NOVEMBER 2014 Grandin Court Baptist Church, 2660 Brambleton Avenue SW, Roanoke VA 24015 ALL SAINTS DAY MEMORIAL AND BAPTISM SERVICE Sunday, November 2nd 11:00 Service Only If you would like to be baptized on All Saints Sunday, please contact any member of the staff or the church office so arrangements can be made. VETERANS RECOGNITION SUNDAY Sunday, November 9th 11:00am Service Only THANKSGIVING EVE “BREAKFAST FOR DINNER” AND WORSHIP Wednesday, November 26th 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm Worship Service There will be no children’s activities this evening. All are welcomed to the service as we give thanks as the family of faith. SPRING FORWARD, FALL BACK Daylight savings time ends November 2nd. Be sure to set your clocks back one hour. THE ADVENT SEASON HOLIDAY FAMILY EMPHASIS Our Advent focus this year is on Family — yours and the Holy Family. With that in mind, we are asking your participation in two ways: HALL OF HOLIDAY Each week of Advent we will hang family Christmas posters along the hallways of our church. 11 x 14 posterboard will be provided to you. A workshop to create your family’s poster will be offered in place of bible study on Wednesday, November 12th, directed by Joan Foster and Gina Rexrode of the Worship Committee. Please bring 4-5 of your favorite family photos, extra wrapping paper, double sided tape or mounting dots, scrapbooking supplies or small Christmas decorations. You will cover your posterboard with the wrapping paper and decorate it with photos and other items. Scrapbookers Unite! This is a great opportunity to help us with your creativity. If you would be willing to bring supplies to help, contact Joan Foster at 797-1248 or Gina Rexrode at 529-3930. Youth and children are encouraged to help families with this project, too. We hope you will come have dinner and then stay to play! NATIVITIES DISPLAY Do you have a nativity that you would be willing to display in our sanctuary during Advent? We will be focusing our holiday decorations on the Holy Family this year and need your help. If you are willing to loan us your nativity, please contact Melissa Fox. We will do our utmost to be sure they are returned to you in the same condition as loaned. Open Houses are scheduled to give opportunity for the nativities to be seen by church and public on Sunday, December 14th, at 5:30pm, just prior to the Christmas musical and on Friday, December 19th, at 6:00pm, just prior to the Roanoke Chamber Brass Concert. Hot chocolate and cider will be served. Greeters are also needed to be present in the sanctuary during Open House hours. Let Melissa know if you would like to be a greeter. MILL MOUNTAIN RINGERS FALL CONCERT Friday, November 21st 7:30pm Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church on Grandin Road Directed by Joe Kennedy Ringers include our very own Laura Brewer, Ericka Lanier, Roma Scriven and Melissa Fox. Selections include secular, pop and holiday tunes. GET READY FOR ADVENT PARTY! Sunday, November 16th 3:00pm in the MAC Come get your family’s ADVENT PRACTICES ready for the start of the Advent Season. Pastor Brian will have out lots of different materials for you to choose from: Countdown to Christmas Trees Advent Countdown Chains Jesse Tree Devotionals and Ornaments Advent Wreaths Holy Family Displays The First Sunday of Advent is November 30th. “I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS” DRAMATIC MUSICAL December 12th, 13th, 14th Friday Dinner Theatre: 6:30pm Saturday Matinee: 2:00pm Veterans will be our special guests for dessert. Watch for further details in the coming weeks. Sunday Dinner Theatre: 6:30pm Proceeds from ticket sales will go toward the Organ Renovation Fund. Table decorators are needed as well as ushers and greeters. Let Melissa Fox know if you would like to help. Prop Items still needed: floor lamp with regular shade; ooga horn or bicycle horn; 10 strands of white or clear large lamp Christmas lights (old fashioned bulb style); slim style Christmas tree; strands of popcorn garland; old football jersey AARP SAFE DRIVING COURSE November 6th & 7th 12:30pm-4:30pm Grandin Court Baptist Church Fellowship Hall If you are over 50, and would like a discount on your car insurance, join us for this seminar. OFFICE CLOSINGS FOR THE HOLIDAYS The offices will be closed on Thursday, November 27th, and Friday, November 28th, for the Thanksgiving holiday. $15 for AARP Members and $20 for nonmembers. Bring your Driver’s License and AARP ID with you. Sign up on the Senior Adult Board or call the church office (540) 774-1684. They will be closed Wednesday, th December 24 , through Friday, December 26th, for the Christmas holiday. MUSIC MINISTRY AND WORSHIP COUNCIL MEETING Are you interested in deepening your Tuesday, November 4 6:30pm in the Parlor spiritual life and contributing to the future th of the church? ORGAN COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, November 13th 6:30pm in the Parlor CHILDREN’S COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, November 18th 6:30pm in the Sunshine Classroom Sign up for a Dawnings Group with Pastor Brian. Meetings will begin in January and will go for 8-10 weeks. flexible. Meeting day and time can be SENIOR ADULT CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Tuesday, December 2nd, at 12:00 Noon We are excited about our Senior Adult Christmas luncheon this year. We have a guest speaker who will be providing a program of Christmas magic. Rev. Brannon Thompson (Brando the Great), a retired Baptist Pastor in the valley, will be here to help us celebrate the season in a unique way. Once again the meal will be catered by The Roanoker Restaurant and the cost is $10.00 per person. Please sign up on the Sr. Adult bulletin board and you can turn your money into Vicki. CHRISTMAS TRIP BARTER THEATRE AND HEARTWOOD IN ABINGDON VA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th Heartwood is considered the gateway to Southwest Virginia’s craft, music, food and local culture. We will eat lunch there at the restaurant or coffee shop. After lunch we will take the bus to the historic Barter Theatre and see “A Modern Christmas Carol.” This play is adapted from Charles Dickens. It’s a Christmas story just as heartwarming as the original. Cost: $36.00 (includes show and transportation…Lunch is on your own.) The bus will leave at 8:30am. The deadline to sign up with money is November 16th. SIGN UP SHEETS ARE ON THE BULLETIN BOARD IN THE MAIN HALLWAY NEAR THE SUNSHINE CLASSROOM. FRUIT STOCKINGS FOR OUR SHUT–INS We will be giving our shut-ins a stocking filled with fruit this year for the holidays. If you would like to donate money to help cover the cost of the stockings, please send your check to GCBC and mark it “fruit stockings for shut-ins” in the memo line. The cost of each stocking is $20.00. We thank you in advance for your generosity. 454 MEAL ROTATION: Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 2nd: Fitzgerald Family 9th: Griffin Family 16th: Brewer Family 23rd: Destination X DESTINATION X: NOVEMBER 23RD 454 will be different on November 23rd. We will meet at a different time and place (it will be announced as time draws nearer), and parents are invited if they'd like to join us. Keep your eyes and ears open for more information. Location/Time: TBA Cost: $15-$20 RSVP by November 16th I'm very excited to be serving on the GCBC staff as MAC and Childcare Coordinator. My family and I have already received a warm welcome and look forward to serving alongside you. In my role as coordinator I will be working with many volunteers as we minister together to the community and with families of infants and toddlers. I have already met some of you and look forward to connecting with more of you in the coming weeks. Thanks to all those that faithfully volunteer as ministers to share Christ's love in a variety of ways to meet a variety of needs! I also am serving part-time as the Assistant Children's Pastor at the Rescue Mission, Monday-Friday evenings to assist the full-time Children's Pastor in overseeing the nightly Kid's Chapel program and creating a Preschool Chapel Program for 3-5 year olds. The Rescue Mission houses men, women and children nightly and one of the many services they provide is chapel services nightly. Recently they have seen a rise in the number of children coming to stay with a parent at the mission from an average of 30-40 each night to an average of 6575 each night. I would welcome your prayers as I begin both of these important ministries and welcome your willingness to serve in the MAC, Sunday morning or Wednesday evening childcare or at the Rescue Mission to help lead chapel for children. If you are interested in serving at the Rescue Mission with me or in another area, please contact Leslie Littlefield, Volunteer Coordinator, at 540-777-7651 or Blessings, Natalie Kids Connection Connecting Kids to Christ thru Worship Arts & Missions on Wednesday Evenings WEEKLY SCHEDULE 6:15-6:30pm Gathering Activities & Movement Games Children's Worship Room 6:30-6:50pm Station Time: Kindergarten-2nd Grade in Music 3rd-5th Grade in Other Station Children's Worship Room 1st-2nd Grade Classroom Station Time: 3rd-5th Grade in Music Kindergarten-2nd Grade in Other Station Children's Worship Room 1st-2nd Grade Classroom 7:10-7:15pm BREAK Bathroom/Water Fountain 7:15-7:30pm Recreation Time Playground or MAC 6:50-7:10pm UPCOMING SCHEDULE 11/05/14 11/12/14 11/19/14 11/26/14 ADVENT HALL OF HOLIDAYS POSTER NIGHT ADVENT THANKSGIVING WORSHIP SERVICE Art Station All Families in MAC Bible Skills & Games Station Sanctuary NO ACTIVITIES IN DECEMBER FAMILY GAME NIGHTS CONTINUE! Join us at our monthly family fellowship event!!! Friday, November 21st, 6:00pm-8:00pm Come play strategy, card, or just-for-fun, games. The MAC will be open for kids to play, but they can also play games, too. Pastor Brian will bring lots of games to try, but we want you to bring your favorite games, too! Just a fun time of fellowship and sharing with one another! Feel free to bring your dinner to church! PACK-A-SNACK/CIA Thank you for your continued support of our Pack-a-Snack program. We are currently packing for 80 students in our four schools. When you are grocery shopping, consider picking up a box of cereal bars, pudding cups, or individual packages of oatmeal for these students who do not always have healthy foods in their home. There is a shopping cart outside of Melissa K’s office. Also consider volunteering in one of the schools by reading to a student or listening to a student read. One hour a week or even one hour a month would make a difference in their lives. We will continue to donate canned hams this year, but we are making several changes. We will distribute the hams at Christmastime, not Thanksgiving. The students will be out of school from December 19th through January 5th this year. We want to provide the families with canned hams and/or canned chicken which do NOT need refrigeration. We plan to purchase this in bulk to reduce the cost. If you are interested in helping, please make a donation to the Pack-a-Snack program. If you have any questions about Pack-a-Snack or the Congregations in Action program, please contact Betty Anderson, Sarah Watkins, or Joan Foster. Again thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of children in our own neighborhood. STUDENT SPOTLIGHTS Porter — Twos Class — His favorite color is brown and his favorite food is brown food. He loves to play with cars at school and at home, too. He wants to have a Lightening McQueen job when he grows up. Maggie — Twos Class — Her favorite color is purple and she likes to eat chicken nuggets. She also likes to play on the playground at school and go to the park at home. She wants to be a mommy when she grows up. Mia — Threes Class — Her favorite color is purple and she loves to eat ham and pickles. She likes to draw at school and play with her toys at home. She wants have her mommy's job and serve apple juice when she grows up. Justin — PreK Class — His favorite colors are blue and black and he likes to eat French fries and chicken nuggets. He likes to do secrets and look for mysteries at school and play Xochi Winter Games on the Wii U at home. He wants to be like Raf (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) when he grows up. Please pray for our students as they learn and grow this year! We continue to be a growing and dynamic preschool. Our Twos class has doubled since the beginning of the school year with a new student enrolling every week. We now have 33 students in this ministry program (73% non-GCBC church members), 4 of whom have been able to attend thanks to your many generous scholarship donations. Thank you for investing in these students and helping them achieve a great start to their lifelong learning journey. GODLY PLAY SET-UP NEEDS We are in the process of setting up more Godly Play classrooms so that we can use this Bible teaching method in all of our Sunday School classes. SetUp requires a lot of particular items. Would you be willing to donate any of the following items? NEW MEMBERS Edgar, Natalie, & Amanda Kline 5021 Appletree Drive Roanoke VA 24019 low 2-3 shelf bookshelves baskets without handles lumber (hobby boards, etc.) peg people OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD (OCC) Remember that FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, is the LAST DAY to drop off your OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD shoeboxes here at the church. On Saturday, the 22nd, OCC committee members will deliver the shoeboxes to a local collection center. If you still need a shoe box, you may get one from the MAC office once our next shipment is received, purchase a plastic shoebox, or wrap a shoebox that you have at home. Place your shoeboxes outside of Vicki’s office in the hallway. Please tape the appropriate BOY/GIRL label to the top of the box, remember to include a $7 check made payable to Samaritan’s Purse for shipping/other costs, and place a rubber band around each box as you drop it off. If you would like to contribute to the shipping costs of the 54 shoeboxes that our youth packed this year, please make your check payable to Grandin Court Baptist Church with a notation in the memo line — ‘SAMARITAN’S PURSE.’ Operation Christmas Child demonstrates God’s love to hurting children in a tangible way by partnering with churches worldwide to deliver gift-filled shoeboxes and the Good News of Jesus Christ. Thank you for being a partner in sharing the GOOD NEWS! “Dear Church Family: Thank you for all the acts of kindness after my recent hospitalization and surgery. I appreciate each and every one. — Kathy Carlton” “Thank you so much for your prayers, cards, calls, and food during my hospitalization and recovery. You are a wonderful church family. Sincerely, Phyllis Amos” “I would like to thank those who donated this year for the Strollathon for Rett Syndrome research. My granddaughter has this Syndrome which is degenerative. This year they collected over $40,000 for research in SW VA, which is the second highest year tied almost with last year. — Lorry Smyth” “Thanks for all of your loving expressions of sympathy in the death of my son-in-law in Florida. You are such a caring church family. Love, Kathy Smith” “We wish to thank our church family for lifting us up in your prayers, for the beautiful cards, visits, and delicious food brought to us while we have been ill. We appreciate our pastors and friends so very much. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. — Bill & Betty Tanner” “Leslie and I would like to thank everyone for their cards and prayers over these last few weeks. We are traveling some difficult roads and the support and prayers from our church family has made the journey much smoother. Again thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. With God as our guide our trip is that much easier. God Bless, Leslie and Glenn Young” We extend our deepest sympathies to those in our church family who have recently lost loved ones: The family of Cleve Simmons, who passed away Sunday, October 5th, in South Carolina. His daughter’s name and address is Deb Wright, 526 Brooksong Court, Irmo SC 29066. To Ab Jones in the loss of his father, who passed away this past weekend in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Their address is: Ab & Connie Jones, 2509 Crystal Spring Avenue, Roanoke VA 24014. FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF SEPTEMBER 30th, 2014 Budget Needs to Date: $ 667,221.00 YTD Budget Revenue: $ 556,585.00 YTD Budget Expenses: $ 562,811.00 FOR ONLINE CONTRIBUTIONS GCBC accepts contributions online via PayPal or credit cards. To contribute online, go to and click on “Online Contributions.” To the Building Fund in memory of Cleve Simmons by GCBC… To the Organ Fund in memory of Cleve Simmons by Jo Shoaf… To the Organ Fund in honor of Gene Richardson by Yvonne Bryant… To the Organ Fund in memory of Cleve Simmons by Maggie Sharpe… November 26th Our Traditional Thanksgiving “Breakfast for Dinner” pancakes, eggs, bacon, biscuits & gravy 5:30pm Donations will be accepted to support the preschool. This will be the last Wednesday night meal until January. 6:30pm Thanksgiving Service of Worship No Children’s Activities or Nursery THOSE SERVING ON NOVEMBER 2nd Connections Team Greeters: Denise Updike Gaston, Louann Pagans, Tom Stover, Becky Davis, Carol File, Susan Fitzgerald Deacons: John Best, Gene Richardson, Trena Swain, Natalie Norris Ushers: Mike Roop, Bob Girard, Jim Edgell, Pete File, Scott Huff Extended Session: Susan Wadsworth (Babies, Ones, & Twos); Robert or Laura Spring, Susan Burnette (Threes & Fours); Natalie Kline (Team Leader) THOSE SERVING ON NOVEMBER 9th Connections Team Greeters: Carolyn Bain, Karen Griffith, Kip Foster, Dennis Stevens, Becky Davis, Diann Rhudy, Bob Rolley, Bonnie Topping Deacons: Anita White, Rachel Wheaton, Rosa Lee Hannabass, Becky Davis Ushers: Jerry Perkins, Tom Wilcox, Brian Meador, Brad Fitzgerald, Scott Huff Extended Session: Kelli Best, Bonnie Topping (Babies, Ones & Twos); Sabrina Hunsicker (Threes & Fours); Jeanette O’Neill (Team Leader); Natalie Kline (Team Leader) THOSE SERVING ON NOVEMBER 16th Connections Team Greeters: Ted Griffin, Susanna Hart, Tommy Moore, Dennis Stevens, Kathy Smith Deacons: Wayne Weaver, Paul Denney, Alex Price, Carol File Ushers: Tom Stover, Mike Coffman, Joe Rains, Mike Walker, Scott Huff Extended Session: Donna Coffman, Cathy Manning (Babies, Ones, & Twos); Jessica Oliver, Carol File (Threes & Fours); Natalie Kline (Team Leader) THOSE SERVING ON NOVEMBER 23rd Connections Team Greeters: Lou Bousman, Leslie Young, Paul Denney, Gene Richardson, Phyllis Amos, Carolyn Miller, Judy Brewer Deacons: Mike O’Neill, Pete File, Gina Rexrode, Rosa Lee Hannabass Ushers: Steve Laughlin, Gordon Daniel, Chris Gaston, David Long, Scott Huff Extended Session: Heather Price (Babies, Ones, & Twos); Chad or Julie Brown (Threes & Fours); Natalie Kline (Team Leader) THOSE SERVING ON NOVEMBER 30th Connections Team Greeters: Lou Bousman, Leslie Young, Paul Denney, Gene Richardson, Phyllis Amos, Carolyn Miller, Judy Brewer Deacons: Rachel Carter, Susan Powell, Mac Obenshain, Alex Price Ushers: Mike Roop, Bob Girard, Jim Edgell, Pete File, Scott Huff Extended Session: Carla Selvey, Kelli Best (Babies, Ones, & Twos); Brad Brewer, Brian Burnette (Threes & Fours); Natalie Kline (Team Leader) Congratulations to Larry and Rosemary Dancy in the birth of their new little grandson. Liam Sean Gary was born on October 9th in Lubbock, Texas to Heather and Tim Gary. Siblings are Ethan, Sincere, Caelan and Alexander. ROANOKE RESCUE MISSION PO Box 11525, Roanoke VA 24022 or 540-343-7227 Leslie Littlefield, Volunteer Coordinator 540-777-7651 or Volunteer Needs: Donation Processors at Distribution & Recycling Center weekdays; Musicians and Road Marshals for the Drumstick Dash 8:30-10:30am; Thrift 460 and 4th Street Thrift Merchandisers needed; Math tutors for the Learning Center; Toddler Care for the Family Shelter 6:00pm-7:30pm; Transporters Mondays 12:00pm-4:00pm Misc. Items Needed: $1 eyeglass readers; bath towels; deodorant; diapers (size 2, 4, 5, 6); ear plugs; flip flops; twin size sheets; Welcome Home Baskets; white crew socks for men & women Adopt-A-Family for Christmas and provide gifts for the children in the shelter. BAPTIST COMMUNITY CENTER 101 17th St SE, Roanoke VA 24013 Office 342-8452 Pat Carter, Site Communicator, Volunteer Needs: transportation needs, after school help; snow removal; bicycle repair; handwriting skills and Bible reading on Friday; volunteers to help with Apple Butter Day on November 8th Misc. Items Needed: paper products (towels, cups, utensils, bowls, tall 13-gallon trash bags, 40-gallon bags); Clorox wipes; peanut butter; jams; oatmeal; pancake mixes & syrup; Ziploc bags (gallon & quart); non-perishable food items; items for Thanksgiving baskets; cloves, pint jars/rings & lids, sugar to make apple butter on November 8th; $10 Walmart gift certificates BAPTIST FRIENDSHIP HOUSE 635 Elm Avenue SW, Roanoke VA 24016 540-343-5437 or 540-761-2361 or Mon., Wed., & Fri. – 2:30-5:00 and Tues. & Thurs. – 9:00-1:00 and 2:30-5:00 Volunteer Needs: volunteers willing to serve and love on people of all ages; transportation help Misc. Items Needed: women’s and children’s clothing; canned and dried foods; snack food and drinks; donations to assemble holiday meal baskets and Christmas gifts for the children Please take your donations to either the Rescue Mission, Community Center, or the Friendship House. The “Messenger” Grandin Court Baptist Church 2660 Brambleton Avenue SW Roanoke VA 24015-4306 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 59 ROANOKE VA GRANDIN COURT BAPTIST CHURCH 2660 Brambleton Avenue SW, Roanoke VA 24015 540-774-1684 * Fax 540-774-9204 * Dr. Kevin B. Meadows, Pastor — Ext. 13, Mrs. Vicki K. Masters, Administrative Assistant — Ext. 10, Rev. Charles A. Krause, Minister to Sr. Adults and Pastoral Care — Ext. 23, Rev. Melissa A. Fox, Minister of Music & Worship Arts — Ext. 16, Rev. Brian A. Burnette, Minister to Children and Spiritual Formation — Ext. 15, Rev. Melissa S. Kessler, Minister to Students and Missional Activities — Ext. 18, Rev. Natalie A. Kline, MAC and Childcare Coordinator — Ext. 14, Mrs. Kimberly D. Booth and Mr. David P. Wiseman, Custodians — Ext. 11 Mr. Joseph H. Kennedy, Organist — Mr. Christopher F. Hubbell, Prayer Ministry Coordinator — Mr. John A. Best, Deacon Chair — Our Missionaries — Every Member Mrs. Laura D. Brewer, Preschool Director – Preschool Staff, Ext. 22 — Mrs. Shannon M. Doppelt (2s), Mrs. Amy H. Dreher (3s), Mrs. Dee Dee Hartson (Pre-K), Mrs. Susan A. Chrisley (Assistant)
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