Symposium: Our Profession Our Community Our Health
13—15 November 2014 National Convention Centre Canberra
Contact Telephone Numbers........................................................................................6
Welcome............................................................................................................................. 7
Dental Hygienists’ Association of Australia Inc. National Councillors............8
2014 Symposium Committee.......................................................................................9
General Information...................................................................................................... 10
Symposium Venue......................................................................................................... 10
Registration and Information Desk.......................................................................... 10
Symposium App............................................................................................................. 10
Meals and Dietary Requirements............................................................................. 10
Internet Facilities............................................................................................................ 10
Delegate Feedback........................................................................................................ 10
Delegate List..................................................................................................................... 11
Photography..................................................................................................................... 11
Active Applause............................................................................................................... 11
Join the Conversation..................................................................................................... 11
Exhibitor Passport.......................................................................................................... 11
Gala Dinner........................................................................................................................ 11
CPD Hours......................................................................................................................... 11
Keynote Speakers.......................................................................................................... 14
Exhibition Listing........................................................................................................... 28
Floor Plan......................................................................................................................... 39
picture box
OF Close
here for non bleed
• 4XGreater
• Reducedearlydecay
byhalf †2,3
• 20%lessnewcavities
at2years ‡4,5
*Results from a remineralisation study vs a regular fluoride toothpaste, both 1450 ppm fluoride.
Results from a 6-month study to assess improvement in enamel caries using the QLF™
(Quantitative Light-induced Fluorescence) method vs a regular fluoride toothpaste, both with 1450 ppm fluoride.
Results from a 2-year clinical study vs a regular fluoride toothpaste, both with 1450 ppm fluoride.
QLF is a trademark owned by Inspektor Research Systems BV.
Scientific works cited: 1. Cantore R, Petrou I, Lavender S, et al. J Clin Dent. 2013;24(Spec Iss A):A32-A44. 2. Yin W, Hu DY, Fan X, et al. J Clin Dent. 2013;24(Spec Iss A):A15-A22. 3. Yin W, Hu DY,
Fan X, et al. J Dent. 2013;41(Supp 2):22-28. 4. Kraivaphan P, Amornchat C, Triratana T, et al. Caries Res, 2013; doi: 10.1159/000353183. 5. Data on file. Colgate-Palmolive Company, 2013.
National Convention Centre
02 6276 5200
Kaigi Conferencing and Events
0432 983 218
13 22 27 or 13 10 08
13 13 13
Virgin Australia
13 67 89
Crowne Plaza Canberra
6247 8999
Novotel On Northbourne
6245 5000
BreakFree Capital Tower
13 20 07
Dear Colleagues
On behalf of the Dental Hygienists’ Association of Australia Inc., we welcome you
to the 2014 National Symposium, ‘Strengthening Connections. Our profession,
our community, our health’. This symposium provides the opportunity for dental
hygienists, oral health therapists and other members of the dental team to learn
more about the expanding role of preventive oral health, particularly pertaining to
overall health and wellbeing. We appreciate that you have chosen to attend this
symposium as part of your continuing professional development.
Over the next three days, you will have the opportunity to learn from a wide range
of dental and allied health professionals, who will explore the overwhelming and
increasing body of evidence linking systemic and oral conditions. In these times
of economic and legislative change to the dental profession, we need to become
adaptable and recognise changes that need to be made to connect those of greatest
need to preventive services.
The Symposium also provides the opportunity to network with dental professionals
from all across Australia, whether it be catching up with old classmates or building
collegial relationships with those who have common interests in clinical techniques,
health promotion, teaching or research. We are thrilled that we are able to provide
social and networking opportunities at iconic Canberra venues, such as the War
Memorial and the National Gallery of Australia.
As always, the National Symposium requires extensive planning and organisation.
We would like to acknowledge the DHAA ACT Branch Local Organising Committee
for volunteering their time to ensure a successful event, particularly Kathryn Novak,
Rebecca Milfull, Natalie Lopes, Michelle Bonney, Liz Codina, Amy McDermott, Margo
Townsend-Evans, Dahlia Kruyer and Tanya Fane. We would also like to thank State
Executive members for moderating sessions during the Symposium and Josh Galpin
for website development. We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Patricia
Chan, our National Administrator, and Kaigi Events, in ensuring that this event runs
We must also provide our most sincere thanks and gratitude to our corporate
sponsors for their generous support, in particular Principal Sponsors Colgate
Palmolive and Oral B, Gala Dinner Sponsor Wrigleys, Satchel Sponsor Troll Dental
and Lanyards and Name Badge Sponsor NSK. We would also like to thank all of
our exhibitors, who provide valuable insight into the latest products and services
available to the dental professions.
We hope you enjoy the Symposium and look forward to sharing the next few days
together in developing our profession.
Dr Melanie Hayes
National President DHAA Inc.
President: Dr. Melanie Hayes
President Elect: Jo Purssey
Treasurer: Cheryl Dey
National Executive Officer: Chris Wain
Councillor (ACT): Kate Farmer
Councillor (NSW): Ian Epondulan
Councillor (Qld): Karen Toms
Councillor (SA): Alison Taylor
Councillor (TAS): Danielle Gibbens
Councillor (Vic): Stella Cristini
Councillor (WA): Rhonda Kremmer
Editor—The Bulletin: Erika Pope, Yvonne Flaskas & Joanna Mohammadi
IFDH Delegates: President and President Elect
IT Chair: Josh Galpin
Sponsorship Chair: Rebecca Milfull
Kathryn Novak (Chair)
Michelle Bonney
Rebecca Milfull
Dahlia Kruyer
Amy McDermott
Tanya Fane
Natalie Lopes
Tammie Birch
Liz Codina
Rachael Walton
Margo Townsend-Evans
Kaigi Conferences & Events
Level 1, The Realm, 18 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 Phone: 02 6198 3218 Email:
There is an overwhelming and increasing body of evidence linking systemic and oral
conditions, which we would like to further explore. That, in turn, opens the opportunity
for preventive dental professionals to advise and learn from an expanding group of other
health care professionals.
In these times of economic and legislative change to the dental profession, we need to
become adaptable and recognize changes that need to be made to connect those of
greatest need to preventive services.
What on earth could bees have in common with dental hygiene or therapy?
The symposium logo displays connectivity as honeycomb and bees. The deepening colours
imply strengthening. Bees are very social creatures with strong networks. They live in a
structured and defined community with individual roles that complement each other and
result in a productive and efficient hive. Starting to see the similarities? There are those
that leave the hive to collect food, protect the community and pollenate plants. Those
inside work to perpetuate the species foster the young and nourish the colony. There are
three elements to the Symposium theme (‘Our profession, Our community, Our health’) so
there are three honeycomb cells shown in the deepest colour.
Symposium Venue
Meals and Dietary Requirements
National Convention Centre
31 Constitution Ave, Canberra ACT 2601
(02) 6276 5200
Morning teas, lunches and afternoon teas will be
served in the Ballroom. If you have already advised
us of your special dietary requirements provision will
be made in the standard catering or a special meal
will be provided.
Registration and Information Desk
The Registration and Information Desk will be
centrally located at the venue for collection of
name badges and symposium material. The Kaigi
Conferencing and Events team will be on hand
to answer any queries and provide information.
Opening times are as follows:
Thursday 13 November 1230-1700
(Australian War Memorial)
(Crowne Plaza Canberra)
Friday 14 November
Saturday 15 November 0800-1600
The Conference registration and Information Desk
can be contacted at any time on 0432 983 218.
Internet Facilities
Free wireless internet is available throughout the
National Convention Centre. This internet service
is shared by all symposium attendees and general
public in the building and is designed for basic
internet browsing, web based emails, social media
sites (Facebook, Instagram) and App use.
Delegate Feedback
DHAA are determined to continually improve and
refine the symposium for delegates. Following the
symposium, you will receive an invitation to complete
our online evaluation survey. We value your feedback
and hope you will take the time to complete the
survey, as the results are used to inform the planning
for future DHAA Symposiums.
Symposium App
The symposium app will keep you organised during the conference. With your mobile device or tablet,
you will have access to all symposium content at your fingertips.
Downloading the app is easy!
Option 1
Option 2
The QR code pictured below will take you to the
symposium app. If your phone/tablet already has
a QR code reader, simply scan the QR code to
access the app. If your phone/tablet does not yet
have a QR code reader, there are many free apps
for this that are available in the iTunes Store and
on Google Play.
Copy this URL
to your browser.
Please note, there will be free WiFi available at
the symposium and updating the app regularly is
recommended. For help on downloading the app
and navigating the functionality, please ask at the
Registration and Information Desk.
Delegate List
Gala Dinner
A delegate list with name, organisation and State
has been supplied to delegates and exhibitors at
the Symposium. Anyone who indicated on their
registration form that they did not wish for their
details to appear on the list have not been included.
Date: Friday 14 November
Gandal Hall, National Gallery of Australia
We would like to see the DHAA National Symposium
through your eyes and invite you to share your
experience of the symposium with others. If you are
happy to share your photos, please use the hashtag
#canberrasymposium and tag @dhaainsta.
Dress Code:
Smart casual with a touch of gold
Active Applause
Please visit the Registration and Information Desk to
check if tickets are available.
This year we encourage all attendees to participate in
active applause. Please stand up and clap whenever
applause is given.
Join the Conversation
Keep up to date with the latest conference news
on Facebook by following @DhaaInc. Did you just
hear from a speaker who said something thought
provoking that you would like to share with other
attendees? Let us know what you think using the
hashtag #canberrasymposium.
Please be respectful of speakers and
other delegates.
Exhibitor Passport
Attendees are encouraged to visit all exhibition
booths during the symposium to answer questions
from each exhibitor. Look for the Passport in your
symposium satchel bag. If you visit all exhibitors’
booths and answer the questions on your Passport,
you could have a chance to win.
Member $140, Non-Member $150
Student/Dental Assistant $120.
Coaches will depart outside the main entrance of the
National Convention Centre and from the Crowne
Plaza, Novotel on Northbourne and BreakFree Capital
Tower at 6.30pm.
A return shuttle service looping between the National
Convention Centre and all symposium hotels will
commence 2200 with the last shuttle at 2300.
CPD Hours
The symposium has been allocated the following CPD
Thursday 13 November
3.5 hours
Friday 14 November
6.5 hours
Saturday 15 November
6.5 hours
All attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance
noting the number of CPD hours completed.
Certificates will be emailed to all attendees after
the symposium.
Please submit your Passport to the Registration
Desk by 3.00pm on Saturday, 15 November 2014.
Only Passports that have correctly answered all the
questions will be eligible.
Symposium: Our Profession Our Community Our Health
13-15 November 2014
National Convention Centre
Canberra ACT
Australian War Memorial
Carevan Sun Smiles Program
Cathryn Carboon
Manager, Carevan Sun Smiles Program, NSW
Oral Hygiene Practice Revisited
Dr Stephen Yeung
Associate Professor, University of Sydney, NSW
Afternoon tea
Nutrition, exercise and inflammation
David Berg
Physiotherapist, Movehappy, ACT
(1700: Coaches transfer attendees from Australian War Memorial to Crowne Plaza Hotel, for the Welcome Drinks)
Welcome Drinks
Glebe Room, Crowne Plazas
National Convention Centre
Conference opening
Indigenous Oral Health Services: connecting the past to the present
Dr Sandra Meihubers
Dental Public Health Consultant, NSW
Morning tea / Trade display
Adverse Drug Effects in the Oral Cavity From Prescription to Over the Counter Remedies
Dr Geraldine Moses
Consultant Drug Information Pharmacist, Qld
Oral Manifestations of Systemic Disease
Dr Sue Ching Yeoh
Oral Medicine Specialist, Sydney Oral Medicines, NSW
Lunch / Trade display
Lessons learned: Australian experiences applied to international
Dr Sandra Meihubers
Dental Public Health Consultant, NSW
Afternoon tea / Trade display
Change management
Louise Carter
Executive Director, Performance Partnership, NSW
Community outreach and marginalized populations
Margie Steffens
Lecturer, Manager Community Outreach, School of Dentistry, University of Adelaide, SA
Close of day 1
Gala Dinner—‘Gold’
Gandell Hall, National Gallery of Australia
National Convention Centre
REGISTRATION (day registrants)
DHAA Special General Meeting
Periodontitis, an oral disease?
Dr Axel Spahr
Clinical Associate Professor, Head of Discipline of Periodontics, University
of Sydney, NSW
Morning tea / Trade display
Sustainable practice: why should we care?
Blanche Farmer
Lecturer, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Effectiveness of oral health promotion
Stacey Bracksley
Teaching Fellow, Department of Public and Community Health, La Trobe Rural Health
School, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Vic
Lunch / Trade display
Periodontitis and peri-implantitis, who’s to blame?
Dr Axel Spahr
Clinical Associate Professor, Head of Discipline of Periodontics, University
of Sydney, NSW
Early diagnosis and treatment of oral cancers
Dr Camile Farah
Specialist in Oral Medicine & Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Pathology, Qld
Afternoon tea / Trade display
Orofacial myology for dental hygienists and dental therapists
Sharon Moore
Speech Pathologist, Well Spoken Speech and Voice Matters, ACT
Conference close
Dr Sandra Meihubers
Dental Public Health Consultant
Proudly Supported by Colgate
Indigenous Oral Health Services:
Connecting the past to the present
In 1971, aided by medical and community volunteers,
Aboriginal people in Sydney established the
first Aboriginal Community Controlled Health
Organisation (ACCHO), largely in response to the
discrimination they experienced in mainstream
health care. Communities in Melbourne and Alice
Springs and other parts of Australia were also early
pioneers in the development of ACCHOs. Based on
the principles of self determination and primary
health care, there are now more than 150
ACCHOs across the country, in urban, rural and
remote settings.
Oral health services are an integral component of
the primary health care programs in ACCHOs across
Australia and are able to respond appropriately to
the needs of the communities they serve.
Models of care have been established that have
lowered the rates of dental disease particularly
in children in some remote communities, and
health check and other programs work within
communities to provide coordinated care addressing
prevention, early detection and delivery of
appropriate treatments.
In changing times we must reflect on what we have
learnt from the past few decades, so that we can
have a positive influence on the new and emerging
players in this field.
Dr Sandra Meihubers first encountered Australia’s
remoteness while working in Aboriginal
communities as a final year dental student. These experiences seeded a passion that grew
into a career long commitment to delivering
dental care to communities considered outside
of the ‘mainstream’. She has been instrumental
in establishing and running remote area dental
services in traditional Aboriginal communities,
training Aboriginal Health Workers in dental care
and prevention, advising governments on policy,
developing materials to support remote area
dental practitioners, and developing national
and international networks of like minded
practitioners. She holds Adjunct positions with
three universities in Australia.
In the past 15 years her skills and experiences,
with a strong focus on projects developed and
grounded in the target communities, have spread
to projects in Nepal, Timor L’este and, more
recently, in Bangladesh. In Nepal the dental work
has been married to a village based sanitation
program, this ‘teeth and toilets’ focus affording
opportunities to address basic hygiene issues as
well as providing the value added benefit of dental
Sandra has received recognition for her work
from international dental honour societies, the
University of Sydney Alumni Association, and
national Rotary groups.
Lessons Learned: Australian experiences
applied to international projects
Volunteer dental programs in Nepal, Timor L’este and
Bangladesh have been developed according to the
principles of working within and strengthening local
communities while addressing the desperate lack of
dental services in many regions.
Dental projects are built around the participation of
local partners, schools and villages and in the case
of Nepal, have been linked with village sanitation
projects. After a history of failed promises and
previously failed projects, villagers are benefitting
from the improved sanitary and environmental
conditions provided through programs they have
managed themselves. Improved oral health and
dental prevention are now more achievable once the
basics of sanitation and hygiene are in place.
The experiences gained from the community
based work in Australia provide an excellent base
to starting to understand the issues in developing
countries, and to developing locally managed long
term projects in those countries.
Associate Professor
Axel Spahr
Dr. Med. Dent. Habil., MRACDS(Perio)
Proudly Supported by Oral B
Periodontitis & Peri-implantitis: Who to
Blame: Dentist or Patient?
These days an increasing number of practitioners
as well as patients decide on extraction and implant
placement rather than preservation of diseased
However, the increasing number of implants is
accompanied by an increasing incidence of
peri-implant diseases. Similar to periodontitis,
peri-implantitis is considered to be the result of
an imbalance between bacterial attack and host
response. But unlike periodontitis, it has also
been shown that the efficacy and predictability of
mechanical debridement and systemic antibiotics
is limited and seems to be influenced by factors not
yet fully understood.
The objective of this lecture is to to outline the
current data of both periodontitis and periimplantitis and to discuss and validate potential risk
factors associated with both diseases.
Periodontitis: an oral disease???
There is increasing evidence that periodontitis is
associated with various systemic diseases.
The aim of this lecture is to display possible
associations between periodontitis and particular
systemic diseases and to discuss their clinical
relevance, the underlying pathological mechanisms
and their impact on periodontal treatment.
Axel Spahr is Head of Periodontics at the Sydney
Dental Hospital and Head of the Discipline
Periodontics at the University of Sydney.
A/Prof. Spahr is the former Head of Periodontics
at the University of Ulm in Germany and has
worked at various international universities
and research facilities. He has a further training
in microbiology and molecular biology and
extensive experience in basic science research,
animal research and clinical research. A/Prof.
Spahr’s research interest includes periodontal
regeneration, bone regeneration, periodontitis
and systemic diseases as well as antimicrobial
therapy. He has lead large externally funded
research projects and is collaborating with leading
international research groups and companies
in the field of periodontology, implantology and
bone regeneration. He is author of numerous
publications in international peer-reviewed dental
and medical journals and has presented his work
on professional conferences worldwide.
Dave Berg
Physiotherapist, Movehappy
Dave Berg is a physiotherapist and a Director of
Movehappy Healthcare, a multidisciplinary
healthcare clinic involving physiotherapy osteopathy
and massage
Dave has both bachelor and masters degrees in
physiotherapy and has been practising for 18 years.
In addition to running Movehappy healthcare Dave is
also the contracted physiotherapist for the Australian
Federal Police to complement his musculoskeletal
manual therapy. Dave is passionate about using
diet as a way to help patients reduce their levels
of inflammation and pain. For the last four years,
Dave has been extensively researching Paleo and
ketogenic diets and their effects on inflammation,
weight loss, and pain.
Dave is married to Melissa Coulter, co-director of
Movehappy Healthcare, and has three lovely children.
Evidence-based health promotion aimed at
improving oral health
Dental diseases (dental caries and periodontal
disease) are a burden on a population’s health;
however, they are largely preventable diseases. There
has been a recent focus on prevention of diseases
as well as treatment, especially within dentistry,
with the realization that dental treatment alone
cannot eradicate dental diseases. A strengthening of
public health programs through the implementation
of effective oral disease prevention measures is
required. But what prevention measures can a
clinician undertake? There is a broad range of oral
health promotion activities from screening to health
education, skill development, social marketing,
community action and healthy public policy.
This talk will explore the effectiveness of these oral
health promotion activities and how a clinician can
become involved.
Cathryn Carboon
Manager, Carevan Sun
Smiles Program
Proudly Supported by Wrigley
Stacey Bracksley
Teaching fellow, Department of
Public & Community Health, La
Trobe Rural Health School
Stacey has a degree in Oral Health Science, a
Graduate Diploma in Public and Community Health,
Honours in Public Health where her thesis focused
on the barriers and facilitators mothers face when
implementing oral hygiene practices in their preschool aged children. Stacey is currently enrolled
in her PhD which focuses on health promotion
training in dental and oral health degrees. Stacey has
worked in range of public and private dental services
and now is a lecturer in public health at La Trobe
University in Bendigo.
Cathryn graduated as a dental hygienist in 1989 and
completed a Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion
in 2011. She is currently undertaking a Masters in
Health Promotion at Deakin University. Cathryn’s
24 year career in dental hygiene has covered many
facets of dental hygiene including general practice,
orthodontics, periodontics and special needs.
Cathryn has practiced in Germany, New Zealand and
Australia, having spent the last 15 years in private
practice in Wangaratta.
In 2006 Cathryn became a Colgate Professional
Educator, presenting oral health modules as part
of the curriculum of Bachelor of Oral Health and
Dentistry programs at Melbourne, La Trobe, RMIT
and Charles Sturt Universities. Cathryn has been a
member of the DHAA since 1988. In 2007 and 2011
Cathryn was awarded DHAA Community Oral Health
Project Grants for her work with Indigenous and rural
communities. Since 2007 Cathryn has been the
National Network Coordinator for Oral Health with
SARRAH (Services for Australian Rural and Remote
Allied Health) and holds a position on SARRAH’s
Advisory Committee. Cathryn is also a Board Member
of the Carevan Foundation and manager of the
Carevan Sun Smiles Program.
Carevan Sun Smiles: giving kids a
brighter smile
Research shows that poor oral health puts children at
a disadvantage at school, with oral health problems
being a significant factor in school absences. Dental
pain impacts on physical growth and cognitive
development, with toothache being linked to reduced
academic ability.
The Carevan Foundation launched the Sun Smiles
program in 2012 to address the high level of tooth
decay in rural primary school children. Over 1000
school children are enrolled in the 2014 program,
which focuses on oral health promotion, utilizing
oral health puppetry, nutrition, dental screening,
referral pathways and decay prevention through
access to fluoride varnish treatments. This
presentation will provide an evidence based overview
of these key components.
Internationally, fluoride varnish programs which use
a school or community setting rather than a dental
setting to provide bi-annual 5% sodium fluoride
varnish treatments are emerging as an effective
intervention to reduce decay rates, particularly in
disadvantaged ‘at risk’ children. This presentation will
review the efficacy of 5% sodium fluoride varnish as
demonstrated in recent systematic reviews.
There is consensus amongst the education and
health sectors that schools play an important role
in promoting health. A model for health promotion
in schools emerged in the 1980s under the auspices
of the World Health Organisation. The International
Union for Health Promotion and Education further
developed the model leading to the internationally
recognised Health Promoting Schools Framework.
The Sun Smiles programs provide insights into how
the Health Promoting Schools Framework can be
used to underpin program development.
The Sun Smiles program also provides an innovative
model of fieldwork that enriches the rural clinical
placements of Charles Sturt University Bachelor of
Oral Health students by providing community-based
service learning.
The Sun Smiles program aims to re-orientate oral
healthcare towards prevention and early intervention,
in line with the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion.
By strengthening connections to our community,
the Sun Smiles program has the potential to be
implemented Australia wide.
Louise Carter
Executive Director and owner of
Performance Partnership
Louise is the Executive Director and owner of
Performance Partnership and specialises in the
Psychology of Communication.
She has earned herself a reputation as a leading
authority on Performance Excellence in Adults. Her
successful career spans 23 years and she currently
combines her studies in psychology, Neuro-science,
coaching and leadership to work with organisations
and their people to effect dramatic and sustainable
behavioural change.
Her vision is to inspire, motivate and influence those
she works with to be exemplars in their field.
Managing Through Change: Developing a
Mindset for Success
Much of who you are on a day-to-day basis comes
from your Mindset. This is the view you have of your
abilities and how much control you have over them.
Also, where they come from and whether your can
change them.
In this session Louise will introduce you to the
concept of a Mindset (By Carol Dweck PhD) and its
proven impact on your ability to cope with stress and
change. In the session Louise will cover:
What is a Growth (Learning) and Fixed
(Non-learning) mindset
How to recognise it in yourself and your patients
How to use this knowledge to help your patients
A check list of actions for after the presentation
Professor Camile S
BDSc, MDSc (OralMed OralPath), PhD,
GCEd (HE), GCExLead, FRACDS (OralMed),
Specialist in Oral Medicine &
Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine
and Pathology
Professor Farah is a registered specialist in Oral
Medicine and Oral Pathology and has interests in
clinical oral medicine (mucosal pathology, salivary
gland diseases, orofacial pain), diagnostic head and
neck pathology (oral cancer and precancer), and
oral and maxillofacial radiology (Cone Beam CT).
He maintains a private practice in Oral Medicine in
Brisbane CBD, is a Consultant Oral Pathologist to
Qscan Radiology Clinics, Consultant in Oral Medicine
& Oral Pathology at the UQ School of Dentistry, and
Head of the Oral Oncology Research Program at the
UQ Centre for Clinical Research, where he undertakes
clinical and translational research into head and
neck cancer early detection, molecular diagnostics,
and imaging. He has published over 110 clinical and
scientific articles including 5 book chapters, and has
attracted approximately $5 million in competitive
research funding. His research interests in oral
oncology span optical imaging systems (Optical
Fluorescence Imaging and Narrow Band Imaging),
molecular biology (Next Generation Sequencing),
and clinical trials and interventions in early cancer
detection and surgical margin delineation. He is a
Fellow of many Academies and Honour Societies,
an editorial board member for several journals,
and has presented his research at many national
and international meetings. He is the Immediate
Past President of the Oral Medicine Academy of
Australasia and served as its Inaugural President, and
is President of the Australian & New Zealand Division
of the International Association for Dental Research,
and Chairman of the Research Advisory Committee
for the Australian Dental Research Foundation.
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of
Oral Cancers
The role of the oral health professional is paramount
in the early detection of mucosal disease, and there
is an increasing demand on practitioners to be aware
of changes in the oral cavity and to be able to deal
with them accordingly.
This lecture will address new advances in the
diagnosis of oral mucosal lesions, and clearly outline
strategies to deal with malignant and potentially
malignant lesions based on the latest research and
clinical findings. The lecture will cover clinical features
of oral cancer and potentially cancerous conditions,
and update practitioners on their changing aetiology
and management.
New technologies available for the early detection
of mucosal pathologies including diffused light
illumination, tissue auto-fluorescence, narrow band
imaging and brush biopsy will be highlighted.
Blanche Farmer
Dip Dental Hygiene (University Pretoria,
SA), Grad dip Tertiary Teaching (AUT)
Lecturer, Auckland University
After graduating from the University of Pretoria,
South Africa, Blanche worked as dental hygienist
in private practice but admits that oral health
promotion has always been her passion. While raising
her 3 children she worked part time until her family
immigrated to New Zealand in 2000. In 2009 she
accepted a full time Oral Health Lecturer position
at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in the
BHSc—Oral Health. She enjoys sharing her knowledge
of oral health with the students through lectures, preclinical and clinical supervision and teaching. In 2012,
she received an ‘Innovative teaching’ award from the
School of Public Health and Psychosocial studies and
was nominated for the Vice Chancellor’s award for
‘Excellence in teaching’ in the same year.
Blanche is Paper leader of Oral Health promotion and
it fits her like a glove—she is involved in Oral Health
Education in communities, leads a yearly oral health
outreach with short term migrant workers from
Vanuatu and is involved with oral health training for
aged care caregivers. Since rekindling her academic
career she completed a Graduate Diploma in Tertiary
teaching in 2011 and is currently enrolled in her
Master of Public Health. The focus of research for her
Master will be oral health care for the elderly. She
has just completed an observational study about
toothbrush choice which will lead her into further
research in Environmental sustainability and she
hopes to inspire Dental Hygienists to reduce, re-use
and recycle for a better environment.
Sustainable Practice: Why Should We Care?
The use of plastic in modern society is prolific and
research has shown that the detrimental effect
that it is having our environment is increasing
exponentially. The impact on our oceans and sea life
is becoming a considerable concern and awareness
of the impact on the environment should be raised
in the dental as well as the wider community. As
Oral Health professionals we know that many of the
products that we use in the clinical environment, as
well as products that we recommend to patients for
home-use are made from plastic or housed in plastic.
For many years now, most toothbrushes have been
manufactured from plastic and many advances in
design and efficacy have been made. Whilst this has
been cost-effective and allowed for mass production,
little regard has been given to the long-term
environmental impact and sustainability of continuing
on this path. As toothbrushes are a product that
oral health professionals would recommend to
every patient, we have to increase our awareness
and involvement in environmentally sustainable
practice, by raising awareness that biodegradable
toothbrushes should be considered as an alternative
to those adding to the problem of plastic waste.
An observational study about toothbrush choice
was conducted and findings of this study will be
presented. It is possible for Oral Health professionals
to start introducing more sustainable options in every
day practice, without compromising on infection
control. To save our planet, we should all take the
“reduce, re-use and recycle” message on board as
best practice for Oral Health Professionals.
Sharon Moore
Speech Pathologist
Sharon Moore has 30 years of clinical experience
as a Speech Pathologist in Australia, across a
range of clinical settings, including: Education, Child
Psychiatry, Independent Schools Board, Cochlear Ltd.,
Private Practice, School for Hearing Impaired, The
Canberra Hospital and in London: St Thomas’ Hospital
in Westminster. She has worked with adults, teens
and children, with a wide range of communication
and swallowing disorders and has over 15 years
clinical experience working with dentists and
orthodontists, treating ‘tongue thrust swallow’. Over
the last 5 years she has completed clinical training
and internship with an International leader in the field
of OFM.
In addition to clinical work, Sharon has lectured
extensively both nationally and internationally in her
role as Clinical Specialist, Speech Pathologist with
Cochlear Ltd. She has run numerous courses for
Education Department Teachers and has been a key
Long Tan Dental Clinic
funded and built as part of a polyclinic by members of
Australia Vietnam Volunteer Resource Group, was officially opened
on Anzac Day, 2007. There is an overwhelming need for dental treatment in
the kindergarten and primary school population, as well as caries and
periodontal management for adults .
Since 2009, when DHAA Inc was approached to assist with recruiting volunteer staff, teams including 22
dentists and 45 hygienists or therapists have worked at the clinic, some going several times. Pre-school
children, aged 2-5 years, present with rampant caries. Atraumatic Restorative Technique is used to save
teeth where possible. Although this continues to be a significant part of treatment for the pre-schoolers,
the focus for primary school children is now preventive fissure sealing and early intervention restorations.
Supervised fluoride mouth rinsing at the primary school appears to be noticeably lowering caries incidence
in permanent dentitions.
In the past 12 months, Nui Dat kindergarten and primary school have been
included in the project, adding around 100 children. These children need to be
transported some distance from the clinic , so some of our funding covers that
cost. Long Tan pre-school has also moved several kilometres from the clinic (it
was previously next door) and now cares for more than 200 children each day
in a new, modern facility. Working with the school Principal, we have use of a
room for teams to set up a mobile clinic, so AVVRG purchased mobile handpiece/triplex units, suction units, dental chair and operating stools this year.
In April, we used this mobile facility to screen and treat ninety children. The
second surgery at Long Tan Clinic is now fully operational with the use of mobile
equipment, thus increasing the opportunity for restorative treatment for adults
in the community. Plans for the future include upgrading storage and layout in
the clinic, as well as improving the facility at Long Tan primary school. In April
this year, Colgate’s “Dr Rabbit” came to visit Long Tan and Nui Dat schools with
their education program. Seeing 500 children sitting in the school yard at 7am,
getting oral health messages and being completely revved up by the performance, was an absolute joy! Thanks must go to Colgate (Vietnam) education
promotion staff with whom we liaised closely to make this happen. Ideally we
will work with them to do this again for future cohorts of children at the school.
The DHAA Inc. and the International College of Dentists generously support this project with funds. There are a number of ways funds are
used, from materials and equipment to transport for children between schools and the clinic.
GCAustralasia continues to be extremely generous in donating Fuji restorative and preventive
products; thanks also to Colgate in Vietnam who donate ‘Dr Rabbit’ toothbrush/paste kits and now
“Dr Rabbit” in person. Volunteers often bring donated materials from their practices and for that we
are grateful.
For further information or to register your expression of interest in volunteering
for this project, please contact Colin Twelftree: or
Lesley Denny:
player in organization and implementation of courses
run for Speech Pathologists for the Australian Voice
Association. Sharon has been a lecturer by invitation
at Flinders University S.A., University of Adelaide S.A.,
Macquarie University Sydney, Australian Society of
Orthodontics annual general meeting, in Sydney in
2012, the DHAA Inc ACT meeting September 2013 and
numerous local forums in the ACT.
Sharon’s primary clinical practice focus throughout
her career includes management of: voice,
articulation, fluency, hearing impairment and
orofacial myofunctional disorders. Of particular
clinical interest, is the interplay between
structure and neuromuscular function, the ‘how
to’ of maximising change in habitual orofacial
muscle postures and function, optimising clinical
outcomes with patients, incorporating principles of
neuromuscular training and motor learning theory.
Extensive training in various psychotherapies during
her 8 years with Child Psychiatry set foundation skills
for managing the psycho-emotional and behavioural
aspects presenting in clinical work and fuel an
ongoing interest in the psychology of changing habit
Sharon Moore currently runs Speech Pathology/
Orofacial Myology Private Practice, in Kingston,
ACT managing referrals from ENT Specialists,
Orthodontists and Dentists.
healthy, balanced development of orofacial structures
and muscle function. It plays a role in prevention of
relapse in orthodontic work, and/or elimination of
the need for lifetime retention. In addition, recent
evidence indicates it has a role in avoidance of
major medical conditions. This body of knowledge is
relevant to a broad range of medical, allied medical,
dental and orthodontic professionals. Sharon
has recently become interested in how a trained
Orofacial Myologist can incorporate these skills
into the busy dental and orthodontic clinics, ideal
environments to educate and introduce key concepts
about OFM to patients across the lifespan. Sharon
has developed simple measurement and treatment
programs designed for use, under the guidance of a
trained Orofacial Myologist. Programs are relevant
for: Dentists, Orthodontists, Dental Hygienists and
Dental Assistants. Many patients will benefit from
this approach. This presentation will elucidate the
fundamentals of OFM, its possible use within the
dental/orthodontic clinic environment, how and when
to refer to a trained Orofacial Myologist.
Dr Geraldine Moses
Consultant Clinical Pharmacist
Sharon is a Certified Practicing Member of Speech
Pathology Australia, member of the Laryngological
Society of Australasia, the Australian Voice
Association, IFUNA and IAOM.
Orofacial Myology
Orofacial Myology (OFM) is the field of study relating
to anatomy and physiology of the face, mouth and
jaws. References can be found in the literature
dating from the early 1900s, when Orthodontists
recognised that the rest position of the tongue
could be an obstacle in orthodontic treatment. A
paucity of research and evidence around its use and
validity, has slowed the uptake of OFM in modern
dentistry and orthodontics. More recently, evidence
is mounting to support its role in development of
the skull, face and jaw bones, its importance in early
intervention, and management of dental and occlusal
health across the lifespan. Consequently there is
a surge of interest in this field of study. The role of
OFM ranges from public education, to preventive
measures and active clinical intervention facilitating
Geraldine Moses is a doctor of clinical pharmacy,
specialising in drug information. She works parttime at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane in the
Academic Practice Unit. She also consults to various
organisations on pharmacy matters, including
the Department of Veterans Affairs, the National
Prescribing Service, the Health Quality Complaints
Commission, and contributes to under- and postgraduate education for pharmacists, dentists,
doctors, optometrists and nurses at the University of
Queensland and QUT.
Geraldine has contributed to educational
programmes for ADAQ for over 15 years and since
2010 has been providing a drug information service
for ADA members, which went national in February
2013. In November 2013, she was honoured with
ADAQ’s Award of Merit, for contribution to the dental
profession as a non-dentist.
Adverse drug effects in the oral
cavity: from prescription to over-thecounter remedies
All drugs have the potential for side effects.
Discovering that a symptom is caused by a drug
presents the uncommon opportunity to effect
a total ‘cure’ either by stopping the offending
medicine or lowering the dose. It is vital, therefore,
that all oral health professionals consider that
new or unexplained oral symptoms may be druginduced. In this lecture, Geraldine will discuss a wide
range of drug-induced phenomena including dry
mouth, hypersalivation, intra-oral bleeding, taste
disturbances, tongue disorders, tooth discolouration,
infections, lichenoid reactions, ONJ, movement
disorders, and oro-facial pain. She will also provide
a simple tool to help determine whether a symptom
may be drug-induced or not.
Margie Steffens
DDH, B.Sc. Dent (Hons)
Lecturer and Manager
Community Outreach School of
Dentistry and Senior Educator
Dental Hygienist Special Needs
Unit, University of Adelaide
Dentistry has proven an interesting and worthwhile
career, having spent my earlier working life in a
variety of other unrelated jobs.
I consider myself a very privileged professional
having worked for the past 22 years in Special
Needs and Aged care and have had the immense
satisfaction of setting up a dental clinic through
the University of Adelaide School of Dentistry that
provides dental care for people who are homeless
and considered at risk. The clinic opened in 2011 and
we have now extended our services to refugees and
marginalised people in our community who may find
access to conventional dental care inaccessible.
As an educator and clinician with an interest in
research that improves quality of life for all people,
what we now call translational research it is my
belief that as privileged professionals we have a
mission to encourage our students, up-and-coming
professionals to see further than just routine dental
work in the clinic. To consider the possibilities of
sharing their expertise and provision of care with
the most vulnerable and frequently hard-toreach populations
Eminent colleagues Dr John Mc Intyre, Dr Liz Coates,
Dr John Kaidonis, (eminent dentists whose work
has had global recognition in Minimal Intervention,
fluoride research and dental care for HIV populations)
has been inspirational in providing the impetus to
develop materials and programmes to assist with
advocacy and care for underserved individuals in
our community.
A phrase that captures my belief in enthusiasm and
commitment: “To succeed, one cannot afford to be a
realist.”—Albert Bandura, contemporary Psychologist
The Research Behind establishing an
operational Clinic
A home for oral health; implementing an oral
health intervention among a metropolitandwelling homeless population.
Authors: Margie Steffens, Lisa Jamieson, Eleanor
Parker, Richard Logan, Peter Cathro, University of
Adelaide, Australia.
Objectives: A limited number of health interventions
have been implemented among homeless
populations throughout the world. There is even less
evidence of oral health-related interventions among
this disadvantaged group. This presentation aims
to highlight key messages learnt in a metropolitanbased oral health intervention entitled ‘Home for Oral
Health’ conducted in Adelaide, Australia over a oneyear period.
Methods: The study had three components: (1) a
baseline questionnaire implemented among as
many homeless adults as could be located in the
central business district of Adelaide, Australia in a
three-week period; (2) four months after baseline,
an oral health education initiative conducted at the
location where the participants were when they
completed the baseline questionnaire; (3) a follow-up
questionnaire conducted four months following the
intervention. Domains in the self-report questionnaire
included socio-demography, substance use, use
of dental services, self-related health, self-related
oral health, including oral health self-efficacy and
quality of life. The oral health education initiative,
based on social cognitive theory concepts, aimed to
improve oral health-related knowledge, self-efficacy
and understanding of how to access emergency
dental services. During implementation of the
baseline and follow-up questionnaires, participants
were reimbursed for their time by a gift voucher.
Refreshments and dental-related items were
provided at the oral health education sessions.
Results: Located in six different homeless
locations, 248 participants completed a selfreport questionnaire at baseline. The age range
was 17–78 years, 79 percent were male. Some 81
participants received the education initiative. Followup questionnaires, identical to those at baseline
were completed by 72 participants, only 22 of whom
had attended an oral health education session.
Subsequent to the baseline questionnaire, only one
third of the participants were located and interested
in taking part in the oral health education initiative. Of
this group, around one-quarter completed a followup questionnaire.
Conclusions: This study highlights the difficulties
in conducting interventions among homeless
populations, despite the evident need for obtaining
oral health-related information and implementing
initiatives to improve oral health-related outcomes.
Dr Sue-Ching Yeoh
BDS (Hons), MDSc (Oral Med Oral Path),
Oral Medicine and Oral
Pathology, Sydney Oral Medicine
Consultant, Royal Prince Alfred
and Liverpool Hospitals, Clinical
Lecturer, University of Sydney
Dr Sue-Ching Yeoh graduated with a BDS (Hons)
and subsequently an MDSc (Oral Medicine and Oral
Pathology) from the University of Sydney.
She is a registered specialist in Oral Medicine and
Oral Pathology, and maintains a specialist private
practice in both Sydney and Canberra. She is also
a Consultant Oral Medicine Specialist at the Royal
Prince Alfred and Liverpool Hospitals in Sydney, and
is a Visiting Specialist at the Canberra Hospital.
Dr Yeoh holds a Clinical Lecturer appointment with
the University of Sydney.
Dr Yeoh is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College
of Dental Surgeons in both the General Stream as
well as the Special Fields Stream of Oral Medicine.
She is the current Treasurer of the Oral Medicine
Academy of Australasia and has served as the
Secretary/Treasurer of the Oral Medicine Society of
Australia and New Zealand.
Dr Yeoh’s clinical interests lie in oral mucosal disease,
salivary gland dysfunction and orofacial pain. She
is currently undertaking research in the field of
autoimmune vesiculobullous conditions.
Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases
Many systemic diseases have unique oral
manifestations. Careful examination of the oral
cavity including evaluation of the mucosal surfaces,
periodontal tissue and dentition may reveal clinical
findings indicative of an underlying systemic cause.
Some of these oral signs may be nonspecific;
however others are associated with a particular
systemic condition. In some patients, the oral
manifestations may be the only evidence or the first
sign of an underlying disease process. In other cases
these oral lesions may be concurrently accompanied
by other general medical symptoms. Familiarity with
these oral manifestations place dental clinicians in a
good position to facilitate the prompt diagnosis, early
intervention and monitoring of these conditions.
This presentation will cover oral lesions associated
with various gastrointestinal conditions in particular
the inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s
disease and ulcerative colitis; nutritional deficiencies;
disorders of the endocrine system including
Addison’s disease; haematological conditions such
as anaemia and leukaemia; as well as immunological
Dr Stephen Yeung
(Perio). FICD
Associate Professor, University
of Sydney
Stephen Yeung received his specialty training in
Periodontics at the University of Adelaide and
research training in mucosal immunology at the
Faculty of Medicine, University of Newcastle. He has
been in specialist practice for over 20 years, and has
been associated with the Faculty of Dentistry at the
University of Sydney since 1986. Professor Yeung has
lectured locally, interstate and overseas, published
extensively in scientific and professional journals and
was winner of the Ray Williams Research prize
in 1998.
He is a past Federal president of the Australian
Osseointegration Society, and Australian Society of
Periodontology and a current member of numerous
professional societies and organisations.
Oral Hygiene Practice Revisited
We, the oral health professionals often take it for
granted when it comes to managing patients’ selfadministered oral hygiene (OH) practice. One of the
common mistakes we make is to simply repeat OH
instructions when faced with a plaque-control failure,
as if repetition of the same instruction is a reliable
and credible solution to the problem. Is there a better
way to deal with this common and recurring human
failure that can easily lead to unwanted and often
unnecessary disease and tissue damage?
This presentation will review the current ‘common’
techniques for oral hygiene care practised by patients
and discuss the relevance of these techniques in light
of our understanding of the disease mechanism as
initiated by oral biofilm.
Colgate-Palmolive is a global leader in oral care technology, products and
dental education.
Colgate’s products include technologically advanced toothpastes,
toothbrushes, mouthrinse, interdental brushes and dental floss.
Colgate Professional Oral Care provides professional anticavity, gingival
health, sensitivity and tooth whitening products.
The Bright Smiles Bright Futures program provides oral health education to
millions of children around the world each year.
For information on the Colgate range of oral health products, please visit
our trade display or visit our website
Or if you would like to speak to a Colgate representative, please telephone
the Colgate call centre on 1800 262 111.
Oral B
Oral-B is a worldwide leader in the brushing market. Part of the Procter &
Gamble Company, the Oral-B brand includes manual & power toothbrushes
for children & adults, interdental Products.
In our ongoing commitment to help improve patient education and
compliance we’ve expanded our digital offering to include 3 new Apps for
dental professionals. Come over and see us to learn more.
Discover more about the oral health benefits of chewing sugarfree gum
For more than 25 years, The Wrigley Company has supported independent,
clinical research into the benefits of chewing sugarfree gum including
saliva stimulation, plaque acid neutralisation, and tooth strengthening.
Wrigley is exhibiting at the DHAA Symposium. Come and visit the Wrigley
stand to:
Discover how chewing sugarfree gum can help neutralise plaque acid,
wash away food particles and remineralise tooth enamel to strengthen
Learn more about The Wrigley Company Foundation and ADAF Community
Service Grants
More than 100 years of helping dental professionals perform at their best.
Since 1908, Hu-Friendly has been putting the highest quality and most
innovative dental products in the hands of dental professionals worldwide.
And today as one of the world’s leading dental instrument and product
companies we continue our commitment to advance dental performance
by supporting these products with world class service, education and peer
communities. We’re committed to making sure the best perform that way.
Hu-Friendly. How the best perform.
Henry Schein
Henry Schein Halas is a subsidiary of Henry Schein Inc, the leading
distributor of healthcare products and services primarily to office-based
healthcare practitioners in the combined North American and European
markets. The Company serves more than 550,000 customers worldwide,
including dental practitioners and laboratories, physician practices and
animal health clinics, as well as government and other institutions. The
Company has operations in the United States, Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the
United Kingdom.
Philips ZOOM/Sonicare
Our mission is to provide you with innovative, advanced and holistic Oral
Health Care solutions that help you improve the oral health of your patients
and build a successful practice. We create breakthrough technology with
Philips Zoom Whitening and Philips Sonicare, to help people care for every
part of their smile.
12 EMS
EMS—It is our purpose to provide the world medical and dental markets
with high quality products to improve the quality of working and living
conditions for our customers and their patients. EMS extends and defends
the market leading position all over its product range, providing quality
and functional design, servicing healthcare professionals worldwide while
generating a sufficient profitability to guarantee its perpetuity and its
development. We are a dedicated and reliable partner, working together
with you to improve the quality of life.
“It takes profound knowledge to do things in a simple manner”.
EMS is one of the leaders in its field for the design, manufacturing and
sale of devices used for dental treatment, specializing in prophylaxis and
cleaning of teeth. EMS guarantees the quality and safety of its products to
the patient and user.
13 CareDent
Founded in 1992, CareDent is an Australian based company, and a
leading manufacturer selling an extensive range of essential and unique
oral health care products of the highest quality, locally, nationally and
internationally through a world-wide network of supermarkets, pharmacies,
distributors and the dental professional for over 20 years.
CareDent specialises in floss, PTFE tape, interdental, toothbrushes,
toothpaste, and a full range ancillary oral care products. As a leader in the
premium oral care category, CareDent is investing in more sophisticated
and affordable products for both the retail and professionals markets.
14 Gunz Dental
At Gunz Dental, we make a simple promise to our customers: we promise
educated people who understand our customers’ needs, supplying
relevant products and honest advice to help dental professionals provide
the best possible care.
Gunz Dental is the largest Australian-owned dental products importer and
distributor in Australia and New Zealand. We are recognised for our vast
knowledge of dental products and techniques and employ a team of highly
trained dental industry specialists who are focused on providing you with
the most up-to-date product and technical information.
In addition, Gunz Dental has sales representation, customer service and
equipment service support around Australia and New Zealand. We are
always available and more than happy to discuss your particular needs
with you and your staff.
15 3M
With 3M ESPE, you get more than a provider of innovative dental products
and services. You get a partner dedicated to the highest possible standards
in dentistry. We are driven to deliver practical and ingenious solutions
that make a difference in your practice, and it all leads back to our mutual
commitment: to improve dental care for your patients worldwide.
Ultimately, our success depends on your success. So join us in defining the
future of dentistry.
16 Hogies
Hogies Australia is a family owned business servicing the dental industry
for over 40 years. Our awarding winning designed system combines
magnification, illumination and spectacle prescription into a component
frame offering style and flexibility. Hogies Eyeguard safety glasses are the
first model specifically designed for the ‘non-western’ nose profile offering
comfort and protection.
17 Dental Hygienists’ Association of Australia Inc
The Dental Hygienists’ Association of Australia (DHAA) through supportive
leadership, advocacy, education and mentoring seeks to provide a network
to encourage and empower dental hygienists to develop lifelong learning
through professional development. DHAA is one of the largest professional
bodies in the Australian dental industry. Representing over 1200 oral
health practitioners who practice dental hygiene in Australia, the National
Association and Australian State and Territory Branches are all working in a
coordinated manner for the continuing development of the profession.
The Principal Objectives of the DHAA are to:
Promote, represent and advance the profession of Dental Hygiene on a
State, National and International level
Promote access to quality preventive oral health services to all people
Promote the art and science of dentistry, and foster research in oral
Establish liaison between the Association and other allied health
organizations, bodies, associations and companies
Provide all those services usually provided by a professional
association to its members including:
Continual updating and advancement of professional development and
competencies through continuous professional education programs
incorporating evolving scientific knowledge and technology to meet
the highest standards of care, and
Maintaining high ethical standards and representing the interests of
the members of the dental hygiene profession
The National Association was formed in 1991 and the Council meets
bi-annually to address issues relating to the uniformity of practice and
training throughout Australia, and to plan for the continuing growth
and application of the profession.
18 Carevan Foundation Sun Smiles Program: Giving you the opportunity to give kids a brighter smile!
The Carevan Sun Smiles program was launched in Wodonga, Victoria in
2012. The free program delivers oral health promotion with engaging oral
health puppets, has a focus on nutrition and provides dental screening and
fluoride varnish treatments within primary school settings.
Sun Smiles has been supported by community service grants from the
DHAA and the Wrigley Company Foundation & ADAF. Join the growing
number of dental volunteers across Australia who are starting a Sun Smiles
program or join an already established program and give kids in your own
community a brighter smile.
To find out more information visit the DHAA booth at the Conference
Trade Exhibition.
19 Dental Protection
A first-class service to members combined with the wealth of educational
information and risk management material has made Dental Protection
the largest organisation of its kind in the world with over 64,000 members
20 Dentsply
DENTSPLY designs, develops, manufactures and markets a full range
of professional dental products including dental implants, endodontic
instruments and materials, orthodontic appliances, restorative materials,
preventive materials and devices, and prosthetic materials and devices.
The Company distributes its dental products in over 120 countries under
some of the most well-established brand names in the industry. DENTSPLY
is committed to the development of innovative, high quality, cost-effective
new products for the dental market.’
Phone: 03 9538 8200
21 PDS
PDS is a Australian owned and made Dental consumables company
providing excellent products and service to the Australian Dental market
for over 20 years. We will be featuring a new product this year that
provides for long term Chlorhexidine use without staining-Perio Pack mini
and we look forward to meeting you.
22 GSK
GlaxoSmithKline is a global research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare
company with a mission to improve the quality of human life. In Australia
we have delivered the highest quality dental health products, over-thecounter and prescription medicines/vaccines since 1886. Many of our
brands such as Panadol, Sensodyne, Macleans, Nicabate and Ribena are
household names. We contribute to Australia’s economy through new
approaches to agriculture and manufacturing, and by investing in local
research and development
23 Erskine Dental
Erskine Dental is an Australian owned company, which has been
operating for 21yrs. We originally imported and sold products to dental
professionals, but 7 years ago we began to design and develop products
of our own because we saw a need for an improved range of Oral Care
products. Piksters, was the 1st of this range and is now available in over
14 countries internationally. SupaGRIP has followed and fills the need for
those people with very tight contacts—and for the patient who just wont
use regular floss. This year we expanded on our core range and you’ll
now find products such as floss, toothbrushes, oral appliance, implant
and periodontal kits now appearing under the ‘Piksters’ family name. Next
year a range of new patented products will be launched as we continue to
expand and improve cleaning aids for patients.
24 NSK
NSK is the world’s largest handpiece manufacturer specializing in highquality and unique, yet cost-competitive products in the fields of Dentistry
and Oral Hygiene. NSK possesses a highly acclaimed global sales network
throughout more than 130 countries around the world. NSK’s strength
comes from its “build everything in-house” philosophy, from product
development to manufacturing and sales. Today, NSK professional
products are highly respected and used in Universities, Government Health
Clinics, Private Dental Surgeries and Technical Laboratories worldwide.
25 Ivoclar Vivadent
What began in Zurich in 1923 with the production of artificial teeth has
evolved into a leading international dental company with a comprehensive
product and system range for dentists and dental technicians.
Headquartered in Schaan, Principality of Liechtenstein. As a global player,
Ivoclar Vivadent has its own subsidiaries and marketing and sales offices
in 23 countries and with more than 3000 employees throughout the world.
Ivoclar Vivadent operates one of the largest Research & Development
centres in the dental industry. A team of more than 170 experts is
committed to developing integrated concepts and cooperating with
renowned institutions and universities on a daily basis. Ivoclar Vivadent’s
innovations are the result of the interplay of technical feasibility, market
orientation and experience. Ongoing further education and training is one
of the cornerstones of Ivoclar Vivadent. The International Centre for Dental
Education (ICDE) in Schaan is among the most modern course and training
centres worldwide. Regional training centres around the globe complete
the ICDE’s offerings and ensure a high level of technical knowledge and
skill relating to Ivoclar Vivadent products and systems. Here in Australia,
Ivoclar Vivadent has ICDE’s in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth from
which it provides numerous quality programs each year.
26 Listerine®
LISTERINE® is an antiseptic essential oil mouthwash and is part of the
Johnson & Johnson family.
LISTERINE® is the world’s most clinically studied mouthwash for daily, long
term use.
Our team at the LISTERINE® stand can help you understand how Brush,
Floss, Rinse can help your patients.
27 TrollDental
TrollDental specialises in Scandinavian innovation and quality. Importer and
distributor of TePe oral hygiene products from Sweden and LM Instruments
from Finland, as well as many quality TrollDental products made in Sweden.
New consumer website for home delivery of oral care products oralcare4u. – earn TrollDollars when you refer patients to the site.
Winners of ADIA Presidents Award 2014 and local Alstonville/Wollongbar
Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year 2014. Quality Assured with ISO
9001 and Environmentally Certified with ISO 14001.
Contact Rachael Rose: General Manager 02 6628 6776
or freecall 1800 064 645 for orders
Which Clinpro product has been purposely designed to release fluoride slowly into the oral environment upon
What is the recommended brushing time for children?
How long does the CareDent Starlite Children’s toothbrush flash?
Which amino acid found in Colgate® Maximum Cavity Protection plus Sugar Acid Neutraliser™ toothpaste works to
neutralise plaque acids?
What is the name of the patent protected ingredient in Nupro Sensodyne®?
What are the dates of the DHAA National symposium in 2015 and in which city is it being held?
What is DPLs exciting news beginning 2015 for Hygienists, Therapists and OHTs?
What is the recent powder released from EMS?
What is one of the best products for cleaning around implants and are they available in retail outlets?
Henry Schein
Name the active ingredient used in Toothmousse?
What is the most popular temple colour for Hogies Eyeguard safety glasses?
How many posterior scalers in the Nevi range which are designed for tough calculus removal?
Enamel Pro Prophy Paste is the only prophy paste that delivers ACP, it also has a unique two colour swirl pattern. True
or False the Calcium and Phosphate ions are separated in the two separate colours of the swirl pattern?
Name the four Essential Oils that work to reduce plaque and gingivitis in LISTERINE®?
What % of plaque is removed by the Airfloss?
What is the product called that enables my patients to use Chlorhexidine long term and also have white teeth?
What are the functions that the Varios 970 iPiezo Scaling Unit can perform?
Oral B
List the missing scientifically proven clinical benefits (that make up a total of 8) for Oral-B Pro-Health?
1. Anti-Plaque
2. Anti-Caries
3. Anti-Gingivitis
4. Anti-Halitosis
7. Anti-Staining
8. Anti-Calculus
What material are the ergonomically shaped handles of LM Instruments made of?
What is the normal pH balance of the mouth?
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