Holy Sepulcher Parish A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 1304 E. Cruikshank Road, Butler, PA 16002 www.holysepulcher.org Fax: 724-586-7247 Parish Office: 724-586-7610 Hours: M-F 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Email: hsc.office@zoominternet.net Parish Health Ministry: 724-898-2724 hscprayerchain@gmail.com Abuse Hotline: 1-800-932-0313 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Parish Mission Statement Holy Sepulcher Parish is a warm, welcoming, faith-filled family dedicated to following Jesus Christ through Scripture and the Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. United through Baptism, nourished by the Eucharist and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to serving our brothers and sisters. We welcome all to join us as we celebrate the joy and mystery of the empty tomb. PASTOR: Father Robert J. Cedolia 724-586-7610; rjc78@zoominternet.net Deacon: Mr. David S. Miller davidscottmiller@zoominternet.net Deacon: Mr. Jim Mickens jmickens@diopitt.org Business Manager: Mrs. Joan Tosto 724-586-7610; hsc.joan@zoominternet.net Admin. Assistant to the Pastor: Mrs. Joanne Castello 724-586-7610; hsc.joanne@zoominternet.net Parish Secretary: Ms. Dana Knox 724-586-7610; hsc.office@zoominternet.net SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:00 pm now - April 25, 2015 6:00 pm (spring/summer) Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:30 am DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday: 7:30 am Tuesday: 7:30 am Wednesday: 7:00 pm Thursday: 7:30 am Friday: 9:00 am School Principal: Sister Anna Marie Gaglia, CSJ 724-586-5022; principalhss@zoominternet.net Director of Faith Formation: Mrs. Brenda Hartzel 724-586-7276; hsfaithformation@zoominternet.net Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Mr. Jacob Williamson 724-481-1232; ymholysep@gmail.com Director of Music: Ms. Madlyn DeRito 724-694-9210; deritoma@hotmail.com Parish Pastoral Council: Mrs. Meg Schaffer - Chairperson Mr. Raymond Schratz - Vice Chairperson Reconciliation - Saturdays between 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm and after the Saturday evening Mass. Baptisms - Baptisms are held twice a month (call the parish office for dates) Attendance at a Pre-Baptism class is required. The next class is Nov. 20 at 6:30 p.m. Call the Faith Formation Office to register. Weddings - Arrangements must be made six months in advance. All couples are expected to take a Pre-Marriage Preparation Program. Anointing of the Sick - After any Mass or by calling the Parish Office to schedule. New Parishioners - Welcome to Holy Sepulcher! To register, go to http://www.holysepulcher.org/about-us/new-parishioners or contact the Parish Office. Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Parish Thanksgiving Day Mass Get Ready The Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians are among his earliest writings, and are driven by his belief and the belief of the entire early Christian community that the return of Christ was imminent. Therefore, to devote time or attention to anything else was foolish. As time progressed, this fervor receded a bit. Today we may wonder, when we hear these readings about the coming end-times, if we should take them to heart. What should we do when we hear that the day of the Lord will come upon us “like a thief at night”? (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Does this mean we are to stop our longrange goal-setting, get rid of our yearly calendars and planners, or stop putting money in the college education fund? Of course not. What it does mean is that we need to change our lives, living like children of the light and illuminating the world around us with the light of the gospel. Then, on that day, when the details of our daily living become unimportant, we will be ready to find our peace and security in Christ Jesus. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Mass Intentions Monday, November 17 7:30 a.m. † Marie Alexandrunas (Loretta Dillner) Tuesday, November 18 7:30 a.m. † Charlene Freimuth (Family) Wednesday, November 19 7:00 p.m. † Joseph Weiland (Rosemary) Thursday, November 20 7:30 a.m. † Garry Molloy (Regis Schiebel) Friday, November 21 9:00 a.m. † Fathers Maloney, Yester and Crowley (Sigmund J. Pehel, III) Saturday, November 22 4:00 p.m. Sunday, November 23 8:00 a.m. † Glenn Dillner (Loretta Dillner & Family) Sunday, November 23 10:30 a.m. † Austin “A.J.” Zwigart (Ginger & Chaney Best) For the People of Holy Sepulcher † Deceased Eucharistic Adoration Day On Wednesday, December 3, we will begin a monthly Eucharistic Adoration Day. The monthly Eucharistic Adoration Day will be scheduled on the first Wednesday of each month, with some exceptions. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 9:00 am - 6:45 pm, followed by the 7:00 pm Mass. This is a great opportunity for us to spend some personal time with Our Lord during this special day. Sometimes the burdens of our lives can be so demanding, that the Lord asks us to let Him help us carry them. Thursday, November 27 Our parish will celebrate the Liturgy of Thanksgiving on Thurs., Nov. 27 at 9:00 am. We encourage the entire parish family of Holy Sepulcher to gather, attend Mass and give thanks to almighty God for all the blessings He has given us in our lives. In order to have a personal reminder of our obligation to share our goods with others, we ask each person to bring to the Thanksgiving Mass a gift of canned food for the less fortunate. All canned goods will be given to the local Food Bank. At the Offertory, each person will be able to bring his or her gift to the altar as a small token to God in Thanksgiving for all the personal blessings and gifts received. We will also have a regular collection basket available for those who prefer to make a monetary donation for the poor of the parish. Also, everyone is encouraged to bring a small homemade loaf of bread to be blessed and distributed at Mass. The Sanctuary Candle is burning this week in honor of the 25th Anniversary of Gary & Donna Anderson. An Invitation to an Evening of Reflection Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm The church is committed to providing all who are involved in parish ministries with proper encouragement, as well as opportunities for recollection. On Tuesday, Nov. 18th, we will host an Evening of Reflection from 7:00-9:00 pm in the church. Even if you are not involved in a specific parish ministry, you are invited to come! The evening will be facilitated by Rev. Louis Vallone, M.Div., M.A., Pastor of St. John of God Parish and St. Catherine of Siena Parish. It is an evening you won’t want to miss! “Jesus wants us all to come to Him in the Blessed Sacrament. He is there is person, just waiƟng for you. Nowhere on Earth are you more welcome, nowhere on Earth are you more loved, than by Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.” -Mother Theresa THE LIGHT IS STILL ON FOR YOU! “The Light is Still On for You” is an initiative of the Diocese of Pittsburgh to encourage Catholics to avail themselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is the best way to prepare our hearts for the coming of our Lord at Christmas. Confession will be available on Wednesday, December 10 after Mass from 7:45-9:00 at Holy Sepulcher. CHURCH MINISTRY SCHEDULE Weekly Offering Regular Collection: November 9, 2014 (352) Envelopes Loose Total $9,623.00 $2,820.71 $12,443.71 Parish Share 2014: $892.00 Nov. 22, 4:00 pm (3) Children’s $9.00 Debt Reduction: $852.00 GIVE THANKS FOR THE RELIGIOUS A parishioner writes, “We thank God today and every day for every religious sister who taught us in school, not only our ABC’s, but also to love God.” Share your gratitude for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for the Religious. FAIR TRADE SALE TODAY Come to the school cafeteria today and shop for those hard-to-buy people on your Christmas list. Unique, beautifully handmade gifts from artisans worldwide are available; all of which you can’t find in any department store. Get you homemade baked goods while they last and enjoy a cup of fair trade coffee while you shop! Proceeds benefit the Patzun Mission Group. GOOD SHEPHERD HANDBELL CONCERT The Good Shepherd Handbell Choir of Braddock, PA will perform a handbell concert at Holy Sepulcher tonight, Sun., Nov. 16 at 7:00 pm. The concert is free and will include a mix of sacred and secular music from 18th Century hymn tunes to Kate Perry to the Muppets. Many of the ringers have over ten years of experience. Please join us for a great night of music. TURKEY SHOOT The Knights of Columbus will host their annual Turkey Shoot on Nov. 23 from 12:00 Noon until dusk. Shells for shooting are provided. Bring your shotgun, 12 gauge only! For Knights: If you plan on helping either on the shooting line or in the kitchen, please plan to be at the school cafeteria around Noon. Christmas Gift Baskets for Shut-Ins Holy Sepulcher Parish Health Ministry will be assembling Christmas Baskets for Shut-Ins on Thurs., Dec. 11 at 6:00 p.m. (note time correction from last week’s bulletin). The assembling of baskets will be in the John Paul II Room (located in the lower level of the Rectory). Donations may be dropped off in coat room in the Narthex. Suggested items: Creams, lotions, shower gel, word search game books, jigsaw puzzles, Christmas themed socks, non-skid socks/slippers, travel mugs, cookies, candy, greeting cards, stamps, Diabetic candy. If you know someone who might appreciate a Christmas Gift Basket or if you would like to help assemble or deliver the baskets, please contact Georgette at 724-903-0134 or psalm55.22@zoominternet.net. Ministers of Communion L. Fey, C. Loncaric, K. Lutzic, K. Orban, S. Pieto, J. Tosto, D. Wilson, N. Yarnot, Dcn. Dave Nov. 23, 8:00 am Nov. 23, 10:30 am Ministers of Ministers of Communion Communion M. Cunningham, M. Eury, J. Gaul, J. Duster, P. Green, B. Popko, L. Stearns, R. Green, M. Sippey, N. Sippey, M. Marshall, D. Smith, J. Smith, R. Sarver, D. Thunell, Dcn. Dave J. Thunell, Dcn. Dave Proclaimer R. Martell Proclaimer P. Palermo Proclaimer M. Hoerner Altar Servers Paul Barton Jay Macri Altar Servers Mary Kate Schratz Gregory Schratz Altar Servers Christian Scheller Victoria Scheller Weekday Altar Server (11/17-11/21) Mon., Tues., Thurs. 7:30 a.m. & Fri. 9:00 a.m. Volunteer Servers needed for Wed. 7:00 p.m. Mass. For the complete month’s schedule, visit our website: http://www.holysepulcher.org/ministries/liturgical-ministries Did You Know? Did you know that 93% of us are going to use blood at least once in our lifetime? Blood donations are needed for a variety of reasons such as: cancer and leukemia patients, hip replacement in the elderly, orthopedic surgeries, car accidents, burn victims, newborn babies, open-heart surgeries, trauma cases, etc. Your one blood donation can help save the lives of up to three hospital patients. Our holiday blood drive will be held on Sunday, November 30 from 8:00 am - 1:30 pm, in the school cafeteria. Make an appointment to donate by going to www.centralbloodbank.org, search for group code G0040009 or contact Elaine Nagel at 724-898-2030. You can also sign up in the Narthex. Help make our blood drive a success! Fulfill Holiday Entertaining Needs with Market Day Why not use Market Day to fulfill your holiday entertaining needs with desserts, cookies, side dishes and more! The next Market Day sale/ pick up will be on Thursday, December 4. Order cut-off deadline is Friday, November 28. Go to www.marketday.com to order and use code 15474 to benefit Holy Sepulcher School. Call Bonnie at 724-898-4575 with any questions. Women’s Safety & Self Defense Save the date of Tues., Dec. 9 at 7:00 pm for an IN SHAPE special speaker session: Women’s Safety & Self Defense, featuring Officer Conrad Pfeifer, Middlesex Twp. Police Dept. and depending on number of registrants, Master Robert Zang of Zang Taekwondo. The event will include a general discussion of safety, prevention and defense philosophy including: situation awareness, preparation (self, family, home), basic self defense and Q & A. Suitable for ladies 16 years and older and of any physical capability. This will be a timely session for greater awareness during the Christmas shopping & home entertaining season! Registration is required and very important for presenter/participant ration. Email Theresa at: mara605@consolidated.net. We’re more than just a School, We’re Community. We’re Family. SR. ANNA MARIE GAGLIA, CSJ, PRINCIPAL 724-586-5022 holysepulcherschool@zoominternet.net www.holysepulcher.org/school We invite all Holy Sepulcher Families to our Open House on Wed., Nov. 19 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Come experience firsthand the science, technology and outstanding programs at Holy Sepulcher Catholic School! Meet teachers, administration and leaders committed to the academic and spiritual development of your child. LONGABERGER BASKET BINGO Join us for Longaberger Basket Bingo! The event begins at 11:00 am on Saturday, Nov. 22 in the school cafeteria. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Included in the price is 20 bingo cards as well as lunch. Throughout the afternoon, there are extra raffles and specials too! To order tickets please call the school office at 724-586-5022. B ox Top update Thank you to everyone who has clipped and brought in Box Tops! Twice a year (December and April) we are sent a check for the amount earned. We have been informed that we raised $889.90 for the December payment! Please keep clipping and sending Box Tops to the school and let’s make the April payment even bigger! This money is used to support our special projects throughout the year like Veteran’s Day and Grandparent’s Day. THE HORNETS’ GALA...A NIGHT OF CHANCE Mark your calendar for the Holy Sepulcher School fundraising gala on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at the Butler Country Club. The doors open at 5:00 pm and there will be a grand prize of $5,000 plus live and silent auctions. Plus John Angel and the Halos will be featured. For more information, contact Meredith Mockenhaupt at mere.mock@gmail.com or Nicole McCarty at mccartypa@zoominternet.net. F aith ormation 724-586-7276 Brenda Hartzel, Faith Formation Director hsfaithformation@zoominternet.net November Events: 23 - NO Children’s Liturgy of the Word at 10:30 Mass - NO Faith Formation - 9:10-10:15/11:40-12:45 - NO Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - 9:10-10:15 am 24 - NO Confirmation Class - 6:30 - 8:00 pm 26 - NO Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - 5:00 - 6:15 pm 30 - NO Children’s Liturgy of the Word at 10:30 Mass - NO Faith Formation - 9:10-10:15/11:40-12:45 - NO Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - 9:10-10:15 am December Events: 1 - NO Confirmation Class - 6:30 - 8:00 pm 3 - NO Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - 5:00 - 6:15 pm The Faith Formation Office will be closed November 24 - 28, 2014 A Pre-Baptism Class is required for first time parents before the Baptism of your child. The next class at Holy Sepulcher will be held on February 19, 2015. Please plan to attend a class before your baby is born. Contact the Faith Formation Office to register. FORFAMILYDISCUSSION Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Why are respect for and reverence of the Lord good qualities? What characteristics and virtues do you find attractive in others? 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 What does it mean to say the Lord will come like a thief at night? What does it mean to be a child of the light? Matthew 25:14-30 What responsibilities have been entrusted to you? What efforts do you make to deepen your relationship with God? from “Exploring the Sunday Lectionary” by Sandy Rigsby & Steve Mason Around the Community: QUIGLEY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Quigley Catholic High School invites you to an “Hour at Quigley” on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 from 6-7pm. Quigley Catholic is a college preparatory high school that places a high priority not only on academics, but also on faith formation. Quigley Catholic is consistently recognized among the top Catholic high schools in the nation. All are welcome to come and see what the Quigley family is all about! If you would like more information please call 724-869 -2188, email us at admissions@qchs.org, or visit our website at www.qchs.org. Faith Formation begins with our Baptism and does not end until our eternal rest. We hope, pray and live our lives in a fashion that will have us enjoying eternal rest in the presence of the Lord. Youth Ministry for 6th-8th Graders www.holysepulcher.org/lifeteen Jacob Williamson, Coordinator of Youth Ministry 724-481-1232 ymholysep@gmail.com Greg Gillis, Coordinator holysepedge@gmail.com Like us on Facebook “Holy Sepulcher Life Teen” Follow us on Twitter: “HolySepLifeTeen” It’s a TEEN TAKEOVER at Life Teen this Sunday! Join us for this crazy fun social night. All 9th-12th grade teens are invited! Bring your friends. Last Saturday, the following teens and adults gave selflessly of their time and talent and collectively gave over 90 hours of service to the elderly and homebound of our community: Olivia Beblo Sophia Beining Ashley Blazczak Joanne Castello Rachel Cherry Jacque Croisant Emily Cunningham Annabelle Harsch Art King Denise Lyons Kathy Martell Matthew McLaughlin Sydney Miller Rachel Ronczka Ryan Ronczka Susie Ronczka Rachel Roos Sam Shadle Patrick Smith Will Stegman Alex Stoeckle When you see them, please tell them thank you for witnessing Christ’s love through service. Jane’s Stromboli Thank you to everyone who purchased a Jane’s Stromboli. The orders will be in on Nov. 20 and the teen or adult you purchased from will get them to you shortly thereafter. Thank you for supporting us in going on the Fall Retreat this year! UPCOMING EVENTS Sun. 11/16 @ 6:30 pm Life Night Thurs. 11/20 @ 7:00 pm Hang Out Fri. –Sun. 11/21– 11/23 FALL RETREAT Sun. 11/23 @ NO SUNDAY LIFE NIGHT Thurs. 11/27 @ NO THURSDAY HANG OUT What is Life Teen? Holy Sepulcher Life Teen, a Eucharist-centered Catholic youth ministry, is committed to empowering the youth of our parish to live as disciples of Jesus Christ daily, encouraging the youth to fully participate in the life of the Church, and caring for the total well-being of all the teens entrusted to our care. Aided by the Holy Spirit, we strive to accomplish these commitments by providing vibrant and varied opportunities such as Life Nights, hang-outs, retreats, Bible studies, mission trips, etc. for the youth to grow deeper in their relationships with Christ and others. “To pray for a person with whom I am irritated is a beautiful step forward in love, and an act of evangelization. Let us do it today!” -Pope Francis Our next EDGE night is : Give it Up for St. Nick! on Dec. 6 from 5-7:00 pm. TEENS in grades 6, 7 and 8: join us for our final EDGE night for the fall semester on Sat., Dec. 6. We will discuss the final part of the Corporal works of mercy by way of having an Advent party! Join us for some great food, games and fellowship. Be sure to invite all your friends to join! Parents: we want to make sure you don’t miss any updates or reminders about upcoming events. Please contact Greg at holysepedge@gmail.com to join the EDGE mailing list. Around the Parish SOCIABLES CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON: Save the date! Mark your calendars! The annual Sociables’ Christmas Luncheon is set for December 7 from 1:30 - 4:30 pm at the Marriott North in Cranberry Twp., PA. Tickets are $20 / person. (Make check out to: Holy Sepulcher Sociables.) Seating is limited to 80 people. Everyone is welcome to attend this Christmas party! The last day to pay for your reservation is today, November 16th. Come and have a nice afternoon while socializing with a great group of people! Contact Eleanor Glace at 724-586-5981 with any questions. SOCIABLES MEETING The next Sociables general meeting is November 18 at 10:00 am in the church conference room. Around the Community: ADVENT CELEBRATION The Pittsburgh Guild of the Catholic Medical Association invites you and your family to a special Advent Celebration on Sun., Dec. 7 at the UPMC-Mercy Hospital, 1400 Locust St., Pittsburgh. Mass will start at 9:00 am at the Holy Family chapel with breakfast / Advent Reflection to follow in the Sister M. Ferdinand Clark Auditorium. Cost is $10 / person for breakfast / presentation. RSVP requested by Dec. 3 to info@cathmedpittsburgh.org. WOMEN’S SPIRITUAL SPA A Spiritual Spa for Women at St. Benedict Monastery, 3526 Bakerstown Rd., Bakerstown, PA on Sat. Dec. 6 from 10 am to 4pm. There are three workshops: ● “Prayer of Welcoming Hope” ● “Prayer of Waiting” ● “Prayer of Listening”. Lunch will be provided. No charge. Freewill offering accepted. Deadline November 24nd. Limit of 35 registrants. For more information contact: St Benedict Monastery at 724-502-2591. “guiding families for six generations, since 1855” Catholic Funeral Plan Accepted • Protective Pre-Planning Available C. Matthew Schellhaas Supervisor ‘JUST OFF ROUTE 8 & BAKERSTOWN’ 5864 Heckert Rd. Bakerstown, PA 15007 (724) 443-1505 www.schellhaasfh.com For All Your Notary Needs & Much More! INSTANT ACCESS TO PENNDOT 724.898.3370 1177 Pittsburgh Road Valencia, PA 16059 www.beakznotarycenter.com 100 KREBS DRIVE & ROUTE 8 GIBSONIA, PA 724-444-8000 www.krebscjd.com “SERVING THE PITTSBURGH AREA FOR OVER 50 YEARS” Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com King Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Inc. 724-443-2500 • Blinds • Shutters • Drapes • Window Tint 724-234-4311 James A. Trivoli, SUPV www.kingfuneralhome.com 668 Pittsburgh Rd., Butler, PA 16002 www.budgetblinds.com Priscilla Bromley, REALTOR 5048 Willian Flynn Highway Gibsonia, PA 15044 A Janitorial Franchise Office: 724-449-9900 Cell: 724-816-4488 priscillabromley@ howardhanna.com PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INDOOR AIR QUALITY SPECIALISTS 724-898-2587 BE YOUR OWN BOSS VANGUARD CLEANING SYSTEMS Fastest Growing Janitorial Franchise We supply equipment, contracts, growth, investment as low as $2,800 and financing available. Military discount. Holy Sepulcher Parishioner since 2004! CALL 412-265-4187 WE SELL, SERVICE, REPAIR & CARE We Deliver Comfort & Safety Funeral Home, Inc. $10 OFF W/AD A TRUSTED NAME IN FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1912 Design Decisions... No Regrets HUTCHINSON CLEANERS, INC. Countertops “In Business Since 1926” Marble, Granite, Soapstone, Quartz Cabinets Interior Design Color Consultations www.custommarblegranite.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers $50 GAS/BOILER/FURNACE CLEAN & CHECK Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. AFFORDABLE PRICING I am patronizing your business Outstanding Hot because of it! Water Tank Pricing 009566 Holy Sepulcher Church SHIRT & LINEN SERVICE FUR STORAGE DRAPERY CLEANING John C. Hanovick Supervisor 238 Crowe Avenue Mars, PA 16046 724-625-2900 www.McDonald-Aeberli.com BAUER EXCAVATING INC. ‘Family Owned and Operated Since 1973’ 724-285-3584 —Commercial and Residential— 705 Herman Road Butler, PA 16002 331 Negley Avenue Butler, PA 724-285-4755 New Drop Store 1803 Three Degree Rd. Mars, PA 724-687-0453 www.jspaluch.com Get a quote online at: www.howardinsurance.com Jeffrey R. Howard, Parishioner (Butler) 724.283.8181 (Seven Fields) 724.772.8180 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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