PU-AMI Job Vacancy Premiere Urgence-Aide Médicale Internationale (PU - AMI) is a European INGO providing humanitarian assistance in 20 countries and running projects in 3 regions in Myanmar since 2001: Dala and Seikkyi Khanaung Dho Townships (South Yangon District): Water and Sanitation, Reproductive Health, prevention and treatment of STI and HIV activities Dawei Region: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Kayin Region (Kayin State): MCH, Public awareness for emergency intervention and care for the patients Job Vacancy Clinic Helper (one position) Job location Starting date Duration : Health Promotion Center – Dala Township : As soon as possible : Up to December 2014 (Extendable) th Vacancy opening date : 11 November 2014 st Vacancy closing date : 21 November 2014 Salary + Benefits : Level-2, Grade-A, Basic from 112,700 MMK + Medical refunds 120 USD per year with other social benefit and training packages. Job purpose The Clinic Helper will provide assistance to the HPC's clinics activities in accordance with PU-AMI guidelines. He/ She will work under the responsibility of Project Medical Advisor (PMA) and direct supervision of the Nurse Supervisor. He/ She will work in collaboration with Registration Clerks and Clinic Nurses. Job activities Communication/ giving information to health care seekers of any kind with no stigma Maintain principles of confidentiality and privacy of the beneficiaries Know, apply the universal hygiene and precaution standards. Ensure that all TB patients and coughing patients wear the surgical face mask in the clinic. Responsible to organize the patient flow and patient traige in the HPCs Participate in making triage in the main waiting area: Measure temperature, inform the nurse in charge about fever cases and patients with urgent need of care, separate patients who are coughing and report to the reponsible nurse. Participate in the surveillance of patients and directly report to the nurse if the condition of a patient changes Take in charge of IEC distribution for waiting health care seekers, Facilitate the work of pharmacist, medical officer, nurse, midwife, counsellor on request Participate in health education in the waiting areas. Participate in preparing the patient files for the next day. Report immediately any problem arising in the service, especially the loss/ robbery/damage of medical equipment or medicines to the line manager. Ensure condom distribution in the clinic every day. Responsible for transport of documents and medical items between RC area to other area in the clinics Replace the registration clerk in case they are on leave (sick or on holiday) Helping in the pre-package of medicines for drugs dispensing Assit the nurse in giving nursing care activities Carry daily the blood tests to other Laboratories if necessary. Take the patients on appointment day weekly for doing radiological investigations such as X'rays and USG..... etc..... Data entry (for some clinic data)/ and reporting to Project Medical Advisor or Nurse Supervisor Flexibility on request by supervisor and according to program needs, are strongly demanded. Page 1 of 2 PU-AMI Job Vacancy Requirements High school graduate/ basic education high school level More preferable if similar position of experience and/ or if Nurse Aid or relevant training has been completed Flexible and empathetic attitude/ non judgmental attitude towards the beneficiaries Able to work in a multicultural context Must be willing to work in a clinic providing care for patients with HIV and STIs Must be willing to learn new skills and ability to adapt Basic knowledge on computer will be an assets. Can able to put data in electronic files monthly. Team work and team spirit with strong motivation to work for community Application from all origins, religion, gender and age are encouraged to apply. Every application will be reviewed as per the qualification, experience and ad equation with the position only. CV with a recent passport size photo, cover letter and certificates can be sent to PU-AMI Yangon office, No 66,Ayar Won Street,9 Quarter, Mayan Gone Township, YGN, Myanmar (Ph: 01-651741) Dala office, Ward 11, Dala - Twantey road, Dala Tsp, YGN Myanmar (Ph: 01-269556 or by email to: ami.recruitment.mm@gmail.com Recruitment may be finalized before closing date if a suitable applicant is identified. Please mention the applied position in Subject if you send your application via email. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for next selection process. Page 2 of 2
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