SOLICITATION FOR A BASIC ORDERING AGREEMENT FOR HOTEL AND CONFERENCE VENUE SERVICES – RFQ/15/155 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 1. Should the proposal be in PDF format or Word format? a. Proposals may be submitted in either format, as long as they include all of the requested items listed in the RFQ document, including the pricing table attached herein. Word Document formats of the RFQ may be requested by email from Elizabeth Durbin ( or Melanie Poulsen ( 2. Is there a form Service Providers should use to document past performance and experience? a. There is no formal template. Please provide a list of names, addresses, phone numbers, emails and a point of contact for former employments. 3. Is IFES entitled to US Government per diem rates? Is there a per diem limit for stay per night for travelers in Kyiv? What is the limit (please note with or without VAT)? a. Yes, as a USAID-funded organization, IFES is subject to US Government per diem limits. Please reference DSSR rates. 4. With which hotels does IFES already cooperate with in Kyiv? a. IFES holds events at various hotel in Kyiv each year as needed. IFES currently does not have any longterm contracts with hotels in Kyiv. 5. How ofte do you have events in Kyiv? Are they always with accommodation? What was the volume of stay in RN during 2014 in 4 and 5 star hotels in Kyiv? Do you have any statistics? a. IFES holds events in Kyiv approximately every one-two months, and require accommodation for nearly one-third of these events. b. IFES does not currently maintain statistics on hotel usage in Kyiv. c. Most IFES events in Kyiv do not require accommodation. 6. How many events do you expect to have this year in Kyiv? a. Approximately two-three large events for over 100 people, and eight-10 smaller events for around 30 people. 7. Is there an average number of participants for IFES events in Kyiv? a. Usually 30, but occasionally up to 250 participants. Selected hotels do not necessarily need to be able to accommodate events of both sizes. Please indicate in your submission the maximum number of participants your venue can accommodate. 8. Regarding accommodation services: IFES asks for prices for both a double and single room. Does a double room indicate a room with two single beds? Ukraine RFQ/15/155 Page 1 of 5 a. Yes, double rooms should have two single beds. Per the units listed in the pricing table in the RFQ and attached herein, all accommodation pricing should be listed per room. 9. Is DDR required in the pricing table? a. Prices are to be provided on an per unit basis, as indicated, without an VAT/taxes of any kind, as IFES Ukraine is exempt. Please find attached to this document the Pricing Table found in the RFQ , which can be provided in Word Document format upon request from both Elizabeth Durbin ( or Melanie Poulsen ( Ukraine RFQ/15/155 Page 2 of 5 ATTACHMENT A – DESCRIPTION OF GOODS/SERVICES & PRICING TABLE Please note: The number of guests requiring rooms and training participants requiring meals & refreshments are subject to change for each event. Service providers are required to provide maximum capacity of their conference facilities, along with the reservation and/or cancellation policies. Description Estimated Room Dimensions No. of Rooms or Conference Halls Double Room Single Room Large Conference Hall Medium size Meeting Room Small Meeting Room Room Capacity 100 to 250 participants, please specify max limit. 50 to 75 participants please specify max limit. 30 participants max. Please provide check-in and check-out times; early and late checkout fees; and penalties for cancellation of rooms. Service providers are required to complete the following pricing table without VAT: S.N Services Unit 1. Double room – with breakfast 2. Single room – with breakfast 3. Double room – Accommodation only 4. Single room –Accommodation only 5. Breakfast – Please provide menu options 6. Lunch – Please provide menu options 7. Dinner – Please provide menu options 8. Coffee Service (Tea/coffee, cookies) 9. Superior Coffee Service (Tea/Coffee, Cookies, lights snacks) Please provide details. Per Person Per Person Per Person Per Person Per Person Per Person Per Person Per Person Per Person Unit Cost (USD) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.. Charge for large hall (up to 250 person capacity) The hall should include sound system and microphones. Be specific as to what is supplied with the Hall including whether the hall has facilities for simultaneous translation. Charge for small hall The hall should include sound system and microphones. Be specific as to what is supplied with the Hall including whether the hall has facilities for simultaneous translation. Charge for medium hall The hall should include sound system and microphones. Be specific as to what is supplied with the Hall including whether the hall has facilities for simultaneous translation. Charge for medium hall The hall should include sound system and microphones. Be specific as to what is supplied with the Hall including whether the hall has facilities for simultaneous translation. Bottled mineral water (0.5 ltr. Bottle) Hall per Day Hall per Day Hall per Day Hall per Day Per Person 15. Any other costs Unit *Please include any additional service charges or applicable fees to unit prices. *Please see the Meals & Refreshments section below for menu requirements. Additional Requirements Please indicate any requirements your facility cannot accommodate. Requirement Description Access Access for people with disabilities highly preferred, please describe access availability Communication Inter room phones are preferred Internet access from either a common area or in accommodation rooms highly preferred Parking Free parking for participants is preferred for at least 25 vehicles Restaurant Dining facilities for a minimum of 50 people required Security Security for attendees, training equipment and vehicles Meeting Hall (Large) Chairs and tables for up to 250 participants, round tables preferred Sufficient space for breakout groups (vendor should describe available facilities [availability of separate rooms or hall dividers, capacity, etc.]) Separate restrooms for men and women close to the training room Large white board and projector screens available Meeting Hall (Small) Chairs and tables for up to 30 participants, round tables preferred Sufficient space for three (3) breakout groups of seven (7) people each (need NOT have separate rooms, but sufficient space for separate working groups) Separate restrooms for men and women close to the training room Large white board and projector screens available Ukraine RFQ/15/155 Page 4 of 5 Meals & Refreshments Please note that these are the minimum requirements desired by IFES Ukraine. Item Timing Water Breakfast Morning break Lunch Afternoon break Dinner Ukraine RFQ/15/155 Page 5 of 5 Description Timing of meals and refreshment breaks will be advised in advance of the training workshop Sufficient bottled mineral water to be available for all meals + in the training room + in the accommodation rooms for all attendees For example: Cereals, milk, egg, fruits, juice, breads, butter, jam, tea, coffee, water Tea, coffee, cookies or seasonal snacks For example: Bread, vegetables, meat/fish, pickle, salad and dessert, water Tea, coffee, cookies or seasonal snacks For example: Bread, soup, vegetables, meat/fish, pickle, salad and dessert, water
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