
Time Series Analysis for Business Forecasting and
Successful Investment Decisions
Ganna Kharlamova (Associate professor, PhD (Economics))
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine
Lecture title
Time Series Analysis for Business
Forecasting and Successful Investment
Language of the workshop
Short introduction of the workshop
6 hours
English (minimum level B2) - fluent
Having billiards of statistic data around, the
economist have to be successful in quick and
prompt analyses of the most informative beyond
them with the further developing of the profitable
management/investment decision. The object of
the present lecture is to set forth in some detail
the present status of the problem of analyzing
and interpreting the very extensive set of data
known as economic series. That will help future
successive economists to achieve high and
profitable results in their career. First I will tell
about history of the problem and main mistakes
in economic time series analyses, and then we
will talk about main successive techniques of
harmonic analyses. One of the crucial points of
our lecture will be the degrees of freedom in
economic time series. I will show the best
techniques and approaches to the trend
analyses and the evidence and explanation of
economic cycles to receive adequate
forecasting. I will lecture the time series
analyses through paradigm of the nature of
wealth and income.
Personal introduction
I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine in 1981. In 2004, I
received my M.S. in Economic Science with
honors at Taras Shevchenko National University
of Kyiv. In 2011, I graduated from Kiev National
Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine) with
Specialist degree in Philology (Major:
Translator). In 2008, I defended my PhD thesis
in Economics titled “Economic-mathematical
modeling of the investment potential of Ukraine
under globalization”. I have 10 years university
lecturing career. Main scientific interests:
ecological safety, ecoterrorism, state security,
investment, macroeconomic forecasting, socioeconomic modeling. I’m the author of more than
150 publications, including 5 tutorials, textbooks
and manuals; 6 books; 10 Scopus cited works,
according to my scientific interests. Took part in
about 100 All-Ukrainian and International
scientific-&-practical conferences, in FP7
Information & Brokerage Event on Environment
(Including climate change), 21st OSCE
Economic and Environmental Forum: Second
Preparatory Meeting, in more than 30 NATO ASI
or NATO ARW. I have an experience of the
participation in a 3-year initiative on THE
ECONOMICS OF THE FIRM (which includes a
series of summer schools and workshops), held
by EERC. I had received 2 Honour Awards of
National Academy of Science of Ukraine. I was
the co-director and the member of Organizing
Committee of more than 20 International and AllUkrainian conferences and contests, I take part
in team of Tempus project “Improving the
Efficiency of Student Services” (2013/2014);
have an experience of the co-director of NATO
ARW (2012, Yerevan, Armenia), the member of
Organizing Committee of NATO ASI (1997,
Krakow, Poland).
Please list any other special requests
It would be perfect to have some soft: EViews or
Statistica or Gretl. But EViews preferably.