it WAs tHe best of times. of music mission kiev

December 2014
of music mission kiev
Printed in Ukraine for
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Music/Widows/Orphans and Children/Church
It was the best of times.
It was the worst of times
Thank you for standing with us in prayer during 2014.
Artem, a young follower of Jesus Christ
Julia sings for a seniors luncheon on Canadian tour
Several years ago I (Wes Janzen) had a conversation with a couple in
Florida. They wanted to do something special and I had something just
for them; to invest in the life of a boy named Artem.
Julia is a student at the Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music in Kyiv.
She was a soloist on our recent tour to Canada, wowing audiences.
Herself from Crimea, Julia is a valued member of our outreach program
to internally displaced people (refugees) in Puscha – Kyiv. These refu­
gees come from Donetsk (which is still experiencing war) and Crimea
(which was annexed by Russia).
Here is a best news story!
Here is another best news story!
They prayed and they gave. Artem went to school in Kyiv orphanage
#22, where we serve. For years he was the most faithful student atten­
ding our after-school Bible and music activities. When our team arrived
each Thursday afternoon, Artem commonly was the first to our vehicle,
to welcome and carry the heavy bell cases, bulky flannel-graph board
and other supplies.
For many months now, Julia has been a part of our team, serving refugee
children; and they love her. We bring weekly food, Bible lessons, orga­
nized times of prayer, music lessons and times of worship to these refu­
gees. What makes these programs so effective is our fabulous people.
He has been faithfully attending St. Paul’s Church. He gave his heart to
Christ two years ago at our MMK summer youth camp. We gave him jobs
with MMK, and he proved faithful and reliable. Artem exells in every­
thing he is asked to do.
Serhiy Basarab, also a vital part of this outreach writes:
“Our ministry to refugees at Puscha-Voditsia is a direct response to a
Biblical mandate.
Artem’s mother died three years ago. His father is an invalid.
We saw in Artem something truly remarkable.
In Matthew 25:35, Jesus says, ''...I was a stranger and you invited me in.''
This word ''stranger'' can be interpreted as ''refugee''. Or — as we would
say in Ukraine today — ''an internally displaced person'' (IDP).
In spring Artem graduated from orphanage #22 and we enrolled him in
pre-college and English lessons. This summer we sent Artem to a fine
Christian summer camp with our entire St. Paul’s Church youth group
and his spiritual walk with Christ took another wonderful step forward.
There are 144 IDPs living at a special center in Puscha. We serve them in
different ways.
Every Wednesday, Sasha Agriants and Serhiy Basarab purchase and deli­
ver food to the kitchen unit at Puscha. We bring a variety of vegetables and
fruit, sausages, fish, eggs, sugar, canned products etc. While Sasha and
We hope it will be soon safe to bring groups to Kyiv. If you come, you will
enjoy meeting Artem!
Julia, Valentina and Kostya serving refugee children
Natasha in the kitchen at Puscha
with one of our Moslem refugee friends from Crimea
Refugee girl from Crimea
enjoying a Bible lesson
Refugee boy from
Donetsk enjoying
a music lesson
Natasha, Sasha and Serhiy deliver food for Puscha refugees
They hold a special hourly event for about 10-12 children of different age
groups. These kids, who usually come with their parents and grand­
parents, learn to sing and play bells. They also hear the Word of God. Not
only is Valentina a gifted music instructor, but she is also a good Bible
teacher. She is able to present the Bible stories in a very engaging and
accessible way. As a matter of fact, parents say they enjoy them, too.
Serhiy are still at the farmers' market, Natasha Shevchenko is already at
Puscha. She is leading a prayer group. The IDPs are eager to participate in
it. They have so many concerns and questions that they want to present to
God. They would like to express their gratitude as well.
Following the delivery of food, Serhiy Basarab holds a Bible lesson for the
same group of people. We have just finished studying the Book of Habak­
kuk and begun to consider the Psalms (or Songs) of Ascents. There are so
many points in these books that resonate well with the IDPs and spark
interesting discussions.
Larisa Reutova, Kostyantin Vikulkin and our talented KSOC musicians
have played an important role in this Saturday ministry as well.
We have a great team working at Puscha, and we always look for ways of
expanding and improving our ministries to the IDPs.”
So physical food is always combined with spiritual food. This is a crucial
factor in every MMK ministry. We practice a holistic approach caring for
the bodies, minds and souls of the people. Natasha Shevchenko is also
leading a medical ministry to the IDPs. Our mission helps them with medicines, blood pressure monitors and other medical needs.
East Ukraine
Here is another best news story!
Another manifestation of this holistic approach can be observed every
Saturday when Valentina Smirnova leads a group of musicians to Puscha.
We can’t give too many details, but we are sending significant assistance
to desperately needy people in East Ukraine. Here are two of them.
Food for Sasha, nearly blind,
in the war zone of east Ukraine
Food for for a grieving mother
who lost her son in Sloviansk, east Ukraine
Canadian tour — Winnipeg
Canadian tour
Here is another best news story!
Across Canada, we sang 34 concerts, each ending in an enthusiastic
standing ovation. Free-will offerings and tour related donations in
Canada far exceeded our expectations. The tour started in Vancouver
and ended in Ottawa (the capital city where we also sang and were wel­
comed in Parliament) and Toronto.
42 Ukrainian members of the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
presented concerts that were dynamic, with over half of the music by
fabulous Ukrainian composers. This one-bus-tour made it possible for
mid-sized churches to host us — and they did just that!
Our next tour, fall of 2015, also with 42 Ukrainian musicians, is being
planned for Eastern USA. Please contact our Orlando office if you and
your church are interested in hosting us.
Ukrainian flair was deeply appreciated by Canadian audiences
Canadian tour — Clearbrook, British Columbia
Member of Canadian Parliament Ted Opitz and Minister of
International Trade Ed Fast welcome KSOC to Parliament, Ottawa.
Vika with choir in Parliament, Ottawa, Canada
President Dr. Wes Janzen shares vision with a Vancouver audience
Widow Christmas Banquet —
Roger serving a hot meal
Kim Janzen with children
from Crimea, and East Ukraine
Widow outreach
And how has 2014 been difficult?
Here is another best news story!
Tragedy struck during our tour. Two of our Ukrainians were hospitalized
in Calgary after a high speed ATV vehicle roll-over accident. They received
exceptional medical care at the renowned Foothills Hospital in Calgary.
Our widow outreach to 400 pensioners is thriving! Natasha Schev­chen­
ko brings an extraordinary level of love and care to our widows.
Andreii’s life was saved and he is now in a Kyiv hospital in rehabilitation
from a broken neck. His recovery is slow but the doctors and his wife
are optimistic.
During December and January we will have at least 10 candle-lit Christmas
banquets, where we share the Christmas story, carols, personal testimo­
nies, prayers, Christmas gifts, and of course a lovely hot Christmas meal.
Many of our elderly say that it’s the best hot meal of the year for them.
Dasha’s many injuries were much more severe. She is now also in a Kyiv
hospital. The Canadian specialists indicated their belief that she will
not come out of the coma.
[Not long ago an American dollar bought 8 Ukrainian grivna. Today an
American dollar is worth 15 Ukrainian grivna. The impact of your dol­
lar is nearly double what it was a year ago — but the opportunities to
serve the needy here have more than doubled!]
We pray for a miracle, for each of our musicians. We also pray for the
Lord’s provision for very significant medical expenses.
How else has 2014 been difficult?
The streets where we walk in Kyiv have been bathed in the blood of the
dead, dying and wounded. The worst violence was in February. Natasha
herself was almost shot, with bullets hitting the pavement on either
side of her feet.
Ukraine has been under foreign invasion for most of 2014. In the west,
Ukraine appears in the news, off and on, but in Ukraine the external
pressure has been unrelenting.
We continue to be very active in bringing physical and spiritual comfort
to individuals who have been directly affected by invasion and the war.
That war is ongoing and significant in the East. We are caring for people
who have been tortured by terrorists.
From the President
November 9 widow food package.
Rolls of tape to seal windows and doors from winter cold, oatmeal,
frozen chicken half, tomato sauce, apple, lemon, sunflower oil.
Dr. Wes Janzen says “I’m very proud of our people. They have risen to
challenges of mammoth proportions and are giving it their all. We want
all of our North American friends to know that our MMK team is made
up of champions; unified believers who are committed to living out the
gospel of peace during a time of war.”
Roger and Diane
Thank you for standing with us in prayer. We need you now, more than
Here is another best news story!
Roger and Diane have spent many weeks, traveling America, visiting
you, our supporters. Thank you, Roger and Diane for your ongoing pas­
sion and service to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Please pray for
Roger as he leads December outreach concerts in Bishkek.
Diane’s fabulous brand new book “Curtain Call” is now available. It
chronicles recent years of MMK ministry including many delightful
stories and testimonies. Please phone our Orlando office to order
your copies.
Our address: Music Mission Kiev, 286 Wilshire Blvd.,
Casselberry, Florida 32707
Our address in Canada: Music Mission Kiev Canada,
P.O. Box 2401, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 4X3
Office Telephone: 1-800-467-5051
Office E-mail:
You may find more information on our website:
Visit Us on Facebook: MUSIC MISSION KIEV with new postings every week
Music Mission Kiev is a member of the E.C.F.A. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability)