Document 431715

Good News!
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Consecration Sunday
November 23rd
One service at 10:15am
Make your reservation now!
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
107 Louis St. Greenville, NC 27858
Phone: 252-355-2125 Fax: 252-355-1993
The Rev. Mimi Lacy, Rector
Lisa Kirby, Deacon in Training
Douglas Blackwood, Organist/Choir Director
Joanne Stancil, Parish Secretary
Nanette Woodworth, Christian Formation for Children
Megan Roberts, Financial Secretary
Amber Beaman, Youth Minister
Table of Contents
About Us and Directory Updates…………......……………………………...........14
Adult Formation.........................................................................................11
Anniversaries and Birthdays…………………………………………………………..14
Choir Notes……………………………………………………………………….…….....4
Christian Formation for Children…………………………………………………....10
Liturgical Notes……………………………………………………………………….…..7
Lobster Fair ………………………………………………………………………………10
Rector’s Letter…………………………………………………………………...…….....3
Women’s Spirituality Group……………………………………………………………11
Youth News……………………………………………………………………………….12
From the Rector
Stewardship is everything we do after we say “We believe.”
From The Episcopal Network for Stewardship:
Stewardship isn’t …
Paying the light bills or maintaining a building.
Paying a decent staff.
Meeting the budget.
Keeping the church alive.
Paying our fair share of the dues.
Passing on a legacy to our children.
Stewardship is …
Sharing in God’s mission with a glad, generous and grateful heart.
Transforming lives in our community.
Prayerfully responding to God’s call.
A deeply spiritual matter.
Something that blesses the giver more than the receiver.
Stewardship is discipleship; it is a complete reorientation of our lives toward God, who calls us
through Jesus Christ: Stewardship is… Everything I do after I say, “I believe.”
During worship we recite together the Nicene Creed, which begins: “We believe…” and we go on
to name the beliefs that define us as Christians: the Triune God, the death and resurrection of
Jesus, the presence and blessing of God as Creator and Spirit. And those words are so
automatic, and the beliefs are so deeply ingrained, that we probably don’t give them much
thought anymore. But here’s the thing: Credo is a term derived from Latin, from which we get
the word Creed, which means any formal or authorized statements of beliefs or principles. And
if we dig a little deeper, we find that Credo means “I give my heart to,” meaning that we give
our hearts to our Christian beliefs, which are centered in the existence and goodness of God.
So when it comes to stewardship, we give our hearts to God, and everything we do after that
reflects that reality—meaning that our lives are to be an example of a believer who is fully
committed to a life of faith. And God calls us to that life spiritually, emotionally and physically.
So our spiritual life of prayer and worship, our emotional life of love for God and our neighbor,
and our physical life of where we spend our time and effort are all important facets of a full
Christian life. And we don’t come to the fullness of life in Christ easily, because it’s challenging
and counter-cultural—our society does not easily support a full-out life of faith! So we grow into
it over the years, reaching deeper commitment and understanding as we go, developing and
deepening our love and faith. It is the hardest and most rewarding work we can do! So as we
enter into the time of year when we consider how we might support St. Timothy’s in 2015,
please think and pray about what you give your heart to, and how you might demonstrate that
within our community of faith. God calls us to be faithful stewards: how might that be lived out
in all our lives in 2015?
Faithfully yours,
From the Organist/Choir Director:
From the ancient monastic practice of ending the day in prayer and
praise of God, a Compline service is held every Sunday night at 8:00
p.m. This stunning, beautiful candlelit service features a small group of singers that
offer Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony. The service will begin Sunday,
September 14th at 8:00 p.m. and will continue weekly throughout the year.
All are welcome at this service, and we encourage you to make yourself
comfortable when attending it--perhaps even lie down in a pew and enjoy the
beautiful sounds and stillness. While this simple service is spoken in many
churches, homes, and other settings, our Sunday evening service will be sung by
the Compline Choir.
On Sunday November 30th, please join us as we prepare for the season of Advent.
The Parish Choir of Saint Timothy’s will offer an Advent Lessons and Carols. This
special Advent service will celebrate moving from darkness into light and the
preparation of the coming of the Christ. The Parish Choir has worked very hard this
year and a lot of preparation has gone into creating this special service. We look
forward to seeing you at this very special service.
Attention children and parents! It is not too late to join. We are starting a new
Children’s Choir and there is still plenty of room to join. We will begin learning
Christmas music soon. We will rehearse on Wednesday afternoons TBA. Also, we
are creating a Parent’s Guild which will be responsible for carpooling, refreshments,
etc. If you would like to participate or volunteer, we would love for you to join us as
well. You may see Douglas after church or email him at
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Parish Choir Rehearsal
5:15 – 6:45 p.m.
7:00 – 9:15 p.m.
Parish Choir Rehearsal /Service
Worship Ensemble Rehearsal /Service
Compline Choir Rehearsal /Service
Multi-Purpose Bldg.
Multi-Purpose Bldg.
9:00 – 11:15 a.m. Sanctuary
9:15 – 11:15 a.m. Sanctuary
Weekly rehearsals meet regularly after church
6:15 – 9:00 p.m.
Thank goodness for autumn and cooler weather! The pre-school children are
learning about fire safety and gearing up for our Halloween celebration. Pumpkins,
ghosts, and colored leaves abound. There are still several openings in the three and
four year old classes for anyone wanting to come and get in on the fun.
The pre-school will have two important fund raisers in November. On November
18&19, from 9 a.m.-noon, we will host an Usborne Book Fair. The Usborne
Company has been inspiring life-long readers for 25 years by providing a quality
array of books, ebooks, apps, dvds & educational resources. If you would rather
shop on line, that is also an option. Simply copy and paste the following link to St.
Timothy’s sale in your browser. Once at the
site, you can browse the catalog and shop for items.
Also beginning November 17th will be our “Cards for a Cause” sale of boxed sets
of 30 beautifully embellished all occasion cards with matching envelopes. Samples
may be viewed in the church narthex following Sunday services in late November
and early December. The sale will run through December 7th.
All books and cards ordered will arrive in time for holiday gift giving. What a
great way to support our pre-school!
Mark your calendars for our annual Stop Hunger Now event –Saturday, December 6
at 10:00am. Stop Hunger Now is a global humanitarian aid organization that has
been fulfilling its commitment to end hunger since 1998. Every year, Stop Hunger
Now provides millions of nutritious meals and other life-saving aid to children and
families all over the world. Stop Hunger Now collaborates with existing
development efforts in vulnerable communities to provide meals to places such as
schools, orphanages, nurseries and medical clinics.
Each six-serving bag produced by Stop Hunger Now volunteers includes rice, soy,
dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix with 21 essential vitamins and
minerals. Each meal costs only 29 cents and has a shelf life of two years.
This is a wonderful Advent Outreach Opportunity for St. Timothy’s parishioners of
all ages! Sign-up sheets will be available later this fall. Contact Kathryn Lennox
Lloyd if you have questions (
The ECW will meet on Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 to fill the shoeboxes for
Operation Christmas Child. Pick up the brochure in the Narthex with a list of
appropriate items that can be shipped and then head for the Dollar stores. Many
suggested items are new this year. Also check out the shoeboxes that were
purchased from Samaritan’s Purse. No more wrapping boxes!
September 2013
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
Plate & Pledge
Total Revenues
Total Expenses
Net [Rev - Exp]
This month we will highlight another of the Designated Accounts, which represent
funds that are set aside (designated) for special, non-operating expenses. The
Other Income, not for Operating Expense Fund is is used at the Rector’s Discretion
(upon Vestry approval) for unanticipated expenses of a non-operating nature.
Past purchases include: a projector and TV for the Christian Formation Programs;
materials for renovation of the EYC space in the multipurpose building; and Prayer
Books and extra photo directories for newcomers. This account is typically funded
by interest earned on CD’s and Money Market accounts and by sales tax
reimbursement on purchases made by the church. In 2012, we deposited an
insurance payment for a tree that was struck by a car (the driver’s liability
insurance) and in 2014 we applied for reimbursement of ~$1,900 in sales tax on
the materials that went into the Stained Glass Window project.
The Red Cross requested that St. Timothy’s once again host a blood drive, and your
Stewardship Committee has agreed to do so. It will be held on Sunday, November
9th from 8:30-12:30 in order that folks from both services may participate. Knowing
that every two seconds someone in America needs a blood transfusion—and that
five million patients will need blood this year—means that we have lots of
motivation to help this cause! It’s a simple way to give back to the community and
save lives…talk about great stewardship! The Red Cross Bus will be stationed in
our parking lot, making it easy to donate. There will be a sign up sheet in the
Meeting Room—so sign up and support the community in this most important way.
Bibb Baugh, Emily Barnes, Lauren Wallberg, Scott Crippen and Leslie Bowman gave
countless hours in order to organize every aspect of the Lobster Fair. Thanks to all!
It was a great day, and we couldn’t have done it without their leadership, as well as
everyone else who pitched in to make it so successful. Thank you one and all!
Congregations that approach financial stewardship from a
biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their
church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations
see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually
in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission
and ministry with a percentage of their incomes.
Our congregation’s finance committee has selected the New Consecration
Sunday Stewardship Program as a way to teach the biblical and spiritual principles
of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year.
New Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the
giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of
the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who
should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give
unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people
toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What
percentage of my income is God calling me to give?”
During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking our attendees
and members to make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary,
benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world.
Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so
voluntarily by attending morning worship on Consecration Sunday. We urge people
to attend who feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in
such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to
fill out a card.
We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During
morning worship our guest leader will conduct a brief period of instruction and
inspiration, climaxed by members making their commitments as a confidential act
of worship.
We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the
Consecration Sunday team and governing board members. Since we will make no
follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will make every effort to
inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship.
Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday
Malcolm Williams, Consecration Sunday Chairperson
At the end of the month of November the season that we call “Ordinary Time” will
draw to a close. Until that time our liturgy will remain the same, with the exception
of the addition of the Renewal of our Baptismal Covenant on November 2nd, which is
All Saints Sunday. At the 10:15 service we will be baptizing a baby—be sure to join
us on that day for a joyful celebration!
It’s hard to believe that we have another successful Lobster Fair under our belts. It
takes months of preparation and hard work by a lot of people at St. Timothy’s,
escalating into a day of fun for our community. And that work is well worth it when
you stop to think about all of the benefits that come out of it.
Each year, Lobster Fair generates thousands of dollars that go back into our own
community, state, nation and sometimes other countries. That alone is well worth the
effort. But it doesn’t stop there. Lobster Fair brings us together as a church family,
giving all members the chance to get to know one another better and witness each
other’s unique talents. It gives other groups, like the Boy Scouts, a chance to do
something good for their community. It brings people to our church campus - people
who may not otherwise visit. And the list goes on.
We want to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for stepping up and doing
your part to help orchestrate another Lobster Fair. Your assistance and hard work is
what keeps this “machine” well oiled. As soon as we have solid numbers to report, we
will do so. But in the meantime, know that your help was greatly appreciated and is
the heart and soul of what made this year’s Lobster Fair a success.
For the next several weeks, (Oct. 19th – Nov. 9th) your children will be learning
about the story of Hannah and her son Samuel who learned at a very young age
to listen for God’s voice (1 Samuel chapters 1 and 3). Hannah shows us the
power of prayer. Samuel grows up to anoint young King David.
During this cycle we will be talking about what it meant for Samuel to grow up in
the temple and what it meant for Hannah to honor her promise to God. With
Debbie Lichti, children will learn that just like Samuel, God calls us each by
name. They will learn what their names mean, make name tags, and see how
these meanings often reflect their character traits. Wanda Williams will lead a
drama workshop with games where the children will work creatively with the
theme of Hannah’s annual visit to bring her son Samuel a bigger jacket. Nanette
Woodworth will help the children will learn about Eli’s role in the temple and will
make a priest’s breastplate which has 12 jewels representing the 12 tribes of
Israel. Mary Moore will talk with the children about many ways to pray. They will
bring home some prayer ideas to add to your daily round
Having your children in Sunday School is a wonderful part of Christian
formation, but even more important are the times your family spends thinking
and talking about the things of God. Feel free to borrow an Adventure Bible from
Ed. 8 and read all about Hannah and Samuel with your child… (pg. 301–305).
Thank you once again to all the Lead Teachers, Assistant Teachers, and
Shepherds who make our Rotations Sunday School Program possible!
Interfaith Refugee Ministry is looking for mentor(s) and English as a Second
Language tutor(s) for a refugee single mother of two teenagers. They live in
Winterville, and orientation, training and materials will be provided. This is a
wonderful opportunity to welcome a stranger by helping her improve her English
skills, assisting her in adapting to the culture of the US, and mentoring her and her
children as they transition to this new life in America. For more information, please
call Susan Husson at 252-633-9009 or email
We will continue to meet in the Parish Hall at 9:00—the new start time has been a
great success. Topics will include the wrapping up of the marriage series and
scripture study. These gatherings are informal but informative—try it out! Please
note that there is no class on the 23rd due to our Consecration Sunday celebration,
and class is also cancelled on Thanksgiving weekend.
Our three part class on the basics of the bible was a great success, but not everyone
who wanted to attend was able to do so. With this in mind we will offer another
round—the trick is finding a time that will work. I will put a sheet in the narthex with
some choices; please sign up with a time you prefer and I’ll see what I can work out.
Vestry elections will be held at the Annual Meeting in early January, but it’s not too
early to consider whether you might be called to this ministry. It is a three year
commitment, and requires regular attendance at meetings and enthusiasm about the
church’s mission and ministry. If you have an interest in serving, or any questions
about what it entails please contact Patricia Dragon, our Senior Warden, or Jimmy
Meyers, the Junior Warden.
The White Elephant Gift Exchange will be held at the home of Jamie Kirby, 925
Bremerton Drive on Monday, December 8 at 6:30. Just find something special that
you no longer need and wrap it in Christmas paper. The exchange is a lot of fun and
the surprise is that you go home with someone else’s treasure! Sign up in the
Meeting Room and if you want to bring a goodie or drink sign up there too. All
ladies are welcome to this popular event.
Women’s Spirituality Group will meet on Tuesday, November 4 and again on Nov. 18
in the Meeting Room of the church at 7:00. Study will continue with A Praying Life by
Paul E. Miller. Join us for prayers, discussions and snacks.
EYC: In October, the youth took on BIG Game Night! Here, they played life size
games such as Jenga, Tic Tac Toe, and Pac-Man! Here’s a look at what’s going on
in November:
November 2nd: Bowling, 5-7pm
November 9th: Regular EYC, 5-7pm
November 16th: Movie Night, 5-7pm
November 23rd: Regular EYC, 5-7pm
WeeYC: WeeYC met for the first time in October! They went to Briley’s Corn Maze
and Pumpkin Patch! Stay tuned for pictures in the next newsletter! Here’s what to
expect in November:
November 23rd: Game Day! 2-4pm
Thanks to everyone who participated in the youth at Coffee Hour! It is wonderful to
have the support of the congregation in all that we do, so your presence and your
donations are much appreciated!
Operation Christmas Child is a worldwide children's project of Samaritan's Purse.
Each November members of for-profit and non-profit organizations prepare simple
gift-filled shoe boxes containing school supplies, toys, personal items, and notes of
encouragement, to let hurting children around the world know that God loves them
and that they are not forgotten. Millions of boxes are sent to children who are
victims of poverty, war, and natural disasters. Through the power of a simple
shoebox gift and the message of hope through Jesus Christ, children learn that
they are loved and not forgotten. Have I been "called" to volunteer for this ministry?
I’m not sure. What I am sure of is that I care deeply for these children, and the joy I
get each year just knowing that I have made a difference in the life of a child. For
some children, a shoebox may be the only gift they receive.
Last year St. Timothy's had a banner year! Through the love and generosity of
the ECW, Children's Formation, EYC, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, and all of the many
parishioners who participated, we filled many shoeboxes. Members of St. Timothy’s
are truly blessed and share their blessings with others. I truly believe it is God's
wish that we share some of what we have with others who are less fortunate than
ourselves, especially the children. Won’t you join with me again this year and fill a
shoebox or make a donation made out to Operation Christmas Child? It may be one
of the best Christmas gifts you give and receive. November 24th is the last day to
drop off boxes,
St. Timothy's will host the African Team Ministries Jewelry
and Craft Sale again this year! We have been made aware of
the clean water shortage in Kenya, and ATM has committed
to meet this urgent need and has asked for our help.
Mark your Calendars: dates of the Sale are Sunday November 30th, and Sunday
December 7th. Please contact Pam Johnson (714-5512) if you would like to
volunteer to set up and/or sell items one of these Sundays.
Mark your Calendars for Dec. 14th from 6-8 at the home of Merle and Barbara
Bowser. More details will follow.
Get ready for the holidays: Cypress Glen is holding a Holiday
Marketplace with over 35 vendors! It will be held on Saturday,
November 22th from 9:00am to 2:00pm at their location on Hickory
Street in Greenville. There will also be a bake sale along with
About Us…
Don’t forget to share your
news! Just email Joanne by the
20th at to be included
so we can all share in your joy!
Moved? Changed your telephone
number? Let Joanne know so we can
all make the correct changes in our
Jim and Myrna Bruner
6311 Granby St Apt. 409
Norfolk, VA 23505
Please sign up to host a coffee
hour after the one of the
services on a Sunday.
This is a wonderful time to welcome
visitors and catch up with friends at St.
Timothy's. A simple snack and juice for
the children, as well as a treat for the
adults to enjoy with coffee are easy to
provide. Look for the sign up sheets in
the Meeting Room.
November Birthdays
Note cards with pictures of either the
church or the chapel are available for
$1/card. Samples and a sign up sheet
are in the Meeting Room. These would
make great Christmas presents!
November Anniversaries
Barry and Susan Allen
Mike and Judy Coogan
George and Sharlene Brandt
Richard and Linda Lane
Billy and Kathryn Lloyd
Hayes and Pam Hutchens
Conner Pischke
Keith Holmes
Elyana Hvastkovs
Isabella Spencer
Roy Wittman
Alex Cullen
Ashley Proctor
Jackson Ahlert
Pam Hutchens
Auldon Duncan
Trent Brame
Garrett Foster
Richard Peterson
James Proctor
Eleanor Willard
Jac Chatham
Betty Foreman
Brandan Lennox
James Duncan
Eva Gizinski
Bill Redd
Megan Roberts
Laurie Rudd
Bryan Bell
John Dominy
From the Parish Records
We extend our prayers to: Arch, Art, Anne, Georgia, Marilyn, Dana, Judy, Nancy, Leslie,
Bruce Hopfengardner, Helen Newell, Mary Yahnker, Mindy Perdun, Jennifer Bueck, Terry
Barkley, Jim Burney, Joseph and Dorothy Moglia, Sonny Lea, Jim Bruner, Jameson Lackey,
Chip Hachmeister, Tom Czaplijski, Bob Van Veld, Liza and Tripp Harris and Ted White.
A visit from the clergy is always available! If you or a loved one will
be entering the hospital, or if you have any other sort of pastoral
need, please contact the Church Office or Mother Lacy by phone or
Please do not assume we will simply "hear" about it--give us a quick call!
Our "Inreach" ministry is designed for parishioners who need assistance with a
meal, transportation, light chores, etc. If you need some help, simply call the office
and leave a confidential message on line 204.
The ECW will have the Annual Yard Sale in March of 2015. It’s never too early to
start saving your items for this popular fundraiser.
Then contact either the clergy or a Vestry member and share them! Below is a list of the
current vestry as well as their areas of responsibility:
Patricia Dragon: Senior Warden
Jimmy Meyers: Junior Warden/Buildings and Grounds
Jim Williams: Adult Formation
Frank Crawley: Outreach
Debbie Broyles: Hospitality
Jerry Hopfengardner: Evangelism
Alleah Crawford: Preschool/Children’s Formation
Mark Tull: Lobster Fair/Garden
Linda Lane: Fellowship
Mary Vincent: Inreach
Tommy Tucker: Stewardship
Sharon Paoloni: Youth Ministry
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
107 Louis St.
Greenville, NC 27858
Serving through
Sr. Warden: Patricia Dragon
Jr. Warden: Jimmy Meyers
Treasurer: John Lennox
Clerk: Dave Geissler
Patricia Dragon
Jimmy Meyers
Mark Tull
Jim Williams
Sharon Paoloni
Debbie Broyles
Linda Lane
Tommy Tucker
Jerry Hopfengardner
Alleah Crawford
Frank Crawley
Mary Vincent
Need to be removed from this mailing list?
Call (252) 355-2125 or email us at
St. Timothy's Episcopal Church is a faith community called together by God.
We invite and welcome all persons to worship, explore, and celebrate with us.
We are committed to nurture and strengthen personal faith, to respect human
diversity, to live in thanksgiving for God's gifts, and to serve those in need. We
strive to grow as we live the mission of Christ's Church.
St Timothy's Episcopal Chur ch
N o v 2 0 1 4 (Ea s ter n Ti m e )
Wedd in g
7 p m - G rou p M t g @ M P
8 a m - Euch ar ist
5 : 3 0 p m - Adm in C omm @
6 : 3 0 p m - EfM @ M P
7 a m - B rothe rhood @ P H
1 0 a m - J.O.Y.
1 : 3 0 p m - PH Res e rv e d @
9 a m - Adult For m at ion @
6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Sc outs @ PH
7 p m - W SG @ M tg R m
9 : 3 0 a m - K nitt ing Group @
6 p m - Shelter
7 p m - G rou p M t g @ M P
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Childr en' s
6 : 3 0 p m - D ais ie s /B ro wnie s
6 p m - B ldg & Ground s @
6 : 3 0 p m - G roup Mt g @ MP
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Euc ha ri st
7 p m - Cursillo Reunion @
7 p m - Choi r R ehersa l @ Ed
7 p m - Ou t r e a ch @ M tg Rm
5 p m - EYC @ MP, PH
7 : 3 0 p m - Boy Sc outs @ ED8
8 p m - Compline @ Church
B lood Dr iv e 8: 3 0 - 1 2: 3 0 @
V e s t r y d e a d l in e
Ve t e r a n ' s D a y
7 a m - B rothe rhood @ P H
1 0 a m - J.O.Y.
8 a m - Euch ar ist
6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Sc outs @ PH
6 : 3 0 p m - EfM @ M P
9 : 3 0 a m - K nitt ing Group @
6 : 3 0 p m - G roup Mt g @ MP
9 a m - Adult For m at ion @
6 : 3 0 p m - D ais ie s /B ro wnie s
7 p m - EC W
6 : 3 0 p m - Boy Scout Council
7 p m - Fin an ce Com m @
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Childr en' s
7 p m - S t e w a r ds h i p M e e ti n g
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Euc ha ri st
7 : 3 0 p m - Boy Sc outs @ ED8
7 p m - G rou p M t g @ M P
7 p m - Choi r R ehersa l @ Ed
5 p m - EYC @ MP, PH
8 p m - Compline @ Church
8 a m - Euch ar ist
n e w s l e t t e r d e a d l i ne
6 : 3 0 p m - EfM @ M P
7 a m - B rothe rhood @ P H
1 0 a m - J.O.Y.
9 a m - Adu lt f or m at ion @
6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Sc out Le a de r
6 : 3 0 p m - ELCM @ PH
9 : 3 0 a m - K nitt ing Group @
6 p m - Shelter
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Childr en' s
7 p m - G irl Scouts @ Ed8
7 p m - W SG @ M tg R m
7 p m - Choi r R ehersa l @ Ed
6 : 3 0 p m - Au tism Gr oup @
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Euc ha ri st
7 p m - G rou p M t g @ M P
6 : 3 0 p m - G roup Mt g @ MP
5 p m - EYC @ MP, PH
8 p m - Compline @ Church
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Childr en' s
6 : 3 0 p m - Cu b De n M t g @
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Euc ha ri st
1 1 : 3 0 a m - Lunc heon @ PH
5 p m - EYC @ MP, PH
7 : 3 0 p m - Boy Sc outs @ ED8
6 : 3 0 p m - EfM @ M P
7 a m - B rothe rhood @ P H
Th an k s gi v ing
6 : 3 0 p m - D ais ie s /B ro wnie s
9 : 3 0 a m - K nitt ing Group @
1 1 a m - J im W illiams @ PH
7 p m - D au g h t e rs of t he
7 p m - Choi r R ehersa l @ Ed
6 : 3 0 p m - G roup Mt g @ MP
offic e clos ed
7 p m - G rou p M t g @ M P
8 p m - Compline @ Church
8 a m - Euch ar ist
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Childr en' s
1 0 : 1 5 a m - Euc ha ri st
8 p m - Compline @ Church