Office Phone: 757-423-8305 Office Fax: 757-451-3335 Residence Phone: 757-489-9636 Website: Email: The Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time • 16 November 2014 6400 NEWPORT AVENUE NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23505 OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm The church is open at 8:00 am weekdays. MASS SCHEDULE Weekday Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 am Thursday: 12:00 pm (DePaul Medical Center Chapel) Weekend Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am and 10:30 am (Nursery available September — May) PARISH STAFF Pastor Father Joseph H. Metzger III, STB, STL Director of Music Ministries/ Admin. Assistant Gregg Marino, Coordinator of Youth Ministries and Young Adult Ministries Chris Colclough Coordinator of Religious Education Lisa Diaz Religious Ed. Leader Rachel Pressler Receptionist Sr. Regina Stupak, I.H.M. Bookkeeper/Office Assistant Barbara Vasko RECONCILIATION Individual confessions are heard Saturdays at 4:00 pm, at seasonal Reconciliation Services, and by appointment. MARRIAGE Active registered members need to contact the parish office at least six months prior to the intended date for the pre-nuptial inquiry and to enroll for the preparation classes. BAPTISM Active registered parents or adult individuals need to call the office to enroll for the preparation classes. MINISTRY TO SICK Ministers may bring the Eucharist to sick and homebound parishioners. Please arrange for this facility by calling the parish office. Anointing of the Sick is encouraged by appointment. R.C.I.A. A program to assist adults to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation. Please contact Sr. Regina to enroll in the program. Classes are held Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, September–May; baby sitting provided. REGISTRATION Please complete the registration form if you desire to join the parish. By completing this form, you are put on our records for all pastoral services. CHAIRMEN Christianna Hilovsky, Mary Collis, Parish Community Life Karen Jackson, Advocate for Persons with Disabilities Julie Keesling, Parish Pastoral Council • Gerald Kevorkian, Finance Council Patricia Yeiser, Justice & Peace • ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC SCHOOL 757-440-5500 • BISHOP SULLIVAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 757-467-2881 • THANKSGIVING MASS TUESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 6:00 PM BLESSED SACRAMENT ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Readings for the Week of 16 November 2014 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40 Next Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28 Mt 25:31-46 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, My Dad always said that busy hands are happy hands. That being the case, we should be very happy at Blessed Sacrament! Why? Because you have provided tons of canned goods and non perishables for three different food pantries, helped with the recent Yard Sale, and the upcoming housing the homeless (NEST) and the Angel Trees that will appear in a few days. Yes, busy hands indeed. I thank you for all that you do for the parish and the community. I see so much good that goes on that most do not see, and it is edifying. I also thank those who participate in our ongoing casserole program that benefits the food pantry of the Basilica of St. Mary. This program is one example of people-helpingpeople. On another note, there are two items of interest: we are in the process of forming an Adult Faith Formation program in the parish, details to follow; and our parish Thanksgiving Mass is TUESDAY the 25th at 6 pm. Pax, Fr. Joe ****************** Free Concert TODAY, 4:00 pm Old Dominion Symphony & Choir Performing Mozart’s Requiem NORFOLK, VIRGINIA WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday, 17 November Fr. Joe’s Day Off 8:00 am Church Opens (Monday—Friday) 9:00 am Office Opens (Monday—Friday) Tuesday, 18 November 8:00 am Staff Meeting 9:00 am Mass offered for Robert Romeo (+) 12:00 pm Peanut Butter & Jesus w/ Sr. Regina 7:00 pm RCIA Wednesday, 19 November 9:00 am Mass offered for Helen Norton (+) Thursday, 20 November 12:00 pm Mass at DePaul’s Chapel 6:00 pm Adult Faith Formation Meeting 7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Friday, 21 November 9:00 am Mass for Ed Blanc (+) 9:00 am Angel Tree Set Up Red Cross Blood Drive Sign Ups After All Masses FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING Saturday, 22 November 4:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 pm Vigil Mass offered for Barbara Mullen (+) Sunday, 23 November 8:00 am Mass offered for Parishioners (+) 9:00 am Religious Ed. (Grades K-5) No Edge (Grades 6-8) No Adult Religious Ed. 9:00 am Pancake Breakfast 1st Seating 10:30 am Mass offered for Parishioners (+) 11:30 am Pancake Breakfast 2nd Seating 11:30 am Baptism Class 2:00 pm Girl Scout Troop Meeting 4:30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm Life Teen (Grades 9-12) Thanksgiving Mass Tuesday, 25 November 6:00pm Sunday, 30 November: No Religious/Adult Ed. & No Edge & Life Teen 16 NOVEMBER 2014 PRAY FOR PEACE PARISH PANCAKE BREAKFAST NEXT SUNDAY, 23 NOVEMBER AFTER ALL MASSES TICKETS ON SALE NOW!! $ 20—Family $ 5—Adults (12+) $ 2—Children (6-12) FREE—Children Under 6 SERVING : 9:00 am—10:00 am, 11:30 am — 12:30 pm MENU: Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, O.J., & Coffee LIGHT FROM THE EAST From the earliest times, Christians at prayer have turned toward the East. Christ is the dayspring, the rising sun who dawns upon us from high to give light to those in darkness and in the shadow of death (Luke 1:9). The eastward orientation of many churches and altars is a way of expressing the great cry of every Eucharist: “Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.” In every celebration of the Holy Eucharist, the priest guides the people in pilgrimage toward the kingdom and with them, keeps watch for the return of the Lord. This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven (Acts 1:11). The Eastern Churches follow to this day the apostolic tradition of celebrating the Eucharist toward the East in anticipation of the return of the Lord in glory. At the heart of the Eucharistic Prayer in the Roman rite, the people evoke this same return of the Lord, singing, “When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, Lord Jesus, until you come again.” A powerful witness is given in the prayer of a priest and people who stand together facing the light of Christ and giving voice to the same hope. “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come.’ ” (Revelation 22:17). Prepared by Father Mark-Daniel Kirby, OCist, PhD, Copyright 2005, Archdiocese of Chicago, Liturgical Training Publications; 1-800-933-1800; PRAYER TO END DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Spirit of God, through your unconditional love made manifest in Jesus of Nazareth, You showed us how to manifest love, care and respect in our relationships. We confess that, even in this faith community, many women, children and some men are beaten and abused –verbally, emotionally, and sexually – by those who claim to love them. We pledge to be more caring in our personal relationships; and, we pledge our faith community to be a safe haven for those who are battered, a support for abusers sincerely seeking help, and an advocate for non-violence in the world. Help us to be signs of your unconditional love in the world. Amen. WWW.BLESSED-SACRAMENT.COM Bus drivers are desperately needed for the NEST program ( Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team ). The program runs from early December through April 2015. If interested, please call Sr. Regina, 757-423-8305. Thank you and God Bless You. STOCKS/BONDS TO DONATE TO THE PARISH? Those who wish to donate appreciated stocks or bonds should contact Larry McDonnell at Merrill Lynch, 631-5519. Please check with your tax advisor before taking any action. Dear Blessed Sacrament Parishioner, You continued support of the Blessed Theresa Food Pantry at Holy Trinity Church is a blessing. Your recent donation of 889 items ( plus 85 more from an individual donor, Sue) came at a crucial time. We are currently planning to fill 25 Thanksgiving baskets, and much of the food you contributed will be used in them. We are also very grateful for several volunteers from your parish. God bless all of you. Joan Hart, Manager-Holy Trinity ***THANKS TO ALL WHO HELPED WITH THE FELLINI’S FUNDRAISER*** A big thank you to everyone who participated in the fundraiser at Fellini’s last month! That one night helped bring in $ 479.63 to go towards our youth mission trip this summer to Dover, Delaware! ***WHAT’S GOOD WEDNESDAY*** Come join us this Wednesday from 4 pm to 6 pm for fun and fellowship! ***EDGE*** We learned where to pray and how to create a sacred space last week. Come learn how to start and how to continue praying! ***LIFETEEN*** Come, join us as we talk about Heart of Mystery tonight! We will continue next by talking about being Consumed by Grace and about sheltering the homeless. CHILDREN’S LETTERS TO GOD Book by Stuart Hample, Music by David Evans, Lyrics by Douglas J. Cohen Children's Letters To God is a musical that follows the lives of five young friends as they voice beliefs, desires, We invite you to write the names of your deceased loved ones in our Memorial Book, located in the church questions and doubts common to all people but most disarmingly expressed by children. Sixteen tuneful songs by the Bread of Life Jesus statue. Throughout the month of November, the Catholic Church remembers in and assorted scenes (some based on actual letters) explore timeless issues such as sibling rivalry, divorce, holidays, a special way the Faithful Departed. Confident that loss of a beloved pet, the trials of not being athletic and first they now share the fullness of the Resurrection in love. This entertaining show carries a universal message heaven, we lovingly remember their lives and continue which crosses the boundaries of age, geography, and to be embraced by their love. religion. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE BAPTISMAL INFO The next Baptism class is scheduled for Sunday, 11 January 2015. The next celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is scheduled for Sunday, 13 December. Active members of Blessed Sacrament Catholic parish who wish to have a child baptized will need to complete a Baptismal form and attend the preparation class. Please call Lisa Diaz, 423-8305, Monday – Thursday to register. Baptism Class (11:30 am): 2015: 11 January, 1 February, 22 March, 10 May, 7 June, 5 July, 2 August Sacrament of Baptism: 13 December (5 pm) (2015: 17 January (5 pm), 14 February (5pm), 26 April (10:30 am), 23 May (5 pm), 21 June (10:30 am), 22 August (5 pm) Saint Patrick School, 1000 Bolling Avenue, 757-440-5500 Admission Price: $ 10.00 / person The performances are: Friday, 21 November, 7 pm Saturday, 22 November, 2 pm and 7 pm Sunday, 23 November, 2 pm The Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club will attend the Million Bulb Walk at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens next Saturday, 22 November. We will meet at the entrance to the visitor’s center at 6 pm. The Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club is an organization of single Catholic professional men and women. The club is a member of the national organization Catholic Alumni Club International. For more information e-mail or go to the club website. 16 NOVEMBER 2014 THE THIRTY -THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Please remember our sick and shut-ins with your prayers, calls, cards, and presence: OUR PARISHIONERS: Dan Batkin, Barbara Brady, Richard Collins, Jim Dellaripa, Karen Frederick, Betty Guille, Madeline & Jack Hahn, Henry Heck, Samantha Jackson, Denise McCue, Arthur & Josie Murtz, Joe Pajuf, Ronald Prescott, Dorothy Sink, Helen Smallwood, Geneva Smith, Mary Grace Thompson, and Ron Zoby FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF PARISHIONERS: Nancy Arnold, Sr. Katherine Durney, John Duffy, Lupe Escolante, Sheila Farr, Margaret Gangewere, Concetta Herbert, Robert & Isabelle Hutchinson, Fr. Dan Klem, Loren Leitch, Cardinal Jorge Mejia, Marjorie Mooney, Jeff Schmid, Dorothy Shannon, Estelle Sherman, Bette Spaugh, and Kathleen Stubbs ANGEL TREE—Please take an Angel from the tree next weekend and purchase a new toy. Additional copies of the wish list are on the table by the front door. Gifts should be unwrapped with the price tag and Angel tag attached. Please return the gifts to the church by Sunday, 14 December. The toys and gifts will be donated to the ForKids organization. Thank you. PLEASE: No Toy Weapons, Squirt Guns, Machine Guns or Ninja Sets. If you have never received your offertory envelopes mailed from the parish, you are not registered at Blessed Sacrament. If you have considered yourself a member, please ensure that you are registered, for only then can Blessed Sacrament write on your behalf to other parishes authorizing you to be a sponsor at a Baptism, or a witness at a wedding or even have the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage conferred on yourself or members of your family. Registration forms are available on the cabinet by the front doors. Did you know that we spent $ 11,200 on Rectory Grocery Expenses last year. Thank you for your stewardship of finance. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOVEMBER 16—ODU Symphony/Choir Concert ··········4:00 pm (Performing Mozart’s Requiem) 16,23—Life Teen···········································6:00 pm 18—Peanut Butter & Jesus······················· 12:00 pm 18—Directors of Religious Ed. Mtg ········ 12:00 pm 18—Women of Faith····································· 1:00 pm 18—RCIA ························································7:00 pm 20—Adult Faith Formation Meeting ········6:00 pm 20—Adult Choir Rehearsal ·························7:00 pm 21—Angel Tree Set Up·············································· 22/23—Red Cross Blood Drive Sign Ups ·············· 22—Sacrament of Reconciliation ··············4:00 pm 22—Feast of Christ the King Mass ··········5:00 pm 23—Feast of Christ the King Masses ···················· ···················································· 8:00 am & 10:30 am 23—Religious Ed (Grades K-5)···················9:00 am (meet in church) 23—No Adult Ed./ Edge············································ 23—Pancake Breakfast ············································· ······················ 9:00 am Seating & 11:30 am Seating 23—Christmas Pageant Practice ···············9:00 am 23—Baptism Class ······································ 11:30 am 23—Youth Choir Rehearsal ························4:30 pm 25—No PB & Jesus ····················································· 25—Thanksgiving Mass ·······························6:00 pm 25—No RCIA ······························································· 26—Office Closes ····································· 10:00 am 27/28—No Mass, Office Closed ····························· 29—No Sacrament of Reconciliation ····················· 30—No Religious/ Adult Ed. ···································· 30—No Edge/ Life Teen ··········································· 30—Young Musicians Rehearsal ················4:30 pm DECEMBER 7—Religious Ed (Grades K-5) ·····················9:00 am (meet in church) 7—Edge (Grades 6—8) ································9:00 am (meet in social hall) 7—Adult Religious Ed ··································9:00 am 7—Life Teen ··················································6:00 pm
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