Dear colleagues, after the first invitation sent in July it is our great pleasure to announce launching of the website ( of the forthcoming 21st International Symposium on the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds (ISPPCC 21), which will be held from 5 to 9 July 2015 in Krakow, Poland. This is part of a biannual series of conferences which started in the 1970s. The last meetings of the series were held in Sapporo (Japan, 2009), Strasbourg (France, 2011) and Traverse City (USA, 2013). The conference is organized jointly by the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology, AGH University of Science and Technology. The 21st ISPPCC will cover the following topics: - photophysics - light emitting molecular materials - biosystems - solar energy conversion and photocatalysis - coordination photochemistry - inorganic nanoparticles - molecular-scale photonic devices The conference will bring an opportunity of discussions and exchange of ideas for experienced researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. Plenary lectures, oral communication and poster sessions will present the cutting-edge problems of photochemistry and photophysics of inorganic systems. Registration will be open in December 2014. We look forward to welcome you in Kraków! On behalf of the 21st ISPPCC Organizing Committee, Wojciech Macyk Konrad Szacilowski 21st International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds Kraków, Poland July 5th-9th, 2015 I C 21st S C hν P P 第 21 回配位化合物の光化学・光物理国際会議 クラクフ、ポーランド Faculty of Chemistry Jagiellonian University in Kraków Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology AGH University of Science and Technology We kindly invite you to the 21st International Symposium on the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds. This is part of a biannual series of conferences which started in the 1970s. The last meetings of the series were held in Sapporo (Japan), Strasbourg (France) and Traverse City (USA). For the forthcoming symposium we will welcome you in Kraków – the Royal Capital of Poland. The 21st ISPPCC will cover the following topics: - photophysics - light emitting molecular materials - biosystems - solar energy conversion and photocatalysis - coordination photochemistry - inorganic nanoparticles - molecular-scale photonic devices The conference will bring an opportunity of discussions and exchange of ideas for experienced researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. Plenary lectures, oral communication and two poster sessions will present the cutting-edge problems of photochemistry and photophysics of inorganic systems. Accessibility and accommodation Kraków is easily accessible by plane. There is an international airport ( with several direct connections with major European cities (Munich, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Berlin, Warsaw, Rome, Vienna and many others). The airport is localized 12 km from the city center. Kraków has also a good train connection with Warsaw (ca. 3 h) and bus connection with Katowice airport (ca. 1.5 h). The city offers numerous hotels of various standards, giving a choice between luxurious and economic rooms. This flexibility of choice should enable participation of a broad society of photochemists and photophysicists (students, postdocs, professors). The list of hotels will be available at the conference’s webpage. Furthermore, there will be a limited number of rooms in student dormitories accessible, at very affordable prices (ca. 15 €/night). Registration will open in December 2014. International Scientific Committee Sebastiano Campagna, Chairman Attila Horvath Otto Horvath Vivian Yam Chi-Ming Che Patrick Hoggard Peter Ford Johannes Vos John Kelly Osamu Ishitani Noboru Kitamura Chantal Daniel Luisa De Cola James McCusker Felix Castellano Local Organizing Committee Konrad Szaciłowski, Chairman Wojciech Macyk, Chairman Grażyna Stochel Zofia Stasicka (to be continued) e-mail: homepage:
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