Human Resources Seminar

Human Resources Seminar
Health Care Exchange and Single Payer  OSHA Compliance  Workers’ Compensation Rates
Inspiring the Next Generation of Workers  Training Existing Workers
Key Legal and Regulatory Developments, Legislative Outlook
Thursday, December 11  Capitol Plaza Hotel, Montpelier
On December 11, Associated Industries of Vermont will host a special seminar focusing on key human resources and
related issues. The seminar will feature presentations, commentary, and audience Q&A with expert government and
private sector presenters, and cover issues impacting private and public sector employers and the professionals who
serve them.
Both members and non-members are welcome to register by faxing or mailing the attached registration form by
December 8. Employers interested in joining AIV should ask about complimentary registrations! Contact us at (802)
223-3441 or for more information.
Registration and Welcome
Review of Federal Health Care Developments – Implications of the New Congress
and Court Developments, Review of Medium and Large Employer Obligations.
Beth Demers, Director, Workforce Development Programs, Department of Economic Development
Michele Kupersmith, Workforce Development and
Training Coordinator, Department of Labor
Susan Gretkowski, Senior Government Affairs Strategist, MVP Health Care
Update on Vermont Health Care Exchange
and Single Payer Financing Proposals, Issues for Employers.
Lawrence Miller, Senior Advisor, Chief of Health Care
Reform, Office of the Governor
10:15 Complying with the Revised Globally Harmonized
Workers’ Compensation: Update on Proposed Rate Changes for 2015, National and
State Cost Trends, and Key Issues.
Laura Backus Hall, State Relations Executive, National
Council on Compensation Insurance
Jay Karpin, President, Jay Karpin & Associates
Key Issues Roundup and Outlook: Recent
Emerging Issues, and Likely Legislation in
Gary Karnedy, President, Primmer Piper Eggleston &
Cramer, and Chair, Vermont Labor Relations Board
Stephen Ellis, Director, Ellis Boxer & Blake, and Chair,
Labor & Employment Law Section, Vermont Bar Association
Amy McLaughlin, Director, Dinse Knapp & McAndrew
William Driscoll, Vice President, Associated Industries
of Vermont
11:00 Break
11:15 Update and Review of National Trends in
Marijuana Legalization, Prospects in Vermont, and Key Legal and Workplace Concerns for Employers.
Kerin Stackpole, Director, Paul Frank + Collins
12:00 Luncheon Address: National Efforts at Inspiring the Next Generation of Manufacturing Workers and Enhancing the Skills of the
Existing Workforce: “Dream It. Do It.” and
Skills Certification.
Workforce Development and Training:
Overview of Programs for Vermont Employers, Recent Changes, and How Best to Take
Advantage of What’s Available.
Wrap Up
Nicholas D’Antonio, Program Manager, The Manufacturing Institute
po box 630, montpelier, vt 05601
(802) 223-3441 phone
(802) 223-2345 fax
Human Resources Seminar
Thursday, December 11  Capitol Plaza Hotel, Montpelier
Registration Form
Please complete and return this form by December 8 to register.
Phone and Fax:
Special Dietary Requests (number and description):
Interested in being a SPONSOR? Email for options and benefits!
Registration Fee
Number Attending
Amount Due
$40.00 per person, AIV members
$55.00 per person, non-members*
*Employers interested in joining AIV might be eligible for complimentary registrations to this
and future events – for more information, contact us at!
□ Check being mailed □ Will pay at registration □ Receipt requested
Cash or check (payable to AIV) accepted. Registration covers lunch and materials. Sorry, no refunds for
cancellations after December 8 (materials and contact with speakers will be provided for late cancellations). Parking
vouchers available at registration. If you have any questions, please contact us at (802) 223-3441 or
Please mail registration form to PO Box 630, Montpelier VT 05601 or fax to (802) 223-2345
po box 630, montpelier, vt 05601
(802) 223-3441 phone
(802) 223-2345 fax