update ETH ALUMNI News Issue No 80 I 5 November 2014 ETH Alumni I The newsletter Graduates of ETH Zurich Alumni News Alumni Life Alumni Events Diary page I Alumni Business Event By post bus to the bank Susanne Ruoff, CEO of Swiss Post, with Michael Balmer, CEO of the ETH spin-off Senozon more and more people want to be able to Pioneering mobility research use e-banking services or digital commu- When it comes to passenger mobility, one of nications. That's why the technology for the companies Swiss Post works with is the these platforms is constantly being devel- ETH spin-off Senozon. "Our models enable oped. "We depend on working with inno- flows of passengers and traffic to be recre- vative technology companies who develop ated and simulated," explained CEO Michael tailor-made solutions for us," emphasised Balmer, an alumnus of ETH. "By simulating Ruoff. "For example, in our parcel sorting an artificial population, we can predict their centres, we use the latest computer tech- mobility behaviour and so help transport nology so that we can handle the ever in- providers such as Swiss Post to deploy their creasing numbers of parcels." vehicles according to the demand." Michael "Our post buses travel seven times living in Switzerland must be able to round the globe daily, we handle so many reach a post office within 20 minutes," Technological changes are also taking Balmer and his company are working on cre- letters every day that you could build a explained Ruoff. "On the other hand, place when it comes to mobility. In 2015 ating the right product for the future, and he tower 45 kilometres high with them, we since the lifting of our monopoly on par- the "Swiss Travel Pass" will be introduced, summed up his aim with a quotation from deliver 114 million parcels a year and look cels, the delivery of parcels is now only which will replace the GA travelcard, the the ice hockey super-star Wayne Gretzky: after 1.5 million e-finance customers." very lightly regulated, and we have to half-fare travelcard and the various re- "You shouldn't be where the puck is, but These are the statistics that CEO Susanne compete with other providers like DHL gional network passes and will enable where it's going to be." Ruoff used at a recent Alumni Business and FedEx." customers to pay retrospectively for the Valérie Clapasson Event to describe the four areas of busi- route they have travelled. ness of Swiss Post. They show just how Focus on the customer diverse the demands on the company are Altogether, Swiss Post is in contact with – all the more so as the areas of business about a million customers every day. The are very differently regulated. "For exam- expectations of these customers are get- ple, it says in the Postal Act that everyone ting higher all the time. For example, READY FOR A NEW CHALLENGE? www.jobservices.ethz.ch The job portal of the ETH Alumni Association get connected ETH Alumni Alumni News New look for the Members' Database Alumni Life Dance of the elements Countless couples have fallen in love and celebrate their happiness every year at the Polyball. And soon they will once again have the chance to enjoy a wonderful ball night in the beautifully decorated rooms of the ETH Main Building: on 29 No- The new online portal for ETH Alumni is impressive, with a clear design and offers all kinds of useful functions for all members. This year, the Members' Database for the ETH Alumni Association has been completely rebuilt and is now available at: https://myalumni.ethz.ch. - Unpaid bills can be viewed and paid by credit card - Data protection: authorise or protect your own data vember at the 2014 Polyball, on the theme of "Dance of the elements"! For information and to order tickets: http://2014.polyball.ch/ Mountain regions in politics This book gives an overview of the dif- The main purpose of the overhaul was One positive effect of the new look be- ferent ways in which the mountains have to focus on key information. These are the came apparent within just a few days: the been politicised and provides the informa- main functions offered by the new MyA- number of new registrations via the tion that is needed to understand Swiss lumni portal: Alumni portal increased markedly. policy on the subject. It focuses mainly on - Comprehensive index of contact de- The Alumni portal is optimised for the Alpine Convention, the Trans-Jura Con- tails, including all graduates of ETH Zu- standard computer and tablet browsers. ference, initiatives on trans-alpine traffic rich (Who is Who) Thanks to effective and efficient process and second homes and changes in region- management, the cost of administration al, agricultural and environmental policies. for the head office has been further re- G. Rudaz, B. Debarbieux: Swiss mountain - Easy management of personal data duced. regions in politics. 2014, ISBN 978-3-7281- - Membership details can be viewed and Berit Soltau 3604-6, CHF 24.–. - Overview of all events run by ETH Alumni and its member organisations edited - Publications can be reserved and cancelled (incl. those offered by the ETH Library and GetAbstract) vdf Hochschulverlag AG at ETH Zurich. Members of ETH Alumni receive a 20% discount. Alumni Events I 2 Diary page ETH Alumni Alumni News Alumni Life Alumni Events I 3 Diary page I HSG meets ETH Lively debate on the future of medical technology standards and ever more extensive test- tion by a larger enterprise) within a few ing. This in turn gives rise to the question years, rather than being patient for a lit- of whether the European system is safe tle longer and becoming a leading com- enough, since, after all, in the USA they pany itself. The Americans are some- wait three or four years longer before a what ahead of us from this point of new medical device is accepted. view, too. Yvonne Müller Running out of steam? In response to Patrick Dümmler's quesOn the first Saturday morning in Octo- printed vertebral bone that has been tion about why there were virtually no ber it was once more time for the HSG implanted in a boy in China to open up Swiss companies among the 10 biggest and ETH alumni to meet for a debate the discussion. employers in the medical technology about an interesting topic. This one was Peter Vogel was joined in the discus- sector in Switzerland, it emerged that New hands taking over about medical technology and its future. sion, which was chaired by Patrick there is a far higher margin to be made The next "HSG meets ETH" event will Peter Vogel, serial entrepreneur and Dümmler, a partner at ConCep+ / Chief on medical technology products in take place on 12 March 2015 at the Zun- Director of the Center for Entrepreneur- Officer Home Market Hocoma AG, by America. Thanks to these higher mar- fthaus zur Waage on the theme of "In- ship (HSG), introduced the subject with Kurt Ruffieux, founder of Degradable So- gins, American companies have more novation". More information and de- an informative presentation. He showed lutions AG, and Harald Krug, Internation- money in hand and therefore more fi- tails of how to register will follow. us what is meant by medical technology al Research Cooperations Manager at nancial options. At the same time, they After two successful years, there are to and what kind of products have already Empa. The discussion moved from the bear a higher risk, which they often try be a few changes in the organising been developed. Then he described what question of how much more the health to minimise by making regular acquisi- committee for this series of events: the opportunities it could offer for patients system can pay for to the subject of regu- tions. founder and Chair of the committee and the financial potential of the market. lation. The panellists agreed that the Finally, the participants on the plat- Christine Csibi, Michael Stadelmann regulatory system in Europe and Switzer- form expressed their regret that Swit- and Yvonne Müller from the Alumni Of- Regulation is working OK land does not work too badly. Neverthe- zerland may well be a world champion fice are stepping down to make room He talked in some detail about the lat- less, progress such as is now possible in in innovation but not in new start-ups. for some new faces. One of these, ETH est developments in 3D printing tech- Asia is being hindered here. At the same When a new company is set up, the goal alumnus Frank Brechlin, was already nology and used the example of a 3D- time, patients expect ever-higher safety is often to reach the exit point (acquisi- present at the October event. ETH Alumni Alumni News Alumni Life Alumni Events I 4 Diary page I German national group Annual gathering in the Pfalz The German national alumni group With the long-established Giessen family, tle was impressive with its proud loca- The interesting and entertaining short met for its annual gathering in the Pfalz we enjoyed an informative wine-tasting tion and the black-red-gold "original" flag weekend was much enjoyed by everyone (Palatinate) region, which is strongly influ- session and an excellent stuffed pig's of the movement for unification and de- and concluded with a final drink not far enced by both the Romans and the French. stomach. With reference to his own fam- mocracy, which is made with real gold from Mannheim Castle. We enjoyed an interesting programme in ily, and with considerable dramatic talent, thread. Frank Zimmermann excellent weather. Mr Giessen recounted the varied and exciting history of the much-pillaged region Donation to the ETH Zurich Foundation Industry and history of the Pfalz and of its wine, from the Ro- The annual meeting of the national group The starting point was the Hotel Mercure mans through the many wars and Napo- was a big success and lasted for the com- in Mannheim in Baden-Württemberg. leonic times to today. plete day. The official, minuted meetings From here, we first visited BASF in Ludwig- took place in the gallery of Mannheim shafen. BASF is a Croesus in the realm of Wonderful views Central Station, with an excellent view of corporations, its wealth originally based Next on the itinerary were Hambach the shopping mall. on dyes such as indigo, and fertilisers, Castle, cradle of the German movement In addition to the usual business, the while today it is a leading producer of for unification and democracy, and the Board also reported that it had made a do- plastics of all kind, for clothing, storage town of Bad Dürkheim with its giant bar- nation to the ETH Zurich Foundation. This equipment, cars and industry. Next we rel, for a wine-tasting tour including was to enable German students to study moved on to the village of Deidesheim. practical demonstrations. Hambach Cas- at ETH Zurich in future. ETH Alumni Alumni News Effective support Bugball was first over the line. In this con- ing regatta took place in fantastic au- test, the University is in the lead with 6 tumn weather in the heart of Zurich's wins to 3. Old Town, over a 600-metre course from For the second year now, the alumni of the lower lake basin to the Town Hall. the two universities also put up two Crews from Zurich's two universities boats: by winning this year's contest, the challenged each other in a series of best- Uni has increased its lead here to 2-0. now for the second time after their début in 2013, alumni as well. In all four categories, there was a clear winner after the first two heats. On 24 October, the shuttlecocks were organised a buffet. This included not only flying fast over the nets in the Irchel Hall. delicious sandwiches, cheese and spinach Success for the Uni boats Altogether, more than 30 doubles teams quiche, fruit, energy bars and drinks but While the University men's 8 had quite a had signed up for the ASVZ Badminton also some sweet treats. It was all very rea- big lead in the first heat, in the second it tournament in either the Fun or the Pro sonably priced and by the end of the even- was more exciting. However, the Univer- category. Play began at 7 p.m. and contin- ing the buffet was practically all gone. sity students did not allow victory to be To sum up: this was an easy but effec- snatched away from them and so made tive way for ETH Alumni to appear at a up some ground in the overall number of sports event with many young partici- wins: there have now been 25 wins for the caused by the temporary double booking pants. Await further developments. University and 36 for the Poly. of the hall, everyone soon started to play Nina Wüst After an unexpected initial panic Diary page On 1 November, the 63rd Uni-Poly row- gories, for men, ladies, professors and, winning teams had been decided. Alumni Events Outstanding rowing duel of-three races. Boats raced in four cate- ued until, just after midnight, the two Alumni Life I 5 For the ladies, the Poly 8 dominated and, for most people, taking part in this both heats, meaning that the Poly's fe- evening tournament was a lot of fun. male students further extended their lead So that the players did not have to wor- in the overall total to 1:12. The two profes- ry about getting a proper evening meal, sors' 8s also provided two exciting races, this time the ETH Alumni Association had but in both of them the University 8's ETH Alumni Alumni News Alumni Life Alumni Events I 6 Diary page I Bio Alumni AMIV wage survey Excursion to the Cressier oil refinery Once again in 2014 the AMIV (Mecustomers. Of course, a refinery has to chanical and Electrical Engineering Soci- comply with numerous regulations on ety) alumni have carried out a wage sur- safety and environmental protection and vey among graduates from AMIV cours- is constantly monitored and audited. es. Between March and May, 1125 graduates took part, a pleasing return rate of There are two oil refineries in Switzerland, in Cressier (NE) and in Col- Wine-tasting to finish off 27.5%. Questions were asked not only After an introductory talk, the visitors about pay, bonuses and other additional toured the site with its massive distilla- remuneration but also about the gradu- tion columns and reaction towers and an ates' route to work, holidays and family impressive labyrinth of pipelines, storage circumstances. tanks and loading terminals, along with When the data was analysed, the fol- its own purification plant and other facili- lowing picture emerged: 98.7% of the via a pipeline through the Rhône Valley to ties to do with safety and environmental participants do not regret deciding to Cressier. protection. It was a very interesting tour, study at ETH Zurich and would do it again. giving an insight into an important 85.4% are very or quite satisfied with their branch of industry. current job. However, 26% are very or quite lombey (VS). On 25 September, a group of 22 people, alumni and students in the Petrol, diesel, heating oil Department of Biology and members of This oil, a complex mixture of hydrocar- Our physical well-being was also ca- VECS, had the chance to visit the Cressi- bons of different molecular weights, is tered for: the excursion came to an end The average travel time to work is 29 er refinery. broken down by distillation in the refinery with an aperitif and wine-tasting session minutes. The average pay increase across into liquid gas, petrol, kerosene (aircraft in the "Les Lauriers" vineyard in Cressier. all participants was 1.99% (2012: 1.2%), Delivery by pipeline fuel), diesel and heating oil fractions. Françoise Simmler with 35.8% of participants having received The Cressier refinery, which was built be- High-molecular weight, non-volatile hy- Bio Alumni no pay increase. The average bonus across tween 1964 and 1966, today belongs to drocarbons are broken down into smaller all participants was CHF 2100, with 37.4% Varo and meets about 25% of Switzer- molecules in a "cracking" process to pro- of participants having received no bonus. land's demand for heating oil and fuel. It duce more petrol and heating oil. Sulphur The next survey is expected to take processes oil from North Africa and Rus- and nitrogen compounds that damage sia. The oil arrives from Marseilles, where the environment have to be removed. The it is delivered by tanker, and then comes products are taken by rail or tanker to the dissatisfied with their pay. place in two years' time, in 2016. ETH Alumni Alumni News I In a word Sabina Balmer "Sharing information Alumni Life Alumni Events I 7 Diary page A 16-year success story The MathPhys Alumni group as equals is something that is visited two of its members: the very important to me." two founders of Sensirion, Moritz Lechner and Felix Mayer. The pair have truly revolutionised the world of sensors with their company, Sensirion. One in every 5 ETH alumna Sabina Balmer, founder partner universities. Their increased spe- cars contains measuring devices and President of B360 education partner- cialist knowledge and specific work expe- made in Stäfa, as does the Sam- ships, has been applying a very successful rience help the students when they sub- sung Galaxy S4. Sensirion has formula in her work for five years now: sequently embark on their careers in seen average growth of 30% a year since it lenges facing Sensirion's engineers. Fi- she promotes the exchange of specialist southern Africa. was founded – and that was 16 years ago. nally, Mr Müller, Head of ASIC Research knowledge between Europe and Africa. Over the last five years, experts from Moritz Lechner began by giving us an & Development, introduced us to the European experts teach as volunteers at all kinds of specialist fields have volun- impressive insight into the world of Sen- world of "application-specific integrat- universities in Africa and African students teered for B360 on 105 occasions. At the sirion. The company supplies the automo- ed circuits". come to Switzerland for work placements. same time, 18 students from Namibia and tive and medical technology industry After a tour of the modern offices B360 works in southern Africa directly Zambia have completed work placements with humidity and temperature gauges, and the research and development with higher education institutions and with various different Swiss companies. liquid and gas mass flow meters and dif- workshop, and passing various clean focuses on those specialist areas which At the universities in southern Africa, so ferential pressure sensors, to name but a rooms, our visit came to an end with can make a big contribution to economic far about 9000 students and many local few. As well as being designed, developed beer and chips on the rooftop terrace. and social development in those coun- lecturers and owners of SMEs have been and produced, sensors also have to be Thank you for a great visit!! tries. B360 recruits European experts with able to benefit from the specialist exper- properly tested and calibrated. It all re- Michael Stadelmann practical and life experience in the public tise of the B360 experts in countless quires specialists. About 25% of all Sen- President of MathPhys Alumni and private sectors who spend on average hours of instruction and coaching ses- sirion's staff have a doctorate, and 70% three weeks teaching in a voluntary ca- sions. did a technical degree. They come from all pacity. These deployments are comple- More information can be found at: www. over, with only about a third of the em- mented by a programme of work place- b360-education-partnerships.org ployees coming from Switzerland. ments. B360 organises three-month We were then given an insight into placements for the best students at the how a gas flow sensor works and the chal- Diary ETH Alumni Alumni News Alumni Events 3 Dec. 2014, 18.00 hrs I Invitation from ETH Alumni and Altran Events at ETH 11 Dec. 2014, 15.00–19.00 hrs I Energy supplies 2050 Integration or insularity? Workshop and platform debate More information at: www.esc.ethz.ch/events/ ETH Main Building Alumni Life 18 Nov. 2014, 18.00–19.30 hrs Sport & vanity Exploring the relationship between ambition, style and strain in sport. Diary page Public guided tours 18 Nov. 2014, 18.15 hrs I "A rolling stone gathers no moss" Adolf Hurwitz and his life's work ETH Library, H-Floor Loans 13 Nov. 2014, from 18.00 hrs 25 Nov. 2014, 18.15 hrs I Long Night of Careers for ETH students and alumni Have you ever played minigolf with a manager? Have you ever tried to impress a company rep in 3 minutes, or wondered what to wear 16 Jan. 2014, 10.00–16.10 hrs I 3rd Dialogue Event at the ETH Risk Center Cyber security and safety: targets within reach? More information at: www.riskcenter.ethz.ch ETH Main Building, Room E3 when it says "business casual"? If you answered no to one of these questions, then you should come along to the Long Night of Careers in the ETH Main Building. More information at: www.lndk.ch/eth ETH Main Building Alumni Events ASVZ anniversary I Sport & … A lecture series with a difference The ASVZ is inviting exponents from the worlds of literature, business, politics, technology and other fascinating areas of sciences to step to the podium. The high-calibre speakers will be giving entertaining talks on all aspects of sport and offering extraordinary insights into their fields of activity. Richard Reich, writer, columnist, senior footballer and (cross-country) skier ETH Main Building, Lecturers' Lounge Sign up by 13 Nov. 2014 at vortragsreihe@asvz.ch 2 Dec. 2014, 18.00–19.30 hrs Sport & spirituality Exploring sporting spirituality and spiritual sport. Michael Landwehr, priest in the Protestant Parish of Samedan, member of FC Bayern Munich and member of the Board of FC Celerina ETH Main Building, Lecturers' Lounge Sign up by 27 Nov. 2014 at vortragsreihe@asvz.ch Information about the 75th anniversary of the ASVZ: http://75jahreasvz.ch Polyball 2014 29 November 2014 I Dance of the elements More information at: www.polyball.ch ETH Main Building I Turning analogue into digital How the ETH Library is digitising precious documents ETH Library, H-Floor Loans 2 Dec. 2014, 18.15 hrs I Explore, experience, enjoy The Main Building at ETH Zurich ETH Main Building, fountain in the Main Hall 9 Dec. 2014, 18.15 hrs I Model mountains Geological reliefs at ETH Zurich NO Building, atrium focusTerra 16 Dec. 2014, 18.15 hrs I Explore, experience, enjoy The Main Building at ETH Zurich ETH Main Building, fountain in the Main Hall I 8 Diary ETH Alumni Alumni News Exhibitions Treffpunkt Science City Until 30 Nov. 2014 How is the very best achieved? By hard work or talent? How important is a motivating environment? These questions are very important for ETH Zurich, its researchers and its students. This autumn, the popular Treffpunkt Science City series of events is highlighting the outstanding in people, nature and technology. focusTerra I unforeSeeable Earthquakes in Switzerland It is not yet possible to predict earthquakes, but we do have some idea of where, why and how often they occur. To present these aspects in a visual way, the Swiss Seismological Service is holding an extensive exhibition to mark its 100th anniversary. Opening hours: Mon–Fri 9.00– 17.00 hrs, Sun 10.00 – 16.00 hrs, Sat closed www.focusterra.ethz.ch focusTerra, Sonneggstrasse 5, Zurich Max Frisch Archive Until 30 January 2015 I "I try out stories like clothes!" 50 years of "Gantenbein" by Max Frisch Opening hours: Mon–Fri 10.00– 17.00 hrs, Sat, Sun closed www.mfa.ethz.ch ETH Main Building, H 27 9 Nov. 2014, 11.00–15.00 hrs I Peak performances and student records The inner fire has to burn: it's extraordinary what students can find out and achieve if they devote themselves to their subject with passion. "Student Power Day" gives a small but fascinating insight into the many and varied achievements of student endeavour. ETH Hönggerberg, HPH Physics Building Alumni Life 16 Nov. 2014, 11.00–16.00 hrs I Outstanding achievements by Nature Adventure Sunday with talks, kids' programme and demonstrations Nature never ceases to amaze us with her superlatives. She demands that we unravel her secrets. Research and education take up that challenge. We are constantly learning more about mechanisms and processes that often seem exceptional to us. The event on 16 November will show how researchers try to understand Nature. ETH Hönggerberg, HCI Chemistry Building 20 Nov. 2014, 19.30-20.30 hrs I Talent or discipline: What really counts at the top? As they stand in the spotlight, winners look radiantly happy and success appears to be easy. But what did it take to get there? Can there be victories without defeats? Suc- Alumni Events Diary page cess without hard work? Is talent enough to take you to the top? Reporting on their own personal experience: Sarah Springman, elite athlete, Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and, from January 2015, the new ETH Rector; Natascha Badmann, six-times triathlon world champion and twice Swiss Sportsperson of the Year; Shem Thomas, finalist on "The Voice of Switzerland" 2014. focusTerra, Sonneggstrasse 5, Zurich 30 Nov. 2014, 11.00-16.00 hrs I Peak performances in technology Adventure Sunday with talks, kids' programme and demonstrations Our lives today are dominated by technology. New findings are made and new technologies introduced in quick succession. The range and diversity of the areas for research are fascinating. 30 November will be a chance to see some outstanding achievements in research. ETH Hönggerberg, HCI Chemistry Building More information at: www.treffpunkt.ethz.ch I 9 ETH Alumni Alumni News Alumni specialist and local groups Management von Wachstum in Technologieunternehmen (TU-HSG) 8 Modulwochen: Unternehmensentwicklungskompetenz, Sozial- und Persönlichkeitskompetenz, Betriebswirtschaftliche Fach- und Führungskompetenz Start: 18. Mai 2015 | Ende: 28. Okt. 2016 Informationsanlässe: 16. Oktober und 18. November 2014 Hotel Radisson Blu, Flughafen Zürich, 18:00 Uhr Anmeldung: unternehmerschule@unisg.ch AIV 13 Nov. 2014, from 18.30 hrs I Fondue party Friendly get-together with cheese and wine ETH Hönggerberg, Alumni Lounge, HIL Building Basel 2 Dec. 2014, 18.30 hrs I Regular meeting Restaurant Murano, St. AlbanAnlage 46, Basel Engineering & Management 11 Nov. 2014, 18.30-21.00 hrs I Taking off Starting a career for ETH graduates Villa Hatt, Freudenbergstrasse 112, Zurich Geomatics 27 Nov. 2014, from 18.00 hrs Alumni Life Math Phys 27 Nov. 2014, 19.00-20.00 hrs I A Glass After Work Already a classic! Come along if you haven't tried it yet – it'll be worth it. Registration required (guests admitted on request only). D-Vino, Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich I Christmas party I Zurich Zoo Bio 28 Nov. 2014, 16.00-18.00 hrs I Excursion into the cell The Biology Department is opening its doors especially for Bio alumni. This year it is showcasing the Institute of Biochemistry (IBC). ETH Hönggerberg get connected "Update" is the electronic newsletter of the ETH Alumni Association. Materials 10 Nov. 2014, 18.00 hrs I Marshalling yard Limmattal The Limmattal marshalling yard is Switzerland's main shunting yard and one of the most efficient in Europe. Spreitenbach I Publisher ETH Alumni Vereinigung CH – 8092 Zürich Tel: +41 (0)44 632 51 00, info@alumni.ethz.ch Environment 22 Nov. 2014 I Mont Terri Rock Laboratory Where should we put nuclear waste? This excursion takes us to the depths of NAGRA's Mont Terri Rock Laboratory – and so as close to the actual research as possible. St. Ursanne I Excellence Scholarships MBA-SCM 14 Nov. 2014, 18.00 hrs Update ETH Alumni Newsletter_ET141008_TU_65x78_UNI1537_v01.indd 01.10.14 1 16:23 Diary page Zurich 12 Nov. 2014, 18.15 hrs Pre-dinner drinks: Damm für Dich, Hönggerstrasse 3, Zürich Dinner: By the Freitag Tower, Geroldstrasse 17, Zurich www.unternehmerschule.unisg.ch Alumni Events I 10 Three Excellence Scholars, partly funded by contributions from alumni, introduce themselves and their projects. ETH Main Building, G 26.1 An exciting look behind the scenes at Zurich Zoo followed by dinner in the Klösterli restaurant. Zurich Zoo Singapore 15 Nov. 2014, 17.00–19.30 hrs I Networking Event with Prof. Ralph Eichler, President ETH Zurich Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), CREATE campus, NUS I Head Valérie Clapasson ETH Alumni, Zurich I Editorial office Dr. Felix Würsten, Zurich 25 Nov. 2014, 17.45 hrs I OpenLab at the IDSC The Zurich alumni group visits the OpenLab day at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control. Meeting place: Entrance to the ML Building, Sonneggstrasse 3, Zurich I Rights All rights reserved. Text can only be reused with permission from the publisher. © November 2014 by ETH Alumni Vereinigung Zurich. Next issue: December 2014
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