financial decision for our Church and School---of even the smallest amount--relentlessly and transparently in light of the articulated mission and vision of St. Vincent de Paul Parish. 2. I am personally committed to continually expanding and deepening our Parish’s investment in the corporal and spiritual works of mercy as the multi-faceted expression of our bringing the Good News to the poor---in the spirit of both St. Vincent de Paul in Heaven and of Pope Francis on earth. 3. I am personally committed to subsidiarity in parish finances---to consulting daily with the Parish Business Manager, monthly with the Finance Council, and delegating to the Stewardship Committee the discernment of the administration of our Parish Tithe. 4. I am personally committed to loving all of my parishioners in utter disregard of the material goods they have or do not have, contribute or do not contribute. I have never in my Priesthood known---and have always deliberately sought not to know---what any parishioner has or has not given monetarily to the Church. I shall continue this practice of Gospel impartiality at St. Vincent’s, seeking to make all of my decisions as free as possible in the Holy Spirit either from financial blandishments (“If you do this, I’ll give you . . .”) or threats (“If you do that, I’ll stop giving . . .”). 5. I am personally committed to priestly simplicity of life---to on-going conversion of heart in my decision-making about personal expenditures (including leisure) in light of the single question: What does my mission require? 6. I am personally committed to tithing 10% of all monies and gifts I receive to God (at least 5% to the Parish, the remaining percentage to other charitable works like Bishop’s 7. Finally, I am personally committed to regularly updating my will, as a life-giving means of prayer and principled almsgiving. Upon my death, all of my money (my vast clerical wealth!!!) is bequeathed to my Parish. I have received all from you, and I seek to give all to you. In Christ you are my lasting treasure and final reward. M I N I S T R Y L I F E 3 THE THIRD OPTION ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY PANTRY Find hope, help, and healing for your marriage by attending the Third Option – a skills-based group program that helps participants build stronger, more fulfilling marriages. Each 14-session cycle covers a comprehensive set of tools that couples can use to develop better levels of understanding, conflict-resolution, and trust while also learning more effective communication skills. Start any time in the cycle. Spouses may attend together or alone, and childcare will be provided. There is no fee to attend although donations will be accepted. Sessions are held on select Mondays starting November 17, from 7-9 pm, at Bishop Dwenger High School (enter at Door #1 – Main Office). Please contact us at 260.338.OPT3 or or visit for more information. This ministry is an outreach of the parishes of Our Lady of Good Hope, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Jude, and St. Vincent de Paul. Parishioners interested in volunteering for this ministry may also contact us for more information about upcoming training sessions. The recent food drive by our amazing students and staff was another pantry buster. Thank you seems inadequate for such a large gift. We are a team. If any student, staff member or parent would like a tour to see their handiwork, please call Paul-249 5979. We missed Mr. Turner. A grateful Saint Vincent de Paul Society December 1: Ending the Blame Game December 15: Understanding Expectations January 5: Redefining the Power Struggle January 19: Coping with Control Issues February 2: Listening Beyond the Words February 16: Appreciating Personality Differences March 2: Recognizing Childhood/Emotional Baggage March 16: Handling Anger Constructively March 23: Speaking the Truth in Love April 13: Learning to Fight Fair April 27: Breaking the Hurt Cycle May 4: Practicing Forgiveness and Repair May 18: Rebuilding Trust MISS VIRGINIA TURKEY COLLECTION Just a reminder we are collecting frozen turkeys before all the Masses this weekend, November 22/23. Trucks will be at the south entrance of church. We will be assembling the dinners at Leisure Lawn, 14409 Plank Street, Huntertown. To help assemble (December 18) or deliver (December 20) the Christmas dinners, please call Suzy at 489-1837. MASS ON THANKSGIVING DAY There will be Mass on Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 am. You are invited to bring bread (the staff of life) and wine (a beverage connoting celebration) for a special blessing during the liturgy. You may then take these home to be shared with your loved ones at your family meal. Let us give thanks to God for our many blessings. FRANCISCAN CENTER TURKEY TUESDAY The Franciscan Center is asking for the community’s help in making this years "Turkey Tuesday" a successful one. On Tuesday, November 25, the Franciscan Center will be providing turkeys to their clients on a day dubbed Turkey Tuesday. They are asking for donations anytime between now and then, of turkeys, hams, or the monetary equivalent. Donations can be dropped off at one of two locations: their center at 1015 E. Maple Grove or their store at 925 E. Coliseum Blvd. For more information, please call the center at 744-3977. SAINT MARY MOTHER OF GOD THANKSGIVING DINNER St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church will once again be hosting their annual Thanksgiving Dinner on November 27 from 11-1. Everyone is welcome to come join us. Volunteers are welcome. For more information call Gary Huhn @ 483-6452. DIVINE MERCY HEALING MINISTRY Are you wounded and hurting from a past abortion? Help and healing are available. Divine Mercy Ministry is a support group devoted to the healing of the post-abortive person. We meet twice a month and offer: A confidential, safe place where anyone hurting from abortion(s) can come for healing, prayer and love. A healing support group facilitated by compassionate leaders and a caring priest chaplain. Prayer, fellowship, support, the Sacraments, scripture and a structured manual. A place to come and just BE. Through a community of love and acceptance, anyone wounded by abortion(s) are invited and supported. Together, we share a rich healing. Location and times are confidential due to the personal nature of this journey. For more information, call our confidential, dedicated phone line at 260-445-8119 or visit us at www.divine We await you…with open arms and caring hearts. Jesus awaits you…with His love and mercy. Please come join us! 4 Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Sunday, Nov. 23rd Wednesday, Nov. 26th Sunday, Nov. 30th LN: The Word Became Status Mini Hour - 7:30-9pm @LC LN: Family Portrait Rescue Mission Backpack Project for the Homeless: Starting Nov. 16th with a collection date of Dec. 6th/7th, we will be passing out backpacks that contain a list of items to find and return it back full. There were a couple of bags left after Sunday’s Mass, and there are extra lists of items to fill backpacks if you’d simply like to purchase a backpack and fill it yourself. The backpacks will then be given out to the homeless clients at the Rescue Mission. Go all in to fulfill our mission to serve Christ in the poor. For more info contact Jennifer Hensler at 609-8829. Thanks! College Freshmen Care Packages: If you have a son/daughter who is a freshmen in college/seminary/religious life/etc., we would love to send them a Care Package to arrive for finals. Please send his/her college address and we will send one out. We would love to accept donations of small snacks like easy mac, popcorn, hot cocoa, gum, candy, etc. or a monetary donation to offset the cost of shipping. Thank you ever so much. LifeTeen Jewelry Sale Fundraiser: After every Mass on Dec. 6th & 7th, LifeTeen will once again be having their annual Jewelry Sale. All proceeds go toward providing scholarship to teens to attend retreats, so please stop by the table and pick up a nice Christmas gift. Remember that if we run out of items, or if you forgot your wallet, items can be ordered to arrive by the next weekend. Thank you so very much. Medicine and Lost & Found: All unclaimed medicine can be retrieved from the Church office. Please check the Retreat Lost and Found for any lost shirts, coats, or other items. Any leftover items will be donated shortly, so be sure to drop by before they’re gone. Thanks! Totally Yours: Again, thank you to everyone who helped make this amazing retreat possible! So many came and helped out - without whom these retreats wouldn’t even be possible. Your dedication and service did not go unnoticed. God bless you all! Core Team: Have you felt God calling you to serve Him, but aren’t sure how? Maybe He is calling you to serve His teens. This is an amazing ministry and I encourage you to pray about joining the Core team. If you are interested, or if you have someone else to suggest, please talk to Sarah or any of the Core for more information. Rules, Rules, Rules: Why does the Catholic Church have so many rules? Join us on November 24th from 7-8:45 pm to find out how these rules are made to free us, not enslave us. Coming Up in Edge: November 24th: Rules, Rules, Rules December 15th: Living Nativity WE’RE HEADED TO WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016! LET’S GO! Bishop Rhoades is inviting all young people who will be between the ages of 16 and 35 as of July 20, 2016, to consider attending World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland from July 21August 1, 2016. Our four-day pre-World Youth Day spiritual preparation includes sites in Warsaw, Czestochowa, Auschwitz -Birkenau, Wadowice, and Kalwaria. WYD activities in Krakow include a visit to the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, the WYD Opening Mass, catechetical sessions, daily Mass, Stations of the Cross, and other WYD events. Pope Francis will arrive on July 28, but the culmination of WYD will be the Vigil Mass with Pope Francis on July 30. Following the Closing Mass and Farewell Dinner on July 31, pilgrims will journey home on August 1. Visit or email Natalie Kohrman at for more information. For information about our Life Teen Program, please contact Sarah Hill, 435-0453 or SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS Religious Ed News RE Calendar Preschool November 23 - Preschool November 30 - No Preschool Thanksgiving Break. Sunday, November 23 RE November 30 - No RE Thanksgiving Break Wednesday, November 26 NO RE – Thanksgiving Break December 3 RE - Jesse Tree Prayer Service: Parish Hall 6:15 pm Christmas Service Project Don't forget to take an ornament from the Christmas tree for the Phoenix Institute foster children. All gifts must be returned to the religious ed office wrapped with the ornament attached no later than December 10. 5 CORPORATE SCRIP ORDERS Does your company give Christmas gifts to the employees? If so, why not give them something that they can REALLY use this year? Take advantage of our “Corporate SCRIP Order” program and give the employees SCRIP gift cards! You can decide how to do it, but here are a couple of options: 1) give a SCRIP order form to each employee, let them choose the gift card they want, then send the orders back to us…we’ll fill and return them to you in about a week. We can even custom design an order form for you. Or 2) you decide what SCRIP to give to employees, send us the list, and again we’ll fill and return in about a week. By placing your corporate order with us, you could earn tuition credit for your own family at St. Vincent’s School, Bishop Dwenger or any accredited college or university. Or you could designate the profit from your purchase to one of many other options…call us for more information. Corporate orders placed before Dec. 2nd are guaranteed to be delivered before Christmas. Contact the SCRIP Team – Margee Tippmann and Danielle Ball – for more information: 489-3537, ext. 234 or SCRIP Sales Reminder Just a reminder that there will be NO SCRIP SALES at church next weekend due to the Thanksgiving holiday. That means this weekend is your last chance to purchase SCRIP at church for Black Friday or Thanksgiving. Please visit the SCRIP sales table in the Gathering Space today! MARKET DAY – ORDERS DUE! Make sure you check out the Black Friday specials! The December sale is for Christmas, New Year, and lots of extra meals! 1 lb. pkg. of Broccoli Florets FREE with $40, and 1 lb. Pork Tenderloin FREE with $90 and DECBONUS in the promo code box. IF you qualify for the FREEquent buyer gift, you need a $40 order to collect! It is also cookie dough month and many holiday specials! Orders are due this week. Please order early so you don’t forget due to Thanksgiving! Pick-up will be on Dec. 4. Questions, please call Eva at 490-9329. Thank you for your support! 1502 E. Wallen Road • Fort Wayne, IN 46825• 6 C HURCH AND S CHOOL N EWS NEWS FROM BISHOP DWENGER Monday, November 24 6:30 pm Light Weigh - East Room 7:00 pm Third Option Training - Community Room A Tuesday, November 25 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ - Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6:30 pm Bereavement Support - East Room 6:45 pm RCIA - Spiritual Center Wednesday, November 26 9:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Blessed Sacrament Chapel Sunday, November 30 12:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Blessed Sacrament Chapel We encourage our students to share our special school with someone special. One of the highlights during the month of November is our annual Grandparents’ Day celebration held the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, November 26. This is a day that many of us look forward to each year. Please visit for a detailed schedule. HANDEL’S MESSIAH AT USF Bishop Kevin Rhoades invites you to the Heartland Festival Chorus and Orchestra’s rendition of Handel’s Messiah! The performance will be held on December 7 at 7:30 pm and will take place in the USF / Robert Goldstine Performing Arts Center, 431 W. Berry St. Fort Wayne. Tickets available by calling Heartland at 260-436-8080 or by visiting EXPLORE KIDNEY DONATION, CHANGE A LIFE Have you ever thought about being a kidney donor? There is no cost to the donor but many rewards knowing you have helped a parishioner in need. Pray about this and if you want more information, please call 260-637-3713. Christmas Giving Opportunities 7 There are many opportunities for us to serve others this Christmas Saint Vincent de Paul Society Adopt a Christmas Family Families made up of 1-8 individuals Delivery will be anytime after December 20 before Christmas Contact John Martin at 260-490-8021 or Angel Tree All parishioners are invited to pick an Angel from the Christmas Tree in the Gathering Space after Nov. 29 Items benefit several local charities Please turn in all items by December 21 Contact Vicki Welch at Life Teen Stuff a Backpack with Toiletries and Other Requested Items Backpacks will be delivered to the Fort Wayne Rescue Mission Bags were distributed November 16 and are due on December 7 Contact Sarah Hill at 260-489-3537, ext. 228 or EDGE EDGE Students are Collecting Toys: Include items that children will immediately embrace such as dolls, toy cars, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, balls, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries), etc. School Supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.; Candy Please drop off all items in the Life Center by December 6 Contact Lindsay Klinker at 260-489-3537, ext. 230 or Religious ED Religious Ed students are collecting stocking stuffer Christmas Gifts These gifts will be given to the Phoenix Institute foster children Christmas party. Please turn in all items by December 10 Contact Debbie Blackburn at 260-489-3537, ext. 204 or Thank You for Your Support! 8 NEWS AND INFORMATION SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL AND TAKE THE CREDIT ! Many private schools, including Catholic schools, are working with families who qualify for school vouchers through the Indiana School Choice program. We are pleased that many existing St. Vincent parish families are now receiving funding for Catholic tuition through this program. When you choose to support this important effort, you help families who desire a strong Catholic education for their children. Important Facts: Before a student’s family can qualify for an Indiana School Choice Voucher, the student or a sibling must have either spent two semesters in public school, or have received scholarship support from a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) to attend private school. To meet the need for scholarships, the Diocese has assisted in the formation of the Scholarship Granting Organization of Northeast Indiana (SGONEI). St. Vincent’s works with SGONEI in support of our St. Vincent’s families by giving SGO scholarships each year. These scholarships not only assist the students the first year, but also qualify the student (and siblings) for Indiana School Choice Vouchers for the remainder of their Primary and Secondary academic years. How does my gift help St. Vincent’s School? Your SGO gift, in combination with the School Choice voucher program in Indiana, has greatly impacted our families in the last two years. In 2014-15 school year, St. Vincent’s has 140 students on the School choice program. Nearly all of these families have received funding through a SGO scholarship award the first year. As an example, a $5,000 tax deductible gift to SGONEI helps 10 families! For a gift this size, $2,500 is deductible on Indiana State taxes. State of Indiana Tax Opportunity: In addition to helping our school and its students, there is a significant tax saving opportunity available to those of you who donate to St. Vincent’s School through a SGO gift. The State of Indiana provides a 50% tax credit for any contribution to a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO). These tax credits can be carried over from tax year to tax year (the law states 10 year carryover), which is an incredible advantage to many business owners and individuals. In addition to the Indiana 50% tax credit, your donation can be deducted as a Federal charitable tax deduction. Gifts received by December 31st will apply to tax credits for 2014. Questions? We have seen some parishioners take advantage of this opportunity and we welcome your gifts because each year the parish needs to help more families. This is a real win-win situation for our school families and the parishioner donors. For questions on SGOs, please contact our Development Director, Linda McCarthy, at 489-3537, ext. 247. 9 MINISTRY SCHEDULE Nov 29, 8:00 AM (Church) Nov 29, 5:00 PM (Church) Matthew Brady David Dimberio Daniel O'Brien NOT FILLED Usher Braeden Noll NOT FILLED Server Isabel Anthony Ashlynn Bennett Clayton Jackson Alexis Van Daele NOT FILLED Lector David Springer (1) Amy Dumford (2) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Esther Baird Judy Becker Monica Buescher Bob Buescher Kevin Fox John Goodwin Christina Jackson Chuck Kawka Patricia Kerlin (sub req.) David E Lallow Peggy Springer Shelly Van Daele Nancy Winling William Winling NOT FILLED Mary Schafer Sacristan Nov 30, 7:15 AM (Church) Nov 30, 9:00 AM (Church) Esther Baird Nov 30, 11:00 AM (Church) Nov 30, 12:45 PM (Church) William Frantz William Grant Bernard Niezer Daniel Roherty Paul Freson Timothy Leffers Joseph Siman Jeffrey Sorg Scott Wilder Duane Garwood Todd Gerardot David Scheumann NOT FILLED Dana Achor Nicholas Dawson Ted McComb William Smeltzley Server Kaley Lyons Nick Thelan Henry Tran John Paul Tran Mya VanderHagen Alec A'Hearn Frank Baumgartner Jeremy Herber Joseph Sarrazine Johnathan Sarrazine Mary Fean Catie Hamrick Macy Miriovsky Jacob Smith Grant Sorg Christian Bowman Vincent Fiacable Jacob Tomlinson Vincent Yanko NOT FILLED Lector Christopher Johnson (1) Marna Johnson (2) David Falater (1) Dennis Fech (2) Michael E/ Smith (1) Thomas Schuerman (2) Richard Scoles (1) Thomas Schuerman (2) Mary Arnold Bradley Frane Kristen Frane Laura Garcia Egbert Jarboe Denise Lyons Sean Lyons Albert Scagnoli Thomas Schanbacher Alexandra Schanbacher Mitchell Schanbacher Chad A'Hearn Melissa A'Hearn Barbara A'Hearn Robert A'Hearn Lori Casiano Mary Kay Ehlerding Elise Fisher Maureen Fulk Joe Knepper Mary B Osborn Rosemary Parent Michael Schreck Monica Szymanski Tom Szymanski Julia Thill Brien Blackburn Deborah Blackburn Keith Burns Sheila Burns June Dusseau Thomas Fean Mary Hamrick Scott Hamrick Sheri Jones Sarah Lane Greg Leksich Pat Leksich John Minnich Paul Moreau Mark Trout Joyce Burns Scott Cook Joseph Dewald (sub req.) John Faylor Dorothy Schuerman David Thomas NOT FILLED Lisa Schanbacher Mary Schafer Kevin Sorg Martin Heiny Usher Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Sacristan To volunteer for an open position, request a sub, or update your profile visit
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