INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ELECTORAL SYSTEMS RFQ/15/143 Questions and Answers May 15, 2015 1. Under Item 1 of the Requirements section, the solicitation states that “the subject matter should be covered in a one day period.” However, in the “Description of Services” section, subsection entitled “OMB Super Circular Training” the solicitations states that “[separate modules should be proposed to cover the different staff focus areas cited above so that staff have the flexibility of attending different modules/sessions.” When the solicitation states that “the subject matter should be covered in a one day period,” are you referring to a single module or all modules collectively adding up to one day? IFES responds: We expect that all modules collectively should be covered in a one-day period. 2. By one day, we assume this means 7 hours of active training (subtracting time from an 8 hour work day for lunch and breaks). Please confirm. IFES responds: Yes, we confirm that one day means 7 hours of active training. 3. If all modules are to be collectively covered in one day, do you intend to have the training performed (all modules) on a single day or that it be possible to fit all the modules in on a single day? IFES responds: As stated above, we expect that all modules would be collectively covered in a single day. 4. Should the proposal provide a specific date the first week of June where this is possible? IFES responds: The proposal can propose a specific date or propose optional dates. 5. With respect to the “flexibility” statement, please confirm that you mean that any proposed training program should not have overlapping modules (i.e., two modules that occur at the same time on the same day). IFES responds: We confirm that the training program should not have overlapping modules. Some staff may choose to attend all 3 modules while others may attend one or two. 6. Is this a one-time training or do you expect to procure modules on the entire training program more than once? IFES responds: Currently this is a one-time training although it’s possible that we might consider procuring the program more than once. 7. Since the training is predominantly predicated on the differences between prior OMB Circulars and the Super Circular, what level of understanding/knowledge should we assume the attendees have with prior OMB Circulars? IFES responds: You should anticipate that attendees will either be moderately or highly knowledgeable with prior OMB circulars. 8. Will you require hard copies of training materials for trainees? IFES responds: Yes. Copies of training materials should be made available to attendees. 9. Are any legal, accounting or other continuing education requirements being sought through the training? If so, the timeframe (1st week of June) for credentialing such training could be problematic. IFES responds: No, continuing education requirements are not being sought. 10. Pricing – Should the “financial proposal” be separately submitted? IFES responds: No, the financial and technical proposal can be combined as separate sections. 11. By “unit costs,” are you looking for firm-fixed unit pricing or hourly estimates? IFES responds: We are looking for firm fixed unit pricing. 12. Material costs (i.e., copies of training materials, etc.), if desired are currently unknown, could these be estimates? IFES responds: Yes, we could offer a firm fixed price contract with cost reimbursable elements for estimated expenses. 13. Should modules be priced individually? IFES responds: This is not a requirement. This page is intentionally left blank.
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