“Attract, Serve, Illuminate”
November 2014
930 Ormsby Lane  Louisville, Kentucky 40242
Phone: (502) 425-7775 www.assumption.ky.goarch.org
Church Email: office@assumption.ky.goarch.org
Pastoral Message
Dear Parishioners of our Beloved Assumption,
For most of us, the month of November is defined by the holiday of
Thanksgiving. I know that for me personally, it is one of my favorite
days of the year because of the awesome feast that Presbytera
prepares. It is a day when most of us get to relax and truly think
about all that the Lord has given us. (For most of us, the list of
things to be thankful for is very long.) Leading up to Thanksgiving,
we have our daily routines of work and school, but as soon as
Thanksgiving comes - often times as early as “Black Friday,” our
attention turns to preparations for Christmas.
As wonderful as Thanksgiving is, and as much as we personally
have to be thankful for – we often times forget to express our
gratitude for the greatest gift that has been offered – God’s gift of
salvation through the offering of His Son. In fact, it almost makes
more sense for us to speak of what we are thankful for on Christmas
Day as opposed to Thanksgiving.
The entire world looks forward to the “Holidays;” most of the
western hemisphere looks forward to Christmas – many not for the
birth of Christ, but for presents, big meals, family time and vacation.
As Christians, all of this is well and good, but the Nativity of the
Lord must always remain the main focus. This may appear to be
only a difference of words, Christmas vs.
Nativity, but is it truly a difference of
orientation - Christmas is most often looked at
as a season, whereas the Nativity of the Lord
is an event.
In one case we prepare with
decorations, presents and feasts - the other
takes preparation of prayer, presence (at the
Divine Services) and fasting.
Pastoral Message (continued)
It is truly possible to enjoy the Christmas season and celebrate His
birth, but for most of our society, the event gets lost in the season. So
much so that many don’t get to church for the Nativity because they
are too busy preparing for Christmas - is this not completely
So that we may enjoy the season and keep our focus on His Nativity,
I ask that each of us make a small adjustment to our morning and
evening prayers and even to our prayers at mealtime. Beginning
with Thanksgiving and continuing through December 25 th, let us say
the following statement each time we offer a prayer: “Lord, we await
your glorious nativity. Amen.” This small daily reminder will help
us to focus and enjoy the blessings of the season.
Thanking the Lord for His Blessings on us,
I remain in His Service,
Rev. Father Jon Boukis
“Attract, Serve, Illuminate”
Kitchen and Hall Needs
The parish is running short on some
essential supplies. For those who
are looking for additional ways to
make offerings, please consider
picking up one of the following:
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Hand Soap
Large Trash Bags (33 Gallon)
Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags
Parish Council Corner
The Parish Council would like to express our deepest gratitude
to Justyne Kondos Willman for chairing the gyro booth at the St.
James Court Art Show. The results this year were very favorable
due to the hard work of Justyne and the wonderful group of
volunteers who stepped up to work on this important
fundraiser. Additionally, we want to thank Larry Anas and
AHEPA for implementing and operating the food booth at the
Harvest Homecoming festival once again this year. All
volunteers utilized their time, talents and treasure which
resulted in greatly benefitting Assumption!
At the most recent General Assembly meeting the following
parishioners were nominated to serve on the board of elections:
Melina Digenis, Tom Caneris and Mary Makris. The election
committee is charged with managing the election to fill the four
open spots on Parish Council. The committee will be accepting
nominations for individuals in good standing interested in
running for Parish Council through Monday, November 3rd.
Elections will be held on Sunday, December 7th.
Welcome Father Jon and Family! The
Parish Council will be hosting coffee
hour on Sunday, November 16th in
honor of Father Jon, Presbytera
Doreece and Lia and their arrival at
Assumption. All are invited and
encouraged to attend!
2014 Parish Council
Joanna Caneris - President
John Harris - Vice President
Michael Balakos - Treasurer
Ryan Leathers - Secretary
Larry Anas
Emily Digenis
Milton Galanos
Ramsey Nassar
Jim Simatacolos
Sunday School
All children with attendance of 80% or better have
“hit the mark” and will be listed monthly in THE
cumulative attendance.
based on
with 3 absences or less for the
entire year will be recognized in May with a special gift to
acknowledge their dedication to Religious Education.
Attendance is Important!!!
Hit the Mark!!!
Congratulations to:
Vasilia Boukis
Christopher Collis
Mariam Dodd
Ulla Dodd
Ally Harris
Andrew Harris
Matthew Harris
Stephen Harris
Victoria Reyna
David Schenk
Leah Schenk
Jason Simatacolos
John Simatacolos
Andrew Taylor
Steffi Taylor
Ismene Vedder
Annual Sunday School Christmas Play
The children in 2nd through 7th grades will begin preparing for the
annual Christmas Play over the next weeks. Please be aware that all
children who wish to participate in the play must be in attendance at
Sunday School during November and December so they can be
assigned a role. While we welcome all in our celebration of the birth
of our Lord and Savior, we need to have time to prepare the children
for the program. If you have any questions, please see Melina,
Kristen, Elyse or Rebecca.
Prayer Rope Workshop
Deacon William and Deaconissa
Elizabeth will be teaching a workshop
on the art of making Orthodox Prayer
Ropes. Come and learn how to tie a
“Komboskini” that you can use to build
your own prayer life. They also make
great Christmas Gifts!!!
The workshop will be on Saturday,
November 8th, at 12 Noon (following
the Divine Liturgy in commemoration
of the Synaxis of the Archangels).
Come for Divine Liturgy, stay for the
workshop and the fellowship!!!
The YAL is going to BW3’s
for Monday Night Football!!!
Date: November 10th
Time: 7:00 pm - Close
Address: 10206 Westport Rd,
Louisville, KY 40241
Game: Carolina @ Philly
On Saturday, November 22nd,
the GOYA will meet at Sky Zone
at 5:30pm to work up our
appetites on the trampolines!!!
(After which we will satisfy our
appetites with dinner)
RSVP to Dan Cupkovic at:
Bible Study
Bible Study is an opportunity for us to
apply the Scriptures to our everyday
lives. The Bible is the “Good News” that
enriches our faith and deepens our
understanding of every issue that we
face. This can only be done through
obtaining the mind of the Holy Fathers.
Let the scripture come alive in your life
The Orthodox Bible Study will meet on Wednesday Evenings
from 6:30pm-7:45pm and on Thursday Mornings from
10:00am-11:15am to study the Book of Acts of the Apostles.
Make a commitment to learning His Word!
Church Softball Game
That’s Right!!!
Who are you going to cheer on?
Are you going to root for the Home team led by our
Parish Council President, Joanna Caneris?
Or for the much less athletic underdog—Fr. Jon?
No matter who you root for, we’re all winners when
we come and enjoy great fun, fellowship and food!!!
The Big Game will be held at the Elks Lodge (just down Ormsby)
following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, November 2nd with special
events for the kids between innings and a fellowship lunch to follow.
Christian Fellowship - It’s a Winner!!!
Come support the Spartans on Sunday Evenings in
November as the represent out parish at Hoops!!! (12101
Sycamore Station Place, Louisville)
On Wednesday, November 12th, we will have our 2nd
basketball open gym for all ages. The gym is at 10607 Hobbs
Station Road, Louisville. Open Gym is from 7:00pm-9:00pm.
Come and enjoy the fellowship and get a bit more exercise!!!
Daughters of Penelope
The Daughters of Penelope want to thank all
who participated in the OXI Day brunch. We
had a nice turn out and raised over $400 for the
church operating fund.
Our next meeting will be held on
Saturday, November 15th, at 10:30 a.m in the
church hall. We will make plans for our "Thanksgiving Bake
Sale", which will take place on Sunday, November 23rd , after the
Liturgy, in the church hall.
We hope everyone will shop our
bake sale for both Greek and
traditional Thanksgiving sweets. All
items will be homemade and can
help with your holiday baking.
Have you joined Philoptochos yet?
Who? All members of the parish who are 18 years and older.
Please pay $35 dues to Evanthia Speliotis, treasurer.
New (to us) this year! Become an associate member.
Associate members are spouses of members. We need your
help. Show your support and become an associate member
today by paying dues. You are welcome at any and all
events, but you do not have to attend either.
Upcoming Events:
November: Thanksgiving baskets due and meeting Nov.
16th after liturgy in the hall; Christmas Baklava
for sale.
December: Baking of the baklava December 7th after
liturgy. We need your help! Pajamas and books
for Wayside Christian Mission; Vasilopita sale
and auction- more info. to come.
January: Vasilopita Sunday- Jan. 4th; Meeting January
18th after liturgy
February: Sell baklava at the end of Glendi; Kolyva
Workshop Feb. 14th 9 a.m.; meeting after
Saturday of Souls service - place TBD
We want to thank the Assumption Parish for
your continued support of our on-going project
with Chenoweth Elementary and ask that you
continue to bring non-perishable food items to
the church each Sunday.
2014 Christmas Greek Pastry Sale
Don’t forget to order your Baklava from a
Philoptochos member this November! $15/dozen
Philoptochos Ongoing Fundraiser
Please help support the charitable needs of the community!
For the next few Sundays after liturgy in the hall…
See our table!
Christmas Ornaments $22
Metropolis Greek Cookbooks $20
Kolyva for Memorials
How can you get some?
When you schedule a memorial service
with Father Jon, let him know that you
would like Philoptochos to make
Kolyva. He can take your $75 donation
and will contact a member.
Help your neighbor fill their plates this Thanksgiving by
providing a Holiday Basket for Eastern Area Community
 $25.00 Kroger card for perishable food items
 5 lb. potatoes/sweet potatoes
 4 cans of vegetables
 Packaged or canned gravy
 Boxed stuffing mix
 4 cans fruit or bag of apples
 Cranberry sauce
 Pie filling/crust or cake mix/frosting
 Evaporated milk
 Tea/lemonade
 Laundry basket
Please provide a complete basket. Partial contents cannot be used.
You can donate gift cards without a basket if necessary.
Bring to Assumption GOC by November 16th
Please give your gift cards to Nancy Anas and place baskets in Parish Hall.
Assumption Calendar of E
5th Sunday of Luke
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Sunday School
Coffee Hour
Parish Softball Game at the Elks Lodge
Basketball League Game at “Hoops”
7th Sunday of Luke
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Sunday School
Coffee Hour
GOYA Meeting
Basketball League Game at “Hoops”
Detroit Clergy
Syndesmos Meeting
(Troy, MI)
YAL Outing to BW3’s
Feast of the Apostle Matthew
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Sunday School
Coffee Hour
Philoptochos Meeting
Basketball League Game at “Hoops”
AHEPA Meeting
9th Sunday of Luke
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Sunday School
Coffee Hour
Daughters of Penelope Bake Sale
Basketball League Game at “Hoops”
Deadline for
Submissions to
The Beacon
Feast of the Apostle Andrew
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Family Worship
Coffee Hour
Feast of St. Katherine
the Great Martyr
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Lyndon Ecumenical
Fellowship at
Assumption 7:00pm
November 2014
Bible Study
7 1
 Great
Greek School
Orthros 9am
Divine Liturgy 10am
Prayer Rope Class 12N
No Great Vespers
Bible Study
Greek School
Bible Study
Daughters of Penelope
Bible Study
Great Vespers
Basketball Open Gym
Greek School
Synaxis of
Great Feast of the
Entrance of the
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Bible Study
Bible Study
Basketball Team Practice
GOYA Outing to Sky
Zone and Dinner
No Great Vespers
Thanksgiving Day
No Bible Study
No Greek School
Great Vespers
No Bible Study
Elections for the
2015-2016 Parish
Council will take
place on Sunday,
December 7th
following services.
Holy Confession is
done by appointment
and may be scheduled
by calling Fr. Jon at
the Church Office:
(502) 425-7775
Fasting Symbols
Strict Fast
Wine and Oil
Fish Allowed
Fast Free
St. Catherine
Commemorated November 25th
The Holy Great Martyr Catherine was the
daughter of Constus, the governor of
Alexandrian Egypt during the reign of the
emperor Maximian (305-313). Living in the
capital, the center of Hellenistic knowledge, and
possessed of a rare beauty and intellect,
Catherine received an excellent education,
studying the works of the greatest philosophers
and teachers of antiquity. Young men from the
most worthy families of the empire sought her
hand, but she was not interested in any of them.
She told her parents that she would marry only
someone who surpassed her in nobility, wealth, comeliness and wisdom.
Catherine's mother, a secret Christian, sent her to her own spiritual Father, a
saintly Elder living in a cave outside the city, for advice. After listening to
Catherine, the Elder said that he knew of a Youth who surpassed her in
everything. "His countenance is more radiant than the shining of the sun, and
all of creation is governed by His wisdom. His riches are given to all the
nations of the world, yet they never diminish. His compassion is unequaled."
This description of the Heavenly Bridegroom produced in the soul of the holy
maiden an ardent desire to see Him. "If you do as I tell you," said the monk,
"you will gaze upon the countenance of this illustrious man." In parting, the
Elder handed Catherine an icon of the Theotokos with the divine Child Jesus
on Her arm and told her to pray with faith to the Queen of Heaven, the
Mother of the Heavenly Bridegroom, and She would hear Catherine and grant
her heart's desire.
Catherine prayed all night and was permitted to see the Most Holy Virgin,
Who said Her Divine Son, "Behold Thy handmaiden Catherine, how fair and
virtuous she is." But the Child turned His face away from her saying, "No, she
is ugly and unbelieving. She is a foolish pauper, and I cannot bear to look at
her until she forsakes her impiety."
Catherine returned again to the Elder deeply saddened, and told him what she
had seen in the dream. He lovingly received her, instructed her in the faith of
Christ, admonished her to preserve her purity and integrity and to pray
unceasingly. She then received the Mystery of holy Baptism from him. Again
St Catherine had a vision of the Most Holy Theotokos with Her Child. Now
the Lord looked tenderly at her and gave her a beautiful ring, showing her
betrothal to the Heavenly Bridegroom (This ring is still on her hand).
The Great Martyr
At that time the emperor Maximian was in Alexandria for a pagan festival. The
cries of the sacrificial animals, the smoke and the smell of the sacrifices, the
endless blazing of fires, and the bustling crowds at the arenas defiled the city
of Alexandria. Human victims were brought, the confessors of Christ, who
would not deny Him under torture, were condemned to death in the fire. The
saint's love for the Christian martyrs and her desire to ease their sufferings
compelled Catherine to speak to the pagan priest and the emperor Maximian.
Introducing herself, the saint confessed her faith in the One True God and
with wisdom exposed the errors of the pagans. The beauty of the maiden
captivated the emperor. In order to convince her and to show the superiority
of pagan wisdom, the emperor ordered fifty of the most learned philosophers
and rhetoricians of the Empire to dispute with her, but the saint got the better
of the wise men, so that they came to believe in Christ themselves. St
Catherine made the Sign of the Cross over the martyrs, and they bravely
accepted death for Christ and were burned alive by order of the emperor.
Maximian, no longer hoping to convince the saint, tried to entice her with the
promise of riches and fame. Receiving an angry refusal, the emperor gave
orders to subject the saint to terrible tortures and then throw her in prison.
The Empress Augusta, who had heard much about the saint, wanted to see
her. She prevailed upon the military commander Porphyrius to accompany her
to the prison with a detachment of soldiers. The empress was impressed by
the strong spirit of St Catherine, whose face was radiant with divine grace.
Catherine explained the Christian teaching to them, and they were converted.
On the following day they again brought the martyr to the judgment court
where, under the threat of being broken on the wheel, they urged that she
renounce the Christian Faith and offer sacrifice to the gods. The saint
steadfastly confessed Christ and she herself approached the wheels; but an
angel smashed the instruments of execution, which shattered into pieces.
Having beheld this wonder, the Empress Augusta and the imperial courtier
Porphyrius with 200 soldiers confessed their faith in Christ in front of
everyone, and they were beheaded. St Catherine firmly confessed her fidelity
to the heavenly Bridegroom Christ, and with a prayer to Him she herself lay
her head on the block beneath the executioner's sword.
The relics of St Catherine were taken by the angels to Mount Sinai. In the sixth
century, the venerable head and left hand of the holy martyr were found
through a revelation and transferred with honor to a newly-constructed church
of the Sinai monastery, built by the holy Emperor Justinian (November 14).
St Catherine is called upon for relief of difficult childbirth. At her monastery
on Mt Sinai, pilgrims are given souvenir rings as a remembrance of their visit.
Greek School
Greek School
2014-15 Registration Form
NAME: _______________________ AGE: ____________
Greek Language Skill Level
Please circle your level of knowledge of the Greek language:
Beginner, Moderate, or Advanced
Both adult and elementary classes meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 to 7:45pm.
Students in middle and high school are encouraged to join the adult class.
Parent’s Name (for child 12 years & under): _____________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Email: ________________________
Although adult and elementary classes are now in full
swing, it is not too late for new students to sign up.
Registration is $30 per student per session. Fall session runs September
through December and Spring session runs January through April.
Please return this form along with registration fee paid to the order of The
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church with Greek School in the memo area
of the check. You may email your completed form to George Soteriou,
Greek School Director, or put it in the Greek School Inbox at church by
the main office room. If you have any questions please call or email:
George Soteriou at (502) 396-9135 or gksoteriou@gmail.com
Thank you!!! Ευχαριστώ!!!
Elementary Classes this year are being taught by George Anagnostou!!!
We thank our teachers for offering their talent to our Greek School!
Greek Fun
My problem starts when I no longer see it
This may seem humorous when we apply it to spiders, but let
us reflect on the deeper meaning. If we hadn’t seen the
spider, we would not have fear. Knowing the spider exists and
then not seeing it causes fear.
In the same way, knowledge of our faith can cause us to see
where we fall short. So, is it better to know or to not know?
Just a bit of food for thought!
Philanthropic Opportunities
Are you already Kroger shopper?
Your current shopping could be benefitting the Assumption!
Kroger Community Rewards® makes fund-raising easy...all you have
to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!
 Go to krogercommunityrewards.com and register your Kroger Plus
Card (if you are already registered, click “Sign In” instead of
“Create an Account.”)
 Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code,
clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating
a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions
 You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on
the link within the body of the email.
 Click on My Account and use your email address and password to
proceed to the next step.
 Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input
your Kroger Plus card number. If you use your phone number at
the register instead of a card, call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get
your Kroger Plus card number.
 Update or confirm your information.
 Enter “Assumption” or our NPO number of 10779 and select us
from the list and click on confirm.
 If enrollment is complete, you will see Assumption’s name on the
right side of your information page.
 That’s it!!! Use your registered Kroger Plus card or phone number at
the register and our parish benefits!!!
By registering online, coupons can be electronically attached to your
Plus Card. Not only do you help the Church, but you save money.
Talk to everyone you know about registering to benefit our parish!!!
Philanthropic Opportunities
Backpack Buddies
Because Hunger Doesn’t Take the Weekend Off
Help feed 10 kids at Chenoweth Elementary over the weekend!
There is a container in the back of the church in which to place a
food offering! Make it a habit to bring in an item each week for
those children who without help may go hungry.
(This will be an ongoing program of the Philoptochos)
Please bring foods
that are:
May God Bless and
multiply your
U of L Pediatrics Book Drive
Approximately two-thirds of US children and 80
percent of those living below the poverty threshold
are not proficient readers by the end of third grade.
U of L gives new books at every well-child
checkup through age 5 and we give gently
used books on sick visits and to siblings.
Bring in new or gently used children’s
books to the office or to Mary Makris!
Friends of the Metropolis
Dear Friends of the Metropolis:
God has called us to do mighty deeds for the glory of His name and for the
love of His people.
You are called upon to join in this reality of “faith working through love”
as we continue to manifest the love of God for His Church and His people.
When you support the Friends of the Metropolis Campaign, you are part
of a greater outreach that proclaims with one universal voice that God is
truly our hope and our rock of salvation.
Because of your devotion and help to the Friends program, ministries and
programs are implemented on a Metropolis-wide basis which strengthen
and enhance our faith and our joint ministry of service.
If you have not yet become part of the Metropolis-wide effort, I would like
to invite you to join forces with the faithful throughout the Metropolis in
support of the ministries which are part of the Office of the Metropolitan.
Thanking you for your kind and generous response, I remain, with
paternal blessings and prayers,
Metropolitan of Detroit
I am pleased to support the work of Metropolitan Nicholas and the Metropolis
through the Annual Metropolis Stewardship “Friends” Program
Please send to: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit, 2560 Crooks Rd, Troy, MI 48084
Friends of the Metropolis
Fully fund the expenses of the Metropolis office, program and travels.
Enhance scholarships and adult education programs, as well as support
the Metropolis students at Hellenic College/Holy Cross.
Develop and provide educational and instructional seminars and services
to clergy and parishes.
Maintain and support the youth office and activities of a full-time Youth
and Young Adult Ministries director.
Create opportunities to introduce our faith to society, participate in interChristian and inter-faith activities as well as provide quick responses to
national disasters.
Develop programs for Hellenic Cultural Outreach, including language,
including language, history and arts.
Organize Metropolis Clergy-Laity Conferences, Oratorical Festivals,
Christmas Pageants, and Adult Education Programs.
Website development, hospitality to visiting dignitaries and guests,
Charity and Philanthropy
Do donate to the “Friends of the Metropolis” online,
go to: www.detroit.goarch.org and click here
Directory Update
Dear Parishioners of the Assumption,
The parish will soon be publishing an updated directory of
parishioners. It is important that we have your contact information
for the directory as well as for our parish database. Please take a
moment and submit the online form that was distributed via the
listserv or submit the form below. Thanks for your assistance.
Family Data
Street Address: ______________________________________________
City: ______________ State: ____ Zip Code: _________
Home Phone: ______________________________________________
Adults’ Contact Information
Name: ______________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________
Mobile Phone: _(____)_____-_______
Date of Birth: ___/___/____
Name: ______________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________
Mobile Phone: _(____)_____-_______
Date of Birth: ___/___/____
Children’s Contact Information
Date of Birth
Mobile Phone
Email Address
Community Announcements
Although it was just a few weeks ago that we were
blessed to witness William Redmon’s ordination to
the Diaconate, we will soon be saying goodbye as the
Deacon begins his assignment at Holy Trinity—St.
Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Cincinnati, OH.
Deacon William will be ordained to the Holy
Priesthood on Sunday, November 16th in Cincinnati.
If you are able to travel to witness this blessing,
please proclaim loudly “Axios” for our Parish!!!
We warmly welcome new parishioners Charlie
and Pat Blackford, who come to us from the
Parish of St. Andrews in Randolph, New Jersey.
Charlie and Pat have moved to Louisville to be
closer to family and having been very active in
the ministries of St. Andrew’s have already
jumped into the ministries of our parish.
On behalf of our Blessed Parish of the
Assumption—Welcome!!! Καλωσορίσατε!!!
Recently, Gus suffered the loss of the use of one
of his eyes and was not assured of full recovery.
But through the prayers of the church and his
friends and family, Gus is experiencing a full
recovery. Gus offers his thanksgiving to our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to the
Theotokos for her intercessions for his recovery
and for the trials which have served as a
strengthener of faith. Glory to God!!!
Do you have news that would be edifying in a Community Announcement,
if so, call the Church office or email office@assumption.ky.goarch.org.
The Holy Archangels
Taken from “The Prologue from Ochrid” (November 8th)
Holy Scripture clearly and irrefutably witnesses that angels ceaselessly
communicate with this world. The Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition of the
Orthodox Church teaches us the names of the seven leaders of the angelic
powers: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salathiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel
(an eighth, Jeremiel, is sometimes included).
 ``Michael'' in the Hebrew language means ``Who is like unto God?'' or
``Who is equal to God?'' St. Michael has been depicted from earliest
Christian times as a commander, who holds in his right hand a spear with
which he attacks Lucifer, Satan, and in his left hand a green palm branch.
At the top of the spear there is a linen ribbon with a red cross. The
Archangel Michael is especially considered to be the Guardian of the
Orthodox Faith and a fighter against heresies.
 ``Gabriel'' means ``Man of God'' or ``Might of God.'' He is the herald of the
mysteries of God, especially the Incarnation of God and all other mysteries
related to it. He is depicted as follows: In his right hand, he holds a lantern
with a lighted taper inside, and in his left hand, a mirror of green jasper.
The mirror signifies the wisdom of God as a hidden mystery.
 ``Raphael'' means ``God's healing'' or ``God the Healer.'' (Tobit 3:17, 12:15).
He is depicted leading Tobit (who is carrying a fish caught in the Tigris)
with his right hand, and holding a physician's alabaster jar in his left hand.
 ``Uriel'' means ``Fire of God,'' or ``Light of God'' (III Esdras 3:1, 5:20). He is
depicted holding a sword against the Persians in his right hand, and a fiery
flame in his left.
 ``Salathiel'' means ``Intercessor of God'' (III Esdras 5:16). He is depicted
with his face and eyes lowered, holding his hands on his bosom in prayer.
 ``Jegudiel'' means ``Glorifier of God.'' He is depicted bearing a golden
wreath in his right hand and a triple-thonged whip in his left hand.
 ``Barachiel'' means ``Blessing of God.'' He is depicted holding a white rose
in his hand against his breast.
 ``Jeremiel'' means ``God's exaltation.'' He is venerated as an inspirer and
awakener of exalted thoughts that raise a man toward God (III Ezra 4:36).
The Prologue from Ochrid contains short accounts of the lives of major saints
for each day, as well as homily, something "for consideration", and points to
ponder from Old Testament readings. It is a most valuable addition to any
Orthodox library. The contents of these volumes are online at http://
www.westsrbdio.org/prolog/prolog.htm or can be purchased in hardback
from any good Orthodox bookseller.
Sponsors of THE BEACON
Please contact the
Church Office if
you are interested
in placing an ad
and supporting
The Beacon
1.25” x 1.5” Blocks
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Ecclesiastical Year
Sept. 1 to Aug. 31
Return Service Requested
930 Ormsby Lane
Louisville, Kentucky, 40242
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church