333333333399999999999999999 NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE - ABERDEEN AND SCONE © November 2014 From the Editor’s Desk TECHNOLOGY - ISN’T IT GREAT! And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow. - Gilbert k. Chesterton Technology has certainly changed our lives and it seems to be continually being updated to make life easier. It is changing our lives, changing how we do things such as participating in everyday activities. However, at what cost? The simple art of talking seems to be vanishing. Do we even talk anymore!?! We use our computers and iPads for so many things: Technology is brilliant. It has made life easier; we can contact with people instantly, share documents and photos and can be in contact with someone every minute of every day if we so choose. But at what price has these great inventions come to us? We are now able to write emails and stay in touch with family, friends and business, we are able to search the internet for information, we are able to buy groceries, clothes, just about anything online and we can even do our banking, transferring money and paying bills. The iPhone is a very popular piece of equipment which you can do all the above on. However, are the items that make life so much easier now starting to change our lives? How often do you see someone walking along the street looking at their phone, no hello to The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 anyone because they no longer see anyone? Friends receive a text rather than a visit. Have you ever checked the weather on your phone rather than walk outside to actually see or feel what the weather is doing? The iPhone allows us to do calculations, have a wakeup call and enjoy music. We are able to view video clips and find out what is happening with the hundreds of friends on Facebook, many we may have not met or spoken to. There are hundreds of apps we can download that allows us to do even more things, such as finding your car in a parking area or to be used for playing an assortment of games to keep us or children occupied. You will never forget a birthday again as a reminder will now appear on your phone once set up. There is no reason to arrive late for an appointment as you can set your appointment with an earlier reminder. If one piece of technology is not enough, you can sync your phone with your iPad, laptop and computer. Thanks to this technology, language is changing, often abbreviated, letters or pictures substitute for words and while not every generation may understand the content of the text or email you only need to google the letters and you find the corresponding words. Tafn – or in non- abbreviated speech That’s all for now. Lee Watts Views expressed in this newsletter are my personal views and are not the views or policies of the Neighbourhood Centre. Page 1 ABERDEEN NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE Located in the Aberdeen Library 22 Moray Street PO Box 60 Aberdeen NSW 2336 Phone 6543 8457 Fax 6543 7669 admin.aberdeennc@upperhunter.nsw.gov.au www.horsecapital.com.au/snrc Monday – Friday 10:00am - 1:00pm ABERDEEN WHISPER To place an advertisement or contribute an article, please contact The Aberdeen Neighbourhood Centre on 65438457 or email to: admin.aberdeennc@upperhunter.nsw.gov.au Advertising material needs to be provided in word or as a jpg in the sizes set out below. We will do our best to incorporate all stories Please keep articles to a maximum of 400 words. PRICE LIST FOR ADVERTISERS Small Ad $15.00 … 3.8cm x 5.5cm Classifieds $22.00 ... 3.5cm x 8cm 1/8th Page $55.00 .... 6.5cm x 9.5cm 1/4 Page $77.00 .... 13cm x 9.5cm 1/2 Page $121.00 .. 13cm x18.5cm Full Page $192.50 . All pre-paid ads will continue in the same size format and fee as in previous issues. Whilst every care is taken in printing this publication, we do not take any responsibility for errors or omissions. We apologise if these instances occur. Articles that are in any way offensive will not be published, or may be edited to remove offensive material. No articles will be printed if author’s name is not supplied. REMINDER DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES For the December 2014 Edition Is 1pm Friday 21st November 2014 (No exceptions) DELIVERY by First Weekend December 2014 to the Aberdeen Township Don’t forget you can see the Aberdeen Whisper in full colour on the web page http://www.horsecapital.com.au/sn rc/aberdeen.html then select Whisper Aberdeen Library Hours 02 6540 1303 Monday 3:30pm Tuesday 10:00am Wednesday 3:30pm Thursday 3:00pm Friday 11:30am 2:00pm Saturday Closed - 5:30pm 12:30 pm 5:30pm 5:00pm 1:00pm 5:30pm Monthly Tuesday Story time For children under school age 10:30am Aberdeen Tip Hours Monday 8am-5pm Tuesday CLOSED Wednesday 8am-5pm Thursday CLOSED Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 9am-5pm Sunday 9am-5pm Public Holidays 9am-5pm Closed Christmas Day Upper Hunter Shire Council Meeting Schedule Development & Environmental Services Committee Tuesday 11th November 2014, 10.00am Works & Technical Services Committee Tuesday 11th November 2014, 1.00pm Finance Committee Friday 21st November 2014, 1.00pm Extra-Ordinary Council Meeting Friday 21st November 2014, 3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Monday 24th November 2014, 5.00pm All meetings are held at Council’s Administration Centre, Scone, unless otherwise stated. ABERDEEN NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE 6543 8457 AGENTS FOR: Trainlink Bookings Rose Garden Hall Bookings Photocopying A4, A3 Colour & B&W Catalogue & Flyer Folding, Book Binding First Aid Course Bookings (held in Scone) Resumé preparation ALSO AVAILABLE: Laminating A4 & A3 Computer Training General Admin services EQUIPMENT HIRE: Data Projectors, laptops, screens, PA, lectern, chairs, tables, and sunshades ORGANISE: Programs for the benefit of residents and visitors Aberdeen’s Big Boys Toys - 1st Saturday in September Twilight Christmas Markets- 1st Saturday in December PRODUCE THE ABERDEEN WHISPER MONTHLY FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF OUR SERVICES, PLEASE CALL IN AND SEE US, PHONE US OR EMAIL US ON: admin.aberdeennc@upperhunter.nsw.gov.au St Mark’s Messenger Welcome to St Mark’s Anglican Church Aberdeen. Please come along to our regular service, which is followed by morning tea in the Church hall. Sunday Eucharist – 10.30am A small but happy crowd enjoyed the High Tea on the 18th October, raising funds for Missions. If you are able to donate food and/or your time to help the Parish Pantry at St Alban’s Ministry Centre in Bridge Street Muswellbrook, it would be greatly appreciated. For all enquiries, please contact The Rev’d Scott Dulley on 65 412713. The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 St Thomas’s Aberdeen Sunday Mass 8am Weekday Mass Tuesday 4:45pm For any enquiries please ring our office in Muswellbrook 6543 1167 Page 2 LADIES GOLF 1/10/14 - It was Irene Hayes Trophy on Wednesday plus October Monthly Medal with the winner being Bev Murphy 71 nett, runner up was Toni Partridge 72 nett. N/T/P,s 4th/ 13th J.Miller, 9th/18th B.Murphy. the team of Helen Wheatley, Karen Newton, Maureen Irwin and Bev Murphy had a good day at Muswellbrooks Ladies Holden Scramble on the 24th September they were runners up with 591/8th nett, well done ladies. 8/10/14 - We played for Karen Newtons Trophy, Campbells Cup and a Monthly Medal with the overall winner with 39 pts was Bev Murphy, runner up went to Chris Constable 35 pts on a countback. N/T/P,s 7th/ 16th B.Murphy, 9th/ 18th C.Constable. Balls went to Chris and Bev. 15/10/14 - We had 7 players for a stroke event it was also the Monthly Medal Playoff which is sponsored by Pam Neely on behalf of Don Neely with the overall winner being Bev Murphy 71 nett, runner up was Chris Constable 73 nett on a countback from Karen Newton. Putting went to D.Jamieson 30 putts on a countback . N/T/P,s 4th/ 13th B.Murphy, 9th/18th C.Constable. Balls went to Bev and Chris. The Medal of Medals winner was Bev Murphy. 22/10/14 - There were some hot scores on the golfcourse today for Andrew Hayes Memorial Trophy kindly donated by his Mum Shirley, the winner of the day was Toni Partridge 63 nett, well done Toni, runner up went to Barb Sewell 66 nett, well done Barb, 3rd was Lorraine Barrett 68 nett, welcome back Lorraine. Putting went to Lorraine 29 putts on a 3 way countback. N/T/P,s 4th/ 13th J.Berick, 7th/16th B.Sewell. Balls were won by Toni, Barb and Lorraine. The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 Aberdeen Doctors Surgery Appointments with Dr. Ahmed Ali Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:30pm Flu vaccination NOW Available Women’s health & pap smears now available with Leanne Monday - Wednesday All childhood immunisation available by appointment. Please bring blue book Phone 6543 8424 Fax 6543 7745 SLASHING Aberdeen, Scone, Muswellbrook areas Insurance and ABN 30 Years Experience Ring John Driscoll 6543 7357 A/H Mobile 0429 002786 Page 3 2014 GLOBAL VILLAGE MOTORFEST & FAIR The 2014 Global Village Motorfest & Fair is happening at the Muswellbrook Showground on Sunday the 9th November, hosted by the Upper Hunter Motoring Association this great family event features around 250 motoring displays consisting of cars, bikes, boats and farm machinery of all era’s, new and old, anyone is welcome to bring anything to do with motoring along and enter on the day, if you are interested in it then so is someone else so come and display it. What makes this a great family day is that besides the cars there are market stalls selling a range of interesting things for the ladies and trade stands for the gents, for the kids there will be FREE jumping castles and face painting, two performances by Dennis Murphy and his puppets, a Punch and Judy style puppeteer, Derek and Karen from Crocstars will show the kids, and Mums and Dads, something of the reptiles living around us, their show is always popular and is followed by a meet and greet session where you can get up close and touch the snakes and crocodiles. The people from Devil Ark, the Tasmanian Devil rescue program will be along to highlight their plight of saving the Tasmanian Devil from extinction, if we are lucky they may even bring a devil or two. For those of you wishing to see the area from a different perspective why not take a joy flight with the guys from Hunter Valley Helicopters. Food, coffee and cold drinks will be available from a variety of specialised and community group outlets. All this great entertainment for the whole family and entry for the day still only costs $2.00 per head or $5.00 per family, where else can you get that much fun and entertainment for the whole family at such a small cost, and better still the Muswellbrook PCYC collect the money on the gate to assist with their many community assistance programs. ABERDEEN JUNIOR CRICKET We have started the season with a rise in registrations and have been able to field a U10s, U12s, U14s, U16s teams plus have started running Milo cricket for the juniors. If anyone would still like to play, please phone Garry Reid on 0438 201 207. We are in the process of looking into grants to upgrade our facilities as well as working with Council. Good Luck to all our teams as they play throughout the season. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the Aberdeen-Rouchel Red Cross for the successful luncheon on 15th September which celebrated 100 years of Red Cross service in Australia. Bruce Johnston said it was the largest crowd they had had to one of their luncheons, the proceeds of which will go to the Red Cross Winter Appeal. Bruce is a very enthusiastic Red Cross member and does an excellent job of organising everything and everyone. Well done Bruce and all the members. Marion Wilkins. The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 Page 4 Aberdeen Address Brought to you by Sara Perry 0419000798 – Aberdeen Specialist FOR SALE in Aberdeen: 23 Gordon Street 16 MacKenzie Street 22 Bedford Street 12 Alexander Close 62 St Andrews Street 162 Macqueen Street Aberdeen Heights Subdivision 84 Bedford Street 86 Bedford Street Lot 120 Perth Street Lot 3 Abercairney Terrace Low $400,000s Mid-High $200,000s Low-Mid $200,000s Low $100,000s High $300,000s Low-Mid $200,000s Starting from $125,000 Under $100,000 Under $100,000 $169,000 Mid $100,000s FOR RENT in Aberdeen: 1/11 Mount Street 116 Graeme Street 118 Graeme Street 1/5 Alexander Close 1/104 Bedford Street 4/81 St Andrews Street $130 per week $200 per week $250 per week $230 per week $180 per week $280 per week Feature Property of the Month 162 Macqueen Street, Aberdeen – Low to Mid $200,000s A neat, well maintained home perfect for the first home owner or retired couple. Living area flows out to a screened enclosed sunroom that opens onto a sunny deck area overlooking the rear yard. 3 bedrooms with the main including a wardrobe and fan. Kitchen & bathroom have been updated approx 10 years ago. Covered BBQ pergola. Level back yard and side access. Single carport plus garage/shed with workshop space. Walk to Aberdeen Valley Fair shopping centre. ABERDEEN PUBLIC SCHOOL Congratulations Congratulations to Jack S. on his efforts at the State Athletics Carnival last week. Going on to represent at this level is an outstanding achievement, well done! Coffee Cups There are 55 sesquicentennial coffee cups available to purchase for $5. They would make a great gift. Please contact the school office. OSBORN’S BUS TRAVEL All children starting Kindergarten, Year 3 and Year 7 will need to fill in a Bus Application Form for next Year. Parents can contact Transport for NSW directly to attain a bus application form, otherwise parents can get application forms from Osborn’s Depot or the school office. P & C NEWS Welcome back to Term 4. Thank you to all those parents and students and their families who supported our numerous events in Term 3. The P & C had a very successful term and everyone’s hard work raised more than $10,000 to use in our school community to make improvements and help support the needs of our students. CHANGES TO AGM At our recent meeting the P & C committee voted in favour of the motion to move our AGM from November 2014 to March 2015. At our AGM all committee positions will become vacant and open for new nominations. Many of our current volunteers will not be available for nomination so our committee is looking for new faces to fill open positions. If you have any questions regarding committee positions or issues you would like raised at a meeting please attend our next meeting on November 19 in the library at 6.30 pm (children welcome). FORTHCOMING DATES: November - Monday 3rd Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th 24th – 5th Dec Tuesday 25th Friday 28th Bike Skills Day Early Birds & Parent Session P & C Meeting 6.30 Library P & C Disco Intensive Swimming St Joseph’s Orientation Scone High Orientation The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 December - Thursday 4th Mini Fete Wednesday 10th Presentation Day Thursday 11th Year 6 Farewell Wednesday 17th Last day of school for students Page 5 Robyn Lee Tea (Recently located to Aberdeen from Sydney) Australian owned and operated, Robyn Lee Tea is committed to giving customers a great tea experience, with teas imported directly from tea farmers in India, China and Taiwan. Unique Christmas Gift During the months of November and December, we are offering a 10% discount on our premium 1200ml Jewel Glass Teapot and Tea Warmer Set. Normally retailing for $50, we are offering this set to you for $45 and are throwing in three individual blooming teas at no extra cost (normally retailing for $2/blooming tea) plus postage*. * Delivery to Aberdeen free of charge. For more information and details about our products please check out http://robynleetea.com.au or call 0432551163 NICOLE ALEXANDER Nicole Alexander Australian Storyteller will be visiting “Hunt a Book” on Thursday 6th November at 3:30pm for a book signing for her new book ‘Great Plains’. A passionate writer with over twenty-five years’ experience, her novels, poetry, travel, creative writing and genealogy articles have been published internationally. Nicole’s novels have been praised for their authenticity and rich historical detail, much of which is drawn from primary source material in the form of family archives dating back 140 years. Reserve your copy today! HSC MUSIC ACHIEVEMENT – ST. JOSEPH’S HIGH Each year an annual concert of outstanding HSC Music performances and compositions by students from government and non-government schools is presented at the Sydney Opera House. The concert, entitled ‘Encore’, represents the high standards and diversity achieved by Year 12 Music students in New South Wales schools. This year, SJA Year 12 student Alisha Brown was nominated to perform in the prestigious event. Preparing a performance of an ENCORE nomination standard requires a student to have meticulous attention to detail, determination to succeed and a strict rehearsal schedule. Alisha has worked exceptionally hard for her results and is to be commended on all she has achieved. Alisha’s HSC Music program included: Sighing Wings by Felix Mendelssohn (Piano), Skinny Love by Birdy (Piano and Voice), I Found a Boy by Adele (Voice), Viva Voce entitled “Jazz and Pop Music: Comparing vocal rhythmic, melodic and expressive devices”. OFF TO NATIONALS FOR HIGH JUMP….AGAIN! Hayden Bell represented NSW Combined Catholic Colleges at the All Schools athletics championships recently and competed in the U15’s Boys high jump. Hayden matched his PB and again jumped 1.90m. Congratulations to Hayden for winning the gold medal for his second year running. He is now off to Nationals to compete on behalf of NSW All Schools at the Australian All Schools Track & Field Championships, which is held in South Australia from the 5 th – 8th December. 2nd IN THE STATE IN 7/8 BOYS NETBALL It is with great delight that we can report that our Year 8 boys’ Netball team have come 2nd in the State at the NSW Schools Cup Netball Championships. Although we didn’t win the grand final and bring home the winners shield, the boys can hold their heads high – they played with great sportsmanship and displayed excellent skills and technical ability right throughout the day. There were a number of umpires and officials from the day who approached me to tell me how Well and clean they played the game and that it was lovely to officiate them. To receive compliments such as that, and so many of them, is possibly the greatest achievement of all. All 9 boys (pictured) are excellent ambassadors for our school and are fine examples of what it means to be a Joey’s student. The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 Page 6 FIRST AID TRAINING Thursday 11th Dec 9:00am – 5.00pm Scone Neighbourhood Centre 130 Liverpool Street 6543 8457 or 6545 2562 admin.scone@pacific.net.au Cost $125.00 Mike Whitney Fast Bowler Michael Whitney at Scone Golf Club Thursday 4th Dec 6.30pm $15.00 per person from Scone or Aberdeen Neighbourhood Centre provides a friendly and secure environment to receive computer and Internet training. The Internet connection and computers at the kiosk can be used by seniors for practice and personal computer computing outside of scheduled training times. 22 Moray Street Aberdeen NSW 2336 Tel: 6543 8457 Open: Monday to Friday 10:00am – 1:00pm A new advertising option 5.5cm x 3.8cm $15.00 WANTED: STALL HOLDERS! Please contact us on the above details to become part of our Christmas Twilight Markets! Valley to Vineyards Trike Tours Peter Tullia, along with wife Katherine have big plans to expand their Colonial Motor Lodge business in Scone with their new venture – Valley to Vineyards Trike Tours. The business taps into a unique experience that trike tours can offer the region. Peter said “There is nothing that resembles these tours in the Upper Hunter and we thought it would blend well with our motel offering a tourism venture for our patrons and visitors”. Destinations include local hotspots such as Hunter Belle Chees, Pukara Olive Grove, Two Rivers and Pokolbin Vineyards, Glenbawn Dam and many other significant pubs and attractions along the way. The trike gives you a sense of freedom and it’s great to be able to see the diverse section of the area in a few hours in a way that is a little different.said Peter. Peter’s has just enjoyed three hours with Murravale Retirement Village residents with 95 year old passenger and other residents stating they had the time of their life. The vehicle is like a car with three wheels,. Seating between two and three people, the trike can be ridden with a car license, however driver accreditation and a bike license in required for anyone wishing to take passengers. To make a booking Phone 0438 621 411 The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 Page 7 TREASURES TALK Ever busy the shop has been so grateful for your donations of goods and clothing. Just a reminder to everyone, only the worst of worn clothing is ragged, we share excess clothing with The House With No Steps, so nothing is wasted or sent to the tip. I mention this, because when we visit the tip we see bags of lovely clothes and sometimes furniture items just thrown away, at a time when so many are desperate. Maybe those disposing of these goods would like to mention to Treasures that they don’t want their clothes sold locally and we will send them to HWNS, it would be so much better than wasting them. Janet and I had a meeting with several Council members week last about the placement of our Park Equipment, it is going to be done soonish, I will not mention dates as we have been disappointed before so we will wait and see. We would like to welcome Noelene to our staff, she seems lovely and will work on Thursdays and Fridays so the girls will have fun getting to know one another. Come in and have a look at the lovely stock we have, remember everything goes back into your town. Carole Johnston ST JOSEPH’S ABERDEEN – NEWS CLAIMING THE DATES! This term we have two very significant dates when St Joseph’s Aberdeen will be on display and will be the venue for significant events in the Upper Hunter. Parents are asked to mark them on your calendars now. 1. SUNDAY 9th NOVEMBER, 2014: Gathering of all the Upper Hunter Parishes at St Joseph’s Aberdeen for a combined regional Mass with the Bishop, followed by morning tea and then a planning forum open to all members of all Upper Hunter Parishes. To help make this a genuine gathering of the Upper Hunter communities this will be the only Mass held in the Upper Hunter that weekend. 2. SUNDAY 7th DECEMBER, 2014: Official Opening of the new school buildings by Senator Arthur Sinodinos AO, representing the Federal Government. The day will be designed as a community celebration day for the whole St Joseph’s Aberdeen school community. Events will include Open Day activities and presentations by all the faculties, a shared BBQ picnic lunch on the front oval, guided tours of the school, and singing music and dance events presented by students, as well as the official Opening. ELEVEN ST JOSEPH’S STUDENTS PLAY AT NATIONAL FUTSAL CHAMPIONSHIPS IN VICTORIA Eleven St Joseph’s high school students have recently returned from an amazing sporting opportunity, participating in the Australian Schools Futsal Championships at Bendigo and Ballarat for Northern NSW Futsal. All students were selected to represent Northern NSW in their respective age groups after playing for their school in zone and regional championships in Maitland and Newcastle. The school students played in U13 boys, U14 girls, U15 girls and U16 boys teams, playing against teams from Tasmania, Queensland and Victoria. The U13 boys and U15 girls were one win away from the Grand Final, making it to the semifinals where both teams were defeated 5-3 and 6-3 respectively. The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 Page 8 ABERDEEN’S GOLDEN OLDIES SOLDIERS THANKS The next luncheon and movie will be held on Tuesday,11th November, when the UHMRL will present “ SUNDAY TOO FAR AWAY” – starring Jack Thompson, Reg Lye, Max Cullen, John Ewart, Ken Shorter and Peter Cummins. This Australian feature film is described as the story of a group of shearers on an outback station in the months leading to the shearers strike of 1955. [ DVD, colour, 91 minutes, 1975 ] Auditorium door at the Aberdeen Sport and Recreation Club will open at 11.30am and a three course luncheon will be served prior to the screening of the movie. A donation of $10 is requested to cover costs. As numbers are limited, early bookings are essential and can be made by telephoning Jan 65437150 or Jan 65425168. Presented by the Upper Hunter Museum of Rural Life Inc. – Raising funds to establish a museum and cultural centre in Aberdeen. “Sunday Too Far Away” is on loan from the National Film & Sound Archives, Canberra ___________________________ Annual General Meeting of the UHMRL Inc Wednesday - 12th November 2014 5 pm Aberdeen Library – All welcome. __________________________ The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 CARE PACKAGE CADETS We have been working very hard getting our shopping done as we have all up over 60 Care packages to get away and these are not for Christmas, just in general so it has been full on. Our latest count is 228 posted this year. Last year we did 232 so we will well and truly pass that amount this year. We are always in need of donations and are so thankful that the Aberdeen RSL held a Trivia night with the recipients of their takings. Almost $600 so that has allowed me to do all of the current boxes and some spare items. The Care Package Cadets are always ready to help. Summer is a bit harder as they all have cricket etc so we are going to have to work around that. Don’t forget if you have any good quality magazines we are always in need of them to send to the troops. Also, any items you may like to give just drop them off at treasures. Anything you would use yourself in day- to -day life and not aerosol is acceptable, also food items, all must be the small size. The boys and I are so thankful to Aberdeen for your ongoing support. Carole Johnston. Page 9 ABERDEEN SENIOR & LITTLE ATHLETICS CENTRE ABERDEEN ALL STARS The 2014/15 season is underway with some athletes looking forward to competing in various carnivals throughout the season. Aberdeen is holding their own Gala Day on Sunday 26 October. What a busy month it has been for AAS members. We have held family photos and are currently holding a chocolate drive and personalised jewellery drive. Some other carnivals include Edgeworth Challenge 2 Nov; Lake Macquarie Games 9 Nov; Zone Championships at Cessnock 22/23 Nov; Dubbo Carnival ¾ Jan 2015 & East Maitland Carnival 8 Feb 2015. One of our athletes, Jeannie Seymour has already started her carnival competition by competing at Raymond terrace on Sat 18 Oct. Her results are: 100m 1st 15.88; 200m 1st 35.59; 800m 1st 3-45.54; shot put 1st 9.95m & long jump 1st 3.82 giving her a pentathlon total of 2164 points. Well done Jeannie. It is still not too late to join Aberdeen athletics for this season, just be at Harrison Oval, Jefferson Park on Fridays at 5.30pm for registration, events start at 6pm. The Club caters for tiny tots (those turning 3 yrs of age before 1 Oct 2015) to seniors. Further information can be obtained by phoning Denise Bell (02) 6543 7537. Garlick’s Hardware Muswellbrook Garlick’s Hardware 75 Sydney Street Muswellbrook Phone 6543 2139 Also stock Nursery supplies: Pots, Plants etc For your building Supplies Delivering to Aberdeen Monday – Friday Open Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Sat 8:00am to 1:00pm Sun 9:00am to 12noon The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 If you have any ideas on how to create some extra funds for our group, please contact us. Upcoming events: Ray Boys dance 14th November 8pm till late at the Aberdeen Sport and Rec Club. Proud Winners of: Small Business Trades & Industry Award 2011 & 2012 Best New Business 2010 Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce & Industry Awards Best New Business 2010 Hunter And Australian BEC Business Awards CEC Accredited Solar Specialist in: PV Grid Connect PV Stand Alone Solar Hot Water Solar Water Pumping Solar Maintenance Solar Repairs SPECIAL prices for Upper Hunter Customers MV Solar ● PO Box 141 ● DENMAN PHONE: 02 6547 1100 Page 10 Your Aberdeen Treasures business Shop 1, Valley Fair, Aberdeen name will Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm make it Saturday 10am - 12noon Come in and see our “Treasure” into 1030 homes WE HIRE with your Tables, Suntents, Chairs for indoor business or outoor use. equipment for training or presentations: Computer, laptop, data projector name PA, lectern and screen in this outdoor cinema screen & popcorn machine section of T: 6543 8457 or e: admin.scone@pacific.net.au the Aberdeen GARDEN RESCUE Horticulturists creating beautiful gardens Whisper Landscaping, Earth Moving, Trenching Sprinkler Systems, Book a space today!! for as little as $15.00 per issue Tree removal and Lopping, Stump Grinding, Hedging, Mulching, Pruning, Plants, Fertilising, Weeding, Turf laying, Garden Edging and Pebble Paths. General yard clean up. Tip truck hire. Contact Vicki Straney on Mobile 0419 481 686, Email; vic_gp@bigpond.net.au Or via our Website; http://www.gardenrescue.net.au/ REGO INSPECTIONS BRAKES SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS Phone to discuss your options 6543 8457 Aberdeen Lions Club Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Aberdeen RSL, Moray Street. 6:30pm for 7:00pm dinner. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to Lion David Murphy 6543 7919 ABERDEEN MENS SHED Helping the community while sharing friendships Like to join contact Frank Heap 6543 7390 The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 COMMUNITY CALENDAR 1st Aberdeen Scouts Monthly Meeting At the Aberdeen Scout Hall Contact Larry Pitman on 6543 1518 Aberdeen Fishing Club Meetings held at the Aberdeen Sports & Recreation Club. Call Glen Logan on 0427 847 893 for more information. Aberdeen Play Group Meet at the Tennis Club @ Jefferson Park 10am to 12 noon, Mondays and Thursdays Contact Monique Mohr 0458 594 702. Scone and District Cancer Support Group Meet Every 4th Tuesday 12.30 – 3.00pm, Meet at Senior Citizens Centre, Waverley St Scone. These meetings are short and informal - All Welcome Toast Masters - meet the 1st, 3rd & 5th Monday of the Month at Muswellbrook Workers club commencing 6:45pm for 7:00pm start. For further info contact Graham Turvey 0265433401 Upper Hunter Men’s Shed Meets Thursdays- Rear of the Senior Citizens Centre, Oxford Road, Scone. 9:30am start. Contact John on 0407 224 558 You can leave at midday or stay for the optional sausage sizzle and perhaps leave at 3pm. Ladies Probus Club of Scone Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month – no meeting in January. If the 2nd Monday is a Public holiday the meeting is moved forward to the 1st Monday of the month. Meetings are held in the Auditorium of Scone Bowling Club commencing at 1.30pm. All ladies who are retired or semi-retired are most welcome to attend. For more info call Denise Bell on 65437 537 Aberdeen Little A’s & Senior Athletics Monthly meeting on Tuesday 10th December, 2013 at Aberdeen Sports & Rec Club @ 6.30pm Aberdeen Men’s Shed Meet every Wednesday at 1pm. For more information or location of meetings please call Frank Heap on 6543 7390. Scone Country Markets –are held the second Saturday of every month (February – December) 8.30am – 2.00pm on the lawns in front of the Scone Visitor Information & Horse Centre. A Sausage Sizzle gets underway at about 10.00am. New stallholders are always welcomed. Contact the Scone Visitor Information & Horse Centre or ph: 6540 1300 for further information. Aberdeen All Stars - Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each month at 6.30pm at the Aberdeen Sport and Recreation Club. For more information you can also email the Aberdeen All Stars aberdeenallstars@hotmail.com Page 11 Shop 6 Valley Fair, New England Highway Aberdeen. Phone 6543 7908 FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE Monday 3rd EFTPOS AND GIFT VOUCHERS Specials commencing November to Sunday 16th November Baileys Irish Cream 700ml ............................................................................................. $26.99 Kahlua Liqueur 700ml…………………………..any 2 for $30.00 ............................................. $26.99 Malabu 700ml ............................................................................................................. $26.99 Tia Maria Liqueur ......................................................................................................... $26.99 Ballartines Scotch ......................................................................................................... $33.99 Cougar Bourbon………………………………… ........................................................................ $34.99 Bundy Up 1Litre ........................................................................................................... $49.99 Smirnoff 1 Litre ............................................................................................................ $49.99 Gordons Gin 1 Litre....................................................................................................... $51.99 Johnny Walker Red 1 Litre ……………………………………………………………… ........................... $51.99 Jack Daniel Gentleman Jack 700ml…………………………………………………………………… ........... $54.99 Jack Daniel Black Label 1 Litre……………………… ............................................................... $61.99 Somersby 6 Pack Cider ................................................................................................. $14.99 Debortoli S/Hill Range……………………… ............................................................................. $5.99 McGuigan Black Label Range …………………..or any 3 for $27.00 ........................................ $9.99 Wyndham Bin Range .................................................................................................... $10.99 Stanley 4 Litre Cask ...................................................................................................... $13.99 PLUS MANY MORE INSTORE KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR OUR LATE WEEK SPECIALS WITH VERY SHARP PRICING NEW RELEASE DVD’S:- The Other Woman, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Grace of Monaco, The Trip to Italy, The Rover, Under the Skin, Blended, Jamsey Boy, The Faces of January, The Art of the Steal, Fault in our Stars, Life after Beth, Mindscape, The Calling, The Prince, Abadook. COMING SOON:- Calvary, Third Person, Alien Abduction, 7500, 22 Jump Street, How To Train Your Dragon 2, Jersey Boys. FOR ALL OUR SPECIALS LOOK US UP ONLINE AT www.cellarbrations.com.au The Aberdeen Whisper November 2014 Page 12
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